• Published 17th May 2019
  • 1,629 Views, 899 Comments

Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Interbellum: Project Shadowblade

A lone, small Dropship slowly made its way to Avernus Station where a band of pirates were in the middle of setting up shop. The ship’s functions were kept to a minimum to stay under their detection methods. A cloaking device with limited power was installed on the ship so that the lone rider could enter the station undetected.

Sweetie’s mission was to investigate the activities of the pirates and decide whether or not they were a potential threat to Deadman’s Port. The rumors mentioned that the pirates were seeking Jorium and Terrazine which were said to enhance one’s brain chemistry to awaken or increase their psychic powers.There were also reports that the pirates have a number of Ghosts guarding the station and the leader is using the substances to increase the number of Ghosts in his gang.

Sweetie had to go in solo to reduce the chances of detection. Thanks to new Terran innovations, Sweetie was able to land on the station from a safe distance thanks to the new drop pods that allowed rapid deployment of troops. Sweetie was apprehensive about the new tech since she had never tried it before, but she put those fears in the back of her mind and entered the ship’s drop pod.

Thankfully, the new design made it so the landing impact was greatly softened. When her pod landed, Sweetie emerged only slightly dazed.

Recovering quickly, Sweetie activated her personal Cloaking and began exploring. With the defenses underdeveloped, there was little in the form of security in the area. Looking around, she saw very few crates of Jorium, meaning that the pirates were having little success in obtaining Jorium. Her exploration led her to a grinder that was turning the sparse crystals in the area into tiny shards.

Sweetie did notice a few Ghosts guarding the area, but what Sweetie noticed was that they were wearing stealth suits that were different from her own. She had to admit though, her current outfit may be outdated since she had been running around in it for four years.

Noticing a convenient transport nearby, Sweetie hitched a ride on it to the next section by grabbing onto the underside of it. With extreme care, she dropped off the ship and landed safely on the ground.

Continuing her exploration, Sweete walked through what could be interpreted as a gate where the control appeared to be placed in a decent location for keeping intruders out. Fortunately for her, the gate was down. She proceeded through the gateway and continued her investigation. Moving around a lookout, Sweetie comes across some open ground before she hears her HUD send her alerts that a Nuke was launched. She spotted the laser in the area and knew that she needed to run away fast. She bolted in the direction she came from in time before the Nuke landed in the area she was in.

She noticed a pair of the strangely dressed Ghosts talking to each other. One appeared to be berating the other for wasting a Nuke for fun.

Moving through the area, Sweetie snuck past any security and noticed large spherical containers that were nowhere near filled to capacity with some strange purple-colored gas. However, there should be enough in there for her use at least. She was smart enough to not get exposed to the stuff though. She heard about Lyra’s experience with Terrazine.

As she was inspecting the Terrazine tanks, a surveillance drone flew into the area. Sweetie recognized it right away as a Raven. According to intel gathered by her merc allies, Ravens were quickly making the Science Vessels obsolete due to how cheap they are to build. While they don’t have the EMP missiles or radioactive gas, Ravens can deploy autogun turrets, missile drones to intercept missiles or launch mines that chase their targets and annihilate most targets.

Thinking quickly, Sweetie launched a Lockdown at the Raven before an alert went out for her. Unfortunately, she was too late to stop the alert. It wasn’t long before the area was crawling with Ghosts. Sweetie soon found herself cornered by the covert soldiers while the Raven was freed from the Lockdown to make sure she didn’t make any sudden moves.

“You can decloak now, I have you surrounded by my brothahs,” said a deep voice.

Making sure she still has options for her escape, Sweetie deactivated her Cloaking. A lone figure emerged from the other Ghosts and walked up to her.

The figure was wearing the same suit that the others were wearing. Sweetie could make out an insignia on his shoulder that looked like a red triangular skull. The person had dark skin, black facial hair and the black hair on his head was done in dreadlocks. Red light coursed through his suit. A doll was hanging from his neck His eyes were glowing white.

The man continued, “Seems we have ourselves a spy. Strange that I don’t see an insignia on your suit. Are you of the Dominion? Or are you some mercenary who is way over her head?”

Seeing as he had something she wanted and she hoped that he was in a diplomatic mood, Sweetie decided to talk to him. “I can assure you that I am an enemy of the Dominion. As for the ‘over my head’ part, I don’t think you will want to kill me, not when I have some value to you.” That was partly a bluff since she didn’t know anything about the guy.

“Heh...we shall see. Now, are ya gonna come quietly or are we gonna put you down?”

Sweetie raised her arms in surrender. The Ghosts moved in to confiscate her weapon and take her to the leader’s hideout. “I’ll need that back when I’m done here.”

Sweetie found herself tied to a chair with a table in front of her. The leader was sitting in a chair in front of her. The room was decently lit and had almost nothing noteworthy to her.

“Now, since ya didn’t deny bein’ a mercenary, am I to assume that ya are one?” he asked.

“For now, this is actually my last mission before sorta retiring from merc life to rejoin my friends,” Sweetie responded.

“What was your mission here?”

Sweetie didn’t mind giving the details of her mission. She decided that if the guy went along with her proposal, he could make for a decent ally. If not, she would fry him with a Psionic Storm before he could do anything with the info. “Deadman’s Port wanted to assess your threat level. They say you’re some dangerous pirate and they bar you from entry.”

“It’s true, I have taken up piracy for my operations. I’m also goin’ around as a weapons dealer. So tell me, based on what ya seen so far, whaddya think?”

“I think you have something that interests me. Something that suits my personal agenda. If possible, I’d like to strike a deal with you. Of course, how enticing my deal is depends on how you feel about the Dominion.”

The person gave a wide smirk. “I have a vendetta against the Emperor. That is the ultimate goal of my crew. We won’t quit ‘till Mengsk is dead and his Dominion burned to the ground.

“Then we can do business, but let’s keep the Dominion burning to a minimum. Humanity still needs someone to lead them. First, some introductions. I am Sweetie Drops, aka Thestral, second in command to the rebel organization Raynor’s Raiders.”

The person looked confused for a moment. “Why would someone like you be workin’ as a merc? Is Raynor really that short on funds?”

Sweetie sighed, “I’m afraid so. With Mengsk weaponizing the media against him, it’s been difficult getting resources for his operations.”

The man nodded. “I see...perhaps if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. I am called Gabriel Tosh. Most of my men are called Spectres, next generation Ghosts. The rumors say that we were a subversive offshoot of the Ghost Program called Project Shadowblade, we used Jorium and the newly discovered Terrazine to enhance our powers. The rumors are true.”

“I think at this point I can venture a guess as to what you want. You want me to get Raynor’s Raiders to help gather Jorium and Terrazine to help you train more of these Spectres.”

“You be right about that. If your rebel group is as good as the rumors say, maybe you can help break mah brothahs and sistahs outta New Folsom Prison. Now, whaddya want in return?”

Sweetie gave a wide smile. They finally got to the part she was waiting for. “I want to enhance my psychic powers to their full potential. For that, I need the Terrazine. You should have just enough for me. Once that is done, all you have to do is contact Raynor when you are ready to begin mining for the resources and I’ll do the rest. That is my price for the assistance in harvesting the resources. The price for the prison break is you and your Spectres joining Raynor’s Raiders.”

Tosh’s eyes went wide from the implications of what Sweetie said. “Ya do realize that you are goin’ behind Raynor’s back on this.” His eyes narrowed. “How do I know that I can trust you to carry out your part of the bargain?”

Sweetie’s smile didn’t falter. “Don’t worry about that. I will talk to Raynor about my plans. As for the trust...If this turns out to be a prime opportunity for you to finally get to Mengsk, can you really afford to throw it away?

“Oh, I have a question by the way. I know that Jorium can awaken psychic powers and Terrazine enhances them, but what about the side effects of the Terrazine? Doesn’t that stuff make you go crazy?”

Tosh pondered Sweetie’s words and he knew that she was right, he couldn’t throw away such an opportunity because of trust issues. Raynor stood the best chance of anyone of getting to Mengsk since he knew the man the most. As for her question…

“The second property of Jorium is that it nullifies the hallucinogenic properties of Terrazine. That’s why we be needin’ plenty of the stuff. Ya be needin’ regular doses of both to maintain the effects.”

“One large dose should be fine. I suspect the gas affects Ponies differently. My friend Lyra can attest to it since she only had one large dose of it and she’s still a badass even after a whole year when I was around her.”

“...Fine. I be helpin’ ya out. Just remember, do not cross me or I’ll hit you in a way ya never see comin’,” Tosh threatened.

Shortly after Tosh exposed Sweetie to the Jorium and Terrazine supply that he had, Sweetie felt her mind expanding to new levels. Wanting to try out her new powers, Sweetie levitated a Jorium crystal in her telekinesis and hurled it at a nearby cliff. The crystal was buried into the face of the cliff.

Some of the Spectres showed her some new techniques that she could use in the future. The Psionic Lash could be used to tear apart large equipment and enemies. Mindblast could be used to destroy enemy minds. Sweetie was impressed with the new abilities.

Tosh knew that he was taking a huge risk by trusting Sweetie, but he also had a hunch that she would be needing him for the foreseeable future.

Soon, Sweetie’s weapon was returned to her and she boarded her ship and headed back to Deadman’s Port. She delivered her report to Mira and received her final paycheck as well as a device that would allow her to call in mercenary companies as a bonus. The device was designed to only allow her access to mercenary contracts for one year. Adding her salary to the money she got when she sold her story of her experiences on Tarsonis, which the book was quickly banned by the Dominion. She earned a total of five million credits.

With that, Sweetie bid her farewell to Mira and began searching for the trail that would take her back to her old friend.

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