• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Skyrim: The Faces of Death - Blackdrag-rose

Amaryllis, a changeling infiltrator for Chrysalis' hive, goes looking for her missing queen, but is teleported to a brand new world in the process, one that is unlike anything she's seen so far, while also being in the middle of a war.

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Brotherhood: The Lumberjack and the Beggar

After finding Beitild and killing her where someone wouldn't have noticed her do the deed, and checking out the building that the second argument she had spotted had been in front of, something that had allowed her to discover that the man who owned the structure had created a museum and that he wanted her to find some blade fragments for him, which he claimed went to an artifact of a Daedric Prince, Amaryllis entered the inn that was near the edge of town, so she could rest for a bit and get ready for the morning. What she discovered was that three of the local girls were talking to someone who was wearing orange colored robes with a yellow hood, a priest by her estimates, where they mentioned some nightmares that seemed to have infected the town, which explained why some of Dawnstar's residents seemed more exhausted than she was expecting, though she did think that such a thing was interesting due to the fact that she knew that one of the Princesses in Canterlot had some sort of connection to the realm of dreams, so she had to assume that such a realm was real for this world as well. From what she overheard some of the townspeople were experiencing the same dream over and over again, or the same nightmare over and over again based on what they had been talking about when she and Meeko entered the inn, but Erandur, the priest the girls were talking to, claimed that he was doing everything he could at the moment and merely asked that the people of this town put their faith in Lady Mara, even though it did appear that he might be at a loss and had no idea how to proceed. The girls that had gathered near him thanked him for the assistance he was able to offer them and returned to their duties, as one stayed inside the inn, meaning she was the serving girl that tended to the patrons, while the others headed back outside, no doubt heading home to talk with whoever they lived with, which told her that they had done what they had come to do and were returning to whatever it was that both of them did at this point in time.

Amaryllis had no idea what the priest was going to do to combat the nightmares, especially the incredibly persistent ones like the people of this town were experiencing, based on what they had described to the priest, but right now this wasn't something she was going to bother with, not since she had two more targets to take down before returning to the rest of her Family, not to mention the fact that she was planning on tracking down the three fragments of the Razor, which would take some time to accomplish.

The first thing she did was make sure she and Meeko had some food for the evening and that the room was rented for the period of time they would be visiting the town, before she sat down near the fire and pulled out the journal that the man from the museum had given her, though it was in that moment she discovered that his name was Silus Vesuius, meaning she wouldn't have to refer to him as "the man" anymore. The journal itself really didn't give her all that much information to go on, even though Silus claimed that it would be helpful to her in some way, but what she was able to figure out was that Jorgen resided in Morthal and that he knew the location of the Razor's hilt, Ghunzul was the leader of the Cracked Tusk Bandits, a group who Silus suspected operated near the city of Falkreath, and that he was in possession of the blade fragments, while Drascua was somewhere in the Reach, an area named Dead Crone Rock, and that she had the pommel stone. Some of the information interested Amaryllis, such as the fact that one of them seemed to be near the area that the Sanctuary was located, meaning she could likely claim that piece either when she returned to her new Family or when she left once she had the next set of targets, while all of the information that had been put into finding out about the group that claimed the Razor didn't catch her attention as much as she suspected Silus was hoping for, because she didn't have an interest in that part of the journal. In the end, however, she decided that it was worth looking into, especially since Silus was willing to pay for the fragments of the ancient weapon, before she put the journal away and relaxed a little, as walking all day was tiring, that had to be said, but until she was more familiar with Skyrim and where all the important places were located, something that would take some time, she was going to refrain from flying everywhere, but once she had a better grasp of the land she might use her wings more often.

Once she was done thinking about all of that, and made sure everything was put away, she retired to the room she rented and turned in for the night, where Meeko laid down near the bed and closed his eyes as well, showing that he was tired from all the walking and that he needed some rest, to which she smiled for a moment before she did the same thing, as they would need to be well rested for tomorrow morning and the next leg of her journey, since they would be heading to Windhelm and then Ivarstead.

When morning arrived Amaryllis and Meeko rose to meet it, though the first thing she did was expand a little more of her magic to make it look like she was wearing leather armor, complete with a hood instead of a helmet, though once that was done she made sure to grab something for breakfast as soon as they left the room she had rented, which they ate for a few moments as a couple of townspeople came in to chat with the innkeeper and get something to eat as well. A pair of guards came into the inn as well and sat down close to where she and Meeko were sitting, as she was at a table near the counter, where she overheard them talking about what had been discovered earlier that morning, like an hour ago based on what they had said, making her wonder if the workers had discovered Beitild's body, and if so it sure took them a long time to notice that their angry boss was dead. One of the guards mentioned that he could have sworn that he noticed an assassin from the Dark Brotherhood somewhere in the town last night, but given how late it was he had chalked it up to his imagination getting the better of him, causing his partner to sigh as they removed their helmets, revealing that they were Nords, not that she was remotely surprised by that fact, and ate the food that they had ordered from the innkeeper, brought to them by the serving girl. Amaryllis suspected that the first guard was the one she had talked to last night, in fact his voice sounded like what she had heard last night, and when she glanced at them for a moment she found him staring at her for a second, before giving her the shortest of nods, without his partner noticing the movement, and went back to his food. That was all the confirmation that Amaryllis needed, the guard recognized her despite the fact that she had taken a few moments to change her armor's appearance, granted it could also be due to the fact that she was still in her Khajiit disguise, but for the most part he didn't seem interested in arresting her, especially since she had done the deed when no one was around to witness Beitild's death, along with the fact that this ended her feud with her husband, something the townspeople had been annoyed with for a long time.

Once she was done with her food, and Meeko had finished off his as well, she stood up, made sure she had paid for both the food and the room, and took a moment to make sure all of her possessions were in place before leaving the room and headed outside, to which she and Meeko turned to their left and headed down the path that would allow them to leave Dawnstar, before someone figured out that she was the one who killed Beitild and came after her.

It didn't take her and Meeko that long to make it back to where the fork in the road was, where she glanced to their right for a moment and spotted the ruin they had walked by yesterday, one that seemed to serve no purpose these days, but as soon as she noticed that she turned her attention back to the path in front of them and resumed walking, as she knew that the road would bring her back to Windhelm, where she could look for Ennodius and cross off the second name from the list of targets Nazir that had given her. Part of her was hoping that this part of her journey would be quiet and that she wouldn't run into so many obstacles again, especially some of those mock battles, as that particular obstacle had wasted more time than she was willing to admit, but she was barely twenty minutes away from Dawnstar before a pair of wolves decided that they would make a nice snack and decided to attack her and Meeko. Fortunately she only had to worry about her new companion for a few seconds, as Meeko growled and rolled out of the way as the wolf that went for him tried to bite him, only to spring back up and bite the wolf in the neck when it's guard was lowered, to which Amaryllis turned her attention to her own foe and dodged the incoming attack as well, before drawing her blade as she cut into the wolf's side and took it out, which was the moment that her companion snapped his foe's neck and let go. Meeko happily barked as Amaryllis cleaned off the blood that had gotten on his muzzle, which belonged to the wolf he had killed, and once she was satisfied the two of them continued down the road that was in front of them, all while making sure to avoid the giant camp that was off on their right, as Amaryllis knew that neither of them could handle a creature like that, even if she used her magic to fight it.

The road, as Amaryllis soon discovered, was full of twists and turns this time around, instead of being rather straight like the rest of the roads she had walked on so far, but she was fine with that and focused on making sure they didn't get lost on the way to Windhelm, as all she had to do was find the fork in the road that was near where Cicero had been and she would be able to find her way to the mill her target was located near. She knew that the rest of the journey, from the fork to the mill, would be rather easy since most of the obstacles had been removed when she made her way to Windhelm the first time and that meant it should be smooth sailing for the most part, though part of her knew that she should expect to run into trouble, given that she was in a new land and all, so she decided to keep her guard up a little as they walked, just in case her smooth sailing was ruined. About an hour after their departure from Dawnstar Amaryllis noticed a small fort off to their left, where she spotted a few bandits walking up on the upper walkways, no doubt looking for people to rob and kill to make their day interesting, but instead of tangling with them she continued down the road before the bandits noticed her and Meeko, as she was sure they would attempt to stop her if they knew she was there and right now she had no desire to mess with bandits. Normally she would stop and remove the bandits, especially after her encounters with the couple of bandit groups at the start of her quest, though she was sure there were other adventurers that were currently in the middle of their own journeys and that they would take out the bandits they came across, meaning it was only a matter of time until this group was found and taken out by someone, hence why she ignored them and Meeko remained silent as he did the same thing, showing he was smarter than a normal dog.

Half an hour later she was forced to stop as she found a brand new mock battle going on between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks, though at the same time there were a few things different than what she found near that dwarven ruin, where the first fact was that both factions appeared to be fighting over a fort, though what was more important to her was the fact that she and Meeko could walk around the wooden walls and not get dragged into the battle. Of course she knew it would be hard for either side to notice her, given that they were in the middle of a fight and that they had no problems tearing down the bandits that were trying to kill them, as based on what she knew bandits loved to reside in ruins and had a problem with anyone who tried to liberate such a place for either side of the war, hence why they were trying to tear all of the invaders apart. Thanks to the fact that all three sides were so engaged in their battle Amaryllis and Meeko were able to bypass them by heading to the side of the fortress, where they carefully moved around the wooden wall and for a few seconds as they headed towards the road that was on the other side, which would allow them to get back on track, though she was hopeful that none of the soldiers or bandits spotted them at this point in time. A few minutes later both she and Meeko were on the other section of the road, walking away from the fortress that everyone was so keen on fighting over, even if the two major factions didn't seem in the mood to kill each other, allowing her to refocus on what she was doing and forget about what they had just seen. Of course there also happened to be a large frostbite spider further down the road, likely five minutes from the fortress, but her luck continued to be good as a small group of Imperial soldiers cut the creature down and then continued their charge towards the keep, no doubt reinforcements for the battle, something that caused Amaryllis to shake her head as she continued down the road, deciding not to think about what was going on in the fort that was behind her and just focused her attention on where she was going.

Another hour of walking later brought a smile to her face, as she and Meeko had managed to reach the fork in the road she was looking for, without encountering any major obstacles that they would have to fight their way through, save for bypassing the battle for the fort, to which she continued along the path she had followed not that long ago, heading in the direction of Anga's Mill once more, as that was the name that Nazir assigned to the mill she walked by when she decided to check on Aventus.

She and Meeko spent the next hour and a half following the path she had followed to reach Windhelm, where she spotted the inn she had stopped at and learned the summon chest spell that she used every now and then to store the majority of her gold in a safe place, as well as the odd cave that was further down the road, one that had been cleared out by some of Windhelm's guards. As she suspected the road was clear of obstacles, thanks to the guards that had walked up and down this area earlier, meaning they were able to make good time this time around, though she did pause a couple of times to let Meeko do something else for a few minutes, like roll around in the snow or play with the odd stick that he wanted her to throw, showing that he could fight and that he could have fun, that he wasn't like a war dog or anything like that, but at least he wasn't depressed by losing his old master like that. She did see a bear with a white coat laying by the lake, where she suspected that it was likely resting as it waited for something to come near the area that it was sleeping in, since there wasn't any blood anywhere near it, but since she didn't want to disturb it, even if she was far from where it was resting at the moment, she continued walking and eventually Meeko joined her. Other than that there was nothing else for her to worry about, allowing her to focus on reaching their destination and playing with Meeko when he wanted to take a break, though she knew that the moment they got close to the hill that overlooked the area that Ennodius lived in she would have to focus on her mission and hope that no one else happened to be in the area, otherwise she would be waiting there, until the perfect opportunity arrived for her to complete her second assignment. Not a few minutes later they reached the area that she was looking for, where she spotted the man she had spotted the last time she came through this area, still resting between the two small waterfalls in this area, but before they got close to him Amaryllis had Meeko stay near some rocks while she got ready to do what she had come to do, as she knew that a slight sound would alert her target and she needed silence for this to work.

Meeko laid down, showing that he understood her order, where she walked forward and dropped her illusion spell, which would allow anyone who might be looking at this area that an assassin from the Dark Brotherhood was at work, though it wasn't long before she came to a stop at a point that gave her a good view of where her target had decided to hide out for a time, as she decided to linger near a rock wall which happened to be in a diagonal line from where Ennodius' camp was resting. Not a few seconds later she decided to take this particular target out with her bow and one of her arrows, to which she pulled one of the arrows out and glanced around the area that she was in, quickly finding that there was no one else in the immediate area, as no one had been walking on the road behind her and there was no one coming up the hill that was in front of her, something that lead her to position her arrow as she readied herself. Once she was ready Amaryllis quickly pulled the bowstring back as she raised her bow, recalling her lessons for a few seconds, before she carefully aimed at her target, as she only had one chance to hit her target, because if her arrow missed Ennodius was going to hear it and run for the hills, which wouldn't be that bad since she could kill him where no one could witness it, but it would be annoying and time consuming. She waited for a few moments, as it looked like her target was moving a little as he took in the river that his camp was set up near, before she loosed the arrow and watched it fly through the air, though before the arrow hit it's mark Ennodius turned around for a few seconds, like he was going to get something out of his tent, which was the instant the arrow struck his chest, causing him to look down at it for a few seconds as a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes, only for him to fall forward and collide with the large rock his tent was near, where he went still after a moment or two, which informed her that the second target had been taken care of.

"That's not what I was expecting, but I'll take it." Amaryllis commented, because she was expecting Ennodius to move out of the way when he started to move, though she was perfectly fine with this turn of events and quickly used her magic to hide her assassin armor again, changing it to leather armor again, which would also make people suspect that she was a hunter and Meeko was her companion, before returning her bow to where she usually kept it and beckoned for Meeko to join her once more.

With her second target taken care of, and Meeko returned to her side with a happy bark, Amaryllis set off for Ivarstead, the location of her final target, the beggar known as Narfi, but based on what little she knew it appeared that this was more of a mercy killing, rather than letting someone like him spend the rest of his life in the state it was in, which really made it the oddest assassination out of the entire group she had been given. Beitild she could sort of understand, since the lady had been fighting with her husband all the time, especially out in an area where the public could see her, and she guessed that Ennodius made sense as well, as he must have irritated someone and then fled from a duel or something like that, but, no matter what she considered, Narfi seemed a little out of place when she considered the list of targets she had been given back in the Sanctuary. In the end she guessed that the Dark Brotherhood didn't ask questions about why someone wanted another person dead and only focused on the reward that came from each contract, a low amount of gold based on what Nazir had told her earlier, which she determined was something that she was going to have to get used to, especially since she was a member of the Family and would be expected to kill whoever happened to be on her list. Once she came to that decision, that she was going to have to stop asking questions about things, she turned her attention to her last target and considered what the best route to Ivarstead might be, where she pulled out her map again and looked at it for a couple of seconds, where she found that she would have to turn right at the next fork in the road and follow it for some time, before she would have to make a few more twists and turns so she could reach her destination, no doubt late into the evening if the trek from Rorikstead to Dawnstar was any indication.

In the end she stopped for a moment and considered what she was going to do, as she was going to walk over half the province to get to her next target, again she mentally added, and as much as she liked to walk around this land and see what it had to offer, in terms of locations and people to interact with, spending all her time doing that seemed like it might be more of a waste. After taking a minute or two to think about it she turned around and headed back to where she had loosed the arrow from, which seemed to confuse Meeko for a second, before she made sure no one was coming towards them from either direction again, where she found no one approaching them, and then dispelled all her disguise, allowing her magic to wash over her body once more as she returned to her true form. Once that was done she expected Meeko to start barking or growling at her, given that this was the first time he had seen her like this, but in the end he was unfazed by what he was seeing, meaning he had to have seen a lot of weird things with his old master, before Amaryllis started her wings and floated off the ground, as it felt good to use them again and made her consider just flying around to her targets in the future, to save time and energy. Once she was ready to depart from this area she carefully picked Meeko up, where she found that the dog remained as still as he possibly could, since this was the first time he was experiencing this sort of thing as well, and took off as she headed in the direction of Ivarstead, though she made sure to go at a speed that didn't freak Meeko out, while also making sure that they made good time and reached their destination as soon as possible, all so she could start her final assignment before heading back to the Sanctuary.

As she flew over the land of Skyrim, however, she glanced down at the areas that they were passing over and spotted a few places that were interesting, as at one point there was a cave with a small camp off to her right, along with a large dwarven ruin further up the hill, with a fortress resting over on her left, on the other side of a small mountain or hill, so that meant the two areas were separated from each other. It wasn't long before she passed over where a lake was located, with another fortress, smaller than the first one, a minute or two away from it, from her perspective anyway, but the other thing she noticed was that the snow was disappearing and was returning to the green landscape that almost matched the plains that were near the city of Whiterun. Far off to her left rested the sulfurous pools that she had seen during her trek from Windhelm to Riften, when she was going to kill Grelod the Kind, and the lone mountain that was in the middle of it all, an area she was planning on staying away from at the moment, hence the reason that she continued towards her own destination and flew over yet another fortress, this time occupied by what she assumed were mages. Near that fortress rested a waterfall that had a cave at the very bottom of it, meaning that either bandits or some wild animals called that area home, but she wasn't about to head down there and see what was inside the cave, as she was focused on what she was doing and made sure to head higher into the air, before one of the mages at the fortress noticed that something had flown through the area. When she reached the top of the waterfall she noticed that it went on for quite a while, as the river it was attached to seemed to be long and it likely went by Ivarstead, something she was sure her map would agree with if she looked at it, but that meant she needed to find a good place to land so she could set Meeko down and shift into a disguise before she approached the village her final target was located in.

Since she was carrying Meeko, and wasn't going as fast as she could have, it took Amaryllis about an hour to get near the small village that she was looking for, though when she spotted Ivarstead off in the distance she started to look for a place to land, though when she found a small cave at the base of the hill that went right to the village she knew she had found the perfect spot to land. Fortunately it seemed like the brown skinned beast that had called the area home, a troll if she remembered what she had been told correctly, wandered out of the opening it lived in and chased down a deer that dared to wander by the cavity, which gave Amaryllis some time to land near the edge of the small cave and set Meeko down, who seemed to understand that now wasn't the best time to make noise and kept quiet. While the troll was distracted Amaryllis let the magic wash over her body and reverted back to the disguise she had been wearing earlier, the Khajiit with leather armor, though while she was happy to be in this form again she was starting to wonder if it needed a name, just like some of the more creative disguises she formed back in Equestria, but decided that she could worry about that in the future, to which she and Meeko headed up the hill and left the area that the troll lived in behind. She was sure that the troll would catch the deer and then drag it's dinner back to it's cave, where it would rest until the next traveler came near it, but she was planning on being somewhere else when that happened, as she focused on Ivarstead and the fact that her third and final target was a simple beggar. She was still under the impression that Narfi was more of a mercy killing, instead of what she had learned when she visited Dawnstar and found Beitild, screaming at one of her workers and showing her why one of the other citizens of the town might've wanted her slain by an assassin, though she guessed that this was more of a way to help new assassins become thoughtless killers or something, to which she sighed and quickly decided that she would think about this at some point in the future, when she had time to do so.

It didn't take them more than five to ten minutes to reach Ivarstead and walk up the path to the inn, allowing her to see that there were six total structures in this village, two buildings that looked like houses, one of the nordic barrows she had been told about, a mill that no one seemed to be working at right now, the inn, and a ruined house that was on the other side of the river, where she spotted a man in ragged clothing standing near the water, like he was thinking about his life and what he should do with it. The other thing she had to focus on was the imposing mountain that was near the small village, the Throat of the World one of the Imperial soldiers had called it, the location of High Hrothgar and the mysterious Greybeards she had learned a little about, who had called the Dragonborn to study with them, or at least that was what the guards she had encountered not that long ago. She wasn't totally sure that she believed the tale that the guard had told her, even if he and the others seemed convinced that such a thing was happening, despite the fact that they claimed this hadn't happened for centuries, meaning they should have no way of knowing what had happened as well, regardless of what their stories said, but if there was a hero going around, taking the fight to the bandits and the other villains of the land, that meant she could focus on her work and her future. Once she considered that she turned her attention to those who were in Ivarstead, where she could see there were only four guards in this village, where they slept she had no idea since there didn't appear to be any barracks in the area, unless they took turns sleeping in the inn and had a permanent room that only they could use, though there was a chance that she was wrong and that these guards actually rotated out with the ones who were stationed in Rift. Regardless of which option was right, be they living in the inn or switching with a few guards from Riften, she knew that there were only four guards patrolling Ivarstead at the moment, meaning that she had to be careful with how she approached her last target, especially since she was sure that Narfi was over on the other side of the river, calling the ruined building his home, and right now he was in full view of everyone, so she had to figure out a good plan that would allow her to complete her final assignment.

As such the first thing she did was head into the inn, something that gave both herself and Meeko some peace and quiet, as she did know that flying like that had to freak the dog out and this would allow him to rest for a time, while also allowing her some time to come up with a better plan of attack for when she focused on Narfi, though as they entered the inn she found that the owner and the serving girl seemed to be in the middle of a discussion. As such neither of them noticed her enter the building, nor did they notice her as she took a seat close to the fire, while Meeko did the same and laid down in front of her, though while both of the individuals in this building talked she took her time thinking about the information she had learned since her arrival in Ivarstead. From what she knew it was still early in the evening, between two to three by her estimates, meaning it would be some time before she could use the shadows to her advantage, but in the end it really depended on what Narfi did and if he moved from the part of the river that he was standing near, as that was in full view of everyone else, so a guard would be able to see her kill him without any problems. Of course sitting in the inn and doing nothing really didn't sound like a good idea, no when she considered what all of the others did when they went out on their contracts, but Nazir did say that she could take all the time she needed to stalk her targets, which meant she could afford to spend a few hours doing something else, at least until Narfi did something that created an opening for her to use to get to him. That would require her to be outside, to see what was going on and if Narfi deviated from whatever pattern he was used to living at this point in time, so for now she decided that she and Meeko were going to rest for a time before she even considered going after the poor beggar, which would allow her to get the mercy killing out of the way and return to the Sanctuary so she could report her success to her Family, where hopefully Astrid would have her first real contract ready for her, since such a thing interested her to some degree.

While she sat there, thinking about what to do next, she overheard the innkeeper talking to the serving girl, apparently chewing her out for going near the barrow that was near their village, as apparently it was haunted and he was terrified of the ghost leaving to do them harm, hence the reason that he was trying to prevent people from heading over there to see what the commotion was about. Truthfully it sounded like someone had made up a story and was trying to make people run away from the barrow, like a treasure hunter that didn't want to share anything with anyone and would go to great lengths to make sure they weren't bothered by the nearby villagers, but she did wonder if it might be worth her time to go check the barrow and see if there was anything that could be done about the spirit, just to make things easier for the few people of Ivarstead. That would, of course, mean she would have to confront the innkeeper before heading to the barrow, just to let him know that someone was thinking of checking the area out and seeing if there was a spirit keeping people from entering the resting place of the ancient nords, though before she came to a decision two of the guards entered the inn and took a seat in front of the counter, no doubt so they could chat with the innkeeper or the serving girl about how their days were going, even if they seemed to be uneventful. What was odd was even then, with the conversation broken, neither the innkeeper or the serving girl seemed to notice her and Meeko, but that was fine with Amaryllis, since neither one of them really needed to eat at the moment and it allowed her some time to think about how she was going to tackle this assignmant, especially since she wanted to be out of the village without wasting too much of her time on figuring out a plan that would work without the other guards noticing her actions.

A few minutes later the door opened again, though this time around Amaryllis noticed that two people walked inside the inn, where one of them was a Nord lady who happened to be wearing steel armor, not the plate kind, and she had a steel greatsword on her back, indicating that she was a warrior and that she would cut down whoever stood in her way, though the person that she was traveling with, which caused her to pause for a few seconds, happened to be the Khajiit Amaryllis had seen outside Whiterun, Za'kera if her memory was correct, though it seemed like they were focused on something else at the moment.

Amaryllis watched the pair for a few moments, because she was a tad bit curious as to why she was running into the same Khajiit over and over again, where they talked to the innkeeper and inquired about High Hrothgar and the Throat of the World, as in what one would expect to find along the way up to where the Greybeards resided, and the innkeeper was more than willing to tell them what he knew, along with informing them not to mess with the barrow on the other side of town, confirming some of Amaryllis' earlier thoughts. Za'kera, upon hearing that the crypt might be haunted, offered her assistance to the man, since she could tell that it was impacting the village and was driving people to move away, even if the innkeeper and serving girl hadn't said anything about that, but they were both happy to have someone look into what was happening at the barrow, despite the innkeeper's earlier attempts to make them not check the crypt out. After that the pair retired to one of the tables for a moment, where it appeared that they were relaxing a little as they planned their next move, and the warrior mentioned the troll that Amaryllis had ignored, that it was a good foe to test themselves on, while Za'kera seemed torn between heading up to High Hrothgar and helping the people of this village out. Amaryllis had to wonder if one of them was the Dragonborn, or if they had heard about the Greybeards from someone and wanted to pay their respects to the legendary figures of this land, though based on everything she had seen so far she suspected that if one of them happened to be the nordic hero it had to be Za'kera, given that she was a hero in Cyrodiil and was no doubt replicating her actions in Skyrim. Of course something like that made her wonder why the Thalmor might want to execute someone like the Khajiit, especially since keeping people safe meant that everyone else didn't have to expand any of their resources in keeping the land safe, though it seemed like Za'kera was adjusting to being a hero in Skyrim, despite the fact that it would take some time to get the reputation she had back in Cyrodiil.

Eventually, about thirty minutes later by her estimates, Za'kera and her companion got up from their seats and walked out of the inn, apparently coming to a decision on what they should do with their time, though Amaryllis waited for a minute or two before doing the same thing, so she could see if the situation outside had changed to the point where she could do what she came to do and then get out of here before one of the guards noticed what she was doing. As she did that she found Meeko walking with her, not that she was surprised by such a thing, but once both of them were outside she took a moment to glance at the rest of the village, where she found that the guards were no longer outside, the people who lived in Ivarstead were either inside their houses or the inn, and Za'kera headed into the crypt with her companion right behind her, no doubt to check out the ghost and the stories that the innkeeper told her about. Part of her felt it was really odd for everyone in the area to just suddenly clear out for a time, especially since she could see Narfi right now, who was walking into the ruined house that he was allowed to stay in, but, at the same time, she wasn't about to object to the villagers and the guards making her mission that much easier, to which she made sure Meeko stayed near one of the trees near the inn, to make it look like he was doing his business outside, before allowing the appearance of her armor to return to normal as her magic shifted for a second. As soon as that was done she walked over to the river and found a few small stones in the water that one could use to jump across the stream, without touching the water at all, which she used before she touched down in the area that Narfi had been standing in when she first arrived in this small settlement, where she carefully looked around the area as she sought out her target, as she didn't hear any sounds that would suggest he was doing anything, to which she walked over to the entrance of the ruined house and quickly discovered what her target happened to be doing, as Narfi had laid down on a bedroll and seemed to be sleeping.

In the end she silently walked over to where Narfi was resting, while making sure she was crouching to avoid being heard by her target, as it appeared that doing so prevented people and animals from hearing her, before running the edge of her dagger across his neck, silencing the poor beggar and completing her third contract, meaning that it was time for her to return to the Sanctuary to relax until either Astrid had information on the prime contract or Nazir had more work for her to take on. A few moments later Amaryllis emerged from the ruined house, after cleaning her blade like she did when she finished off her targets, she headed over to where Meeko was waiting and glanced around the area that they were in, all to see if anyone had come outside while she was dealing with the beggar, only to find that no one had come outside, which lead her to letting a wave of magic wash over her body once more. Once she was back in her true form, and she spared a few seconds to stretch her wings, she picked up Meeko and took to the air without delay, as she wanted to get out of the area quickly and not waste time walking around the tall mountain, something that would take a few hours and she was a little eager to tell her Family that she had been successful in taking care of her first set of assignments, before checking in with Astrid about what to do next. She was positive that someone would notice that Narfi was gone and would investigate his ruined house, only to find his body, but since one of them had mercy killed the beggar, something she was sure about, she knew that the individual in question wouldn't lose any sleep over this being done, while at the same time most of the citizens who called Ivarstead home would likely be pleased to have an eyesore taken care of and that none of them would have to worry about Narfi anymore, though she focused on something else as she left the small settlement behind and flew towards the Sanctuary.

At the same time she was still interested in the fact that she and Za'kera kept running into each other, because three times was more than just a coincidence in her mind, which made her wonder if they might cross paths again in the future, which would be really weird if they did see each other again, even if she would likely be in a disguise when she spotted Za'kera, but she knew that only time would tell as she left Ivarstead and headed out into the wilderness once more.

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