• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 72: Duel Against the King

Slowly, Sweetie Belle opens her eyes, rapidly understanding that she is back on her bed in her room in Dedede's castle. Also, replacing her clothes, there are bandages everywhere on her body. Seems like they didn't dare force feeding her in her sleep to heal her. But gosh! She almost looks like a mummy! And the others must not have been better upon coming back.

A Maxim Tomato is presented in front of her.

"Welcome back to the waking world, sleepy head. Here, they left this for you," says Mini-Discord.

Using her magic, Sweetie Belle brings the tomato to her and starts eating it, starting the healing process.

"Thank you."

"So. I suppose that you have some questions. How long have you slept? What happened after you lost consciousness? Are you now really a mummy? Well, let me answer. No, you've not become a mummy, you're very well alive."

She giggles, rolling her eyes. "Thanks for the confirmation. I wasn't sure with my breathing, my injuries healing, and my belly growling in hunger."

"You're welcome. So. You've slept over one whole day. It's actually a little past noon two days after your fight against Magolor. Don't worry, you're not the only one who needed their sleep after this adventure. The others also slept for a while, especially Kirby."

"Normal. He loves sleeping."

"Just after you returned to Popstar, the Landias and the Lor Starcutter left by a portal to who knows where."

"Aww... I couldn't say goodbye. Wait. Even the Lor?"

"Yes. I don't know why. Anyway. Everyone returned to Dedede's castle to rest, and Kirby and Meta Knight are still here today, waiting for you to wake up."

"Even Meta Knight? I would have thought that he would have returned to his HQ."

"He's still waiting to fight Dedede, but he wanted to wait for you to wake up and watch their fight. Meta Knight also can't wait to see you fight Dedede."

"Oh, right." Now that she's healed, she takes out her bandages. "Well, thanks to that long sleep, and to that Maxim Tomato, I am feeling well enough to fight Dedede today. I can't wait to fight him too."

"That's what Dedede thought, and he can't wait to fight you too. He has already prepared the ring, and is waiting for you to give the green light. He has also prepared a banquet for after."

"Of course he prepared one to celebrate us saving the universe. it's the perfect excuse for him to eat a ton of food, and maybe have an eating contest with Kirby. And of course, I'll go to bed tonight on the brink of exploding with all the food that I'll eat like each time it happens, because I know that there will be Maxim Tomato pies. Ugh..."

"Bah. You will burn it off with your training that would make Shining Armor cry his mommy."

"Not all, sadly," says Sweetie Belle before poking her slightly softer belly. "No matter how much I exercise, I always manage to gain a pound or two. Sometimes, I wonder if I should just leave the castle and go live in my own house to stop being in the presence of so much delicious food."

"This wouldn't work. Remember that we're in a world where you can barely do a dozen steps without finding some cookies or a piece of cake."

"This still would be less food than in this castle."

"You know that I could simply snap my fingers to solve the problem, right?"

"And then, I would have to explain how I suddenly got thin, and I doubt that saying 'I lost everything while sleeping' would work. This is the Dream Universe, but two plus two still equals four."

"Why don't you simply reveal his existence?" she hears Yarn asking from the desk where he has been left with his brother and Sweetie's clothes.

"You know the Waddle Dees. They wouldn't feel safe with a guy like him possibly watching over their back all day. They would constantly be in fear of seeing him appearing and creating chaos."

"I don't need to create chaos. There's already enough chaos in this castle thanks to you and Dedede."

"Hey! I-"

"The noodle incident."

"That was only-"

'Your attempt to get a Cutie Mark about creating robots. That Sword Knight is still jumping in fright each time he hears 'exterminate'."

"Uh... I didn't think that-"

"That time you played with Spikezilla."

Yin and Yarn burst into laughter. "Oh yeah!" says Yin.

"Dedede's face when he ate all of his food!" says Yarn.

"And then, Dedede started chasing him in all the castle! Oh! That was fantastic!"

"I just wanted a pet..." says Sweetie Belle.

"A pet the size of an elephant with fangs, claws, and breathing fire?" asks Mini-Discord.

"So he could help me fight the bad guys. He was very useful against Shadowbite."

"You can knit him again anytime."

"But each time, he's not the same... Wait! I know!"

Quickly grabbing Yin and Yarn, Sweetie Belle starts knitting. In just a few seconds, she creates some kind of small doll version of Spike.

"Mini-Discord looks at it, eyebrow raised. "I don't follow."

"Each time that I knit Spikezilla, he 'dies' when I have to unpick him, so the next one has nothing from the previous one. But..." She shows the Spike doll. "If I turn this doll into Spikezilla, and Spikezilla back into this doll, then he will not 'die' anymore, he will just... go to sleep, so to say. Now, he will always remain the same Spikezilla! And I will always have him beside me ready to fight for me! Or to play with me!"

"But you still can't play with him in the castle."

"Yeah. Because he's too big and too dangerous. BUT!"

She starts knitting again, making the Spike doll grow in size until it reaches half her size. Once she's finished, the doll starts moving and looking around in curiosity.

"Tadaa! Say hello to Spiky!" She hugs the doll. "Spikezilla's pet form."

"Oh, I see. So, the doll form for when you need him to stay asleep, Spikezilla form for when you will need him to fight, and Spiky form for the rest. Clever girl. Well, good job, you now have a pet slash doll slash battle monster. What a great world. However, I don't think that Spike will take it well."

"It's the only way that I could find to keep him. And as good as I've become at using Yin and Yarn's power, I don't know yet how to give sentience to my creations like they could do. All I can do is giving an animal-like mind at best. So, for a dragon doll with an animal-like mind, this small size is the best so he will not be a hoofful. And he's so cute!" She starts tickling the doll's belly, making him laugh. "Yes, you're a little cutie! Yes, you are!"

She suddenly sees a flash, and sees Mini-Discord with a camera. "There. This should give diabetes to some of the ponies back home. Speaking of, you've a letter," he says, pointing at the desk.

Looking at the desk, Sweetie Belle spots the letter. She puts Spiky on her back, the doll starting to play with her mane, and takes the letter.

Dear Sweetie Belle.
We have seen your adventure, and what happened with Magolor. I know that it already happened in the past with Marx, but this must still hurt. But you must not forget that you still have many friends that will remain at your side no matter what, starting with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who are really worried about you. Don't lose sight of friendship because of the actions of an idiot.

I didn't intend to. I still trust my friends despite Magolor using me, and he regretted it just after.

Princesses Celestia and Luna were with us and saw everything. They are really impressed by how much powerful you have become with your friends. The five of you were able to take down a monster more powerful than even Tirek after all! We were at the edge of our sits during all the fight, and we were encouraging you with even more energy than father encouraging his favorite hoofball team. Rainbow and Applejack were screaming so much that I thought that I would become deaf! Thankfully, princess Luna didn't use the Royal Canterlot Voice thanks to princess Celestia. Discord even created a cheerleader team of copies of himself for you (with Fluttershy as the mascot)! Now, princess Luna wants to fight you once you return

"Really? Neat!"

and the list of parties that Pinkie Pie wants to throw for you has grown bigger.

Saving a whole universe, fighting such a powerful being, and escaping the collapsing of another universe... I am so proud, Sweetie. We are all proud. You and your friends are the greatest heroes we have ever seen. I've also gotten some grey hairs after those events, but I'm your sister, so it's normal to get some with how much you are risking your life. (I'm kidding, of course. I haven't really gotten grey hairs)

I love you, and I look forward to hug you again.

Your sister, Rarity.

"Well, princess Luna wants to fight me now."


"Not at all. I know that by the time I come back, I will be strong enough to fight her. I must, to fight one day the Dark God, and Kirby."

Putting the letter in a drawer with the others and Spiky on the floor, she puts her clothes, attaches Yin and Yarn to the belt along with her whip.

"Do you know where Dedede and the others are?" she asks.

"Dedede and Bandana Dee are playing chess at the usual spot outside the castle. Kirby and Meta Knight are with them, respectively napping and reading a book."

"Thank you. Let's go Spiky."


"See you, Dissy."

"Dissy? Seriously?"

"Well, you aren't the real Discord, so it was time that I give another name, and giving Spiky his name gave me this idea. It fits you. So from now on, you are Dissy."

Sweetie then leaves the room with Spiky, giggling, while Dissy sighs and rolls his eyes.

"If real me learns about this..."

A hole in space appear beside him, and out of it comes Discord's head who says "I already know, Dissy," before returning in the hole that closes as he laughs.

Dissy opens it back and says "Remember to warn the others about the duel between Sweetie Belle and Dedede!"

"Of course, Dissy."

Dissy closes the hole, grumbling, as Discord continues laughing.

Sweetie Belle goes on the castle's lower roof that is just in front of the 'eyes', which is where Dedede likes playing chess in the calm of Dreamland. Like Dissy said, Dedede and Bandana Dee are there, playing, and like always, Dedede is losing. Kirby and Meta Knight are beside them on lounging chairs, napping and reading a book.

Funny enough, a butterfly is also resting on Kirby's head.

Dedede places a tower beside Bandana's king. "Check!"

Bandana Dee takes a bishop, and uses it to capture the tower. "Checkmate."


"You could have taken my bishop first with your knight before placing your tower. You should stop focusing only on taking the enemy's king and watch the whole board before acting."

Dedede just pouts in answer, turning his head. He then sees Sweetie Belle approaching, and smiles.

"Oh! You're finally awake!" He then spots the walking dragon doll beside her, and frowns. "Really, Sweetie Belle? After last time?"

"Come on! He's only half my size this time!" She grabs the doll and presents him to Dedede. "I present you Spiky, Spikezilla's pet form. And don't worry, I will turn him into Spikezilla only to fight bad guys."

"Will he put the castle on fire?"

"As long as we keep an eye on him, no."

Dedede stares at the doll, doubting. Seeing this, Sweetie Belle gives him the puppy dog eyes.

"Please, Dedede. He will be a good boy."

He sighs. "Very well." He puts a hand under his chin, thinking. "Beside, I already imagine the face of future potential invaders at seeing that small guy turning into a giant monster. He will be a secret weapon."


"Are you alright, Sweetie Belle?" asks Bandana.

"Yup. I'm well rested, and the Maxim Tomato healed all my injuries." She looks at Dedede. "We can start our fight anytime."

Dedede smirks. "You aren't losing time, uh?"

"Nope. I want to prove my superiority as soon as possible."

"Oh, you're asking for it. To the ring, right now!"

"Already? But she has barely woken up!" shouts Bandana. He turns to Sweetie Belle. "Don't you want first to pass some time with us, talking about our adventure, having some lunch, and all?"

"I will have all the time to talk and eat during the banquet. I have been waiting to win a fight against Dedede for too long."

"You think you'll win it?" asks Dedede.

"I know I'll win it."

"You two..." sighs Meta Knight.

The stands around the ring are full to the brim of members of Dedede's army so hyped that they are already cheering loudly for either Sweetie Belle or Dedede. Since there are not enough places for everyone in the army, cameras have been placed, broadcasting the event to the rest of the castle, and even to the other fortresses around Dreamland, without forgetting Whispy who wants to see it too. Everyone in Dedede's army want to see the fight between the king and his second in command, The Fatal Cutie Sweetie Belle.

Of course, Sweetie Belle's closest friends in the army, as well as some chosen ones around the kingdom, have gotten places. And so, Kirby, Meta Knight, Bandana Dee, Broom Sunglasses, Cape Knight, Knuckle Joe, the animals, Gooey, Marx, Adeleine, and even Daroach are sitting together, some of them eating popcorn, a whole pile of them beside Kirby. Spiky is sitting on Adeleine's lap, playing with a painted butterfly flying in a circle around him.

"When do they start?!" asks Knuckle Joe. "When do they start?! When do they start?! When-"

"Soon!" shouts back an irritated Cape Knight.

"What are the chances of the king winning?" asks Bandana.

"Honestly? I'm betting on a big, round 0%," answers Broom Sunglasses. "As soon as Sweetie Belle starts singing, he's as good as dead."

"You're underestimating Dedede," says Meta Knight. "I'm certain he will put up a great fight despite Sweetie Belle's overwhelming powers."

"But you know he will still lose," remarks Broom Sunglasses.

"Sweetie Belle hasn't even revealed yet what her whip can do," says Bandana.

Meta Knight doesn't reply.

"The king will use his mecha hammer," informs Cape Knight.

"Really?" asks Adeleine. "From what I've heard, this hammer can shoot missiles."

"Yep, and also fire," says Bandana. "He almost beat Kirby with it."

"This will be violent!" shouts Marx.

That's when the two fighters finally climb on the ring, and the electric cage is coming down.

"Oooh! They're even using the cage! THEY'RE USING THE CAAAAGE!!!" shouts Knuckle Joe, who shakes Cape Knight in his excitement.

Cape Knight takes his sword and uses it to bonk Knuckle Joe on the head, calming him.

On the ring, Sweetie Belle and Dedede are facing each other, each holding their chosen weapon; the mecha whip for the filly, and the mecha hammer for the king.

"I wonder... Why aren't you taking this hammer with you all the time?" asks Sweetie Belle.

"It's too heavy. It would tire me. But the time of a fight, it's perfect."

The cage finishes to settle around them, and the electricity starts running through it. Everyone on the stands become quiet.

Dedede then starts chuckling, before bursting into laughter.

Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow. "What's funny?"

Dedede calms his laugh before replying. "I started all this. I auto-proclaimed myself king of Dreamland, and stole all the food for me, getting my butt kicked by Kirby who came from nowhere at this moment. I started a personal war against him, and I started training you thinking that you would help me getting rid of him. But then, this war turned into a more friendly rivalry, and my hate of Kirby eventually disappeared, and I stopped trying to surpass Kirby. But you... You continued, for me. You promised me that you would defeat Kirby, my goal became your goal, and now, here we are, seeing if you have surpassed me, who is pretty much your master, who made you into who you are today."

Sweetie Belle nods. "You, as well as Meta Knight, are steps that I must climb to reach Kirby. If I want to defeat Kirby and keep my promise, then I must first defeat you, to prove that I am closer to my goal. But also..." She smiles evilly. "Since the day you started training me, you beat me like a rag doll again and again. Finally beating you will be a personal satisfaction."

"Yeah, it was fun kicking your butt. Now, let's see if you will kick mine." He takes a defensive stance, hammer ready. "Come!"

"I don't need!" she shouts before firing a magical beam.

Dedede deflects it with a swing of the hammer. "If you refuse to come, then I'm coming!"

As everyone starts cheering again, he jumps, and Sweetie Belle runs away before he falls back on her. She then jumps to avoid the shockwave that he creates when landing. As she jumps, Dedede swings his hammer toward her, and she covers her right front hoof with both a shield and her soul energy before punching the hammer. This doesn't destroy it, but it propels her back far enough to not be reached by Dedede's swings. So Dedede plants the hammer on the floor, opens it, and fires a few missiles. Sweetie Belle covers her hooves in soul energy, and punches the missiles on the sides to deflect them before firing a Force Blast that Dedede dodges by side-stepping.

Sweetie Belle then cracks her whip on the floor, confusing everyone because she's actually too far to reach Dedede with it. She cracks it again, and again, prompting Dedede to ask "What are you doing?"

She smirks. "Lowering your guard."

She cracks her whip another time... Only, to everyone's surprise, the metal parts separate, letting appear between them what seems to be Sweetie's green magic given a physical form that keeps the parts linked together while lengthening the whip greatly, to the point that she is able to reach Dedede's face all the way from the opposite side of the ring.

Despite being suddenly hit in surprise, Dedede quickly recovers and is able to parry the next attack, so Sweetie Belle stops attacking and lets her whip floating around her like a snake.

"Ugh. Your whip can do that..."

She smiles. "Yup. My whip is not only mechanical, but also magical. I worked hard with the guys that created your mecha hammers, and the frozen Earth's robots to create it. Thanks to my magic being a part of it, it can become as long as I want, and I can manipulate it like a sixth limb." Her smile grows larger. "And I can make it do much more."

The magic inside the whip suddenly turns into fire, and Sweetie turns it into a wheel, the start of the whip touching its end, before it starts to roll toward Dedede, now looking like a wheel made of fire. Dedede quickly rolls out of the way, and the firewheel passes beside him, only to turn and to roll toward him again. So Dedede spins on himself with his hammer, and hits the whip, propelling it back toward the wall of the cage, only to be punched from behind by the filly. As soon as he feels the hit, he turns around and punches her back. He then spots the whip now flying like a snake, the magic inside now replaced by electricity, and lightning bolts start raining under it. He runs away from it toward Sweetie Belle who is creating a sword of ice. The two clash, but then he starts inhaling, and Sweetie Belle can't do anything in time to avoid finding herself inside his mouth, which causes her to lose control on the whip that falls on the floor. Dedede then spits her toward the cage, and Sweetie Belle is electrified when hitting it.

Not losing time, Dedede spins, and throws his mecha hammer toward her, the hammer still spinning in the air. Recovering, Sweetie Belle jumps to avoid it, but is then hit from above by Dedede now holding his normal hammer, and is crushed on the floor. From under the hammer, Sweetie Belle manipulates her whip to wrap Dedede with it, and the whip still being electrified, Dedede is heavily shocked by it. After a few seconds, Dedede is able to use his great strength to free himself from it, but is then punched in the belly so strongly that he's thrown against the cage at the opposite side of the ring.

Sweetie Belle then makes her whip fly again, the magic inside turning back to normal, and as it flies in front of her, she jumps on it, making sure that her hooves land on the metal parts. On her whip, she starts flying randomly above the ring, always staring at Dedede as he recovers and stares back at her, sweating.

She smirks.

"Leeeeeeeet's do it, you against me!"

Seeing the familiar glowing aura appear around the filly, Dedede frowns, sweating even more.

"Using my own anthem against me..."

"I will not let you defeat me Dedede!
The reason for that is really easy:
Proving that I am closer to beat Kirby!
For you, my friend!"

While flying around, Sweetie Belle starts firing energy balls that home in Dedede, and the penguin rolls, jumps, deflects as much as he can to avoid the maximum possible. When he reaches his mecha hammer, he grabs it with just his right hand, still holding his normal hammer with his left hand, to the admiration of the Bonkers in the room.

"You have trained me to one day reach this goal.
You made a warrior out of a foal.
And I am now among the strongest of all!
Thank you, my friend!"

Sweetie Belle jumps, and her whip becomes longer, reaching the walls of the cage at the opposite sides of the ring while becoming tight, now looking like a horizontal pole which is electrified by the cage. Landing on a forming platform, Sweetie Belle then makes it go down until reaching Dedede's level, and makes it go left and right, forcing Dedede to jump above it to not be electrified.

Her obstacle ready, Sweetie Belle then jumps from her platform toward Dedede to punch him, only to end up punching the mecha hammer. She jumps from it to avoid being hit by the other hammer.

"Dark Matters, Dark Mind, Drawcia, and Zero two;
I've beat the darkest villains so why not you?
Combining magic and my soul makes me strong,
So I can go to my next target before long!

They start exchanging attacks, Sweetie Belle punching left and right while Dedede parries most of the time, and Dedede swinging his hammers from all directions, Sweetie Belle dodging the majority of them, all the while jumping above the moving whip, the two of them trying to get the other to touch it to gain the advantage.

Meta Knight nods as he hears the last line, ready to be challenged by Sweetie Belle anytime.

"I don't mean that you'll be easy,
But I must get my victory!
Because this is a test
To continue my quest
To become the best!

She takes back her whip, letting it tight but making it smaller, and jumps away from Dedede. When landing, she goes on her back hooves and twirls her whip, now a staff, to show off before holding it behind her, ready to attack.

She then signs at Dedede to come at her.

"Bring it, my mentor king!"

Dedede charges toward her. She charges toward him.

And they clash.

"Let's go, everyone will be recalling
For the many years that will be coming
The two of us clashing on this boxing ring!
Until! The end!

Dedede swings down the mecha hammer, and is parried by one of the extremities of Sweetie's staff. He swings the other hammer, and the filly parries it with the other extremity of her staff. She spins to avoid another swing of the mecha hammer, and back kicks Dedede in the belly while putting the staff on her back to parry the wooden hammer again. Dedede trips her on her belly by kicking her other leg, and opens his mouth to inhale her again. This time, Sweetie belle turns into metal so her weight is too heavy for Dedede to inhale, and she quickly turns around to fire an explosive ball inside his mouth, the ball exploding inside it and hurting him.

She turns back to normal to go back on her legs, but Dedede chooses this moment to fall on her to crush her with all his weight. Trapped under his belly, Sweetie Belle turns her fur into spikes, forcing him to go back up in pain and freeing her. With a jump, she returns on her back legs and swings her staff at Dedede's face, the extremity of the staff turning back into the whip to wrap itself around his neck. She then pulls down, slamming Dedede's face on the floor.

"So come, give all you have! Do not hold your blow!
I'll return everything that you throw!
And give everyone the best of all shows!
Until! The end!"

On the floor, Dedede uses his feet to propel himself and headbutt Sweetie Belle. Despite the hit getting the breath out of her, Sweetie Belle is able to invoke a shield below Dedede and to make it go up, getting him crushed against the ceiling of the cage, electrifying him again. As soon as the shield disappears and that Dedede starts to fall, he starts spinning in the air with his two hammers, destroying many projectiles that Sweetie Belle throws at him. When he's about to reach her, she jumps out of the way, then jumps back toward him to bonk him on the head with her staff. He returns, and she takes a hit from the mecha hammer propelling her to the wall of the cage.

Dedede plants the mecha hammer and a stream of fire is expelled from it toward the filly, who quickly jumps back to her hooves and creates a mirror shield to reflect the fire back to Dedede, only for the penguin to twirl his wooden hammer, stopping the fire from reaching him. With one swing of Sweetie's hoof, the mirror shield is thrown toward Dedede. To not be slammed, he takes the mecha hammer and, using the jet integrated in it, violently swings it down on the shield, breaking it before slamming the hammer on the floor, creating a shockwave. As the shockwave approaches, Sweetie turns her staff back into a whip and makes it fly before jumping on it like before, avoiding the attack.

"We protected the universe together.
At your side I have grown and become better.
So this is why I must not disappoint you
By giving you a fight that is worthy of you."

On her flying whip, she flies toward Dedede, hoof ready to punch, and again, she ends up punching the mecha hammer. A quick move to the back lets her avoid the wooden hammer, and she starts flying around Dedede, attacking him from all sides with both punches, materialized weapons, and magical or energized projectiles. Rapidly having enough, Dedede starts spinning again, forcing Sweetie Belle to fly back, only for the filly to be surprised by the mecha hammer starting to expel fire, burning her until she flies up out of the way while surrounding herself with a shield of water.

With her shield of water, she turns back her whip into a staff while still flying on it, and charges back toward the still spinning Dedede, the extremity of her staff clashing with Dedede's mecha hammer. Like always, Dedede tries to hit Sweetie Belle with his wooden hammer, but Sweetie Belle has been prepared for it, and she wraps the other extremity of her staff/whip around the hammer's handle before forcefully pulling it out of Dedede's grip before destroying it by crushing it between her metallised energy boosted hooves as she flies back up.

She jumps, and grabs her whip turning fully into a staff again.

"Oh Great King, I will hold my end,
And against you I will defend!"

Air jumping, she envelops her staff with as much soul energy as she can give it, focusing it at the extremity, while Dedede is spinning again, the jet of his mecha hammer roaring as he gains speed.

"I will show you my might
That gives villains much fright
And finish this fight!"

Pointing her staff toward Dedede like a spear, Sweetie Belle plunges toward him. Seeing her coming, Dedede, with the huge momentum gained with his spinning and the hammer's jet, swings it toward her.

"Let's go, you against me!

The staff hits the mecha hammer, and a huge amount of energy is expelled by the impact, covering the two fighters in an explosion of light, followed by a real explosion, and creating a powerful shockwave that destroys the cage, collapses the ring, and force everyone to close their eyes and cling to each other to not be sent flying.

When everything calms down, and the spectators can open their eyes, the remains of the ring are covered in a cloud of smoke. Little by little, the cloud disappears and reveals the smoking pieces of Dedede's mecha hammer here and there. Finally, Dedede's unconscious body is revealed, Sweetie Belle on his belly.

The filly raises her hooves in victory, and the whole room explodes into cheering.

"The king has fallen," says Broom Sunglasses.

Tears are suddenly cascading on Cape Knight from Knuckle Joe.

"That was so awesome! I'm so proud of her!"

Annoyed, Cape Knight is thankfully helped by a Parasol Waddle Dee giving him a parasol to protect him from the sudden shower of tears.

Bandana Dee is so amazed by the fight that he's literally glowing, almost blinding Meta Knight.

"I want that whip," says Daroach.

"Sorry bud, it's obvious it only works with her magic," replies Marx.

Broom Sunglasses then gets up and yells "Queen Sweetie Belle! Queen Sweetie Belle!"

"What are you doing?" asks Cape Knight.

Broom Sunglasses doesn't answers, but he seems to start a chain reaction, more and more of the spectators repeating what he says until almost all of them sing "Queen Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie Belle looks around her in shock, blushing, then shouts, voice amplified by her magic to be heard, "N-no! This is not because I've beat Dedede that I'm now the queen! I don't want to be the queen! You all know that I will one day return to my world!"

"But you said yourself that you would come back in the future to live here," she then hears Dedede says. Sweetie Belle looks toward his face, seeing that he's already awake, and smiling at her. "Seems like they've decided who will be the next ruler of Dreamland in a few years."

Sweetie huffs. "Or this is just another scheme of Broom Sunglasses to annoy me."

"Them calling you queen doesn't seem to be fake."

"I don't want to steal your throne. If I become queen, then this will be of another kingdom." At this, she go down from Dedede's belly. "Are you alright?"

"I feel like a mountain fell on me, but the banquet should fix that. I'm just lucky I have another mecha hammer stocked."

"Sorry about that."

"I don't believe it! My little sister may become a queen in the future!"

It doesn't take long after that for the banquet celebrating both the heroes saving the universe and Sweetie Belle defeating Dedede to start.

"You know, despite everything I said, I knew that you would beat me today. I could already see in our adventure that you had become stronger. And your whip, allied to your magic and your soul energy, is a wonderful weapon," comments Dedede as he eats meat.

"This explains why there are already banners congratulating me," replies Sweetie Belle, the filly gobbling a Maxim Tomato pie. Spiky, who's sitting beside her, is happily eating meat too.

One can wonder how something made of yarn can eat meat, and where this meat goes.

"When will you fight Meta Knight?" asks Adeleine.

"Mmh... I'm not sure. I first want to see his fight against Dedede to see if I have a chance against him."

"Of course you've a chance against him. Meta Knight is strong, but not that strong."

"I swear," they hear Bandana Dee shouting to Broom Sunglasses. "We saw the Dark God's footprints, and they were bigger than all five of us together!"

"An exploit, with how the king is big," replies Broom Sunglasses.

"Hey!" shouts Dedede.

"For once, it's not me," says Sweetie Belle, giggling.

"The Dark God must be huge!" shouts Knuckle Joe. "How will you fight him?!"

"I don't know!" shouts back Bandana Dee in panic.

"Too bad you had to destroy the Master Crown. It would have been useful," says Marx.

"It was corrupted by the Dark God," replies Sweetie Belle. "It was for the best. Heck, the final form of Magolor even had a big eye like the Dark Matters and Zero." She gets goosebumps thinking back to it. "Why did it have to be in the mouth?"

The banquet continues with more discussions about the heroes' adventure, punctuated by some animated moments like when Daroach runs away from the kitchen with a bag full of food being chased by some cooks before leaving the castle, or when Marx threw a pie on Dedede's face for fun.

Until a Blade Knight comes in the room and says to Dedede "A ship has appeared out of a portal outside the castle. It goes toward the rampart, what do we do?"

Sweetie gasps. "It's the Lor Starcutter! It's back! Don't do anything to it, it's a friendly ship." At this, she leaves her chair, not without some difficulty with how stuffed she is now, and starts walking toward the exit, there again slowed down by her heavy stomach. She is quickly followed by the others, Dedede grabbing her and placing her on his back before running.

That ship had to choose to reappear now...

They all exit the castle on the rampart, at the spot where Dedede likes playing chess, and they see that the Lor Starcutter, now repaired, is already hovering at the edge. When they approach, the door opens, and the ramp appears.

In the light coming from inside the ship, an egg-shaped silhouette shows itself...

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