• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Legacy: Alarak to the Rescue

While Tassadar, Kerrigan, Sweetie and Lyra were fighting for their lives against Amon’s forces, Vorazun stood by the celestial array observing the movement of the enemies near the ship. She noticed a number of Tal’darim and Moebius Corps transports entering the temple. She could only hope that the Hierarch and Lyra would pull through.

The only company she had on the bridge was a lone Zealot who was helping to monitor the situation. He reported a massive spike of void energies coming from the temple.

Before Vorazun could respond to the news, the two saw a flash and the sound of an explosion. What they saw next put them into a battle stance as a lone Tal’darim warrior appeared before them. Vorazun recognized the intruder from the brief exchange between him and Lyra: Alarak.

The Zealot charged Alarak but was held into a grip of void energies before he was hurled away and knocked unconscious.

Vorazun activated her twin-bladed scythe and charged at Alarak in midair. Alarak crossed his arms to block but Vorazun teleported behind him.

Alarak turned around in time to block a spinning attack from the Matriarch before using void energies to force her back to the celestial array while taking her scythe. He tossed the weapon on the floor next to Vorazun before finally speaking, “I do not come as your enemy, Dark Templar.”

As the First Ascendant approached the Matriarch, she activated a force field around him to imprison him.

Alarak continued, “You must listen to me, Matriarch...Amon’s trap is sprung. Your leader is in grave danger.”

“You think us fools?” Vorazun responded.

“Yes...But that is irrelevant. What is relevant is that Amon has opened a gateway to the Void. Dark energies pour from within, and they will burn through your precious leader, and any who oppose Amon. I can guide you to Tassadar before this fate befalls him as well as my apprentice. If we are bold, we can stop the Dark God’s assault.”

“Am I to believe that the moment you’re released, your blade will not be in my back?” Vorazun said as she picked up her scythe.

“You waste time.” Alarak channeled void energies and overpowered the force field. “Lower your blades! I am Alarak, First Ascendant of the Tal’darim. Amon has betrayed my people. Retribution will be claimed for this, and if your Hierarch survives, he will aid in it! Make your decision.”

Vorazun considered his words for a moment. She had no reason whatsoever to trust the words of a Tal’darim. For all she knew, he could be waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike her down. But if there was a chance that Tassadar and Lyra were in danger, she couldn’t risk their safety over her lack of trust in Alarak. She only had one safer option, “You will take us to Tassadar and Lyra.”

“Most wise.”

To assist in Lyra’s and Tassadar’s rescue, Alarak offered the assistance of his Blood Hunters to support their rescue. Vorazun also brought the High Templar out of stasis for the rescue since their Psionic Storms might be quite useful.

Alarak gave Vorazun the coordinates to Tassadar’s general location. Using the information, Vorazun warped in a group of Zealots and High Templar to the location.

“This path will lead your forces to Tassadar and Lyra. I have done as I promised, Dark Templar. Now go tell your Hierarch that I am waiting for him and tell my apprentice that the time has come. She will know what it means,” Alarak said.

A group of Moebius Marines were spotted at the bottom of some stairs. The High Templar took advantage of the high ground and electrocuted them to death with Psionic Storm.

Another Moebius group ahead was composed of Marines and a Spectre. One High Templar forced the Spectre’s mind into a feedback loop, causing his head to explode. The Zealots gathered the Marines into a group before the High Templar electrocuted them with a Psionic Storm, the ability which had been modified to add more energy to plasma shields.

The Templar located Tassadar, Lyra as well as Kerrigan and Sweetie while they were fighting Hybrid. The Templar engaged the Hybrid at the same time as Kerrigan’s Zerg entering the area to join the fight.

Once the Hybrid were eliminated, Tassadar opened communications with Vorazun. “Vorazun, your forces have arrived just in time. Amon has opened a portal to the Void. It must be shut down before it tears us apart.”

Kerrigan and Sweetie used their forces to bear the brunt of Amon’s assault while Tassadar and Lyra looked for a way to seal the gateway. Karax quickly discovered a number of Void Crystals that could be destroyed to seal the gate.

Kerrigan sent some of her minions as well as Sweetie’s Brood to deal with Amon’s forces.

Lyra, Kerrigan, and Sweetie gathered together with a large group. Sweetie brought her Roaches, Swarm Queens, and a colossal Ultralisk, Kerrigan brought Zerglings, Hydralisks and Ultralisks, Lyra was accompanied by Zealots, Stalkers, Annihilators, Energizers, Blood Hunters and Corsairs.

Under the cover of Disruption Webs, The combined Zerg and Protoss armies engaged the Moebius forces near the first crystal. While the enemy was frantically looking for an opening in the web, they were chased and cut down.

Once the first crystal was secured, Lyra, Kerrigan and Sweetie combined their energies and shattered the crystal.

The second crystal was within a fortified Tal’darim base. While keeping the momentum, a number of Disruption Webs were deployed into the base while Lyra and the Blood Hunters disabled the Photon Cannons by placing them in Void Stasis. During this time, the cloaked warriors targeted the Tal’darim Pylons to make sure the cannons didn’t find them once the stasis fields wore off.

While the defenses were rendered helpless, the base was overrun and the crystal within was smashed in the process.

The remaining Tal’darim base had a lot of defenders and some heavy weaponry protecting the third crystal. To speed things up for destroying the base, the Spear of Adun unleashed its weaponry against it with a series of Solar Lance shots and a Solar Bombardment to take out a large chunk of the base.

The rest was business as usual for the Templar and Zerg as the defenses were disabled by Disruption Webs and Void Stasis. Nothing was left to defend the crystal a few seconds later.

By this time, Amon’s reach had torn apart several of Kerrigan’s hive clusters and everyone knew that the urgency grew with each second.

The large force pushed against the Moebius base that was guarding the remaining Void Crystal that needed to be destroyed to seal the gateway into the Void.

While there were a few Battlecruisers protecting the crystal, it didn’t matter. Once the Disruption Webs were deployed, the Blood Hunters placed the Missile Turrets and Ravens into Void Stasis while the armies tore the Terran base apart. Sweetie and Lyra combined horn blasts and targeted the main reactors of the Battlecruisers in the area to cause them to fall to the ground and into more Moebius equipment.

The Pony duo used their magic to direct a falling Battlecruiser to fall on the Void Crystal. To maximize the damage, Sweetie fired an EM Shot and disabled the shields around the crystal before the Battlecruiser fell and smashed it.

Once the last Void Crystal was destroyed, the gateway to the Void was sealed and Tassadar felt like they had earned a true victory against Amon this day.

Hours later, Tassadar and Lyra returned to the Spear of Adun with their forces while Kerrigan and Sweetie returned to the Leviathan with their Swarms.

Tassadar was speaking to Kerrigan through the ship’s communicator.

“We fought well this day, Kerrigan. Join us. Together we can defeat Amon and send him back into the Void.”

<“My Swarm was broken here, Tassadar… I’ll need time to rebuild my forces. Sweetie’s Brood suffered minimal damage but I’ll need her support to help me rebuild.”>

“There is no time. My people are being consumed, their very flesh turned into Amon’s own. I cannot wait.”

<“Then you must do as I have. Gather allies, subjugate enemies, do whatever you can to ensure victory. Survival is never pretty.”>

Lyra chimed in, “I agree, we already know what we must do to weaken Amon’s overall combat strength and bolster our own. If possible, I’d like to count on your assistance when we are ready to invade Aiur once more. I believe a victory there will bring an end to Amon’s plans.”

Kerrigan smirked, <“Alright...My Swarm should be ready for an assault on Aiur by then.”>

Sweetie got the last word in before the transmission ended, <“Stay safe out there, Lyra.”>

Tassadar looked at Lyra, “You know where we can gather allies and weaken Amon’s forces?”

Lyra smiled, “Yep. It’s risky, but we won’t defeat Amon without some risk. We need to revive the rest of the Purifiers and I bet you know how we are going to do that. Also, we need to get the Tal’darim to defect to our side which should be possible now that Alarak is assisting us.

“We also need to find out where the main headquarters of Moebius Corps is and take it out which should deprive Amon of the ability to reinforce his Hybrid armies. That should also remove Moebius Corps from Amon’s list of allies.”

“We need to hurry and take care of these objectives then. The Golden Armada is destroying world after world and we need to free the Armada while there is still something left of the Koprulu Sector to save.”

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