• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 70: Dangerous Dinner

Leaving behind the ruined city of the Ancients, after a quick rest and a quick snack with some food found around to heal, the party starts climbing the plateaus separating Egg Engines from Dangerous Dinner, and already, they approach their first rivers of lava.

Sweetie Belle can already say that those volcanoes will put all the ones she has traversed until now to shame.

And by the time they reach the volcano area itself, one word describes it: apocalyptic. Dozens of volcanoes and mountains possessing very threatening shapes, with countless rivers and lakes of lava everywhere, with columns of lava coming from the sky. Speaking of the sky, it is obscured not only by clouds of ashes, but also by floating chunk of land shaped like hollow hexagons, some of the holes filled with more lava from which come the columns! Heck, even the clouds are shaped threateningly. Remains of buildings of the Ancients, certainly dating from the time before this place became a volcanic area, also litter the land. Everything in this place screams 'end of the world'. All it misses is fire raining from the sky, which is surprising it doesn't happen, with the columns of lava propelling tons of it in the air like geysers.

"Perfect setting for a summit fight against a dragon using an all powerful artefact," says Bandana Dee.

"I prefer when the setting is in space," says Sweetie Belle. "Not as much dangers up there, and the view is always beautiful."

"I wonder where's Landia," says Dedede.

"We will find out soon enough," says Meta Knight.

Their trek as they follow Kirby leads them to jump above lava, having to dodge smaller columns sometimes propelled from them. One dangerous moment is when they have to jump on disappearing blocks above the lava, only to have to wait for a column of lava to disappear to be able to jump on the next platform, and more than once, they jump just as the blocks finish disappearing under them. Because of this, Sweetie Belle and Meta Knight decided to fly.

Sometimes, they have to jump on very small spaces, on columns of stone blocks, or on very narrow pillars of ground, before reaching a first black door. In the section of the volcanoes where they appear, they have to escape giant boulders made of solidifying lava still hot, not made easy by all the obstacles in the way, like wall of blocks, enemies, or simply more lava. After escaping the boulders, they run to avoid more boulders falling from the sky, then fall slowed by stone blocks, letting them enough time to pick up a key before it's destroyed by one of the boulders. The key quickly opens a locked door, and they get an Energy Sphere, before they pass the next black door.

They find themselves fighting, of all things in this place, a Water Galboros. The most annoying with this fight is that it happens on a bridge above a lake of lava under a Shotzo constantly shooting at them, so Sweetie quickly finishes the Water Galboros with a big energy beam, and Kirby eats it to gain what they feel will be the very useful Water ability, which reveals its usefulness very quickly as Kirby finds a key and starts surfing on the lava while holding it. The key opens a door just after the lava, and they enter a place with a staircase made of fire blocks, a key at the bottom, and a locked door at the top. Kirby and Sweetie Belle use water to solidify the fire blocks into stone blocks, and they use them to reach the door and unlock it, getting the Energy Sphere behind it.

Back in the previous area, they pass the next black door not far, and they walk on a series of platforms to traverse another lake of lava, only to barely dodge an iron eel coming out of the lava to eat them.

"There are eels even there?!" shouts Dedede. In anger, he starts to swing his hammer around. "Those stupid fishes I will order my army to hunt them down and serve them for dinner!"

More of those eels follow this one, one of them almost eating them as they pass a black door. In the area it leads to, there are two different paths, one of them with switches while there are a Key Dee and many obstacles on the other, the Key Dee trapped behind a door. Pressing the first switch opens the door, freeing the Key Dee, and pressing the second Switch closes a trap door, letting the Key Dee pass above spikes. They don't press the third switch, understanding that it would destroy iron blocks and cause the Key Dee to fall on more spikes. More switches follow, and pressing the good ones help the Key Dee jump above spikes, before he's stopped by a wall of iron blocks before a moving platform. Waiting for the right moment, they press the switch destroying the wall, and the Key Dee walks on the platform before it moves and lets the Key Dee reach the other side. One last switch destroys a last wall, letting the Key Dee join them not far of the locked door, so they take the key and open it, obtaining a new Energy Sphere. a cannon propels them back at the black door at the start.

They continue their journey, and find a Super Chilly, Kirby eating him. With the boosted ice, Kirby then does some bowling on giant bowling pins made of solidifying lava on small lakes of lava, while also using his ice ball form to easily move on the lava while ramming every creatures, opening the way for the others to fly without risks, and destroy giant fire blocks. After a moment, they reach a volcano, and Kirby finds himself clogging the hole at the top with his ice ball form, freezing the whole volcano and destroying it!

"Eeeeeeh?!" they all yell in shock, even Meta Knight.

"You're telling me that the boosted ability is powerful enough to freeze a freaking volcano?!" shouts Dedede.

"B-b-ho-th-h..." Bandana Dee finds himself babbling before fainting.

"Kirby is amazing..." says Sweetie Belle in wonder.

"You can't freeze a whole bucking volcano just by placing a giant ice ball on the chimney!" yells Twilight, eyes twitching.

"Breathe Twilight, breathe," says Fluttershy, patting her friend.

The destruction of the volcano leads to the discovery of a portal, and once they recover from their shock, they jump in it. Like in a previous time, they appear in a deadend, and Kirby has to inhale some stone star blocks and spit them back at the purple wall to continue. More stone star blocks serve for Kirby as projectiles to destroy blocks and drop Gigatzos and Volttzos on them. Then they have to walk on disappearing blocks while Kirby inhales big stone star blocks with Coldtzos, before they reach a section with crushers activated when the Gigatzos in them fire. The last main obstacle is dozens of stone star blocks blocking the way with two Gigatzos on them, and Kirby inhales ALL of them, dropping the cannons in the void below before spitting them as a giant star to destroy much more blocks. Kirby has to inhale one last giant stone star block blocking the door and spit it back at the purple wall before they pass it to fight another white Doomer, this one helped by a Gigatzo under a bridge at the center of the arena. Despite it, they are able to defeat the Doomer like the others, and they exit the dimension after taking its two Energy Sphere, and Kirby gaining Ice.

They then pass the door directly next to the remains of the volcano, and they appear in a room where the walls and the ceiling are made of lava. Pressing a switch at the center of the floor causes it to move down like an elevator, revealing that they are now in a giant cave full of floating ball of molten rock and lavafalls, and they have to avoid many dangers on the way, from creatures attacking them to boulders coming out of the walls, or spinning fire streams. But they also find an Energy Sphere on the way.

At the bottom, they pass a door, entering a section with giant blocks of rock or lava moving back and forth, threatening to crush them against the walls, sometimes walls of lava. In a passage, they find a black door leading to a room separated in two by a wall of lava that lowers slightly every one or two seconds before quickly going back up. When it lowers, they are able to spot at the other side a rope, and its easy to guess that they have to cut it, the problem being that the wall moves back up too rapidly for most of the projectiles to pass, and the opening is too small for them. So Sweetie places herself on a shield and floats just in front of the opening, forming an ice knife. When the wall lowers itself, she quickly throws the knife through the opening, and successfully cuts the rope, which they hear, causes something to drop on a switch, destroying some iron blocks and freeing an Energy Sphere.

Back in the previous area, they have to walk between moving blocks of lava to reach another door, and they appear beside a Starman that Kirby quickly eats, seeing that he'll need the Hi-Jump in this new section that is very vertical. As they start climbing, some sections of the walls start to close on them, and they have to hurry. On the way, they find a secondary path where Kirby is the only one that can go thanks to the Hi-Jump because the passage opens only briefly, and if they are too slow to pass it, it closes and they would end up crushed. So while Kirby Hi-Jumps through this path, they take the other, climbing ladders. It turns out that the path that Kirby has taken possessed an Energy Sphere.

Once they meet back, they have to fly to reach some cannons as more sections of the wall close on them, and they are propelled toward the next door, where they enter a dark room full of crusher ceilings, and surprisingly, possessing some water that they have to traverse. Then they pass the next door and enter a long room with the ceiling lowering section by section, forcing them to run to not be crushed. They find on the way a Cracker that is very helpful in destroying the obstacles, and when they reach the door, they are able to use it before it easily overheats the Super Bonkers that follows, letting Kirby inhale him.

Now armed with the giant hammer, Kirby easily destroys the obstacles, and they find an electric circuit where Kirby has to use the hammer to lower one of the sections to complete it, destroying the blocks composing it to find food. Kirby then has to destroy pipes spitting fire, the shock of the attack causing some blocks to fall from the ceiling, and the party can use them to jump above the lava and easily reach the other side. More electric circuits and fire pipes follow, the third circuit revealing a secret passage that leads them to a giant statue of a salamander with a crystal on the head and a total of four fire pipes on the arms. Destroying the fire pipes provokes the destruction of the crystal, freeing a last pipe. Kirby then uses the giant golden hammer on it, dropping the statue into the lava and revealing a portal.

In the other dimension, they have to move down through many levels, some of them in water, with moving segments that slow them or threaten to crush them. At two moments, they have to press a switch to cause the current level to move and open the way to the next one. Toward the end, they have to press more switch to provoke some parts of the walls to move and destroy many star blocks blocking the way, which would be normally too long to destroy. Of course, they have to watch out to not be crushed in those levels. After the door, they fight another white Doomer in an arena where the floor constantly moves back and forth, causing them to be hit by some of the enemy's ice balls. They are still able to quickly destroy the Doomer, Kirby now having Ice again, and taking the Energy Spheres before leaving the dimension.

Two doors later, and after some cannons, they reach a floating giant lava ball moving back and forth in the way, and they have to wait for the right moment to go down one of the ladders and reach the door below, which leads to an entirely different cave, much darker, but with very huge balls of molten rock floating everywhere lighting it like small suns, even expelling lightning bolts between them! Speaking of suns, more of those floating lava balls are here, and when they reach a long bridge entirely made of stone blocks, those balls start raining on them, destroying it, and they have to run.

When they finally jump on stable, but small, floating platforms in front of a big wall of stone blocks that is destroyed by a falling lava ball, Sweetie says "Okay, I put this place number one on my list of most dangerous places ever."

Meta Knight chuckles. "At least, those floating giant ball of molten rock acting like suns are quite a sight."

"Yeah... At least, there's that. And the crystals around here."

They pass what remains of the wall of stone blocks, and continue jumping from platform to platform and passing more walls of stone blocks while avoiding the falling lava balls until reaching a door behind one of those walls, and they now find themselves at the start of a succession of lava balls rapidly moving up and down on a bridge. While the first lava ball is up, the one just after is down, and this continues like that for all the bridge. Below it, they find an Energy Sphere, and Sweetie quickly catches it in her magic as they pass. They then stop after the bridge just before being crushed by a falling pillar of rock and lava, which is followed by another before they reach another bridge with more of those lava balls moving up and down.

In the next part, they have to jump from section to section constantly moving back as if they were on a conveyor belt, and it's while being here that they end up fighting a Dubior that they quickly beat before Kirby eats it. After another door, they appear on more floating platforms with lava balls floating everywhere, some of them moving more or less. One of those moving balls, a really huge one, occasionally hides a floating black door, forcing the group to wait for the ball to move down before passing it. After the door, they find a Stomper Boot, and Meta Knight enters it to destroy the big yellow blocks blocking the way before jumping his way stomping Gordos, pillars of lava, and lava balls to destroy more yellow blocks and reach an Energy Sphere.

They take back the door, thankfully appearing below the giant lava ball, before passing another door, entering a room where they find a Prism Shield before the floor starts to move up, and they use the shield to protect themselves from falling creatures. At the top, they take the key from a falling Key Dee before passing the black door, and then starts the hardest challenge than a key bearer has had to endure: climbing from platform to platform until reaching the door while avoiding countless creature chasing them, many lava balls, and falling on lava, the lava being the most dangerous because it could destroy the key. At least, the others not holding the key easily deal with the creatures, making the task easier. The iron eels on the way are still a pain in the butt. But they eventually reach the top, where the locked door is, and they open it to get the Energy Sphere before passing the black door next to it.

And after pulling a lever to destroy iron blocks and climb a ladder, they find a Super Blade Knight.

Thus the fun begins.

Armed with the giant sword, Kirby, followed by the others, encounters a Gigant Edge, and eliminates him in one swing! As they continue, a Moundo, two Kibble Blades, three King Doos, two Water Galboros, one Bonkers, another Gigant Edge, and two Dubiors get the same fate, purely exterminated by Kirby's overpowered giant sword.

They then reach a volcano, AND KIRBY CUTS IT VERTICALLY IN TWO! WITH A FISH!!!




"Yeah! Go on! Cut the volcano in two with a fish! Why not?! You get a giant fish, and your first thought is 'Hey! Let's go cut a volcano in two! It'll be fun! And it'll freak out everyone!' No, really, it's blahblahblahblahblah..." grumbles Dedede while walking back and forth exasperated.

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle is patting a depressed Meta Knight who's sitting on the floor, doing circles on it with his finger. "Come on Meta Knight. Don't mind it. Remember that Kirby is cheating with the power of the Master Crown. You are still a strong swordsman."

Bandana Dee has fainted, again.

And Kirby looks at all this, sweating. "Poyo..."

After some time, they all calm down enough to pass the portal that has appeared inside the volcano, Dedede still grumbling a little and Meta Knight seemingly more... determined, while Bandana Dee looks like his soul has left his body. In the other dimension, Kirby has yet again to inhales stone star blocks before spitting them on normal stone blocks to free the way, while avoiding laval balls. After a moment, instead of destroying stone blocks, Kirby has to spit the stone star blocks at Switch to destroy walls of iron blocks, before they reach a section full of floating water. After the water, a switch causing the wall in front to open section by section, letting them reach the door. To their surprise, at the other side of the door, they don't fight a white Doomer, but a purple Doomer and a red Doomer at the same time! With Kirby quickly eating one of the red Doomer' fireballs to gain Fire, they easily eliminate those two Doomers despite them being two, and they take the two Energy Spheres, the very last one, that they drop before they exit the dimension.

Now done with this quest, they use the Warp Stars and exit the cave, reaching the top of the giant volcano they have been in all this time. Well, almost the top, they still have a small way to climb, but they stop here, letting Kirby use a Warp Star to return to the Lor and give the Energy Spheres to Magolor, and surprisingly, Landia doesn't attack him.

While they wait, Sweetie says "You know, even if it was shocking, Kirby cutting the volcano in half was really cool."

"But he did it with a fish!" shouts Bandana Dee. "How can you cut a volcano with a fish?!"

"Uh. Remember where we are? We are in the dimension where logic has been screwed, to the point that the dreamy logic of your dimension invades it. And you know very well than in dreams, everything is possible, even something as impossible as cutting a volcano in half with a fish."

"That's why you don't seem as shocked than us?" asks Dedede.

"Oh, I'm very shocked! My jaw was ready to break with how much my mouth was open! I've already come to terms with what happened. That's funny, I'm in this dimension since a little less than a year, and I'm already more used by its craziness than you who have lived all your life here. Or it's because I've lived too much adventures with Kirby, because the really crazy stuff tend to happen around him. Of course, cutting a volcano in half with a fish is by far the craziest stuff that I've seen until now." And gosh, if they are watching us, everypony back home must be going crazy! Especially Twilight!

"And I'm sure that somehow, something even more crazy will happen someday," says Dedede.

"What would be more crazy than cutting a volcano in half with a fish?" asks Bandana Dee.

"Mmh... Cutting a whole planet in half with a fish?" proposes Sweetie Belle.

They all look at her as if she's crazy... before thinking that this may happen in this crazy universe.

"If this happens..." says Dedede, raising a hand. "I'm giving you my throne."

That's when Kirby comes back, bringing some Maxim Tomatoes from Magolor to make sure that they are all at top form for the future fight, and they all pass the next black door, ready.

"Here we go, everypony," says Discord. "Are you all ready?"

"Rarity?" asks Rainbow Dash.

Rarity, who's breathing in a bag, Spike patting her, says "Don't worry about me. I'm ready."

"Twilight?" asks Applejack.

Twilight, with a bag of ice on her head, answers "Ready..."

"Fluttershy, get out of behind the chair, you will miss the fight," says Pinkie.

"I'm good here, thank you."

"Ready!" shouts Starlight at the edge of her chair.

"Ready!" shout both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, excited.

"I can't wait to see Sweetie beat up a dragon!" adds Scootaloo.

"Me too!" shouts Luna, as excited.

Meanwhile, in the portal, Sweetie Belle and her friends appear on a rock platform in the middle of a giant lake of lava at the top of the tallest volcano of Halcandra. At first, there's no presence of the four-headed dragon, but then, they hear flapping, and everyone looks up to see Landia approaching them from the air.

Some of them raise an eyebrow.

"Uh. I thought that he would be bigger. He's just as big as a young adult dragon," says Spike.

"And he doesn't look as scary," says Rarity. "I would even dare say that he looks adorable."

That's when Landia roars, before flying to face the party. He roars one last time, and the battle starts.

He starts attacking by shooting fireballs from the four heads, each targeting a different party member, so they disperse, and the one that isn't targeted, currently Bandana Dee, charges at the dragon who's hovering above the floor and attacks him with his spear. In return, Landia attacks him with the purple arrowhead that is at the end of his tail, slapping Bandana with enough force to send him flying a little. But while Landia's attention is on Bandana, the others surround Landia and start attacking him from all sides, Sweetie Belle from the front from a distance with her beams, Kirby from behind with Fire which surprisingly works against the dragon, Dedede from the left, and Meta Knight from the right.

Landia spins on himself to slap Dedede, Meta Knight, and Kirby with his tail, but they are all able to dodge, or for Dedede, he uses his hammer to stop the tail. The lack of front legs means that Landia can't counterattack by trying to cut them to shreds with claws, so he finds himself turning around, spitting fireballs at the attackers that he's facing while trying to slap the ones behind with his tail, before he finally decides to fly away out of reach. Sweetie Belle continue to attack him with her projectiles while Meta Knight chases him thanks to his bat wings.

Landia, seemingly having enough of the filly's projectiles, tries to crush her under his weight, only for her to roll away, so Landia takes off again, and tries to bite Meta Knight, only for him to fly away. So Landia starts to fly around the arena while sweeping it with four streams of fire, but the arena is too big for this attack to be effective, even with four heads, and the party members easily dodge the streams. To add injury to insult, Dedede is able to jump and bonk the bottom head with his hammer, while Sweetie Belle doesn't stop attacking.

So Landia goes at the edge of the arena and starts rapidly flapping his wings, blowing a strong wing that starts pushing the heroes toward the lava, forcing them to run against it. Landia frowns, and starts sending energy blades with the wind, making it harder for Sweetie and the others, then starts spitting fireballs to make sure that they have no chance to escape. But then, Kirby jumps and turns into a comet that charges at Landia, passing wind, blades, and fireballs to ram the dragon and stop his attack. Sweetie Belle then makes sure than Landia doesn't restarts his attack by charging magic and energy into her horn before expelling a big ball of magic and energy that explodes on contact and propels Landia back a little. Meta Knight then throws a tornado for good measure.

"What is this?!" shouts Luna. "This dragon barely puts up a fight! I thought that there would be a fight that would have destroyed all the lands around! He doesn't even seem to use the power of the crown!"

"That's the thing, he doesn't use the crown... yet," says Celestia. "Landia probably underestimated them, and fought without the use of the crown thinking that it would be enough against them. But I am certain that this is about to change. Look at the crown."


Luna looks back at the portal, and stares at the crown, seeing that it's starting to light up as Landia roars in anger. Then, with a big flash, Landia divides himself into smaller dragons, one for each head, barely bigger than Dedede, one of them still wearing the crown which is still glowing.

They look even more adorable.

The four dragons then fly at different positions and start shooting fireballs, so everyone decided to attack a different dragon, excepted Sweetie Belle who just fires at them in random while running around. So the fight turns into four one versus one fights, with Sweetie Belle in support, and result in violent clashes between the heroes and the dragons.

Kirby jumps and grabs his dragon, the one with the crown, clinging to him as he starts a dangerous rodeo above the lava. While he's clinging, he attacks the dragon with his fire, or simply by punching the back of the head, until the Landia he's on slams his back, and Kirby, against one of the rocks protruding out of the lava. Kirby quickly climbs the rock, as the Landia flies away, and once at the top, they start spitting fireballs at each other until Kirby jumps again and rams the Landia with his comet form, bringing the two of them back in the arena.

Dedede plays baseball with his hammer and the fireballs that the Landia he's facing fires. At that moment, Dedede decides to jump to body slam the dragon who quickly gets out of the way, only to be hit on the back by Dedede's hammer, and crashes on the arena as a result, only to be hit again by the hammer once Dedede lands beside him. The Landia gets up and headbutts Dedede, only to be punched in return, so the Landia rams Dedede who falls on his back, and the dragon immobilises him by pinning him down before trying to bite him, only for Dedede to put the handle of his hammer on the way, the Landia biting it instead. Dedede then kicks the dragon's belly to send him away and gets back up.

Meta Knight is in a sword versus claw clash against his dragon, the two flying around each others, dodging the sword/claw slashes of the other before counterattacking. Every now and then, the Landia shoots a fireball, which Meta Knight either dodge or destroy with one slash of his sword before quickly avoiding the claw of the dragon. Meta Knight eventually charges his sword before unleashing a tornado, and the Landia being too close, the dragon finds himself caught in it and propelled in the air. "Know my power!" shouts then Meta Knight before he strikes the dragon a dozen times at lightning speed before giving a last powerful strike that propels him toward the ground.

Bandana Dee twirls his spear to parry some fireballs then planted it in the ground and uses it as a lever to propel himself toward his Landia. The dragon tries to fly away, but Bandana is able to cling to one of his legs, and despite the dragon shaking it to try to get rid of him, he's able to impale him in the belly a few times before letting go, only to fall on a shield created by Sweetie Belle for him. With Sweetie moving the shield, he returns to his Landia, he restarts attacking him while trying to avoid his many counterattacks.

The four Landias eventually regroup before they each fly at a cardinal direction of the arena, hovering just a few inches above the ground. An electrical beam then shot out from two of the Landias and connect to the two other Landias in the opposite directions, forming an electric cross. The four Landias then start to fly clockwise, causing the electric cross to spin, forcing the heroes to jump to not be shocked, some of them just deciding to fly. Seeing this, two of the Landias fly up, separating the cross into two different electrical beams, one on the ground, and the other in the air following the height of the flying fighters while still spinning.

The Landia eventually stop, and one of them spits a fireball as big as him at one of the other Landias, who then passes it to another, and so, the four Landia start to pass the fireball to each others while trying to hit the party members with it, so they always make sure that there's at least someone between the Landia passing the ball, and the Landia receiving it. After a dozen pass, one of the Landias finally throws the fireball directly at the group. Sweetie Belle then smirks, and places herself between the ball and the others before materializing a mirror shield, which sends the fireball back at the shocked Landia. The three other Landia quickly regroup with him, and they all swing a wing at the same time to send the ball back at Sweetie Belle with more force, but this doesn't work against the mirror shield, and as the fireball starts going back and forth between the mirror shield and the dragons, it gains more and more speed. Kirby then places himself beside Sweetie Belle and starts spitting fire at the fireball, making it bigger and bigger each time that it passes. The Landias visibly start sweating as the ball becomes harder and harder to send back, understanding that they are screwed, and after a few seconds they miss and the fireball explodes on them. Roaring in pain, the four Landia fall on the ground unconscious, the crown dropping.

Luna huffs. "Still disappointed. Where are the dragons of fire?! Where are the giant fire beams? Where are the fireballs so big that they look like small suns?! That can't be all the crown can do! Kirby proved it!"

"Yeah!" shouts Rainbow Dash. "We want a refund!"

"Something is not right..." says Celestia. "This fight was too easy."

Sweetie Belle look at the unconscious dragons, then at the others in wonder.

"What happened?"

"We beat Landia," answers Dedede.

"Too easily," continues Meta Knight.

"He barely used the crown!" shouts Bandana Dee.

"Yeah! If he had used the full power of the crown, he could've overpowered my mirror shield! What the heck?"

"Maybe he didn't know how to use the crown at its full power?" proposes Bandana Dee.

"Or he didn't dare use it too much," says Meta Knight.

"We should take the crown and go to Ripple Star. Maybe queen Ripple can give us an explanation," proposes Dedede.

"Mmh... Poyo," agrees Kirby before he starts walking toward the crown, only to stop.

The crown has disappeared!


"Uh? Hey! Where's the crown?" asks Dedede.

That's when they feel a powerful energy coming from above, and looking up, they see Magolor, the Master Crown now on his head, turning into a bigger, more gazeous version of himself looking more like Nightmare, his body turning red surrounded in blue, his belt and hood turning purple, the ears now looking like horns, white at the ends.

Before they can ask what's going on, Magolor then creates a giant version of the sun-shaped runes that are now at the ends of his hands behind him, and disappears. The rune then turns into a star-shaped black hole that starts attracting everyone. Too shocked by what happened, Sweetie and the others start running a little too late, and they are now too close to the black hole, about to get sucked in it. But then, they are saved at the last second by the four Landias who catch them in the air, and the five heroes are now on the four dragons' backs, Kirby and Sweetie Belle on the same one. With the dragons, they easily escape the attraction of the black hole, which disappears.

Sweetie Belle, breathing heavily, says "W-what happened?"

"I will tell you what happened! Magolor took the crown and tried to kill us!" shouts angrily Dedede.


"He manipulated us to defeat Landia and take the crown," concludes Meta Knight. "He's probably planning to use its power in a bad way."

"Like, conquering Popstar?" asks Bandana Dee.

"With the power of the crown, who knows," answers Meta Knight. "But he will do something bad, or else, he wouldn't have tried to kill us."

"Poyo! Poyo!" then shouts Kirby, hugging the Landia he's on.

"Oh yeah. The Landias saved us," says Dedede. He then looks at his Landia ad says "So you were the good guys all along? Sorry. And thank you."

"Yeah, sorry," says Bandana Dee.

The Landias nods in return, before they start to fly toward the sky.

"So..." says Sweetie Belle, tears in her eyes. "Magolor used us... Like Marx..." That's when they spot Magolor in the sky, and Sweetie Belle is filled with anger, her mane almost turning into fire.


Magolor looks at the heroes approaching on the back of the Landias, surprised. He hasn't thought that the dragons would save them. Judging the heroes too dangerous, especially Kirby, to let them live, he has decided to not lose time and to directly try to kill them after they have defeated Landia. He was almost successful!

But now, he has to use plan B.

He opens a star-shaped portal, and passes it.

The other dimension should kill them. And then, he will be able to take over the Dream universe, as is his right as an Ancient.

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