• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 7,400 Views, 348 Comments

Two Sisters and a Dragonborn - Spettro138

When The Royal Sisters are transported to a country at war, they must find its hero if they ever want to get home and stop the madness of the daedra.

  • ...

Chapter 6: The Shout

Author's Note:

That took a while. Jeez. Maybe this time around I will be able to get more chapters out more frequently. The little exchange between multiple people at the bottom of the page identified by single letters shouldn't be to hard for die hard fans of Skyrim to figure out. I will give you a hint though: Each unknown being represented by a letter is a member of a group of beings that are total opposites in nature to the Daedra.

Anywho, like always, in most parts, the blue text is the signal to right click and open a video in a new tab that plays music that goes with the situation or setting in the story. And the light blue text is the key to close it

Latest edit: 4/8/19

Back on the smoldered rocky fields of Whiterun, a mile of terrain all around was on fire from the recent battle. Dry grass had caught fire and turned much of the surrounding area into a grim black. Luckily, the early spring rain had halted the flames advancing on the city. The falling rain seemed to clear the air of all smells of smoke and death, making way for smells of fresh lavender and grass. The area around the Western Watchtower however, remained a hellish landscape even after its defiler was destroyed. Smoke and patches of flame continued to smolder and burn under the morning rain clouds. The skeleton of the dragon Mirmulnuir was the only thing that seemed to keep the landscape from healing.

Ky’ell and Luna had finally vanquished the beast, saving the city of Whiterun from total destruction. The great dragon Mirmulnuir had finally been silenced. When Ky’ell gave the final blow ending the dragon Mirmulnuir’s life, something happened that none watching the spectacle expected. A swirling light blowing like a blizzard came from the dragon and absorbed into Ky’ell and Luna’s bodies, giving them a heavenly glow for a brief moment. Luna then swore she could hear otherworldly chanting coming from Ky’ell for a few seconds before everything in the world seemed to go silent again. She looked at herself, examining for any changes brought on by this unusual event. Thankfully, nothing appeared to be missing or changed except for the feeling of a second presence lingering within her.

“I don’t believe it. You’re dragon born.” One of the guards said out loud as he pushed himself to the front to meet him. The guards began to murmur amongst themselves while Irileth took in the sight before her with intrigue.

“What are you?” Luna asked with interest.

Unbeknownst to all of them, the magic going into Ky’ell was also going into her as well.

After all of this, Irileth looked at both of them with confusion.

“What the hell just happened?”

Luna looked down at her hands, then at Ky’ell, who was still processing everything that happened and then she lifted her head to look for answers that the guard with the open helmet appeared to have.

“What..is a Dragonborn sir guard?” Luna asked intrigued.

“In the very oldest of our nation's tales, back when there were still dragons in Skyrim roaming the land, the Dragonborn would slay dragons and steal their power.” the guard replied. “That’s what the two of you did isn’t it? You absorbed the dragon’s power?

“I’m not entirely sure what kind of crazy thing just happened,” Ky’ell finally replied as he gently clenched his hands and patted his body all over, attempting to find any sort of physical change with him.

“He could have at least bought me dinner before going inside me,” Ky’ell mischievously added.

Luna gave him an unamused deadpan look before turning back to the guard.

“I am not certain what just happened to us either. I have never felt anything like this before,” Luna admitted

“There’s only one way to find out. Try to shout…”

“...Shout sir guard?” Luna asked with a raised brow.

“Yes Lady Luna, according the the old legends, only the Dragonborn could Shout without training, the way the dragons do to use their godlike abilities.”

Another guard walked up to him and raised his eyebrow at him

“Dragonborn? What are you talking about?” he asked.

“That’s right! My grandfather used to tell stories about the Dragonborn!” a third guard added. “Those born with the dragon blood in em. Like old Tiber Septim himself.”

Luna looked at Ky’ell with a questioning look and he just gave her a shrug. She looked within herself to find this new power, but didn’t find anything new tied to her magic. However, the second presence she felt enter her when they killed the dragon seemed to stir. An intense feeling of primordial rage within the presence encompassed her entire being. She then tried tapping into this new presence to unleash whatever was trapped within her. For a brief moment, the presence expelled a feeling of confusion and loss, before returning to that feeling of ancient pure rage. The feeling in her traveled up from within her chest and seemed to stop right in her throat. She turned to Ky’ell with a stoic look.

Then, a guttural voice seemed to whisper incoherently into her mind in an unknown language. The only word she could make out was a word that felt heavy with power. A word that forced Luna and Ky’ell to look to the sky and bellow that single word.

“FUS!!!” they screamed as a forceful blue aura exploded out of their throats and into the cloudy morning sky.

The guards jumped in surprise and then looked at the two of them in awe and wonder. One of the guards stepped forward.

“That was Shouting! What you two just did!. Must be. You two really are the Dragonborn.

“WHAAAAAAAAAA? Naw, that wasn’t shouting. Shouting is yelling at someone you don’t like. That was belching blue gas. Why can I burp blue gas? I thought my ass was for that? I think that funny sounding word I burped came from that carved rock wall back at that zombie tomb above Riverwood,” Ky’ell hysterically replied.

As the situation continued to unfold, Irileth stood behind the rest of the guards, watching Luna and Ky’ell in utter silence, trying to process everything that was happening all at once.

One of the guards closest to her looked at her and tried to snap her out of her thoughtful trance.

“What do you say Irileth? You seem awfully quiet right now.”

She looked at the group of guards with a slightly irritated expression and looked back at Luna and Ky’ell thoughtfully. She gazed directly into Luna's ice blue eyes as if pondering on an answer.

“Come on Irileth, tell us. Do you believe in this Dragonborn business?” one of the other guards asked.

“...Hmph. Some of you would be better off keeping quiet than flapping your gums on matters you know nothing about.” she replied coldly. “Here’s a dead dragon. That is something I can definitely understand from this whole situation. Now we know we can kill them. But it still remains to be seen whether or not I believe in your mythical Dragonborn or not. For the time being, until I can find out more, someone who can put down a dragon is more than enough for me.”

“I suppose that is fair enough housecarl. Most non-Nords dismiss our tales the first time they hear them.” the guard next to her replied.

“I’ll admit, I’ve been all across Tamriel and I have seen many outlandish things like this. However, there is definitely something different about this one… For now though, I advise you to trust in the strength in your sword arm, not in myths and legends.”

“Is that horse girl making you a believer housecarl?” the guard asked michievously.

“Shut it.” she snapped. “I will admit however, Luna and that man are unlike anything I have ever seen in my life.”

Another guard presumably from the city, late to the fight ran up to the scene and fell back in astonishment at Luna and Ky’ell standing right beside the skeleton of Mirmulnuir.

“By Ysmir, you killed a dragon!” he cried.

Luna and Ky’ell both gave him an unamused deadpan look.

“NO SHIT!” they yelled in unison.

The slow walk back to Whiterun on the cobblestone road weighed heavily on the minds of everyone who participated in the battle. Many dark thoughts threatened to invade their minds. Luna most of all. With the return of these powerful dragons to this new, but ancient land she had stumbled into, finding Celestia and returning home safely was going to be that much more difficult. She could only hope that Celestia was safe until she could go out and find her. Searching an entire province for her would prove to be exceedingly difficult enough. Filled with many dangers, each more treacherous than the last.

Celestia will be fine, she thought. She’s always been stronger than me when it comes to being alone in an unknown environment...

The late morning rain steadily drizzled on to them as they continued their walk, gently spraying their face and armor in a layer of moisture. Luna momentarily looked up to the sky and heard the sounds of the local wild A flock of ducks was flying overhead towards the river to find a safe place to feed and wash their feathers in the rain. A light breeze blew across the fields of the hold, gently blowing the dry grass back and forth making it appear to dance.

Then out of nowhere, as they almost made it to the outer wall of the city, the entire ground shook beneath Luna and Ky’ell’s feet from a thunderous roar in the sky that seemed to come from the mountain towering into the sky to the south.


Luna and Ky’ell shook for a few seconds trying to balance themselves. They finally regained their footing as they looked around trying to process what just happened.

“What the Tartarus was that?”

“You got me.” I thought I heard someone screamin,” Ky’ell replied “Oh, and what’s Tar-Tar-Rush?”

Rolling her eyes, she looked in Irileth and her squadron. They had their swords unsheathed scanning the surrounding skies for signs of new threats

When they couldn’t find anything, they sheathed their swords back into their scabbards and continued their march towards the gates of the city. Irileth looked to the soldiers stationed on the outer walls of the city and called out to them.

“Guards! Keep an eye on the sky! Until we can find out what that was, I want the entire city guard to be on high alert!” she barked at the guard.

“At once housecarl!”

She waved her hand forward signaling the guards to continue onwards back into the city. Luna and Ky’ell followed them towards the main gate where Irileth gave the two guards stationed there a signal, allowing the squadron to pass through. The main gate swung open to reveal the streets of the city completely empty. The only people in the streets were two guards right inside speaking to two dark skinned men in saggy clothing and red capes wearing wraps around their head. Draped down from their waists were odd looking curved swords. Luna quickly walked up alongside Irileth to inquire further.

“Umm, Lady Irileth, who are they?”

Irileth eyed the two men carefully as they slowly walked across the bridge.

“They’ve got funny looking swords! I wonder if they’ll let me have one?” Ky’ell cheerfully added.

“Alik’r Warriors” she replied with a suspicious tone.

“What might those be?” Luna asked.

“Redguard royal mercenaries from the Alik’r Desert in the province of Hammerfell. The Alik’r Desert, which they are named after is the largest desert in Tamriel. Many of them are members of the royal guard in their capital city-state of Sentinel, but many of them in recent days are nothing but ruthless mercenaries.” she explained as they slowly passed them.

The Alik’r as Irileth called them, appeared to be having a heated discussion with the guards that they could now make out as they were halfway across the moat.

“Look, you’ve already been told you’re not allowed here. Turn around and go back the way you came.” one of the guards in front of the Alik’r warned.

“We’re causing no trouble. All we ask is we look for her.” one of the Alik’r replied.

The guard however, looked like he was in no mood for an argument and wasn’t going to have it.

“I could care less about what you are doing, after what happened, you are lucky that I don’t toss you in jail myself. Now get lost.”

The Alik’r was about to say something, but when Irileth drew her sword in front of him, it appeared that he decided against it.

The warrior straightened his collar and gave her a face of anger and frustration.

“We WILL be back. This is not over,” The Alik’r replied before turning around and walking back over the moat towards the gate.

When one of the Alik’r passed Luna, he eyed up and down her for a moment, unsure what to make of her before continuing on.

Irileth sheathed her sword when they were a good enough distance away and continued onward.

When they all made it up to the giant tree, Irileth halted her squadron and faced them calling them to attention.

“Listen men, it is my duty to make sure my Jarl’s city does not fall into chaos whenever something goes awry. So I order all of you to patrol the city and inform the citizens in a PROPER manner about what happened at the Western Watchtower. Do not mention the dragon or I will hall you to Dragonsreach Jail myself. IS THAT CLEAR?”


They then dispersed to different parts of the city to follow through with their orders. She then turned to Ky’ell who instantly saluted her with a nervous grin on his face. Luna and Ky’ell started following Irileth back to Dragonsreach, but she held up her hand and turned around to face them.

“Come back up in another hour Princess, while I speak to Commander Caius. The Jarl will most likely want to hear what happened at the battle from you two, not from me. So, I recommend you two take this time to get more acquainted with the city.” she explained.

“Very well Lady Irileth,” Luna replied as she gave a short bow to her.

Luna could have sworn she saw Irileth make a small smile before she turned and walked back up the stone steps back up to Dragonsreach.

“So...what do you wanna do in the meantime Loony?” Ky’ell asked.

“Hmmm, perhaps a little exploring wouldn’t hurt. I need to get a grasp on my surroundings. The only places I before the battle was the marketplace and the inside of that place they call Jorvasskr. Mayhaps we can browse the wares of the shops I haven’t seen?” she suggested.

“Sure! A day out on the town sounds groovy! Can we go look for goodies to get?”

They took their next hour off exploring through the city visiting the various shops and getting acquainted with many of the people in the city. Luna and Ky’ell started their hour going back down to the Plains District and browsing the various vendors. They met up with Fralia Gray-Mane again who politely bowed to Luna acknowledging her title to which Luna politely accepted.

“Its good to see you again your highness” Fralia kindly greeted.

“Please Miss Grey-Mane. There is no need for that. My title carries no weight here.” Luna respectfully replied.

“Nonsense. Any royalty kind enough to graciously help anyone in need is worthy of the title anywhere.”

Luna simply smiled and gave a slight bow to her.

“I see you made a friend with that young man who saved you. He seems to be enjoying himself,” Fralia said.

Luna turned her head to find Ky’ell pressing his head into the glass of her booth admiring her various wares.

My sister, he reminds me of that crazy pink mare Pinkamena a little too much, she thought as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

They moved on to another booth and met the merchant-in-training Ysolda who took in immediate interest in Luna as she pelted her with questions about her homeland and what is her country’s primary export. Luna naturally didn’t want to reveal too much about Equestria, neither did she want to mention that jewels were their biggest export considering the fact that many wars in Equestria’s past with other nations were over their numerous resources.

“...Sugar is one of our primary exports, but up until...my sister and I found this continent, we mostly traded with our neighbor Zebrica.” she explained.

“Fascinating. I’ve always wanted to learn to be a Master Trader you see, your highness, it’s a very prosperous occupation. Once I’ve made enough money with the Khajiit caravans, I’m going to buy The Bannered Mare from Hulda.” Ysolda replied.

“Well I do hope the very best for you Miss Ysolda.” Luna said as they were about to continue on.

“Wait! Can I ask a small favor of you two?” she asked.

“Sure! Shoot away!” Ky’ell asked as he held his arms up behind his head.

“Do you think you can help me get a Mammoth Tusk?”

“A Mammoth Tusk Miss Ysolda?” Luna asked with a concerned and confused look.

“Yes, a Mammoth Tusk. Ri’saad the leader of one of the caravans wants me to prove myself to him that I’m worthy of learning to be a trader by acquiring a Mammoth Tusk.” she replied.

Ky’ell put his arms down and gave a big grin.

“Yep, that sounds like something pop would do alright.” he stated.

“Wait, Ri’saad is your father?” she asked bewildered.

“Adopted, but yeah.”

“Incredible! Can you put in a good word with me with him?”

“Sure, next time I see him anyway. The guy is a little hard to track down.” K’yell replied.

“Thank you very much. I look forward to seeing you two again.” she said as she curtsied to Luna.

Ky’ell and Luna finished off their hour walking around the city taking in the various sites. One in particular made Luna feel a sense of uneasiness. It was a two story building in the Wind District with an entrance that seemed to go right underground into the mountain that Whiterun sat on top of. The next building however had a very calming aura about it. It appeared to be a temple of some sort, three stories high covered in a faded pale sky blue paint. When Luna asked one of the exiting patrons of the building, they said it was the Temple of a goddess named Kynareth.

“Huh. Kynareth.” Luna said quietly as she stared at the building for a moment. She felt a peaceful presence surrounding the temple. A powerful, but calming presence that seemed to fill her to the core with positive energy as she stared at what looked to be some kind of idol in front of the temple before continuing the walk back up towards Dragonsreach with an unsure look on her face.

“Somethin up Lun?” Ky’ell asked interested in.

“I’m not entirely sure. There’s a very calming spirit covering this temple. I’m not entirely sure what it is though.”

“Let’s go see what it is! It might be a cool monster!” Ky’ell cheerfully replied.

Luna grabbed on to his tunic and pulled him back.

“Later Sir Ky’ell, we need to report back to Lord Balgruf.” she sternly said.

“Oh, fine. But I wanna do something fun later.”

Rolling her eyes she started walking back towards Dragonsreach. She stared at the preacher in front of the giant statue raving about his god Talos as she began her ascent up the stone steps to Dragonsreach. She turned back to see if Ky’ell was following and he seemed to be staring at the pool at the bottom of the steps with a mischeivious grin, but when he caught Luna staring, he innocently started whistling and looking in random directions. They made it up the steps in under a minute and walked across the wooden drawbridge leading into the palace.

The guards there eyed up her and Ky’ell for a moment before giving a nod to another guard.

“The guards have been informed of you and your companion’s presence thoroughly Princess Luna. You may pass.”

Luna nodded and pushed the tall wood doors open to enter the palace once again.

The main entrance hallway was thoroughly lit from the light of the midday sun coming through the windows. One of the servants was sweeping up dirt on one of the lavish carpets in the palace off to the side.

Luna and Ky’ell proceeded down the hallway hearing a multitude of muffled voices and conversations coming from many people further inside the palace. When they made it to the throne room, Luna saw the Jarl speaking to many of his advisors about various things. Irileth didn’t seem to be there with him among the various people. When Proventus noticed Luna and Ky’ell, he ran up to them to greet them.

“Welcome back Princess. You as well Ky’ell. The Jarl has been waiting for you” he said.

Luna nodded as they both approached the Jarl.

When Balgruf noticed her, he motioned for the rest of his advisors to go about their daily business.

“So what happened at the watch tower warrior? Was the dragon there?” he asked.

“That watch tower of yours was destroyed. Sorry bout that. But Loony and I killed the dragon for ya!” Ky’ell replied.

Balgruf stared at Luna for a moment with a unreadable expression before giving the both of them a smile.

“There’s definitely no question about it. That was a mighty deed. You’ve earned a place of honor among the heroes of Whiterun,” he proudly said.“And with the newest member of my court as well.” he added looking at Luna with pride.

“But I do believe that there must be much more to it than that...did something...strange...happen when the dragon died?”

“Um...I think my body absorbed something from the dragon, but I’m still a little freaked out about it.” he said.

“The guards took to calling us Dragonborn for some reason Lord Balgruf.” Luna replied.

“So it’s true. The Greybeards really were summoning you two with that call from the sky.”

“The Greybeards Lord Balgruf?” Luna asked.

“Masters of the Way of the Voice. They live in seclusion high on the slopes of the Throat of the World. Perhaps you noticed the mountain to the south towering above everything else while walking back into the city? That is the Throat of the World. The tallest mountain in Tamriel.” Balgruf explained.

“What do they want with us?”

The Dragonborn are said to be uniquely gifted in the Voice - the ability to focus your vital essence into a Thu’um or Shout.”

“So that’s what they meant by Shouting. Cause I can just “shout” at anyone whenever I feel like it, but I didn’t think there was anything special about it.” Ky’ell replied.

“Regardless...if you two really are Dragonborn, they can teach you to use that gift. You two heard the summons. What else could it mean? The Greybeards...” he stated as he stared off in thought.

One of Balgruf’s guards approached as he heard their conversation.

“Didn’t you hear the thunderous sound as you returned to Whiterun? That was the voice of the Greybeards, summoning you to High Hrothgar.”

High Hrothgar? Luna thought.

“This kind of thing hasn’t happened in...centuries at least. Not since Tiber Septim himself was still Talos of Atmora!” the guard explained.

That preacher Heimskr was worshipping a god called Talos. I wonder if this Tiber Septim is related somehow. she pondered.

“Hrongar, calm yourself. What does any of this Nord nonsense have to with our friend and the Princess here?” Proventus questioned. “Capable as they may be, I don’t see any signs of them being this, what, “Dragonborn” as you call them”.

The now identified Hrongar appeared to be angered by this statement.

“Nord nonsense?! Why you puffed up ignorant… These are our sacred traditions and tales that go all the way back to the founding of the First Empire!” he bellowed.

“Hrongar, don’t be so hard on Avenicci,” Balgruf said trying to defuse the situation.

Proventus gave Hrongar a slightly irritated look before composing himself.

“I mean no disrespect of course.” he apologized. “It’s just that...What could these Greybeards want with him and Lady Luna? Lady Luna isn’t even Nord let alone from this continent.”

“That’s the Greybeards business, not ours.” Balgruf replied.

“That is indeed true Lord Balgruf. All I want to do is find my sister and return home. I’m not certain as to how all of this should concern me.” Luna admitted.

Whatever happened when you two killed that dragon revealed something in you two, and the Greybeards heard it. Which brings me to my next point. You told me you aren’t from this continent, but I think I know better than that. ...You aren’t even from this world at all...are you? he said quietly.

Luna looked down in thought for a moment, wondering how she could have been found out already. Balgruf saw this, stood up out of his throne and placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Have no fear, you are in trusted company. You don’t have to say anything if you don’t wish to. The look in your eyes says it all. When I first saw you though, I knew there was something special about you, now I know for sure. I don't have to be a master in the arcane arts to know that you do not belong here in this world.”

A small pair of eyes in the shadows off to the side of the throne room widened and darted off to an unknown location.

“Thank you” Luna simply replied.

Balgruf went back to his throne and sat back down.

“I will admit that it is surprising that other realms outside of our own could possess the ability to become Dragonborn. Although, if the Greybeards think you and Ky'ell are Dragonborn, who are we to argue?”

And as an added bonus, I believe High Hrothgar may hold answers as to how to find your sister.”

“You think they could help me find Celestia?”

“I’m certain of it. You and Ky’ell better get up to High Hrothgar immediately. There’s no refusing the summons of the Greybeards. It’s a tremendous honor. I envy you, you know. To climb the 7,000 steps again...I made the pilgrimage once. Did you know that?

7000 steps? And I thought Sombra had it bad. These days I get tired walking out to the garden she thought.

“That doesn’t sound fun at all” Ky’ell said as he leaned over and whispered into Luna’s ear.

“High Hrothgar is a very peaceful place. Very...disconnected with the troubles of this world. I wonder if the Greybeards even notice what is going on down here. They haven’t seemed to care before.”

For a moment, his mind appeared to be off somewhere else before he gave a heavy sigh.

“No matter...Ky’ell go to High Hrothgar with Princess Luna. Help her find her sister Celestia.”

In honor of his deeds, the Jarl gave Ky’ell the title of Thane and the Axe of Whiterun. Luna could see it was given some kind of enchantment which gave it an eerie green glow. Luna was appointed Ky’ell’s Dame or honorary knight companion which meant she had to carry most of Ky’ell’s inventory that he had collected up to this point and act as Ky'ell's personal bodyguard to the best of her ability. To which she begrudgingly agreed to.

The doors of Dragonsreach opened, and out came Ky’ell, followed closely by Luna. Balgruf and Irileth followed them out of the palace. Luna was surprised to see both of them see her off, and she smiled the warmest smile either of them had ever seen. Jarl Balgruf called Luna over to have a private word, while Irileth growled and marched over to Ky’ell, who, to the childish guy’s credit, did not falter under the piercing red eyes of the dark elf. Acting on instinct Ky’ell rested his left hand upon the steel sword sheathed in his belt. Irileth came within inches of his face.

"You let so much as a scratch happen to that girl and I'll have your head sitting on a pike."

Ky’ell paused for a moment, taken aback from Irileth’s attitude before giving a slight smile.

"Protective are we? Don’t worry I’ll keep this one safe." he replied pointing his thumb at Luna.

Irileth stormed past him and took one last look at Luna before walking through the gates.

"Where did Lady Irileth go off to?" Luna asked when Ky’ell approached.

"To attend to matters of the hold I would Imagine. She told me to let you know that she'll deeply miss you."

Luna raised an eyebrow at him.

Unsure how to handle Luna's skepticism, Ky'ell turned his attention to Balgruf who regarded him carefully, scratching the side of his beard.

"Luna, may I have a word with the Dragonborn in private?" Ky'ell sighed deeply trying to hide his tone of concern. Luna nodded, before walking off down the drawbridge and sat down at the top of the Stone Steps. When Balgruf was sure she was out of earshot he turned to Ky’ell.

"Dragonborn, have you felt anything...odd...about Luna?”

Ky’ell looked down for a moment contemplating an answer. He briefly thought about revealing the true nature of what Luna was and what she was before she changed into what she is now, but decided against it. Instead he recalled how the frightening battle at the Western Watchtower occurred. Being chomped and blasted at by a dragon affected him more than it seemed to. At the time, it felt only natural that he would protect her, it was only after the fact that he noticed something beyond a man's instinct to protect a woman.

“Yeah. I think I have. There’s just something about her.”

"An aura of peace? A desire to protect? Dragonborn, she has been like a daughter to me, and I have known her for no more than two days.. Powerful magic surrounds her Dragonborn, it doesn't take years of study in the arcane arts to figure it out."

Jarl Balgruff looked over his shoulder at Luna seeing her speaking with one of the guards walking down the steps.

“Take care of her. Watch over her. You and Luna are always welcome back into Dragonsreach whenever you wish to visit.”
he said before he turned back into the palace and the large wooden doors closed behind them.

Ky’ell stared up at the imposing doors of Dragonsreach for a moment before turning around and walked across the drawbridge and down to the spot where Luna was speaking with one of the guards.

“Silent Moons Camp, sir guard?”

“Yes Lady Luna, it is an ancient ruin just northwest of the city. The Jarl has placed a bounty on the bandit chief that is attacking travelers going past there. But there are also other rumors about the place,” the guard replied.

“May we ask what kind of rumors?” Luna asked.

“Well it hasn’t ever been proven, but legend has it, that Silent Moons Camp has a forge that can create powerful weapons blessed with the light of the full moons.”

An interesting thing to look into later, but right now I have to get to this High Hrothgar and speak with these Greybeards I keep hearing about, she thought.

“Thank you sir guard, you’ve been most helpful,” she said as she slightly bowed to him.

The guard bowed back in respect and went about his way.

Luna turned around to find Ky’ell approaching her.

“Hiya Luna! What was that all about?” Ky’ell cheerfully asked.

“We were simply asking about strange rumors revolving around Whiterun’s surrounding areas.”

“Ooh! Have you heard about any treasure we could get along the way?”

“He made mention of a ruin northwest of the city containing mysterious weapons and an equally mysterious forge that is being guarded by a group of bandits, but there is no tim-” Luna tried to explain before Ky’ell ran past her but she held him back before he left her reach.

“We cannot waver from our objective Sir Ky’ell,” Luna snapped.

“We must make haste to High Hrothgar immediately if I am to find the whereabouts of my sister and for you to discover the meaning behind these dragon attacks.”

“Actually Ky’ell’s childish plan might benefit you at the moment.” an amused voice behind them said.

Luna turned around to find Farengar approaching them with a light smile on his face.

“Princess. I wished to see you before you left. Your presence has been...pleasant these past two days.” Farengar said.

“Thank you Sir Farengar. It was a pleasure meeting you and studying your magic.” Luna replied with a bow.

“But back to my conclusion from overhearing your discussion with the Dragonborn here. High Hrothgar is a very long way from here and the only way to scale it is up the 7000 steps which is on the south side of the mountain. And even journeying to the town of Ivarstead at the bottom is a trek in of itself. Without the necessary supplies, a many number of terrible things could happen to you two.”

Luna looked down in thought for a moment.

I guess it was wishful thinking getting everything done and finding Celestia quickly.

“However, the trek might be made easier if you gather supplies and gear beforehand.” he suggested. “I’m assuming you are in need of money, so I would suggest various favors, jobs, and bounties of the sort around the city before you go. That way you could buy various potions and weapons for your trip. From what I am aware of, the leader of Silent Moons Camp has a bounty on his head. With that bounty and reclaiming the stolen items they have compiled, I have no doubt you two would have sufficient Septims for weapons, potions, armor, and food for your journey,” he explained.

Luna thought it over for a moment before nodding to him.

“Thank you very much Farengar. We will take this into consideration-” was all Luna could get out before she felt herself being rocketed in the other direction after a feminine shriek from her. Farengar had a look of bewilderment at whatever was happening to Luna.

“COMEONLETSGOKILLSOMEBADDIES!” Ky’ell screamed with delight.

Luna could feel the wind whipping against her face as she was dragged in the opposite direction by her arm. Then she suddenly could saw the top of the stone steps jumping upwards as she felt herself falling downwards over a hundred feet with Ky’ell. Then out of nowhere, she felt the sharp sting of the flat of her back impacting against water. As she began to sink into the cool, shimmering water, the pain slowly subsided, but was replaced with rage and her vision turning red. She managed to get her head above water barely controlling her rage.

“YOU IDIOT!!! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME!!! NEVER BUCKING DO THAT TO US AGAIN” she screamed at him in her royal Canterlot voice.

Turning around she found Ky’ell splashing around in the water having the time of his life. In a moment, she once again lost control as she felt herself throwing a clenched fist upwards from underneath where Ky’ell was swimming. To the confusion of everyone in the Wind District, Ky’ell exploded skyward hundreds of feet into the air and then rapidly fell back down to the water face first with a painful slap.

In the bright realm of Aetherius parallel to Nirn:

K: "Brother, it seems as though we have new visitors to our world that don't belong here."

A: "Visitors Sister? Are they going to pose a problem?"

K: "No, it seems like they were forced to come here."

S: "Forced? How?"

J: "Sheogorath is up to his old tricks again in other realms. I felt a surge of daedric energy pierce the barrier of the Aetherius into a portal for a moment before closing.

M: "Brothers, Sisters, we cannot just let the poor things to die, we must return them home."

A: Not yet my lady, one of them is safe for the time being. She has found my champion and I have a feeling their journey will lead them to the Way of the Voice."

M: "What about the other my lord? The poor darling is in such terrible shape."

T: "Do not fret milady. My own...misguided and self-proclaimed, but honorable champion has her safely in his castle at this very moment. She is also safe for the time being."

S: "What if Dagon, Baal, or one of their many Daedra brothers and sisters try to influence them?"

A: "Then I WILL personally intervene, but until then we must let these events unfold as they must. My champion has a grand destiny to fufill for all of Nirn, and I have a feeling this maiden may prove helpful to him on his quest."

M: "What of The Three Good Daedra my lord?"

A: ...If Meridia, Nocturnal, or Azura genuinely wish to help, then I will allow it. However, Nocturnal must be watched closely. Beings of darkness seldom go about their business without having an underlying motive."

Next time...

"So, you are the strange white horse woman who saved Lady Shatter-shield and slayed The Butcher where he stood?" a noble, determined voice asked.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Celestia asked.

"The Palace of Kings" the voice replied back.