• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 78: Duel Against the Knight

Hopefully finished with all of this, Sweetie Belle and some of her friends decide to remain a little in the castle to rest, while Meta Knight, Daroach and Coo prefer to leave, respectively to prepare for the fight tomorrow, to bring all the taken crystals to the Squeak Squad, and to go tell the other animals what has happened. Yin and Yarn are now sleeping attached to Sweetie's belt, and Spikezilla has been returned to his doll form.

Thankfully, with Sectonia gone, the bug clan has become more friendly toward the heroes and even say how sorry they are to the flower fairies still in the castle. Speaking of, Sweetie Belle has told the fairies about their little problem with the castle, and as it turns out, also with Kirby's house, and the fairies have gotten the idea to use vines to lift them. This has gotten Sweetie Belle and Dedede to raise an eyebrow. Yes, they could lift Kirby's house without too many problems, but the castle? At this, the fairies have replied that with the help of the bug clan, it may be possible. Smiling, Dedede has then proposed the help of his army, which has been gladly accepted.

Then, Dedede has gotten an idea and has asked everyone, both fairies and bugs, to gather somewhere in this castle, because he has an announcement to do.

"What is this announcement?" has asked Sweetie Belle then.

In answer, Dedede has just smirked before saying "You'll see."

Back at Equestria, the ponies curious to see what this king want to say, decide to keep the portal open while they get some shuteye.

"I'll wake you when he starts," says Discord.

And so, a couple of hours later, Dedede, Sweetie Belle, Bandana Dee, and Taranza stand on a balcony facing a big room filled with both the bug clan and the fairies (which, Sweetie Belle has learned, are the ones called the People of the Sky), among all kinds of other creatures living in Floralia, most of which are also creatures that live on the surface, like Waddle Dees. Kirby, Adeleine, and Gooey are among them, curious to see what the king had in mind.

Dedede eventually clears his throat before he starts to speak.

"Everyone! As many of you have probably learned by then, the queen of the sky, Sectonia, is now dead. I learned that before she was corrupted, each of you lived in their own little clans, like the Bug Clan, or the People of the Sky. So, now that she's dead, everything will return like before? Bugs will return with bugs, fairies will return with fairies, they'll all return living in their own space, and barely interact with each other as if all of this never happened? One of the good things about Sectonia taking over all the islands is that she made Floralia into one kingdom, united under the same banner. Well, why not keeping the whole 'united kingdom' thing and just remove that thing about 'bugs being superior to others'? Wouldn't it be better if everyone remains with everyone, together like you are now in this room? Moreover, the Dreamstalk is now linking all the islands! So more reason to stop being isolated!"

Every creature in the room start talking to each other about this. This penguin is right, it would be nice to form a real kingdom together. Beside, the Bug Clan and the People of the Sky are already in good terms despite what has happened.

Taranza then says "I approve about this, but then, who would be the ruler?"

At this, Dedede smirks.

"Oh, I see where this is going..." says Sweetie Belle with a sigh.

"Me, of course!" shouts Dedede.

"And here we go..." says Sweetie Belle with a chuckle.

Before anyone can voice anything, Dedede continues. "First, let me present myself. My name is Dedede, and I am the king of Dreamland, the kingdom at the surface just under us. I have helped killing Queen Sectonia. You know what this means?" He raises his arms, spreading them wide. "I conquered Floralia! So this makes me the king of Floralia too!" He then starts walking back and forth on the balcony, rubbing his chin with a calculated smile. "Now, I could annex Floralia into Dreamland and make one single kingdom, but..." He suddenly grabs Sweetie Belle by the neck.

"Wh...? Hey!"

Dedede shows her to everyone. "Let me present to all of you my second in command, hero number two of the lower world, Sweetie Belle. She's kind, she's adorable, she's a perfect plushie to sleep with the night..."

"Hey!" shouts again Sweetie Belle at this, blushing, much to the amusement of some of the creatures below.

"But she's also one of the greatest warriors of the lower world, and the strongest in my army, including me. She's helped save the world, and even the universe, more than once. To do what is right and protect innocents, she's ready to fight a god! And she can turn anyone into her friend! And now..." He rises his other hand, and a Bronto Burt comes before dropping on it a crown made to look like the Dreamstalk, with the big flower at the front. The Bronto Burt then takes the golden circlet from Sweetie Belle's head, and Dedede places the Dreamstalk crown on it instead.


"From now on, she's your new queen!"


The ponies drinking coffee or tea just at this moment all do a spit-take at hearing this.

"WHAT?!!" yells Rarity.

Sweetie Belle is babbling incoherently at the announcement Dedede has just done, before she's finally able to say. "Y-you know that I can't-"

"However..." Dedede cuts her. "As you can see, she's just a child, so she's not yet fitted to rule. Besides, one day, she'll return where she comes from, and she won't return here until she reaches adulthood, when she'll have finished her schooling. And let's not forget that she's a hero, and as the job implies, she'll have to leave sometimes to go save the world. So..." He taps Taranza on the back, almost making him fall on the floor. "I name Taranza here regent! He'll administrate Floralia until Sweetie Belle returns adult! And each time that Sweetie Belle has to leave because of her duty as a hero, he'll be there too!"


"You could have talked to me about this before deciding to make me queen!" shouts Sweetie Belle at him.

Dedede laughs. "Remember! After you defeated me, everyone down here wanted you to become the queen, and you refused because you didn't want to take my throne, but you never said that you didn't want to become queen at all! You even said 'If I become queen, then this will be of another kingdom'!" He looks at her with a big grin, pointing a finger just in front of her face. "You don't actually mind becoming a queen! And as I'm talking now, you aren't even refusing becoming a queen! I didn't need to talk to you about this, I knew that there would be no problems!" His grin becomes wider. "Beside, I wanted to see your face. Worth it."

In answer, Sweetie Belle looks at him annoyingly, pouting.

Dedede then turns her toward the crown. "Now, give them a speech!"

"What?! Right now?! But I'm not prepared! And will you drop me?!"

"Since Her Majesty asks so nicely." He drops her, without even lowering her first. Thankfully, Sweetie Belle's reflexes let her land on her hooves. "As for the speech, just improvise. You improvise all the time when you fight."

"Giving a speech isn't the same as fighting!"

"Come on Sweetie Belle!" shouts then Bandana Dee. "Just be yourself! Say whatever you have in mind!"

She sighs. "I'll try..." Using a shield, she rises until she can be seen by everyone in the room. Having butterflies in her stomach, she looks at the crowd, everyone looking back at her in wonder. Oh Celestia... This reminds her of when she was scared of singing in front of a crowd. She has beaten that fear since then, but here, this feels the same. No, this feels worse! But now, she has to do this. Not singing is one thing, but failing to give a speech to introduce herself as a new queen, she would be a laughing stock for all Floralia! But she's so scared to screw it! Curse you Dedede!

So, with a gulp, she starts talking uncertainty. "Uh... Hello, everyone. It's nice to become your queen!"


Breathe, Sweetie! Just do like Bandana said!

So Sweetie Belle takes a big breath and continues. "Ahem! Like King Dedede said, my name is Sweetie Belle. I come from another dimension, transported here by accident, and... Well... Before coming here, I wasn't special. I was just a filly trying to find my Cutie Mark -my special talent-, going to school, playing with my friends, and involuntarily turning my big sister crazy sometimes," she says that last part with a laugh, followed by the laughter of some of the people below. "Really, nothing prepared me to become a leader, even less a queen. But... When the time will come, with the help of my friends, of all of you, I will do everything to turn Floralia into heaven, and to protect everyone from any dangers. I don't have the experience, but I have the abilities.

Until then, I'm certain that Taranza will have no problems. He was close to Sectonia, so he certainly knows what to do. And I'll be happy to help him. And you can be sure that Dedede will help too. Speaking of. I'll probably continue to live in his castle before I return to my home dimension. Because..." She waves all around her, at the whole room. "Excuse me to say this, Bug Clan, but this castle looks too much like the fortress of an evil tyrant with a big ego (which is the case). And I can't even start to guess what is the meaning of those rooms with the gears, without forgetting that we will have to find what to do with all those crystals. Suffice to say, there'll be many changes for this castle. We will probably have to rebuild it from the start into a more nice-looking castle."

At this, everyone, even the bugs, agree. The Bug Clan has built this castle for Sectonia not long after she has become tyrannical, respecting her criterias, and the result certainly looks like a fortress of doom and vanity.

"So, until the new castle is built, we should consider Dedede's castle as Floralia's castle too. It'll be not far from the base of the Dreamstalk once it's placed back on the mountain."

Behind her, Dedede whispers to Taranza "I think I have an idea of what to do with the crystals."

Sweetie Belle rubs her head, not sure of how to end her speech. "So... Let's do our best! For Floralia!"

After a small silence, everyone in the room started applauding her. This is certainly not the best speech ever, but at least, she's done her best seeing how she's been thrown into the role without warning, and how young she's.

"See?" asks Dedede. "It wasn't that hard."

Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes, smiling. "I would like to see you at my place."

"Congratulation Rarity, your sister is a queen," says Applejack. "When I'll say that to Apple Bloom, that filly will run on the wall."

"Wait, does this make Rarity a princess?" asks Rainbow Dash.

Twilight shakes her head. "No, Rarity would be a princess only if her parents were already royals. Since Sweetie Belle got her title by being given a kingdom, then Rarity's title can be anything that Sweetie Belle will decide, princess, duchess... or nothing."

"Oh my... So I could become a princess..." says Rarity before fainting.

This makes Rainbow Dash laugh. "Too awesome for her!" She then turns toward Pinkie. "You know what to add to the list, Pinkie!"

"Yuperonie! Already noted!" replies Pinkie who's holding a rather big list of parties planned for Sweetie Belle once she returns. "'One 'Sweetie Belle is a queen' party added to the list!" By now, the pink pony has recovered from what she has learned earlier, but her still slightly dropping mane shows that she still has this in mind. Only time and friendship will solve this. She looks at the list. "Mmh... This starts to be a lot. I may need the party supplies that I've hidden in Manehattan to have enough."

Twilight rolls her eyes. "Of course you have party supplies hidden in Manehattan."

At this, Discord snaps his fingers, closing the portal. "I think this concludes this long observation session. Poor Fluttershy needs her sleep."

"Oh, I'm alright, Discord. But, thank you..."

Discord materializes a violin in his hands. "Do you need me to play a lullaby?"

She giggles.

Not long later...

"You can open your eyes."

Hearing this, Adeleine opens her eyes, and gasps upon seeing the building Sweetie Belle has led her into.

"Is... Is that the home of the Great Artist?!"

Sweetie Belle nods. "Yes. When Taranza captured me, he came here and forced Kirby, Dedede, and Bandana Dee to fight none other than Drawcia's sister, Paintra."

Dedede laughs proudly. "A great fight it was! But she was nothing against us! She didn't even turn into a giant ball of paint!"

"So, the two Painting Sisters are dead. All that remains is the clay statue," comments Adeleine.

"And the monster that corrupted those two and Yin and Yarn: Dark Crafter," finishes Sweetie Belle. "So what do you think?" she asks as she waves at the room.

"What I think? I think it is awesome!" shouts Adeleine like a fangirl. "Oh! All that I could learn about the art of giving life to... Well, to art!" She then takes a big breath, and starts to shake Sweetie Belle. "Can I come live here?!"

"O-o-of..." She gets out of Adeleine's grip. "Of course you can come! You don't need to ask!"

"Of course I need to ask! It's part of your kingdom!"

Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes. "You're helping me learn how to give life to paintings, which makes you my master, without forgetting that you are my friend. You don't need to ask me anything, and especially not something with an answer so obvious. This place screams your name!"

Adeleine wraps her in her arms, giving her a bear hug while she starts turning and repeating "Thank you!"

Dedede laughs. "You know, you could even use this building to create a school!"

Adeleine gasps and drops Sweetie Belle. "You're right! I will learn everything that is written in those scrolls and books, then I will open a school so I can teach it to dozens, hundreds of people! I must start right now!" At this, she runs toward the nearest scrolls.

Sweetie Belle giggles, before yawning. "Then I will leave you here while I go sleep. With all this, I haven't slept since yesterday." As she leaves with Dedede, she adds, "Good luck becoming the New Great Artist."


And so they leave the human girl fangirling.

By the next day, Dedede's castle and Kirby's house have been placed back at their place, and everyone has returned at the surface excepted Adeleine who has remained in her new home. As for Taranza, he remains in Sectonia's castle to do his new job and to start the work to build the new castle. Dedede has sent a small part of his army to help the people of Floralia in destroying the old one and building the new one.

Now, Sweetie Belle is well rested, and ready for her fight against Meta Knight. Now, it's near noon, and one of the Bronto Burts patrolling around the castle has spotted the knight landing on a nearby plateau. Sweetie Belle has immediately taken flight on a shield to join him, wearing her regular golden circlet instead of the Dreamstalk Crown. She will put the crown on only when she'll return in Floralia to help or visit.

Dedede and Bandana Dee will probably join her to watch the fight in a few minutes.

She soon spot Meta Knight on a plateau waiting for her, but to her surprise, he's not alone. Vul, Sailor Waddle Dee, and some of the knights are here too, standing at the edge of the plateau.

"You've come with your fanclub?" she asks when she lands in front of him.

He chuckles. "They insisted to come. They want to witness this fight."

She giggles. "They aren't the only ones. Dedede and Bandana are probably coming as I talk. And..." She looks up toward the sky. "Did you spot them?"

Meta Knight looks up, fixing the two silhouettes he can see in the sky. "Yes. I saw them."

"Dark Meta Knight seems curious to see how screwed up he would be if he decides to do something bad. And of course, Marx is with him to keep an eye. I wonder who's the strongest among the two."

At this moment, Dedede lands on the plateau, holding Cape Knight on his back, followed by Bandana Dee, Broom Sunglasses, and Knuckle Joe carried by Bronto Burts. When they land, Bandana and Knuckle Joe place a banner with written on it "Go Team Dedede!"

Dedede then shouts "Come on Sweetie Belle! Prove to those guys that Team Dedede is now the best!"

Sweetie Belle and Meta Knight facepalm/facehoof.

"You dare!" yells Vul. "Lord Meta Knight will defeat your champion!"

"Yeah!" shouts Sailor Waddle Dee. "Team Meta Knight is the best!"

"Then where's your banner? Show your boss some support." shouts back Bandana Dee.

"Our presence is enough!" replies an Axe Knight.

"Sweetie Belle will explode Meta Knight! I saw her train this morning, she's become a real fighting machine!" shouts Knuckle Joe.

"You forget that Lord Meta Knight is the strongest warrior of the world!" shouts back Vul.

"Was!" laughs Dedede.

"Kirby doesn't count!" yells Vul angrily.

"I wasn't speaking about Kirby! Bwahahahaha!"

"You...! You...!"

"I knew this would come to this!" shouts Sailor. "You want to play like that? Then we will play!" He takes some kind of communication device from his hat. "Guys! Come!"

The next instant, the Halberd comes from between the mountains before it remains hovering beside the plateau, behind Vul and others. On the Halberd, countless members of the Meta Knights are here, cheering and holding banners with things like "Our boss is the boss!", "We are N°1!", or "U losers!"

By now, Meta Knight is hiding his eyes behind his hands, groaning.

"So, you're bringing your A game, uh?" asks Dedede before he takes his own communication device. "Come too!"

And the next instant, the Warhammer comes from between the mountains before hovering at the opposite side of the plateau, behind Dedede and the others. On the Wahammer, countless members of Dedede's army are cheering and holding banners with things like "Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie, that's the name you should know!", "The king rules!", or "Kings > knights!" Some of the Meta Knights promptly answer by booing, quickly replicated by Dedede's army doing the same.

Sweetie Belle looks around her at what's going on, sweating. "When has this rivality appeared?"

"The instant we became rivals, I suppose," answers Meta Knight. "Let's just do as if they aren't there."

"I can't. I could kill someone with my lasers."

"We thought about that!" shouts Dedede at her. The next instant, everyone on the Warhammer takes a huge metal shield behind which they can hide.

"As for my guys, you don't have to worry. They can jump out of the way of a laser."

"Very well. So, do we start?"


"Well then..."

She takes her whip, separates it into ten parts, and turns each of them into a double beam sword. She grabs one with her right hoof, while the others start floating and spinning around her.

Meta Knight takes his sword, and prepares his bat wings.

Everyone around them stop cheering or booing.

The two warriors look at each others, not moving, not talking, not making a sound.

The wind is howling.

They charge.

The following clash is so chaotic that the spectators have a hard time following what's going on. Sweetie Belle uses her ten double swords to attack Meta Knight from all sides, but the knights counters that by constantly moving and swinging his sword left and right to dodge and parry all of them. And despite the number of weapons against him, he is able to attack the filly more than once. Some times, the filly would see the attack coming and create a shield to stop it, but other times, they hit.

In the sky, Dark Meta Knight is already frowning. "He was playing with me..."

"I can't fault him," says Marx beside him. "It's fun to play with you."

"Go die."


Back in the fight.

"Whoa. You've really gotten stronger since the last time we fought," says Sweetie Belle. "And Kirby is still able to defeat you?"

"His swordsmanship is not as great as mine, but he knows how to wait for the right moment to strike. He dodges my attacks, parries when he's not given choice, and attacks when he finds an opening."

"Mmh... Maybe I should try to get better in the art of dodging. At the start of my training, Dedede helped with this, and it was painful. But after a while, I started focusing on other things."

"To better your powers and to master their use."

She nods.

"But you are still very good at dodging. I saw it in our adventure."

"But against fast adversaries like you, dodging is almost impossible for me."

He chuckles. "Maybe you can use this fight to learn. You can't win if you can't touch Kirby, but Kirby won't be able to win if he can't touch you."

Sweetie Belle frowns. "The problem is that I have learned how to feel the energies to dodge attacks, but swords are still difficult for me."

"The air."


"When I swing my sword, I displace some air. It's the same when I move. Each movement causes a quantity of air to be displaced. You learned to feel the energies? Then now, you will have to learn to feel the air moving around you. If you can feel the air moving..." He closes his eyes. Immediately, a sword comes to strike him on his left shoulder, only for him to parry it. "Then you'll be able to feel when it is displaced by an attack, and you'll be able to properly counter it even if you don't see it." He chuckles again. "At least, it means we have both an advantage over the other. You haven't learned to feel the moving air... But I don't know how to feel energies. This is the main reason Kirby is always able to defeat me. He always knows when to use a sword beam to surprise me."

Sweetie Belle smirks. "Too focused on your sword training to learn that?"



She jumps back and quickly turns nine of her double swords back into cannons, only keeping the one she's holding.

"Lonely knight, who above the ocean had lost his ship,
You searched your way, and by now, you have found peace and friendship.
Lonely knight, yet again, you're facing me and my whip."

Sweetie Belle, boosted by her song, starts firing lasers from her nine cannons at Meta Knight from all sides, and the knight finds himself having to constantly fly in an erratic way to avoid them while charging toward Sweetie Belle to attack her again. The two clash again, but this time, Meta Knight gets hit by some of the lasers while he attacks Sweetie Belle without stopping.

"You have been training hard to be Popstar's strongest,
I have been training hard to surpass the strongest,
So it is time on this plateau to see who is the strongest!"

Meta Knight flies away from Sweetie Belle, then starts flying in circles, moving up and down to avoid the lasers while charging his sword. Then, he plants his sword in the floor, and out of it comes a tornado moving to his right, then another, and another, and another... Quickly, fifteen tornadoes circle Sweetie Belle, slowly closing on her, and she rapidly turns all her cannons back into the whip's staff mode that she levitates above her before making it spin very rapidly as it gains in length. Thanks to it, she creates a very big tornado around her, protecting her from the other tornadoes, only to end up being slashed by Meta Knight. She traps his sword between her hooves, and turns her staff back into cannons, firing lasers from them, hitting him with all of them. Meta Knight quickly kick her on the belly, propelling her back and making her release his sword, before he flies away.

"With your mask hiding your emotions
You're striking me with your sword using quick motions,
Attacking with calm and fury,
And you're ignoring any injury.

Sweetie Belle lands on her back hooves, and immediately uses her energy covered gauntlets to parry the strike. Continuing parrying Meta Knight's strikes as best as she can with her hooves, she reforms her staff and uses her magic to force Meta Knight to parry its strikes while Sweetie Belle herself jumps back. She rises a hoof, and creates three black orbs above it that she throws at the knight, the ball homing from three different directions. Meta Knight pushes the staff, then rapidly destroys one of the orbs while he jumps to avoid the two others. This causes him to be bonked on his back by the staff, and Meta Knight lands on his feet before jumping back to avoid again the two black orbs chasing him. But then, he gets striked by a lightning bolt from Sweetie's horn, and because of the shock, he's hit by the two orbs, and the staff, taking the Ice element, strikes the floor just in front of him, causing spikes of ice to appear around it, hitting Meta Knight with one of them.

"You're living for challenging fights like this one,
So you can become a warrior like there is none."

Meta Knight is projected a few feet by the ice spike, but is able to land on his feet. He then quickly turns to face Sweetie Belle, and swung his sword vertically, cutting a huge energy beam from the filly in two, separating it into two beams that pass him at his right and his left. Behind the laser, Sweetie Belle jumps, readying the strongest punch she can give.

"But I have a promise to keep so I must become this warri-or!

She punches him right on the mask, but at the same moment, Meta Knight slashes her on the belly. The knight is propelled back by the hit while the filly misses her landing, hitting the floor belly first, the pain getting her to stop her song. Sweetie Belle then hears the sound of something breaking, and she looks up to see that Meta Knight's mask has shattered into pieces, revealing his face to her for the first time since that celebration after Zero Two's death.

It is well known by now that each time that Meta Knight loses his mask in a fight, he gives up and teleports away to take a new one. He really doesn't like revealing his face. So Sweetie Belle thinks that she has won, that Meta Knight will teleport away. But to her surprise, he doesn't. He uses his hand to feel his face, and looks down to stare at the remains of his mask, but then, he turns his gaze toward Sweetie Belle, and his eyes are suddenly filled with determination.

He will not give up this fight. If they want to see who's the strongest warrior of Popstar, he'll fight to the end.

So, if Sweetie Belle wins, she knows that she could look to fight her next target: the most powerful warrior of the universe, Kirby.

So Meta Knight readies his sword again, while Sweetie Belle takes big breaths because of her bad injury. The pain is so much, she doesn't think she'll be able to focus enough to use her cannons, or to do much with her magic. The only reason she's still standing despite this pain is that she doesn't want to give up. At least, Meta Knight seems in pain too, if his shaking sword is any indication. So, with the few magic that she can still focus on, she levitates her staff back to her, back in neutral mode, and she grabs it, before facing her opponent again.

The only sound she can hear is her own heartbeat.

Meta Knight is the one charging at her, and the two start clashing again for a few seconds, until Meta Knight knocks her on her back with an upward slash almost getting her staff out of her grip. As soon as she lands on her back, she uses her back legs to buck him on the face, forcing him to step back as she goes back up.

They restart clashing, the exchange lasting a little longer, until Meta Knight is able to push her staff out of the way, opening her. However, Sweetie Belle uses the momentum she's gotten with this to spin on herself before thrusting her staff and hitting Meta Knight on his right eye. As Meta Knight is knocked back by the hit, Sweetie Belle immediately follows her attack by spinning her staff, hitting the knight many times on the cheek until he catches it, his right eye now closed. He pulls on it, pulling Sweetie to him, and prepares himself to headbutt her, only for the filly to use the pull to headbutt him out, knocking each other back with a bad headache.

They clash again, he slashes her on her left back leg, forcing Sweetie to kneel. She catches his right hand as he swings again to strike her, and she punches him between the eyes. They clash again, her staff its him on the right shoulder, damaging his pauldron. In return, Meta Knight slides on the floor and trips Sweetie Belle, making her fall on her belly. She quickly goes back up before facing him. They clash again, Meta Knight does his sword tornado. Sweetie Belle immediately hold her staff vertically to counter it, Meta Knight's sword striking it rapidly creating sparks. After a small moment, she lowers herself and trips Meta Knight with a kick at his spinning legs. As Meta Knight falls, she then gives him a back kick on the face, but as he's propelled back by it, he grabs her leg, spins in the air, and slams her on the ground. On the floor however, she kicks him on the face again with this same leg, and as he steps back, she quickly gets up.

They clash again, and Sweetie turns a part of her staff back into its whip version, wraps it around Meta Knight foot, and pulls, making him fall on his back, only for Meta Knight to wrap himself in his cape before teleporting. Feeling some air above her being displaced, she thrusts her staff up, catching Meta Knight off guard as he has been about to strike her from above, getting instead her staff right in his mouth. He doesn't possess a seemingly infinite hole inside him like Kirby, so the staff quickly reaches the back of the inside of his mouth, stopping his fall. Before he can do anything, Sweetie makes her staff taller, and taller, and taller! Then, once it's tall enough, she brings it down right on the side of the Halberd with such strength that a small hole is formed.

When she retracts her staff, Meta Knight is left in the hole, not moving.

Using her staff like a cane, she turns her head to look at Dedede and the others, smiling in victory. Everyone in Team Dedede screams their victory over Team Meta Knight who just look in shock at their unconscious boss, not believing he has lost.

And Sweetie Belle loses consciousness.

Author's Note:

The king and the knight have been defeated. Now, all that remain is...

The hero.

But first, we still have three games left to go.

The Dark Crafter sub-saga to finish.

An alien invasion to repel.

A Dark God to defeat.

And some new friends to make... and to fight.... Or to fight and to make?

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