• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 95: One Year

Sweetie Belle wakes up in a chamber that is not hers, obviously because it has been destroyed by those lasers at the beginning of the invasion, along with the throne room, Dedede's room, the room with the ring, the treasury, and many others. Thankfully, she quickly discovers that her plushies have survived the destruction. Unless they were destroyed and the guys created new ones to replace them. However, no trace of the letters. Hopefully, Dissy was able to save them, or at least, he can use his magic to remake them.

The chamber she's now in must be the one of one of the servants. Better that than nothing. But now, she wonders where that servant slept. With half the castle destroyed, many are now lacking rooms, including her and Dedede, so... what? Will they share rooms? Will they ask members of the army living outside to shelter them? Will they ask the Meta Knights for some rooms? No, scratch that last one, nobody in the army would go ask them for shelter.

After eating a Maxim Tomato that has been left on the nightstand for her to heal, she exits the room and immediately finds an answer to her question: tents are now placed everywhere in the hallways. Curiously more than the number of rooms destroyed after some exploration. And looking through the windows, she can see more tents surrounding the castle outside. And everywhere, members of Dedede's army are working to rebuild the castle, the strongest and/or biggest ones (including Spikezilla and some creatures made of yarn) moving back and forth transporting heavy charges, smaller ones repair what could be repaired or building new stuff.

Seems like the totality of the army has come to repair the castle, and at least half of them have decided to camp here.

When Spikezilla spots her, he immediately drops his charge before running at her and giving her a bone crushing hug.

"S-Spiky... You're crushing me..." The doll dragon releases her with a sheepish smile, and Sweetie Belle laughs, patting him. "Me too, I'm glad to see you again. Do you know where’s Dedede?" Spikezilla nods. "Can you lead me to him?" With another nod, the dragon starts walking, the filly following him.

On the way, she spots through a window Yin and Yarn, still as the Yin-Yarn Wizard, helping to lift stuff up the walls with their yarn power, using yarn like rope. Cape Knight, who waves at her when he spotted her, is overseeing the workers, giving instructions, and not long after, she also spots Broom Sunglasses walking down the hallway with a box of nails. When he passes beside her, he stops and places on her eyes new sunglasses exactly like the ones she took from Spinni.

"The old ones are destroyed, so here's a new pair," he says before continuing.

"Uh. Thank you," replies Sweetie Belle, keeping the glasses on her eyes because she has nowhere else to put them.

They soon reach the rampart of the castle, exactly where she has been playing chess with Dedede when the HWC invaded. Now, it has been cleared of all the rubble, and like everywhere else, there are a few tents here and there. Among them is a really big blue and red tent with Dedede's symbol clearly more luxurious than the others, with windows and even a chimney.

Sweetie Belle doesn't know if she should be surprised that Dedede decided to live in a tent while waiting for his room to be repaired, or not at seeing the luxury of the tent compared to the others.

She also spots Bandana Dee eating a sandwich with a few other members of the army not far.

She looks at Spikezilla. "Thank you. You should return to work."

He nods and returns in the castle while Sweetie opens the tent calling Dedede, and spots the penguin sleeping on a throne-like chair beside the chimney.

However, at hearing her call, Dedede opens an eye, and after a yawn, says "Oh, Sweetie, you're awake."

"Hello Dedede. I see that the castle's already well on its way to be repaired. How long have I slept?"

"A whole day. Frankly, after yesterday's events, I thought that you would have slept at least one more day. Why are you wearing sunglasses?"

"Oh, Broom Sunglasses gave them to me on my way here." Saying this, she places the glasses on a table where she spots her crown.

"You must be hungry. Let me call some food for you." Dedede then takes his communication device. "Thanks the stars that the kitchens haven't taken too much damage." Pressing a button, he says through it "Sweetie Belle's awake. Bring something for her. Don't forget the Maxim Tomato pie."

Sweetie Belle sighs. "Just make sure they don't bring a whole buffet."

Dedede chuckles. "After what you did yesterday, you deserve more than just one buffet. But don't worry, they know not to bring much. With the majority of the army working to rebuild the castle, the cooks are working almost without stopping, and there isn't much food to spare. Even I am forced to not eat as much as I usually do. Hopefully, the pie should be enough as a reward until the celebration. Which, of course, is reported. Now, you should come and sit while we wait. I'm sure that you want to ask about what happened since your battle with Star Dream."

"I can already see that everything came back to normal," comments Sweetie Belle as she sits on another chair beside a bigger, round table.

"Yeah. It seems that Star Dream was at the origin of that whole mechanization technology. Almost as soon as it was destroyed, all the technostuff disappeared. Even the inhabitants that were turned into robots or cyborgs are back to normal." He frowns. "But the marks left by this giant ship when it landed are still here, as well as the damage caused as it crashed when the last foot was destroyed by Kirby."

Sweetie Belle nods. "So, what else?"

"Not much, actually. Kirby returned to his home, the Meta Knights have returned to their HQ with the Halberd, the inhabitants of Floralia are alright if you're wondering--you can thank Taranza, Adeleine, Elline, and Claycia for that--and that's all, pretty much."

"What about Susie, what happened to her?"

Dedede smirks. "She's alright. You'll see her soon enough."

"And Sweetie Bot? Where is she?"

Dedede loses his smirk, and starts rubbing the back of his head with a sigh. "When Star Dream exploded, the explosion propelled you and Kirby into space, your speed too fast for the Halberd and the Warhammer to catch you. But then, the armors, both yours and Kirby's, grabbed the two of you and threw you back toward us, saving you. As we talk, the two of them are probably still floating in space toward the unknown, and I have no idea where they may be exactly."

Sweetie Bot and Robobot are somewhere in space and they can't be saved by the battleships because they're too fast? Well then, she will use the Warp Star! It's much faster! But Dedede doesn't know where they are now, and she doesn't know either. But she must save them! She must save Sweetie Bot! She's... She's her... sister? Daughter? Whatever, she's very close to her! But what can she do? Search space randomly hoping to find her? How long would it take? Probably years! If only there was a mean to find exactly where she is...

She'll think of a way. She must.

"Sweetie?" Dedede calls her in worry, seeing that she has tears in her eyes.

"Oh..." She rubs her eyes. "Sorry. I was trying to find a way to save them. I don't want to let them float in space forever."

"But you can't find any way..."

Sadly, she shook her head, more tears coming. "But I will find one. One day. I hope."

Sighing, Dedede walks toward her and puts an arm around her before pressing her against him for comfort, giving a small chuckle. "Knowing you, you'll somehow successfully save them. Any other questions?"

Before Sweetie could shake her head again, a couple of Cook Waddle Dees and a Chef Kawasaki enter the tent holding three plates, one of them containing the Maxim Tomato pie while the others contain pasta and a dozen cookies. The Chef Kawasaki also holds a cup of ice cream with written on it in chocolate "To our hero!"

Sweetie Belle giggles. "You are adorable."

After this good meal, Sweetie decides to go help the others repairing the castle. This night, she returns in the chamber that has been given to her until her real chamber is rebuilt, along with Spikezilla, back in his Spiky form, and Yin and Yarn, still as their Wizard Yin-Yarn form.

Here, Dissy gives her an envelope. "You've a letter. It actually came when you were still sleeping. And don't worry, the other letters are safe."

Sweetie Belle takes the envelop. "Thank you Dissy."

"Oh, by the way..." A camera appears in his paw and claw. "I recorded the whole fight against Star Dream. It's not everyday that a battle between two battleships and a supercomputer that eventually takes control of a reality-manipulating sentient planet happens. I'm sure they will make a movie out of this back in Equestria. Of course, I would make sure that you get some money out of this."

Reading the letter, Sweetie Belle replies "You may need to edit the part with Haltmann. Already, I'm reading in this letter how everypony was horrified at what happened to him and at what I was forced to do."

"Pif pof! This is why I won't edit this! This is perfect drama!"

"I wish I could have saved him..."

Dissy sighs. "The instant his soul got absorbed by Star Dream, nothing could be done. You already learned it with Sectonia, not everyone can be saved. Heck..." He looks away. "How many people do you think died in this incident? When the Access Ark landed, its feet probably crushed many beings. Then there was the storm caused by this tower. Don't tell me it didn't cause a few victims. Less powerful hurricanes back in Equestria can provoke dozens of death. And then, there was when the Access Ark crashed when Kirby destroyed the last foot. Something this big certainly crushed thousands of people. And let's not forget everyone that was inside it when it exploded." He looks back at the filly looking down in sadness, now hugged by Spiky. "Events just do that even when we do our best, there are still people dying, because this is beyond our control. But because you did your best, you were at least able to save as many people as you could with the help of your friends: pretty much everyone else in the universe. Yes, it would have been best to save everyone, but again, things happen, and in the end, you can't."

"And I don't think you could have saved everyone no matter what you did," says Yin-Yarn. "You faced a freaking alien invasion, the aliens possessing a freaking mothership the size of a planet, and they were brainwashing people. What did you expect? You're just an overpowered filly, not a god. It's already a miracle that you were able to destroy that crazy machine despite the odds."

Sweetie Belle sighs before smiling at them. "Thank you."

"Anytime," replies Dissy.

"If I see Susie again, I will at least say sorry for not being able to save her father."

The following days, Sweetie Belle continues helping in repairing the castle, but she soon sees that something is going on behind her back. Dedede sometimes leaves the castle, often followed by Bandana Dee and other castle staff, going toward the base of the Dreamstalk. But resisting the urge to go see what's happening over there, she continues helping, the castle now almost finished. Already, her room has been finished, and Dissy immediately placed the letters back in her desk. Actually, the room has been made a little bigger to better accommodate her royal stature, with her own real bathroom now connected to it, not the small one without a bathtub and with just a sink she had until now. This doesn't mean she will stop coming at the daily bath with everyone else. She just loves those moments where she can talk to the others while relaxing after a hard day of training and/or job.

All the while, she hasn't stopped trying to find a way to save Sweetie Bot and Robobot, but she just can't find anything. She's almost ready to ask Dissy to just snap his fingers to bring them back.


One day, she wakes up, and everyone is gone. All she finds is a letter telling her to quickly come at the Dreamstalk, even saying that it's important.

So, using a Warp Star, she flies to the Dreamstalk, only for her jaw to drop when she spots what's at its base: a huge party, with everyone here! And everyone, as in EVERYONE! Everyone in Dedede's army including the lieutenants like Kracko, Paint Roller, or Mr Bright and Mr Shine, everyone in the Meta Knights, everyone in the Bug Clan and the Flower Fairy Clan, and she also spots many fairies of Ripple Star and robots from Shiver Star! The Lor Starcutter is here too, as well as the blimp of the Squeak Squad, so this means that Magolor and the Squeaks are also somewhere in the crowd!

And when they spot her approaching, they all cheer, showing banners with written on them two words: "One year!"

One... Oh... "Has it really been a year since I appeared here...?" Sweetie Belle asks to herself in disbelief.

Some banners also show that not only this party is to celebrate her one year since she appeared in Popstar, but also to celebrate their victory over the HWC and Star Dream.

And when she lands at the edge of the party, she's greeted by Dedede, followed by Bandana Dee, Cape Knight, Broom Sunglasses, and Knuckle Joe, but also by Kirby, Meta Knight, Captain Vul, Sailor Waddle Dee, and everyone she encountered and befriended in her adventures, even Dark Meta Knight (certainly forced to come by Marx), Queen Ripple, Prince Fluff, Waly, Mirror Kirby, Barbara, and the Landias! She also spots Susie in the crowd, remaining behind, seemingly hesitating.

"So that was what you were preparing those last few days," says Sweetie Belle to the king.

"I'm surprised you didn't put two and two together before today," says Dedede with a laugh.

"With all that has happened since the invasion, you can't blame me, I had other things in mind." She looks around at everyone, and at the party they all prepared for her. "But, wow, I don't know what to say! This is the biggest party ever made for me! Thank you everyone!"

With this, the party starts. After a quick group hug with the animals, Sweetie Belle decides to go talk to Susie first. the poor girl remaining by herself, clearly not sure of what to do.

"Hello Susie. Nice to see you've come."

Susie bows to her. "If that wasn't for King Dedede telling me what he was preparing and inviting me, I would have left Popstar. It gives me the occasion to thank you for destroying Star Dream."

"I wasn't the only one," says Sweetie Belle as she waves around her. "Kirby, Dedede, Meta Knight, and their armies greatly helped. Without their help, we would have failed. You should also thank them."

"Already done," says Susie with a giggle.

Sweetie Belle smiles sadly at her. "Your father also helped. He was able to stop Star Dream from making the wish long enough for me and Kirby to destroy the Heart. I... I'm sorry we couldn't save him..."

Susie sighs. "I'm the one who should be sorry. You could have saved him if I hadn't taken the control device while he was in Star Dream."

"You didn't know. It's not your fault. It's... nobody's fault... Things happened, and it went out of control."

They both remain silent for a time, until Sweetie continues talking. "So, what will you do now?"

"I want to rebuild the company and continue the legacy of my father."

"Without the mechanisation?" asks Sweetie Belle with a smirk and a clear message that Susie should consider her answer.

"Without the mechanisation," answers Susie.

Sweetie nods and looks around. When she spots Magolor not far, she points at him. "You should ask Magolor to help you. He's a descendant of the Ancients, the civilization at the origin of Star Dream and many other technologies that your company was using. He's really good, especially at building stuff using the power of the Four Matters. With his help, you will have no problems rebuilding the HWC and make it better."

"Thank you for your advice. I shall go talk to him right away."

"Alright. But..." Sweetie Belle looks at Susie pleadingly. "Do you have a way to find the location of armors?"

Susie tilts her head. "No, why?"

"Our armors, at me and Kirby, Sweetie Bot and Robobot, they're lost somewhere in space, and we don't know where."

"Uh... Why do you care about them? They are just armor."

"You're wrong. Look at these robots," Sweetie points at some of the robots from Shiver Star. "Despite being artificial, they are people like you and me. They have feelings and a soul." She looks back at Susie, tears in her eyes. "Same of the armors. Under our command, they developed their own soul. Sweetie Bot... I feel so close to her that I now consider her family. So, please, the HWC created those armors, you know those armors better than me, so can you find a way to save them?"

"I will try."

Sweetie Belle hugs her. "Thank you."

Susie walks toward Magolor, the mage talking with Marx probably about pranks and mischief, and Sweetie Belle follows her.

"Magolor!" she calls, gaining their attention. "There's someone who wants to talk to you!"

"Hey, Sweetie! I was told everything that happened! Too bad I wasn't here to participate in the action!"

"Oh yes!" shouts Marx with a bounce. "It was so fun! There were robots everywhere! And the edgy dark ball and I were having the time of our life fighting them!"

"Never call me edgy dark ball again, you buffoon!" yells Dark Meta Knight from a chair not far.

When Susie spots him, she puts a hand on her mouth with a gasp. "Another one! Oooh so dark, so edgy. I already see all the upgrades that I could give him!"

"Seriously, Susie?" asks Sweetie with a deadpan look.

"What? This time, I would let him have his freedom. But imagine him, with a black armor, a red energy sword, a cybernetic red eye..."

"Ooh! Like a dark cyborg from a sci-fi movie!" says Marx.

"I like your style," says Magolor.

"I'm out of here," says Dark Meta Knight before flying away.

"Wait! Come b-"

"I think you forgot something, Susie," Sweetie interrupts Susie as she has been about to chase the dark knight.

Susie looks at Sweetie Belle who points at Magolor and says "R-right!" She turns to the egg mage. "Hello. My name is Susie. I was the secretary of the Haltmann Works Company, and I want to rebuild the company. Sweetie Belle told me you could help me."

"I would love to. I was told that the HWC possessed many technologies taken from the Ancients, and I love working with those."

Leaving the two to talk business, Sweetie Belle turns toward Marx. "You know, maybe I should have tried to search for you. If you had the time of your life just fighting a few robots, you would have loved being with me. I was fighting the bulk of their army."

"Darky would have been in heaven. The guy loves fighting. He fights me at least two times each day. And he loses every time," says Marx, laughing at the last part. "He lives for action."

"He was pretty much created for that," says Sweetie Belle. "And he searches to become stronger to one day defeat Meta Knight, and me. If he wants, I wouldn't mind fighting him. It would be good training. How about you?"

"Oh, me, you know, the usual. Pranking, trolling, making others laugh, fighting Darky, annoying him, avoiding being murdered by him, plotting to kill you and take over the world..."



At this instant, Susie shakes Magolor's hand, the both of them nodding.

"Already done?" asks Sweetie Belle.

"It wasn't hard to find a common ground," says Magolor. "I'll help her giving back to the HWC its original greatness, and in return she'll use the various technology the HWC studied to help me build New Halcandra. Everybody wins."

"It will take a few years for the company to return to what it was, but with his help, it will be back to business in just a few months."

"Glad for you Susie, and for you too Magolor. I wish you two good luck."

The party lasts for the rest of the day and well into the night, Sweetie Belle taking the occasion to catch up with all her friends, especially the ones she hasn't seen in a long time like Mirror Kirby or Queen Ripple. She learns from this last that Ribbon wants to come and live in Popstar, and the little fairy has proposed to Adeleine to come and help her with her school. Paint Roller is also very interested in it. Now, they form a really good group of friends with Elline, Claycia, Prince Fluff, and even Yin and Yarn.

From Taranza, Sweetie Belle learns that the new castle of Floralia hasn't taken much damage from the invasion, and the construction progresses well. The damage it has taken will only cause a little delay of a few days. Nothing bad.

"Good job protecting Floralia while I was busy."

"Thank you Your Majesty."

She finds Dark Meta Knight beside, of all people, Meta Knight. Even if they are opposite in many way, they still have many things in common, and one of those things is that they like being alone sometimes. So they just sit there, together, without saying a word. She still goes to talk to Dark Meta Knight.

"Marx told me you fight him a lot. I wouldn't mind fighting you too. Fighting the same guy everyday must be getting old, and it would be good training for both of us."

Dark Meta Knight nods.

The filly then looks at both knights. "You could also train together. You have both very similar styles, but still different enough to not be clones. You could learn a lot from each other."

"Train with this guy..." says Dark Meta Knight pensively. "Mph. Fine. It may be useful."

"And thanks for helping protecting Popstar from the aliens."

At this, the dark knight looks away with a huff. "I just did this to protect myself."

"Maybe," replies Sweetie Belle with a chuckle.

Daroach is partying with the whole Squeak Squad at his side. In parties, this group is always a jovial one, drinking to their heart's content between good laughs That laugh becomes even louder when Gooey comes from nowhere and licks Doc in the face before bouncing away, chased by the angry old mouse. It's at this moment that Sweetie Belle approaches them.

"You know, Doc should go talk to Magolor and Susie."

"The technonerds? This may not be a bad idea," replies Daroach.

"Maybe he could actually turn our blimp into a morphing robot with their help," says Spinni. "You know, passing from vehicle mode to robot mode. It would be cool."

"Why didn't I think of this sooner?!" they hear Doc shout, the old mouse having heard them as he has been coming back. "But I would rather prefer a mecha."

"Then go talk to them before they decide to return to the stars," says Sweetie Belle, before she's suddenly licked in the face by Gooey. "Hey! Ew! Gooey!"

"Googoo! Googoo!" shouts Gooey before he bounces away with a laugh, quickly chased by a laughing filly.

"Wait until I catch you!"


They are soon joined by the animals and the two Kirbys, starting a little game of tag.

And as the sun is setting a Waddle Dee shouts "It's group photo time! Everyone, assemble!"

Smiling, Sweetie Belle joins Dedede in front of Whispy Woods, where they are quickly joined by Bandana Dee, the two Kirbys, the animals, Gooey, and one by one, by everyone else, Dark Meta Knight forced to come by Marx while Meta Knight slowly approaches, arriving among the lasts, Vul and Sailor Waddle Dee following him.

But as everyone assembles, one problem quickly appears to the Waddle Dee with the camera. "We will need more cameras..."

Impossible to take a group photo of everyone, including the two armies, the two clans, the robots, and the fairies, with just one camera.

So they use about one hundred cameras, side by side, to take everyone.

A big pile of paper suddenly appears on one of Rarity's tables. Pausing her work, she approaches it to look, and discovers that it is a pile of photos. In the one at the top, she recognizes Sweetie Belle along with all her closest friends she made since she appeared in Popstar. The filly is on Dedede's head, a butterfly on her head, Bandana Dee, Broom Sunglasses, Cape Knight, and Knuckle Joe around him. At their left is Kirby as well as a black Kirby that Rarity remembers is the one from the Mirror World, along with the animals, including their loved ones, ChuChu and Nyupun being on the puffballs' heads while the puffballs themselves are on Rick and Nago's backs. Gooey is also here with them, flying beside Coo in his Dark Matter-like form. The Squeak Squad is at their left, Storo at the back because of his size, followed by Susie, Magolor, Marx, and Dark Meta Knight, arms crossed and not looking at the camera, clearly annoyed.

At the right of Dedede and company is Meta Knight, Captain Vul, and Sailor Waddle Dee, followed by Adeleine, Ribbon flying at her side, Claycia, Elline flying above her, Prince Fluff, who she recognizes is Paint Roller, Queen Ripple, and Taranza. Behind Dedede, taking a good part of the background of the photo, are Whispy Woods, Kracko, Spikezilla, and a part of the Lor Starcutter (too big to just be in this photo). In this photo are also a few more members of Dedede and Meta Knight's army, along with a few fairies flying around Queen Ripple, and a few bugs around Taranza and close to Sweetie Belle. Some Flower Fairies also fly above her, along with the four Landias, and Yin and Yarn in their wizard form in front of the Lor.

Looking at some of the photos, she sees more of Sweetie's friends in them, mainly members of Dedede's army, but also many Meta Knights, inhabitants of Floralia, more fairies of Ripple Star, and the robots of the frozen Earth, including who she recognizes as Waly. She even recognizes this human-like creature who loved enigmas. Barbara, was it? When she finds the photo showing the rest of the Lor Starcutter, she places it next to the first one, discovering that all those photos are linked, forming a giant group photo. Her table isn't big enough to put all of them side by side.

On some of the photos, she can also spot some banners in the background saying "One year!" and Rarity puts a hoof on her mouth.

"As it really been one year?"

One year. And Sweetie Belle has done so much in that time! She made all those friends. She saved the world, and even the universe, many times. She became the greatest warrior of Popstar under Kirby. And she even became queen!

And yet, it's so hard to think that a whole year has passed. For Rarity, it's just yesterday that her little sister disappeared to another dimension because of that awful magical accident.

She must write a letter to her for this. She will also talk to her friends so they can write too. And... She will have to ask Pinkie and Twilight if they can find a way and a place to put all those photos together.

Months pass.

Somewhere in space.

In a fortress dwarfing any planets surrounded by a dozen smaller ones.

A white cloaked figure slowly climbs a staircase toward an altar.

On this altar, a purple crystal heart, pierced by four pink spears with heart-shaped extremities.

Arriving at the top of the staircase, the cloaked figure raises his arms, starting a ritual, surrounding the heart in runes.

The runes break.

The heart spears are expelled out of the heart.

The purple heart suddenly flies into space with the spears.

And they explode.

The day of judgment has come.

Author's Note:

This chapter would have been perfect to post the day I posted the first chapter.

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