• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter thirty three, Unfamiliar Faces: Meeting Applejack.

-The future that refused to change, Fluttershy-

“Pinkie… why did we ever stop going to Airship Mauled?” I was sitting off to the side with Pinkie Pie wondering when we stopped thinking about it.

“You mean, why did you stop going? I tried to keep going back, but things didn’t quite work out like I thought they would. Not after Kuril told me that all our friends there went out into the world to do some important things and that parties aren’t being held around there much anymore.” Here Pinkie wilted, not holding any celebrations was one of the things that can hurt her more than anything. We all remembered the Pinkie birthday incident. “Kuril actually didn’t want any parties and she seemed really sad the last few times I tried to throw her a birthday party. Airship Mauled is still around and doing fine, the recent years haven’t apparently been good for Kuril though. She hardly celebrates Hearths Warming anymore Fluttershy, Hearths Warming! Do you know how big a deal something is when I can’t solve it with a party? Also if I remember right, you were really wary of Flamberge. So maybe that’s why you stopped, but he isn’t there anymore now that I think of it. I’m a powerful party pony, but Airship Mauled needs something that I just don’t have.”

“Well that gives the theory that something really bad happened to Jade some credence, I’m going to ask Fizzle about it when I can get a chance to talk to her alone.” The only reason why I feared Flamberge is because he kept catching himself on fire sporadically, that’s not very safe and is a very scary prospect if all dragons were like that.

He was less scary than the bigger dragons, haven’t heard from him in years. Spike and Ember have kind of eased me into thinking dragons can be good friends, I wonder if Flamberge is still Ember’s size?

“Can I come when you go to look for her, I want to know what happened to Jady too! Kuril always got quiet when I tried to ask and she won’t celebrate anything every time I visit, her food is still good though. The Witch of Good Taste we know and like is certainly still plying her trade quite well, it’s just missing the love that she used to put into it. Kind of tastes like sad and I didn’t even know that was a real flavor before Kuril made it one.” Pinkie had probably missed some hints of what was wrong, she usually does when something was off with someone. She had a tendency to ignore bad situations, but that doesn’t mean she was stupid. “I just need to find out what made her so sad, but she won’t talk to me and I’m usually too busy to bother her for more than a week straight.”

It was probably something neither you nor I wanted to actually hear Pinkie, though bothering her for a week straight absolutely sounds like something where you would learn at least something of note.

Life… could be a bit cruel at times and maybe Kuril was sad and Fizzle was more upset than she currently looked. I remembered how much time Jade and Fizzle spent around one another with Maries in their own little happy herd, I haven’t seen a single sign of Maries or Jade since Fizzle attacked Canterlot.

Were both of them… gone? It might explain why Fizzle was being so horrible. If I had lost those I loved and cared about, then I too might go off the deep end. I had too many animals to care for, that they all cared for me right back would really help prevent me from going through whatever Fizzle currently is.

Angel wouldn’t die of old age thanks to our familiar bond, so at least I’d always have him if things came to their worst. I hope he’s taking care of all the animals back home without me.

Maybe Twilight can talk Fizzle down while she’s captured? Would Fizzle even listen to her?

I looked to Applejack sitting nearby, she was always a good hearted and honest pony. She was one of the first ponies I met in Ponyville.

“Everything okay there Sugar Cube?” Applejack must have noticed my staring and I looked away with a slightly nervous heat in my cheeks, she came over to me and put a hoof around my shoulder to hug me. “I’m sure Twilight will be just fine, once we rescue her that is.”

“Yeah, we’ll kick some flank when we get to Canterlot!” Rainbow Dash joined in a second later hovering nearby. She moved to Ponyville a year or so after I did, Pinkie’s one year anniversary birthday party for Rainbow Dash had been quite explosive. “You can just sit by to cheer us on Fluttershy, just stay behind me and I’ll protect you from those storm monsters!”

I smiled a little, Rainbow Dash always was rather protective me. If I didn’t notice her taking a passing interest in a few stallions, I’d swear she was suspiciously too sweet on me. She was just dense, because otherwise she would have noticed Gilda’s real feelings for her.

I didn’t think those Storm Creatures were actually evil, just the Storm King himself. Maybe Jade would have known something about them?

The Storm King was just a big meanie, most likely by bullying all those poor Storm Creatures and Fizzle into bullying others.

Maybe Jade tried to fight the Storm King and got hurt? Is he holding her hostage? Is that why Fizzle is doing all this? I wonder if Jacky was stuck in a similar situation to Captain Celaeno, I haven’t exactly seen the Ardent Survivor in a long time.

Out of everything I did know, there was a lot that I still didn’t.

We were almost to Canterlot and could see it on the horizon, we would soon start planning on how to help Twilight.

Back to remembering where I started forgetting Airship Mauled, I place I haven’t been to in so many years. I considered that it may have been when I first met and introduced myself to Applejack.

-Present day, Fluttershy’s cabin-

I’ve been approved for animal caretaker and control, I also now worked for the animal shelter and will eventually work towards a veterinarian license.

I really didn’t want to put Doctor Fauna out of a job, but I would help any animal in need in any way I can. I would make sure to take any animal medical business to her when warranted.

Jack and Angel were playing nicely together this morning and my home doesn’t quite feel lived in yet. I just hoped they didn’t get too rough with each other, I did tell them no biting and that Jack shouldn’t use his horns on Angel. Otherwise, I would just let them tucker each other out.

Rupert was curled up in a corner and Mr. Hummingway would go in for a check-up on his wing tomorrow.

I rested on the couch waiting for some tea to come to a boil while thinking about all the bird houses I can put up around my cabin.

Hearing a knocking on the door, I got up.

“Oh my, who could that be?” I trotted over to it and opened it to see Mayor Mare, though I don’t think that was her actual name.

“Well now, there’s a familiar face. It’s been a while since the chimera incident hasn’t it? I’m dropping in to let you know that you have a situation to take care of as an animal caretaker.” Well it was still nice of you to come by Mayor Mare. “Welcome to Ponyville Fluttershy.”

The whistling of the tea kettle could be heard as the water has come to a boil.

“Would you like to come in for tea?” I could always enjoy a nice relaxing cup, though it reminded me that I could hardly drink tea at Airship Mauled without feeling like a heel while drinking it around Kuril and Jade.

Never being able to eat chocolate or drink tea… I don’t think I could imagine living without that. I knew for certain that Pinkie wouldn’t be able to live without the existence of chocolate.

“I would be delighted to, thank you.” Mayor Mare was the one that got help for Jade after being clawed up by Maries a bit, I knew she was a good trustworthy pony to let into my home.

I went to get the tea while she sat down on my couch and looked at Rupert, Hummingway, Angel and Jack. She was smiling at all of them.

Having comeback with the tea on a serving tray, I placed it down and turned to mayor.

“Do you want cream, sugar, honey or milk?” Some liked their tea a little sweeter, I certainly did.

“One cube of sugar please.” Once I gave the cup to Mayor Mare, I got my own and sat down.

“Speaking of the chimera that attacked us, my friend Jade became special friends with her and another pony.” I saw some surprise on the mayor’s face.

“Really, that’s quite interesting, you’d think she’d be scarred by the encounter and yet she falls in love with the chimera that previously hurt her? That sounds romantically progressive at the very least… like Bright Mac and Pear Butter…” She seemed interested in the topic, she must have had some free time today to come talk to me personally. “Tell me, do you know about the rumors I heard about a chimera working at the local Hayburger some time ago?”

“Yes, Jade got her a part time job there. Maries, the chimera, got involved in that incident involving the ‘Hard’ family.” Taking a sip of tea, I then added. “What was is it that you needed me to do Mayor?”

“Ah yes, I remember that. My office became filled with panicked ponies that day, I’m quite glad things worked out. Mr. Rich shouldn’t have worked his employees so hard… poor Sell Hard is still going through therapy.” The Mayor cleared her throat. “As for what I need you to do, I want you to head over to Sweet Apple Acres. They are currently having problems with a bear ruining their crops, they don’t want to hurt it and they don’t want to be hurt by it.”

“Oh dear, that’s sounds like a big problem. I’ll get right on it Mayor… as soon as we’re done having tea.” While we were doing that, I would also get more information about what the bear was exactly doing and the complaints filed by the Apple family. Also how to find Sweet Apple Acres.

-Sweet Apple Acres-

Wow, that’s a lot of apples, the mayor wasn’t kidding when she said the orchard was large and important to Ponyville’s food production ever since the ‘Pear’ family moved to a different town and took all the pear trees with them.

I walked up the path and heard a loud noise and the sound of trees shaking, this made me yelp loudly and cower against the ground with my hooves over my head.

“Hey, who’s out there? If your that no good varmint messing up our trees again I’ll… huh?” The orange furred mare with the blonde mane came up to my cowering form, her green eyes looked upon my in a gentler manner. “Why hello there and welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, I’m Applejack. Who are you?”

I squeaked out my name in an inaudible manner to the pretty and finely muscled mare before me, she was also quite… rustic is the word I want to use. Mostly because of that hat and the accent she had.

“What was that? I can’t hear you, you have to speak up now if I’m to ever learn your name Sugar Cube.” Was that a term of endearment already or did this Applejack like to call any mare Sugar Cube?

“I’m Flutter…” I went all squeaky again while staying in my position on the ground.

“I can’t wait all day for you, you might want raise your voice a little more unless you want your name to be Sugar Cube.” Applejack lifted me up and started to dust me off. “At least tell me what you want, we’re all friendly here on the farm and we have the sweetest apples you’ll ever taste.”

“I’m Fluttershy.” My voice was still soft, but I could at least hear myself this time.

“Well howdy there Fluttershy, what can I do for you?” Applejack held out her hoof and I weakly grasped it. When she started to shake our hooves, she lifted me bodily into the air several times. “Whoops sorry about that Fluttershy, you’re really light and I guess I don’t know my own strength sometimes. I’m getting it down to a science though, good old Earth Pony agricultural science of course!”

“I’m here about your bear problem.” Why was I being stared at blankly like that?

“Uh, are you serious about that?” Applejack looked me over, I felt uncomfortable about the scrutinizing and hid my face in my long mane. “You look kind of… skittish.”

“Yes, I’m really good with animals. So where is the bear right now?” I was quickly led to the bear in question, he had been bothering Applejack’s trees a little too much. This is what I was called in for.

“Well there you are.” Applejack pointed to the bear and looked at me questioningly.

I approached the bear and cleared my throat getting the bears attention.

“Excuse me Mr. Bear, but could you please stop causing problems for Applejack… in fact would you like to come over and stay at my place? I’m sure we could have lots of fun together and that we will be the best of friends.” Yes, that was my plan and I was sticking to it. I didn’t care if Applejack was looking at me funny for asking a bear if he could stay over at my place. “I promise to feed you to the best of my abilities once or twice a week.”

The bear took one long glance at me.

-Fluttershy’s cabin-

“I can’t believe that actually worked! I guess we’re like neighbors what with you being so close by and all.” Applejack was smiling as Harry made himself at home in my house. Speaking bear wasn’t too hard and he was a good listener, though I needed to learn how to make bear grunts correctly now. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go get something for your troubles Fluttershy.”

“Oh you don’t have to do that…” I tried to deny.

“I insist, you haven’t even tasted one of our famous apple pies yet!” About ten minutes later Applejack came back with a warm apple pie that she shared with both me and the bear. It was freshly baked.

At the first bite, I couldn’t hold back my statement.

“This is the best apple pie I’ve ever tasted!” I could tell that Applejack and I were going to be good friends.

“Keep helping us with varmint trouble and I’ll be happy to invite you over for more anytime Fluttershy.” Applejack chuckled and got a slice for herself. “If you ever need anything, just ask for me or Big Mac.”

-The future that refused to change, Fluttershy-

That was one of the best apple pies I've ever had and we're still good friends.

That wasn’t it either, I still recalled my friends at Airship Mauled.

Author's Note:

Some Celestia next chapter, more Fluttershy memory lanes and it all comes to single point.

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