• Published 5th Jun 2018
  • 2,018 Views, 46 Comments

Rise of the New Warrior - AmethystMajesty25

  • ...

The Mission

Inside the shipping crate, The Dazzlings we’re starting to wake up.

“Ow, what happened?” Sonata asked.

Aria groaned as she rubbed the back of her head, “I think I hit my head or something from that fight."

"Where are we anyway?" Adagio asked.

The Dazzlings stood up and looked around to see where they are.

"Let me guess, we're trapped here right?"

"Obviously you're correct Aria. The question is... how did we end up here?" Aria questioned.

*cue flashback*

The Dazzlings were on their night patrol, watching the streets from the rooftops. Then out of nowhere, a can of sleeping gas was thrown at them and exploded right on the middle of the ground.

Aria coughed and said, “What is this?”

“Uh-oh, I’m starting to feel sleepy...” Sonata said as she collapsed to fall asleep.

Aria felt drowsy and fell asleep as well.

Adagio collapsed and she almost gets a glimpse of the perpetrator who is approaching closer to them. After that, she fell asleep.

*end flashback*

Adagio said, “I think I remember now. Someone tried to launch a sneak attack on us without even realizing it.”

“Is it the Purple Dragons?” Sonata asked.


“Tiger Claw.”

“Not even him either.”

“Umm...... Fishface?”

“Stop guessing Sonata!” Aria yelled.

“Whoops, sorry.”

“Well, whoever it was, he or she’s going to pay for dragging us to this place. Right now, we’ll just have to wait for our friends to come and rescue us.” Adagio as she sat down and wait.

“Alright, fine.” Aria stood up on the wall and waited as well.

“Okay then,” Sonata sat down right next to Adagio. “Do you mind if I asked you something?”


“Do you happen to have a crush on the new guy?”

Adagio’s face turned red and said, “What?! No! That’s completely ridiculous!” She crossed her arms and turned away.

Sonata and Aria shrugged. Sonata said, “Alrighty then.”

Adagio sighed.

Meanwhile, Karai, Shini, and the rookies were still looking for their friends, trying to figure out which crate has the Dazzlings in it.

"The Dazzlings should be around here somewhere, but there’s too many crates around here." Beryl said.

“Heads up guys, I think someone’s here.” Tempo said.

“How did you know?”

“According to my drone, there’s another bogey on my radar and it’s approaching towards you guys. Stay sharp!”

“Got it. Karai. Shini. I think someone’s here.”

“We know Beryl, I can sense an enemy presence coming this way.”

“Me too.” Shini added.

“Get your weapons ready.” Karai ordered.

“Right.” Beryl and Shini said in unison.

Beryl contacted Tempo and said, “Tempo, go find our friends, we’ll deal with the enemy here.”

“I’m on it.” Tempo said as he used the controls to move the drone and fly away from the battle and rescue the Dazzlings.

The rest of the team armed themselves with their ninja weapons and stood their ground. Behind all three was the culprit, phasing from the solid ground and launched himself to attack Beryl from behind. As he shifts from ghost to physical form, Karai sensed it and turned around to use her snake attack on this mysterious foe. It took a hit and fell. It got up quickly, but no scratch from the hit it took. Beryl noticed it as well as Shini and Karai.

“Umm, Karai. Is this another one of your foes you fought in the past?” Beryl askes.

Karai answered, “Nope, I don’t think so.”

“We have never seen this guy before.” Shini added.

The girls were right and he too have never seen this foe before. Their foe has a scar, silver hair, and a metal arm on his left. He wore a face mask, red shades, black jacket and military-styled pants with white patterns, and black combat boots.

“Woah, that is an awesome costume he’s wearing. I think I should call him....” Beryl thinks quickly, “Ooh, I know! The Cyber Soldier.”

Shini asked in confusion, “The Cyber Soldier?”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much I can come up with for now. Anyways, whoever’s behind that mask is the one who kidnapped our friends.”

Karai said, “I can agree with you on that part. Alright team, let’s hit him hard and hit him fast before he escapes.”

“Right.” Beryl and Shini said in unison.

The Cyber Soldier crack its neck from left to right and cracks it knuckles to warm himself up. After that, it charges right at them to fight against Karai’s team. They too charged at him to battle against this mysterious foe.

Meanwhile, Tempo’s drone was scouting the area to find the Dazzlings in one of the shipping crates.

"C'mon, I'm so close to finding you three."

A couple of minutes later, the drone found three life signs on the radar. The crate is inside a warehouse.

“Yes! I found them. Hold on girls, I’m coming to get you!”

The drone found the warehouse, but the front door’s locked. Back in the house, Theo smirked, “Hmph, it’s a good thing that I created lasers on my drone for a reason. Activating “Laser Mode.” Theo pressed the button to activate the weapon on his drone. Back in the docks, the drone blasts the door with a laser and it rotates in a circular motion to create an opening. Once that’s done, the drone went inside and found a big shipping crate where the girls are trapped.

“Hey girls, do you hear that?” Adagio asked.

Sonata answered, “Yeah, it sounds like something came through outside.”

Then, they saw a glow on the wall, right where Aria was loitering.

“Aria, get back!” Adagio warned.

“Huh?” Aria looked and stepped away from the wall, only to find the glow circling in motion to create an opening for them. Once that’s done, the Dazzlings burst through and escaped.

Sonata cheered, “Yay! We finally made it!”

“Well it’s about time we got out of this dump.” Aria said.

Sonata looked up and saw the drone that helped them escape.

“Aww... aren’t you a cutie.”

“Stay back, it might be dangerous.” Aria said as she brought her weapons up.

Adagio ordered, “Hold on. I believe this drone is the one who freed us from our prison. Now c’mon, let’s go find the punk who trapped us in the first place.”

“Right.” Aria and Sonata said in unison.

The drone lead them the way to find their friends and the mysterious Cyber Soldier.

Meanwhile, Beryl, Karai and Shini were trying to recover, only to have themselves beaten by the hands of the Cyber Soldier.

Beryl slowly got up to one knee and panted, “C’mon... I need to... figure out... a way... to beat... this guy. But how?”

He closed his eyes and concentrate on what he needs to do. Beryl balls up his fist and it starts to glow green. From behind, the Cyber Soldier was approaching. He stopped and grabbed him by the hair, making Beryl stood up slowly. As the Cyber Soldier was about to make the final blow, Beryl punched the foe quickly with his glowing fist in the face, making his face mask break and goggles fall to the ground. The Cyber Soldier got hit and send him flying towards the shipping crate, making a huge impact on it. Beryl was surprised that he hit him in the face.

“Woah, did I just do that?” He then looks at fist that was still glowing green. He was shocked that he got... super powers. “Incredible.”

After the impact, the Cyber Soldier got up slowly as Beryl got into a fighting stance, waiting for him to make another move. The Cyber Soldier tilted his head to look at Beryl, revealing his true identity. Beryl broke his fighting stance and his fist stopped glowing, making him stood there in shock that the Cyber Soldier was none other than his Dad; Silver Fury. He took deep breaths and tries to say something to him.


Author's Note:

When Beryl lights up his fist, it’s similar to how Danny Rand lights up his fist on Netflix’s Iron Fist.

This is what the Cyber Soldier looks like without his mask: https://www.deviantart.com/amethystmajesty25/art/Silver-Strike-759776382

The Cyber Soldier's attire is based on this: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/cbuG7NJ-wvJzi7b18yDM9FHDgXY=/0x0:840x473/920x613/filters:focal(353x170:487x304)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/50475035/324_SS_08212016dg_5971--04e57d4cde20a08e10b055dee94c1456.0.jpg