• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter Two, Airship Mauled: To begin a fresh start.

-Fresh Start-

Okay, I knew she flew to the south, I’ll just keep going that way until I find her. Celestia wasn’t upset with me, but she did tell me to go find Jade and to keep doing my job to make sure that she stayed healthy. She also gave me a note of apology, once and if I find her. She hadn’t even known Jade’s name before I told her.

I have to wonder what was so special about her that Celestia had me going to all this trouble. Well there is the fact that she jumped off a balcony and then froze in midair before dropping onto Blueblood’s skull. The staff at Canterlot Castle couldn’t stop talking about it, a few of them wanted to thank Jade for saving them from another Blueblood alert. There was also jumping off the edge of Canterlot and sprouting wings, the young Wonder Bolts squad had lost her when she exploded into a ball of light heading south.

She had passed through two places of importance, one was Ponyville and the other was Cloudsdale. I was going to stop by Ponyville and ask around if anyone knew where Jade could have went.

It still surprises me that Jade wasn’t guilty of any crime, aside from landing on Blueblood and no one could prove she did that on purpose. The guards were awfully tight lipped about whether or not it looked like a purposeful stomp to the head too. I knew the score, they were trying to cover for Jade. Unlike the many other guards that had been chasing Jade while harboring a huge misunderstanding of the situation.

Jade had even stopped a crime while being pursued by the royal guard, so Celestia said she was to be commended for her swift actions of civilian justice without permanently injuring the thief. Nobody was complaining to Celestia about that except maybe Sturdy Spear, his case wouldn’t hold up as he did kind of go at Jade with lethal intent so it was a case of self-defense. The case would have been thrown out immediately, because Sturdy Spear himself would have been put on trial soon after.

How did one Abyssinian cause so much chaos without any negative repercussions to herself? A Hoofdini in the making from what I know. Celestia seemed to be interested in Jade’s overall safety when it looked like Jade could take care of herself, especially when she could outrun the whole royal guard. It needed to be stated, if Shining Armor hadn’t been busy with Princess Cadence then maybe Jade might have actually been caught.

The only thing I can think to charge Jade with is causing a riot, a laugh riot. She had stopped to buy snacks in the middle of the chase and even waited for them to be finished, not one guard saw her entering or exiting Donut Joe’s establishment. Ponies said she wandered around aimlessly for a good ten minutes before the guards even spotted her again to begin the song and dance.

I’m catching a train to Ponyville and should be there in the evening. I kind of wondered though… did Jade get Fleur’s autograph when they met one another? It was mentioned that Jade trespassed in her home, but she wasn’t willing to press charges and just wanted to snuggle the Abyssinian more. Fleur De Lis really liked cats, who knew? A lot of ponies had Fleur pegged for being more of a dog pony.

I heard there’s a pony in Ponyville who’s friends with an Abyssinian, given there’s only been the one around here it wasn’t hard to guess who that Abyssinian was. I’d spend the night and then talk to the pink pony in the morning at the local bakery to see if she knows where I can find Jade.


I smelled something, a smelly smell, a smell I’m quite familiar with and it was heavenly. I immediately jumped up and then flopped onto my face on the blanket, every inch of my body felt sore. It was late in the evening and whatever that smell was it was entrancing.

“You’re dead Sphinx.” I heard my mother flatly intoned, it was the same tone she used to inform me that I was dead.

“I still have a use of resurrecting requiem left.” That was Sekhet. Were they? They were, mom was totally playing Ogre’s and Oubliettes without me! Also a cleric, really Sekhet? I guess it is the only class that has healing and the ability to dish out traumatizing divine damage against undead, evil beings, corrupted monsters and possessed party members. It was actually kind of fitting really, especially if Sekhet thought to give her cleric an enhanced physical and magical offensive ability while dumping charisma. “I resurrect myself.”

“You’re characters ability has resurrected them back to being close to death, you now have twenty health points. Your move Fizzle.” Wait, what did mom just call Tempest? Did Tempest and mom have a moment together? It figures, mom loves others more than me because I refused to be cute while growing up… or it’s just my imagination.

“I use Arcane Armor Assault.” From what Fizzle just said I can already tell that she was either a fighter, a paladin or a spellsword. I could already hear the multiple dice rolls happening for each piece of armor.

That was the one spell that made your armor fly off your body explosively. The armor seeks out and rams into the target or targets at insane speeds. Depending on how many pieces hit what, it can really rip apart boss monsters with heavy single targeting damage or do a good bit of damage to a crowd depending on the armor and how many pieces it came in.

Downside to the spell is that you’d lose the protectiveness of the armor and would have to wait until the fight is over to put it back on, upside is you’d gain a lot of initiative from losing all that weight. The spell dealt both magical and physical damage. If you were weak to either or both, then the target takes double damage from the attack type they were weak too.

Since they probably started today or yesterday and Fizzle already had that spell, I would think that it was a spellsword. A spellsword eventually got a particular spell called Rearm-Mor that created or recreated armor, the fighter and paladin had their own methods of getting their armor back.

“Wow, those were some pretty good rolls Fizzle. Let me calculate the damage now… huh you destroyed the whole room.” Sounds like mom was impressed that Fizzle was doing so well. “Kind of like what my daughter does when she stabs a room full of orcs in one move.”

“How did she do that as a rogue? Wouldn’t her stealth have dropped as soon as she stabbed the first orc?” Good question Fizzle, let’s see if mom remembers the exact bit of wittiness I pulled that day.

“She had enough intelligence to learn the Replicate Round spell.” Oh, so mom did remember.

“Isn’t that a useless moderately costly ability that repeats a physical attack action to do the same amount of damage again?” Be prepared to be amazed Sekhet, because my craftiness knows no bounds even if I didn’t like to do the math. “It’s useless because there are far more better abilities you could be using than being able to hit at the same strength time and again for the one room the effect lasts in, it’s practically useless with armored or shielded opponents.

“I thought that too, apparently my daughter had other ideas. Did you know that if you replicate a stealth strike, it’s still a ‘stealth’ strike? None of the orcs could detect her because she was replicating the stealth based backstab action on everything in the room.” My mother gave off an exasperated sigh and I smiled from my position on the ground. “It only worked because the orcs all had less health than the first orc she managed to get a backstab roll on and she had the energy to get away with doing that multiple times. She didn’t need dice rolls to succeed, just the energy to copy her successful backstab action. I never thought a high intelligence stat on a rogue could be so dangerous.”

“Seriously, that’s kind of broken… like my horn...” I was surprised to hear that Fizzle snorting loudly in amusement, what did mom do to her to make her be less broody?

“It was basically instant death to all those poor misbegotten monsters with one dice roll. Backstab a single soft target or give her a chance to flank something and… well you get Jade’s idea of how to deal with a room full problems that all the protection in the world won’t stop.” I could almost hear my mother smiling proudly. “There are huge downsides, the set up for it is so horrendous to your stats overall and it takes a while to get around to being able to do it. My daughter insisted on a high intelligence rogue and I had no idea why when she had a lot of problems keeping said rogue alive. Until her rogue learned Replicate Round and even a little after that I thought she was being masochistic.”

I could hear Sekhet laughing and Fizzle was actually giggling. Giggling, the future Tempest Shadow, mom you’re a miracle worker!

Okay it probably wasn’t my imagination then, they were all ignoring the fact that I woke up to continue the game and if my nose is correct... never mind, mom loves me dearly and I’m just mom’s silly lovable little kitten. It was the smell of her simmering Potato Stew that woke me up, my mouth was watering already and I couldn’t get up because I was so horribly sore.

Note to self, magical wings do not protect against gravitational forces exerted on body nor do they protect against a lack of oxygen at a high altitude. Said lack of oxygen may have messed up my thought processes and led to me thinking it was a good idea to put my body through Mach speeds without the same protection a pegasus naturally has. Ergo my current state of full bodied soreness was not very pleasant in the slightest.

I should really apologize to mom about getting onto her case about not taking greater precautions with magical alchemy. I should also remember to listen to my own advice on taking precaution when using this magic, because now I was quite hypocritical by making the same mistakes I had warned mother about.

“I think the potato stew is done mom!” At my words, like lightning my mother was up and going to the cauldron and she sent me a mirth filled smile while flicking her tail in my direction.

“I knew this would wake you up, nothing would stop you from eating this stew. You could be half dead to the world, but the second the scent hits your nose you’re up and… well mostly full of vigor.” My mother was already scooping me a bowl full of sweet delicious buttery potato and vegetable strewn heaven. “How are you feeling sweetie and what happened in Canterlot?”

“Oh this and that, by the way I picked up dessert for you and I don’t mind giving one of the snacks I picked up to Tempest.” It was then that I saw mom sending me a stern stare and I understood what she wanted from me. “I’m sorry for not heeding my own advice about using magic, how was I supposed to know those magical wings wouldn’t protect me as if I were pegasus?”

“That’s why we learn what our magic does in a safe environment Jaded. Now how many helpings of this are you going to eat this time? I made a double batch because I know you’ll fight Sekhet for the extra portions.” Mom, you are a really cruel and unusual being that knows how to punish me justly and without pause.

I looked Sekhet in the eyes and she looked into mine, we narrowed them at each other. Fizzle started to slowly back away from the two of us and started to move closer to my mother for safety, neither of us would raise a claw to her. Mom cooks the food after all.

I wasn’t backing down from you over this goddess. My mom, my food! Go get your own mom to… wait… you probably don’t have a mom at this time. Stop using my mother as a surrogate you crazy goddess!


I’m not backing down to you over this mortal. The food smells absolutely divine and she made it for everyone, first come first serve! I’ll use your mother as a surrogate as much as I… wait… where the 'Duat' are my thoughts going? I don’t truly see Lady Kuril in that familiar a manner at all!

-Jade & Sekhet-

This means war!

-Fresh Start-

It was a brand new day the sun was shining and I was on my way to get a pastry at the bakery where Jade’s pink pony friend was. I was hoping she’d give me directions to where Jade might have went.

“Excuse me, but do you know where Jade might be? I have to deliver a letter to her.” After I asked that of the bright eyed filly, I turned my head to the side to mutter. “I just hope nobody forgets my paychecks just because I’m not working in the castle.”

“Nope, but you can talk to my newest best friend forever Fluttershy over there about my distant best friend forever Jade!” The perky pink filly was pointing to the yellow one with the butterflies on her flank sitting with three other pegasus ponies. “I bet she knows where Jade lives, did you know that Jade could grow wings, because I sure didn’t and she flew straight through here yesterday looking all cool and stuff! She was a bit too busy to play though.”

“Thank you.” I turned from the filly who went bouncing around the place to approach the table with the four ponies that were pointed out to me. “Excuse me, but do you know where I can find Jade?”

The filly squeaked, hid her face behind her mane and then cowered under the table and… so did her parents. The only one that didn’t was the colt.

- Several Hours Later-

It should be around here somewhere according to Fluttershy, whoa…

What happened here? I walked into a scene of carnage unlike any other a small distance away from a nice looking campfire. At the campfire was a… was that a unicorn with a broken horn huddled up against an older looking Abyssinian, they seemed to be relaxing and chatting calmly with one another.

Wait, that wasn’t what was important. What was important was that Jade was covered in scratches, bruises and painful looking welts. She was lying next to an unconscious Celestia sized pony with similar injuries, was that a lion's tail?

“What happened to them?” I asked as I approached the two that were awake, they looked at me lazily.

“I happened to them.” The Abyssinian lady answered. “If my daughter thought that she was sore before she started fighting, then she’s definitely going to be in pain for a while after that.”

- Kuril -

I'm surprised, proud and completely embarrassed that my daughter managed a victory against Sekhet for the dumbest of reasons.

Author's Note:

(New Magical Alchemy Information!)

7. Alicorn Feather (Celestia).

Cast: Wings of sunlight (Limited air terrain mobility buff). Target is given wings of pure sunlight.

Darkness, shade or shadows can weaken the flying power the wings generate, at night they'd be far less effective. The power of the wings can be combined with a knife's or similar sustain effects for improved flying ability.The wings might be extinguished by water and could be useless while it’s raining. (New!) Does not protect the user from gravitational or high speed stress and lack of oxygen at high altitudes like a pegasus would be by their magic.

Sustain: ???.

Self-sustaining: ???.

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