• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Legacy: Salvation Part 2

With the Psionic Matrix destroyed, Aiur’s main power source was gone. Without power, the Golden Armada was greatly delayed in their return since the planetary warp conduits were deactivated. Tassadar figured that Amon had likely ordered the Armada to return by now. They would need to act fast and destroy Amon’s host body that was constructed from the flesh of countless Protoss and Zerg.

Since all four of the factions were attacking Amon’s forces from different angles, Lyra didn’t need to concern herself with which warriors to bring to the battle.

Preliminary examinations of the area revealed that Amon’s host body was protected by a field of void energy, making conventional attacks pointless. This made Lyra glad that she didn’t agree on Alarak’s assessment of simply bombarding the planet as that would have destroyed the planet and spared Amon.

Large concentrations of Zerg, corrupted Protoss and Hybrid were located in the vicinity of Amon’s host body. They would be in for a huge fight. The concentration of void energies in the area also suggested that Void Shadows would harass them.

Once prepared, Lyra and the Protoss prepared to warp down to the area where his body was located.

Suddenly, Lyra felt something powerful and malevolent invade her mind. The dark, gravelly voice of Amon spoke to her.

“Why do you seek to defend a race that is fated to fade into oblivion? Why continue your struggle for life? Your gods, your Xel’naga, are but newborns to me. My power is superior to even theirs. A new age is dawning, and you, your people, and all the failed creations of my kind have no place in it.”

“Big talk for someone whose plans are in danger of failure. Speaking as if you already won is only going to make your defeat more embarrassing,” Lyra countered.

Amon didn’t respond and the oppressive presence on Lyra’s mind disappeared.

The void energies around the shards that were protecting Amon were draining the land of life. The field around the shards would twist and sear any lifeform and machine that entered them.

Artanis and Tassadar were accompanied by Lyra as they set up a Nexus Point in an area that was somehow not claimed by their enemies. The Khalai forces that accompanied them were composed of Zealots, Dragoons, Immortals, Avengers, Sentries, Phoenixes, High Templars, Arbiters, Reavers and Carriers.

Artanis had to be highly defensive while he built up his forces. The attacks from the Void Shadows were consistent and growing in intensity over time. A nearby Void Shard made access to their Nexus Point much easier.

While warping in more advanced units for dealing with the shard, Artanis had to build a strong defense of Photon Cannons, Khaydarin Monoliths and Shield Batteries.

After some time of defending, Artanis finally warped in a strong force to take down the nearby Void Shard. Using a force of Zealots, Dragoons, Avengers, Sentries, and Reavers. Artanis moved them into the deadly void field and dealt with the menagerie of Void Shadows with the Zealots, Dragoons and Avengers. The Sentries supported the attackers while the Reavers fired Scarab after Scarab at the imposing fragment from the Void.

After using an unbelievable amount of firepower, the Void Shard finally shattered, dispersing the void field and sealing all rifts into the Void in the area.

Artanis quickly moved to secure the area by having an outpost built to aid in warping in more advanced units.

After the latest wave of Void Shadows, Lyra moved against the infested base north of the outpost and used her void-based abilities to drain the life from the infested in the area before launching destructive waves against the infested structures.

Once the infested base was leveled, the Nerazim moved in and established a base, bringing Centurions, Stalkers, Annihilators, Dark Templar, Corsairs, Dark Archons, and Void Rays into the battle. Vorazun and Zeratul warped in to support their Nexus Point while their forces moved against the nearby hive clusters.

Artanis and Vorazun collaborated to attack a Void Shard to the north of Amon’s host body. The task was made more difficult because Amon was channeling more of his power through the remaining shards. The Void Shadows defending the second shard were more numerous than the first and required more firepower to get through.

A lot of Protoss were killed in the attack, but the Daelaam managed to shatter the second Void Shard. Amon was forced to channel more of his power into the remaining three shards.

Lyra moved into the nearby hive cluster to the east of the fallen Void Shard. Once again, she used the power of the Void to single-handedly destroy the Zerg. After disabling all detectors with her Void Stasis, she wiped out the minions and Spine Crawlers with her Storm Charge. When the detectors were freed from stasis, she drained their life to empower her bane blade and slashed through the remainder of the hive cluster.

With the area cleared, Fenix and Talandar warped in with the Purifiers to support the attack on Amon. They brought the power of their Sentinels, Adepts, Energizers, Mirages, Colossi and Tempests.

While Artanis was establishing an outpost where the second shard was shattered, Lyra moved south. Fenix, Zeratul and Tassadar combined their forces and moved against the Void Shard to the south of Amon’s host body.

As Rohana feared, the shards were becoming increasingly unstable and were unleashing powerful waves of void energy. The combined might of the three Protoss factions was just barely enough to push through the massive number of Void Shadows and attack the shard. The overflowing void energy took the lives of many of the Daelaam but was finally shattered in the end.

Artanis established strong defensive positions to the north and south of Amon’s host body.

While the Daelaam held fast against the Void Shadow onslaught, Lyra engaged a corrupted Khalai base. After disabling the Photon Cannons, she tore through the base while using her speed and stealth to sever nerve cords. While the defensive structures remained under Amon’s control, the liberated Protoss attacked the Photon Cannons while Lyra used her psionic and void powers to wipe out the base.

Alarak warped in with the Tal’darim, looking at their leader expectantly. Donning her darker persona, Lyra said, “I have personally cleared this area to use as foothold so that we may exact our wrath upon the False God. Let not the Void stand in our way and slaughter all who follow Amon!”

The might of the Vanguard, Blood Hunters, Havocs, Ascendants, Destroyers and Wrathwalkers began to warp into the area to unleash untold destruction upon Amon’s forces. A Tal’darim Mothership warped in, ready to follow Lyra’s command.

The Nerazim, Khalai and Tal’darim brought together a large force and began pushing against the fourth Void Shard.

While the defenses around the shard were strong, the shard itself was also dangerous. When danger approached it, the Void Shard began arcing energy all around it. The Protoss fired everything they had at the shard to shatter it.

Thankfully, the losses were less than they were with the previous two shards.

When the fourth Void Shard shattered, Amon overcharged the last shard with all the energy it could afford to take without shattering in the process. Amon grew concerned for the safety of his host body.

Lyra and Alarak personally joined in the last attack on the last Void Shard. Fenix, Talandar, Vorazun, Zeratul, Artanis and Tassadar all joined in with their respective factions and pushed against the corrupted Protoss base in one all out attack on the shard.

The base was leveled quickly while everyone joined in on a powerful and vicious attack on Amon’s last Void Shard, not letting any Void Shadows stand in their way. The shard gave as good as it got but was soon overwhelmed by Protoss firepower in the end.

While they were successful in destroying the Void Shards, Amon had fully awakened in his host body and fired a devastating beam of void energy at the Khalai Nexus Point.

Unfortunately for Amon, the loss of the Void Shards had also left his host body completely exposed. With the void energies in the air dissipating, Amon was on his own. Tassadar noticed this and ordered all ships in orbit to target Amon’s host body.

The combined might of the Spear of Adun, Cybros and every Protoss ship orbiting Aiur concentrated their firepower at the single point where Amon was.

Amon could only scream in agony as the storm of Protoss fury rained down upon him and incinerated every trace of his host body.

With his body destroyed, Amon was forced to return to the Khala. While given a major setback, he was not defeated yet.

The Daelaam had to hurry and proceed with phase three because the Golden Armada neared and they needed more time to prepare the Keystone for its final duty.

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