• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 7,400 Views, 348 Comments

Two Sisters and a Dragonborn - Spettro138

When The Royal Sisters are transported to a country at war, they must find its hero if they ever want to get home and stop the madness of the daedra.

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Chapter I: Awake (LATEST EDIT: 12/8/18 )

Author's Note:

Right-click the dark blue fonted words in the text in the story and open the link in another tab to play music that sets the mood of certain parts of the story. The light blue font is the signal to close the music.

I'll try to get in a solid two chapters a week for this fic and keep the updates as regular as possible!

Cold. So.....cold

Luna partially awoke to find herself shivering on the ice-cold ground unable to move at all. Her eyes were still shut while every sudden gust of wind bit into her like a Timberwolf. Whimpering, she tried to move a single solitary muscle but found she just couldn’t at all. The paralyzing cold, the soreness, and the fatigue of every muscle added all together had rendered her immobile. After a few minutes of trying to gather some semblance of strength, she tried feeling around with her hoof to get her bearings. That is when she felt something incredibly wrong with herself.

When she attempted to open her eyes, she found it quite difficult, like a newborn foal that had just come out of its mother's womb. It was a foreign feeling to her, but when she put more effort into it and opened her eyes, the very first thing that was in front of her eyes confused her to no end. Right in front of her face, she found the strangest thing; hands that look like they should rightfully belong on something like a Minotaur or a monkey. Except for the fact that they were identical to the ones that belonged to Sheogorath, except they still had their midnight-blue fur and were quite slender. She tried to move where she believed her foreleg would be but found instead to her dismay that the hand had steadily moved off the ground instead, but only fall back to the ground a few seconds later. She then tried to roll over onto her stomach but felt a steady stream of pain go up her spine preventing her from doing so. Starting to panic, her heart began to beat rapidly like a drum, forcing her to completely forget every other horrible sensation she was feeling at first. When she was able to turn her head to get a good look at herself, she found herself scared and confused. She still had a coat of fur on her body and when she felt on her forehead and back she found that her horn and wings remained, but her body structure was something strange and....alien. She came to the horrifying realization that she was no longer a pony. She was something different and unknown.

Another time, she made another painful attempt at lifting herself off the ground, but all she was able to do was push herself onto her back towards the sky. She could see a gloomy layer of grey clouds cover the expanse of the sky like a thick blanket. A cold rain began to fall on her fur and run down the length of her body, soaking her fur and doubling the intense cold she was already feeling from the wind. Then, she started to get another strange feeling, she was beginning to no longer feel the cold despite her terrible condition. Despair began to set in in place of fear and panic. She was going to die a cold death alone as some unrecognizable creature that was completely alien to her without her sister and her new dear friends.

“I’m sorry my sister, I’m sorry my friends,” she cried quietly.

She then heard a gravelly growl coming from her right side as she was beginning to think dark thoughts. She attempted to move her head in the direction of the sound and found a big cat creature with long upper fangs circling her. It had its slitted eyes locked on her with its sharp teeth bared at her. She could see a stain of blood already on its teeth, no doubt from a kill it had made earlier. As it continued to circle her, it left her field of vision, obviously attempting to finish her off from behind. She came to the stark realization that she wasn’t going to die freezing, she was going to die screaming as she was eaten alive. When that thought came to her, she began to lose consciousness and hypothermia began to set in even more as she lost more feeling in her appendages. As she heard the big cat getting closer and closer, she suddenly heard it stop before snarling and backing away. She sensed another presence closing in behind her, something that felt much more different than that of the cat. She could hear the cat snarl louder and roar as this new imposing presence was being attacked by it. Before she slipped entirely into unconsciousness, she could hear the ringing of sliding metal and a masculine roar that echoed in her mind as she dropped into the darkness of sleep.

Back in Equestria before the disappearance of the Royal Sisters, the newly appointed Princess Twilight Sparkle was about to have her own problems. Twilight Sparkle had been sleeping through the day to stay awake during a nighttime gala in Ponyville. It had been in the works for quite a while to celebrate her recent coronation two months ago. A sudden loud knocking on her bedroom door startled her causing her to roll out of her bed and land on her floor with a comedic thump followed by a painful groan from the lavender mare in question.

“Oh come on!” Twilight quietly complained. She attempted to pull the pillow that had fallen with her over her head in an attempt to block out the noise coming from her door. After realizing the futility, she rolled over onto her underside and stood up with a big stretch of her front forelegs, and began walking to her bedroom door to see who was making the ungodly racket and give them a piece of her mind. She dragged her hooves down the steps of the upper loft of her bedroom, past the many books that were stacked upon each step, lists, notebooks, and a glass display case containing five golden necklaces and a tiara bearing her cutie mark.

She finally made it to her bedroom door at the bottom level of her room and opened it fully intending to give her disturber a piece of her mind. She found her faithful assistant Spike with a nervous look standing in the doorway.

“I'm sorry for waking you Twilight, I just received a message from the princess, I thought you should get it right away.” He apologized with a nervous smile.

Twilight looked at him for a second before breathing out, and letting go of her momentary irritation at her rude awakening, and gave him a small smile.

“That’s alright Spike. Let’s just see what this is about. Might as well go into the living room to read it more clearly.” She replied through her teeth.

Spike moved out of her way to allow her to pass and follow Twilight into the Library’s main room. A few moments later, they were in the main room of the library near its entrance while Spike was picking up wayward books that were left on the ground the day before.

“Alright, let see what this is all about,” Twilight said tiredly.

Twilight took the scroll in her lavender glow and removed Celestia’s royal seal from the scroll and proceeded to unravel it quickly with her magic. Spike saw that her expression noticeably changed as her eyes moved across and further down the page. As she made it to the bottom of the letter, Twilight’s face morphed into one of extreme concern and worry.

“Wh-what is it Twilight?” Spike asked nervously.

“The princesses are in trouble! We need to gather the girls, get the Elements, and get to Canterlot to help them!” replied Twilight as she teleported the letter to her room’s archives.

“Rodger!” Spike replied as he saluted Twilight and ran into her room with her and pressed an engraving of a golden unicorn on the glass display case to open it.

She took the five golden necklaces in her magic and quickly placed the golden tiara on her head before running back out of her room with Spike and out her front door into the lit nighttime streets of Ponyville.

Minutes later, Twilight and Spike arrived at the Town Square where their town’s signature Mare Statue Fountain was located. Lights on long strands were strung up everywhere, illuminating the entire square in an atmosphere of festivity. Lavender-colored and pink-colored ribbons and streamers were wrapped around every lamp post and tree honoring the princess of friendship. Many ponies were scattered about the square conversing with each other. An alabaster unicorn mare with a long purple mane over by the food table noticed her arrive and trotted over to Twilight to greet her.

“Twilight darling, you’re here awfully early, we don’t start the festivities for another three hours, and you look awfully frazzled,” said the white mare. “And why did you bring the Elements darling? I don’t think we need them for the celebration.”

“Sorry Rarity, we need to put off the gala for a little bit. The princesses sent me a message, they are in serious trouble. We have to gather the other girls and get to Canterlot right away” Twilight replied.

“Oh my! Well then, I suppose we should find the others. I know all of them had tasks they were attending to” Rarity replied as she was looking around for her other friends. “I believe Pinkie is still at Sugar Cube Corner finishing up the cakes for the gala and Fluttershy is pushing away any small wayward storm clouds, but I do believe Rainbow is here at the moment helping Applejack set up the stage.”

Rarity pointed over to the stage and podium in front of Town Hall. A pair of familiar ponies were seen on the side of the stage placing extra posts underneath the stage to keep it held up. Twilight, Spike, and Rarity ran over to the stage while the ponies were preoccupied with their work.

“Come on Applejack, we got to get these the celebration is only in a few more hours!” urged the rainbow-maned pegasus. "We need to hurry up if we're gonna make the deadline!"

An orange mare with a blonde mane and a cowboy hat emerged from the stage with a snort.

“That’s funny Rainbow, I never pegged you for the responsible type.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” the rainbow-maned pegasus questioned suspiciously.

“Well, you’re not exactly the one usually to take the initiative and get people to actually work AND help along. It’s just a little odd that’s all.” the orange mare assured.

“Yeah, well Twilight has been super awesome lately, becoming Equestria’s newest princess, getting almost as awesome as I am, when she’s not being a total egghead that is. So she deserves all the limelight right now while she can.”

The lavender alicorn in question had just run-up to her just as she was setting in place another support post for the stage.

“I’m glad you think so highly of me Rainbow Dash,” Twilight sarcastically replied to Rainbow Dash’s backhanded compliment while smiling.

Rainbow jumped a little bit but relaxed a little bit after seeing who it was. Applejack came out from under the stage after hearing her friend’s voice. Her mane was disheveled and filled with dirt from kicking up dirt by forcefully pushing the support posts into the loose ground.

“Howdy Twilight, howdy Spike, we were just fixing up the stage before yer celebration gala here. The fellers who worked on this here thing didn’t build it properly, so I got Rainbow to help me fix it up.” Applejack said.

“Never mind about that Applejack, I need both of you to come with me. We need to get Fluttershy and Pinkie and get to Canterlot.” Twilight said in a worried tone.

“What’s wrong sugar?” Applejack asked.

“Twilight got a letter from the princess saying that Luna and she are in trouble and she asked us to bring the Elements to help them!” said Rarity and Spike the latter blushing and awkwardly coughing after yelling in unison with Rarity.

“What!? Then let’s get our flanks in gear and get over there!” Rainbow cried as she tried to quickly fly towards Canterlot before Applejack grabbed her by the tail and pulled her back down.

“Slow down there nelly! We first got to get Fluttershy and Pink-” Applejack started.

SOMEPONYY CALL ME???” a bouncy, bubbly voice asked from behind them.

Everypony jumped at the sudden loud voice and looked to where it came from. A familiar pink mare with curly pink hair and a reality-defying smile had appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

“Pinkie! Don’t do that!” snapped Rainbow.

“Sorry Rainbow Dash, sorry girls, I was just so excited. I was excited before because I was busy baking all of the treats, pies, cakes, and pastries for your gala that’s in a few hours. I was just experimenting with a white chocolate wasabi walnut cake for the gala. I call it the White chocolate Wasabi Walnut Whipcream Wackiness. Obviously based on the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness, the MMMM, but upside down and with another W, but before I was done with it, my body started shaking just like before at Froggy Bottom Bog and that made me think something was-” Pinkie was interrupted by Applejack stuffing her hoof into Pinkie’s mouth before her talking dragged out any further.

“Sorry Pinkie, but the Princesses are in trouble and we need to find Fluttershy and get to Canterlot with the Elements, we can’t waste any more time!” cried Twilight.

“We can take the train then Twilight, the evening train is just about to depart. I'm sure you can afford to throw your authority around just this once to make the engineers push the speed of the train,” pointed out Rarity.

Good thought Rarity. I don't like the idea of forcing ponies to do things for me, but our friends must come first. First though, Rainbow Dash, where is Fluttershy?” asked Twilight.

“Last I checked, she was in the southwestern edge of town near the Everfreee Forest breaking up clusters of low-hanging clouds that were getting too close and may have turned into fog. I’ll get her and be back in a Dash!” she happily exclaimed with a pun to which her friends groaned before flying off. After only roughly twenty seconds of waiting, Rainbow Dash returned with the yellow pegasus Fluttershy. Fluttershy’s tail was firmly clamped between her teeth indicating that Rainbow had to drag her to get her to the others faster.

“Um, Rainbow, if you don’t mind, could you please tell me why you flew super fast while dragging me away from my job by my tail...if it’s no trouble that is.” Fluttershy asked with a hint of annoyance. “Oh hi, Twilight, did you need something? ...I mean the gala isn’t for a few hours so shouldn’t you be sleeping a little? Do you want me to bring you some stuffed animals to help you go back to sleep? ...I mean only if you want to.”

Twilight smiled sweetly at the mare for a second before putting back on her face of concern after remembering her mission.

“That’s alright Fluttershy, we have bigger problems at the moment,” Twilight replied.

“Yeah, we do! The princesses are in trouble!” cried Rainbow.

“Oh my! I hope they’re alright.” Fluttershy replied with concern.

“That’s why I called you all here. We must get to Canterlot and save Princess Luna and Princess Celestia from whatever threat they are facing. That’s why I brought the Elements with me. The princess believed whatever they are facing could be dangerous enough to warrant us bringing the Elements. I’m gonna put them on all of you now so when I transport all of us to the train station across town from there we can quickly jump into action to save the princesses once we get off the train.” Twilight said as she levitated each Element to its respective owner.

WOOHOO! Let’s have some fun beating the baddie this time!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Awwwww yeah! Just like old times” exclaimed Rainbow happily.

“It does feel fabulous to have my Element on once again.” Rarity agreed.

“Let’s just all be careful.” cautioned Fluttershy.

"Wait a minute, why can't you just teleport us straight to Canterlot?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash, in times of crisis or war, the anti-teleportation enchantment placed around the perimeter of the city automatically activates. We would just be bounced back here if I tried that. Or directly into Canterlot Jail depending on the threat level. We couldn't get into the city even if we wanted to." she explained.

The explanation seemed to visibly cause Rainbow Dash to make an exaggerated expression of shock and horror.

"Besides Rainbow, teleporting directly into a train 10 miles away across town takes less energy than teleporting into Canterlot Castle which is 100 miles away give or take a few miles. I actually want to have the energy to fight with my magic, you know."

“Alrighty then Twi, kick that teleporter spell thingy of yours into overdrive and let’s get that train to blast up to Canterlot to save the princesses” Applejack urged.

“Okay, everyone hold still for a second, this may feel tingly, but it won’t hurt. Spike, you need to stay close to me while I do this.” Spike nodded before hopping up on Twilight’s back.

Her horn began glowing violet brighter and brighter sparking from the tip for a few seconds before unleashing a violet force field that enveloped the whole group and then they disappeared with the remains of the field leaving a few purple-colored sparks on the ground.

Four hours later...

In the capital city of Canterlot, right outside of the castle, a small group of ponies had been galloping all the way through the empty city from the crowded Canterlot Grand Station bringing the members of the group, Twilight, Spike, and their friends to their destination. The front gate division of guards had already surrounded them and had their spears at the ready for any threat before seeing it was their new princess that had arrived. One of them, a pegasus with special gilded armor and a mane with a darker shade of blue than the other guards galloped right up to her before bowing deeply.

"Princess Twilight, thank Celestia, you and the other Elements are here, the Princesses are in the throne room confronting a dangerous creature. We fear they may need help. Is there anything you wish of us to do? We attempted to subdue the creature, but we were beaten senselessly." asked the commander guard as he hung his head in shame.

“What is your name commander?” asked Twilight politely.

“Commander Aegis Slash your highness.” the guard respectfully replied as he saluted her.

“Don’t feel ashamed commander, many of the threats that come to Canterlot seldomly come here without a massive amount of power that even we have some level difficulty dealing with.” Rarity replied to Aegis Slash as she batted her eyelashes at him.

“Thank you Lady Rarity, I am unworthy of your kindness.”

Twilight began thinking about how to go about giving orders to her guards

This will be the first time I ever give any kind of order as a Princess of Equestria, I have to be careful how I go about making it so I don’t make any kind of mistake that could get ponies hurt, she thought.

After a minute of thinking, she stood up with confidence with her head held high and gave her command.

“Commander, I want you to create a perimeter around the castle from 10th street. We can’t allow any ponies to get injured should this conflict escalate.” Twilight ordered.

Aegis Slash and his division saluted her before going off to complete their task.

“At once your highness. ALRIGHT COLTS, MOVE OUT!” he bellowed before flying off towards the city.

“All right girls, let’s get in there. Be ready for anything!” Twilight cried.

The other girls nodded and followed her past the drawbridge and into the castle.

They entered the main entrance of the castle and galloped at full speed towards the throne room. They could hear already loud crashing sounds and loud voices coming from the throne room further in.

“Where are all the guards?” asked Rainbow. “Shouldn’t they be here trying to protect the princesses or something?”

“The bunch of sissies probably got scared off!” Spike growled. "They are supposed to be the protectors of the princesses!”

“I fully intend to do something about that Spike as soon as we deal with whatever is here,” Twilight said.

Just as she said that they finally arrived at the throne room to a terrifying sight. Both the princesses were there sprawled across the floor as a strange creature was pointing his walking stick at them and the two of them began to glow brightly with a strange aura that gradually began to materialize and spin rapidly around the princesses. The aura emitted a whir that gradually grew louder and louder before it reached a crescendo.

Trying to reach Celestia, she tried to move towards her but found that she was being pushed back by the force of the energy.

“Celestia! Celestia!! CELESTIA!!!” she repeatedly cried.

Through the aura, Twilight could see the princess tilt her head towards her and she could see her mouthing something. But before Twilight could figure out what she was trying to say, both of them vanished without a trace.

The strange creature looked towards the girls with a wild grin and gave an overdramatic bow.

“How delightful, new guests. I hope you can entertain me better than those sorry lumps of royalty did.” the creature replied.

In another place, Celestia was about to wake up to a very unpleasant situation.

"Ooooh, what have we here?" a burly voice asked.

"Can we take some time to play with her boss if you know what I mean?" another rough voice chimed in.

"Take her inside, first let's bag that pretty jewelry of hers and add it to our haul. Don't worry boys, she'll fit in just fine. We'll have to fit into her first though to see how she is" the voice said with glee.

The other voices chuckled before dragging Celestia into a dark place.