• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter Seventy Two, Swing and a Misses: Validated.

-Hours later, Manehatten Hospital, Arizona-

We were all brought here, because Dr. Bones needed better equipment to take care of all of us than what could fit in a tent. That and having more doctors to take care of us helped.

A loud crack was followed by a heavenly moo noise, which led to my embarrassment as it had come from me.

“Yeah, you’re a really great physical therapist Escargot, there’s no doubt about that!” I was practically melting on the table, the kraken nurse working on me with his tentacles chirped and clacked his beak in a friendly manner. “You’re going to make some she kraken, male kraken or whatever it is you’re into very happy someday.”

Escargot made some noncommittal noises and flicked a tentacle across my vision in several slightly agitated ways.

“I get it, you want your private life to stay just that.” I was ready for beat down again, unfortunately I didn’t have a target. “Which reminds me, since we’re in a hospital and all, do you know anyone who can teach Sex Ed to an overly innocent alpaca without getting too embarrassed about it? I love my fluffy wife and so does frosty farts, but…”

IT’S A CONDITION!” Was that an angry Velvet that just cut me off? The aggressiveness, the vinegar, the lemon juice and that heavenly salt in her shrill voice shaking the whole hospital… I’m happily married to that.

Escargot was as spooked and shocked as I was. I knew Velvet was fine, I was shocked for a different reason than Escargot.

“Isn’t she halfway across the hospital, in a sound proof room and still unconscious?” Said sound proof room was for resting patients.

If she had yelled that and we find out that she was still unconscious, then she has gained a supernatural sixth sense to know when I’m teasing her… that’s… ridiculously awesome actually!

-Liberty's Island, Celestia-

Luna was looking at a picture sadly, we had taken that together while the statue was still here. I had visited this wonderful landmark with my sister while we were taking a small break and letting Twilight get some practice in with being a ruler.

There were a lot of things I never got to see or do over the last thousand years, now fun was on the menu and I was going to live it up. My sister would prefer to relax and curl up with a book, whereas I would love to do some more exciting things.

Even with Liberty not standing proudly on her damaged pedestal, there was still the smaller version of her at the floating museum for tourists which had survived the storm. It just wouldn’t be the same as seeing Liberty on the island of friendship and harmony personally.

Slowly the water shifted and something large started to rise out of the sea, both Luna and I took on defensive stances. Only we stopped being defensive once we saw who it was, it was Liberty in all her robed glory.

Her crown slowly rose from the sea, followed by her head. Her drenched stone robes started spilling tons of water as she slowly pulled herself out of the sea. There was still some time before the sun rises, she’d make it back on her pedestal, but I noticed two problems.

“Where are her torch and slab?!” Luna pretty much bluntly stated what they were, Liberty looked sad because she was missing her stone torch and her slab of knowledge.

“They probably got destroyed in the fighting.” Looking down on me after I said that, the giant mare statue nodded solemnly with a frown as she lowered her head to look at us. “Hey Liberty, don’t frown, you’re a beautiful pony monument to hope and prosperity!”

Liberty tried to smile, but it looked like the fake one I’ve had plastered on my face for most of my life. I’m so glad I could relax those muscles a little, when they say your face could get stuck that way they weren’t kidding. I’ve personally been to a few doctors about making sure my face didn’t get stuck with a permanent fake smile.

“Liberty, do not try to force it, we will get you a new torch and slab to proudly hold up as a beacon to harmony!” Luna promised and the smile became slightly more real on the giant stone mare’s face, she even seemed to sniffle a little and a bit of sea water spilled out of her right eye. “Know that you are loved and we will try to make sure that even Equestria’s biggest citizen is happy! Though I am curious as to how she came to life.”

“I’m sure Jade or her friends could explain it, but this isn’t the first time she’s been animated and it likely won’t be the last.” Nodding calmly at my assessment, Liberty took several large steps over me and pulled herself back up onto the pedestal, she flexed her front two hooves and seemingly sighed.

She then forced a smile on her face, the grin wasn’t believable and she soon dropped it.

“Wait for our return faithful majestic mare of the coast, for we will promise to deliver unto you knew ones for your valor in protecting Manehatten!” Luna shouted up to the mare and she nodded down at us as she took up her pose without her torch or stone slab.

She wasn’t trying to force a smile now, but she wasn’t frowning at least. There was a neutral look on her face and she retained that stance, her eyes darted towards us for a few seconds and then went back to looking out to sea.

She closed her eyes for a few minutes and then she opened them wide, a smile playing on her lips.

The sun rose up and Liberty’s eyes met it with a passionate look over the horizon, she did not blink as she stared out the sea with a brave face. She still tried to stand proud with her robes drenched with sea water and her front hooves bare of her favorite things to hold. She crooked her left hoof and her right hoof raised high as if they were still there.

I didn’t think she was doing a bad job, but… she needed those things to feel complete. As Luna said, we would see to delivering those things to her personally.

Just when the both of us were going to fly back to the city, there was a powerful glow coming from the statue’s hips.

Curious, I moved over to the statue and looked up beneath her robes. I saw a large cutie mark that had etched itself into the stony hips of the statue, I looked to Luna and she was just as mystified as I was after she came to see what I was staring at.

We weren’t all knowing, but at least we both certainly knew what Liberty stood for in the face of adversity.

Luna and I were quite proud of her resolve.

-Ponyville, Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie-

“Party… for who? Whoa…” I soon shuddered, shook and jitterbugged. When I finally stopped, my eyes went wide. “Friendship emergency, I have to go to Manehatten ASAP!”

“But Pinkie your flank is not…” Mrs. Cake, bless her heart she tried, but she was stopped when my flank started glowing with the signal to a friendship quest. I’m going to hug Providence after this, she doesn’t get nearly enough love since Twilight moved to Canterlot. “I’ll make arrangements, honestly you and your closest friends get into all sorts of weird situations. A giant crystal tree telling you where you need to be to make the biggest impacts shouldn’t surprise me anymore.”

“Not nearly half as weird or dangerous as what some of my other friends end up doing!” I insisted, but Mrs. Cake didn’t seem to believe me.

Now how was I going to make a giant stone cake a quarter of a mile big? Also who would I invite to a… is it a birthday party or is it… earned a cutie mark… both?! I can do that.

I’d actually need Maud’s help for the cake on this one… I wonder if a date in Manehatten with Mud Briar can be arranged on such short notice.

We’d also need cake for guests that aren’t several hundred tons of friendship infused stone.

-Morning, Manehatten Hospital, Wheel Twist-

I stared at the doors in front of me with a hint of nervousness. I couldn’t be around Abyssinian’s, Anugyptian Felines, Griffons or even regular cats, but for a brief amount of time I had immunity from being allergic to it all.

It was all thanks to that Abyssinian witch that gave me that strangely tasty potion for my allergies. I wanted to thank her for relieving me of my symptoms, at least for a little while. I was actually able to talk to the griffon customers at the place I worked at and managed to explain my allergy issues for once, you know, instead of looking like a puffed up angry pony whenever one of them got near me.

It was the first time I felt free of that particular issue, but it only lasted the night and last night there was a fairly nasty storm.

I looked out towards the harbor and blinked. Even the statue of Friendship and Harmony, Liberty, looked like she was feeling the effects of last night’s storm. Yet there was something about looking at her that filled me with wonder and pride that she was still standing tall.

I hope she got her slab and torch back. Liberty didn’t look entirely right without them, but her pride was still there.

Looking forward, I made my way into the hospital and immediately tripped over someone. I was going to ask around for Kuril La Perm as I heard she had been infirmed in the hospital for a short visit because of the storm last night.

“Ow… sorry I didn’t watch where I was… a sea pony?” I looked up at a blue on blue sea pony, she was wearing a colorful skull cap and she looked upset with me.

“Oh sorry, I should really watch where I put my tail.” She surprisingly wasn’t actually upset at me, but at herself for not watching where her tail was.

“No problem… I guess you were distracted…” I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly.

“Yeah, a fair number of my close and extended family is hospitalized currently.” The sea pony seemed a little shy, it’s like she had problems with stallions. We shared similarities as I had problems with mares.

“Hi… I’m Wheel Twist, my cutie mark is a talent for running a roulette wheel or in general spinning things in circles or spirals. Doesn’t sound like I’m very lucky does it?” The mare I had taken an interest in yesterday had all but disappeared and I sighed, she was way out of my league anyway.

“Try being born from a stallion in Saddle Sore Shores, because my mother was a sea pony.” Born from a… wait did this sea pony just say her father gave birth to her?! “Don’t look so surprised. I could do the whole fix my biology by becoming a hippogriff thing, but I refuse to change who I am just because someone is uncomfortable with the possibility of getting ‘them’ pregnant. I’m Flotsam De Bris, waiting to see my Captain who’s in for shark bites. At least it wasn’t a sharknado this time and she’s actually the least injured from last night’s storm of pain.”

“Sharknado?” My curiosity really set something off in the sea pony, I was more curious than scared of her. She was actually quite beautiful, but it was easy to see that she's been through some things.

“It’s bad enough that I’ll drown in water, but my captain’s luck is so horrendous you don’t even have any idea what it’s like to be near her constantly. I’m the closest friend she’s ever had and it’s annoying that she’s always getting into danger and there’s nothing we can do to really stop her injuries when they happen!” She slapped her tail against the ground with a thunderous force, but I was far more worried about the fact that she said she'll drown in water. What sea pony can’t swim? Well this one obviously, but still... “You think a tornado full of sharks is bad, imagine being randomly battered by big birds or beset by beasts of all kinds. It’s just easier to say my captain is a living jinx… because curses are definitely real! I think that the adventures are always worth it in the end, even if going through them is like pulling teeth! Not that my captain’s sisters are any better when it comes to injuries or odd happenstances, it’s fairly frustrating living with so many insane people! Still, I love them all the same… sorry...”

“No, I think you needed to get that off your chest. You have a lovely voice by the way.” I complimented her.

“Thank you, but if your anything like the stallions I’ve tried to date. They run off at the first sign of me telling them about how sea pony biology works. Cowards, the lot of them!” She rubbed her flipper hooves against her face while groaning. “I swear, I have to live with so much ridiculousness in my life. At least Kuril’s food is worth all the trauma, next to all the ‘fun’ life threatening situations we get drawn into.”

“Did you say Kuril, as in Kuril La Perm?” I asked because that’s was who I came here to look for, I heard from a loose friend of a friend of a friend that the Abyssinian witch was here at the hospital after last night’s storm.

“Yes, I know her personally, good food and apparently willing to adopt any stray into her life as family.” Flotsam seemed fairly abrupt, like she’s had one too many Ponyville incidents. That’s probably why she was giving me a suspicious glance. “She’s a really nice Abyssinian… why do you ask?”

Ponyville was pretty infamous for its incidents at this point, it was almost matched in its weirdness by this little known town called Airship Mauled. Who would actually name a place something so juvenile or possibly bleak like that?

“Well I need her help with something, you see, I’m allergic to cats and she gave me something last night that helped me immensely with my allergies.” I was going to be honest with myself, I wouldn’t be opposed to going on a few dates with Flotsam. Seems like she understands what it’s like to have the short end of the stick smacking her in the head repeatedly. “I was able to make peace with some griffons I couldn’t get within twenty feet of without breaking out in a rash that makes me look angry with them. Say… are you doing anything later?”

“Not… particularly… until my family needs a ride home on the ship.” She was fairly pensive and defensively crossing her legs in front of her chest. “Though you might want to avoid my little brother until you can get more of that stuff from Kuril.”

“Abyssinian?” I queried.

“Anugyptian Feline, Flail-Tail is easier to say.” She uncrossed her hooves and looked me over. “Talk over some juice?”

“Not coffee or tea?” I asked.

“Family food allergies, also cliché.” Flotsam stated dryly.

“Okay, juice it is!” I answered brightly, Flotsam looked fairly shocked.

Author's Note:

Does Flotsam have a chance for happiness? Eh... I don't got much left, but I'm still closing in on the ending and I've been flagging quite a bit.

Also Jade is not a hero, she's simply a protagonist among many other protagonists lives. She's certainly living up to being a Petty Kitty.

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