• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 7,400 Views, 348 Comments

Two Sisters and a Dragonborn - Spettro138

When The Royal Sisters are transported to a country at war, they must find its hero if they ever want to get home and stop the madness of the daedra.

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Intermission: The Mane Meeting of Madness (Update: 8/11)

Author's Note:

I know I dropped you off with a "next time" thing last chapter guys, but I need a little more time to brainstorm and edit the next official chapter. Plus, if you saw my latest blog post, you'll know I faced some complications involving my laptop charger. So here's a little something to tide you over until then. A bit of a look into what took place before the Royal Sisters were banished from the Mane Six's perspective.

I put a fun little brony reviewer joke into the story. Let's see if you guys can spot it :trollestia:

Just for a little real life perspective, I was forced to type out half of this chapter on my phone and believe me that is not easy. Let me know if you see any spelling or grammar errors.

Before the Princesses were banished to the country at war...

They had no idea what to expect when they arrived in Canterlot. The message from the Princess was so vague that they could only go there under the assumption that it was something very bad. Little did the new Princess Twilight Sparkle know, that things for her and her friends was about to go from bad to much worse. When the urgent message from Celestia arrived by way of dragon flame from her faithul assistant and little brother Spike, Twilight and her six friends had decided to take the evening train to Canterlot, hoping the speed would propel them faster than other modes of transportation. Twilight and her friends were standing up in their first class car that they had to themselves, anxious to get out and help the Princesses. Twilight Sparkle had to pay the engineer extra to propel the train down the tracks towards Canterlot at full speed to get there much faster.

“Alrahty then Twah, what did the message exactly say again? And please tell us a little bit more slowly this time." Applejack asked.

“Yeah! Tell us! Cause you were rambling almost faster than Pinkie during one of her sugar rushes.” Rainbow Dash added.

"Or Dashie after drinking on of Rarity's Capper Chinos! Those have funny names!" Pinkie retorted.

“That's cappuccino Pinkie dear. And please Twilight, if you insist on standing, please stand still for a moment to tell us properly so we can actually hear you." the white unicorn insisted.

Said lavender pony that they were speaking to was quickly pacing back and forth in the lavish train car. Her eyes were darting all over the place and she seemed to be quietly muttering to herself, not paying any attention to her friends in the train car. Every once in a while, the lavender alicorn would start hysterically laughing to herself. The other ponies in the car looked at each other for a moment with a look of sincere concern in their eyes for their friend. One of them began to walk slowly towards her.

“They’re both in trouble. What if Chrysalis has come back and is brainwashing them? What if Canterlot is being invaded by a foreign military like the Caribou?! What if Canterlot is being attacked by a giant monster? What if they’ve been captured by the plunder vines again?!”

A pink blur bounced past the five of them and landed right on top of Twilight’s back causing her to collapse on to the ground.

“C’mon Twilight. We need your smarty brand of cray-cray right now, not your “me” brand of cray-cray right now.” Twilight heard a bubbly voice state.

"Pinkie, please get off of me!" I need to be ready when we arrive in Canterlot. I can't do that though when your plot is planted firmly on my back!" Twilight yelled.

“Not until you Pinkie Promise that you won’t go nutty like that time in Season 2.”

The rainbow maned pegasus rolled her eyes, flew over to her, and picked Pinkie Pie off of Twilight and placed her back down on to the floor over by the white unicorn Rarity.

“Hey!” I was about to have a moment of character building with her!,” Pinkie whined.

"Maybe later Pinkie. Right now, Twilight needs help," Fluttershy softly replied as she gently pat Pinkie on the back.

Rolling her eyes at the pink earth pony, the blonde pony walked up to Twilight and held out her hoof. Twilight looked at her and her hoof for a moment before taking it and allowing the blonde pony to help her up on to her hooves. Twilight looked tense for a moment before relaxing and giving the blonde pony a small smile.

“Thank you Applejack. Sorry for losing it there for a sec,” Twilight calmly thanked

“Aw, that’s alright sugarcube. We all have our moments. Some more than others anyway,” she said while giving Pinkie Pie a quick glance with a raised eyebrow.

"What? You wound me madam," Pinkie said, faking offence. "I'll have you know that I haven't misbehaved in over three days."

"Forgive our doubtfulness dahling, but you did stick your nose between the Zebra Ambassador's back legs three days ago," Rarity deadpanned.

"I was doing my Annual blindfolded donut search!"

The train began to slow to a halt as they started to hear the brakes of the train start to give a metallic squeal. The force of the train beginning to stop began to shake Twilight and her friends and make them lose their balance for a few seconds. Just outside the windows of the train they could see the well lit train station platform of Canterlot. There was something amiss however. The platform was massed with more ponies than usual trying to get on to the train.

Running out of their car and on to the platform they witnessed a chaotic sight. Ponies panicking, guards trying to direct ponies towards the platform and on to the trains arriving at Canterlot Grand Station. Many ponies were being trampled by the stampede of those who were trying to leave the city. Many noble ponies from each district of the city were shoving their ways on to the trains. Rarity recognized one of them among the crowd of nobles in the back of the line to one of the trains. A prim and proper white unicorn with a neatly kept blue mane and a thin mustache. His tuxedo was unkept and messy as if it had been caught up in a storm.

“Fancy Pants!” Rarity exclaimed as she ran up to the stallion.

The white stallion turned his head towards her and gave a bright smile at the mare.

“Ah, Miss Rarity! It is very good to see you again my friend. I do wish we had met again under better circumstances.” the stallion cheerfully greeted as he embraced Rarity in a hug.

“Are you alright? Where is Fleur?” Rarity asked concerned.

“Oh, I’m certain she’ll be back in a moment. We visited a new drink establishment on the outskirts of the city a few hours ago called Mamba Juice and now she has to unfortunately use the loo. I’m holding her spot in line.” he replied.

“Are you and Fleur going to be alright? I hope this isn’t distressing you two too much.”

“Oh, pish-posh. Fleur and I can handle a little excitement. We’ve been meaning to get out of the city for a while now for a much needed break from work anyway, but couldn’t come up with a time. I suppose now is as good as a time as any. We might go to our new estate on the outskirts of Ponyville to oversee its last steps of construction.”

“I’m glad. Perhaps we could all have tea together. After this whole thing is over of course.” Rarity suggested.

“I think that would be delightful. And maybe you could perhaps give Fleur and I a tour of your charmingly rustic town. I think Fleur and I need to stay out of Canterlot for a while to rejuvenate our spirits. Fresh air and a change of scenery may do us some good."

"Well, I look forward to showing you my neighborhood then," Rarity replied happily.

Twilight gave a small smile at her friend talking to Fancy Pants as she took a cursory scan of the station. Sh saw another small group of the nearby guards adorned in gold armor and ran up to one of them she recognized with her friends trailing close behind her.

“Commander Aegis Slash! What is going on? What is happening to the princesses?” Twilight screamed at the guard.

The guard noticed Twilight after her outburst and him and his small squad quickly gave her a deep bow.

“Princess Twilight! It is so good to see that you are here. The city is in chaos. We were ordered to evacuate the city by Princess Celestia herself. Unfortunately, we’ve been struggling to do even that.”

“ Princess Celestia? Where is she? What is happening Aegis?”

“She and Princess Luna are still in Canterlot Castle. They are in the throne room trying to fight off an unknown creature who was laying waste to the central part of the city and has entered the castle!” he frantically explained.”

Twilight looked towards Canterlot Castle and saw smoke rising up from the central part of the city.

“That don’t look good at all” Applejack morbidly stated.

Twilight stared off into the distance for a moment with a look of fear before shaking her head, and turned back to Aegis Slash with a determined look on her face.

“Commander. I would like you to send a command from me to the other trains coming towards Canterlot to drop off anypony coming this way by train at the nearest station outside of Canterlot and come this way at full speed. We need all the trains we can get as soon as possible if we are going to get these ponies evacuated.”

“At once your highness!” Aegis Slash and his small squad saluted her and then galloped off to complete their orders.

“C’mon gang! Let’s go save the Princesses!” Rainbow Dash cried as Rarity ran back up to them.

They all began galloping at full speed towards Canterlot Castle out into the early nighttime air, quickly sprinting out of Canterlot Station and past many of the shops and cafes on the outer part of the city. The panic of the Canterlot ponies had done quite a number on the city Many barrels and various shopping vendors had been knocked over presumably by panicking ponies escaping the city. The windows of many of the various cafes, art galleries, and shops had been broken. A few of the lampposts illuminating the streets had toppled over presumably from the ponies trying to flee from the city. Shards of glass had decorated the street in a dangerous coat of sharpness and sparkle. By this time, only a few ponies were in the streets heading to the station as most of them had already arrived at the train station.

"So what is going on? I'm afraid I missed the discussion you were having with that strapping stallion Twilight." Rarity said as she mischievously gave Twilight a smile.

"Apparently the Princess ordered the city to evacuate and they are sending in us as the big guns against this weird creature attacking the princesses! Rainbow replied pumping her hoof while flying.

“Darn, I wish I was here at this panic party, and I always go to panic parties!” Pinkie bubbily stated while looking down at all of the stray fruit and glass spread about on the cobble stone street.

“Oh, I do hope no one was hurt trying to get out.” Fluttershy added.

“Hey Twi, I'm not sure if this is the best time to bring this up, but don’t your parents live here? I hope they got out alright.” Rainbow asked nervously.

Twilight halted her advances on Canterlot Castle and turned around to face Rainbow Dash so quickly, that she almost gave herself whiplash. What was on her face was a look of pure terror.Her eyes were shining with the beginnings of tears and she was lightly shaking. She then suddenly bolted down a side street at full speed barely giving her friends time to react.

“Where is she going?” Rainbow asked no one in particular.

“Where do yah think she’s goin? Goin to get her mane done?,” Applejack snapped ignoring the huff given by Rarity at her comment. “She’s going to see if her kinfolk are safe. As would we all would do. Now c'mon, let’s git after her!”

The five of them followed Twilight down many various alleyways and streets trying to keep up with her as best as they could. Weaving their way through the city, they eventually stopped as they saw Twilight run up to a somewhat fancy, but simple looking house on one of the side streets close to the castle. There appeared to be a note on the door that Twilight seemed to collapse in relief after reading.

Rarity walked up to the door, teared off the note and began reading it aloud for everypony to hear.

"Twilight honey, knowing you, you are probably in a tizzy right now worrying about us, but I thought I’d stick this to the door before leaving. Don’t worry, your father and I will be alright, we are just going to stay with your Aunt Crystal Sparkle in Las Pegasus for a few days. You remember her, you met her at your tenth and thirteenth birthdays. She’s gonna be letting us stay in her private penthouse while we are there. Good luck with the baddie honey. Kick its plot for us!"


P.S:This is Dad, be careful honey.

Rarity finished reading the note and turned to the other girls who each had varying smiles on their faces including her own.

“I didn’t know ya had an aunt Twilight.” Applejack stated surprised.

“Yeah, why haven’t you mentioned her? We could have a "We now know you have a big family” party after this," Pinkie happily agreed.

“Don’t know her all that well honestly. I hardly ever see her. All I know is she’s some kind of bigshot fashion model/CEO in Las Pegasus. We met a couple of times and she seems nice enough” Twilight groaned tiredly while still on the ground. She then turned on to her hooves and pushed herself back on to her hooves.

“Oh, she’s much much more than that Twilight. She’s THE premiere model of west coast Equestria AND she owns half of the jewelry and trade industry in Las Pegasus. I’ve been trying to contact her for ages to do business with her but I keep getting stonewalled by her stubborn secretary. Some unicorn mare named Arid Mausoleum. I believe she works part time for one of the Royal Guard's Commanders down in the Southern Badlands.” she thoughtfully explained while looking off into space.

“Hey, I don’t know about you five, but we have two princesses to save and every second we stay here, the more likely they’ll be goners by the time we get there. So let’s move out!” Rainbow barked.

Twilight looked at the others, turned towards the castle and they galloped the rest of the way at full speed. When they made it to the drawbridge into the castle past the outer walls, they came across two Pegasi guards at the entryway who immediately drew their spears at the approaching girls expecting trouble before putting themselves at ease after recognizing their new princess of magic.

“Princess Twilight. Thank Celestia, you are here. We were just about to give up all hope of help before you arrived.” one of the guards exclaimed.

“Steel Wing, it's really good to see you, but please, where are the princesses?”

“In the throne room confronting the threat, your highness. The Royal Guard has already evacuated most of the citizens in the city to Canterlot Grand Station where they will be departing from Canterlot and making their way to safer locations until further notice. Fifty of us remained behind to create a perimeter around the castle while the rest of the guard deals with evacuations.” the silver maned guard explained.

"Good. Please let us in then Steel Wing, and don't let anyone in or out until the threat has been properly dealt with," Twilight firmly requested.

"At once your highness." Steel Wing replied with a salute.

"PRIVATE CUMULUS! LOWER THE DRAWBRIDGE! PRINCESS TWILIGHT AND THE ELEMENTS WISH TO CROSS!" he bellowed up to one of his subordinates on the wall adjacent to the drawbridge.

The guard in question saluted down to Steel Wing and started cranking a mechanism which slowly but surely lowered the massive gold plated drawbridge covering the gap across the narrow moat around the castle. It fell on to their edge of the most with a solid echoing thud.

After a moment of unsettling silence, Twilight and the girls snapped themselves out of their stupor and began to run across the drawbridge and approach the massive ivory white entryway doors into the castle. Twilight stopped for a moment and turned to her friends behind her.

"Girls, you all ready for this? We are pretty much going into this blind. Anything could be in there," Twilight stated.

"Let's go already, I want to kick some bad guy flank!" Rainbow excitedly cried.

"I'm ready, I'm ready, for a boss battle." Pinkie happily said in a sing-song voice.

"Let's just get a move on already, we're wastin time," Applejack snapped.

Twilight nodded to them and the big golden handles of the entryway doors were illuminated with a violet light as Twilight slowly pulled them open with her magic. The doors swung wide open with a daunting groan. Twilight and her friends entered the castle and quickly began their way across the long entryway hall towards the main throne room.

"This might be a bad tim to ask this darling, but how do you know those two strapping stallions, Aegis and Steel I believe their names were." Rarity inquired with a swoon.

"They were my personal bodyguards for the last few years I lived in Canterlot. And they weren't uptight like the rest of the Guard, so I got to know them a bit. They must have been promoted to lieutenant not long after I left."

"Got to know them a bit? How well did they get aqcuainted with you?" Rainbow asked in a mischievous tone while wiggling her eyebrows.

"RAINBOW! You know a lady never tells about that sort of thing." Rarity replied.

Twilight's cheeks noticeably got red.

"Where in tartarus did you come up with that conclusion?" she yelled in embarrasment.

"We're about to go up against a big bad varmit again and all you two can do is gossip about Twi? C'mon girls, we gotta keep our wits about ourselves." Applejack snapped.

As they got closer to the throne room, they could make out voices and the loud sounds of various items being thrown around. One of the voices slowly getting more audible was distinctively male. At one point they even heard the distinct sound of a breaking window. With each sound, Twilight pushed her muscles even further to go faster, even when they were already screaming for a break.

"I really hope this isn't Discord again trying something funny or else this is going to be awkward." Rainbow growled.

"Oh no, Rainbow, this couldn't be Discord. He just sent me a letter saying he's going to be with a friend in another world for a few days. Something he calls a human named Wade." Fluttershy politely insisted as she tried to keep up with the group.

"You two send each other letters?" Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh yes, we're friends. I like to keep in contact with him." she replied.

The girls then went silent as they finally reached the main throne room. What they came across in the throne room frightened them.

Both of the Sisters appeared to be gradually glowing brighter and brighter as they were collapsed on the ground, weakly moving their legs. A strange hairless bipedal being in equally strange clothes and armor seemed to be casting some kind of spell on them while maintaining an unsettling giant smile on his face. A golden cyclone seemed to encircle the Sisters, slowly getting faster as they glowed brighter.

Twilight tried using her magic to cancel out whatever spell it was using, but her horn just fizzled out with a few purple sparks. Twilight then tried pushing her way over to the princesses through the game winds in the throne room. She made it a few feet into the biting winds before she was forcefully ejected out of thr cyclone by the strange being who looked at her from the other side of the room and shook his finger at her with feined disappointment. Twilight just gave him a face of pure anger in return before returning her gaze to the princesses.

In desperation, Twilight tried telling to them in order to get through to them, but the shrieking cyclone seemed to be blocking out all surrounding sounds.

Luna is much closer to me. Maybe she will hear me if I use the Royal Canterlot Voice, she thought.

So she took a deep breath in and focused her magic into her vocal cords and let out a booming yell that even her friends could hear over the winds.


For a moment, Luna seemed to hear her as she slowly began to turn her head towards Twilight. Unfortunately, just as she was beginning to see the blues of her eyes, Luna and Celestia disappeared into thin air with a blinding flash.

"Luna? Celestia?" she asked in shock and disbelief. "No...oh Celestia please no..."

"What just happened girls?" Rainbow inquired in a frightened voice.

Twilight could feel her eyes grow moist and a lump grow inside her throat as her gaze was still stuck on the spots where the Sisters used to be. She was snapped out of her stupor by a solid wooden knock on the marble floor of the throne room. She looked up to see the bipedal being trying to get her attention with his wooden walking stick.

"Now my dear. Would you be so kind as to provide me with more entertainment than those stuffy rulers were able to?" the being respectfully requested.

"Oh, andquicklytellmewheremybrotherinmadnessisbeforeIfuckingimpaleyoualloncandycanesandmushroompatches," he rapidly ranted.

"Wh-who are you? What are you?" Twilight asked terrified.

"And what demented horror designed YOUR clothes?" Rarity cried.

"Oh, my apologies. Manners before madness. Or is it madness before Manners? Anywho, I suppose introductions are in order. I am Sheogorath, Daedric prince of madness. ...and other things. ThatIamnottalkingabout."

"She-ogo-rath?" Pinkie clumsily pronounced.

"Ex-actacaly" Sheogorath cheerfully replied before his personality took a polar reversal.. "Now please actually tell me where Discord is, I wish to know why this realm isn't filled with chocolate rain, candy clouds and paper mache mountains yet."

Meanwhile in another realm...

A familiar draconeques was going through his bag at a friend's place making sure he was ready for his weekend stay over.

The apartment he was in was more akin to a condemned building, but he couldn't seem to care in the slightest as he happily prepared for his vacation.

"Alrighty then, upside down sleeping bags, shaking milks, pineapple grenades, living back scratcher, I should really get that thing tamed, glow stick swords." He counted off. "Hey, author, I know chaos is my thing, but this supply list is weird."

"Hey, Dissy are ya ready? I have a spot in Pulverine's room at Charlie's school all set up for DDR while they are off on their little Mars trip. I wanna hijack everything there while we can" A very bubbly male voice asked from the other room."

"Almost done Wade, I just need to check the last of my things before our fun can commence." Discord replied

"Did you get the scripts of Green Lantern for us to use as target practice?"

"Yes, I got the scripts of Green Lantern for us to use as target practice." Discord replied.

"Sweet! Now let's go!" the voice replied.

"One second, I need to-" Discord stopped as he heard a ringing come from his pouch. He reached into his backpack and pulled out an alarm clock with flashing butterflies on its face.

"Really? That's what you are going with for an emergency signal author? Might as well put me in a rabbit costume and a cape while you're at it." Discord replied annoyed while looking towards the wall.

"What's up Dis? We goin or what?"

"Sorry Wade, It sounds like there's some trouble going on back home. I'll have to come back when I see what's up," he replied to Wade as he stood up with his shoulder pouch.

With a snap of his fingers, he disappeared without a trace.

The sound of light footsteps came close to the door frame of the filthy room as a familiar red and black face with white eyes popped out from the side.

"Hey author, can you possibly shoehorn in me getting my teleporter unit back? What he's doing sounds like fun. And bring in Mr. Aquino in at a later time for a collab chapter while you're at it.

Next time...

"So, you are the horse princess who slayed The Butcher?"

"My name is Celestia. Where am I?"

"You are in The Palace of Kings Princess. Now, tell me why I have never seen the likes of you before I imprison you as an Aldemiri Spy."