• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 7,400 Views, 348 Comments

Two Sisters and a Dragonborn - Spettro138

When The Royal Sisters are transported to a country at war, they must find its hero if they ever want to get home and stop the madness of the daedra.

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Chapter 4: An Unusual Hero (LATEST EDIT: 12/10/18)

Author's Note:

Ugghhhhhhhh!!! :flutterrage: I had so many freaking delays getting in the way of making this one! I hope to get these out a lot faster than I have been. Just like always, right click the dark blue text to open a link into a new tab to play the music that goes with the scene and when the light blue text comes in is the key to close the music video.


6/27/18: I made a few edits to the chapter here because of a few grammar mistakes and me constantly mistaking Luna for Twilight. I guess my mind was on another story I'm also doing.

3/11/19: A comment made by someone back in January brought my attention to a few grammar mistakes that I have now fixed

Princess Luna pushed herself to her limit. For her though, it was necessary. She wanted to test herself to see if her physical strength was still the same. Luna didn’t want to use magic immediately. She felt that this was a good opportunity to use her arms and magic to carry both of these heavy crates at the same time. The crate in her magic was still holding steady. She found that she could carry the crate in her arms filled with the daggers easily for a short distance, but after several feet she would have to set the crates down. Walking down the stone steps leading up to Dragonsreach carrying a heavy load was proving to be difficult.

It seems that I still need to regain my physical strength that I lost during my...banishment, she thought as she was struggling to walk.

As she was getting further down the steps, a guard was walking up in her direction towards Dragonsreach. Luna suddenly found her arms strength was beginning to leave her. As the large wooden crate slipped out of her arms, she reacted quickly and caught the crate with her magic before it smashed into the guard's face.

“Woah, Woah, Woah! Watch the magic!” A guard exclaimed, jumping out of the way just in time before Luna could drop the undoubtedly heavy create on his foot by accident. Luna apologized profusely, but the guard simply stormed off grumbling something about the “damn mages of Winterhold.” Luna wondered about what he had said, and decided to put it in the back of her mind for now.

She had to carry the crates in her magic’s grasp for the last stretch of stairs. Luna nearly slipped and fell in to the pool at the bottom, but she held her footing long enough to reach the bottom of the stairs. Luna made her way down towards the market to deliver her goods. There were many merchant booths out and set up today, perfect for citizens browsing the merchant’s wares or travelers passing through in need of supplies. Luna looked around at each of the merchants and each of them looked like they were selling different things. A couple of citizens browsing the vendors began to stare at Luna but quickly went back to their work. Luna looked around to a couple of the wooden vendor booths and settled on going towards one of the guards in front of one of the stores to get their help with the matter.

“Excuse me good sir, do thou know where I should put these...armors and….daggers? The Jarl wished of me to pass these spare armors out to the merchants.” Luna asked.

The guard looked at her warily for a moment as he eyed her glowing horn, but decided to answer her question.

“Over to Belethor’s first,” the guard said pointing over to the door behind him with his thumb. “Then pass the rest out to the merchants out here.”

Luna looked up to the sign on the building for a moment and saw a emblem and the name of the shop: Belethor’s General Goods. She went over to the door with the crates in her magical grasp while the guard moved out of the way as to not get accidentally hit by the crates. He cleared his throat to get Luna’s attention, and sure enough, she turns around and looks at the guard expectantly waiting for him to say something.

“Just make sure you don’t get caught up in one of his little haggles. He carries good stock, but he occasionally gets the urge to scam his customers and create situations WE have to sort out,” the guard cautioned.

Luna then bowed slightly for a moment, thanking the guard and turned back around to open the door into the store. Inside, she found a simple setup for a store, a small table in the middle of the floor with two candlesticks, a bowl, and a vase, presumably for decoration. To the left was the rest of the shop which looked more like someone’s home rather than a store. Behind the counter was a fair skinned man with brown hair on his head that Luna assumed was Belethor. When she came in, his eyes widened with delight.

“Oh, so you must be the strange new horse princess everyone is talking about,” Belethor said cheerfully.

“I am Luna good sir, I assume you are Belethor?” Luna asked as she shifted from using magic on both crates back to just one and carrying the other.

“At your service, If there’s anything you want to buy in my shop, feel free to. Everything’s for sale, my friend. Everything. If I had a sister, I’d sell her in a second!” Belethor replied.

Luna clenched her teeth beneath her lips in anger at his statement, but remembered her mission for the Jarl and decided to put her anger aside for the time being.

“....No...thank you...Belethor. I actually have something to give you.” Luna replied hesitantly, but stoically.

Belethor’s eyebrow raised as Luna set down the crates and took out ten of the armors and ten of the iron daggers.

“The Jarl wished for me to pass out the surplus of armor and daggers from the city guard to the merchants.” Luna said.

The man put on a big grin as she levitated the armors and daggers from each crate on to the counter.

“Much appreciated, Miss. Much appreciated indeed. Give the Jarl my very best regards.” Belethor thanked. "If you ever wish to buy something in Whiterun, don't hesitate to come here first your highness."

She nodded and then picked the armor crate and the dagger crates back up with her magic and began to walk back towards the door.

“Do come back.” Belethor said in a sultry voice.

Luna stopped for a second and turned around for a second to give Belethor an irritated look before going back out the door. Belethor looked at the merchandise before him and put on a wide grin.

“Come back indeed”.

Back outside, Luna looked for the first vendor she could pass out the armor and daggers to. In front of the tavern that Luna recognized as The Bannered Mare was a small booth with various trinkets on it being hosted by an older woman wearing a simple dress. She picked up the crate and slowly walked past the column where the guard that helped her was still posted. The guard looked her way and nodded his head in acknowledgement to her. She bowed her head slightly and continued on to the booth hosted by the older woman. As she approached the booth, many people walking into the marketplace stopped to stare at Luna for a few moments before going about their daily business whispering to each other, presumably about her.

Luna approached the booth and the old lady behind the counter looked surprised at Luna for a second before putting a smile back on to her face.

“Hello there. You must be the foreign princess that the city guard is talking about.” the woman said kindly.

“Greetings miss, I am Princess Luna of Canterlot.” Luna said respectfully as she regains her grip on the dagger crate.

“It is a pleasure to meet you princess, I am Fralia Gray-Mane of the House of Gray-Mane.” Fralia said as she curtsied to Luna. “If I may ask your highness, why are you carrying those heavy crates? Do you need assistance?”

Luna smiled and the placed the crates down in front of her booth.

No thank you, Lady Fralia. We simply wished to ask if thou need extra stock.” Luna said as she bowed. “....Jarl Balgruf wished for me to pass out this...leftover surplus from the town guard to the merchants down here.”

Fralia smile turned into a frown for a moment, before letting out a sigh.

“Balgruf is having such a sweet princess such as yourself slave away and do work that guards or servants should do?”

Luna smiled in reply to Fralia’s concern. “Tis quite alright, my sister and I have had to do manual labor often in the past while ruling our kingdom. I am quite used to it by now. I even enjoy hard work” She replied. “Now then, do you require any extra stock Lady Fralia?”

Fralia smiled at Luna’s eagerness and dedication to her work.

“I’m afraid I don’t have any use for armor or daggers at my booth dearie, but I suppose I could take a few of those armors. I could have my sons take them apart for me and cut them up so I can turn them into bands and bracelets for my jewelry.” she said thoughtfully.

Luna smiled as she took ten more of the flattened leather armors and placed each of them on the counter of the booth. Each cuirass was stacked neatly on top of each other making it a well organized display for any potential citizen or traveler who wished to purchase something from her booth. Luna bent over, picked the two crates back up, began to turn around and move off. However, before she could say farewell and move off to the next booth however, Fralia raised her hand and called for her once again.

“My deepest apologies your highness, but may I humbly ask for your assistance? I’m afraid my body isn’t as spry as it used to be and I am having some difficulty moving these leather armors into my booth’s pantry for later.” Fralia asked.

She walked back towards Fralia’s booth and set down her crates in front of it. Walking around to the backside of the booth, she noticed two small sliding doors built into the back of the booth, presumably for extra storage for product.

“Just open the pantry and place the leather armors back behind the jewelry, If it isn’t too much trouble,” Fralia instructed politely.

Luna nodded and picked up the large stack of leather armors and knelt over to set them down on the ground and open the pantry. Once the pantry was open, she saw a couple of jewelry cases lined up in front, presumably for customers who had made an order with her previously. She carefully moved aside the boxes and began to slowly slip each cuirass into the pantry without breaking anything. She found that the pantry was surprisingly spacious and she would have to stick half her body in to reach the backside.

“Excuse me dearie, I have to leave the booth for a few minutes to talk to my sons. Watch my booth while I’m gone won’t you?” Fralia asked before walking away..

Just a few hundred feet away, a pair of brown eyes that had probing every inch of Whiterun’s Plains District had fallen on Luna’s tail and flank that had been hanging out of the side of Fralia’s booth.

“Ooh! What’s that behind that booth? It looks like a pony! Why is it wearing a dress though? Maybe I can ride it around Whiterun and then up that mountain!” the voice said excitedly. The voice ran over to the booth was and jumped over it hoping to land on a rideable animal, but got an answer in the form of a high pitched feminine shriek.

Out of the blue, Luna felt a massive amount of weight slam down on to her back which made her shriek and react by pushing up forcefully against the floor of the booth in an attempt to knock off whoever had jumped on to her back. She heard a loud thud and then someone groaning off to the side of the side, but then found herself bashing her head into the roof of the pantry and then again with her face on the floor of the booth with another audible thud.

That was definitely going to leave a mark...

She felt the weight off of her back, but relief was immediately replaced with searing anger.

Muttering angrily about the dark things she was going to do to whoever jumped on her, she slowly pushed herself out of the booth and back into the sunlight.

Looking off to the right where she heard the groan, she saw a fairly large man in iron armor holding his face and rolling back and forth in pain. His long blonde hair was messed up and grimy, spread out across the spot he was laying.

“ARE THOU THE LUNATIC THAT JUMPED ON OUR SISTER DAMN BACK?” Luna screamed at the man in her Royal Canterlot voice.

“What the-?” the man closed his eyes and placed them over his ears from the pain caused by the explosive voice he just heard. After a minute of allowing his ears to recover, he slowly took his hands off of his face to see two big sapphire blue eyes looking angrily back at him. Looking up and down, the screaming woman that belonged to the big blue eyes was suddenly very familiar to him.

“Well hi there! I didn’t expect you to be here horse lady! What are you up to today? Did you recover alright?” the bubbly man asked gleefully.

Luna’s irritation grew even further at this man’s uncaring attitude and seemingly insane personality as a vein could be seen forming on her head.

“What the Tartarus are you talking about?!” Luna questioned loudly.

Getting a better look at the man, Luna could see he was wearing a simple set of studded armor with an engraved plate of iron covering his chest and a simple pair of leather gloves covering his hands. The armor was sparse around his arms and torso area exposing his generously muscular arms and broad chest quite a bit. Leather straps covered in bolts and rivets wrapped around his torso to keep the steel plate on his chest in place. A leather tunic with strips covered in hundreds of iron studs covered his legs for free range of movement. From his studded leather belt hung a sword that looked very ancient and not well kept. Its handle was rotting away and its scabbard was tarnished. There appeared to be intricate carvings acting as the fuller along the length of the blade. The edge however looked sharp as it had first been when it was first forged. His horned helmet obscured most of his face except his mouth and his eyes which were an icy blue.

“Oh, it’s only you princess, I had thought you were in some kind of trouble from that dreadful sound you made. I heard you all the way from my house!”

Luna looked up slightly and saw that Fralia had returned.

“My apologies Lady Fralia, I almost finished stacking the leather armors, but this brigand halted my progress” she said as she glared at the man getting back up on his feet.

“Oh! Its good to see you again young man! Princess, this is the young man who brought you into town two days ago and saved you from the Sleeping Tree Camp not far from here!” Fralia happily exclaimed.

Luna looked at Fralia with surprise and then looked back at the man with a stoic face.

The man stared back at Luna with a sheepish smile.

“Sorry about that horse woman, I didn’t know it was you!”

She was still irritated, but decided to put it aside for the time being...

“...Tis alright sir. I suppose I should say thank you, for saving me we mean. If you are indeed the one who saved me from that….giant camp people are telling me about,” Luna replied.

“Eh, don’t worry about it. You looked like you needed a bit of help. There was also a big kitty cat there that was tryin to eat ya.”

“Regardless, I would have been dead had it not been for you. Thank you. I am eternally in your debt. What is your-”

“Hold that thought horse lady, I have something I need to bring to the….Yeeearrrl” he said incorrectly as he was patting all around his body for something.

“Aha! Glad this didn’t break!” he cried as he pulled out a giant stone tablet out of thin air from behind him, much to Luna’s confusion.

“What is that if I may ask?”

“Its some kind of stone that wizard Furrygar and Ball of Gruff asked me to get from that zombie tomb back near Riverwood!” the man exclaimed.

“...Uhhh, doesn’t thou...mean...Sir Farengar and Jarl Balgruf?” Luna asked awkwardly.

“THAT TOO! I wonder how much they’ll give me for getting this?”

The man looked at the tablet and reached behind his back where the tablet seemingly disappeared once more into thin air. Luna’s confusion doubled.

“Anywho, I think I need to get going, I gotta get to Dragonsreach and deliver this to that wizard guy that didn’t seem to like me very much. He’ll probably pay me good for this though! Maybe I can jump off of the stairs and into that swimming pool at the bottom afterwards!”

He started walking slowly away towards Dragonsreach for an unknown reason, dragging his feet with each step.

“Thank you again! We wish that we will see you again soon” as he walked off ever so slowly towards Dragonsreach.

Luna was stunned for a few moments trying to process her exchange with the bizarre man before she turned her attention back to her work as she straightened up the armors in Fralia’s booth and finished up before moving on to the next booth. Luna made an acquaintance with another younger merchant named Ysolda who wasn’t surprised with her appearance, but rather enraptured. She asked her so many questions about where she came from and what was the primary item of trade in her country. Luna kept it vague enough, but gave enough at the same time to sate her curiosity. Apparently she had been in Whiterun for years studying under the other merchants there. She reveals to Luna that she would like very much to become a master trader with the Khajiit caravans.

After an hour of meeting with the local merchants and organizing extra stock for them, Luna picked the empty crates back up and made her way back up to Dragonsreach to tell the Jarl that she had completed her task.

Perhaps I can ask Jarl Balgruf if there is anything he can do to assist me in finding Celestia, she thought. She first had to pick up the crate of leftover daggers and bring it back to the Jarl. Not many of the merchants had any use for daggers except for the man at the shop near the entrance to the city called the Warmaiden’s.

After a bit of walking, she finally made it back up to the tall doors of Dragonsreach at the top of Whiterun and the guards opened them freely this time, presumably being notified of Luna’s presence in Whiterun and her new residency in the palace. When they opened, the strange man was in the main hallway, still slowly walking towards the Jarl across the red carpet that adorned the entrance.

“Good sir?”

The man turned around to see Luna and put a big smile on his face.

“Oh hi again horse lady! What are you up to here at the castle?” he asked cheerfully.

“...Have you been walking to Sir Farengar’s study this whole time?”

“Uh-huh!” he said nodding.

“How?? Why??”

“Oh! I probably got too many goodies along the way that ended up slowing me down, wonder if I should drop anything?” he said as he took a purple flower out of his pocket and dropped it on the floor, his walking speed suddenly turned back to normal.


“There we go, that was weird, I couldn’t walk very fast at all,” he said.

“What??” Luna repeated.

Her head was starting to hurt and this seemingly insane man was starting to act more and more like a familiar subject of hers.

“Bye again horse lady, I’ve got things to do, places to see!” the man said before walking down the hallway to Farengar’s lab.


Luna ran after him to inquire about where she was found. Maybe there was some slight chance that she could find Celestia near there.

While chasing the strange man going towards Farengar’s lab, she could see a hooded stranger wearing leather armor looking over scrolls opened up on his desk. Farengar was off to the side speaking with her while this person was doing so. The man stopped in the doorway of Farengar’s lab to presumably to allow the stranger and Farengar to conclude their business. Then Luna saw him turn his head toward the map and fool around with the pins marking each location. Luna could finally hear what Farengar and the stranger were discussing as she caught up with the man with the horned helmet and thought about speaking to him further, but stopped as to not disturb Farengar.

“You see? The terminology is clearly First Era or even older. I’m convinced that this is a copy of a much older text. Perhaps just after the Dragon War. If so, I can use the names with the other later texts.” Farengar stated.

“Good. I’m glad you’re making progress. My employers are anxious to have some tangible answers.” the figure finally said. The voice that came from it was confirmed to be female.

“Oh have no fear. The Jarl himself has finally taken an interest thanks to two new guests at the palace, so I’m now able to devote most of my time to this research” he replied.

“Time is running, Farengar don’t forget. This isn’t some theoretical question. Dragons have come back” the woman said impatiently.

“Yes, yes, don’t worry. Although the chance to see a living dragon up close would be tremendously valuable…Now, let me show you something else I found...very intriguing..I think your employers may be interested as well.” Farengar said as he was trying to read through an old tome, but looked up to notice Luna and the man with the horned helmet standing in his doorway.

“Hmm? Ah yes! The Jarl’s protege and Luna as well! Back from Bleak Falls Barrow are you? It is...pleasant that you didn’t die." Farengar acknowledged reluctantly. It was clear to Luna that Farengar definitely had his own strong opinions on this man, but decided to keep them to himself.

“Hiya Flurry jar! I got that stone tablet thingy you wanted me to get. I didn’t expect having a zombie swing an icy axe at me though. It WAS a lot of fun!” the man said madly as he took out said stone tablet out of thin air from behind, to which Luna couldn’t wrap her mind around as she watched him. Farengar was taken aback by the man’s bubbly personality, but decided to let it slide.

“Ah! The Dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barrow! Seems you truly are a cut above the usual brutes that the Jarl sends my way."

“Thanks! Uhhh, do I get some kind of reward or something for getting this thingy to you?”

“Hmmm, you’ll have to see the Jarl about that. Maybe his steward Avenicci. I’m sure one of them will pay you appropriately. And I’m sure the Jarl will want to hear of the completion of your work if you are done with it Princess.” Farengar replied.

Luna jerked her head over towards Farengar and gave a slight bow.

“Oh! Of course Sir Farengar, I shall get to that right away.” she said before turning to go speak to the Jarl.

The hooded woman's eyes seemed to widen as they fell upon Luna.

“My...associate here will be pleased to see your handiwork. She discovered its location, by means she has so far declined to share with me.” Farengar then turned to the hooded woman in leather armor. “So your information was correct after all. And we have our friend here to thank for recovering it for us.”

The woman had a look of surprise on her face under her hood when she looked at the man with the horned helmet.

“You went into Bleak Falls Barrow and got that? Nice work. Just send me a copy Farengar when you’ve deciphered it-”

“Farengar!” Irileth bellowed as she entered Farengar’s lab. “Farengar, you need to come at once. A dragon’s been sighted nearby. You should come too child man.”

“Ooh! Thanks Eerie Glyph! Fighting a dragon sounds like fun!” the man exclaimed.

“A dragon? How exciting! Where was it seen? What was it doing?” Farengar exclaimed.

“I’d take this a bit more seriously if I were you. If a dragon decides to attack Whiterun, I don’t know what there is we can do to stop it.” Irileth snapped.

Hearing her voice from across the hall while she was looking for the Jarl, naturally Luna was startled at her news.

So dragons inhabit this world as well. If they are anything like the ones from my own, perhaps I can assist the Jarl in disposing of this one before it brings harm to the people here, Luna thought.

“Lady Irileth! What is going on? Is Whiterun in danger?” Luna cried as she ran towards the dark elf in question.

“There has been a dragon sighted along the Southern stretch of mountains circling around to the west of the hold. We shall confront it and attempt to stop its advance upon the city.”

The three of them including the man with the horned helmet were walking up a stairway past the throne. Luna followed suit behind to see what else was happening. A guard who looked exhausted was running up past the stairs with Irileth, and at the top was a big room one floor up from the throne room that looked as if it was for military strategy with one map set up on a table and another set up on a standing board. and Jarl Balgruf was there waiting. The exhausted guard ran up to the Jarl and bowed.

“So, Irileth tells me you came from the Western Watchtower?” Balgruf asked patiently.

The guard was out of breath, but managed to weaze out an answer.

“Yes, my lord.”

Irileth interjected to help the guard.

“Tell him what you told me. About the dragon.”

“Y-yes...Of course. We saw it coming from the south. It was fast...faster than anything I’ve ever seen.

“What did it do? was it attacking the watchtower?” Balgruf asked concerned.

“No, my lord. It was just circling overhead when I left. I never ran so fast in my life… I thought it would come after me for sure.”

The jarl put on a light smile showing compassion for one of his men. He walked up to the guard and reassuringly placed his hand on his shoulder.

Luna suddenly saw how kind of a ruler Balgruf was from how much he seemed to care about his own guards just as much he cared about his own subjects. She couldn’t help but make a mental comparison to how Celestia cared for her own guards as well.

“Good work, son. We’ll take it from here. Head down to the barracks for some food and rest. You’ve earned it.”

“Irileth, you’d better gather some guardsmen and get down there” Balgruf said as he turned to Irileth.

“I’ve already ordered my men to muster near the main gate,” she replied.

“Good, don’t fail me.”

Balgruf then turned to the man in the horned helmet who gave a big smile.

“There’s no time to stand on ceremony my friend. I need your help again. I want you to go with Irileth and go fight this dragon. You survived Helgen, so you have more experience with dragons than anyone else he-”



"Can Loony or Luna or whatever come with me?"

Luna stepped forward from behind the small group of people to speak her mind.

“Y-Yes, as the man asked before I could, may we assist thee in dispatching the dragon Lord Balgruf?” Luna asked stoicly.

“What? Absolutely not! Do you even have any combat experience? From what you have told us Princess you haven’t had any experience except for a few small bandit-” Irileth started as the Jarl held up his hand and stepped forward towards her and looked at Luna with a hardened gaze deep into her eyes for a solid minute as if he was looking into her heart.

He then gave a deep sigh and put on a smile.

“Very well...Go with him.” the Jarl said as he motioned to the man with the horned helmet.

“What? You can’t be serious-”

“I have made my decision Irileth." He looked at Luna again with an unreadable look before speaking again. “You at least know how to use a sword don’t you?” he interjected and then asked Luna.
“Yes Lord Balgruf, we are second to none except our own sister in our entire kingdom.” Luna confidently replied.

“Good. Also, I haven’t forgotten the service you did for us in retrieving the Dragonstone for Faren-” the Jarl stopped as the horned helmet man didn’t seem to be paying attention as he was playing with the various flags on the war map.

Irritated at his foolishness, Luna walked up behind him with a scowl and pulled him away from the map by his ear and back to the Jarl.

“Owie, owie, owie!”

“Will thou please wait until the Jarl is finished?” Luna asked irritated.

“Fine” he replied slightly annoyed as he folded his arms.

“Ahem, yes. As I was saying, we haven’t forgotten your help in retrieving the Dragonstone for Farengar and helping many of my subjects in the hold. So as a token of my esteem, I have instructed Avenicci that you are now an official citizen of my hold and are permitted to purchase property in the city.”

“Ooh! I’ve always wanted to decorate a house!” the man exclaimed.

“And please accept this gift from my personal armory.” The Jarl said as he presented the man with a pair of polished steel gauntlets.

If Luna had not been trained to sense and spot enchanted objects, she would not have noticed the faint red aura that seemed to surround the gauntlets as the man slipped off his previous gauntlets and slipped the new ones on.

“I do love new armor! Especially armor that glows red!” the man said which catches Luna off guard.

Can he see the aura too? Luna thought.

“Another thing, you can’t go and fight something as dangerous as a dragon without some kind of protection Luna. Irileth, take her to Warmaiden before you exit the city. Have Ulfberth there set Luna up with the finest set of armor he has that she can wear and a decent weapon to use against the dragon should she need it.” the Jarl stated as he grabbed a fairly large sack of coins out of his pocket and threw them to Irileth who caught it with ease.

“Yes my lord, it shall be done.”

“I should come along. I would very much like to see this dragon,” Farengar insisted.

“Absolutely not. I can’t risk all three of you. I need you here working on ways to defend the city against these dragons.” Balgruf replied.

“Very well my Jarl.”

“One last thing, Irileth. This isn’t a death or glory mission, I need to know what we are dealing with. That goes for you as well Luna, as long as you are in my hold and under my protection. Do not take any risks you do not think you can handle.” Balgruf warned.

“Don’t worry milord, I am the very soul of caution. I shall defend Princess Luna with my life, I expect you to do the same child man.”

The man’s eyes widened with delight at hearing this new news about his new friend.

“Oh sure, I’ll do my best!” he replied.

“Come Luna and child man, we must go do our duty.” Irileth urged.

“Oh how I envy you the chance to see this dragon up close Princess!” Farengar exclaimed.

As Balgruf watched the three of them descend the stairs, only one thought entered his mind.

Nine Divines of Nirn, please watch over my new friend. Bring her back to me safely.

Luna and the man with the horned helmet followed Irileth down the steps, across the long hall of Dragonsreach, and out the enormous carved doors that made up the entrance to Dragonsreach. Outside, the sky was dulled gray and white, swirling with storm clouds as a light drizzle was already falling. Luna, Irileth, and the man slowly began their descent down the stone steps.

“A princess huh? Why didn’t you tell me before?” the man asked.

“Our...title twasn’t important. It carries no real weight here.” Luna replied sheepishly.

The man looked over the edge of the stairway down at the pool at the bottom with a large mischievous smile looking as if he was about to do something, but decided to put it aside for the time being.

“So, what is thou’s name? It would be pleasant if I knew the name of my savior.” Luna asked respectfully.

“Yes, I wouldn’t mind knowing myself as well. I don’t care for the idea of calling you child man forever.” Irileth added.

“My name? I’m...not entirely sure to be honest. My real name anyway. I do have a name I have been given by my adopted parents.”

“Thou were adopted?”

“Yeah, I have a name that might be foreign to you guys or somethin, I don’t know the specifics. My new Ma and Pop are nice enough people. They’re Khajiit traders funny enough They rescued me as a baby from my old dad who was about to throw me off a cliff while he was drunk and gave me a new name in place of my old one. I’m K’yell now.”

Luna was horrified hearing him talk about such a tragic past so casually, but gave a smile, finally glad to hear of her new friend’s name.

“Tis good to officially meet you K’yell. And if it isn’t overstepping my bounds, what was thou’s original name?”

“Ehh, I don’t think you want to know.”

“Why not?”

“Its…not pleasant. My old pa was drunk 99% of the time”

“Oh, just spit it out man.” Irileth insisted as the continued their slow descent down towards the entrance of the city.

“Its...Toggaf Limp-Rod.” the man reluctantly admitted.

Luna and Irileth stopped as their confusion overidded their movement for the moment, but after a few seconds, the gears in their heads turned and began to giggle before weezing with laughter for a solid minute. All the while the man looked slightly annoyed.

Luna and Irileth got back up after a minute had passed and regained their composure. They politely coughed into their hands before continuing on towards Warmaiden near the front gates of the city. When they made it to the front gates, a group of guards covered in various types of armor were waiting there for them. One guard not wearing a helmet stood in front of the small group of guards.

“Commander Caius! Where are the rest of the guards we requested?” Irileth snapped at the balding guard.

“Forgive me housecarl, only a few of my men here were at the barracks down here at the time the alarm was sound. The rest of my men are suiting up and making their way down here as we speak,” Caius replied.

“These fools are going to get this city destroyed one of these days.” Irileth lamented as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“We might as well quickly head into Warmaiden and get you into some armor Princess before running headlong into battle to pass some time before the rest of the guard arrive.

“Thank you Irileth” Luna replied.

“Don’t thank me yet, you still need some protection.”

The three of them walked up to a beautiful tan-skinned woman with brown hair working on a grinding stone with a simple steel sword. She seemed to be so focused on her work that she didn’t notice the three of them approach.

“Adrienne, we need some assistance,” Irileth said loudly to get the woman’s attention.

The woman stopped her working and looked up. Her eyes widened slightly and she smiled warmly.

“Greetings Irileth, what brings you here?” Adrienne asked.

“Now isn’t the time for pleasantries my friend. We have a crisis on our hands and I need a suit of your best armor for my companion here” Irileth said motioning to Luna.

Adrienne’s eyes widened with delight as they fell upon Luna’s form.

“Oh, you must be the foreign princess everyone is talking about!” Adrienne exclaimed.

“Yes, I am Princess Luna. I apologize if I have disturbed your work in any way.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble at all. It’s not everyday I get business from royalty even if they are foreign.” she replied.

In the middle of their conversation, Ky’ell walked towards the forge and started pulling up and down on the bellow pull string with both arms and then place bars of metal into the forge all the while having a large grin on his face. Luna stopped her conversation with Adrienne to glare daggers at him.

“Ky’ell, can thou please stop playing with Adrienne’s workplace?” Luna asked irritated.

“Oh he isn’t hurting anything, actually this kind of thing happens a lot. Just...not...how...he...does it” she tried to reply as Ky’ell started jumping up and down while holding on to the bellow drawstring.

“Can you please cease your foolishness until after Whiterun is safe?” Irileth snapped.

“Hm? Oh yeah! Death and Destruction and all that jazz.” he replied as he stopped his outburst.

“Anyway, I think I have something for you Princess,” Adrienne replied as she looked up and down Luna as she circled her. “Come in to my shop, I think we can set you up with something nice.

Luna and Irileth followed Adrienne into Warmaiden and Ky’ell leaved outside to his own devices for a few minutes. Luna met Adrienne’s husband Ulfberth War-Bear who was even more surprised to finally meet Luna. After quick introductions, Adrienne had Ulfberth go in to a back room and pull out an ornate chest with a unique seal on it.

“I received this as a gift from an trader who bought it from a royal elven blacksmith. So far I haven’t been able to find any use for it or anyone to buy it, but I think you might find more use for it Princess.” Adrienne said.

“Uh, Elven Miss Adrienne?”

“Yes, one of the main races on Nirn to which I belong to. I belong to the Dunmer subspecies, but that isn’t important right now, we can discuss other details once the threat to Whiterun has been averted,” Irileth replied.

Adrienne unlocked and opened the crate and then presented the armor within to Luna. It was a beautiful set of steel plated armor coated with gold and what appeared to be traces of moonstone and a third metal unidentifiable to Luna. The metal that made the armor seemed to be lighter than normal steel. The pauldrons were shaped like wings that circled around the shoulders and the chest piece was patterned like the underbelly of a eagle. The figurehead at the top of the chest piece was carved into the head of an eagle. The tunic section was stitched together with individual plates of metal to create the appearance of a coat of tail feathers.

“Thank you”

“Put it on quickly, we can’t waste anymore time. That dragon will be at the Western Watchtower any second.” Irileth urged.

Luna was allowed to go into a side room to slip into her new armor, it was an odd, but familiar experience to say the least. It took no more than a minute for her to put each article of armor on. She came out to meet Irileth standing there outside leaning against the counter with an impatient look.

Adrienne and Ulfberth asked her what weapon she wanted. They went through every weapon they had, but Luna settle for a simple steel sword and an Imperial bow. A quiver filled with 50 iron arrows was also provided for her. The whole process of finding Luna a suit of armor and a weapon took no more than ten minutes at the most.

Irileth and Luna rushed outside to meet K’yell, but found him chasing one of the neighborhood children around while madly waving his sword around and shouting obscenities. The girl in question was screaming at the top of her lungs while trying to evade the seemingly mad man. A boy was standing off to the side on the steps of The Drunken Huntsman gripping his stomach from laughter. Luna attempted to stifle a small giggle. When she saw Irileth’s face though and remembered the severity of their mission, irritation replaced amusement

“Sir Ky’ell, please leave the poor foal alone and come back here!” she snapped.

“WHAT? WHO? I’MA LISTENIN! WHAT”RE WE GOIN AFTER?” he shouted as he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Ignoring him, Irileth went up to her troops and explained the situation to them. While she was briefing her troops on how to handle the situation, Luna felt a sudden jerk at one of her arms as she was dragged towards the gate and out of the city by an out of control Ky’ell, much to her bewilderment.

“What in the world are you doing shouldn't we listen to what Lady Irileth has to say!?!”

“NOTIMETOTALKLET’SGOIWANNABEATTHEMTOTHEACTION!” he screamed as he speedily ran down the steps of the gates and past the outer guard walls with Luna in tow.

Ky’ell came up to a mini waterfall past an outcropping of large rocks where the water runoff coming out of the city flowed through a stream.

Luna could see the Western Watchtower off in the distance. Smoke appeared to be billowing out from the top and the base of the tower in a fiery blaze.
“Wouldnst it be easier to take the road and wait for Irileth before running off into battle Sir Ky’ell?” she asked as she finally managed to free herself from his iron grip.

“You wanna get there before the dragon gets back don’t ya? Then we gotta take a straight shot there!” Ky’ell declared as he quickly grabbed a hold of Luna’s arms, wrapped them around his shoulders and jumped off of the small waterfall. She gave a sharp shriek as they plummeted 30 feet down to the stream below.

When they safely made it to the bottom, relief quickly turned into heightened irritation at her new companion who she was was ready to give strong words to, but found herself still being dragged along across rocks and a stream while Ky’ell stopped to quickly kill a couple of mudcrabs he seemed to have taken an odd interest in. Ky’ell ran up and down a few rocky hills until they finally made it to the Western Watchtower that seemed to be in terrible condition. Various bushes and patches of grass were still on fire as they approached.

Ky’ell let go of Luna and stopped in his tracks, and her irritation was starting to turn into anger as she fully intended on giving the man a piece of her mind.

“Now, Sir Ky’ell, I adore excitement and the thrill of battle as much as the next warrior, but can thou please not drag us along and roughly throw us onto thou’s back and jump off of cliffs as if we were a doll meant for amusement? ….Well? I expect an apology from thou-
“No! Get back Lady Luna! Its’ still here somewhere, Hroki and Tor got grabbed when they tried to make a run for it!” a voice said.

Luna and Ky’ell looked up to see one of the guards trying to obscure himself from sight within the rubble of the tower. His iron warhammer was slung across his back making his efforts to obscure himself a little difficult. They ran up to him to make sure he was unharmed.

“Are thou alright Sir guard? Are you unharmed?” Luna asked.

“I’m fine...for now. Just a couple of scrapes from a tumble down the stairs, but nothing serious.”

“What’s your name guard?” Ky’ell asked in a stern tone.

“Hrogar sir, I was here with six other others scanning for threats when that thing appeared.” he said. “The others are still inside trying to recover from the last attack.

A strange sound echoed off in the distance like a sudden gust of wind on a quiet windless day.

“Kynareth save us, here it comes again,” Hrogar said in a terrified voice.

Luna heard it before she saw it, a deafening roar, followed by the smell of burning air. A long and powerful jet of flame nearly threatened to cook the three of them alive.

JOOR” the dragon seemed to roar before the flame came jetting from its mouth.

Luna and Ky’ell covered themselves and Hrogar as they dove low to the ground behind some rubble.

The other guards came running out of the tower trying to shoot the dragon out of the sky. They had all drawn out their bows and swords, but after firing a few stray shots, they ran back into the tower in an attempt to save themselves. Luna, Ky’ell, and Hrogar dived into the doorway of the tower in an attempt to dodge another jet of flame.

Luna quickly took out her own bow, carefully leaned out of the doorway, took aim at the dragon’s head and released an arrow. The arrow managed to hit its mark, but only lodged itself in the loose flesh between the dragon’s horns. The dragon definitely felt it, but Luna dived back into the tower before it could spot her.

“DAMNIT!” she screamed. “What am I doing? I should be out there facing that beast in the heat of battle! Not cowering in here like a newborn foal.” She ran back outside firing a few more shots, trying to get a hit on the dragon.

Only one other brave guard dared to run outside in attempt to bring down the dragon. He managed to knick the dragon’s underbelly with one of his arrows. It barely fazed the dragon, but it did get it’s attention. The poor guard managed to fire off one more arrow into the air before being grabbed by the dragon’s claws, flung high into the air, and fall right in front of Luna with a sickening splat. Blood seeped out of the guard’s corpse into a pool as he lie in front of her. It was at that point that Luna couldn’t take it anymore. After the stress and seemingly hopelessness of her current situation, she fell to her knees and cried as she looked into the lifeless eyes of the guard. She felt the massive gusts of wind that suddenly appeared as the dragon approached her.

As the dragon hovered above a few feet away, it looked down at Luna and began to speak in a guttural language completely unknown to her with a sickening tone of pleasure.

“No’ah zu’u Mirmulnuir stra vul vahdin. Nu dir.” (Know I am Mirmulnuir strange dark maiden. Now die)

Before the dragon could draw another breath, everything in the world seemed to go quiet in an instant. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Ky’ell looking down at her with his eyes slightly obscured by the shadow of his helmet Luna couldn’t hear anything, except a slow beating of a drum that started to sound. The beating steadily grew faster in tempo. Then suddenly a group of voices began to chant. It was otherworldly as if trying to gain everyone’s attention locked on to Ky’ell. The drums and chanting seemed to emanate from Ky’ell as he was the only other thing standing amidst all of the fire and chaos.

Luna watched as he took one step and then another. With his right arm he reached for his sword and drew it. Luna’s eyes widened as the ringing of metal was the last sound she remembers hearing before falling unconscious the first time on this world. She suddenly had the urge to stand up again. The dragon above seemed to hear the chanting as well as it looked around searching for its source. When its eye fell upon Ky’ell, with a beat of its massive wings it landed right in front of Ky’ell and gave a mighty roar, which seemed to cause Luna to regain her hearing.

The dragon suddenly lunged forward snapping its jaws. Ky’ell jumped to the side and simultaneously swung his sword to the side at an angle cutting into the soft underside of the dragon’s head. Small droplets of dragon blood splashed into the air. The dragon roared and attacked again, pressing forward. Ky’ell struck again and again, with the damage of each blow infuriating the dragon. The dragon reared back and roared letting out a jet of flame. Luna and Ky’ell had to jump out of the way to avoid being engulfed in the intense flames of the dragon. The deceased guard’s body was completely charred away into an unrecognizable husk.

Luna stood there heart pounding as she watched the battle unfold in front of her. She had to do something. She looked around frantically and her eyes fell upon a familiar sight. The crate of iron daggers that had been given back to the guards after her task earlier the day. It was set down by the stairway up to the tower presumably for one of the guards to pick up and store at a later time. She eyed the crate, looked back at the charred body of the former guard and felt something she had not felt in a long time. Hatred. She was filled with such anger that she hated the dragon. It was a dark emotion that she had not felt for a thousand years and it was terrible, but It gave her strength.

In the distance, Luna could see Irileth and the rest of the guards running towards the Watchtower to help vanquish the dragon. However, she was not going to take any chances with it.

Irileth and her guards could be killed by this beast if I do nothing to stop this dragon NOW, Luna thought.

She picked up the crate of daggers in her telekinetic grip and proceeded to take all of them out individually and throw each of them with her magic at the currently airborne dragon.

Ky’ell dove behind a boulder as a jet of flame shot passed him. The dragon, seeing it’s opportunity, flew into the sky to get a better shot at it’s enemy. Just as it circled over him. It let out small shriek, several daggers had flown through the air and pierced the soft tissue of its wings. It turned towards the attacker only to be faced with several more daggers, flung at such a high speed. Most of the daggers ricocheted off the dragon’s hard armor, but several were lucky enough to pierce through the dragon’s many unprotected areas. One dagger even found itself lodged into the base of its wing where many nerve endings were located. The dragon roared painfully and spun in the air, firing jets of flame everywhere in fury.

Luna was in a fit of rage, throwing dagger after dagger with her magic, with her eyes glowing bright blue from the intense magical energy. She was so enraged that she did not realize how exposed she was in case the dragon decided to attack. The dragon swept down low, ignoring the pain a few well placed dagger had done to it, It extended it’s claws, fully intending to snatch the nuisance up and fling her up into the air. But it's claws felt nothing but air as it reached for Luna.

Seeing the dragon flying towards her, Ky’ell ran up to Luna and tackled her into the dirt to keep the dragon from snatching her up.

Luna felt herself losing her concentration on the daggers as she was being being knocked into the ground and found Ky’ell laying on top of her.

“So...come here often?” he said with a cheshire cat grin.

With an irritated grunt she pushed him off of her chest over to the side. He got back up on his feet and redrew his sword. His icy blue eyes watched the dragon circle around for another attempt.

“But seriously now, take the left flank over by the road.”

Luna gave him a look, but nodded and darted to the left taking much of the daggers with her in her telekinetic grip. She looked over her shoulder once and saw that the he had disappeared. Having no choice but to trust him to take care of himself she ran around several burning patches of grass and bushes, all the while looking up into the sky to find out where the dragon had gone. She spotted it in the distance shooting fire onto the ground in passing. Luna could only pray that Ky'ell was doing alright. She stopped and hurled her daggers at the dragon. This time the dragon dodged them, flying high and making a loop to fly directly at her. Her heart raced and she turned to run to a safer vantage point, but almost ran face to face with Irileth, along with her whole company of guards.

“Arrows at the ready!” All the guards readied their bows and arrows. Irileth placed a hand on Luna’s shoulder as if to stop her from going anywhere. Luna got the message and readied what was left of her daggers. Irileth snarled as she gazed upon the dragon that was flying quickly towards them at an alarming speed. Just when it looked like it was in range to breath fiery death upon them. Irileth gave the order with a wave of her arm.


A rain of arrows flew through the air and created a massive shadow overhead. Many missed, but some manages to hit their mark and pierced the underbelly of the dragon and a few even managed to pierce the wings of the dragon in a few places, but not enough to bring down the dragon.

Luna pulled out her own bow and readied the last of her daggers, took aim and let them loose on the dragon. All of them hitting the base of the dragon’s left wing. It tried to recover but failed, only managing to glide for another minute before crashing down into the Pelagia Farm’s crops.

“My cabbages!” Mr. Pelagia lamented.

Luna then noticed a moving silhouette off in the distance toward the dragon It was moving fast. Luna recognized it as Ky’ell. He was carrying a sword and one of Luna's daggers now and part of his armor looked like it had been singed rather badly. He jumped across the fence marking the boundary of the crops field and jumped. Luna watched in amazement as Ky'ell flew through the air and landed on the dragon’s neck. What transpired next confused her even more. he proceeded to reach around the dragon’s head and punch out the dragon’s eyes simultaneously with his fists. When the dragon managed to shake him off and regain its sight, it tried to burn Ky’ell in a fit of rage. Taking the opportunity, Ky’ell picked up a large stone and chucked it into the dragon’s mouth causing it to choke.

“HEY FLAMING ASSHOLE! YOU SHOULD. HAVE. CHEWED. YOUR. FOOD!” Ky’ell screamed before sliding under the dragon’s head and stabbing it up his throat. He did so repeatedly until the dragon stopped struggling and collapsed onto the ground. Mirmulnuir's blood gushed out of his neck like a fountain and completely drenched Ky'ell in it, staining his skin and armor crimson red. Then there was finally silence from the dragon.

Luna finally managed to make it over to the scene after a few minutes of running with Irileth and the remainder of her squadron following suit. Luna came up to Ky’ell where he pulled his sword out from underneath the dragon and rolled himself out from underneath the dragon. He dropped his sword and spread his arms out flat.

“That was fun.” he said sounding exhausted.

Luna stretched out her hand and helped him on to his feet.

Then all of a sudden, something was happening to the dragon. It’s scales were peeling away, burning up like leaves thrown into a fire crackling and snapping. He stood in bewilderment and fascination as a deep and powerful magic swirled up and out of the dragon and into him.

Luna’s eyes widened in the same look of fascination and bewilderment.

“I don’t believe it. You’re dragon born.” One of the guards said out loud as he pushed himself to the front to meet him. The guards began to murmur amongst themselves while Irileth took in the sight before her with interest.

“What are you?” Luna asked with interest.

Unbeknownst to all of them, the magic going into Ky’ell was also going into her as well.

After all of this, Irileth looked at both of them with confusion.

“What the hell just happened?”

Back in a dark place...

"Hey Celestia, I think I've found us a way to get out."

"Me too, and just in time, my magic is finally returning to me."

"Well what did you have in mind?"

"Let me get ahold of that armor over there first. A tale my student once told me she learned while living among humans for a short time has given me an idea. The tale was about a rich human named Stark if I'm not mistaken".