• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 24 - Before the Storm

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 24

Before the Storm

“Are they complicated? Nah, the rules of buckball are simple,” Pinkie said as she addressed a small group of ponies while holding a red ball in her hoof. The town was in the background behind them, the pyramid was ahead, and sand was under their hooves. Rainbow Dash sat by her side while Nica, Quibble and Daring Do were sitting before them.

Pinkie marked a large square area on the sand with her hoof before placing two baskets on opposite sides. “Each team has one unicorn, one pegasus and one earth pony. The unicorns’ job is to levitate the basket on both sides.” She pulled two unicorns from the crowd and placed them on opposite sides of the sandy field. “Two earth ponies try to kick this red ball into the basket on the opposite side of the field.” She started to bounce the ball on her rear hoof before swing-kicking it into the nearby basket on the ground. Rainbow Dash intercepted the ball with a kick of her own, now hovering in front of the basket.

“And the pegasi tries to prevent the opposite team from scoring,” Dash said and crossed her arms. “Any questions?”

“I have one,” Quibble said, raising his hoof. “Is the job of a unicorn to move the basket around so that opposite team can’t score any points?”

“No…” Dash said slowly, shaking her head. “The unicorn on the opposite side is from your team.”

“If that’s the case, is it their job to move the basket around to give their team a better opportunity to strike while away from pegasi defending it?” Quibble asked.

“No…” Dash said. “They just hold the basket in place. Maybe move it a few centimeters to catch the ball, but nothing more than that. At least I think so. This is what they were doing during our previous games.”

Pinkie rubbed back of her neck. “I don’t remember the rules all that well, and Snails or any other unicorn weren’t moving their basket around all that much.” She shrugged. “To be fair, this was a new game. Maybe unicorns were allowed to be more creative with their tricks and didn’t take advantage of it, I dunno.”

Quibble frowned. “So, let me get this straight. Earth ponies have an important offensive job, pegasi have an important defensive job, but unicorns just… hold the basket above the ground? That’s all?” He facehooved. “If those are the rules, what prevents a pegasus from camping a basket? I mean, the basket is only a little bit bigger than the pony. Why would pegasi even need to fly around if they can just hover in front of the levitated basket and block it with their bodies?”


Daring Do spoke up. “He does have a point. The role of the unicorns in the game seems extremely limited and boring.”

“I agree,” Nica said with a nod. “Seems unfair that only two ponies out of three in each team have important roles. Everyone should be having fun.”

As the murmurs started to spread among the crowd, Pinkie looked up at Dash and said, “Can’t argue with that. Now that I think about it, why did you even fly towards the basket all this time instead of just hovering in front of it like Fluttershy did?”

Dash groaned. “Fine… how about this. Unicorns can run and move the basket on the edges of the playing area to help their team score a goal. Will this work?”

Quibble nodded. “I find it satisfactory. Though I think limiting ourselves to only three members per team also limits the teamwork and makes the game too linear. How about each team having two earth ponies and one pegasus for offense, and one pegasus for defense. It would allow better teamwork and make the game more dynamic.”

“If Mr. Quibble thinks that expanding the team would improve the game, I absolutely agree,” one earth pony said form the crowd as more ponies nodded in agreement.

“Fine, so, how do we set up the teams?” Dash asked.

“For the sake of fairness and considering Dash’s and Pinkie’s vast experience in this game, I have determined the best squads,” Quibble said with a proudly raised head.

Dash rolled her eyes. After the previous day’s display, Quibble’s opinions became near unquestionable. It wouldn’t surprise her if they picked him as a mayor or something.

Quibble pointed at the crowd of ponies while assigning them. “Rainbow Dash, team A, defense. Daring Do, team B, defense. Pinkie Pie, team A offense, Nica, team B offense.” He looked between the crowd, adding two extra pegasi, two extra earth ponies and two unicorns into teams before pointing at himself. “And I’ll be the judge.”

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, giving Daring Do and Nica a challenging stare. “It. Is. On!”

After half an hour of warm up and practice, the two teams faced each other.

Rainbow Dash’s full attention rested on Nica, watching as the large critter started stretching herself, most likely preparing some super cool and badass strategy. Okay Dash, here it is: Your chance to see this famous Raichu in action and show her what you’re made of. Don’t screw it up.

Quibble pushed the ball into the air and blew a whistle, announcing the start of the game.

Both Pinkie Pie and Nica jumped at the same time while cheerful smiles were painted on their faces. While the energetic earth pony performed a backflip in attempt to kick the ball towards her flying team member, the longer reach of Nica’s tail beat her to it.

Did she just… outplay Pinkie? Dash thought, remembering the embarrassment she and Applejack endured while playing against the unstoppable Pinkie-Fluttershy duo.

The ball flew towards an earth pony from team B, who bounced the ball with his head and passed it to Daring Do.

Too distracted from the game by observing her idol, Dash failed to notice that the basket was no longer levitating behind her, but instead was levitating on the left edge of the area. Realizing her mistake, Dash flew towards it, but not fast enough. The ball Daring Do kicked went in.

“That’s one point for team B. Can team A make up for it, or will Rainbow Dash once again start embarrassing herself before her idol!” Quibble said in an enthusiastic voice as the nearby crowd clapped their hooves.

Dash groaned, shooting her talkative friend an annoyed glare. Calm down, Dash, it was just a fluke. Now this is where the real game starts.

As both Pinkie and Nica jumped up again towards the ball, both tails made contact with it at the same time, pushing it up even further. Both mare and Nica landed and performed another jump, striking the ball with their tail at the same time as the ball flew even higher. With a solid jump, Nica launched herself into the air like a rocket, wrapping her tail around the ball as she still kept flying up.

Rainbow Dash’s mouth was agape as the large critter was but a tiny dot high in the sky. She covered her eyes from the sun with her foreleg while staring up, using her sharpened sight to see Nica spinning. Dash bit her bottom lip and looked around in search for the basket, noticing it on the right edge of the area. Dash flew toward it, kicking the descending ball just in time. She aimed at the basket from so far away. Now that’s some solid aim, not to mention the spin. I need to show her my A game.

As the ball approached Pinkie Pie, the party mare bounced it with her tail while noticing the basket being levitated on the edge of the area in her direction. With a solid kick, she sent the ball into the basket before the pegasus on defense managed to react.

Nica landed and her ears drooped, only to be patted on the back by Daring Do.

“Hey, cheer up. You did great! We’ll get them next time.”

“Oh, I’m not interested in winning all that much, but I also didn’t want to fail and upset the team.” Nica smiled again. “The game is really fun though. As long as others have fun, so do I.”

Dash’s eyes widened. What does she mean, she’s not interested in winning? What kind of athlete… She paused, thinking back to Fluttershy and Pinkie, whose performance went down under pressure. What if she's like Pinkie and Fluttershy, at her best when she’s enjoying the game? Oh well, only time will tell.

The game continued as players from both teams started to run out of stamina. Even the movement of the baskets slowed down as the unicorns became fatigued.

Rainbow Dash felt sweat drip down her face and her throat dry. The scorching heat of the sun in the sky made it more difficult to concentrate. Daring Do didn’t seem to have it any better. Dash glanced at Pinkie Pie and Nica, who kept dribbling and kicking the ball while constantly intercepting each other. While Pinkie didn’t mind using her tail and rear hooves to intercept the ball, Nica relied on her tail at all time, which was shining in a metallic grey. Neither the Raichu nor the earth pony showed any signs of exhaustion.

The stalemate finally broke as Nica bounced the ball towards Daring Do, who bounced it on her head while flying towards the basket.

Seeing that Nica’s attention was now on the ball, Dash grit her teeth and flew into a course to intercept it. It was a chance to impress the large heroic critter, and she was going to take it.

Daring Do kicked the ball toward the basket, only for Dash to kick it away. The adventurous pegasus didn’t let up the pressure as she flew toward the ball and kicked it at Nica, who jumped and swung the blunt part of her tail against the ball, sending it to the basket at high speed.

With another kick, Dash intercepted the ball, feeling the impact in her rear leg. Wow… that was some serious force. Pinkie bounced the ball with her head and next kicked it toward basket on the opposite side, only for Daring Do to intercept it.

The fight of wills began as two pegasi and two grounded creatures started kicking and bouncing the ball between each other, doing their best to keep up the pressure.

Dash’s eyes rested on the ball as it sped towards the party mare. Pinkie Pie stood on her forehooves while preparing to kick the ball with her rear hoof.

Nica jumped onto Pinkie’s head and next towards the ball, wrapping her tail around it. She started spinning in mid air, unraveling her tail and launching the ball with the momentum she had gained.

Dash intercepted the ball with her belly, only to end up pushed into the basket alongside it. Her face turned green for a moment as she resisted the urge to vomit. I shouldn’t have eaten that hay sandwich before this match. She held a forehoof on her mouth and gulped.

Quibble peeked at his pocket watch before using his whistle. “Team B wins twelve to nine. Give them a big cheer!” He returned his pocket watch into the saddlebag.

The crowd, which had grown twice as large as it was at the start of the game, cheered, clapping their hooves or stomping against the sand. Everyone gathered together on the playing field, now engaged in a wide discussion with Quibble, Daring Do and Pinkie being in the center of it.

Resembling her pet tortoise for a moment, Rainbow Dash pushed the basket from her back and massaged her belly. She looked up and saw Nica staring at her in sadness.

“I’m so sorry that I hit you so hard. Does it hurt?” Nica asked, holding her forepaws in an apologetic gesture.

“Nah, I’m tough,” Dash said with shake of her forehoof. “I’m impressed. You not only kept up with Pinkie Pie for most of the game, but maybe even surpassed her, and that jumping of yours is incredible.”

Nica blushed while rubbing the back of her neck. “Oh… it wasn’t anything special.”

Dash stomped, her hoof sinking into the sand. “Of course it was special! Do you have any idea how good Pinkie and Fluttershy are at this game?”

Nica looked to the side. “Well… if you say so.”

Dash grasped Nica’s tail and poked its lightning-shaped edge. “The way you used your tail was great too. Not only did it give Pinkie a hard time in this game, but it also has lots of force behind it.” She lowered herself to critter’s legs while pointing at them. “You’re very quick and agile. How high can you even jump with those paws of yours?”

“Um… a bit more than three hundred meters. That’s my limit,” Nica said hesitantly while taking a step back.

“Three hundred! Wow!” Dash said, standing on her rear hooves while spreading her forelegs. “Flying is one thing, but I didn’t think anyone could jump that high.”


“Stop, what?”

“Stop with those praises,” Nica said while walking backward. “Ever since I met you, you keep saying how ‘special’ and ‘awesome’ I am… but I’m really not.”

Dash tilted her head to the side in confusion. “What do you mean? Twilight told me that, where you come from, creatures like you fight and compete with each other.” She approached as the critter took two steps back for each of her steps. “You’ve got some incredible skills. Don’t you want to show them off, to show how great you are?”

“No, I don’t!”

Dash stopped walking, staring at Nica in disbelief. “B-but… all your fighting skills, taking down the entire mob—You couldn’t become this strong and agile without fighting and training a lot.”

“True, I’ve fought hundreds of times against the odds and trained myself to near death…” She paused upon noticing shock on the pegasus’ face. She looked to the side and continued in a more depressed tone, “But I stopped caring about fame and power a long time ago.” She lowered her head and sighed. “If you’d stop praising every insignificant thing I do, I would appreciate it.”

“Insignificant? You ran into a burning building, saved lives and defeated an army of thugs. How’s that insignificant?” Dash asked.

Nica pointed at her as said, “And you’ve helped to save an entire country from evil spirits, villains, monsters and hostile invasions. I’m certain that I’m way more powerful and better trained than you, so by default I should also do more! Yet when compared to you, I’m nothing.” She ran away, leaving Dash staring at distance as her mind turned into a mess.

“What’s wrong? Did you two have an argument?” Daring asked.

“Daring? How did you get here?” Dash asked while performing a sharp turn.

“I came to congratulate Nica her contribution in our victory. When I noticed that you both were talking, I simply sat here and waited my turn.” Daring looked at the horizon. “So, what it was all about?”

Dash approached and looked at the concerned face of Daring Do. “I’m not sure. I was just saying how awesome she was, and she kept saying that she isn’t anything special and that compared to me she’s nothing. I… I don’t know what to think.”

“Hmmm…” Daring rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “She probably has trouble handling being in the spotlight or has low self-esteem.” She grinned. “Seems like a complete opposite to you, Dash.”

Dash lowered her head, now staring at the sand. “I just… wanted to impress her and tell her how cool she is. I didn’t want to make her upset.”

“Hey girls, what’s up with the frowny faces?” Pinkie asked as she bounced towards Dash, now standing in front of her. “What’s wrong?”

“Well… I’m not sure. Nica seemed really upset and I have no clue how to cheer her up,” Dash murmured, rubbing the sand with a hoof.

“Upset? Did she zap other ponies by accident again?” Pinkie asked, a forehoof now raised up to her face.

Dash raised her head. “Nooo…”

Pinkie sighed. “That’s a relief.” She dug her hoof into her tail, picking up a cupcake. “If you want to cheer her up, give her some sweets— she loves them. She also really likes helping and training others.”

“Training?” Dash asked.

Pinkie nodded and giggled. “Yeah. Twilight told me how Nica started training her in self-defense, and how she did the same for the changelings while solving their friendship problem.”

“Interesting,” Dash said, smirking and rubbing her forelegs.

Suddenly, they all heard a shout and saw Quibble running toward them. “Girls, we have a problem!”

Rainbow Dash, Daring Do and Pinkie Pie turned towards the panicked pony.

“Problem? Like, the kind of problem that calls for a flank-kicking?” Daring Do asked as she gave him a curious stare.

“Most likely.” Quibble presented a scroll while reading it aloud, “I quote: Unless the ponies known as Rainbow Dash and Daring Do arrive to face me where Somnambula faced her first and biggest trial in the next two hours, I shall unleash my wrath upon the town which will make the Sphinx’s attack look like an attack of a little kitten in comparison.” He pushed the scroll into Daring Do’s hooves. “And before any of you suggest that it was a joke, a pony who delivered it to me was one of this town’s residents and acted like a zombie with a dark-green aura escaping his eyes. After he delivered the message, the aura in his eyes vanished. He couldn’t recall anything that happened ever since this morning.”

“Hm… sounds like a trap,” Daring Do said before shrugging. “I can’t refuse such an invitation.” She fixed her adventurous hat and glanced at the other pegasus. “What do you say, Dash? Up for an adventure?”

“Of course! It’s not like we can allow this town to be destroyed. I wonder if we’ll face Ahuizotl this time around,” Dash said. Her excited smile vanished a moment later as she looked at Pinkie with drooped ears. “What about Nica? She is–”

“She’s coming with us,” Quibble said with narrowed eyes. “Wait for us at the entrance. I will fetch her, and we’ll join you as quickly as possible.”

“Wait, you’re coming too, Quibble?” Daring asked.

“Of course I am,” Quibble responded with a frown.

“I’ll join too,” Pinkie said with a squeak. “I didn’t get a chance to do anything helpful yet, so I’ll try to make up for it.”

The group nodded before splitting up, most heading towards the pyramid.

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