• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 7,389 Views, 348 Comments

Two Sisters and a Dragonborn - Spettro138

When The Royal Sisters are transported to a country at war, they must find its hero if they ever want to get home and stop the madness of the daedra.

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Chapter 16: The Way of the Voice

Back on the savage planet of Nirn....

The whispering winds of the Throat of the World were conversing with each other, wordless and voiceless, but still palpable and piercing through the thick icy veil surrounding the tallest mountain in all of Tamriel. Each and every snowflake, unique and special from one another glided on the streams of cold air like icy notes creating a chilled melody that praised every inch of the sacred mountain they were falling upon. In the distance beyond the clouds and past the boundaries of the skies, one could almost hear an ancient song being trumpeted for all to hear. Pilgrims that regularly took their long winding journey up the 7,000 steps of this colossal behemoth were very familiar with the heavenly songs of the mountain and their holy significance.

Near the very peak of the mountain, where it is said those who commune with the sky goddess Kynareth, are able to hear her voice as clear as the wind, a lonely monastery is planted. This lonely monastery is the ancient stone temple of High Hrothgar. A place of solace, peace, knowledge, power, and learning where monks known as the Greybeards hone their skills in mastery of The Way of The Voice. Where only a few hours ago, four strange individuals each from a different land and time arrived to learn of their respective destinies and obtain the knowledge to unlock powers that they never dreamed to be possible.

Celestia and Luna after nearly a week of constant searching for each other across dangerous landscapes and deadly foes had finally reunited. They could hardly contain themselves as they spent time talking to each other about what had transpired with their respective journey's since they last saw one another in Canterlot. Luna felt the worst after she had heard what almost happened to Celestia in particular back in Cragslane Cavern. It took Celestia almost a half an hour to pry Luna off of her own torso. The only mishap during their tearful reunion was Ky'ell's curiosity with Celestia's tail. He had tried to play with it and stuck his face in it, which got him laid out by a right hook from Luna.

Katia's meeting with Ky'ell was somewhat awkward, if not friendly. Luna noticed that they were speaking to each other in a strange dialect that helped her warm up to him pretty quickly. He explained that his mother had stressed day and night teaching him Ta'agra, the language of Elsweyr as a child growing up with the Khajiit caravans.

The Nord man in question alongside Luna were requested by Arngeir, the master Greybeard of High Hrothgar to come to their Entrance Hall. They had a test to prove his title and determine their path in Skyrim. Celestia, and Katia decided to follow and observe the proceedings. When they came into the room, they immediately noticed that all of the Greybeards had arrived there and stood in a perfect circle, surrounding the hallway As Ky'ell and Luna moved to the center of the room and Master Arngeir stood across from him, Luna noticed how drastically his personality changed. All signs of playfulness and childishness melted away in place of a stoic, serious man.

"So.....", Arngeir began. "Not one, but two Dragonborn appears before us, in the turning of the age. One of which coming from a world far across the vast expanse of the Void. Not only that, but two other extraordinary individuals as well. One a queen of the sun who has been ordained by Stendarr himself and the other a magic caster from the time of the Oblivion Crisis with the potential to unlock unlimited Aetherial magic."

"We are here to answer your summons Master," Ky'ell responded respectfully.

"Yes, we will see if you two truly have the gift," Arngeir nodded. "Let us taste of your Voices."

Arngeir noticed how confused Luna was by his request and smiled, trying to explain himself a little more carefully.

"Hit me with your Shouts and let me see if you two truly have the innate power of the Dragonborn."

"You want me to harm you?" Luna asked worried.

"Fret not my child, you cannot harm me. Especially not with only a single word of power." he assured her. "I have sharply honed my own skills enough to resist most Shouts.

Luna was wary but she decided to trust him and go for it. Watching Ky'ell, she took in a breath of air and searched around once again for that savage aura in her soul, seeking to awaken its power. One she tapped into it, she let it loose, and the both of them let out their Shouts for all to hear.


Arngeir was knocked back a few steps, but true to his word, he had come out completely unscathed. Celestia was completely surprised by this new ability of Luna's as she widened her eyes in fascination. Luna saw that the force of their Shouts had knocked a couple of pots all over the room, one of which smacked into Katia's backside. The surprise of the impact sent her flying up one of the stone columns as she clung for dear life.

"Really author? I know I'm a cat technically, but this is just dumb," Katia dryly remarked off into space.

With a giggle, Celestia leaped up and pried Katia off of the column.

"Dragonborn, it is you," Arngeir acknowledged. "I and my kin welcome you and yours to High Hrothgar. We shall do our best to teach you two your gift in fufillment of your destinies."

"And what is our destiny in this world Master?" Luna asked.

"That is for you to discover." he replied enigmatically. "We can certainly show you the way, but not the destination."

"Well we are ready to learn."

"You two have shown that you both are indeed genuine Dragonborn. You have the inborn gift.....but do you have the temperament and discipline to follow the path laid out for you? That...remains to be seen. Even without training, you both have taken the first steps into projecting your voice into a Thu'um. A Shout. Now let us see if you are willing and able to learn."

As he said this, the duo noticed that the Greybeards moved off to the sides of the room.

"When you Shout, you are speaking the language of the dragons. Thus, your dragon blood gives you an inborn ability to learn Words of Power," he explained. "All Shouts are made up of three Words of Power. As you master each word, your Shouts will become progressively stronger."

Celestia seemed somewhat confused as she stepped forward.

"Master Arngeir, are you saying that the Dragonborn is a mortal being like Ky'ell here with dragon blood running through his veins?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, the Dragonborn is a mortal being with a mortal body chosen by Akatosh and Kynareth to carry the soul of a dragon with the ability to use their powers. It seems you and your sister also carry that distinction though we are not sure why."

Celestia paused for a moment thinking as to how that could be possible when a thought passed into her head that made her facepalm.

"Our ancestor" she said simply.

"I beg your pardon?" Arngeir inquired.

"As it turns out, we do have dragon blood in our family line master Arngeir, though I had completely forgotten about it. One of our ancestors in our direct family line was our world's dragon god Draconis Magnus. Our great grandmother from what we understand was...an adventurous type and they wed. I knew that our father had a few dragon magic abilities that he claimed inherited from him but I had assumed we missed inheriting the gene."

"Fascinating! Perhaps we can test to see if the both of you have inherited your mighty ancestor's powers as well. That would certainly explain how she is able to use the Thu'um."

"What do you mean master?" Luna asked.

"Normally, without being directly chosen at birth by the Divines themselves, nor being born in this world, you would not have become a Dragonborn Princess Luna, but since you have inherited the dragonblood from your great ancestor, I believe Lady Kynareth and Lord Akatosh found it appropriate to make you a Dragonborn the moment they saw you arrive in Tamriel. We sensed such a power in you Princess Celestia, but it seems that it has not fully bloomed as of yet. I believe it will take time before the Divines decide you are also worthy of being Dragonborn. Now I believe we should move along with the proceedings if you don't mind."

"Oh yes, forgive my interruption." she politely apologize.

He simply nodded at her in understanding before turning back to Luna and Ky'ell for the next step of their test.

"Master Eirnoth will now teach the two of you, "RO". The second Word of Power in the Unrelenting Force Thu'um."

One of the Greybeards, which Luna took to be Eirnoth stepped forward and gave her a gesture of hello and respectful acknowledgement.

"RO means Balance in the Dragon tongue. Combine it with FUS, which means Force, to focus your Thu'um much more sharply."

A whispered noise came from Eirnoth's mouth that pierced through everything and gave the two sisters a chill of wonder, dread, and power.


The tiled floor beneath the master's feet began to sizzle, creak, and crack as the four guests to High Hrothgar saw claw like markings being forcefully carved into the floor by an invisible force. Celestia and Katia noticed that the runes were emitting a mysterious swaying aura that seemed to blow around as if it was a gently burning blaze.

Then, completely unheard by anyone else, Luna could hear an ethereal choir chanting praises to her and Ky'ell as the new Word of Power became known to them.

"Amazing. Truly amazing. The two of you truly do have the capacity to learn. However, that is only the first step. Most have to learn and practice these words over a great period of time, honing their skills. That is how we do it anyway. As Dragonborn, you can absorb any dragon's life force and gain that knowledge directly from its primal source. As part of your initiation, Master Eirnoth will allow you to tap into his understanding of RO.

Eirnoth stepped forward and gave deep bow to the duo which seemed to cause a strange phenomenon to occur. He began to glow brightly as he opened his arms and a gale of golden wind blew forth from his body and into her and Ky'ell.

Katia looked at the duo nervously as she leaned over to Celestia and tapped her on the shoulder furiously.

"Should I be worried about them? What the hell are they doing?" Katia asked concerned.

'It looks like they are farting blue air out of their mouths' one of Katia's voices added.

'Didn't you do that when you got into drunken plowing with that dark elf prince Katia?;

"How do you know about that? I had that mage slip him a forgetting potion," Katia snapped.

"Don't worry, from what I understand this is completely normal for their kind," Celestia reassured.

"Thank you Master," Arngeir said to the man as he bowed back and moved back to the side of the room. "Now for the next step, we shall see if you are able to properly master your shouts as you use them. With a unique shout we have created during our long vigil, we shall create targets for you to attack with your shouts. Strike the targets as they appear."

"Strike what exactly Master?" Luna asked.

Master Eirnoth and another stepped out of the line and got into position parallel from the duo. Breathing in deeply, they focused their power and exhaled.


A swirling portal of blue and white energy materialized out of thin air and a spectral clone of master Eirnoth walked out. Ky'ell wasted no time acting upon his instincts as he let loose on the clone with his improved Thu'um.


The shout echoed throughout the entire chamber as the clone was struck by the Shout. It stumbled and fell as it disappeared before it could hit the ground.

"Well done Dragonborn Ky'ell, well done indeed." Arngeir praised. "Now you Dragonborn Luna. Strike the target as it appears before you."

The other Greybeard parallel to her seemed to be focusing his power as he inhaled and expelled the same strange shout.


Once agian, the same swirling portal of blue and white energy materialized out of thin air and a spectral clone of the Greybeard stepped out, signaling for her to commence with trying her new shout. Now that she was somewhat familiar with the savage spirit she needed to tap into, it took almost no time at all to find it as she did the same thing as the otehr Greybeards did as she focused her power into her throat and let loose with her new Thu'um. Unfortunately for Luna, it worked far too well than she intended.


The resounding Thu'um not only knocked the spetral clone twenty feet backwards into the wall, but it also sent all of the pots in the room flying as they began ricocheting everywhere like a mad game of pinball. The Greybeards ducked as the pots flew all over the place. One of them smashed down on poor Katia's tail as she reacted by making a feline shriek and jumping into the air before landing on Ky'ell.

"Owie," Katia lamented. "

"Ow me too, but honestly, you are the softest thing to land on me, next to Loony." Ky'ell chuckled as he groaned in pain.

Celestia found a moment to react as she reached out with her magical grip faster than lightning and froze all of the pots in mid air with her telekinesis.

The room immediately went silent as everyone was confused for a moment before looking at Celestia with bewildered expressions. Then they all turned back to Luna who had a blush of embarrassment on her face.

"I'm so sorry, please forgive me honored Greybeards," Luna desperately tried to apologize as she knelt down in respect. "I did not mean to bring harm to you and your brether-"

Master Arngeir held up a hand for a moment as he maintained a stern look for a minute until he broke out in to a fit of laughter.

"On the contrary Princess, you have brought much excitement into this old man's life. I will admit it was quite surprising to see another Dragonborn who can shout with such force as you are able to. There has not been a Dragonborn who can Shout with so much force and volume since Jurgen Windcaller himself."

"Perhaps though Luna, it might be prudent to control your Royal Canterlot Voice before you use it with a powerful world shaping ability?" Celestia dryly remarked.

"I believe you are quite right Princess," Arngeir replied. "Though if I may ask, what is the Royal Canterlot Voice? Is it a passive ability that your race is able to call upon at will?"

"Its pretty much just a speaking voice we have created with a small amount of magic slipped into our vocal chords so that thousands of ponies would be able to hear us during our speeches. We have used it so much during our early years that unfortunately it had become almost second nature to us. Well, more Luna more than I, but still."

"Fascinating. A spell that increases the volume of ones voice." Arngeir mused. "Magic colleges all over Tamriel have dabbled with the idea, but none have been able to properly tap into it. Still though, you may need to hone your skills more carefully before using your Thu'um in such a manner again Princess Luna."

Luna apologized profusely again and again as she felt massive embarrassment from her mistake that could have seriously injured somebody. Thankfully though, nobody had any injuries, save Katia and Ky'ell who had the air knocked out of them. She felt vaguely jealous and angry though as she saw Katia was laying on Ky'ell's chest huffing and puffing trying to get a breath of fresh air.

"Regardless of everything. Both of your Thu'ums were better than I thought they were going to be," Arngeir explained. "Impressive and Precise. You show great promise Dragonborn. For your next trial, we shall go out to the courtyard. The two of you shall follow Master Borri while the rest of us shall bear witness."

Luna nodded rapidly as she was determined to follow their specific instructions to a T. Ky'ell stayed by her side as they followed Master Borri out of the buidling. He put a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down which caused her to look at him with confusion. He didnt seem to notice her look as he kept his gaze ahead.

On the other side of the building, they went through two large carved wooden doors that creaked open as they stepped back into the intense cold wind of the Throat of the World.

Outside, the group found a large snow covered courtyard surrounded by stone columns. Lining the edges of the courtyard was a garden of various diminutive trees, flowers and shrubs covered in ice, struggling hard to survive in the harsh cold and high altitudes of the mountain. Far off to the left was a strange looking gate that seemed to lead to another part of the courtyard further in. Many of the stone columns lined the pathway leading up to the gate like markers. Further ahead were various granite stones circling the mountain like a halo.

In the middle of the courtyard, Master Borri used his power to carve Dragon runes into the ground. This one seemed to be longer and more complicated than the last one as the ground crackled and sizzled as magical energy dug into the stone. The runes began to glow with power as they were fully carved into the rock. After he was finished with his task, he looked over to Luna and Ky'ell and beckoned them to come over. They quickly came over as they gazed down at the runes for a solid minute. The same ethereal choir began to chant in their minds as the glow in the runes began to disappear.

"Now, just the same as before, Master Borri shall gift you two with his own knowledge of the shout "Wuld," Arngeir explained.

Master Borri transferred the knowledge over to the duo in a rush of golden light and wind, which clued them into the specifics of their new Thu'um.

They then stepped over towards two of the stone columns that seemed to be at least thirty feet away from the gate.

Luna looked back at Katia and gave a small giggle who was hugging herself and chattering her teeth rapidly as she suffered through the cold. Celestia pulled a blanket out of her pouch and wrapped it around her with a kind smile.

"For the next step in your initiation, we shall see how quickly the two of you can learn a new Shout," Arngeir stated.

The Greybeards gathered alongside the path towards the gate as one stood by the gate while another stood in between the two stone columns.

"Master Wulfgar will demonstrate Whirlwind Sprint. Then you two shall try as well.....Master Borri, if you please?"


The bronze gate slammed open outwards as Master Wulfgar unleased his shout for Luna and Ky'ell to witness.


Faster than their eyes could track, Wulfgar dashed right through the gate with a crack of the sound barrier before it could close back again.

"incredible!" Celestia exclaimed breathlessly. "I believe that technique could even give Rainbow Dash herself a run for her money."

She giggled as she imagined Luna and Rainbow Dash racing each other all over Canterlot.

"The things I could have done back in Cyrodil if I had that kind of power," Katia mused.

Arngeir turned to Luna and Ky'ell and motioned them to step forward.

"Now it is your turn my friends. Stand next to me. Master Borri will open the gate which will be your signal to use the Whirlwind Sprint Shout to dash through the gate before it closes."

The duo prepared themselves as they waited for the exact moment. Luna noticed that Ky'ell was a lot more focused and calm than he usually was when they were on the road. She didn't notice that she was beginning to stare at him and that before she knew it, the gate had opened.

"LUNA!" Ky'ell barked.


Before she knew it, they had made it past the gate and over to the other side. Unfortunately, Luna had put too much power into her own shout and took a spill thirty feet past the column where she slipped down a cliff. Pulling out her sword, she stabbed a boulder in the cliffside, saving herself from falling off the mountain.

Ky'ell slid over to her and pulled her back up on to stable ground. When she was able to properly stand up, she retrieved her sword with her magical grasp.

"You got quite a mouth on ya Loony!" Ky'ell quipped. "What other kinds of things can you do with it?"

For a response, he received an umamused punch to the face which smashed him into one of the stone columns.

A few hours later...

The group had already begun their trek back down the mountain and back towards the city of Whiterun, now with a list of missions and goals for the party to complete in the land of Skyrim. The next step of Luna and Ky'ell's path on The Way of the Voice would be to travel hundreds of miles north to the dense marshes of Hjaalmarch. There they would find the ancient tomb of Ustengrav where the fabled Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and bring it back to High Hrothgar.

Before they left, Master Arngeir had informed Celestia that there may be another way to find passage back to Equestria. A magical institution far to the northwest of Skyrim called the College of Winterhold. She learned from him that the Archmage of the college has access to thousands of tomes that might have a way for the four of them to return to Equestria. One of which may also help Katia learn how to properly control her unique abilities.

Unfortunately for Ky'ell, he was busy being dragged down the steps by Luna. She had him by the scruff of the neck as his armor clattered against the frozen stone steps with each passing second.

"Oh come now Luna, he was only joking," Celestia giggled. "He is the chosen one of this world after all."

"Perhaps when he regains consciousness," Luna replied annoyed.

"Remind me never to make her angry," Katia whispered to Celestia.

"Mama, I don't wanna take a bath today," Ky'ell said deliriously.

Celestia chuckled lightly as she went over to Luna and helped Ky'ell back on to his feet. The two of them acted as supports for the heavy man as they were making their way back down the mountain. Winding their way down, watching the path for signs of wolves or more Frost Trolls, they made it all the way back down the 7,000 steps of The Throat of the World which took roughly two hours to complete. At the bottom of the mountain, they met back with Klimmek who was quite pleased to hear that his supplies for the Greybeards had arrived. The man gave the group a modest pouch of gold as a reward for their efforts.

Remembering the way that they came through, they slowly made their way back through Ivarstead and down the path that took them around the mountain. Now that there were four in their party, it had become much easier to fend off various wild threats like wolves, frostbite spiders, and trolls. Halfway around the mountain, they were ambushed by a large group of bandits. After dispatching most of them, they had learned from a message off of their bodies that Celestia had a price put on her head for killing The Butcher.

"That will make things a lot more difficult sister," Luna said.

"Maybe we can get some goodies off of them!" Ky'ell exclaimed excitedly.

"We will just have to deal with any bandits that try to get in out way. However, we are the foreigners here in this land. We should endeavor to follow this land's laws as much as we can." Celestia stated firmly.

"I don't know how much help i will be to the rest of you," Katia apologized. "All I'm good for is being a spell sponge with my Atronach birth sign."

Celestia shook her head disapprovingly at the Khajiit.

"You put yourself down too easily Katia. I would have given half of my treasury to a magic caster who could have absorbed and reflected powerful magic every time Equestria was under attack. There was only one in Equestrian history with that ability and he was our greatest Witch Hunter."

"You really mean that?"

"Of course sweerheart. Once we have a free moment to rest, I want to begin your training in the arcane arts. Perhaps we can begin on your telekinesis. Its one of the first things I teach in my own school for gifted unicorns. Maybe once we arrive with you back to Equestria, I will enroll you personally."

Katia unable to contain herself, hugged her new teacher and guardian who returned the embrace in kind.

"The most logical thing would be to rest up at The Bannered Mare back in Whiterun. We would be better suited to survive in these savage lands if we are well rested."

"We should make it there by nightfall," Celestia recommended. "If our own world is anything to go by, this world is probably even worse when dusk rolls around. No offense Luna."

"None taken dear sister, I can attest to that statement being the guardian of the night after all. Speaking of which, its going to take a while to get my Equestrian sleeping pattern back now that I have become accustomed to sleeping at night."

Hours had past and they made it back to the hold of Whiterun where the sloping hills and grasslands only slightly obstructed their view of the surrounding country. The sky had mostly cleared as the few wisps of cloud that remained were turned into red, pink, and violet ribbons by the golden light of the setting sun. Soon the city of Whiterun finally came into view as they once again saw its towering palace piercing the sky. A few guards had recognized them and kindly greeted the group, welcoming them back.

As they made their way around the bend and towards the front gates of the city, a brigade of soldiers wearing golden armor came marching down the main road. In front of the brigade was a tall pale man with pointed ears that wore long flowing robes. Celestia, Katia, Ky'ell and Luna walked past the brigade as calmly as they possibly could so as to not arouse any suspicion or anger them in any way.

Before they were able to pass them though, the tall pale man at the head of the golden brigade ordered them to stop.

"Halt," the man said sternly.

He turned around and approached the group. He eyed all of them suspiciously as his eyes scanned them for anything he deemed to be a threat.

"What are you? What is your business in Skyrim?"

Celestia stepped forward and gave a deep bow, allowing her old diplomatic skills to kick in.

"Forgive us if we interrupted you in any way. I am Princess Celestia of Equestria and this is my sister Princess Luna. We hail from a country far to the east that I understand has not been discovered as of yet. We arrived here by accident but we decided to undertake a diplomatic mission to introduce ourselves to Tamriel."

"No they didn't," Ky'ell whispered to Katia who jabbed him in the ribs.

'That lie is not going to stick!' Luna thought frantically. 'Sister is a terrible liar!'

The man looked at them cautiously for a solid minute before changing his posture to a slightly more relaxed one.

"Then I suppose I should welcome you Princess Celestia I am Felarof of the Thalmor. We of the Aldemiri Dominion are the stewards of Tamriel under partnership with the Empire. I suggest you pay us a visit at our embassy near Solitude so that my Lady may....get to know you. Unfortunately, you and your sister have arrived at an inopportune time. I suggest you enter the city post haste and remain there until morning. I trust that your.....guards are able to provide you with adequate protection?"

"Yes Lord Feralof. We hired them not too long ago back in Windhelm while we passed through."

"Very good, and if your guards prove incompetent, I recommend you call upon an Imperial Brigade to escort you around the province." he replied sternly. "I bid you good evening."

The "Thalmor" as they were called, marched down the road and as soon as they were out of sight all four of them simultaneously let out a deep sigh of relief.

"That was way too close," Katia said breathlessly.

"You're the former Element of Honesty sister, you could have gotten us into a nasty fight with that lie," Luna snapped.

"Hey, I managed to get us past them didnt I?" Celestia replied.

"That is not the point sister, we must be careful while in this wretched country and we have to come up with more convincing lies than that if we are going to pass through without attracting much attention."

"Two multicolored alicorns wearing strange armor and wearing crowns doesnt attract attention?" Celestia rebutted sarcastically.

"That is not the point Sister and you know it! We are foreigners in this world and we cannot afford to reveal our true nature!"

"You think I don't know that Luna?"

"That's because I am the one that has to be the responsible and mature sister in our family," Luna snapped.

"Oh, like the time you dangled Blueblood over a balcony because he stole your donuts?"

"The knave should have known to never fool with a Princesses delectable sweets".

Ky'ell and Katia watched the two devolve into petty bickering as they made their way into the city and over to the Bannered Mare. Their fight lasted for an hour before Celestia decided to drop the whole thing and apologize. As they went inside they paid for a room to sleep in for the night and proceeded to order food from the counter where Ysolda was working. A burly Nord woman wearing steel plate armor in the tavern made the mistake of challenging Luna to a fist fight, which left her upside down on her head against the wall. The group loosened up and managed to relax after a few drinks provided by the barkeeper. Celestia insisted on checking the bottles before they drank them, just in case someone had the idea to spike them.

After noticing that more than a few hostile sets of eyes were watching them too closely for comfort, Luna insisted on keeping watch for the night so as to look out for any potential intruders that might come in before morning.

Back on the Eastern road.....

Felarof of the Thalmor had his suspicions about Celestia ever since they left the boundaries of the city. So he decided that he should act upon those suspicions.

"Those princesses are up to something, I'm sure of it," Felarof stated. "If they came here through the east, they must have had dealings with Ulfric Stormcloak. We must make certain that they are not spies of his."

He signaled two of his soldiers to come forth as he wrote down something in a scroll and handed it to them.

"Give this message to our contact in Whiterun. Tell her to keep a close eye on them and see if they are who they say they are. If they truly are spies, send word to us, so that we may arrest them and bring them back to our fort in the north for interrogation."

"At once my lord," the two guards replied as they started marching back towards their city to complete their objective.

Felarof stared at the shape of Whiterun that barely stood out against the night sky as he thought very dark thoughts.

"I have my eye on you Celestia. If you make so much as a false step towards our enemies, we will deal with you according."

Author's Note:

I hope you guys enjoyed this one well enough. I'm probably going to make changes to it here and there as comments come in. Feedback and creative ideas are always welcome.