• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Character Sheet # 2 Jacky 'Blackcap' Chickadee

Name: Jacky ‘The Blackcap’ Chickadee/ Captain Jacky Blackcap Chickadee Eric La Perm.

Race: Ornithian Parrot.

Gender: Female.

Orientation: Barn door opens only for stallions.

Class: Pirate Mechanic/ Blue Pirate*.

Do you like fixing, building or creating things? Then you might be a mechanic.

Do you like flying the sky or sailing the sea, while you are looking for booty~? You are pirate~!

Why not try both?

As a pirate Mechanic you are capable of all the feats of both, but you’re usually more skilled in one than the other.

If you are more skilled in being a pirate, then you can perform all the duties you can imagine would needed to be done on a ship or vehicle of any kind. The mechanic side allows you to craft small tools of the trade and repair almost any damage done to just about anything, provided you have the materials to do so.

If you are more skilled in being a mechanic, then you have incredible crafting skills and can do big things. You also like to lie, cheat and steal to fuel your passion for constructive construction.

Star Class: A blue pirate is one that never goes after civilian targets, at least not without a very good reason to do so and tends to be more in it for the adventures they can get into. They tend to fight other pirates or go after evil organizations or groups, acting more like privateers for hire while still being beholden to none but their ship.

Bio: Jacky was born and grew up as an orphan on the moving island of Turtle Toga, said to be a landmass on the back of a humongous sea turtle that doesn’t want to drown the friendly pirates and even seems to like them.

Throughout her early life Jacky was confined to the island and completely incapable of escaping it, mostly due in part to her cursed luck getting in the way and destroying every method off of the island when she tries to escape. Cursed pirates have the moniker of ‘Blackcap’, Jacky’s curse was bad enough that she was known as ‘The Blackcap’ due to the destructive nature of her curse.

Despite the few hundred thousand setbacks until Jaded La Perm shows up, she tries to keep a positive attitude and outlook on life.

To this end she took every course of Pirate Training available to her, a pirate can even Hold Breath underwater for a staggeringly ridiculous amount of time. She pushed her body hard despite the traumatic life she was living and became Skilled at many things.

The schools on Turtle Toga prove to be actually very good in giving her skills needed to be a pirate. She learned everything from navigation, to fighting and even ballroom dancing.

Jacky has the Devil’s Misfortune that she couldn’t even leave the island as a slave, at least until she met Jaded after making her to slip on a banana peel and did the impossible by landing on her feet.

It was safe to say that before this moment occurred, her curse was slowly trying to wear her down and break her spirit. It broke her body, her bones and ripped her flesh in many numerous painful ways, but never did her spirit for adventure die as she looked towards the horizon to sometimes see continents or other islands and dreamed of the day she could castoff. She had to be a ‘Goddess of Resilience’ to keep living as she does.

Hoping her Curse Influence didn’t effect what she saw as an opportunity, Jacky tried to make herself useful to Jade in the hopes that this could be the Captain she was waiting for. Someone to guide her way from being a pirate tracked sitting on docks watching others coming and going for the rest of her life.

She had found her captain and she knew that her luck couldn’t hold her back forever! Friends, family and love were beyond her horizon and she jumped straight into the maw of the worst storm imaginable with her new crazy cat friend and came out the other side as sisters from adversity.

Through sheer force of will, Jacky’s resilience saw her through what was supposed to be a completely hopeless situation to wash up on Turtle Toga’s shores again. Now she only has to worry about the occasional airborne tree as she is free to explore the world at her leisure.

Meeting Jaded and being adopted by Kuril La Perm was probably one of the luckiest things to ever happen to Jacky Blackcap Chickadee… La Perm.

Appearance: Anthropomorphic Parrot, Black down, white down around purple eyes, black head feathers from mid back all the way down to her waist. She hide her small fluffy ears under her skull cap. She has short tail feathers on a moderate to short length tail. Thin and tall frame, covered in healed over scars. Beak is straighter and more like a griffons than an average ornithian parrot. Capable of bipedal motion. Wears vests, cloth pants and belts, sometimes has undershirts.

Positive Trait/s: Hold Breath, Pirate Training, Skilled*, Goddess of Resilience+*.

Negative Trait/s: Devil’s Misfortune+, Curse Influence.

Racial Trait: Fall Damage Reduction.

Racial Bonus: Parrot Pals. Add points to Charisma.

List of Skills: Pirate Weapon/s Mastery, Brawling, Engineering, Navigation, Commanding Presence*, Sprint.

Special Ability: Banana Peel Gag.

The ability to make anyone slip on something slippery when thrown to a rather painful or highly comedic effect, the higher the targets dexterity the less likely this is to work. Good for running away from danger and is a major distraction action. It has a slight Area of Effect which is bigger the more slippery things or substances added to a given area.

Luck does not affect this special abilities chances to work.

Warning: Can really hurt innocent people or friends by accident.

Magical Talent: Magical Artifacts.

The character can use magical artifacts in unintended ways that others wouldn’t even begin to think of.

Cutie Mark: N/A

Stats: Measuring from 1 to 10, 1 being weakest for given species, 5 being average for given species, 10 is strongest for given species. Anything above 10 for every 2 points has a title that goes from ‘SUPER-natural’ to ‘Demi-god’ to ‘Godlike’ to ‘Minor God’ to ‘Outright God Of This One Thing In Particular’.

Strength: Physical prowess of the character. 6-7*/10.

Jacky is not the strongest being to exist, but she can hit slightly harder than most when pushed. She’s exceptionally good at fighting with a weapon in her talons.

Star Stat: Skilled adds plus one to all stats when using skills or having traits relative to them.

Constitution: Injuries the character can take before death and the amount of stamina they have. 20-21*/10.

Jacky is not actually a goddess or ascending into being one, but with the trait ‘Goddess of Resilience’ she might as well be impossible to kill, especially in a single blow. Deadly status ailments like ‘Petrified’ and multiple damaging blows are required to bring her down.

Star Stat: Skilled adds plus one to all stats when using skills or having traits relative to them.

Dexterity: How fast a character moves or reacts to their surroundings. 9-10*/10.

Jacky is very good at cardiovascular exercises like dancing, sword fighting and running, she even outran a magical boulder of ever increasing danger that was later named ‘Ragna’.

Star Stat: Skilled adds plus one to all stats when using skills or having traits relative to them.

Intelligence: Knowledge and the ability to use it. 9-10*/10.

Jacky’s above average in intelligence, she knows how to build and repair most things broken by her curse. She even repaired a tank once with parts from an even bigger tank.

Star Stat: Skilled adds plus one to all stats when using skills or having traits relative to them.

Wisdom: Common sense, self-restraint. 4-5*/10.

If Jacky had more self-restraint and common sense, she would have given up hope long ago and would still be in Turtle toga.

Sometimes having poor wisdom is a good thing.

Star Stat: Skilled adds plus one to all stats when using skills or having traits relative to them.

Charisma: Leadership, persuade, adorable antics. 8-9*, 4-5*/10

Jacky hardly breaks even in Charisma thanks to the racial bonus, but what she lacks in charisma she makes up for in people who can overlook her curse nature to befriend the real parrot behind it.

Star Stat: Commanding Presence boosts Charisma.

Star Stat: Skilled adds plus one to all stats when using skills or having traits relative to them.

Star stat: Curse Influence lowers Charisma to 1, with racial bonus added afterwards.

Luck: Determines if good or bad things happen. -24*, 1*, -25*/10

The reaper has a few questions for Jacky, one is ‘Why won’t you die?!’

Jacky’s luck is horrendous enough that something bad happens to her at least once a day, sometimes even before she wakes up from sleeping.

There are rare times when Jacky’s luck isn’t in the negatives and is actually somewhat tolerable, only occurs when asleep or badly injured. Being Skilled can only help so much in survival, you best have some constitution or you won’t live long.

Star Stat: Skilled adds plus one to all stats when using skills or having traits relative to them.

Star Stat: Rarely will this stat ever go into the positives, even a luck of 1 is better than nothing.

Start Stat: Devil’s Misfortune+ decreases luck state to negative twenty, dropped a further five points with additive ‘+’ for even worse effects.

Skills: What is the character good at doing?

Pirate Weapon/s Mastery: Your character can use any weapon that a pirate can, this includes swords of any kind, small one handed clubs, all forms of cannons and artillery, most spears that are not of a special classification, wrenches and rarely handheld projectile firing weaponry like crossbows.

Brawling: Learning how to fight with your bare hands/hooves/claws/etc. is a good thing, even without a weapon you are not unarmed until you are literally un-armed.

Engineering: The skill to repair, modify or create objects, this also makes it easier to know how to pilot or work vehicles. This skill depends on the Intelligence and Dexterity stats when creating something new or making something from a blueprint.

Navigation: The skill to know which way your butt is facing and what you’re leaving behind, you’ll even get to where you’re going eventually. Your character can read maps, make maps and even accurately determine location without having maps at all. There’s also compasses, sextants and other things like the character guiding themselves by the stars that boosts this skills effectiveness.

It is impossible for the character to be completely lost.

Commanding Presence*: This skill has been earned by taking charge enough times and taking on a leadership role. Aside from a large Charisma boost, this gives your character the ability to order friends, family or others around when it comes to the subjects your character excels in or if you have an idea of what to do about a given situation.

Sprint: Allows one to run for longer periods of time. The more Constitution the character has, the longer they can keep running at top speed.

Traits: Natural positive, neutral or negative things about the character.

Hold Breath: Whether someone is trying to choke you to death, you’re underwater, in the middle of a gas attack or whatever the situation, your character can safely hold their breath for up to ten solid minutes. Going over ten minutes tends to be immediately lethal.

Pirate Training: Your character knows the ins and outs of being a scallywag, they could even be good enough to be a captain of their own vessel. They learned how to steal, fight, how to work on pirated vehicles and ballroom dancing.

Skilled: Whatever you do, you’re certainly doing it better than you were when you started. You are skilled at learning and doing many things. Anything that relates to what you are good at is always just a little bit easier to do.

Goddess of Resilience+: Nothing can keep you down. Quite literally, a single god powered blow cannot fell your character easily and shock injuries has minimal effect on the characters capacity to do things. Magic attacks hurt, but they are going to do half as much to the character with this trait. The character with this trait is less likely to suffer permanent injury from anything.

This is the upgraded version of ‘Impossible Pain Threshold’, requires surviving constant shock or mortal injuries over a short period of time. The other requirement is that the character has a positive outlook on life despite the thousand plus consistently painful injuries needed to earn this trait, otherwise they end up with ‘Goddess of Sorrow’.

Devil’s Misfortune+: Whether you were cursed by a sea witch, Queen Novo or you just have some really bad pirate heritage juju going on, you really do not want this trait. Something bad always happens to you once every single day, maybe even once an hour or every ten minutes. Your life will not be an easy one and this trait will tend lead to a lifetime of suffering.

Luck, what luck? You barely have a chance at having any with this curse hanging over your head and it’s intrinsic to who your very being. So there’s nothing to cure, there’s only living with it to the best of your abilities.

Lightning seems to strike you twice, trees come flying from out of ether intending to break your body and cannonballs will more likely veer towards you at a ninety degree angle in spite of the laws of physics. Your character can even fall up two flights of stairs despite how ridiculously impossible that sounds.

If you’re not paranoid about absolutely everything, this trait might kill you unless you are resilient enough to survive every horrible incident that occurs. This is bad luck in an advanced state, but you can mitigate this curse with positive stats to some degree. The most important curse mitigation stats are Constitution and Dexterity.

Suffice it to say, your character is thrice cursed living disaster zone. The times this curse are not active is when the character is suffering from severe injury and or is asleep, the curse seems to want the character to die a slow and exceedingly painful death. So it will never try to outright kill the character.

Curse Influence: If your character is cursed, the curse has a random chance to effect those near you. This is includes loved ones, but don’t fret, sometimes those loved ones might have divine protection or are lucky enough to avoid being harmed by the curse’s influence.

This tanks your characters charisma and tends to make them a social pariah. This trait is really bad for making friends, but that doesn’t mean it can stop you from having them. It’s more of a misery loves company thing at that point.

Worships: Sekhet, Pirates in general, Her Captain Jaded La Perm, The Lucky Stars at Night.

Loves: Jacqueline Sparrow, Her Sisters, Kuril La Perm, The Ardent Survivor, Her Crew, Her Husband Gene Eric, Her Adorable Son Gavin, surviving through another day, being able to make people happy or at least help them in some capacity.

Likes: Airships, Boats, Engineering, Flying, Good Food, being ‘relatively’ healthy and her home port of Airship Mauled.

Dislikes: Her Blackcap Curse, anyone who hurts her family and friends, being alone.

Hates: Flying trees.

Allergies: Surprisingly N/A, likely in part to the absurdly high constitution.

Most known for: Outrunning a magical ‘death’ boulder. Almost managed to defeat the Storm King in a one ship pirated raid, while almost wiping out half his fleet either by accident or on purpose. Destroyed over a thousand ships with the ‘Curse Influence’ trait and earned the title ‘Ship Wrecker’.

Managing to become a successful pirate captain despite having the Blackcap Curse trait of ‘Devil’s Misfortune+’.

Inventions: Dragon Burst Gem Jetpack, Magnetically Driven Lightning Skates, The Durable Dinghy, Ardent Survivor Drill Tank Parts.

Author's Note:

I hope this doesn't have any errors in it.

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