• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter forty one, Sandy Situations: Stopping Power.

-Two weeks after leaving the Floating Continent, Palicoast, Jacky-

Our airship was parked outside of the city and Gene was already off doing things, while I addressed the rest of the crew.

“I can already tell we’re going to have a lot of problems in Saddle Arabia. So first off we’re going to pick up water before we head into those sandy territories, which is why we’re stopping here.” It was so nice to be back in the sunny coastal city of Palicoast. “Among the problems are going to be you Flotsam, and I guess the crews new pet Belfry. The heat is going to be horrible for the both of you, so we’re going to stock up on enough supplies so you can stay with the ship for quite a while.”

“What about my little brother Nefer, wouldn’t he wilt in the heat?” Flotsam looked particularly concerned… and somewhat confused? “You know, since it’s kind of hard to figure out how his bizarre biology will react to anything.”

“I like deserts, they are warm and the sun always fills me with a lot of energy and I can talk some cactuses into lending me a little water if I get thirsty! The ocean might be slightly better if only for all the water, even if it is a little salty.” We’ll just chalk that up to another oddity of Nefer. He’s got a lot of them, so talking to cactuses is not the weirdest thing we’ve heard from him. “The entire desert is also like one giant litterbox!”

“Apparently he likes surf and sand, Flotsam.” I commented idly while rubbing Nefer’s ears. He mewled and rolled over onto his back, exposing his belly entirely to me while giggling. “Belfry and you can watch the ship to make sure it doesn’t get taken. Gene and I can easily scout around for information. The map is pretty unclear on this one aside from the words, ‘within Saddle Arabian territory’ and a dot pointing to the general area. This one might take a while, and we will really want to get this one.”

“For the three wishes or is it just the one wish?” It seems Flotsam was already read up on the history on magical genies, they come in multiple flavors.

If this genie we’re after in particular happens to be cursed, I could care less about what happens to me if I survived making the wish in question. Provided that I can even make the wish to begin with.

“I’ll only ever need the one. If there’s three per person, then we had better make them all count. Maybe we can remove our blackcap curses? I doubt it would be as easy as wishing them away, they are kind of intrinsic to our natures.” Anything else other than the one wish might be far too much for the genie to accomplish and it would be somewhat greedy of me to expect more than my heart’s desire, I at least knew Jade would love to spend some time in the seedier places of Saddle Arabia with all the thieves and rogues. In fact Saddle Arabia kind of has a history about them. “We’ll be leaving Nefer on the ship while we do information gathering in Saddle Arabia, we do not want him wandering around to be kidnapped. Now let’s get into what we’re doing here at Palicoast. Everyone can wander for a few hours, but when it gets late everyone is to come back here okay? I mean it Nefer, if the sun is going down then your butt better be headed straight back for the ship! I’ll be busy talking for the latest news and doing some shopping in town. If you want something unusual or specific beyond your current funds, then come find me and we’ll hash out whether the extra expenditure is worthwhile. Gene is already out on supply runs for us and he’s sticking to his budget, whatever money you have is yours to work with and you are to use it responsibly.”

“Okay Captain Blackcap!” Nefer got up and ran off with a pouch of gold at his left hip on a belt.

“What are the chances that it’s a wish twisting genie, mom?” Flotsam added sarcastically as soon as Nefer was gone. It was only her, me and the Belfry the butterfly. The highly annoying Belfry would be watching the ship while we were busy. “One that makes wishes into curses?”

“Extremely high and almost certain with a one percent chance of error.” With my luck, it was a guaranteed fact. This genie we were going to find wouldn’t likely do anything positive for us even if we did become their ‘master’, for a given definition of it. I sometimes just wish my curse would let up on me and give my various injuries some time to heal, my body was still reeling from everything that happened on ‘The Garden’. Even my shoulder was still twinging with quite a bit of pain where I took that tiny cannonball from one of those clockwork golems on my way out of Port Turtle Toga. “I can imagine you wishing that you can breathe underwater and then you choking to death because you can no longer breathe air.”

“Yes, that sounds exactly like what a jerk genie would do to me.” It almost sounded like Flotsam had gotten her hopes up and I could hear them actively deflating with her voice. “He or she would completely misinterpret our wishes and twist them around on us to our detriments. How would a genie misinterpret, I wish I could swim?”

“They give you an easily destroyed inflatable pool toy to help you stay above the water, if they’re feeling generous it would be magically reinforced to be slightly harder to destroy than something store bought.” That was way too easy for me to figure out how to twist, when you make a wish with a cursed genie you had to be incredibly specific about your wish. “Do whatever you feel like Flotsam, just remember that we’d be sad if something bad happens to you. Also, please try to make a new friend here!”

We heard a chittering noise and turned to the one making it.

“Is that a squirrel?” Yes, but not just any squirrel Flotsam.

“Hello Rata, do you have a message for me?” The messenger god held out a letter to me.

Instead of taking the offered letter, I cuddled him against my chest for being the cuddliest god ever!

Rata didn’t fight it and nuzzled right into me affectionately, he was happy to see me too. Gene had better be on his guard or else this little rascal might steal my heart from him.

I did write back to mom and tried not to get homesick. I guess I was the captain of my own crew now and it was only just sinking in how important everyone was to me.

-An hour or so later, Chausie’s Cheeses, Jacky-

“It was nice to see you again Jacky and thank you for the purchasing of one of our finest cheese wheels.” Old man Chausie was a cat who seemed to fancy his cheese and crackers a lot more than most cats.

“Don’t mention it Chausie, my mom made some really good chowder with the cheese she bought from here last time… who is that cat talking with my crew mate?” Looking outside the window to the shop I saw Flotsam chatting with a tiger striped cat. “She looks familiar.”

“It’s Savannah, she’s going through another one of her phases. Nobody knows if she’ll ever settle down with a couple of nice toms.” Chausie chuckled audibly. “Who knows, maybe she prefers queens?”

It was none of my business if Flotsam was becoming friends with Jade’s old kitten sitter, she needed to socialize on her own… big flipper… and could take care of herself. Even if she was being led to the nearest tavern, likely to be pulled into a playful bar brawl.

-Palicoast Tavern, Flotsam-

“Well I don’t think it needs to be said, but most people can’t hit you below the belt.” The bar owner chuckled audibly as I glared at him. “Just try to keep it clean miss. You look like you could use a good, rough time.”

“You’re not at all surprised that I’m a sea pony?” I’ve been asking that a lot since I got here, most of the Abyssinians seemed to roll with my presence and thought nothing of it.

“If I’m less than surprised about what you are, then you should be too!” Savannah hugged me from the side and laughed brightly. I don’t know why she started clinging to me as soon as she saw me, but her exuberance more than made up for my trepidation of talking with her.

“Eh, you’re not the weirdest thing to come into Palicoast, this city is a place for all to rest for a while.” The bartender leaned towards me to give a stare. “So long as you don’t intend on hurting anyone too seriously outside of bar brawls, then we’re all friendly cats here.”

“Yeah let me show you how to get into a bar fight, it’s really fun and I’ve been practicing!” Savannah grabbed me by the right hoof and dragged me over to a battered looking stool. “No below the belt blows once things get started and back off if the bartender calls out when someone gets too injured. This right here, it’s the most sacred tradition of all bar fights… the throwing seat.”

I just stared at the Abyssinian with the black stripes and midnight blue dyed fur with sparkly spots in it. As soon as she set a claw on the seat, everyone in the bar stopped talking and turned to stare at us.

“Okay, listen up everyone! No claws, no attacking my friend here who’s not as maneuverable as we are and no attacks on us without challenging first. Said challenge actually needs to be accepted by the one being challenged!” Savannah had absolutely everyone’s attention, even the bartender who was gazing at us lazily. “I’m trying to teach this girl how to survive a fight, she can learn a bit just by watching all of you fish for brains and I want to show her how to put her weight into throwing a good hoof even if she only has two of them. She’s part of a pirate crew and she needs to learn some martial prowess, does everyone understand?”

Every other Abyssinian in the establishment nodded and narrowed their eyes while looking towards one another.

“Okay, with that established… let the chair be thrown exactly one foot.” She then tossed the chair more than two hooves away, in fact I don’t think the one foot thing was meant to be literal.

I didn’t know what to expect, but within seconds arguments started up about how far the chair was thrown and then the first blow was thrown.

“Okay see that guy over there, he’s keeping his balance using his tail and is staying too rigid which is a bad idea because…” A second later the one Savannah pointed out went down like a brick wall hit by a cannonball with a solid strike to the jaw. “Being rigid tends to hurt if you get knocked over. You paying attention? You’ll learn a lot from just watching us fight over nothing here, I’d like to think that some of us are much better than the capital guards in Panthera. Goodness knows we need better fighters in Abyssinia, being merchant based society doesn’t help if we get robbed constantly and are unable to defend ourselves.”

I would learn much over the next few hours, while also receiving two black eyes, a sore pummeled chest and I would be covered slightly in someone else’s blood.

In the end… it was actually really fun hanging out with ‘The Wild Savannah’. She was fairly attractive, blue eyed, took good care of herself and her tail was exceptionally fluffy.

-Much later, The Ardent Survivor-

“What happened to you Jacky?” I stared at a grisly, mangled looking Jacky.

“Lost a fight to a mouse, but at least it didn’t get away with my cheese wheel.” She groaned out and patted the perfectly fine cheese wheel.

“Yeah, we don’t talk about Jerry. We try to keep him appeased and out of our foodstuffs.” Savannah stated as she sat on the railing. “That little guy has been living in Palicoast for years and no cat has been able to oust him yet. We think he has a magically extended life… either that or Jerry’s descendants all have a stupidly strong family resemblance.”

“Savannah, you were my sister’s kitten sitter right?” Jacky seemed to give Savannah something approaching a fond look. “Why are you on our ship? We’re about to settle in for the night and we’ll be heading towards what will be a highly dangerous adventure when we wake up.”

“I’m here for an interview of course, your ship seems to be lacking the most important crew member you could ever have... a morale booster than can dance and sing!” Savannah grinned brightly as Jacky sent her a sharp look. “Also I’m fairly good with giving medical aid, as long as I don’t have to do more ‘invasive’ forms of surgery. I’m good in a fight with my bare claws and I can even cook a little bit.”

“Full name?” Jacky asked after a moment.

“The Wild.” Savannah state cheekily, before flicking her ears in an innocent manner. “Savannah. The patent on the first part of my name is still pending in Panthera’s court systems. They don’t want me to get any recognition for it or to let it go to my head, but they’re already too late for that!”

“Why should I let you join this crew?” Jacky watched as Savannah placed a pack full of goods down and leaned against it. That looked like a promise that we weren’t going to leave without her even if Jacky says no. “You act like Jade got to you more than a few times.”

“Now that’s just uncalled for… even though it’s completely true! Loved the green haired kitten like she was a little sister.” Savannah looked falsely insulted as she put her claws to her chest, she idly ruffled her red vest and red cloth pants afterwards. “Catfish was a breath of fresh water around here, even if she’s a whale shark magnet. I should join, just because I’ve always wanted to visit Saddle Arabia! Heard it from your strange flower cat and then met this lovely, interesting sea pony. You guys sound like a lot of fun and I’m not taking no for an answer!”

Belfry chose to come up on deck, then Savannah and our butterfly stared at one another for a second. They practically leapt at each other and started hugging one another.

“I’m going to completely regret this…” Groused out Jacky as she threw her still bandaged talons to the sky. “It’s unfortunate that we really need someone that can cook and perform medical aid.”

“Oh don’t be such a sour puss… we have enough of those around Palicoast as it is sometimes!” Savannah giggled as Belfry’s proboscis stroked her face affectionately. “Goodness knows the vineyards need some sweeter tasting grapes.”

“I should tell you what happened to Jade…” Jacky stated grumpily. “That would bring your mood down significantly.”

“Try me.” Savannah challenged while leaning forward and staring into Jacky’s eyes.

Author's Note:

Omake… it means 'bonus' or 'extra'!

A wild 'Savannah' appears.

Jacky sends out giant butterfly Belfry to fight!

Belfry uses HUG... it's about as effective as you think it is.

Jacky laments that she should have hired a diamond dog onto the crew.

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