• Published 5th Jun 2018
  • 2,018 Views, 46 Comments

Rise of the New Warrior - AmethystMajesty25

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Beryl's Troubled Past

For the past two weeks, I’ve been training alongside with the Dazzlings and learning how to become a ninja. From fighting with my fists and tonfa batons to freelancing and doing parkour on the rooftops was... not bad as I expected. It was kind of fun. Ever since I joined them, I became friends with them and I also met their leader, Karai and her best friend, Shinigami. They were not pleased to see an outsider outside of their ranks. The Dazzlings explained my story to them and the two of them discussed about what they’re going to do to me. So, they finally come to a conclusion and decided to let me in to join their ranks. In addition to that, my little brother is also joining the team, even though they never met him and it’s the Dazzlings’s responsibility to watch over us. However, Karai gave me an icy stare and told me that if I make one stupid mistake, she will kick me out along with my brother. That gave me the chills. Now, let’s get back to the story.

New York City

The Hideout

10:00 AM

Beryl and the Dazzlings wore their workout clothes and they were all fighting together in combat as they fought off against dozens of red Foot ninjas. One by one, they all fell into unconsciousness like flies getting swatted. My brother watched me to see all the action. They took a break after 30 minutes of sparring in the dojo. Beryl grabbed a water bottle from his gym bag and drank some amounts of it too cool himself off.

He wiped off the sweat in his forehead, “Phew. That was good.”

“I know, us girls have to stay healthy and get in physical shape.” Sonata said. Adagio and Aria nodded too.

Tag applauded and said, “Wow, you just beat your old record.”

“How many seconds?” Beryl asked.

“20 seconds.”

“Yes!” Beryl cheered.

“You know boys, it’s not a competition, it’s just an exercise.” Adagio said.

Both Beryl and Tag said, “Yeah, we know.”

Adagio shrugged and continued to stretch along with the Dazzlings while Beryl and Gear had a brotherly conversation.

30 Minutes Later

After freelancing at the rooftops, Beryl and the Dazzlings were now resting and watching the busy streets of New York City. Calm and peaceful, no danger or crisis at all.

"Good job Beryl. I see that your ninja training has been improved." Sonata complimented.

"Thank you Sonata. I appreciated that." He said before he drank a sip of his bottle. "Does this mean that I can help you girls on your missions?"

Adagio laughed and said, "Oh Beryl, when are you going to learn that you're still a rookie."

"Yeah. Karai and Shinigami wants us to make sure that you're not involve in our missions. It's too dangerous." Aria added.

"Oh come on girls! I already know how to fight ever since I was little and I've beaten up bad guys before. It's no big deal."

"What about going toe-to-toe with an evil alien or a mutant?" Aria asked.

"Some of them can be easy or tough depending on their size and skill. But, I can manage with that."

"Wrong answer. Just because you know how to fight, doesn't mean you're resourceful. You're not ready to go up against villains who have powers or special abilities." Adagio looked back at Sonata and Aria, "Well, some villains who used to have powers." She sat down and began to look back through her memories when she and her friends used to have special abilities because of their necklaces. She covered her face as Aria and Sonata saw the expression too and felt sad too. Both of them went to comfort her after that.

Beryl looked at the girls, "I understand that. Also, I can tell that you're bringing up bad memories again."

Adagio sniffled, "Yeah. Sorry if I'm bringing that up again."

Beryl offered her a tissue from his pocket. She blushed as she saw Beryl giving him the tissue. So, she took it and wiped her tears out. "It's alright Adagio, I understand. I've been through times before. I know how it feels."


"Yeah, I can tell you all a story about it."

"Well, tell us about it. What happened?"

Beryl sat down right next to the girls and told her his story. "Before I came to Canterlot City, I used to attend high school back at Trottingham. Some girl asked me out to the dance and I accepted her invitation. When the dance came, I danced with that girl. When we're ready to close our eyes, I didn't feel any of my lips moving."

"Then what?"

"Her friends dumped punch bowl on me, ruined my suit and ridiculed by everyone around me. It was all a trap set up by the girl who asked me out. After that, she told me to hit the showers because she already asked someone else right before she asked me. It was my rival. My bully. I felt angry about it and I wanted to do something about it. So, I released all of my anger by lashing it out against my bully. I kept going until his nose starts to bleed. I didn't want to stop because I want him to feel the same way how I feel. Then, a couple of adults broke up the fight and I was thrown out of the dance. On a regular school day after the dance, the principal called me to his office and I was suspended for the rest of my Sophomore Year. My parents and my brother were disappointed of my actions and I felt bad about it. I apologized to my bully, but I wished that I have evidence that he ridiculed me on purpose. There was nothing I can do about it. And that's how I got in trouble back at high school."

"Wow. I uhh... I did not know that you got into this kind of "trouble" before." Adagio said.

"Yeah. That took a heavy toll from someone like you." Aria added.

"So what lesson did you learn from your mistake?" Sonata asked.

Beryl took a deep breath and said, "I've learned that everyone including us has our own bad moments. Whether you slipped a banana peel or start a fight in the school. It doesn't matter what we do. We can turn our luck around by looking straight towards the future and not dwell back into the past."

"Hmm... that makes sense. I agree."

Beryl chuckled and pat Adagio on the back, "I'm glad that you understand it. Anyway, let's get back to the hideout. After that, we can eat lunch at the food court from the Mall again."

"Sounds good." Sonata said as she stood up.

"Well alrighty then, let's go!" Aria ordered.

The rest of them nodded as they ran back to the hideout to get their clothes changed and eat lunch at the Mall.

“Well, if they're not going to let me in on their missions, then I'm gonna have to take it into my own hands. Just you wait girls, I'm gonna prove it to you that I'm resourceful.”