• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 101: CEO of Neo HWC: Susie


As Marx' last scream suddenly blows from the portal, and the jester starts bouncing around while exploding, everypony excepted Discord, Celestia, and Luna yells in surprise and fright with one or two "What the buck?!" while jumping from their seats, causing some of them to topple. Discord and the princesses still cringe, not expecting such a scream.

The draconequus takes his broken ears and replaces them with new ones. "Until the end, he made sure to give everypony nightmares. At least, I now know what I will use for my doorbell at Nightmare Night." He then remarks Fluttershy clinging to him, shaking in fear. He sighs before patting her. "There. There. It's over."

"That was super duper scary!" shouts Pinkie. "Clowns and jesters shouldn't be scary!"

Everypony slowly recovers while Sweetie Belle gives a pink heart to Marx and the others separate to search for food to heal.

"Hopefully, they will never have to fight Marx ever again," says Twilight.

"But now, he will join their team," says Spike.

"And this means that we will probably see again some of those really creepy attacks," says Pinkie.

"Aaaat least we're getting used to that kind of stuff," says Applejack.

"I don't know if I should be glad about that," says Rarity.

At this moment, they see the huge space fortress starting to crumble. The ponies don't know what happened in there, but it must have been intense. But in the end, there are no surprises. Whoever commanded that fortress (that ice mage?) was fighting Kirby, Meta Knight, Dedede, and Bandana Dee, after all.

Not long after, Prince Fluff tells Sweetie and the others about the Neo HWC attacking Patch Land, and the heroes start walking toward Kirby's house where the sock to Patch Land is.

A sock to travel to another world. Seriously...

"I wonder how the power of the dark heart will work on Susie," says Rainbow Dash.

"Good question. She uses machines to fight, so can the dark hearts influence them too?" wonders Twilight.

"They want to assemble those dark hearts? Why?" asks Sweetie Belle to Dedede through the device.

«We don't know, none of them precised. We just know that they want to assemble those hearts to grant their desire that is clearly not for the good of the universe. Also, they have a superior. Some guy called Hyness, the Officiant of Doom. With a name like that, you know that they are up to no good.»

"And that guy wasn't in this fortress?"

«Nope. Seems like those three used this fortress, our new friend the Jammerjab called it the Jambastion, to search the hearts while this Hyness guy remained in their HQ or whatever. Or maybe he's also searching those hearts, but elsewhere. The Jammerjab couldn't tell us much in the middle of the action, but he promised to guide us, and to tell us more on the way.»

"So, direction space?"

«Direction space. But with our number, this is not easy. The Warp Star is too small, so we have to use those winged stars instead. The problem is that they're not as fast.»

"Better than nothing. And it may actually give us time to join you. Right now, we have to go to Patch Land to deal with Susie. If everything goes as I'm thinking, then we will be able to use the Neo HWC's mothership to join you. But, before that, I think we will pass by New Halcandra, just in case. You know, to see if Magolor has been corrupted too. And we could take the occasion to use the Lor Starcutter to rapidly join you after."

«If you're able to join us, that Hyness won't know what will fall on him! Between our two teams, the fight will barely last five seconds!»

"Don't jinx us. You imagine if Hyness decides to use all those dark hearts to boost his power? Just one of those hearts can turn anyone into a powerful being! With all of them, Hyness could turn into something probably more powerful than anything we fought until now, and as terrible as the Dark God himself. And the fight will last more than five seconds."

«.........Arf... And knowing our luck, something like that will happen. It always happens. But, eh! We will still be able to kick his butt!»

"Of course we will! We are approaching Kirby's house right now. We will hurry to deal with Susie and, maybe, Magolor, and we will join you for the big finale. Good hunt," finishes Sweetie Belle before ending the call just as they reach Kirby's house.

"You know, it's very convenient that of AAAAALL the worlds out there, the Neo HWC just so happens to attack Patch Land," expresses Marx.

"As convenient as almost all of us getting corrupted by a dark heart," replies Adeleine.

"And now, we're getting a remake of the HWC Invasion," says Daroach.

"At least, it won't be as horrible," informs Sweetie Belle. "Without Star Dream, they won't be able to mechanise Patch Land like they did to Popstar. And last I heard, they weren't able to produce Invaders Armors yet. We should mainly encounter Haltworkers."

Prince Fluff confirms it with a nod. "I saw no mechas while they were invading."

The door to the inside of Kirby's home is already open, certainly left like that by Fluff as he exited the house to search for help, so the first ones reaching it enter while the following ones are forced to remain outside because of the lack of space. Kirby's house is a very small house.

"This house is so cute!" says Ribbon who has been able to enter.

"A cute house for an adorable puffball," says Sweetie with a giggle.

Meanwhile, Prince Fluff activates the sock on Kirby's nightstand, opening a portal in it. "Alright! The portal is open! We can now jump in it and go to Patch Land."

"Aah. I can't wait to return home!" says Yin-Yarn.

"Remember, Yin-Yarn, even if I've forgiven you for what you did, some of Patch Land's inhabitants haven't," warns Fluff.

"Because they haven't seen the new me yet! I'm a reborn person! They will love me!"

"You helping stopping the invasion should help," says Taranza.

"Yes! I will become a hero in their eyes! Nyahaha!"

"Or a funny sidekick," says then Marx to Yin-Yarn's annoyance.

"You are the funny sidekick, jester!"

"Nope! I'm a funny demigod!"

"More like a debatable funny troll," says Adeleine.

"No, he's an annoying pest," says Dark Meta Knight.

"I love you too Darky!" replies Marx.

Dark Meta Knight starts unsheathing his sword, only to feel a hand on his pauldron. He turns to see Nago, the cat shaking his head with a "Meow." This calms the knight who still lets out a growl as he puts back his sword.

One by one, they jump in the portal, and they come out of it in what is clearly the living room of a very rich person. Of course, everybody knows that it's a living room inside Fluff's castle, in Patch Land. What confirms it is that everything in the room is made of various fabrics stitched together. It causes the feet to sink a little in the floor in the places made of less solid fabrics which, for anyone not used to it, feels weird and asks some time to adapt and be able to walk without falling. It's like walking on a bed.

"Welcome to Patch Land!" shouts then Prince Fluff once everyone has come out of the sock. "This is my castle, in the land of Quilty Square. I would like to give you a tour, but we have more important matters to deal with."

As he finishes talking, Sweetie Belle walks toward a window to look at what's going on outside. When she reaches it, she frowns at what she sees. "And we should hurry. They're already building factories. Ugh... In this world of yarn and fabrics, they're even more ugly. However, I don't see the mothership."

"A report I got from Bronto Burts says that the mothership is exactly at the opposite side of Patch Land from here, right at the frontier between Treat Land and Water Land," informs Fluff.

"Of course..." says Elline with a groan.

"This means that to join the mothership from there, we can choose to pass by Grass Land, or by Space Land. I don't recommend the second choice however, there are more dangers," continues the prince. "The only real danger we will face in the first choice will be Hot Land."

"The less dangers we face, the faster we will reach the mothership, so I suppose that the first choice is the best," says Sweetie Belle.

"Not like we would mind facing the dangers of the other path," says Yin-Yarn.

Sweetie Belle nods with a giggle before saying "And this Space Land sounds nice to visit."

"I will be glad to give you a tour once this is over," says Fluff.

At this, the prince waves at them to follow him before he exits the room and guide the team outside of the castle, starting their journey on Patch Land. They don't pay attention to the factories and other buildings being built, not wanting to waste time destroying all of them, and follow Fluff to Grass Land. Barely a few minutes after exiting the castle however, they start being attacked by some Haltworkers, as well as by inhabitants of Patch Land that have been brainwashed. For those last ones, they try to be careful because of how frail they are.

It doesn't take long before they reach the frontier between Quilty Square and Grass Land, which looks as if the two lands have been stitched together, which is the case. The stitches are even visible. Even the sky is stitched!

Outside of the regular attacks from Neo HWC's minions, traversing Grass Land isn't eventful at all. The path is rather straight, with almost no obstacles, and the few times they encounter a dead end that would force them to do a detour, Prince Fluff wraps his yarn around a rope to pull a part of the decor and create a passage for them. Thus, they quickly pass an area full of stone buildings and fountains without problems, same with hills full of flowers. In those hills, some of them even take the occasion to have some fun hanging from dandelion seeds and letting themselves being carried by the wind.

That there are still dandelions despite the Neo HWC invading Patch Land proves how much the reborn company has lost its power. Normally, by now, the whole planet would be mechanized, with the only trace of remaining flora being trapped inside glass domes. But now, the planet looks barely touched, and the few buildings being built aren't even finished yet. Where before, mechanizing a whole planet was just a question of a couple of minutes, now, it would probably take months, or even years to reach the same result. If Sweetie Belle and her friends are fast enough, this whole incident will be more fear than harm, and Patch Land will not lose too much.

Things get a little harder when they reach what Prince Fluff calls the Rainbow Falls, where the heroes are forced to walk in small rivers constantly pushing them toward waterfalls falling into pits, but as long as they don't stop and don't get too close of the edges, this is not really a danger.

They don't pay attention to the beanstalk beside which they pass before they reach the frontier between Grass Land and Hot Land, a desert and volcanic land. Seeing the ground suddenly passing from the green grasslands to the yellow desert in one straight line of stitches is definitely one of the strangest things Sweetie has seen in this universe.

After a quick passage through a desert full of rather small pyramids and quicksands with some sand tornadoes, they reach the heart of this land: the volcanoes. A group of small ones with, at their center, a giant one, with a thermal power station being built. Rather than traverse it, like Kirby and Fluff did the first time from what the prince says, they decide to get around it, moving between the smaller ones.

Like expected, there are many rivers of lava on the way, and more than once, for the ones not able to fly, they have to do some platforming to traverse them, even using some local creatures as platforms. A couple of times, Prince Fluff gains them time by wrapping his yarn around a rope and pulling it to close one of the volcanoes for a few seconds as you close a purse, blocking the lava and letting them pass easily.

It's no more crazy than cutting a volcano with a fish, but it sure is a close second.

They ignore the cave and pass not far beside a jungle before they reach the frontier between Hot Land and Treat Land.

Treat Land... The land that Sweetie has been excited, but at the same time scared to visit, because this land is pretty much like Lollipop Land, a land filled with sweets and candies, but worst. At least, in Lollipop Land, there aren't literal mountains made of cake. This will be so hard to resist...

And like in Lollipop Land, there are even places made of toys! And one of those places is not far right in front of them, among the sweets. A place filled with giant toy blocks, giant toy soldiers (humans, of course), giant toy cars, some giant stuffed bears, and even giant toy robots. Between that and the sweets, this land is a real heaven for foals.

And this place hasn't even been touched by the Neo HWC. Probably because Susie has no interest in toys.

Traversing it is more dangerous than planned. Fluff warned them about the heavy risk of being crushed by the soldiers and robots, but Sweetie certainly didn't think that there would be so many of them. Finally, this place isn't as foal friendly. Eventually, Sweetie just said 'Buck it" and destroyed the soldiers and robots in the way, gaining time and making the place a little less dangerous.

And now, they have to traverse the cake mountains, mines created by the Neo HWC visible in some of them. Not a big surprise. Nobody could resist free cake.

And certainly not Sweetie Belle, as much as she wants.

"Why did you blindfold me?" asks Celestia.

"To stop you from drooling!" shouts back Luna.

"Stop drooling too, Pinkie!" shouts Rarity.

"I can't!"

It's a team of heroes with half of them stuffed of cake that enters an area made of giant musical instruments. That's new, and really fun. Sweetie can't help herself but to play a small song a couple of times when she walks on the keys of giant pianos. And then, there are the giant drums that are even more fun to bounce on than to bounce on a bed. This certainly would be awesome, and really fun way to play a song! Too bad they are pressed by the events.

Soon, they leave the area behind to traverse more of the land of sweets, including an area filled with chocolate, with buildings made of chocolate, or literally giant cupcakes! But it's also filled with Haltworkers, forcing the heroes to fight their way. After this chocolaty heaven, they traverse, of all things in this land, a mushroom jungle, with trampoline mushrooms and swinging mushrooms. It's not long after this jungle that they finally reach their destination: the Neo HWC's mothership, just at the frontier between Treat Land and Water Land, like Fluff said.

The mothership is FAR from being as big as the Access Ark. It's actually closer to the size of the Halberd, maybe a little bigger. The ship is also egg-shaped, standing on four legs, with the logo of the company, a small pink N hiding the upper-left part of the H of the original company, visible above each of them. The entrance, looking like the one of the Access Ark, is at the bottom. However, this time, learning a lesson from the invasion of Popstar, the entrance is guarded by ten laser turrets.

Too bad for Susie, against all of them, those turrets will be useless. Still, nice try.

Like before, the heroes separate into four teams, each forming a winged star, and they fly to the entrance before they move toward the turrets, avoiding their projectiles. Very soon, all the turrets are destroyed, and the heroes enter the ship without more hindrances.

The inside of the ship looks closely like the first part of the Access Ark, without the statues. The paintings, both of Haltmann and Susie, are also smaller, to better fit in the smaller hallways. Many Haltworkers are present to protect the ship, but like always, they are easily eliminated, Marx opening black holes above groups of Haltworkers to suck them in and deal with them in record time. The only problem is that they don't know where to go to find Susie's office. They know they have to climb, but which hallway to take? Which black door? Which room they have to pass? The worst part is that when they pass a black door, there's no way to know if they appear in a higher floor or not. At least, while the ship is big, it's not that big, so it shouldn't take them long to find their way.

So it starts with them taking randomly a hallway among the four proposed from the entrance room, hallway that reveals to be full of laser turrets. At the end of the hallway, they pass a black door that leads them to a storage room full of what has been gathered so far from Patch Land. To Sweetie's surprise, the room is guarded by a Fake General, which she learned from Susie is called a Security Force. Of course, the robot doesn't stand a chance against their overwhelming power, and the fight doesn't even last five seconds.

After the destruction of the Security Force, they pass another black door and appear in a new hallway. Suddenly, lasers are fired from the eyes of the paintings and start sweeping the hallway following different patterns, forcing the heroes who can't teleport to be cautious while also having to jump above a few pits. Further, they reach a fork, with one of the two new hallways leading to a staircase going up, which they choose. The staircase leads right to an elevator moving up, passing two floors before they reach its limit at the start of yet another hallway.

Another fork waits for them, two of the proposed ways, at their left and right, leading right to black doors. Instead, they take the way right in front of them, which leads to another staircase, only for this path to pass beside more black doors, some of them at the end of more hallways. Eventually, the path stops in a small round room with five black doors.

"Too much doors!" yells Yin-Yarn.

Sweetie Belle sighs. "Even the Access Ark wasn't as annoying..."

They decide to take the first door to the left, only to seemingly appear in the same room with the five doors, with the same hallway leading to more doors. The heroes briefly look at each other in confusion before taking the second door to the left, only to appear again in seemingly the same room. Half of them groan in despair.

Suddenly, Dark Meta Knight coats his sword in energy before slashing two times at a wall, creating a small cross-shaped indentation.

"Good idea," says Daroach with a nod. "We will now see if we reappear in the same room."

Thus, they pass the door at the center, and reappear again in what seems to be the same room. Dark Meta Knight, however, points at the wall, showing that the cross isn't here anymore.

"So, those doors all lead to identical rooms?" comments Claycia.

"I hope we haven't returned to the first room without knowing," says Ribbon.

"Hihihihi! We would be really unlucky! I'm gonna check!" says Marx.

The jester then takes his bat-like form before flying down the hallway. A couple of minutes later, he returns, laughing loudly.

"We're unlucky!" he shouts.

Most of the heroes facepalm at this, some of them groaning.

"Also, I took the occasion and passed some of the doors on the way. They all lead to laboratories, and they're dead ends."

"So, now we have to find out which hallway to take," says Taranza.

More groaning.

It turns out that the good hallway is the one where Dark Meta Knight made the cross earlier, all the others leading to dead ends. At the end of this hallway, however, is another elevator. From it, the heroes traverse a succession of factories, some of them guarded by a Security Force or by some traps similar to the ones found inside the Access Ark. And the more they advance, the more they encounter traps, laser turrets, Haltworkers, and Security Forces, showing that they are in the right way.

Eventually, in the same manner than in the Access Ark, a big elevator leads the team right in front of a portal-like door to Susie's office.

The office... looks pretty closely like Haltmann's office, but more pinkish with some white. To Sweetie's disbelief and everyone else's confusion, there are also four robotic-like statues of Mecha Knight, each in a different color, red, blue, yellow, and green.

And sitting on the chair behind the desk, facing them, is Susie, her eyes now purple. The pink-haired girl calmly gets up and walks around the desk before stopping in front of it, giggling a bit, and pointing a finger at them.

CEO of Neo HWC

She then takes her device and press a button, causing her armor, or Business Suit, to drop beside her. However, this armor looks a little different from her original armor. It's now pink and peach, with more detailed designs, including hearts on the arms.

She starts the fight by releasing a dozen of those explosive drones before doing the classic move of charging at them while spinning the arms of the armor, the drones homing in on the heroes while they dodge. The heroes counterattack immediately with all they have, but this new Business Suit reveals to be more resistant than the one Sweetie fought the first time, about as resistant as Haltmann's own suit.

Susie follows her charge by rapidly and randomly jumping around, until she's stopped by Gooey jumping in her suit beside her and licking her visor, covering it in drool. As Susie gets rid of the drool with a "Eww!" the others take the occasion to attack again the armor.

Angered, Susie takes her device and press another button. The next instant, the four Mecha Knights statues activate, revealing themselves to be real robots, before they activate their respective energy swords. Each of the swords reveal to be made of a different element corresponding to the color of the Mecha Knight: fire for the red one, ice for the blue one, electricity for the yellow one, and wind for the green one. Once their swords are activated, the Mecha Knights fly from their pedestals and land on the floor, ready to attack. But then, Susie comes close to the Fire Mecha Knight, and with one swing of his sword, the robot surrounds the Business Suit in some fiery aura.

Susie then restarts charging at the heroes, this time in a zigzag pattern, while spinning the arms, only this time, the spin creates a fire tornado around her. Once she finishes with the charge, she then jumps and hover in the air before firing the screwdriver-like foot all around her, the screwdrivers creating explosions of fire on impact. She also fires more of those drones, which also explode in fire on impact.

At the same time, the Mecha Knights all start attacking, each targeting someone before charging at them to slash them, their different elements giving them different advantages, from trapping someone in ice for the blue one to paralyzing someone with electricity for the yellow one. Outside of that, they have exactly the same movesets than the Mecha Knight+, including the one where they grow the sword by giving it more energy.

Dark Meta Knight regrets then to not have the ability to separate himself into four anymore.

Every now and then, with the help of one of the Mecha Knights, Susie changes the element of her suit, changing the effects of her attacks. The spin attack with the wind element is particularly surprising, because it actually gives to suit the ability to fly, like a helicopter, and she takes the occasion to fly above the heroes while firing screwdrivers, the screwdrivers not exploding, but spinning around to create small tornadoes. The Fire, Ice, and Spark Mecha Knights even take the occasion to use their respective elements to turn the tornadoes into fire tornadoes, ice tornadoes, and spark tornadoes.

But when Pitch manages to destroy Susie's visor, causing her to lose her focus and become vulnerable, Sweetie Belle and Marx both fire a huge laser beam at the suit, heavily damaging it, to the point that it starts sparking, at the verge of exploding.

But then, the dark aura appear and encompasses in a cloud both Susie and her suit before growing to almost two times its original size. When the cloud disappears, it reveals a new armor, looking as if the Business Suit and Susie have fused. It retains its colors, but now, the armor looks exactly like Susie, with her bottom part being exactly like the one of the Business Suit. However, instead of having disembodied arms/hands, it possesses two arm-cannons. The armor also possesses wings looking exactly like the ones of Star Dream (but pink and peach colored), and a purple heart has appeared on its torso. Above the heart, on the shoulders, on the back, and on the head are also yellow glowing spots, for some reason.

The armor's red eyes then flash, followed by the eyes of the Mecha Knights flashing too, and the four robots deploy their tail, exactly like Mecha Knight+. The Spark Mecha Knight then gives the Mecha Susie the Zap element before joining the other Mecha Knights in attacking the heroes. But now, the teamwork of the robots has gotten better, much better. Their coordination is now perfect, quickly working together to trap the heroes and hit them.

While the heroes are busy with the robots, Mecha Susie suddenly charges at them, without spinning its arms. It doesn't need to to do damage with its size, speed, and the Zap element, leaving behind it a trail of electricity that remains for a few seconds. From its cannons, it then fires lightning bolts to paralyse some of the heroes before it jumps toward them, lightning striking where it lands. From there, it starts attacking in perfect coordination with the Mecha Knights.

Sweetie Belle leaves her friends to deal with the Mecha Knights and fires a few lasers directly at Mecha Susie. To her shock, the lasers do nothing to it. However, one of her lasers about to hit the yellow spot above the purple heart is deflected by the Ice Mecha Knight with a swing of its sword. Sweetie Belle looks at the yellow spot, then fires more lasers at it. As predicted, the Mecha Knights go to protect it, so Sweetie Belle uses mirrors to deflect some of her lasers and target the yellow spots on the shoulders. The robots aren't able to protect them in time, and the yellow spots are slightly damaged by the lasers.

The filly smiles. "You saw this, guys?!"

"Yup," answers Adeleine. "We must target those yellow thingies!"

"But first, let's deal with those tin cans. It'll make our job easier," says Marx.

They all nod and return to fighting the Mecha Knights, using their numbers to overwhelm them and pass their teamwork and defense to deal damage. Mecha Susie doesn't let them destroy its robots without a fight however, and after getting the Blizzard element from the Ice Mecha Knight, it starts firing huge shards of ice from its cannons while sending drones by dozens, the drones releasing icicles that fall below them. The Mecha Knight also remain close to Mecha Susie, using sword beams, sharp shockwaves, tornadoes, and their tail to attack from a distance while remaining under the close protection of the big mecha, and to protect it from any projectiles about to hit the yellow spots.

Sweetie Belle personally destroys the first of the Mecha Knights, the ice one. While it's busy clashing with one of Marx' wings, she attacks it from behind and impales it with one of her beam swords. Of course, the other Mecha Knights try to protect it and stop her, but Sweetie uses her remaining beam swords to force them to defend themselves, also opening them to her friends. As for Mecha Susie, it actually fires two lasers from its eyes at her, but nothing that a mirror can't deal with. And so, the Ice Mecha Knight explodes.

The Spark Mecha Knight quickly follows, Claycia taking the opening given by Sweetie Belle to fire at it with the Bastron Cannon. The Mecha Knight flies out of the way of the laser, only to be hit by Daroach's ice beam, trapping it in ice. Almost immediately, it's pierced by three giant sword coming from three of Dark Meta Knight's mirrors.

Mecha Susie takes the Sizzle element from the Fire Mecha Knight while keeping the Blizzard element before placing the end of its cannons against the floor. From them, it then fires two giant balls, one of fire and one of ice, leaving trails of fire and ice behind them. However, a big energy ball from Taranza successfully hits the yellow spot on the left shoulder and destroys it, causing a small explosion that damages Mecha Susie.

Taranza doesn't have time to celebrate. He's immediately slashed on the back by the Fire Mecha Knight, but the robot itself has its foot wrapped by Prince Fluff's yarn, and it's thrown against a wall where it's attacked by the animals. Before the Mecha Knight can recover, Yin-Yarn, now looking like a giant scorpion, comes and impales the robot with his tail, destroying it just as the yellow spot or Mecha Susie's right shoulder explodes after taking too much crystal projectiles from Ribbon. The last Mecha Knight goes to protect Mecha Susie, only to be slapped by Spikezilla's tail and end in the jaw of a giant painted snake with the head of a dragon, where it's crushed by the sharp teeth.

Adeleine and Elline give each other a high five with a "Yay!"

This leaves only Mecha Susie who starts firing lasers from the 'feathers' of the wings while jumping around, an explosion of fire or crystallized ice forming each time that it slams on the ground. Sweetie however manages to destroy the yellow spot above the heart with an Ultimate Doom Laser while Marx also destroys the spot at the back with his own laser.

The purple heart then comes out of the torso and separates in two, one of the halves surrounded in purple energy while the other is surrounded in blue energy. The two halves then dashes around, threatening to ram the heroes, before they collide, unleashing a huge explosion. The heart does this attack two more times while Mecha Susie continues firing lasers, fireballs, and ice balls. Once the heart stops attacking, it also fires two lasers and sweeps the ground with them, creating huge shockwaves wherever they pass.

Mecha Susie fires more hearts from its torso, excepted that those ones eventually break in two, releasing huge straight blasts, before it fires yet another heart that also breaks in two. This time, however, the heart creates a heart-shaped shield in front of the head, protecting the yellow spot on it. Meanwhile, Mecha Susie's wings start doing circles in front of the heart-shaped hole in the torso, where a huge quantity of energy is accumulating. After a few seconds, it fires a gargantuan beam, and the mecha starts sweeping the room with it, chasing the heroes as they try to escape. It's so powerful that it traverses the floor, walls, and ceiling, creating holes in them!

But while the mecha fires its laser, Marx quickly destroys one of the halves of the heart creating the shield, and Dark Meta Knight soon destroys the other, destroying the shield and leaving the yellow spot vulnerable right for Sweetie's Ultimate Doom Laser. It's a direct hit, and the yellow spot explodes.

It creates a chain reaction through the whole mecha, its body crumbling explosion after explosion, the purple heart also crumbling into dust. Finally, in a huge final purple explosion, Mecha Susie explodes, ejecting Susie and the dark heart. Like before, the heart flies away through one of the holes left by the mecha's giant laser.

Sweetie throws a pink heart at Susie, healing her and bringing her back to consciousness.

"This... definitively was the worst experience of my life," says the girl.

"Aww, it was alright, I think. Not worst than getting sent into a planet-sized comet exploding upon impact leaving you half dead," says Marx.

"Thank you for reminding us how much you're a monster," says Adeleine.

"You're welcome. Hihihihi!"

Susie looks around her at the damage caused by the fight. "Ugh... Now I will have to repair all this! Whoever is at the origin of those hearts, I would like to give them a piece of my mind."

"Speaking of..." Sweetie Belle proceeds to explain everything she knows about the current events.

"So, Hyness, uh? Very well," says Susie before she takes a tablette and tap something on it. "I add his name in my list of people that I must visit to have a 'talk'."

"You don't even know where's this guy," says Taranza.

"We will find out sooner or later, right? You told me that Pinky and the others are about to find their HQ."

"But before, we would like for you to transport us to New Halcandra, if you don't mind. We want to see if Magolor has been corrupted too," says Sweetie Belle.

Susie frowns. "This would be very bad news if that's the case. Oh well, that's good, I have to return to New Halcandra to repair the damage done to... Ugh... The Death Egg. I shouldn't have left Magolor name my ship."

Marx immediately falls on his back laughing, to Susie's annoyance.

"But first, you must call back the Haltworkers mechanizing Patch Land," says Fluff.

"Of course, of course," says Susie with a wave of her hand at him. "But removing the infrastructures will have to wait. This would take too long."

Fluff accepts this with a nod.

It takes ten minutes for all the Haltworkers to return to the Death Egg, and the mothership takes off the next instant. A few minutes after the take off, Sweetie Belle receives a call from Dedede that she answers.

"Hello again, Dedede. I suppose that you have some news."

«Yep. I have one good news, and a LOT of bad news.»

Sweetie Belle sighs. "Start with the good news."

«With the help of the Jammerjab, we found the HQ of the bad guys.»

"Sweet! And what are the bad news?"

«Where to start... Welp, first, the Jammerjab told us that they name themselves the Jambastion Religion, and Hyness is effectively their leader, with the three Jambastion Mages directly under him. Secondly, their HQ, named Jambandra Base, dwarfs absolutely anything we've seen until now. To put it simply, we could put at least ten Popstar inside it and still have some place.»

"You're kidding!"

«I wish! And to make it worse, more of those Jambastions are circling it, and it's even protected by a powerful force field stopping us from reaching it. The Jammerjab warned us about it and guided us to some nearby planets that we will have to explore to destroy whatever's creating this forcefield.»

"The usual routine."

«Ahah, yeah. But now, let me tell you the worst news: those dark hearts are actually pieces of something called a Jamba Heart. Hyness did a ritual with it, but something went wrong and the heart exploded into all those little dark hearts that dispersed in the cosmos. Hyness then sent the mages to gather them.»

A cult doing some ritual on a heart... Sweetie Belle is starting to have a very bad feeling.

«By gathering those dark hearts, this cult wants to reform the Jamba Heart, and free their God trapped in it. Guess which God I'm talking about.»

Oh... Oh no...

This Jamba Heart is the source of all those dark hearts, spreading their negativity in the universe. And if there's a God trapped inside it, then this God must be the source of this negativity. There's only one God trapped inside a heart that's so negative.

"The Dark God..."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, but Susie gave me problems...

Also, I've been bunch reading Undertale Inverted Fate because the fight against the Determinator should be finished soon enough (I hope).

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