• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 7,389 Views, 348 Comments

Two Sisters and a Dragonborn - Spettro138

When The Royal Sisters are transported to a country at war, they must find its hero if they ever want to get home and stop the madness of the daedra.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Missed them by that much

After a rough battle and discovering one of Katia's abilities, Celestia and Katia were exhausted both physically and emotionally. Celestia found Katia dazed at the bottom of the first tower and helped her outside. They slowly made their way down the road past a trail leading up the mountain, and past a large mound on the river side of the road. They found a soft patch of grass to sit down on that overlooked the greater part of the valley. The duo took a few minutes to nap while also keeping a sharp ear Celestia and Katia gazed in awe at the city of Whiterun into the distance, acting like a shining beacon in a valley of grasslands and flowing streams. Low hanging clouds had moved into the valley, casting a blanket of fine mist upon the expanse of golden grass.

"That is so cool!" Katia exclaimed. "I've always wanted to see Whiterun. Well, I've always wanted to see all of the big cities in Skyrim, but I'm glad Whiterun gets to be the first!"

"Yes, it is quite impressive," Celestia mused. I...hope Luna isn't hard to find there. If she's even still there at all.

"I honestly don't know if I can help you in any way to find your sister Princess, but I will sure try. Even if my trying isn't even good."

"Thank you Katia. That truly does mean a lot to me."

Celestia and Katia spent the next fifteen minutes resting up gazing out at the magnificent city that lied before them in the distance, observing each building and structure and wondering what was inside. The moist, cold wind whipped against their fur which grabbed any droplets of mist that had blown by. The squawks of water fowl could be heard overhead, as they thoroughly enjoyed finding safe places in the light daytime rain shower to soak and clean their feathers.

After they felt rested enough for the moment, they continued onwards down the foothills and into the valley, to make their way towards the city. They passed another steep trail that lead up the side of the mountain. Something about the cave positioned at the top didn't sit right with Katia, but she decided that they had best leave it alone for the time being. They soon came to a stone bridge next to a quaint little waterfall that thundered down into the streams below as the shower provided it with more water to spill. Across the bridge was a fork in the road with a sign that had arrows pointing to various cities that Celestia had assumed to be of some significance.

"Solitude," Celestia mused as she read the name aloud.

"Yeah, from what little my studies as a little kitten taught me I think its supposed to be the Imperial capital of Skyrim these days. At least, if things are relatively the same as they were a hundred years ago." Katia replied with a shrug.

"Hmmm", she mused thinking to herself.

They passed down the road coming across many various buildings and houses with many assortments of crops in front of them. It had thoroughly reminded Celestia of the many farms that Ponyville had along its outlying areas. The farmers occupying these fields were thankfully far too busy tending to their crops to notice the highly noticeable sun princess. One of the guards that had been patrolling the roads around Whiterun was a little more vigilant though. As soon as he noticed Celestia and Katia, he quickly ran up to her to greet her. They immediately noticed his unique armor and the unique symbol emblazoned across his shield. The head of a ram drawn in a knot-like pattern, which the duo assumed must have had some kind of significance in this city, much like the bear had significance in Windhelm. When she saw that the guard had his hand on his sheathed sword, Celestia was confused and a little fearful that she might have done something wrong on accident.

"Pardon, but...might you be related in any way to Lady Luna?" the gruff guard asked from under his spiked helmet.

"Lady Luna? I thought you said she was a Princess like you?" Katia asked.

"She is. Yes, Sir Guard. I am Princess Celestia. Luna happens to be my sister." she respectfully said to the guard.

"It is a pleasure to meet you your highness. The Jarl has instructed all guards in Whiterun to escort you to Dragonsreach if we come across you."

"Dragonsreach?" Celestia and Katia both asked in unison.

"Yes. Do you see the palace at the top of the city?" the guard said.

Celestia looked up and saw the intricate wooden palace in question overlooking the whole valley.

"Is that what that building is?"

"Aye. Tis run by Jarl Balgruf the Greater. Who rules the entire hold of Whiterun."

She stared up at it for a few seconds thinking about what to do before turning back to the guard.

"Thank you. I appreciate the gesture. I would very much appreciate any help in finding my sister."

"And maybe something to munch on, I'm getting a craving," Katia added.

The guard turned around in the other direction down the road, and with his shield, he motioned to the two of them to follow.

They continued down the road and passed many buildings along the way, including one that looked like a primitive form of a brewery much like the ones in Canterlot or the one the Applejack runs alongside Berry Punch. The sign hanging on the side of the building bared the name Honningbrew Meadery. The guard noticed Celestia and Katia gazing upon the Meadery and gave a hearty chuckle.

"I see you have noticed one of the proud attractions of Whiterun your majesty. Our very own Honningbrew Meadery. Like the name implies, it is a drink as sweet as the finest honey and as refreshing as a crisp spring morn. I do wish for you to partake in at least one of our heavenly drinks before you return to....wherever it is that you and your sister came from."

"Hm. I might take you up on that offer Sir Guard. Your mead sounds lovely." Celestia replied.

For some reason, Katia began to nervously laugh. Celestia tried to ask Katia what was wrong, but she just shrug it off and remained silent. She figured that it must have been another touchy subject that she would rather keep to herself for the time being.

The guard led them past a stable where one of the horses seemed to take an immediate shine to Celestia as they walked by. The path to the city then led them across a small moat with an outer stone wall covered in scaffolding, pulley systems, and wooden spikes presumably meant to defend the city in times of war. The gate into the city finally came into view as two guards came up to meet their comrade in arms.

"Ragnar, why aren't you at your post? The city is still on high alert after that first dragon attack. And who are these two?" one of the guards asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry, this is Lady Luna's sister. I'm escorting her to Dragonsreach so the Jarl can speak to her."

Their faces were obscured by their helmets, but Katia could tell that they were carefully scanning the both of them, looking for any reason to not trust them. She had gotten the same kind of looks from people during her childhood in Hammerfell.

"Very well. You may pass," the guard said as he and his partner unlocked the main gate.

Celestia and Katia began to follow the guard into the city.

"Stay out of trouble Khajiit." the guard simply stated as Katia passed by.

She gave the guard an annoyed glare but simply decided it would be smarter to remain silent as she followed Celestia into Whiterun.

The first sight that greeted their eyes was a long stretch of intricately made wooden buildings along stone streets. The first building on her right across the moat, was a blacksmith shop of sorts, not unlike the ones that still occupied Canterlot for her Royal Guard. A tan-skinned woman wearing a red apron was sharpening a sword at a grinding wheel when they passed by. A number of citizens and travelers walking into the city noticed Celestia and gawked at her in amazement, which Celestia was used to, given a mare of her grace and beauty, but it also could have had to do with her being related to Luna.

"Hm. So this is what Luna meant by feeling like the less popular one." Celestia quipped.

Some of the citizens however, tried whispering suspiciously about Celestia and Katia's presence in Whiterun. Being an Alicorn and of royal stature, Celestia was more than able to listen in to a few hushed conversations about them, and some of them had been very foul. Most of them however were directed at Katia rather than herself.

"I don't think I like the way some of them are looking at me," Katia whispered.

"They are looking at me that way too Katia. Dont't worry." Celestia replied. "I am getting a little nervous about it though."

The guard who was now identified as Ragnar gave a foul glare at some of the citizens from behind his mask, obviously disliking the bad looks that the people were giving Celestia and Katia.

"My apologies your ladyship, the town has been on edge ever since the war started, not to mention yesterday's dragon attack putting a damper on everything. Don't think badly of them. Nonetheless, your escort to Dragonsreach will continue in safety."

Celestia and Katia made their way through the Cloud District alongside Ragnar. Many things in this district caught their attention, especially Celestia's as she felt powerful sources of magic coming from all around.. The first thing they say was the massive dying tree in the middle of the plaza, presumably acting as the center of Whiterun. There was an overturned boat to the left that seemed to be converted into some kind of extravagant mead hall. Heavily armed warriors seemed to be coming in and out of the hall, as if it was a meeting place for them. To the left, was a large ornate building that towered over the other manors in the district. A strange powerful aura seemed to be emanating from it. Women in golden robes were walking into and out of the building carrying various assortments of flowers and herbs, though she couldn't fathom a reason.

Celestia could easily tell that Katia was thoroughly enjoying herself. It was clear that she had not enjoyed herself like that in a long time. Her tail seemed to be twitching like mad with excitement as they moved along.

"OH MY ALKOSH! WHAT IS THAT?" Katia exclaimed with delight.

"Hmm?" Celestia and Ragnar asked as they turned their heads to where Katia was pointing at.

Celestia followed the direction of her finger and her eyes fell upon a massive forge in the shape of an eagle built into the mountain side. From what Celestia could tell, this was also another giant source of magical energy in Whiterun.

"Ah! You have a good eye Lady Katia" Ragnar replied heartily. "That would be one of the prides and joys of our fair city. The mighty Skyforge."

"The Skyforge?"

"Aye, nobody knows where it came from, but legend has it that it is older than the Elven race. Some even believe that the gods themselves created it and used it to create their mighty weapons before they departed Nirn forever." Ragnar explained.

Celestia looked thoughtfully at the forge as they began walking up the stone steps towards Dragonsreach.

When they made it to the top of the stairs, they came face to face with a large covered moat surrounding the front portion of the castle. A battalion of guards came to meet them as Ragnar seemed to use some kind of signal to allow them to pass through. The guards at the front doors nodded and opened the towering doors, allowing them entry into the castle.

Inside, Celestia's first sight was how spacious the palace was compared to many other Scandineighvian palaces owned by the barbarian kingdom she had frequented in her ancient past on diplomatic missions. Not to mention a lot more clean. It was no where near as big or as clean as her own castle was, but it came to a close third. Many ornate carvings and earthen tapestries decorated the halls in such styles that reminded her more of the ancient Naeighlic tribes of Cu Sith and Selkies that had once occupied the valleys around Trottingham.

Down the hallway, past a bonfire and two long tables on either side, was a large group of people surrounding a throne that was occupied by a blonde haired man wearing a gold crown covered in garnet. As they approached, Celestia could immediately tell what he was feeling just by looking at his blank face. For it was the type of face she made every day in the face of people like this. Fools of the nobility who believe that they are entitled to a lot more than those among the common folk who may have less than they do. Her own half-nephew was unfortunately guilty of this. He was clearly in no mood for anyone right now, but he was masking his emotions masterfully as a good ruler should. His advisor seemed to be fruitlssly trying to defuse any conflicts that were quickly arising during all of this A black-blue skinned woman in leather armor approached Celestia and Ragnar from beside the throne with her hand on the hilt of her sword. As she approached, Celestia was surprised by her appearance but kept silent and still.

Katia had just retreated behind Celestia with a squeak as the woman pulled out her sword.

The woman's dark eyes darted between Celestia and Katia suspiciously before she loosened up a bit and slightly bowed her head.

"We heard of your arrival as soon as you entered the hold." the woman said. "May I ask though, your name, just to confirm your identity?"

"Oh, yes. Of course. My name is Princess Celestia. I came to your city to find my sister Princess Luna. Can you please tell me if you have seen her?"

"I am afraid that she just left the city a few hours ago."

"What? For where? Where was she going?" Celestia asked desperately. "Please miss...."

"Irileth," the woman replied.

"Irileth, I must find my sister as soon as possible."

The woman turned silent for a moment, before turning around and motioning her to follow her. She then stopped and slightly turned her head back towards them.

"Good work Ragnar. Head back to the barracks to get some rest. You've earned it." she said gruffly.

Ragnar bowed his head slightly and bowed again to Celestia and Katia before turning back towards the front entrance.

The duo followed Irileth up the steps and towards the Jarl that was still being surrounded by the nobles of the city who were drowning out any external sounds that he might have wanted to hear, or lack thereof.

Celestia could clearly hear Katia gulp in fear as she started to shake the closer she got to the throne. She placed her hand on Katia's shoulder and allowed her to get a little closer to her to feel a little more comfortable.

The Jarl seemed to notice the three of them as he raised his hand and immediately silenced the crowd of nobles surrounding his throne.

The throne room was silent for a few seconds before he spoke up again.

"Leave us," he commanded.

The group of nobles obeyed as they all moved towards the entrance and out of the palace, grumbling to themselves and giving Celestia and Katia death glares as they made their exit.

When the throne room was empty except for the Jarl's advisor and Irileth, the Jarl put on a gentle smile.

"Welcome Princess Celestia of the Equestria realm. It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

"So you know. I had sincerely hoped that wouldn't happen. Regardless, the pleasure is mine, Jarl Balgruf. I humbly ask for your help your highness," she said as she slightly bowed her head in respect to a fellow royal. "I came here to find my sister, so that we could find a way to return home. And perhaps establish friendly relations with the people of this land if we have enough time.

"Fear not, for I have no intention of revealing your presence here. There are quite a few people during these dangerous times that react....badly to things that their foolish minds cannot possibly understand. And its even more troublesome when it includes fools involved in a civil war as we are. "

"Do you know where she is?"

"That answer may be somewhat complicated Princess," he replied. "At the moment, she is no longer in the city. However, I do know where she is currently going."

"What do you mean? Why would she be traveling away from here?"

"My Jarl. Perhaps the best course of action right now would be for us to bring the Princess up to speed about the events that transpired yesterday and of her new legendary companion." the man to the Jarl's left suggested.

"Very well. That might clear up some of this confusion anyway."

"What events? Is Luna alright?"

"Oh, yes. When she left the city, she was perfectly healthy and unharmed. However, for you to understand why she left and where she is going, there are a few things you must know about a particular legend in Skyrim's ancient history....."

The Jarl went on to explain everything that had happened in the past four days, from Luna being dropped off at the guild hall of the Companions Jorvasskr to their fight between the dragon Murmulnuir. He spoke of how her new comanion Ky'ell was an ancient Nordic hero called the Dragonborn. A mortal blessed with the magical might and soul of a dragon who is capable of stealing their souls and killing them permanently. She had learned that in ancient times, the Dragonborn were very numerous and protected the world from the wrath of the dragons. He then went on to explain that one day, the very worst of the dragons, the self-proclaimed creator of the dragons Alduin, who was a darker brother to their chief god of time Akatosh. In ancient times, Alduin tried to destroy the world with their power, but was defeated by the Dragonborn through unknown means. Balgruf explained that this "Alduin the World-Eater" has returned to the world to bring about the End Times. That also includes the return of the Dragonborn who is destined to slay Alduin once and for all.

"Wow, that's some legend. And I thought my life was bonkers." Katia mused. "Wait. Hold on. Do you mean to tell us we may have passed her sister by accident?"

She turned to the left to face where she always addressed her audience.

"Let's just hope that this doesn't become a constant thing"

"Forgive me if I sound rude Jarl Balgruf, but how does this concern my sister? If my own home wasn't in immediate danger, I might jump at the chance to help you," Celestia replied.

"Patience Princess I was getting to that." Jarl Balgruf replied softly. "During the fight yesterday between Ky'ell, your sister, and the dragon, it was revealed that not only was K'yell the Dragonborn, but your sister somehow obtained that same power within Ky'ell. When they returned from their battle. A thunderous voice coming from High Hrothgar echoed across the land. The Greybeards had summoned the two of them to train them in the Way of the Voice. Luna was naturally skeptical, but I informed her that The Greybeards are in tuned with the fabric of the world and even the gods themselves. If anyone were to know a way for the two of you to reunite and find a way to return home, it would be them. So after making Ky'ell my Thane, I appointed her as an honorary Dame of my court to help the Dragonborn on his quest until such a time that she must return home."

"Well that certainly clears up a few things..." Celestia said. "Can you tell me which road she went down? My companion and I really need to catch up with her."

"The quickest way I imagine," Irileth replid. "Our Stablemaster Bjorlam down by the front gates has the fastest Carriage this side of the White River. I imagine he can get you to Darkwater Crossing a few miles outside of Ivarstead in just a few short hours as few. Just as long as he avoids any bandits or trolls along the way."

"Trolls? Bandits?" Katia asked nervously.

"There would also be the Frostbite Spiders, Bears, Wolves, Assassins, Thieves, Orcs, and the occasional Atronach." Proventus added,

"Frostbite Spiders?," Katia squeaked.

"Yes, Skyrim's breed of a giant spider that spits poison that is said to chill you to the bone as it paralyzes you. They then jab you with a stinger as they render you completely immobile. Then they drag you back to their nest where they prepare to eat you at a much later date."

Katia's eyes was began to shrink and she began to sweat with a crazy smile on her face as a number of terrifying thoughts entered her head.

"Just try not to think about spiders rolling you up and sucking out your guts, try not to think of spiders rolling you up and sucking out your guts, TRY NOT TO THINK ABOUT SPIDERS ROLLING YOU UP AND SUCKING OUT YOUR GUTS!" Katia whispered fearfully to herself.

Her audience sees this and tries to give her some words of encouragement.

'Hey, just remember. You have a powerful princess as an actual friend now. You aren't in Anvil or Kvatch anymore where people are just kind of your friend instead of actually being your friend. Plus, if anyone tries to hurt you now, you have your own personal bodyguard.'

'She's gonna teach you how to use your magic in the most awesome ways possible! Those monsters won't even know what hit'em!'

They are right, things actually are looking up for you this time, you do miss Quill-Weave, but you feel like things might be better for her if you just disappear from her life entirely. Cyrodiil in the past didn't offer too much for you in the past, but maybe Skyrim and this Equestria that Celestia keeps talking about just might provide you with the happiness that you are looking for. The thought of a life where you can actually live luxuriously in a place of royalty around people who actually care about you isn't that much of an impossibility anymore. There is even the possibility of going to a better world where people aren't trying to kill you every other day. Unfortunately, there is still the risk of things going absolutely wrong at the worst possible time imaginable.

"Thanks for the optimistic assessment subconscious," Katia dryly retorted. "But you're right. Things seem to be looking up once again. Just as long as Celestia manages to keep me alive long enough."

Celestia seemed to be continuing to ask questions about the area and various routes they could take. She apparently didn't listen to whatever Katia's inner voices were saying at the moment.

"Wouldn't traveling through this Helgen I've been hearing about be the faster route?"

"Not if you don't want to run into bandits," Irileth warned. "Word is that after the dragon destroyed Helgen, the Southern Bandits have taken up the ruins as their new camp. You would be running right into a death trap."

'Until I can get a gauge on how of my magic I still need to build back up, I should probably be a little bit careful. Perhaps some practice before we go into Ivarstead could be helpful.' she thought to herself.

"Thank you very much Miss Irileth, I think that will help immensely. We should probably get going if we want to catch up with Luna," she said.

Balgruf merely tilted his head back in respect for Celestia's title.

Katia copied Celestia as she made a small bow in respect to Balgruf's title as Jarl. They stepped backwards a few steps and then turned around to make their way back to the front doors into the castle. Balgruf then cleared his throat which caused Celestia to turn her head to see what else Balgruf may have wanted. She saw him motion something to one of his guards and he ran up the steps to an upper level before coming back down with a large burlap sack that seemed to be tinkling with a metal of some kind on the inside. The guard gave Celestia and Katia the bag and they found it to be surprisingly heavy. She opened it to find a large sack of gold coins with the symbol of a dragon etched on one side and the image of a man's face on the other.

"What's this if I might ask?" Celestia inquired. "Its a lot of gold to just give away.

"Yeah, no kidding. I wonder how long that bandit tribe has been active in these areas. But hey, I might be able to finally get something nice out of this!" Katia exclaimed.

"That would be the stash of 5000 gold Septims that were found at Silent Moons Camp just North of here. Luna and her companion Ky'ell invaded the Bandit camp there and eliminated them. This was found by my guards hidden behind a rock just outside the camp. They must have hidden it when the two of them were destroying the camp. Since it was your sister and her friend that destroyed the camp. I am handing it off to you for you to do with it however you see fit."

"Shouldn't these be...you know? Returned to the people they were stolen from?" Katia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I was about to ask the same thing," Celestia added.

The Jarl just smiled at this question though.

"Luckily my court keeps a thorough record of all people in my hold who have had things stolen. I have been far too busy avoiding the civil war and the constant threat of the Aldemiri Dominion coming here that I've been unable to properly destroy the bandit tribes in my own hold. For now, I've been able to compensate the people in my hold that have had their possessions stolen through the use of some well placed taxes that I have been taking on and off depending on the severity of the situation. Whatever I take out of the pockets of my citizens is quickly replaced by the constant trade and business that comes through my city. So at the moment, there's no need for a surplus of funds."

"Well I suppose I should be thanking you then," Celestia thanked. "I didn't quite have the foresight to bring along money of any kind while...coming across your land by accident."

"Yes, I suppose that does tend to happen when one is pulled through the Void into another realm," he replied nonchalantly.

Celestia's look of surprise on her face merely made him give a hearty chuckle.

"Yes, I am well aware of your true origins. My encounter with your kin has confirmed that. Fear not, she revealed nothing of her own volition, but her eyes and face revealed all. Nobody outside of this room knows of the actual means by how you and your sister came to be in Skyrim. Irileth and I personally saw to that."

"Thank you again then Jarl Balgruf," Celestia replied while slinging the sack of coins into her backpack. "I am glad to see that there are people that I can trust in this land. Jarl Ulfric seemed alright, but there was something off about him."

"Ah yes," Balgruf replied tiredly. "Ulfric for all of his flaws, and starting this war, is a good man. Unfortunately, he still has a lot to learn. Especially when it comes to the company he thinks will help him win the war. Though, I am glad you consider us worthy of your trust. That has become something of a rare luxury in this land during this new era. One must be careful who to give it to."

Celestia and Katia then left Dragonsreach after being given weapons that were made by a man called Eorlund Gray-Mane. She was told that he was supposedly the finest blacksmith in all of Whiterun. He was the blacksmith who used the Skyforge that the two of them saw while walking towards the castle. Katia seemed to be thoroughly pleased with choosing the Skyforge Steel Axe as her primary weapon as she constantly swung it around in every direction as they made their way down the steps. Her tail twitched like mad as Katia carried a face of mad childlike glee.

"I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself Katia, but can you please be a little more careful with that weapon? I'd prefer it if we avoid any complicated situations," Celestia said awkwardly while trying to dodge Katia's wild slices through the air.

"Oh, sorry," Katia replied as she halted her playful assault and began to laugh sheepishly. "I'm just so excited to get an actual weapon that I can use instead of a piece of glass attached to a stick."

"Its been a while...alright a really long time, but I think when we have a moment on the road to rest again, I could teach you a few things about the proper usage of an axe. How to hold it, correct stances during a battle, a few special techniques, that sort of thing."

"So, I guess now we just go back the way we came?"

As they reached the bottom step and returned to the Cloud District, Celestia pulled the small map out of her bag and unrolled it. She followed her finger east along one of the roads away from Whiterun until it began to circle around the mountain to a symbol at the southern edge with the name Ivarstead.

"That's what the map says at least."

"Well, we should probably hurry up then if we want to find your sister soon. Just as long as we don't run into any distractions-" Katia started,

"Someone help!" a female voice cried. "My daughter Mila has been taken to White River Watch"

"Wishful thinking," Katia stated in an annoyed tone.

In a dark corner of Skyrim....

A group of darkly dressed individuals gathered together to await their leader. They silently convered among themselves on what kind of dastardly deeds that they could get up to or what poor soul must be released through the sadistic ends of their blades. They all silenced when a blonde haired woman in red and black walked out of a side room holding a scroll between her fingers. She stood silently for a moment piercing the eyes of all of those present at the meeting.

"Lord Sithis has contacted us. A threat to his darkness has arrived here in Skyrim and it must be dealt with. I will personally send out the first troops to eliminate these "horse princesses" before they can bring harm to us and our plans. After they are dealt with, we shall finally make our mark upon the Divines who threaten the rule of our Lord. The children of light shall drown in blood!"

The group then burst out into cries of triumph as they kept shouting the same thing over and over again

"Hail the Dark Brotherhood!"

Next time: Chapter 13 /u] White River Rescue and The Beacon

Author's Note:

This one is a little dry of action, but don't worry. The awesome stuff is coming up in the next chapter.

Same as always, blue text for opening atmospheric music in another tab and light blue text as a key to know when to close the new tab