• Published 5th Jun 2018
  • 2,018 Views, 46 Comments

Rise of the New Warrior - AmethystMajesty25

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Stories to Tell

New York City

The Hideout

4:00 PM

The Dazzlings and Beryl have finally arrived at the rooftops of their home in New York City, Karai’s new hideout. It used to be the home of the infamous Shredder, but he’s gone and defeated by the Ninja Turtles and the Rainbooms. Beryl was amazed at their place. Lots of floors in one big church.

“Wow, it’s a big place you’ve got. Did you three own this place?” Beryl asked.

Adagio answered, “No, but we live here. This is where we usually train and spar with our ninja skills.”

“Wait a minute, you’re ninjas too?! And you’ve mastered weapons and all that other stuff?!” Beryl rapidly questioned.

“Yes. Why?” Aria asked.

“Well... I just didn’t know you had a double life.” Beryl said.

“Well now you know. Want a taco?” Sonata asked as she offered him a taco from her bag.

“No thanks, I’m good.” Beryl said as he motioned his hand in front of her.

“Oh well... suit yourself.” Sonata said as she begins eating her delicious tacos.

The Dazzlings and Beryl have finally arrived at the top floor of the hideout, the throne room. The glass floor was nice and the scenery looks a little bit dark.

Adagio then sat on the throne, looking like a queen. “Ahh, that feels nice.”

Sonata nervously said, “Um Dagi, you know where not supposed to sit on the throne. That’s where Karai always sits on.”

“Don’t worry, Karai and Shinigami are on a mission with the Turtles, they won’t mind.” Adagio said, comforting Adagio.

“Whatever.” Aria answered.

Adagio looked at me and ordered, “Young man, come here.”

“Okay.” Beryl followed her orders as he walked towards them.

However, Adagio said, “Stop right there, no need to go up the stairs and kneel down like a cushion.” Beryl stopped and stood there in front of them.

“So, what’s your name?” Sonata asked.

“The name’s Beryl Fury.”

“Hmm, that’s an interesting name you got there. I like it.” Adagio replied.

Beryl blushed and said, “Well umm... thank you. Anyways, let’s get back to our interrogation shall we?”

“Right. So tell me Beryl, how did you get your hands on Kraang technology?” Adagio questioned.

“Well... it all started back many months ago.”

New York City

*Cues black and white flashback*

“My best friend, Mind Tempo, and I were so excited to go to New York along with my bandmates at school and the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts for the school trip. We explored all the way through New York from downtown to uptown. Then on one faithful night, when I woke up in the middle of my slumber, my friend was missing. I thought he would be kidnapped or get lost, so I went to check it out. And he wasn’t the only one that’s missing, some of my friends including the Rainbooms were missing too. So, I sneaked out of the hotel and explored this vast city to find him. It took me a long time to search for him through the park, the streets and buildings. It wasn’t that easy. Then, I heard some rattling noises coming from the junkyard. So, I went to check it out and I was relieved that my brother was there. I begin to question what Mind Tempo was doing.”

“Tempo, what’re you doin’? You’re not suppose to be in here?” Beryl asked in a whispering tone.

Tempo apologized, “I’m sorry brother, but I just looking for something very interesting. Wanna help?”

Beryl told him, “Listen bro, I’m don’t have time to find for your ‘Junk N’ Stuff’ for your scientific creations or whatever, but we need to go back to our hotel room quickly, before Principal Celestia finds out that we’re missing.”

Tempo said, “Okay, just give me a few more minutes. I’m just so close now, I can feel it.”

Beryl said, “Oh geez, this is why I don’t like getting in trouble with you around. Now c’mon, the police might show up any minute now.”

“Okay, just gimme a second.” Tempo replied.

“Then, Tempo found something very interesting. It was glowing purple.”

“Hey dude, come here and look at this.”

I walked up to him and said, “What is it, this time?”

“Look.” Tempo showed me a secret door on the ground. I was shocked that the government didn’t find this.

“Did the government know anything about this?” Beryl asked.

“I don't know. I'm not the expert on highly sophisticated, government stuff.”

“Then, it gave me an idea.”

“You know what, let’s check it out.” Beryl said.

“What? Are you serious? What if—“

“Don’t worry, this will only take a while. Do you have a flashlight?”

“Um...yeah.” Tempo said as he handed me the flashlight.

“So, we went underground and explored this hidden world. It was kind of dark, so we kept our eyes peeled and stay vigilant as we kept walking. Few minutes later, we found an alien robot head and it scared us. I used my flashlight to see what lies in there. Then, we found it, a huge area full of alien technology that’s been scattered around here. Gear Wiz was amazed to see this discovery.”

“Wow, this is amazing. We can make a fortune out of it if we can make something new with this kind of stuff.” Tempo said.

I told him with a worried tone, “I don’t know, it could be dangerous. What would happen if the rest of the world finds out about this?”

“I don't know bro, I have so many ideas of what to do with this stuff and turn into inventions. Ones that can help all living beings in the near future." He sighs, "I just wish that this will help you find the answers that you’re looking for.” Tag said with an upset tone.

“My friend did have a point right there. I want what's best for my friends, to keep them safe and protected, but all I did was upsetting them. I felt upset too about that as well. So, I changed my mind.

I said, “Actually you know what, let’s make something out of it right here and if we leave, we’re bringing this stuff to your house.”

“What? Are you out of your mind?! You said that it’s—“

“Forget about what I said. The world’s changing Tempo. I think it’s time that we use this stuff for good.”

“So, we grabbed what we needed and head right back to our hotel room before the adults noticed us. During our time in New York, we began helping each other by inventing new stuff with this kind of alien tech. I was only there to assist him, he’s the technical genius of my family. And when it’s time to leave New York, we put everything that we worked on in our bags. And yeah, my brother brought lots of it. By the time we got home, we used our newest invention to create portals and tossed our bags to my brother’s room to continue our work.”

*stops black and white flashback*

“And that’s why we found this kind of tech or Kraang or whatever it is you called it, right here in New York.” Beryl said.

Sonata surprisingly said, “Wow, now that was long.”

“So why use this kind of stuff? What kind of answers were you looking for?” Adagio questioned.

“It’s because... I’m looking for my father. He’s been gone for too long and I’m the only one that can find him. My mom and the rest of the adults always told me to move on and not look back into the past. I tried to listen to them, but I can't. It's feeding me up inside of me and I can't stop it." Tears were formed into Beryl's eyes, "The only way I can move on... is to find out how my Dad disappeared. I want to find out why he never came back before we moved to Canterlot City. I just want to find my Dad, so that we can be a family again. That's all.”

"How touching." Sonata said as she felt a tear in her eye.

"I'm sorry to hear about that. I know how much you want to get your family back together again, but if there's anything you need, you always come up to us or the Rainbooms." Adagio sympathized.

"Yeah, there's nothing for you to be ashamed of." Aria added.

Beryl wiped his tears and said, "Thanks, I appreciate all of your sympathies." He fixed his composure and took deep breaths. “Well, now that I told you about my back story, why don’t you tell me about your back story.”

“And why would we do that?” Aria questioned.

“Because I’m wondering how you three show up in CHS many months ago and how did you end up being ninjas in the first place. You know what they say, You scratch my back, I scratch yours. So, I’m waiting.”

"He does have a point right there." Sonata said.

Adagio sighed and said, "Fine, we'll talk. However, you cannot tell anyone about this... except the Rainbooms and the Turtles. Got it?"

"My lips are sealed. Happy?" Beryl answered and he got what he wanted. However, Sonata wanted to add something to it.

"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no, You gotta answer it like this..." Then, Sonata raised her hand and recited the actions and words that Pinkie Pie used to say, "I... cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Beryl chuckled after what Sonata just said. "Really? You want me to say that? I'm going to look dumb if I say that."

Sonata cheered him up, "Oh c'mon, don't be such a crybaby. You can do it!" Adagio and Aria looked at each other and said nothing about it. Then they looked back at Beryl.

He didn't like the idea, but he got no other choice, "I can't believe I'm doing this ridiculous stuff... but, fine. I'll do it." He fixed his composure and said the words right out of his mouth. " *coughs* I, Beryl Fury. Will cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"Splendid job Beryl. Although, I should've used my phone and recorded everything before you say that." Sonata excitingly said, making Beryl blushed in embarrassment.

"Don't push it young lady." Beryl said as he pointed out to her.

Sonata said, "Fine fine, I'll stop."

"Anyways, tell me about your origin story." Beryl said.

Adagio answered, "Very well then, It all started--"

"On a dark and stormy night." Sonata interrupted as she moved her fingers like it's a ghost story.

"SONATA!" Adagio and Aria yelled.

"Not like that you genius!" Aria added.

Sonata blushed and apologized, "Whoops, sorry."

"Anyways..." Adagio said as she continued on with their origin story

*Cues black and white flashback*

[i ]Before we were humans on Earth, we were sirens back in another world called Equestria. A world that is inhabited by ponies and other mythical creatures.”

*Stops black and white flashback*

"Wait! Let me stop you right there. So let me get this straight? You're telling me that you’re from another world called Equestria?” Beryl questioned.

“Mmhmm. Yep.” Sonata nodded.

“And Equestria is mostly filled with... colorful ponies?” Beryl questioned again.

"Yes. Why?" Aria replied.

He didn't answer for a minute or two until... he started to giggle. After that, he bursted with laughter, really hard. The Dazzlings didn't like that reaction as they blushed.

"Stop that! It's not funny!" Adagio demanded.

Beryl apologized, "Okay okay okay okay okay, I'm sorry. But umm... what's next, small, blue gnomes living in your world too?" He asked before he laughed again.

Adagio gritted her teeth filled with anger as she was ready to pounce on him like an angry animal. However, Aria stopped her as she put her right arm in front of her, signaling Adagio to stand down.

“Don’t worry, I got this.” Aria said as she cracked her knuckles.

Aria made her way down to get a piece of what’s coming to Beryl. Then, she hit him with an arm throw takedown. “Oof!” Beryl painfully yelled. Both Adagio and Sonata cringed at that moment.

Beryl groaned, “Gawh! What was that for?!”

“That’s for making fun of us.” Aria said before she walked away from him and went back to stand with her friends.

“So... are you done?” Sonata delightfully asked.

It took a few minutes for Beryl to get himself back up and dusted off from the impact. “Alright alright, I’m sorry. I won’t do that again. I swear.”

“You better keep your word, young man. Or else I’m gonna have to break every bone in your body.” Adagio threatened.

Beryl gulped and asked, “So um... continue with your story please?”

“Very well then...” Adagio replied.

*Cues black and white flashback*

“We as sirens were beautiful, majestic and evil. We used our necklaces to consume the negativity and conflict from our victims to whoever gets caught in our mist. We almost accomplished our mission until Star Swirl the Bearded defeated us and he banished us from Equestria to another world, which is right here on Earth. We tried to adjust this world and as time goes by, we gotten used to it.”

“Then on one night, we saw a flash of rainbow light, coming from miles away. We saw something that we have never seen before. It was Equestrian magic. So, we came to CHS and heard that they're having a Musical Showcase, just for fun. However, we have other plans. Therefore, we used our Siren magic to turn everyone against each other and that's why we changed the Musical Showcase into the Battle of the Bands Tournament.”

“We dominated the competition and went straight to the finals. However, the only band that stood in their way was the Rainbooms. Battle of the Bands tournament was over, we hid in plain sight and tried to come up with new plans on how to get rid of the girls... until we met the Shredder.”

“We told them everything about our story and we wanted revenge. So, he took us under his wing along with his minions. Karai, Bebop, Rocksteady, Tigerclaw, Rahzar, Fishface, and Dexter Rockman. I'm pretty sure I got that name right. But anyways... the Shredder trained us to even the odds against our enemies, the Rainbooms, the Mutanimals, and the Ninja Turtles. However, every time we go into battle, something doesn’t seem right when we fought alongside the Shredder.”

“Yeah! And when he tried to kill his brother named Master Splinter, I jumped myself into the fray to save him. To be honest, I almost died from the hands from the Shredder. It turns out that he didn’t care about us, we’re just puppets to him. A big ol’ meanie! After it was over, we apologized to the girls and their friends about everything and what we did to them. They taught us that it's never too late to change ourselves. So, we reconciled and became friends with them. Ever since we changed our ways, we helped and fought alongside our friends whenever they're in trouble. Most importantly, we defeated that big ol' meanie, The Shredder. Now these days, we don't have to worry about him anymore and everything is peaceful once more.”

*Stops black and white flashback*

"So does that satisfy your question?" Adagio asked with a smirk on her face.

It took a long time to process and understand their story. It was kind of confusing and... very interesting.

"Wow, that was a really good story. I did not even know how much you been through these past months. I’m sorry that you had to go through that.” Beryl said.

“Don’t worry about it, we’ve been through that kind of stuff many times already.” Adagio said.

Just then, Beryl's phone rang with a catchy tune, *plays Dance Magic song* , making him blush as they heard the ringer, making the Dazzlings raised their eyebrows. Beryl chuckled, "Sorry about that, it's just that the song is really good." He then answered his brother’s call and talked to him. Few minutes later, Beryl put away his phone and said, “Well, it’s 6:00 already and I gotta get back home right now. But umm... when can I see you girls again?"

The Dazzlings then huddled up to discuss about what they're going to do with their new "friend." After their discussion, The Dazzlings dispersed, ready to make their decision to Beryl.

"We'll let you know if anything comes up." Adagio reported.

"Hm, fair enough. Anyways, I'll see you girls next time." Beryl said as he saluted to them.

"Later." Aria said.

"Adiós amigo!" Sonata cheered as she waved to him.

"Take care Beryl. I hope that we can do this again some other time." Adagio said.

Beryl stopped walking and answered, "I hope so Dagi." Adagio blushed as she heard him say her nickname.

Beryl used his watch to open the portal and stepped right through it. After that, he was back at the school and walked to his car to drive him home. It’s just a matter of time for the Dazzlings to call him whenever they’re ready.

Author's Note:

The flashbacks took place during the events of Equestria Ninja Girls and Equestra Ninja Girls: Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas