• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 31.5 - Cornered Queen

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 31.5

Cornered Queen

Chrysalis kept staring at her traitorous changelings in anger, her horn lit in green aura as she maintained a barrier in front of herself. Using my own hive against me, the nerve of those ponies. She kept observing the features of her enemies. I don’t know if I should feel better knowing that warriors of my hive have improved, or be even more angry… She shook her head and grit her teeth. What am I even thinking. Thorax is a weak fool and those stupid enough to follow him are no better. Only ruin awaits the hive without my leadership.

She stomped with both of her forehooves, cracking the rocky floor, adding to the numerous cracks and holes that already covered the area, a side effect from her outbursts and recent confrontation with Pharynx. Everything was progressing smoothly. Bit by bit, I drained ponies and princesses magic without them even noticing it, building up my power, and my servant’s curse was spreading in most towns and cities. Months of preparations under ponies’ muzzles wasted because of my own traitorous chief of the patrol.

Frustration grew in strength as Chrysalis struggled to contain it. With black armor on her chest covered in cracks, she couldn’t afford to be blinded by rage. Her trump card she planned to use in her fight against the princesses now became her last line of defense.

She glanced at the ceiling for a moment, seeing her own distorted reflection in numerous crystals. I can’t remain vigilant and avoid sleep forever, and Pharynx is anything but cowardly. Am I really going to lose? Is my whole revenge I worked so hard to accomplish a failure? As much as she wished to deny it, her situation seemed near hopeless. With no means of long-range communication, she couldn’t call her servant to her aid.

Chrysalis looked at the cracked ground. If Darkrai doesn’t find out about my situation anytime soon, I’ll have no choice but to use most of stolen magic to summon him here, which would be a large waste. Weeks of feeding for nothing. Her train of thought was interrupted as something caught her attention, a long-tailed creature with rabbit-like legs and oddly shaped ears. Numerous bandages covered its body.

Whatever this creature was, it was approaching on four paws while staring back with narrowed eyes. Its tail with a metallic edge was raised threateningly and bolts of electricity were escaping its cheeks. Didn’t Darkrai mention that he sealed the memories of another creature that came from his world? Could this little pear-shaped furball be a pokemon as well? She calmed herself and chuckled. Pokemon or not, she wouldn’t be intimidated by a large rodent.

“Come over, little one, I won’t bite,” Chrysalis said as she licked her lips with her long tongue, a sinister smile present on her face. After being trapped for hours in this cave, having a snack to feast on was to her liking. Now that I think about it, pokemon don’t have any magic to feast on, and meat alone may not satisfy my appetite. Maybe I can use it as a hostage instead. She grinned. Yes, it would work. A small round of torture and loud squeaky screaming would no doubt break the spirit of those emotional ponies. They would either let me go in exchange for this creature’s life, or I could use it as a living shield.

Once the pokemon reached her barrier, she lowered her defenses and summoned green flames around the creature, surrounding it, only for said creature to jump through the magical flames and the strike armor on her chest with its tail.

Chrysalis leaped backward, hitting the wall with her back as fragments of her armor fell onto the ground. She summoned a barrier in an instant as her breathing increased in speed. The creature before her summoned bolts of electricity towards her barrier while bandages became mere ashes which spread on the ground. She could see numerous bruises present on its body. Does this creature think it can take me on while injured? It has no idea who it’s dealing with.

After a moment to calm down, Chrysalis laughed. “Try all you want, fool, you won’t pierce through my barrier.”

“She won’t have to.”

Chrysalis looked towards the source of voice and grit her teeth. “Pharynx, you traitor, haven’t you learnt your place? You may have been my most competent subject, and you may not be affected by the darkstone, but you’re still nothing when compared to me, your queen.”

“You may be a cunning queen, but your overconfidence cost the hive many victories time and time again. Thorax may be soft, but in time he’ll become a strong leader, and unlike you, he resolved hunger issues in the hive and made us stronger,” Pharynx said as he approached with firm steps while green aura grew in strength around his horn. In a burst of green flames, he transformed into a massive ten meters-tall beast with two long teeth and very long claws.

Chrysalis’s eyes became wide. “What, impossible. To transform into such a massive and heavy armored monster… it requires a large amount of magic. Even maintaining this form is very draining you fool!”

With a swift swing, gigantic claws collided with Chrysalis shield, which started cracking as the result.

Chrysalis’ legs bent under the impact, her face now filled with struggle. Even magic stolen from the alicorns didn’t seem tough enough to withstand an assault of such magnitude.

The smaller creature leaped backward and started running as aura of electricity surrounded it.

The massive claws struck the barrier again, and a loud noise of cracking glass filled with cavern. A strong quake followed when several tons of weight made contact with the rocky ground.

Chrysalis’ wings flapped rapidly as she flew to the side, watching as the humongous beast burst in green flames. As she expected, Pharynx’s legs trembled from exhaustion while his breathing became quick. She didn’t get the chance to comment on the energy-wasting mistake of her former subject as a massive gathering of electricity speeded in her direction.

Out of reflex, Chrysalis flew up, but the large critter predicted where she would head and jumped, slamming itself into her damaged armor as a massive explosion of electricity followed. Crystals on the ceiling and walls reflected the light over the area.

Blinded by bright light, Chrysalis closed her eyes while feeling her body sinking into the rock and crystals behind her. With a struggle, she half-opened one of her eyes, seeing the metallic heart-shaped edge of the tail to strike what was left of her armor. “You’ll pay for this!” she shouted and pushed herself free from the stone while a green aura around her horn flared into life. In a burst of rage, she shot beam after beam, yet the pokemon evaded each shot with short leaps while grabbing fragments of her armor.

Chrysalis stopped her offensive and poked her chest, only to look at it. The armor made of ancient darkstone was now in fragments and wrapped by the pokemon’s tail.

“I knew Lady Nica had the skills and power to destroy your armor. All I needed to do was to remove your defenses. It’s over,” Pharynx said with a smirk. “The power of a Raichu isn’t to be underestimated. I learned this lesson the hard way.”

With small jump, spin, and solid swing of her tail, Nica threw the fragments of darkstone towards the changeling guards. Two of them took all the fragments and flew away from the battlefield, while the other two blocked the tunnel, ready to intercept should the queen try to escape.

Chrysalis pointed at her former officer. “You exhausted your magic and made yourself defenseless to penetrate my defenses? You were my strongest warrior and your hate for non-changeling species was one of the greatest. Why would you put so much trust into this feeble being.”

“Because she earned my trust!”

Chrysalis shouted, “You have changed, Pharynx, you became soft. You will burn to ashes for your weakness.” She gathered way more magic than before, summoning a rain of green flames. Much to her surprise, her former officer shapeshifted into… another Raichu, using smaller size and greater agility to evade. The real Raichu seemed to evade her attacks with ease while protecting Pharynx by deflecting some of green fireballs with her tail.

“You even humiliate yourself by transforming into such a creature yourself. Any respect I had towards you, Pharynx, is now gone!” the queen shouted as she unleashed a wide beam. She moved it towards the evading Raichu, destroying ground on the way. They can’t evade such a wide beam for long. Let’s see if this Raichu form is worth anything when it can’t rely on its agility.

Nica ran in front of Pharynx, summoning some sort of barrier which looked like a glass screen.

Chrysalis maintained her attack. Barrier? It doesn’t matter, my magic will burn them both to ashes.

Nica grit her teeth as she held her ground. Her ‘Light Screen’ seemed to weaken Chrysalis’s attack, while her ‘Iron Tail’ she held in front of her face partially protected her from the beam. With Pharynx behind her, she didn’t dare to move, protecting him with her own bruised body.

<Thanks for covering my back. Now’s my turn to return the favor,> Pharynx said before jumping up. A loud ‘Raichuuuuu!’ echoed in the cavern while ‘Thunderbolt’ struck Chrysalis with full force.

Chrysalis screamed in pain.

The moment the beam of magic stopped burning her body, Nica withdrew her tail and summoned a weaker ‘Thunderbolt’ against the evil queen, adding more burns to her hole-filled body.

“You’ll pay for this!” Chrysalis shouted before spreading a massive wall of green flames all over the cave. The changeling’s guards who observed the battle from a distance flew for cover immediately.

Nica bit her bottom lip. Evading such an attack was impossible. Without hesitation, she leaped towards Pharynx while raising her tail defensively, ready to take the bulk of the attack on herself again. She still felt the burns she acquired a moment ago, but they were nothing when compared to her battle-wounds she acquired at daily basis in the past.

<You’re too focused on protecting your comrades, Nica, I’ll take care of this,> Pharynx said before bursting in green flames, transforming into a large turtle-like creature before hiding himself inside his shell. The green flames went by, leaving a few burns on the solid shell while Nica hid herself from the attack behind it. One meter high and three meters wide shell proving to be a great cover.

“You think armor can save you? I have means of penetrating such defenses!” Chrysalis shouted before unleashing a thin beam of magic.

With a quick swing of her metalic tail, Nica pushed the large shell to the side, getting Pharynx out of attack course. The cutting beam left a deep trail of melted stone and shattered crystals in its wake.

More beams, green fireballs and walls of fire followed as Nica leaped left and right, evading and reflecting attacks with her tail. A few more burns appeared on her body as some of the relentless strikes hit her. Chrysalis’ attacks reminded her of her training where she slashed the falling pebbles, making it so much easier to parry and deflect while keeping her ally safe from harm.

Nica’s ears perked upward as she stood on her feet and looked up, glaring at Chrysalis with narrowed eyes. Years of experience in battle allowed her to easily recognize when her opponent was getting tired, and Chrysalis seemed to be weakening. She’s putting all of her power into her attacks and keeps up the pressure without a break. My defensive fighting style is perfect against such opponents. I can tire her out and…

“Queen Chrysalis, surrender yourself immediately!”

Nica looked towards the source of voice, now seeing a tall majestic-looking alicorn with large white wings whose very posture was radiating with authority. On the left of the tall alicorn stood Twilight Sparkle while on her right was Starlight Glimmer, all seemed eager on defeating the evil queen.

“Surrender? I won’t go down without a fight!” Chrysalis shouted as she unleashed beam of magic towards the tall alicorn.

Nica stood on her rear foot, ready to jump and intercept, but stopped herself the moment Twilight’s barrier surrounded the ponies. Once the lavender barrier vanished, Twilight focused more magic into her horn, wrapping Chrysalis with her telekinesis before pushing her towards the ground with great force, smashing the queen into the stone.

“You’ll pay for this!” Chrysalis shouted as she pushed herself free and shook rubble from her body. She summoned a rain of green fireballs.

Starlight and the tall alicorn combined their barriers as green flames splashed against it.

In a flash of teleportation, Twilight appeared behind the queen, striking her with a beam of magic from behind.

Starlight aided her mentor with beam of magic of her own, forcing the queen to scream and lose consciousness.

“That… was quite an impressive display of combat abilities, Princess Twilight,” the tall alicorn spoke in a calm but surprised voice.

Twilight blushed, hiding it with her wing. “Thank you, Princess… Nica has been training me to improve my reflexes. I didn’t think her teachings would become useful this quickly.”

Nica smiled in pride. She had expected a long-lasting battle against Chrysalis where she would need to tire a stronger opponent, patiently waiting for an opening to strike. She didn’t expect reinforcements to arrive this quickly. She glanced at Chrysalis and shook her head. In the end the evil queen wasn’t much of a threat without her army, cunning strategies and powerful artifacts to hide behind.

Alicorns and Chrysalis may have power that can rival the power of legendary pokemon from my world, but they seem to have only a fraction of their combat experience, Nica thought. That’s no doubt a weakness that Darkrai can take advantage of.

“What should we do with Chrysalis?” Twilight asked, looking at the taller alicorn in search for guidance.

“I’m not sure. Banishing her to Tartarus would be way too harsh. Now that I think about it, it has been decades or even centuries since I used the Canterlot dungeon.”

“Princess Celestia,” Pharynx said firmly as he gave the alicorn an even look. “Chrysalis was our queen in the past and we played a major role in defeating her. I demand that we be the ones to deal with her.”

“Y-you… t-traitors…” Chrysalis struggled to speak as she slowly opened her eyes. “We’ll… make you pay…” She glanced at Starlight and next at Nica. “We’ll make you suffer unimaginable agony! You may have defeated me, but this minor setback won’t save you. Before you know it, I’ll walk on the rubble of your kingdom and take back the hive that’s rightfully mine. Enjoy your victory while you still can.” Chrysalis laughed hysterically while insanity started to show in her eyes.

“Silence!” Pharynx shouted before gritting his teeth as green aura floated from Chrysalis into his horn.

“What are you doing?” Twilight asked as Nica stared at her changeling friend in confusion.

“I’m draining her magic. I’ll leave enough to keep her alive, but she’ll be powerless against us,” Pharynx said before glancing at his guards. “Immobilize Chrysalis with goo and prepare for transportation.”

Chrysalis raised her trembling head. “Pharynx, you’ll bow… bow to me. My plan is in… in motion... and no power... can stop it,” she said between her heavy breathing.

“We’ll see about that. Despite everything I still hold some respect towards you, Chrysalis, which is why I didn’t destroy your horn. Consider this a last favor of your former subject,” Pharynx responded before addressing his guards who finished covering the hooves of their former queen in green goo. “Guard her well. We’ll wait for King Thorax to arrive before taking her to the hive.”

Nica kept looking at the scene before her, her head raised in pride. While she didn’t get a chance to fight the evil queen to the very end, she still played a major role in disarming her before Darkrai’s arrival. Her ears perked up upon picking up the noise of hoof-steps. She turned to the side and looked up, now staring at the tallest alicorn.

“So you are the Miss Nica I heard so much about,” the alicorn said as she towered over the smaller creature. Golden regalia were present on her neck and hooves while a small crown was resting on her head. She held a forehoof on her chest and continued, “My name is Celestia. You have already met my sister, Luna, in your dreams. We are both princesses and rulers of Equestria. It is an honor to meet you.”

Nica kept staring at Celestia while studying her aura. There seemed to be something… motherly… about it. Aside from gratefulness and compassion, what she sensed form the princess seemed to be emotions a mother would feel for her daughter. The pleasant aura and calm voice made her feel relaxed and at ease.

Celestia knelt on one foreleg, lowering herself closer to Raichu’s face-level. Her smile warm. “Twilight Sparkle spoke highly of you in her letters, and I heard the news of how you dealt with powerful and influential mafia in Manehattan. You rushed to rescue ponies trapped in a burning building, played an important role in saving ponies trapped in the mine, and your idea to ask our changeling allies to train my Royal Guard revealed Chrysalis’ presence.”

Celestia closed her eyes and chuckled, and next pointed at the defeated queen, who stared back with undying rage. “And just now you assisted in defeating Queen Chrysalis despite your remaining injuries. Your achievements and determination are worth of great praise.”

Nica kept smiling, enjoying the words of praise, feeling like a kid who made her mother proud. Each opportunity to help she succeded at making her feel less worthless.

Celestia suggested, “If there is something you wish of me, I will gladly reward you for everything you have done for my kingdom and my little ponies.”

With her eyes on the large majestic white wings which would give Cadence and Gabby’s wings a run for their softness, Nica took slow steps to Celestia’s side. She grabbed the edge of the large wing and pulled, stepping backward until she spread the princess’s wing as much as she could. Feeling sleepy and tired from her training and recent battle, she climbed up onto Celestia’s wings, her paws sinking between the white feathers.

Twilight, Starlight and Pharynx glanced at the spectacle with full curiosity while Celestia kept looking at the long-tailed critter in confusion.

Nica walked on her four paws in circle in one spot, only to curl herself into a ball between the soft white feathers of the princess. Her long tail wrapped itself around part of the wing attached to alicorn’s side. With forepaws wrapped around her rear legs and bronze patches on her rear paws touching her nose, she closed her eyes, sinking into the land of dreams.

Celestia kept looking at the brave defender of Equestria covered in bruises and burns now napping on her wing like a fat kitten. After a few seconds of staring, she lit her horn, trying as gently as possible to take the napping creature from her wing, yet the long tail kept her in place. She glanced at the chuckling Starlight and next at her student.

“Well… I forgot to mention that Nica really loves wing-hugs," Twilight said. "Gabby told me that she was willing to work for her with wing-hugs as a payment. It’s the first time she is sleeping on somepony’s wing though.”

Starlight commented, “You offered her a reward, Your Highness, you brought it upon yourself. I suppose she decided to recover while napping on your soft wing.”

Celestia looked away from her ponies, once again staring at the cute little creature. To think someone capable of holding her ground against Chrysalis in battle would use my wing as a bed. She shook her head and sighed. My public appearances in the next few hours are going to be so awkward.

Author's Note:

I appologise for the delay in uploading, it almost slipped my mind.

I also hope you all enjoyed the battle between Nica and Chrysalis. I know this fight was a bit underwhelming, but it is because Chrysalis' power alone was no match for the power of an extremely well trained pokemon. Without an army at her command and powerful artifact to aid her (her armor made of darkstone worked only on ponies' magic), the evil Queen was just no match for the good guys, especially Twilight who Nica trained for combat. (If Chyrsalis had the element of surprice on her side, she would take over Canterlot of her own thanks to her armor, but Pharynx ruined it).

Still, while Chrysalis is no longer a threat, she was still the mastermind who summoned Darkrai into this world and taught him dark magic. With puppeter out of the way, it is time for Nica and her friends to face legendary pokemon and his curse. They won a battle, but the war isn't over yet.

Also, Celestia's wing became Nica's personal bed. Best reward ever.

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