• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Legacy: Salvation Part 1

The calm before the storm had come.

Despite all of the devastation going on all around the Koprulu Sector, the valiant Daelaam Protoss finally had the chance to turn the momentum of the End War in their direction.

With the Purifiers on their side, the Protoss had the means of efficiently tearing into the numberless Broods of Zerg under Amon’s command.

With the Tal’darim under Lyra’s control, Amon’s Protoss allies had been drastically reduced to only the enslaved Golden Armada while the Tal’darim Death Fleet was at the Daelaam’s command.

With the destruction of Revanscar Station, the threat of the Moebius Corps had been all but neutralized. Without Terran ingenuity, Amon had been effectively cut off from his supply of Hybrid. The apocalyptic army of abominations had become a limited number.

All that was left to do was to face the Fallen Xel’naga on Aiur and commence with the plan to thrust the Dark God back into the Void.

The leaders and advisors of the Daelaam alliance gathered for one last strategy meeting before they set course for Aiur.

In attendance were Tassadar, Artanis, Fenix, Karax, Rohana, Vorazun, Zeratul, Talandar, Aldaris, Alarak and Lyra.

Tassadar began, “Everyone is in attendance. Let us commence with the meeting.”

“In order to remove Amon from the Khala, we must charge the Keystone to its limits for it to effectively trap Amon for even a moment. In that moment, every one of our warriors must sever their nerve cords without hesitation. Only then will he have no hold on this plane of existence and be thrust back into the Void,” Karax said.

“That’s all well and good, but we still have the matter of Amon’s host body to destroy. As much as I would love to watch millions of our people die to Amon’s new body, I would like to live long enough to claim the place I had desired for centuries,” Alarak said.

“Loathe I am to agree with the wretch, he is right. We need to destroy Amon’s host body before we remove him from the Khala. Lest we have a much bigger issue on our hands,” Vorazun said.

“Before all of this can happen, however, we must slow down the Golden Armada. Once Amon learns of our plans, he will recall the Armada and we will engage in a fight we cannot win, even with the Tal’darim Death Fleet,” Zeratul said. Alarak felt a little insulted that the Dark Prelate belittled the pride of the Tal’darim.

Rohana sighed, “Though it pains me greatly to even suggest this, I fear we have no choice. In order to prevent the Golden Armada from quickly returning to Aiur, we must destroy Aiur’s sacred psionic matrix that powers the planet. Without the psi-matrix, the ships will be forced to return to Aiur on their own power. This will give us the time we need to commence the other two phases of our operation without facing the full brunt of the Armada.”

“I will contact Raynor and Bonnie. With any luck we’ll receive reinforcements from them to help against Amon’s Brood,” Lyra said.

Alarak scoffed at how Lyra addressed Sweetie with such a nickname, “Using such cutesy names is unbecoming for a Tal’darim leader.” He earned a glare for his comment. “Besides, this optimism is dangerous. We could destroy them all from orbit and not waste such time.”

“Because that is a cowardly move that could only be thought up by a cowardly mind, Alarak. Besides, we don’t know whether he has something to protect his host body from an orbital bombardment,” Lyra countered.

“What we face is a true horror, but we must endure it. Ready yourselves. The final confrontation draws near, and we will meet it head on,” Tassadar said.

Once the preparations were complete, the Spear of Adun began its return to Aiur.

“The psi-matrix’s power structures are accessible from three locations across Aiur.” Rohana pointed at the locations on the holographic representation of Aiur. “We must divide our forces to destroy them. You must decide who goes with whom, Hierarch.”

“I have already decided, Rohana. We will divide into three teams. I will accompany Vorazun and Alarak to one structure. Karax, Fenix and Talandar will be the second team while Artanis, Lyra and Zeratul will make the third team,” Tassadar said.

“I see...I shall coordinate you and your Executors’ efforts from aboard the Spear of Adun. We can begin as soon as you are ready.”

The first target was the Citadel of the Executor in the Antioch province. Tassadar, Vorazun and Alarak entered the infested area.

Alarak unleashed a wave of destruction against a nearby group of Zerglings. When he saw how easily they were slain, he could only scoff. “So these are the Zerg who defeated you? Pitiful...They too shall fall to my power. Tell me, how did you lose Aiur to these animals? Did they leap up and chew apart your starships?”

“Lyra rolled her eyes, <”Amon uplifted this race for a reason, Alarak. From what I have seen of his work so far, it’s obvious that he’s not an idiot. I wouldn’t underestimate the Zerg’s capabilities if I were you. Besides, if Amon were an idiot, what would that say about the Tal’darim?”>

Alarak had nothing to say about that.

A group of Zerg ahead had an Overseer hovering above them to detect Vorazun. Tassadar unleashed his own ability, Psionic Cloud that electrocuted the Overseer out of the sky before Vorazun engaged the Zerg unhindered with Alarak unleashing destruction.

A locked gate stood in the group’s way, but Vorazun had a way around as she used her Shadow Dash to teleport over a gap and dealt with a couple of Zerg groups. By the time she made it to the gate control, Alarak was already getting impatient.

Once the group reunited, they continued through the citadel. Tassadar drew the Zerg toward him with a Psionic Vortex, allowing Vorazun to use her Shadow Fury to slice into the Zerg and Alarak’s Destruction Wave finished whatever Tassadar drew in.

The next area had a continuous flow of reinforcements coming from Nydus Worms. Once Tassadar destroyed the Overseers, Vorazun infiltrated the area and dispatched the Nydus Worms. The same strategy was employed with the worms further ahead, using Alarak to gain the enemies’ attention.

Another gate barred their way. This time, Vorazun’s infiltration route was patrolled by numerous Overseers with Mutalisks above her. Remaining as cautious as possible, she timed her movements with the patrols and managed to avoid their gaze.

Once past the patrol, Vorazun activated the gate to allow Tassadar and Alarak to go further.

The last leg of their run for the psi-matrix structure was guarded by Swarm Hosts and Spine Crawlers with Overseers observing the entire path.

Tassadar disposed of the Overseers, allowing Vorazun to deal with the Swarm Hosts while Tassadar and Alarak distracted the spawned Locusts.

The chamber where the structure was located was sealed. Alarak decided he would use brute force and blast open the chamber. While Alarak was charging up for a powerful void blast, Tassadar and Vorazun worked together to keep the Zerg at bay for a full minute before Alarak released a small destructive wave that wiped out the nearby Zerg before firing a powerful void beam that pierced the door and annihilated the first psi-matrix structure.

While Alarak was reveling in his own personal glory, Tassadar informed Rohana that his team had destroyed the first power structure.

Once the first team reported their success, the second team of Karax, Fenix, and Talandar, who were on standby at the Ancient Temple Grounds, were informed by Rohana that they were free to begin. She also warned that the Hybrid were moving to defend the remaining structures.

Through analysis of void energies, Karax learned how to reclaim robotic units and structures from Amon.

Ahead of the trio stood a pair of corrupted Zealots and an Immortal. Karax took control of the machine and left the pilot helplessly screaming in rage from within his own Immortal.

A group of corrupted Zealots and Archons were ahead. Since none were robotic, Karax simply deployed some Photon Cannons to assist. Fenix blanketed the area with a barrage from his customized phase disruptors.

A small path to their right led to a moderately sized group of corrupted Zealots and Archons. Karax reclaimed a few Immortals and Sentries as well as a Gateway and a Robotics Facility.

Using whatever resources were near him, Karax used the buildings to produce a few Immortals and Sentries.

Another path gained them more Immortals and Sentries while an adjacent path gained the phasesmith an Immortal and a pair of Reavers.

The last side path contained a Colossus and Immortal. Once the machines were reclaimed and the living corrupted killed, Karax took control of a Robotics Support and returned to a nearby Robotics Facility to construct more Colossi.

Once Karax felt like he had enough of an army built or reclaimed, he, Fenix and Talandar moved up to an energy barrier that Karax deactivated to gain access to the psi-matrix structure.

The structure was guarded by a Hybrid Behemoth and a force of different types of Hybrid. While the machines engaged the Hybrid, Fenix bombarded the are around the Hybrid before firing a powerful shot that severely wounded the Behemoth. Talandar jumped into the frenzy by slashing apart hybrid with his powerful mechanical claws.

Once the machines won the battle of flesh verses metal, Karax overloaded the power structure and caused it to explode.

Unfortunately, the psi-matrix wasn’t designed to be destroyed and Karax’s as well as Alarak’s actions had caused a massive overflow of psionic energy to spread all over Aiur. Karax warned Rohana of the impending danger that he wanted relayed to Lyra’s group.

In the Xel’naga caverns where the last power structure was kept, Lyra and the others already noticed the psionic energy beginning to fill the cavern like an electric tide. Vorazun and Talandar sent some aid for the trio along with a group of Tal’darim who admired Lyra just in time for the energy tide to start encroaching on their position.

The Zerg entered the caverns to get in their way but Lyra wiped out most of the group with her Storm Charge while Zeratul used his Shadow Strike to kill an Ultralisk.

A variety of Zerg with some Aberrations stood in their way next in large numbers. Lyra had no time to deal with them so she killed most of them with her Void Drain and finished the rest with a Drain Blast.

Lyra used the same tactic to eliminate a wave of Infested Terrans.

Talandar reported that his forces were destroying a hive cluster that was ahead. When Lyra’s group arrived, the Purifier force joined with Lyra.

The force continued their hasty charge into the caverns with the energy wave right behind them, cutting and blasting their way through the Zerg.

Vorazun reported that they were closing in on her Dark Templars’ position. Once they were found, they had already destroyed the last hive cluster in the caverns.

Vorazun also reported a number of Nydus Worms guarding the final power structure.

While the Protoss engaged the Zerg charging at them, Lyra teleported to each Nydus Worm and decapitated each one.

When the final power structure was in sight, Lyra decided to handle the matter quickly and completely drain every Zerg in the area and drive that energy right into the structure, shattering it.

Rohana congratulated Lyra for giving the Protoss the time they needed to begin the next phase of their plan.

With the Golden Armada stalled, the time came for a direct assault on Amon’s host body.

Rohana warped everyone out of the caverns to prepare for phase two.

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