• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Legacy: The Last Twilight

The evacuation of Shakuras was now fully underway since the warp conduit from the planet was as secure as could be given the circumstances. Tassadar, Artanis, Lyra, Vorazun and Fenix, who was transmitting from a Probe, observed the violet planet with sorrow. Since Amon’s forces occupy both Aiur and Shakuras, the Daelaam were now homeless.

Aldaris walked on to the bridge to deliver his complaints about the situation, “This is a nightmare! Not only did the invasion of Aiur fail, but now the Zerg have taken Shakuras as well. Worst of all is that we are now cut off from the Khala.” He briefly turned around to reveal his severed nerve cords. “What will we do now?”

Tassadar walked up to the former Judicator, “We still have hope, Aldaris. Once we are finished here, we will go to Korhal and retrieve the Keystone from the Terrans. It will lead us to the Xel’naga.”

“And how will this help us find a new home for our people?”

“First, we must eliminate the threat of Amon from our universe. Then we can work to reclaim our homeworld.”

Satisfied as the grumpy Judicator could be, Aldaris walked out of the bridge in a huff.

“Is there anything we can do to save Shakuras?” Lyra asked. “Maybe we could activate the temple’s energies with the crystals again.”

Vorazun sadly shook her head. “The crystals were destroyed the last time we used the temple. The infestation has grown too great in such a short period of time. With such an infestation...Shakuras must be destroyed.”

“Are you sure there isn’t another way?”

“Alas, there is not. It pains me greatly to see this world in such a way, but we as a people must endure no matter the cost. I do not make such a decision lightly, but we are faced with such a reality. Still, if we as a people are to truly unite and fulfill my mother’s wishes, we will unite and reclaim Aiur as one.”

Karax called Tassadar, Fenix, Artanis and Lyra to a special room that housed what the Protoss called the Solar Matrix Core. The Solar Matrix appeared to be a massive sphere sphere of metal at first glance, Karax told Lyra that the Solar Matrix was a synthetic star that powered the entire ship while also nourishing the Protoss.

While that didn’t solve Lyra’s food issues, Karax did know of some of the Khalai caste that grew gardens that were used to feed specimens that were subjected to extensive testing and could not be put into stasis. When one of the Khalai farmers offered Lyra their services, she was relieved that she wasn’t going to end up starving on the long journey to save the Protoss race.

Tassadar asked Karax how long it would take to bring the tactical systems back online to which he responded that since the star had been dormant for an eon, it would take time and a catalyst called Solarite to restore it to full capacity.

“Solarite? You mean those strange orange crystals that we extracted from the vaults in Telematros?” Lyra asked.

“Yes, we are already using what we gathered to increase the power of the Solar Matrix. It will be difficult to scour the galaxy for enough to fully charge the core.”

Suddenly, a rift opened above Lyra. The Protoss were taken by surprise and activated their blades for a potential incursion. What they least expected was the Solar Matrix Core opening up while countless shards of Solarite began pouring from the rift and flying into the core.

Karax’s, Artanis’ and Tassadar’s eyes were glowing brighter than ever, as if trying to make a wide-eyed expression. They watched as Solarite shard after Solarite shard flew into the synthetic star, greatly increasing its output.

By the time the bombardment of Solarite ceased, the star was brimming with energy. Karax was nervous that such an infusion might cause the star to go nova. Thankfully, the Solar Matrix Core eventually managed to stabilize while the star reached full power.

Karax quickly moved to examine the readouts and was amazed by what he saw, “Amazing, the Solar Matrix Core has more than enough Solarite to not only bring the rest of the Spear of Adun’s functions online, but allow the use of any of the available functions at any time while the auxiliary systems are at their full capacity. Where did all of that Solarite come from?”

“I think it was Discord that provided them,” Lyra said.

“Discord?” Tassadar asked.

“Bonnie told me he’s a Xel’naga that can manipulate the laws of space and time. I saw him stuffing Solarite into a pocket dimension that only I could access.”

“Would it be possible to gain his assistance in our battle against Amon?” Artanis asked.

“I don’t know. He really only does what he wants to do.”

“Whatever the case, we are truly grateful for the Solarite he provided,” Tassadar asked.

An hour later, Tassadar, Artanis and Vorazun had finished devising their strategy for destroying the planet. Vorazun mentioned overloading the phase prism in the Xel’naga temple to force a spike of energy into the planet’s core to blow up the planet.

Artanis wished to turn the total loss into a pyrrhic victory by holding off on the destruction until a massive number of Amon’s Zerg and Hybrid forces emerge from the warp gate before shattering the planet to deal a significant blow to Amon’s forces. There were already fifty million Zerg on Shakuras and the number continued to grow.

Vorazun mentioned three Zenith Stones that served to regulate the temple’s energies that needed to be destroyed in order to overload the temple. Lyra volunteered to destroy each stone.
She just needed enough Zerg life force to do so.

While Artanis began setting up defenses around the temple, Vorazun warned everyone that the Zerg were coming in from the southwest path of the temple. Lyra moved in front of the Photon Cannons and Khaydarin Monolith and prepared herself as Zerg began storming in.

A few Zerglings and Roaches were the first to arrive. Lyra drained them of their life but knew that she was still short for destroying a Zenith Stone in one blast.

The next few waves allowed Lyra to gather more energy that she needed to deal with the first Zenith Stone. When she drained an Ultralisk, Lyra moved against the Zenith stone to the southwest of the temple. Instead of moving into detection range of any Overseers that could spot her, Lyra simply unleashed a powerful blast from her horn, empowered by the life force stolen from Zerg. The blast caused psionic energy to leak from the stone and electrocute the Zerg around it before unleashing a violent explosion that destroyed the Zerg in the area.

Artanis began growing frustrated because he was expecting Amon to send his Hybrid deal with them. There were two-hundred and fifty million Zerg on Shakuras and no Hybrids yet.

Lyra continued absorbing more waves of Zerg, gaining even more energy as the waves began to intensify. Once she had enough, she repeated the destruction she caused to the first Zenith Stone to the stone northwest of the temple.

With the waves sending stronger strains, Lyra quickly gained the energy to destroy the third Zenith Stone southeast of the temple.

All that remained was to wait.

Artanis called upon Karax’s assistance from the ship to utilize the Spear of Adun against the Zerg. He called in a Pylon alongside some Centurions and Dragoons. Artanis called in some Dark Templar to support the reinforcements.

Some of the waves were quickly dispatched when the Spear of Adun tore through them with a Solar Lance or a Purifier Beam. Fenix was sometimes called upon to slay a few enemies.

The Zerg eventually attempted a tactic of transporting Zerg over a chasm to the northeast of the temple via Overlords. Lyra drained the life from the Overlords, leaving the Zerglings to fall to their deaths.

Lyra dealt with other waves the old fashioned way, using her Storm Charge or simply slicing them up in one sweep. She would sometimes control the mind of an Ultralisk and turn it against its kind. Other times she would dispatch a wave with a few Psionic Storms.

By the time the Zerg count on Shakuras reach around six-hundred and fifty million, the Hybrid started showing up.

The first Hybrid to appear was a new strain. This one was flying and had a number of large spikes and tentacles with long scythe-like arms. The Hybrid Nemesis was able to put some of the defenses into stasis while it continued to fight its way into the base before Lyra jumped on the Hybrid and started slicing pieces off the Hybrid until it succumbed to its injuries.

Hybrid began appearing in larger numbers, just as Artanis had hoped. Every known strain of Hybrid began assaulting the temple grounds in greater numbers alongside the Zerg.

Lyra was teleporting to each of the defensive locations to provide support while using each of the abilities available to her to slay Hybrid.

While Lyra was doing all she could to keep the Zerg and Hybrid at bay, the vast number of enemies attacking the temple was simply overwhelming. She resorted to draining as many Zerg and Hybrid around her as she could and unleashed overwhelming power at more incoming waves while doing her best to avoid friendly fire.

Artanis also held out longer than necessary to overload the temple because Karax discovered some Solarite within the depths of the temple. Lyra told Karax that they already had more than enough Solarite for every function for the Spear of Adun. When he realized that, he rescinded his request and simply allowed Artanis to finish overloading the temple.

Once the temple was ready, Artanis ordered everyone back to the Spear of Adun to pull away from the planet. Meanwhile, he turned a holographic dial and set the phase prism within the temple to overload. The prism shattered into fragments while a volatile ball of energy formed between the floating shards.

A Nydus Worm breached the temple walls and unleashed hundreds of Zerg from its gaping maw.

Artanis engaged the Zerg alone, fighting his hardest to prevent the Zerg from destroying the prism. He fought against the numberless and unleashed the full might of his psionic power to create a powerful explosion that knocked the Zerg back long enough that the Phase Prism reassembled with its cataclysmic charge and dropped into Shakuras’ core.

Artanis was warped out by the Spear of Adun in the nick of time as the cataclysm began.

The Daelaam forces were clear by the time Shakuras exploded into countless fragments of rock and dust.

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