• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Swarm: Offerings to the Ancient

With the death of General Horace Warfield by an excessive use of Nuclear Missiles, the Dominion had no more hold on Char. The Zerg could reclaim the planet for their own once again.

While the Swarm had a place to rebuild, Kerrigan knew that she had other things that needed to be done beyond Char. She began preparations to have the Swarm depart.

Zagara approached Sweetie and Kerrigan, feeling proud of her own power. “I am so powerful. I feel as if I could...be a threat to you now, my Queens.”

Kerrigan didn’t bother looking at Zagara as she spoke, “Listen well, Zagara. Someday you might rule the Swarm. If you think you can take it now, make your move. But the next time we fight, it is to the death. All or nothing.”

Zagara was intimidated by Kerrigan’s warning and decided to serve Kerrigan and Sweetie and learn from them, for now.

“What lesson did I teach you?” Kerrigan continued.

“Vision, my Queen. You taught me vision.”

“The Swarm is powerful. But power is not enough for its leader. Warfield was defeated not through numbers, or strength. He simply lacked vision. While I possess vision, Sweetie, I’ll admit, has more of it than I do.”

“I will learn from both of you, my Queens.”

Kerrigan turned to Sweetie, “I think it’s time I fulfilled my end of the bargain. Go to the nursery and take your pick of the Larvae. That will be the seed of your new Brood.”

Sweetie nodded and left the command chamber to find the nursery. Sweetie took advantage of the hive mind to locate her destination and arrived within a few minutes.

Inside the nursery, Sweetie noticed a large number of Larvae crawling around. The Larvae in the nursery were typically morphed into Drones in preparation for an operation. Once ready, the Drones were loaded into sacs for the next mission.

Sweetie took a look at each Larva, although they were almost exactly alike, Sweetie was looking for one trait that is not noticed easily. Using her telekinesis spell, Sweetie lifted each of the Larvae off the floor and directly exposed each to magical energy. After a while, one of the Larvae developed an adaptation to magic. While lifting the chosen Zerg, Sweetie crushed the rest in a psionic grip and absorbed their essence to prevent the rest of the Swarm from using the adaptation. She wanted an edge over the rest of the Swarm in case they turned on her.

Sweetie took direct control of the surviving Larva and morphed it into a Drone. Sweetie left the nursery with the Drone in tow.

When Sweetie returned to the command chamber, Izsha told her that Kerrigan went to the evolution pit. Abathur called her because he was ready to modify the Banelings. Since Kerrigan and Abathur were likely waiting for her, she decided to not keep them waiting any longer.

When Sweetie arrived at the evolution pit, Kerrigan and Abathur were indeed waiting for her. While they were waiting, the two were discussing prior experiments on Terrans and Abathur’s displeasure at working with a species that was, in his opinion, flawed in every way. Kerrigan declared an end to any future experiments on Humans, to Abathur’s relief.

Once ready, Kerrigan and Sweetie began projecting their vision to the first planet of Abathur’s choosing, Nelyth. Abathur discovered a unique lifeform on the surface. Mitoscarabs were creatures with large bodies and long, thin legs. Numerous thick spikes decorate its body. Should the Mitoscarab be slain, it can split itself into two lesser versions of itself.

Abathur delivered Banelings into the Mitoscarab nesting area via Nydus Worm. The Banelings blew themselves up against a nearby Mitoscarab and killed the two that spawned from it. The Banelings devoured the lesser forms before moving against the prime Mitoscarab. The prime Mitoscarab split into two then into four and each were killed by acid splash and devoured.

Abathur delivered more Banelings and used the collected essence to create the Splitter Strain, taking the ability to split into smaller versions of themselves from the Mitoscarabs.

The new Banelings made quick work of a pair of Zealots and a Colossus. The Protoss shrine was quickly cleared out by the small suicide bombers.

A volcanic world called Scoria was the next world for Abathur’s demonstration. The evolution master subjected many Banelings to harsh conditions until the Banelings developed an adaptation to the dangers of rising lava, creating the Hunter Strain who have the ability to leap over steep cliffs.

The survivors of Abathur’s experiments were gathered and used to attack the Dominion who apparently have some sort of interest in the resources on the volcanic planet. One unfortunate Marine cried about how unfair jumping Banelings were.

The Banelings were sent against the main mining camp by going around the frontal defenses by using the cliffs. The miners were attacked from behind and their operations were wiped out.

When the time came to choose between the Splitter and Hunter Strains, Sweetie and Kerrigan deliberated for a few minutes before they decided to use the Hunter Strain for the Swarm.

Once the demonstration ended, Abathur noticed the Drone next to Sweetie and discovered an adaptation that he had never heard of. Neither Abathur nor Kerrigan were real believers of magic and Sweetie preferred to keep it that way for the time being.

Kerrigan directed Sweetie and her Drone to an unused chamber for her to begin spawning her Brood.

Once there, the Drone mutated itself into a Hatchery which would spawn more Larvae. Sweetie took the time to improve upon their magical adaptation by exposing them to her magic for the duration of the time it took for the Leviathan to reach Zerus.

The travel time to Zerus was long, at least a month since Zerus was far away from the Koprulu Sector. In this time, Sweetie practiced managing a hive cluster by learning how the hive structures worked and how to coordinate the various strains.

Sweetie opted out of using the enhanced strains of Zerg that Abathur had been providing because she had a strange feeling that she was going to have a chance to make something even better than what the evolution master was able to provide.

Ariel Hanson started living in the chamber about a week into the journey. She saw Sweetie’s work as an opportunity to observe and take notes on Zerg behaviors and biology. When she asked Sweetie about their next destination, an even greater sense of curiosity took her when she learned about the Primal Zerg, Zerg that managed to hide from Amon when he altered the ones who were found.

Unlike the Swarm, the Primal Zerg were not linked to a hive mind and each individual was in a constant state of evolution while adopting a tribalistic culture instead of a hive culture.

What the Swarm arrived, or returned in this case, Kerrigan and Sweetie observed the landscape and both realized that they had no idea on what to do next.

Suddenly, Sweetie’s consciousness switched with the Overmind. While Sweetie was not in control of her body at the moment, she was still able to listen to what the Overmind had to say.

~”There is an ancient Zerg nearby that is older than even myself. The behemoth known as Zurvan sleeps through the ages. It awaits an offering of biomass to awaken and grant its wisdom to those that seek it. Zurvan will guide you to the power of Zerus. You must hurry, time grows short for myself and Sweetie.”~

Sweetie’s consciousness was returned to her body. “Well, looks like we have our lead.”

While the Swarm was getting ready to find a suitable offering which, according to Izsha, would have to be a large amount of biomass, a pack of Primal Zerg gathered in an effort to keep the Swarm from awakening Zurvan.

Feeding the creature the collected biomass wasn’t going to be a problem since it slept with its gaping mouth wide open. The problem was collecting the biomass itself since the Primal Zerg intended on destroying the nearby wildlife to prevent any meat from getting to Zurvan.

Since the area was crawling with a species of spiked beasts called Quillgor, it was decided to feed the beasts to the ancient Zerg.

A wave of Primal Guardians tried to attack Kerrigan’s hive cluster but were thwarted when Abathur reconstituted the Mutalisks.

Sweetie set up her own hive cluster near Kerrigan’s hive cluster. Both set up their forces quickly in preparation for Primal Zerg attacks and to move out and gather meat for Zurvan.

Given her Pony nature, Sweetie was uncomfortable with all the meat being moved around. While she knew that matters of flesh were to be expected when hanging out with the Zerg, it didn’t change the fact that being part of a race of omnivores that very rarely ate meat, and that was fish, would make watching Quillgor biomass being moved around cringeworthy.

Kerrigan spotted a pool of water nearby that contained some living essence within. She invited Sweetie to join her in absorbing the essence in the water. Once done, both could feel their own strengths improved.

When the Primal raiding parties started attacking the Quillgor biomass, Kerrigan and Sweetie moved quickly to eliminate them. Sweetie’s Mindblast proved effective since they were gathered around the carcass.

Unknown to Sweetie and Kerrigan, someone was watching all of the action unfolding. It watched and waited; searching for the perfect opportunity…

Using their respective hive clusters, Sweetie and Kerrigan amassed a large number of Mutalisks to act as rapid response to defend the Quillgor corpses and the Drones that harvest them.

While the Mutalisks defended against the Primal Zerg, Sweetie and Kerrigan explored the area and gathered essence from a couple more pools in the area.

Once they were sure that the Mutalisks could handle anything the Primal Zerg could throw at them, both morphed a number of Swarm Queens, Zerglings, Hydralisks and Roaches and attacked the largest concentrations of Primal Zerg forces to interfere with attack parties before they could threaten the hive clusters.

When a large enough portion of meat had been fed to Zurvan, it began to stir very slowly.

Since the plan to prevent the Swarm from collecting biomass to awaken Zurvan had failed, Brakk, the leader of the attacking Zerg pack, made a desperate bid to wipe out the Swarm. He was met with powerful psionic attacks and a huge number of Zerg on the ground and in the air. Brakk was severely outnumbered and overwhelmed while putting up the best fight that he could before collapsing.

Sweetie decided to give Zurvan one last helping to make sure it woke up by levitating Brakk’s corpse into Zurvan’s gaping maw.

Zurvan emerged from his resting place, a bit sluggish from being overfed. “I return.”

Kerrigan and Sweetie approach the ancient Zerg. Kerrigan spoke first, “Ancient One! We are here for the power of Zerus. You will help us.”

“We seek a means to combat Amon when the time comes for him to declare war on the universe. While I know that the power of Zerus alone will not stop him, gaining the power is still a necessary step toward his downfall,” Sweetie said.

Zurvan stared at Sweetie for a few moments. “You seek to combat a foe who was ancient when I was young? The power of Zerus will grant you Purity of Essence. I can sense that you are of a race that was blessed with Purity of Form. Both of you must be remade as Primal Zerg. You must both become pure of essence.”

It looked at Sweetie, “Within you, Child of the Xel’naga, I can sense the presence of Amon’s creation. I can sense the friction between two minds within you. While the other may have the option to find another path to power, you must be willing to sacrifice everything for this power or you will lose everything.”

While Sweetie understood what she was getting into, one thing that it said had actually confused her: “Did it just call me ‘Child of the Xel’naga?’”

Author's Note:

I think everyone who has read up to this point knows what's gonna happen next. Hope you like the end result.

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