• Published 5th Jun 2018
  • 2,018 Views, 46 Comments

Rise of the New Warrior - AmethystMajesty25

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Overcoming Adversity

New York City

The Hideout

12:00 PM

Beryl arrived at the rooftops of the hideout and watched the busy streets of New York City. Karai showed up and appeared out from the shadows... like a boss.

“Hey Beryl, how are you holding up?” Karai asked.

Been tilted his head to the left and saw Karai. He answered, “Fine, I guess.”

“You know, you’re not the only victim who has an adoptive, evil father.”

“Yeah, I know. The Dazzlings told me about your history with your father... or should I say, “The Shredder’.”

“I know, but I don’t want to bring up bad memories about my unrelated, deceased father.” Karai suggested.

“Hmm. I see. However, their is one thing that I didn’t tell you and your friends about myself.”

“And what’s that?” Karai questioned.

“I’m not related to Mind Tempo and his family.”

“What?” Karai asked with her eyebrow raised.

“Let me explain. My real parents passed away. They died in a deadly car crash before I moved to Canterlot City. I stayed at a foster home until I get adopted, and that’s when Silver Strike and Stella Badge showed up. Before that, they saw me defend a little kid against a bunch of big bullies in the alleyways. They saw my potential and they love seeing people doing the right thing. So, they took me in to their home at Canterlot City. I was nervous at first, but when I see people at my age, I feel a lot more calmer than before. I realized that it was fate that brought me here.”

“Wow, that’s a lot to give in. I’m sorry that you lost your real parents.”

“It’s alright. I already moved on from that, but thank you.”

“Well that’s why is your father named Silver Strike. I thought your father’s name is Silver Fury?”

“Did I say that?” Beryl chuckled, “Oh, my bad. Sometimes I keep forgetting that, but this time I’ll remember that from now on.”

Karai giggled, “It’s okay, You’re good.”

“Thanks Karai.”

“You’re welcome Beryl.”

“You know, something’s been bothering me over the past three days and it’s driving me nuts.”

“Okay, care to explain that to me?”

“I’m not sure if I can face him. The Cyber Soldier. He’s so good and I can’t keep up with him. I don’t want to hurt him, but I just need to figure out a way to bring him back into the light. That’s all.”

Karai thought about it real hard. She has experience dealing with mind control in the past, so she gave him some advice.

“Well, whoever he used to be, the guy he is now, I don’t he’s the kind you save. He’s the kind of person to stop you.”

“I don't know if I can do that.” Beryl said.

“Your father might not give you a choice. He doesn't know you.”

“I understand, but he will. I’ll do whatever it takes to bring him back into the light. I just gotta figure out a way to stop him from hurting anyone else. And I’ll be there right before he shows up.” Beryl lights up his fist after making his statement.

“Since when did you have magical powers?” Karai questioned.

“Say what?” He then looked at his fist, glowing green. Beryl was amazed with the duscovery of his powers, “Woah, this is way beyond my imagination. I didn’t even know I can do that. This is amazing!” He looked at Karai, “How come you were not shocked that I have powers now?”

Karai shrugged, “Meh, I got used to seeing these kinds of stuff these days. It’s a common thing now.”

“Oh, I see then.” His fist stopped glowing, “Well then, is there any advice that you want to give me?”

Karai sighed, “You know, I hate to see a good friend giving him or herself up from a fight that he or she couldn’t finish. That’s called being a coward. So let me give you some advice: Don’t give up on yourself. Fight for what you believe in and do what you think is right. You’re a warrior Beryl. A warrior that brings the fire inside of its spirit. Not only that, you’re our friend Beryl. We’ll be there to support you, even if we’re not there with you. Just remember that.”

Beryl listened to her words and understood her advice. He stood up with pride and said, “You’re right Karai, I finally understand what you mean. I am no coward, I’m a warrior! And a warrior never flees from a fight! I can do this! I can face my dad and bring him home to a family that he really misses the most, and that’s us! However, I can’t do this alone. I got friends right beside me to accomplish our goal, no matter how big or small it is. We’ll be there to work together and succeed our mission. That’s who I am!”

“Now that’s the Beryl that I’m looking for.”

Beryl let out a heavy sigh, “Phew! That felt great! I feel a lot more better now.” He looked at Karai and said, “Thank you Karai. Thank you for reminding me who I am.”

“You’re welcome Beryl, that’s what friends are for.”

Beryl hugged Karai, filling up with tears in his eyes. Karai hugged him back. She then sensed something.

“Okay guys, you can all come in now.”

Shini, the Dazzlings and Tag showed up, smiling at them.

Beryl broke the hug and looked at the rest of their friends. “Hey guys, I’m sorry that I walked away. I was just... “

Adagio hugged him tightly, “It’s okay Beryl, no need to explain my friend. We’re just so happy that you’re back on your good side again.”

“Aww, thanks guys. I appreciate it.”

Sonata felt a tear in her eye and said, “You know what, group hug!!!”

Sonata hugged both Beryl and Adagio at the same time. Soon, the rest of the gang joined the party.

Then, Beryl’s phone rang. “Excuse me for a moment. I need to answer this.”

Beryl picked it up and answered the call, “Hello?”

“Hello Beryl, do you remember me? Do you remember my voice?”


“I told you before, I’m not your Dad. Anyways, I’m not here to kill you, your family or your friends.”

“Then what do you want then?! More importantly, how did you get my number?!” Beryl questioned

“That’s none of your concern. Anyways, I came here for a mission. I’m here to find the so-called Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms. So Beryl, do you know exactly where they are now?”

“I’m not telling you that. More importantly, I’m not giving you information about them. If you really want to find what you’re looking for, then you’re going have to get through me first.”

The Cyber Soldier laughed, “Do you really have a chance against me, young boy?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. Last time I checked, I hit you with one punch.”

The Cyber Soldier bluffed, “A punch in the face isn’t going to be enough to defeat me kid.”

“Stop calling me that, I’m not a kid anymore. I’ll do whatever it takes to get your senses back. So if it’s a fight you want, you got it!” Beryl replied.

“Is that so huh? Well then, If you really want to face me, fine. Meet me at the warehouse where Snakeweed and Spider Bytez fought. I’ll be seeing you there tomorrow night.”

Beryl hung up his phone and looked at his friends.

“Beryl, who was that on the phone?” Tempo asked.

“The Cyber Soldier, and he’s calling me out.”

“Beryl, are your sure you want to face your father. You’re not ready for that.” Shini aked.

“I’ll do whatever it takes.” He then looks at Karai, “Karai, I’m going to need those extra hours if I want to train hard so that I can practice my new powers and face my Dad.”

“Okay, sure. It’s your call.” Karai answered.

“Alright, it’s time that I go back to work. C’mon, what are you waiting for, Christmas?”

Beryl exited from the rooftops and the rest of his friends followed him after that.

“I still ship you too.” Sonata said.

Beryl and Adagio blushed madly and yelled at her, “SONATA!!!”


3:00 PM

The Cyber Soldier was now standing in front of a group of thugs wearing cloaks, lounging around the area.

“Ahem!” The cloaked thugs were now front and center, listening to the Cyber Soldier’s orders. “I want you guys to take care of Beryl’s friends tomorrow night. It’s in this location.” The Cyber Soldier shows them a holographic image of Karai’s Hideout. “No witnesses.”

One of the cloaked thugs said as he wrap his neck around with his arm, “Oh don’t you worry my friend. We’ll take care of this situation for you.”

The Cyber Soldier grabbed the collar of his neck and pinned him against the wall, “You better do it right Jammerhead. Otherwise, I’ll be turning you into scrap metal within seconds!”

He released Jammerhead and stuttered “Umm... right. We’ll do exactly as you told. C’mon, let’s go blow their popsicle stand Street Phantoms!”

The Street Phantoms left as they phased through the ground like ghosts while the Cyber Soldier waits for the arrival of his opponent, Beryl Fury.