• Published 5th Jun 2018
  • 2,018 Views, 46 Comments

Rise of the New Warrior - AmethystMajesty25

  • ...

Tough Time

“I’m not your Dad, kid.”

He pulls out a Remote Claw gun from his back pocket and just before he shoots it right at Beryl , Aria appeared and kicked him from behind. The Cyber Soldier was knocked down and dropped his weapon.

Beryl asked, “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks Aria.”

“No problem.”

He quickly got up and grabbed his gun before he threw down a smoke pellet to escape before his other friends show up.

“What? Where’d he go?!” Aria wondered.

Beryl called, “Don’t bother, he’s gone now.”

Karai and Shini were limping after their battle with the Cyber Soldier earlier. Adagio and Sonata came by to check on them.

“Hey guys, are you all right? Did we miss anything?” Sonata asked.

“It’s a long story.”

The sounds of thunder were starting to boom the skies and the clouds were beginning to turn gray now.

“Alright everyone, let’s go back inside before anyone else sees us.” Karai ordered.

Everyone except Karai said, “Right.”

The Hideout

4:00 PM

Everyone was inside and wrapped up in bandages except Theo, trying to sustain their damage from the battle with the Cyber Soldier. At the dojo, Beryl was just sitting down, thinking and asking himself about what happened to his Dad. Then, Adagio entered the room to check on him.

“Hey Beryl, you doing okay?”

Beryl didn’t bother answering her, he was just confused and lost.

“Beryl? Is everything alright?”

He took a deep breath and said, “I’m fine. It’s just that...”


“I don’t want to talk about it.”

Adagio put her hand on his shoulder, “Beryl, you can tell me anything. I’m your friend. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Beryl said, “I want to, but I just can’t. There’s too many things in my mind right now.”

Then, the rest of the crew shows up including his brother.

“Hey Beryl, how are you feeling?” Karai asked.

“Fine, I guess.”

They all feel worried that something was bothering him.

“Is there something wrong, dude?” Tempo asked.

“No. I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

Beryl stood up and he was ready to leave, but Adagio stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

“Beryl, no matter what you say isn’t going to make us go away. Something’s bothering you since we left the docks and we want to know right now! Please?!”

He all looked at their faces, filled with worry.

“Okay, remember what I said that my Dad was missing?”

His friends said, “Yeah.”

“Well... I saw him.” Beryl said.

“What do you mean you saw him?” Aria asked.

“The guy with the metal arm... That was him. The mask behind the Cyber Soldier gimmick... is my Dad.”

Everyone gasped with the shocking discovery of their foe.

“What?!” Tempo asked in disbelief.

“Wait a minute, are you saying that... the Cyber Soldier is your Dad? Karai questioned.

Beryl sighed and said, “Unfortunately... yes.”

Everyone gasped again.

“Wow, what a plot twist right there.” Sonata commented.

“He looked right at me like he didn't even know me.”

Adagio asked, “But, how is that possible? How did he survive?”

“I don’t know Adagio.”

Tempo said, “Maybe someone captured him and planted experiments on him when he was on active duty at overseas.”

“I don’t know about that, but why would someone capture my Dad in the first place.”

Karai said, “We don’t know if that’s true or not, but it does look like we got another mystery in our hands.”

“I agree.” Shini said.

“Well, count me in too.” Tempo added.

“And us as well.” Adagio said.

“Yeah!” Aria and Sonata shouted.

“You guys go on ahead without me, I just need some time alone.”

“But Beryl, we need you on this.” Karai said.

“I wish I could, but I just need some time alone to think about it.” Beryl suggested.

Beryl took off his watch and gave it to his friend. “Just send me home Tempo. I want to get some rest right now.”


“NOW!” Beryl yelled.

“Okay, if you say so.” Tempo said.

Mind Tempo used his watch and activate the portal, leading straight to his house. Beryl went through and went straight home. Tag and the rest of his friends were now all worried about his state of condition now.

In the dark and spooky woods, Beryl fell on the ground and he was all beaten and injured by the hands of the Cyber Soldier or should I say... his dad, Silver Strike. As he was approaching him, Beryl tries to crawl away from him. As Beryl tried to get away from him, his dad caught up to his son and grabbed his hair to drag him down to someplace... dangerous. As Beryl was being dragged by the hands of his own father, he then sees a graveyard of all the names of the Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, The Dazzlings, Mutanimals, April, Casey, Karai, Shini, his Mom, and his brother engraved on each of their respective tombstones.

Beryl panicked, “No! No! No! No! No! No! Silver stop! Please?! This isn’t you!”

Silver didn’t say a word to him and he finally reached to the top of the cliff, only to see the hot, raging fire down below. He let go of his hair, but he choked his own son right on his neck and lift him up high.

With his dying breath, he begged and cried to him, “Please Dad? Don’t do this?! I’m begging you?!”

Silver dropped Beryl, falling to his death in the smoldering fire down below.


Canterlot City

Beryl’s House

3:00 AM

A thunderstorm boomed as continues to fall outside, Beryl quickly woke up from his nightmare and panted rapidly. He grabbed his phone and looked at the time, it was 3:00 AM.

He panted and thought to himself, “Don’t worry, it’s just a bad dream. Just a bad dream. Nothing to be scared of.”

Beryl slowly lied down and went back to sleep, hoping that his nightmare won’t come back to haunt him again.

9:00 AM

Beryl was just walking through the city with a hood on his head, feeling frustrated and upset. From then on, he stopped and looked through the window in Coinky-Dink World to see the Rainbooms, Ninja Turtles and the rest of the customers hanging out together like always. After seeing them having some fun in the cafe, he walked away and never looked back.

He felt upset and thought to himself, “I wish everything was back to normal for me.”

2 Days Later

10:00 PM

Beryl was lying down on his bed to relax from stress and the events that happened to him. Then, his phone began to ring. He picked it up and answered, “Hello.”

“Beryl, you feeling alright?” Karai asked.

“I don’t know Karai.”

“Look, nothing’s been the same since you left. We’ve been worried about your state of condition and we can’t find your father if you help us Beryl. I know that things have gone pretty tough on you, but you can’t give up on this fight. So, if you want to talk to me about your problem, meet me at the Hideout when you feel like you’re ready to talk. Sounds good?”


“Good. Anyways, I gotta go now. See ya.” Karai said before she hung up.

Beryl put his phone away to get some rest.