• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

  • ...

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Chapter 102: Master of Magic: Magolor

Could this be the day? What she's been preparing herself for for around one whole year?

Could this be the day where she and the others will fight the Dark God and rid the Dream Universe of its biggest threat?

Are they ready to face such a foe?

This can still be avoided. The Dark God isn't free yet. If they can stop Hyness, then the Dark God would remain trapped in the Jamba Heart. And now that they know its position, they could even make sure to hide the Heart somewhere where nobody would find it.

But the Dark God would remain a threat in the long time. If they hide the Heart, someone still could find it in the future. In one hundred years, or in one billion. Maybe they should let Hyness free the Dark God so they could defeat him.

But then, they would take the risk of the Dark God winning the fight and destroying everything. He's still a Celestia darned God after all! Everything they've fought until now doesn't compare to him! Crowned Magolor, Flowered Sectonia... Heck, even Clockwork Star Dream would certainly get crushed like ants against him! Already, Sweetie and her friends almost got wrecked by Marx boosted by a simple piece of the Dark God's power! Do they even stand a chance?

Well, against Marx, the heroes weren't complete. Since then, Marx himself, as well as Prince Fluff and Susie joined them, and Magolor will soon. And let's not forget Kirby, Dedede, Bandana Dee, and Meta Knight, who they should join soon. All together, their total power will be double, or even triple, of their power against Dark Heart Marx. Heck, with Kirby, it may even be the quadruple. And that's not counting that Kirby and the others aren't alone. So they may have a chance.

But it still would be better, in the end, if they stop Hyness. Rather than free the Dark God now, they could free him later when they will be more prepared. Like... when Sweetie and Kirby reach adulthood. When they will be backed by a whole armada of battleships (Dedede did say that he wanted to build more, and Sweetie wouldn't mind too, without forgetting Magolor who will have time to rebuild more of the civilization of the Ancients, and Susie who should be able to get Neo HWC back in its former glory). When they will get more friends to join their group, or small army. When they will be stronger...

Thus, they would fight the Dark God on their terms.

Before stopping the call, Dedede also warned Sweetie Belle that the Jambastion Cult hopes that the Dark God would lead them to a new and peaceful world. He would destroy this universe and create for them a new one without all the horrors. How foolish... The Dark God only cares for destruction. This cult will be destroyed along with everything. Well, in a way, he would indeed lead them to a better world. Just not the world they think.

Sweetie doesn't know what would lead those guys to have such a goal, but they must be stopped.

But first, while Kirby and the others deal with the forcefield of Jambandra Base, she will recruit Magolor into their team. And fight him if he's been corrupted by a dark heart.

"I have doubled the production of Haltworkers and weapons," says Susie. "If we assault this Jambandra Base, we will need the biggest army possible. Too bad I couldn't reproduce yet the Invader Armors, they would have been very useful."

"We will have to do without them," replies Sweetie Belle. "If only I could send a call to everyone back at Popstar. The guys at the castle and the Meta Knights could have come with the Warhammer and the Halberd."

"I still have contact with my boys," says Daroach as he shows a phone. "I can tell them to spread the news. If Unisqueak has been repaired, they could even come with it too."

Sweetie Belle nods. "The only problem is... We don't know exactly where Jambandra Base is. We will need a map like Magolor gave me, but I left it in the castle. We will have to ask him one."

"Don't you have a map like that too, since you explore the universe?" asks Fluff to Susie.

Susie simply answers by pointing at the desk, or what remains of it. "It was destroyed in our battle."

"Maybe whoever Magolor has been able to assemble could come too," says Adeleine.

"Oh yeah, he was searching for other descendants of the Ancients to build New Halcandra," says Sweetie.

Susie shakes her head. "Sadly, he hasn't been able to find many until now. The only ones he has been able to bring back with him is the clan in which he was born, barely a hundred people with a single ship. At least, the ship is well armed. This clan was a clan of nomads before coming to New Halcandra, so they had to defend themselves a lot against the dangers of space. And of course, they're all more or less powerful mages."

Sweetie Belle gives a big smile at this. "So we will see Magolor's family? I can't wait to meet them!" She frowns and turns to Marx. "No pranking them! Pranking will be for after we deal with the Jambastion Cult!"

Marx gives a shrug with one of his feet. "At least, it gives me more time to get ideas. But I'm sure they're already used to pranks with someone like Magolor among them." His smiles then grows. "Some of them may even be pranksters."

"Oh boy... this would either lead to the biggest prank war of the universe, or to the biggest prank massacre... If it's a prank war, then I warn you, I will be my own team, and nobody will be spared."

"I could say the same thing! Hihihi!"

"And if it's a prank massacre, then if you ever target me, I will make sure to turn it into a prank war. Anyway, how long before we reach New Halcandra?"

"Half an hour," answers Susie. "We're lucky this ship always knows where New Halcandra is."

"Ugh... So, what do we do while we wait for them to reach New Halcandra?" asks Rainbow Dash.

"We take a break to do something else," says Applejack.

"Or we discuss about the fact that THEY'RE ABOUT TO FIGHT THE DARK GOD! FINALLY!" shouts Pinkie Pie excitedly.

"They may fight him," says Starlight. "They may be able to stop this Hyness before."

"Pfff! Come on, you know better than that by now," says Discord. "This adventure will end with a fight against the Dark God. It would be too anti-climatic otherwise. Especially now that it involves the Dark God himself."

"Not all adventures end with a big climax," replies Twilight. "Our first encounter against you ended really anti-climatically. You didn't fight back, or even moved to dodge."

"Trust me, if I had known that you had somehow returned to normal, I would have given you a climactic battle. Or I would have teleported away to wait for my hour."

"But you could have seen that we were back to normal. We weren't pale anymore," says Pinkie with a giggle.

Discord stares at Pinkie Pie before another Discord appears beside him and says "She has a point, you doofus."

"Ahah! He was blinded by his ego!" says Rainbow.

Discord creates a pot and a kettle facing each other. "Pot, meet kettle." Both objects bow at the other, the kettle taking its lid like a hat. Discord bends toward Fluttershy and whispers "I ship them," at her, making her laugh.

"Hey! I've gotten better!" shouts back Rainbow.

"But it happened," replies Discord.

Rainbow looks away without answering, but her blushing betrays her.

"Anyway, Sparklebutt, you're right. Not all adventures end with a big climax. But tell me one adventure of Sweetie Belle that hasn't ended with a climax."

Twilight thinks for a moment. "Dark Crafter was kinda weak compared to Claycia."

"But it still ended with a battle in space, with Sweetie and her friends chasing Dark Crafter in a newly created spaceship to finish him."


"You could barely call that an adventure. More like a massacre."

"Dark Nebula?"

"..........Ok, I don't find anything for him. So, it happened once. Only once. There's no way that this will be the case for this adventure. Not after all that! Every fights until now, Sweetie Belle fought pieces of the Dark God, so this must end with a fight against him. It would be very disappointing otherwise."

"I agree," says Luna. "I just hope that they are ready to fight him. I still can't imagine how powerful he must be."

As Susie said, almost half an hour later, Sweetie Belle can see New Halcandra in the distance as they approach it. Like Sweetie remembers from the time Magolor showed it to her with the map, New Halcandra is a ring-shaped artificial world, the ring being big enough that Popstar could pass through it. And yet, despite being artificial, it possesses clearly visible grasslands, forests, oceans, mountains, deserts, and of course, cities. To be more exact, there is a huge city spreading on the whole world like a web, the oceans, grasslands, and other more natural places being the holes in the web.

All of this, however, is only on the exterior side of the ring, the side around which a small artificial sun and a small moon are orbiting to do the day and the night. The interior side is purely metallic, with some prods pointing toward the center of the ring. Some of the prods are destroyed, like the city that is in ruin, as a result of the second act of the civil war, when the Magic Clan took revenge with the help of the Dark God.

It's always awe-inspiring to see how powerful the Ancients were. The Clockwork Stars, the Master Crown, and now this, an artificial planet possessing natural biomes like a real planet. But Sweetie quickly recovers from her wonder and asks Susie "What are those prods?"

"They're for the main portal. You see, this planet hasn't the form of a ring for nothing. This whole planet is a portal door, to create portals big enough to pass things like Clockwork Stars or even planets from an universe to another. Well, that's what Magolor told me. Frankly I have no idea why the Ancients would need to pass whole planets from an universe to another. And I can't fathom how they could even move planets. Were they using giant reactors to push them?"

"You didn't ask Magolor?"

"I asked! But even him didn't know! It's one of the few things that were lost after their near-annihilation."

The Death Egg flies toward the ring, approaching a small area that doesn't seem as ruined as the rest, some of the buildings look like they have been partially restored, or are even totally rebuilt. Among those buildings, the ship stops above one circling a giant landing pad, perfect for it to land on. After hovering for a few seconds, the feet of the Death Egg touch the ground, and everyone exits it.

"They're barely one hundred, and yet they were able to do so much in so little time?" asks Taranza.

"Actually, Magolor was able to gather many other races to help him rebuild this world. So even if he only found about one hundred of his peers, they're in truth a few thousands working together and living among those ruins. Magolor isn't stupid, he knew that rebuilding this world with only others like him would be impossible, or would take centuries, if not millenia," informs Susie. "I don't know how many descendants of the Ancients there's today, but I suppose that they aren't that many. Even if there are descendants of the Magic Clan who moved from their past and made peace, like Magolor's clan, there are some that still searched to avenge their ancestors. The same can be said for the descendants of the Techno Clan. Many didn't forgive the Mage Clan for bringing the destruction of their civilization. It led to more fights, and more deaths, and in the end, their number tragically diminished over the millenia."

"And Magolor searches to gather all of them to rebuild this civilization? Seems like impossible with such a strong hate."

"It's possible," rebuts Susie. "While many descendants remained hateful, many others gave up that hate. And while many would still be wary, it's possible for the descendants to put behind their past and cohabit again. Magolor and his clan are willing to do it, so probably others want too. That's his hope."

Suddenly, Dark Meta Knight unsheathes his sword and points it toward the sky above the building in front of him. "We have company. Flying objects are coming."

Everyone looks at the direction pointed by the sword to see a small swarm of small propelled spherical one-eyed robots approaching them. There must be at least fifty of them.

"Security drones. They are the main defense built by Magolor to protect everyone," informs Susie. "Those are the flying version. there are a few other versions." As she finishes talking, the drones circle the heroes, and machine guns come out of their bottom, pointed right at them. "And they seem hostile."

"You don't say..." says Daroach.

"So, robot trashing?" asks Marx.

"Robot trashing," confirms Sweetie with a nod.

With a laugh, Marx teleports behind some of the robots before he fires his energy arrows, already destroying a few of them. The others immediately take action as the drones start firing lasers from their guns, Sweetie Belle and Dark Meta Knight creating mirror shields to protect everyone while the others run or teleport. Susie takes out her own gun, the same kind than the ones used by the Haltworkers, and fires energy projectiles at the drones with it with perfect precision. Sweetie also uses her cannons to rapidly destroy the remaining ones. In just a few seconds, all the drones are destroyed.

"Well, I think this confirms it. Either a maniac came and hacked the drones to cause problems, or Magolor got corrupted by a dark heart and is using the drones to take control of New Halcandra," says Susie.

"We will assume this is the second possibility," replies Sweetie.

"But then, where's Magolor?" asks Adeleine to Susie.

"No idea."

"He's at the portal to Halcandra," suddenly says an old voice coming from above. After the previous attack, everyone immediately prepares weapons or spells to attack whoever this voice belongs to as they turn toward him.

The origin of this voice reveals to be an egg-shaped being slightly bigger than Magolor, and only wearing a grey cloak with a white scarf hiding his whole body except his eyes and the wrinkles around them. An elder of Magolor's clan.

When he sees everyone ready to attack him, he raises his hands as he slowly floats down in front of the group. "Calm down, calm down. I'm not an enemy."

Susie quickly recognizes who he is and puts down her gun, followed by the others. "Old Gandaro, it's nice to see you."

"Same, Susie. I see that you brought strong people with you, and I think that I recognize Sweetie Belle among them. We may finally have a chance. It was as if those drones were just a small nuisance to you."

"You sure gave those bots a good beating!" shouts someone else, drawing the attention of everyone toward two more beings floating down. "I particularly love your weapon, kiddo," he says to Sweetie Belle.

The one who just talked is at least two times bigger than Magolor, entirely dressed in yellow and green with a belt full of weapons, from guns to swords. He even possesses what seems to be a rocket-launcher and a flamethrower on his back! Beside him is who seems to be a female of Magolor's clan, judging by the nurse outfit that she wears and the eyelashes. She's also the same size than Magolor.

"Thank you, mister," replies the filly.

"No mister with me, pipsqueak. Call me Lockwar, or General. That's what I am."

The nurse then bows at them. "And my name is Shimago, nice meeting you."

After some quick presentation from the heroes, Susie asks Gandaro the much awaited question "Has Magolor been corrupted by a dark heart?"

The old mage answers with a sigh. "Yes."

"Like we feared," says Sweetie Belle.

"I was with Magolor talking about if we would change the place of the portal or not when the unthinkable happened: a piece of the Jamba Heart, or what you call a dark heart, fell right on him. If you don't know, the Jamba Heart is-"

"We already know what's the Jamba Heart, gramp," interrupts Marx.

"Oh, what a surprise, I thought that only us, descendants of the great civilization of the Ancients, knew what the Jamba Heart is."

"Some cult calling themselves the Jambastion Culte got their hands on the Heart and tried to free the Dark God, only to fail and break it into those pieces," resumes Sweetie Belle. "Some friends of us managed to befriend a member of this religion, and he explained everything."

"Ooh... This is what I thought."

"So some crazies are trying to bring back the Dark God?!" yells Lockwar. "This is war! To arms!" he continues as he takes his rocket-launcher.

Shimago stops him by pulling on his head, getting the general to bend toward her in pain. "Calm yourself you big hot head. We must first stop Magolor."

Sweetie Belle nods. "She's right. We're here for that." She turns to Gandaro. "You said he's beside this portal?"

"Yes. He's planning to invade Halcandra with his army of drones. I, of course, tried to stop him with the others, but Magolor is the most powerful mage of all of us, and with his powers boosted by the Jamba Heart Piece, we could do nothing. The three of us are the only ones who could escape. Everyone else has been captured and is forced to build a palace for him."

Sweetie Belle turns to Susie. "Do you know where the portal is?"

"Yes," answers the pink haired girl.

Lockwar gives a big laugh. "You have guts. I like it. Yes, I suppose that we could immediately attack Magolor. But remember, he's in the middle of his army of drones, getting ready to assault Halcandra. I don't doubt that you would be able to destroy all of them if what I heard is true, but I think that it would be better if we save first the others. We may not be as powerful as Magolor, but we are still mages. We can deal with the drones while you focus on kicking Magolor's butt. What do you think?"

Sweetie Belle looks at all her friends to see what they think of it before she nods. "If we can avoid having to destroy all the drones before fighting Magolor, then I suppose we can free the others."

"Alright! So, they're building the palace beside the drone factory. We could use the occasion to shut it down and stop their production. Should make our job easier."

And so, with this plan in mind, the heroes, joined by Gandaro, Lockwar, and Shimago, exit the building with the landing pad and start their way toward the drone factory. Almost immediately, they are attacked by more drones. The flying ones called Flying Eyes, but also balls on spider-like legs that can climb walls named Walker Eyes, balls on two wheels that move very fast named Wheel Eyes, balls on a single, powerful leg that can jump rapidly and in long distances named Jumping Eyes, and bigger balls walking on two strong legs and armed with rocket-launchers named Heavy Eyes.

To avoid losing too much time fighting waves after waves of drones, the group decides to enter a hole and pass by the underground, less protected but more dangerous, filled with pits, wild and dangerous animals and some basic traps like spikes, crushers, flamethrowers, or electrified floor. After traversing a few corridors, they reach an area guarded by some drones easily destroyed. Those drones have been guarding a big door that is, from what Gandaro says, an entrance to the drone factory.

They enter the basement of the factory, mainly storage rooms filled with materials, guarded by some drones but mainly by more traps and a few turrets. However, when they reach the staircase to the first floor, they encounter, of all things, a Security Force.

At this, most of the heroes stare at Susie.

"What? I helped rebuild this place. Of course I placed a few Security Forces to defend it."

They make short work of the robot, and climb the staircase. Following the mages, they traverse many assembly lines well guarded by many drones and a few more Security Forces before they reach a room with a big red button. Spikezilla presses it, and the whole building becomes silent.

Thanks to this, they are less swarmed by the drones as they walked toward the exit. Once outside, it doesn't take long for them to find the construction site of the palace, and the prisoners building it, both of Magolor's clan and of the other races, closely guarded by many drones. All the mages wear some collar, and it's not hard to guess that they can't use their magic because of it.

As they remain hidden behind a wall and look at what's going on, Taranza spots something on a platform, teleports, and comes back with a newly obtained key. "I bet that this opens those collars."

"Then you go open them while we deal with the drones," says Sweetie Belle.

Lockwar takes two swords that are actually energy swords and yells "First kill's for me! Yaaah!!!" before charging at the drones and cutting them.

"Hey! Leave some for us!" shouts back Marx.

"There's enough for everyone! Just hurry up!"

"With pleasure!" replies Marx. Taking his bat-like form, he then charges at the drones and uses his wings to cut them in half. He's quickly joined by the others excepted Taranza who teleports to the prisoners to free them and Shimago who remains behind to heal the ones who will be hurt with her healing magic.

Each mage freed by Taranza immediately joins the battle, and soon, energy balls are raining over the drones who counter with barrages of lasers and rockets. In the fire of the action, with the destruction of more and more of the drones, the other races, Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos, Bronto Burts, Comos, Blade Knights, and much more, are rebelling and starting to free themselves before joining the fight under the protection of the mages and Simirrors. With their number, it only takes a couple of minutes before all the robots are destroyed with only a few injuries quickly healed by the healers among the mages.

With the battle over, Gandaro quickly explains the plan to everyone else. Once done, happy that they are all gonna join in the fight, the old mage returns toward Sweetie Belle and the others.

"We are all ready to go. The portal is on the first floor of a tower among other portals that don't work anymore. The tower is circled by many drones, and Magolor himself should be inside the tower, or at the top, overseeing his army as it assembles."

"We're going right now," says Lockwar. "We will let you, heroes, decide what you'll do. My advice would be to traverse the battlefield without minding the drones, enter the tower, and go directly for Magolor. But if you want to help us destroy some of the drones before, we won't mind. But remember that we decided to free everyone in the first place so we could fight the drones in your stead."

"We will just fight the drones that get in our way," says Sweetie Belle.

"Of course, while charging toward the tower, we won't mind having some fun on the way, right Darky?" says Marx before bumping Dark Meta Knight who only grunts in return.

At this, the newly formed army starts walking or flying through the streets toward the tower.

The door to the room opens, drawing the attention of the ponies, dragon, and draconequus. Scootaloo then enters the room, followed by Apple Bloom and the other fillies and colts from their school, who quickly bow when they spot Celestia and Luna.

Pinkie waves at them. "Great to see you joining us!"

"It's already school end time?" asks Applejack.

"Eeyup," answers Apple Bloom.

"Thanks for the message Discord," says Scootaloo. "We aren't too late I hope."

"Nah, don't worry, the adventure isn't finished yet," says Spike. "But you've missed a lot."

"Like what?" asks excitedly Dinky.

"Like Sweetie and the others fighting a giant golden statue of Daroach or a big robot Susie!"

"Or doing the train! Choo choo!" adds Pinkie.

"And now, you arrive just in time to see a big battle against an army of robots," says Rainbow Dash.

"So cool!" shouts Button Mash.

"Wait, why is Sweetie Belle in the middle of all those Waddle Dees and other... things?" asks Diamond Tiara.

"Oh, it's Sweetie's army to fight the robots," answers Pinkie.

"She has an army?!"

"She has an army since the day she became queen of Floralia," says Spike. "But this army was one captured by the robots and their master that she just saved."

"And who's their master? The HWC again?" asks Apple Bloom.

"Not at all, dear. Their master is Magolor," answers Rarity.


"Of course he would betray Sweetie again!" shouts Scootaloo.

"It's more complicated than that," says Twilight before she starts resuming all they know of what's going on and what happened until now.

No need to say that the little ones are excited after learning that Sweetie may end up fighting the Dark God.

"Okay! We're approaching the tower!" shouts Lockwar to Sweetie and the others. "Let us charge first so we take the blunt of the enemy forces. Once the battle is under way and the drones are focused on us, you will be able to charge directly to the tower, and you shouldn't have to fight too much on the way."

"Alright," replies Sweetie Belle. "Actually, I have an idea." She then whispers something to the others. Whatever she whispers, it makes Dark Meta Knight looking at her as if she has two heads.

"Are you serious?"

"I am," says the filly with a giggle.

"She is," says Adeleine.

Dark Meta Knight groans, putting a hand on his mask. "I refuse to take part in this."

"Come on! It will be fun! And it will be fast!"


"Darkyyyy?" says Marx.

"Don't try to..."

Dark Meta Knight interrupts himself as he sees Marx staring at him with his big, round eyes as if he is staring right at his soul, not blinking, not moving...

"What are you doing?"

He continues, staring, smiling, still not moving, not saying anything...

"Stop it."

Dark Meta Knight starts sweating. For some reason, Marx staring at him like that without doing anything else is making him very uneasy.

"Stop it!"

But he doesn't stop, and despite everything, Dark Meta Knight can't stop watching.

"Alright! Alright! I will do it!"

Marx laughs. "Nice! What Sweetie proposed seems really fun, and it would have been so sad if I couldn't do it with my bestie!"

While this happened, Lockwar has started the charge, the tower now in sight. Soon, the whole area around the tower becomes a battlefield opposing thousands of drones to the mages of Magolor's clan and their allies, also numbering in the thousands. It quickly becomes a big mess of weapons cutting metal, of stuff exploding, of projectiles, both physical, energical, and magical, flying around, and people crying in pain after getting hit by a laser or an explosion. The healers are working hard making sure that nobody succumb to their injuries, and again, Simirrors are doing their best to protect as many of their allies as possible with their mirrors, some of the mages doing the same with simple shields.

Sweetie Belle and the others wait a little at the entrance of the place around the tower before they start gathering the energy of the pink heart. The next instant, they form a long train charging right through the battlefield with Sweetie at the head and a very embarrassed Dark Meta Knight at the back.

They have to avoid a few explosions caused by lost rockets, and Sweetie has to use a shield more than once to protect themselves from lost projectiles. Some drones even target them directly despite the battle, but they're quickly destroyed by an ally. Thanks to their speed, it only takes the heroes half a minute to reach the entrance of the tower and charge through the doors.

Not able to stop in time, they continue running, ramming more drones and even Magolor on the way, before crashing into the portal door to Halcandra (thankfully still off), the crash damaging it.

At least, Magolor won't be able to send drones to Halcandra anytime soon.

"I'm never doing it again!" shouts Dark Meta Knight.

"Oh come on. It was fun. Don't lie to yourself, you loved it," says Marx.

"Guys. Forget about this. We've an angry egg mage right there," says Elline.

At her words, everyone turns toward Magolor who has recovered and looks angrily at them, even shaking his hands in rage at them.

Master of Magic

But to everyone's surprise, instead of fighting them, Magolor starts floating up a ramp spiraling up the inside of the tower. Is he trying to escape?

"After him!" shouts Fluff.

They give chase, the ramp revealing to connect to many more portal doors, many of them damaged. As he climbs the ramp, Magolor starts attacking them with various magical projectiles. Mainly the black orbs, but also purple fireballs. He also summons the weird spikes like in the battle against his crowned self, from the floor of the ramp, but also from the wall beside it. In return, he gets attacked by all kinds of projectiles from the heroes chasing him, and the small star-shaped shield he sometimes summon to protect himself doesn't help long.

After some climbing, Magolor changes tactic and starts targeting the ramp directly under the feet of the heroes to destroy it, forcing them to focus on not falling for the ones who can't fly. He also starts unexpectedly charging at them while spiraling. He even sometimes flies below the ramp under them to fly through it and ram them by surprise. Toward the end, just after firing a barrage of black orbs, he even summons a small black hole that forces the heroes to stop advancing, and he takes the occasion to fire dark lightning bolts from his hands.

But in the end, this isn't enough, and they eventually reach the end of the ramp, under the ceiling of the tower. Just as it seems that there's nowhere for Magolor to escape, he actually somehow manages to use his powers to phase through the ceiling!

Quickly recovering from the surprise, Sweetie Belle uses her Ultimate Doom Laser to blow a hole in the ceiling, and everyone quickly flies or help others fly to the roof of the tower where Magolor is waiting for them.

The mage starts randomly floating around while attacking with his magical projectiles before he suddenly flies toward Sweetie Belle, and to everyone's surprise again, he summons an Ultra Sword and attempts to cut her in half with it, but the filly quickly rolls to her left to avoid this fate. Magolor follows it by sending a dragon of fire at Marx who teleports away to not end in ashes. The mages uses the Ultra Sword again to parry Dark Meta Knight's attack before attempting to slash him, but he's suddenly wrapped by Gooey's tongue and gets sent toward Rick who gives him an uppercut that sends him flying toward Daroach who's ready to claw him.

Magolor is able to put a star shield to protect himself before he turns himself into a giant snowball and attempts to roll over some of the heroes. His attempts are stopped by Elline drawing a Rainbow Line on his path that leads him right into a giant pot sculpted by Claycia and heated by Spikezilla's fire. Claycia quickly closes the lead, and Adeleine even paints a giant boulder on it. After a few seconds, however, the pot explodes with Magolor roaring as the purple aura surrounds him.

The next instant, he changes form, taking exactly the one he took after putting the Master Crown, but without the Master Crown this time. Once transformed, he opens a portal, and out of it comes the Lor Starcutter. As the ship starts to fire star-shaped projectiles from beyond the edge of the roof, Magolor summons two Ultra Swords, and after coating them in ice, he starts swinging them at the heroes.

Dodging both Magolor's attacks and the Lor's projectiles as it flies around the roof reveals to be hard, but thanks to Magolor's own training building he built back in Dreamland, and the fight against him he programmed in it to train, most of the heroes are used to fight him and already know all his attacks, managing to overcome everything he sends against them and attacking him in return without leaving him time to breath. Magolor putting a star shield doesn't do much. Marx and Taranza just teleports behind him, and the others use their numbers to overwhelm him and circle him, attacking him from the sides and behind. Magolor quickly multiplies the use of copies of Kirby's Super Abilities to fight back, but the heroes just return with their most powerful attacks without stopping moving in the hope of avoiding them. Not even using the Lor Starcutter to try to ram them works to push them back.

And then, suddenly, he teleports further up above the roof before opening a portal. Instead of flying or firing a laser in it like he usually does, something actually comes out of it.

A crystal.

A crystal with something trapped in it. Something pink, round, with wings.

With a move of his hands, Magolor creates runes around the crystal. The next instant, it's destroyed, freeing the being trapped in it and letting everyone seeing more clearly what it is.

He looks like Meta Knight, but pink, with angel wings, and two golden horns coming out of his mask. The mask has a plus-shaped opening, the horizontal one looking like a croissant, and it's also while, like the rest of his armor. Instead of having a sword, he possesses a pink spear, as well as a pink and white shield.

As the being looks around himself, Magolor starts laughing maniacally from behind him, drawing his attention.

And then, he gives Magolor a single powerful slash of his spear, and the mages starts exploding in purple energy while screaming in pain before he recovers his normal appearance and drops back on the roof, unconscious. But the being isn't finished as he spots the Jamba Heart Piece coming out of Magolor when he explodes.

He impales the heart, and in a powerful burst of energy, destroys it, to everyone's pure shock.

Sweetie Belle quickly runs toward Magolor and throws him a pink heart to heal him. When the mage recovers, she immediately looks back at the angel-like knight and asks to Magolor "Who is this?!"

Magolor looks up at the knight, shaking in terror. "It's... It's... Oh God, what have I done?! We're dead! We're so dead! That stupid heart! Why did it make me do this?!"

"Who is this?!!" repeats Sweetie.

"This... This is who started this whole nightmare! The Child of the God who rebelled and planted the seed of the civil war!"

"What?! That's him?!" yells the filly, looking at the knight in shock. The knight looks back at her and the others, seemingly analyzing them.

"Yes! This... This... This is...

The Most Powerful
Of The Universe

Galacta Knight!"

Author's Note:

Sorry for not being original with Magolor, but I couldn't imagine better. I hope that the end of the chapter makes up for it. You've been waiting for him for a long time, uh? Well, be ready. Until now, the fights were weak compared to what's coming.

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