• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter thirty one, All Good Things: Love.

-Fizzle, four days later, Airship Mauled-

Well my leg was in a cast and I was bored out of my mind in the recently built hospital, at least the cruise liner made for some very nice rooms to relax in when they were converted for hospital use. I was currently sharing this one with Arizona and Velvet.

I could hear Arizona constantly complaining about her muscles and as for Velvet she was whining about Arizona’s complaining, this led to Arizona arguing about Velvet’s whining. It was on loop for anyone who was willing to stick around long enough to listen to the two go on griping like they were.

I looked left and right when I heard a noise and just saw a cardboard box sitting nearby.

Nothing out of the ordinary, no wait… something is out of the ordinary! Where was Jade, she usually brought my homework from Cheerilee about this time. Watching the clock or reading a book was about all I had to do right now, aside from doing some homework Cheerilee assigned.

Speaking of the homework, I was trying to get my levitation down. I was almost capable of doing some fine levitation without the quill exploding in my magic. I could still write with my left hoof, don’t exactly feel like writing with my mouth when Jade and Kuril also did the same with their paws.

The cardboard box was a little closer than it previously was and on my left, I thought nothing of it. So Cardboard boxes could move when you weren’t looking at them in this world, it was none of my business that it might have been part of Jade’s cardboard box fort she kept clean and tidy.

I sighed, Jade and Maries had been pretty attentive of me while I was in bed for medical reasons. Almost as much as when Jade was in traction the last few times, at least this time she wasn’t in a minor coma. I felt something warm press up against my side and I felt slightly sharp teeth nibbling at my neck gently.

My eyes widened and I blushed when I felt a tongue brush over the fur currently in someone’s mouth, specifically someone I loved. I looked to see that the cardboard box was flipped over and Jade was snuggling up against me and purring, her tail flicking back and forth as she pressed up against me.

“Darn it Jade, that cardboard box thing really messes with people’s minds!” It wasn’t until after the effect was lost that I could remember that Jade did this several times before just to get up close to me and give me an overly affectionate hickey.

“Oh I know, but it’s kind of hard to not want to do that, it’s so funny when you finally realize that I’m right there next to you within seconds.” Sighing as Jade continued press her face against my neck and nose it into my mane, one of the things I really liked was having my mane teased and my neck tickled by her hot breath. “Besides, you know doctor bones wouldn’t let me get away with this if I didn’t do it this way.”

“I most certainly wouldn’t now either, off the patient’s bed with you!” At the sound of Dr. Bones slightly angry voice, Jade’s fur and tail sprang out in a fluffy manner. She instantly released me, got up and then scampered away as if her tail was on fire while carrying her cardboard box with her. Jade did leave a pile of homework next to my bedside and I smiled a little. “If it isn’t her, it’s always that crazy chimera of yours. Nurse Escargot, attend to Arizona’s daily treatment please!”

Zen Bones was not one to let her familiar sit idly by or around looking cute, she put him to work and he accepted his lot in life because he really liked helping people. It was just hard for him to help people when he was a sea monster with tentacles. He tends to scare ponies and the like, though I sarcastically couldn’t understand why that is.

Imagine everyone’s surprise that Escargot managed to follow us all home without anyone noticing the fairly large kraken, even Jade was a bit flummoxed for explanations on how he did it. I know Dr. Bones asked her for help with that, but she had forgotten about it. Escargot didn’t apparently need Jade’s help to catch a ride on the train.

Said kraken clacked its beak loudly in affirmation and slithered on his tentacles over to Arizona’s bed and a sighing noise from the cow soon began as he started performing his muscle relaxing work. Arizona didn’t seem to mind Escargot nearly as much as Velvet did. It was also a little strange that Arizona’s skeletal structure was completely fine with no cracks in it at all after the whole elephant tossing thing.

The reindeer shivered at Escargot’s alien appearance, well to her he was alien as she’s never actually been near the ocean all her life until that trip to Manehattan. It was nice that we’d have an old friend sticking around and he would be busy learning to become a full time nurse. It was still weird, as weird as a recue kraken from the supposed Sea Pony SOS emergency response team could be.

Jade left me something interesting to do aside from read novels written by a real life explorer. Said novels had major bits of editing to make them more colt and filly friendly than what Daring Do likely actually goes through on a regular basis. I’m quite sure some of the things weren’t actually dumbed down.

“Can you really blame them?” I asked, wondering why Maries and Jade thought I was worth this much of a surreptitious effort to keep me happy.

“Yes, if they end up making my patient worse in any given way or form. Just a reminder to you that this is a hospital now!” Yes and it was your hospital Zen. We get it, you run a tight… yes I was completely going there… ship. At least she was getting better with her speech, even if her accent was still quite present. “I’m a doctor, not a chaperone to ye’ crazy hormonal wee ones! You’ll be good enough to get around on three legs soon enough, maybe with a crutch, but it’ll be another week or two before the cast can be removed. Speaking of hormonal crazies, I need to go check on the reindeer and see how her fever is doing. It seems to be thankfully going down, but it still requires monitoring even now.”

It was a surprise that Maries could even sneak by Dr. Bones, they’ve done it once with a cloak, once with a cardboard box and once without either with a fair amount of success. Kind of like how Jade just did it the last three times, it was interesting how they were stealth training against a diamond dog that can practically hear heartbeat irregularities and smell if someone was sick or not.

It’s how Dr. Bones caught Jacky’s appendicitis, her nose was powerful enough to smell the bacteria of the inflamed appendix thanks to all the bleeding Jacky was doing after she took that nasty wound in her side.

There are a lot of jokes about Diamond Dogs and lacking brains, but I would never say any of them about Dr. Zen Bones who worked hard to make something of herself. Once she was done checking on Velvet, Dr. Bones looked over her notes and then left the room.

Not long after, Jade had managed to sneak back into the room and Escargot mostly just ignored her presence. When she waved to him, he waved back and continued to help ease all of Arizona’s damaged muscles with a gentle massage.

“So… my witch mother told me to give you some magic words.” Okay what were they Jade… not that I was asking how you got back in the room without Dr. Bones noticing. “It goes like this… I love, I love you, almost more than anything in the world right now, that it’s true~.”

“Really?” I stated as if I didn’t know this already, but then some music started playing and Jade started dancing to it. Was this going to be something highly embarrassing, yet Jade was doing it anyway to give me some entertainment?

“Doo, doo, doo doo doo~.” Jade sang with a smile, she was doing something I think was called the monkey. Rapidly waving her arms up and down while leaning side to side, yeah that looked like how a monkey would dance.

“Jade you really don’t need to…” I tried and she cut me off.

“Doo doo doo doo, I told my witch mother that I am in love with you~! I told my witch mother that I certainly loved you true~.” Oh great Jade actually felt like going into a musical number right now. So this was a heart song just for me. “Then my witch mother told me to come and sing this right out to you~! So I’m going sing that… I love, I love you~! You know, it’s nothing but quite true~! So I love, I love you, and we both know that it’s really quite true~!”

“We love, we love you, you should know it’s nothing but quite true~!” That’s when Maries popped up almost surprising the life out of me. “We love, we love the both of you, it’s not like it’s anything but really quite true~!”

Then another pony popped up, one that was highly familiar to me that happens to be playing a saxophone. Speedy Sax, always showing up at weird times when a saxophone was needed. She started playing an awesome upbeat solo following the music that Jade and Maries were swinging and dancing to together in beat.

“Doo~.” Mara.

“Doo~.” Maria.

“Doo~.” Marie.

“Doo~.” Jade finished following up the quick succession, this song was really silly and it was making me smile.

“We told the witch mother you were feeling quite down and blue~.” Maries and Jade sang together as they quirkily danced with Speedy shaking her hips off to the side and smiling. “We told the witch mother that you didn’t feel very nice~. Of course the wonderful witch mother, she soon gave us some really good advice~!”

“Oh please, stop.” Despite my complaints, I was giggling quite loudly at their zany performance.

“Get better, get well soon, or else our love will start to fill this room~.” Jade started off lazily.

“Ex-plosion~!” Belted our Mara.

“Ka-ha-boom~!” Maria enunciated afterward letting loosed a small blast of fire.

“You better heal real fast and quite soon~!” Marie pecked me on the nose making me smile brightly.

“Since we love, we love you, and all our love just can’t be contained to just this one room~!” They sang together. “We love, we love you, and that’s not changing anytime soon~!"

Even Speedy couldn’t hold back singing along with them and then she was back on her saxophone bouncing around and playing along to the beat they all danced for me.

“You can keep your love from us, though that doesn’t make you seem much wiser~.” Jade twirled and pulled out a bouquet of my favorite flowers out of the top hat she pulled from her pack. “We did it so we could learn how to break right into your heart~!”

“La-la-la~.” Intoned Speed as a background singer.

“So we went to talk to the witch mother, a lady that’s so much wiser~.” This was a really nice heart song and Maries knew how to harmonize. “Now we will always be within your heart~!”

“Doo~.” Jade started this time.

“Doo~.” Marie.

“Doo~.” Maria.

“Doo~.” Mara finished this time with a bright smile as the chimera’s body started doing the worm.

“We love, we love you~.” They all sang while Speedy continued to be their backup singer. “We love, we love you~.”

“We love, we love you.” Jade then slid onto her knee’s spreading her arms out wide, I wanted to hug her so badly right now. Stupid broken leg. “We love you, and there’s certainly nothing about it that you can do~!”

They all started dancing again as Speedy went back to blasting her saxophone to the tune. The dancing and music went on for a bit, even Escargot was bouncing to it having recently finished giving Arizona some massage therapy.

“Okay, that’s enough, out of all of you!” The music stopped abruptly as Dr. Zen Bones slammed the door to the room opened and glared at Jade, Maries and Speedy. “While this was a cute adventure in cheering up your lovely lass, out all of you! Except you Escargot, keep up the good work and make sure the patients get their rest.”

Escargot saluted Dr. Bones with a tentacle and made some friendly beak clacking noises. They all quickly vacated the room after that, all of them were laughing as they went.

“Let me guess, you’re going to say that Jade and Maries are daft idiots.” Yeah, I was much happier and more willing to do my school work now than I was before. Nothing like receiving a song to lighten the mood, with a bunch of silly dancing.

“Don’t need to, you said it for me.” The Diamond Dog simply crossed her arms and smiled at me, I think Zen actually found it funny that they broke into my room to cheer me up. “Though I must admit a positive mood is quite good for healing quicker. Some doctors are still sitting on the fence about it, but I think it’s a good thing that you have that many loved ones looking out for you. Speaking of, you have a visitor that’s not part of that bunch of sneaky little wee ones. Come on in Mayor Kuril!”

In walked mom and she sat down in a chair at my bed side on my left with a broad smile on her face. She reached over and grabbed my good hoof in her paw and pressed her face against it affectionately.

“You sent them after me didn’t you?” As blunt as I needed to be, even if I was receiving affection from mom.

“Yep. You’re a hard pony to keep happy, but when you’re happy you make them happy.” She pulled back and then picked up the homework papers Jade brought in. “Let me help you with your homework, there’s no helping Jade in math with her tendency to create world ending equations. I want at least two of my daughters to graduate in high honors.”

“Hey, Jade’s not that... bad…” I knew it was Cheerilee’s last year with us as our teacher. She was a good one.

Graduation came at sixteen for most ponies in schools, unless you’re in the school for gifted unicorns where learning could become a lifetime thing you do as a vocation. There’s also college and that’s only for ponies who wanted to advance the use of their cutie marks.

At this point in ponies lives they already knew what they were talented at and would only need to learn how to apply that talent in the area of their expertise. If you were talented at menial labor or cooking, then you had the whole world in your hoof as the rest of your life would be fulfilled monetarily.

I wanted to show the world what I was capable of, but I would finish school first.

Author's Note:
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