• Published 5th Jun 2018
  • 2,018 Views, 46 Comments

Rise of the New Warrior - AmethystMajesty25

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Unexpected Meeting

Canterlot City

Beryl’s House

7:30 PM

Beryl was eating his popcorn while watching his favorite show (Monday Night Raw) in his bedroom.

30 Minutes Later...

During the middle of his show, Beryl heard footsteps coming from upstairs. When he heard it, Beryl quickly turned off the TV, put the popcorn away, and grabbed a book to read and study. You know, to fake his scheme. Then, he heard a knock on the door. “Who is it?” Beryl asked.

“It’s me you doofus.” Tempo said.

Beryl sighed and asked, “What do you want, I’m busy.”

“I need to talk to you about something, something very important.” Tempo said.

“Can you talk to me about it later, I’m trying to read here.” Beryl said.

“Are you sure? Cuz I can see what you’re doing right before you grabbed that book.” Tempo said.

“Say what?” Beryl asked before he saw a remote-controlled drone attached with a video camera, deactivating its invisible cloak.

Beryl gasped, “Really bro? You’re lucky that you're not my Mom.“

“Sorry, but can you please let me in? I won’t tell her, I swear.” Tempo begged.

Beryl didn’t take long to answer him. He sighed and said, “Okay, fine.” He got up from his couch and opened the door to let Theo in. After that, he locked the door.

“Okay bro, what is it that you want to talk to me about?” Beryl asked.

“I’m just letting you know that I’m upgrading your suit. It should be ready soon.”

“Okay, so can I take a look at it right now?” Beryl asked.

“No you cannot. A future inventor like me should never reveal its unfinished work to the audience.”

“I knew you would say that. What else do you want to ask me?”

“So... when are you ever going to get a girlfriend?” Mind Tempo asked and smirked.

Beryl replied, “I don't know. My mind is on martial arts and singing with my bandmates.”

Mind Tempo told him, “I appreciate that, but the Spring Fling is coming up.”

Beryl replied, “I know that. You already found a date and I don't.”

“Correct. However, when is it time for you to step out of the Friend Zone?” Mind Tempo questioned.

Beryl sighed and answered, “Look Tempo. I’m pretty sure that I’m like most guys that some beautiful girl loves to flirt with. So, I’m not ready for that kind of relationship. Maybe someday I’ll find a girl who really appreciates and cares about me as much as I care about her. You understand that, right?”

“Okay bro, if that’s how you feel. I respect your decision.” Tempo answered.

Beryl replied, “Good, now if you excuse me, I gotta continue watching my show.”

“Alright, as you wish.” Tempo said as he unlocked the door and exited his room along with his drone.

After that, he turned on the TV again and grabbed his popcorn to continue watching his show.

*The Miz’s entrance music plays*

“Oh great, it’s The Miz & his Miztourage. Yippee.” He sarcastically cheered, “Okay, so who is he going up against?”

*Braun Strowman’s entrance music plays*

“Uh-oh, looks like The Miz is about to... Get Those Hands!” Beryl said.

Canterlot High School

2:00 PM

As another school day has ended, Beryl ran into the back to the school to get himself change and activate the portal with his watch. Once he arrived, he double-checked the perimeter to make sure he wasn’t followed. Unknowing to him were the Dazzlings, hiding in the bushes while spying on him. Aria grabbed the binoculars from her bag and used it to get a closer look.

“Are you sure this is the right guy, Dagi?” Aria questioned while she was still using the binoculars.

Adagio answered, “Trust me Aria, I’m sure this is the one we’re looking for.”

Sonata asked while chewing her taco, “Mmm, what if he sees us and attacks us?”

“Don’t worry, we have countermeasures for that.” Adagio said as she looked at the big bag full of ninja gear.

Sonata finished her taco and said, “Mmm, good point.” Then, Sonata’s phone rang.

Beryl can hear the phone ringing too just a few feet away. “Okay! Who goes there?!”

Sonata blushed and sheepishly smiled as both Aria and Adagio glared at her, meaning that their spy mission was a failure.

She answered the phone without no hesitation and listened to every word from her phone. After that, she hung up her phone.

“Who was that?” Aria asked.

Somata answered, “That was Karai. She said that she and Shini are going to be home very late.”

“Well, that’s just great. We got the whole place for ourselves then.” Adagio answered.

Beryl took no hesitation and yelled, “I’m waiting! I know you’re here! Show yourself!” He then shouted up to the count of ten.

“What do we do now?” Sonata asked with worry on her face.

Aria angrily answered back, “Don’t look at me, you’re the one who screwed this whole thing up!”

“Sorry.” Sonata apologized.

Adagio said, “Sorry or not sorry, it’s still your fault.”

“Well, there’s only one thing that we can do.” Sonata suggested.

“Which is?” Aria asked.

Sonata answered, “This.” She then waved a white flag in the air, “Okay, we surrender! Just don’t hurt us!” Both Adagio and Aria facepalmed with dissatisfaction.

Just as Beryl was about to finish the countdown, he saw the white flag. He said, “Well come on out then. I don’t have all day for you to explain yourselves!”

Adagio looked at Sonata and said, “When we get back, you’re cleaning the toilets.”

“Aw come on, are you serious?” Sonata questioned.

“Yes. Now come on, let’s go meet the new guy.” Adagio ordered as she stood up from the bushes. Then, Sonata and Aria soon followed her. The Dazzlings walked through the forests and into the back of the school, thus meeting Beryl face-to-face for the first time.

Beryl immediately recognized their faces and said, “Wait a minute, I know you three. You’re the Dazzlings! Aria, Sonata & Adagio!” Beryl said.

“Aww... how long did you figure that out genius? Tell me, are you our biggest fan?” Sonata questioned.

Beryl scoffed, “Pfft, no. I’m not your biggest fan. In fact, it didn’t take me long to recognize your stupid faces. I remembered you three back at the Battle of the Bands Tournament that happened many months ago. So explain yourself, why are you here?!” Beryl explained as he got into a fighting stance.

Aria said, “You calling me stupid now?! Ooooooohhhhhhh.... it’s on now, pretty boy.“

“Bring it.” Beryl taunted.

Before they charged in for a fight that was about to breakout, Adagio came in to prevent the scuffle. She yelled, “Enough! Both of you!”

Beryl and Aria turned thier attention to Adagio and stopped the scuffle.

“Can we just stop for a second before this gets out of hand?!” Both of them stood down and backed off. Adagio looks at Beryl, “Look, we don’t want any trouble. We just want to talk. That’s all.”

“Talk? What’s there to talk about? You’ve got nothing on me pretty girl?” Beryl said.

Adagio answered back, “Oh really, well then... how do you explain the portal you just opened?”

“Say what?” Beryl asked.

“You’ve heard me, you used Kraang technology. No one should be using that kind of tech to a normal civilian.” Adagio said.

“Kraang? What kind of word is that?” He asked, looking puzzled.

Sonata cut in and said, “Don’t believe me, it’s right here in this small footage.” She then showed the footage from her phone to Beryl, revealing that he was at the scene where he opened the portal from his watch and stepped right through it. Beryl was shocked that somebody spied and recorded on him. This could jeopardize his crimefighting career.

Oh crud...

Beryl sighed and said, “Okay, you've got me. I’ll explain everything about it to you girls, but... we can’t talk about it in a place like this.”

“True. In fact, why don’t you come with us. It should be fun.” Adagio requested.

“And why would I come with you?” Beryl asked.

Aria threatened, “You want me to punch you in the face and released this footage to the world.”

Aria’s got a point. There was no turning back from them and they know his secret. What other choice does he have left?

Beryl sighed, “Nope, I’m good. I’ll come with you. However, this secret conversation is between me and you girls. Got it?” He then offered a handshake to finalize the deal.

Adagio stepped in and said, “Hmm... I still don’t trust you. However, you’ve got guts young man. I like that~”

“So...it’s a deal then?” Beryl questioned as he blushed.

Adagio accepted the deal and shook his hand, “Fine, you’ve got yourself a deal. But no tricks.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not pulling some tricks around here.” Beryl said before he put both of his hands in the air.

Sonata happily cheered as she hugged Beryl tightly, “Yay! We’re gonna be besties now!”

“Can’t.......breath........” Beryl said, making his face turn blue.

She then released him from her happy grip, “Oops, sorry.”

“So, where are we goin?” Beryl asked after catching his breath.

Adagio answered, “We’re going back to our place in New York by chopper. But, I figured that you want to use that watch of yours to create a shortcut.”

“Yes and... wait a minute? You girls own a helicopter? That is awesome! I want to take a ride on it. You don’t mind if I ride with you girls, right?” Beryl positively asked with a smile.

Aria answered, “Yeah, sure, whatever. Just don’t puke in front of us or else I’ll kick you out without a parachute.”

“Was that a threat Aria?” Beryl questioned.

She answered him back, “Well what’s it to ya, idiot?”

“Enough you two! We gotta go now.” Adagio ordered as she and Sonata went to the location of the chopper.

After listening to Adagio, Beryl and Aria glared at each other for a second and turned their eyes away from each other and followed the rest of the Dazzlings to travel back to New York.