• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Skyrim: The Faces of Death - Blackdrag-rose

Amaryllis, a changeling infiltrator for Chrysalis' hive, goes looking for her missing queen, but is teleported to a brand new world in the process, one that is unlike anything she's seen so far, while also being in the middle of a war.

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War: Marching on Cyrodiil

Za'kera took a few moments to make sure that everyone was ready for what they were about to do, that the warriors were armed and their armor was prepared, the archers had good bows and plenty of arrows, the mages had potions to refill their mana, and everyone else had whatever they needed. Based on the reports that they had so far, from the scouts that had been sent to survey the situation in Cyrodiil, was that there was an army of Thalmor scattered throughout the province, as they had moved in as soon as they heard that the Emperor had been slain and were now forcing the former nobles and the rest of the population to work for them. The Aldmeri Dominion was literally preparing for war with the rest of the world, as they were gathering resources as they prepared to target one of the provinces that were scattered around the continent, so many of the cities and villages were being turned into prison camps, forcing the people to work before eventually killing the ones who refused to work or were too tired to move on. It just showed that their enemies didn't care for anyone that wasn't part of their organization, rather they were punishing the other races of this world as they sought the end of the remaining Towers that stabilized Nirn, before focusing on the Adamantine Tower.

Amaryllis let out a sigh as she heard that, as it sounded like things were getting worse for the other provinces, despite the fact that Skyrim had been at peace for a time, but it was why they had gone through all the trouble of recruiting all of these allies, to make the Aldmeri Dominion pay for what they had done to this world, but she remained silent as she, Za'kera, and all of the leaders gathered inside the fort.

"The Dominion has control over all of Cyrodiil, taking advantage of the death of the Emperor, and they're setting up camps all over the province," Za'kera stated, going over the information that they had been given so far, as it was enough to make her pause and form a plan of attack for when they reached their destination, while at the same time glancing at the map in front of them, her very words causing everyone to focus on her and not worry about Amaryllis, "our focus should be on wrapping all around the Imperial City, cutting the taint out of the cities and villages, while freeing those that are trapped in the containment camps... we'll also need to tell Dagon's forces about this, so they don't trample everyone in their path. Most of the higher ranking members of the Dominion's army, for Cyrodiil, should be inside the Imperial City, watching over their forces without sullying their boots with any actual work, so if we can surround the city we can send in the shadowy members of our army to capture our enemies, secure the Elder Council, and free everyone else without any loss of life, as there might be some citizens inside that they could use as hostages."

"Even if we do that, it'll take some time to get inside the city itself," Amaryllis added, because while she had a feeling that she could sneak into the city with her powers, given her previous position as an infiltrator for the Hive, such a thing didn't mean that she had the power to get so many people inside the massive city, giving the Dominion time to lay waste to all of the people Za'kera wanted to save.

"Not necessarily, as there's one advantage we have that the Dominion doesn't know about: the beggars." Za'kera said, to which a few of the individuals around them raised an eyebrow as they understood what she was talking about, all while Amaryllis noticed that Nocturnal's daughter, Raven, was lingering in the shadows, no doubt listening in and seeing if she might be able to assist them, "They know everything and anything that happens inside the Imperial City, not to mention a number of secret passages that we might be able to use... at least those are the rumors I heard, back when I was traveling the wilds of Cyrodiil, so I have no way of knowing if they're true or not. With Raven helping us we should be able to find a way to obtain the aid of the beggars and get inside the Imperial City, allowing those that are chosen for the event to head inside and complete our objectives... once Cyrodiil is free, and we're sure of that, we can see how the other provinces are holding up and determine which one to strike at next, or talk to if they've repelled the Dominion."

"I'll talk to them when the time is right," Raven commented, which was what Za'kera was hoping for, because the leader of the Skyrim Thieves Guild was the best person to talk with the beggars that lived on the outskirts of the city and knew the layout better than the guards, though that also meant that everyone else had to secure the direction their forces would be coming from, otherwise the plan would fail.

"Good, then let's get out there and show the Dominion just how resolved we are." Za'kera stated, where the group nodded their heads for a few seconds, confirming that they agreed with her order and that they would smash whatever forces the Dominion had set up all across Cyrodiil, before she turned for a moment as she glanced at her trusted companion, who would ensure she survived this ordeal, "Amaryllis, track down our allies and inform them of the camps that the people of Cyrodiil are trapped in, that way they don't march through them in their haste to tear our enemies down... we might be able to gain new allies along the way."

Amaryllis said nothing as she bowed her head, showing the others that even she listened to the Dragonborn Empress, as that was what Za'kera would be and there was no stopping that future from becoming a reality, though as soon as they were done with their discussion she spread her wings and took off, as she had to track down Dagon's forces and Serana's forces before either did something stupid. Of course she made sure Shadowmere followed after Za'kera and the others, as she didn't want him to be left behind, and as she flew away she noticed that the army started to move, a force that she knew would bring down the Dominion and save this world from their dark plans. The first thing she did was head to the east, where Dagon's forces should be found, as based on what she knew they were planning on marching down to where Cheydinhal rested, and invading the province from that direction, which might let them link up with any Dark Elf forces, if their time on Solstheim payed off with the two Great Houses. Once she did that Amaryllis knew that she was going to have to track down Serana's group, as they were somewhere to the southwest, working with Molag's daughter to form a Dark Anchor so the forces of Coldharbour could tear the Dominion apart, or at least that was what she assumed they would be doing given that one Prince's forces were already marching in this world.

Finding Tibetal's forces was easy enough, given that it was an army of Daedra that was marching without caring about the environment around them, and Dagon's son waved her off when she told him what Za'kera wanted him to do, though his adopted siblings were quick to remind him that they wanted to be on the Dragonborn's good side and that meant saving the innocents, causing him to sigh as he nodded his head.

Tracking down Serana's group was somewhat harder to track down, which made sense due to the fact that there was a number of vampires among them and they knew how to keep to the shadows, but she found that their forces were right between Anvil and Skingrad, near the border of Valenwood. Such a thing would allow them to take down two enemy held locations before marching towards the Imperial City, where they would spread around and join forces with the rest of the army that had been gathered to save this world, and it didn't take her long to track down the vampire she was currently looking for. Of course Harkon didn't care about the people that were being used as slaves, though he admitted that it was a good plan, that saving them would mean more allies for the war effort, so they would pass the message on to the rest of their allies, as the ones from Coldharbour were still waiting for the way to be opened. Once they knew what was going on Amaryllis took off and headed back in the direction of the main force, so she could return to Za'kera's side and get ready for the opening stage of their war, because if they successfully reclaimed Cyrodiil it would give them so many openings to deal with the Dominion.

As she flew she glanced at the large tower in the middle of the Imperial City, the White-Gold Tower, and knew that it was only a matter of time until another Tower was restored to it's former glory and their enemies had been taken out, to which she smiled for a time as she readied herself for what the future held for them.

Ariantar Atheus was a high ranking member of the Dominion, one trusted with the subjugation of both Cyrodiil and the foul races that called it home, as his superiors had been waiting for something to happen to the Emperor and his precious Elder Council, where the perfect opportunity came with the deaths of several members. This was one of those times that he had to thank the remnants of the Dark Brotherhood, as with them killing the Emperor, not to mention destroying the name of the Penitus Oculatus, it made things so much easier for him and his forces, allowing them to take the city while all of the citizens were in mourning. Of course someone had, unfortunately, beaten him to the punch by slaying the heirs to the throne, as he had been planning on capturing them before they could inherit the throne, imprisoning them with next to nothing and starving them for a while, before destroying the morale of Cyrodiil with a public execution. It would have made things so much easier for him and his forces, rounding up the broken races and putting them to work so they could feed the Dominion's war machine, but he would have to make due with holding the Elder Council hostage and then slay all of them in the manner he had planned for the royal heirs.

The Altmer let out a light chuckle as he sipped on some wine, as he was sitting at the Emperor's table, eating his food and drinking his wine, as for the time being he was in charge of everything and no one dared to move against him, and based on how things were going he was going to be the Regent Lord of Cyrodiil for a long time, long enough to run this province into the ground before his superiors called him back.

"Lord Ariantar, we have a situation report." one of his guards stated, looking like he was out of breath, which was odd, due to the fact that there was nothing, in the entirety of Cyrodiil, that could force his hand or make his soldiers exert any real effort, save for stomping the worthless races into the ground, where they truly belonged.

"What, are the peasants asking for more food? If so, deny their requests, and if they act up, well, behead one of them to send a message to the others." Ariantar stated, as that was what he had done to those who lived in the Imperial City once he had taken it over, they tried to demand more food to survive, stating that his rations weren't enough, so he had one of his guards behead the offender and forced the others back in line.

"It's not the other races... it's a force, coming from Skyrim." the second guard said, something that caught the attention of their boss, as they all knew that only two forces were allowed to come down from Skyrim, the first being Elenwen's forces with news of their victory, including the destruction of the Stone they were sent to find, while the second was Tullius' own army, which would mean the end of Skyrim's worthless civil war.

"Must be Elenwen, either coming for reinforcements or to tell us her mission is complete... though she could have sent a letter warning us of her arrival." Ariantar remarked, clearly showing that he had no respect for Elenwen, as he ranked far higher than her and yet she acted like she was far superior to everyone that was around her, before he finished off the rest of his wine, leading to him getting up as he noticed that it was still early in the morning, hours before the citizens were supposed to come out, "Very well, take me to the walls so we can verify that Elenwen is coming."

His guards nodded as they turned around and marched out of the Imperial Palace, a building he was thinking needed to be smashed at one point in the future, as it would help to break the morale of the remaining people of Cyrodiil and show them that the time of their empire had come to an end. As they walked through the city, however, he turned his head for a moment and found that the people were hiding inside their homes and businesses, places that his soldiers raided to make sure no one was hoarding food or preparing for a revolt while they were distracted by something else, meaning his plans had been successful. In fact it was his guards that patrolled this city, as the Imperial Guards were imprisoned inside their barracks and were staying there, as he ordered his guards to kill anyone who dared to leave the structure and even made an example of one to make sure the others understood that he wasn't to be trifled with. He had broken the Imperial City, closed the Arena since it wasn't important, meaning the people there were locked down in the underground section, and the people knew to keep their heads down as they worked, otherwise he would do horrible things to the offenders, just as he did to those who had opposed him so far.

After thinking about all of that he and his guards ascended one of the towers that would allow him to walk along the top of the walls that surrounded the Imperial City, where he eventually came to a stop and glanced to the north, facing Skyrim so he could see what force his guards had seen earlier, but what he saw caused him to pause. Coming from the direction of the city of Bruma was a massive army that was unlike anything he had seen so far, a force that was made up of the mortal races of Tamriel, some bearing the colors of the Imperial Legion, some baring the flags of the Stormcloaks, and others had a new flag, a radiant sun that meant a new dawn was coming. There were mages, warriors, archers, Orc barbarians, and, if his eyes weren't deceiving him, dragons that marched and flew through the air, especially one that was as black as night, a beast that could only be Alduin, a figure in the history of the Nords, though before he could remark on the situation one of the guards noticed something to the east. It was a massive force of Daedra, ones hailing from the Deadlands, the realm of Mehrunes Dagon, meaning the unthinkable had happened, there was a breach in the Liminal Barrier that protected this world from the realms of Oblivion, and at the front of the army marched an imposing brutish Argonian that looked like a berserker who brought destruction.

It could only be a Demiprince, the spawn of a Daedric Prince, causing him to glance back at the main army, finding several figures who seemed to radiate power as well, the children of a number of Princes, and riding at the head of the army was a Khajiit in grand armor, causing him to growl for a moment.

"Elenwen you cow... she failed to kill the Dragonborn, Za'kera Saratamil, even though we handed the Khajiit to her on a silver platter!" Ariantar remarked, though this was far worse than anything he and the other higher ranking members of the Dominion could have foreseen when they considered the prophecy of the Dragonborn, as it said that the figure was supposed to kill Alduin and the other threats that plagued Skyrim, and instead it looked like she had allied with them and had gained allies in the most unlikely of places.

"Um, sir... we have a problem." one of the guards said, where Ariantar could tell that he was looking to the west, with what appeared to be a look of fear on his face, something that caused him to turn his head and see what in the world his soldier was staring at right now, though it couldn't be worse than what he was seeing right now.

He instantly took back those words as he noticed a large circular device hanging up in the sky that was between the cities of Anvil and Skingrad, a dark device that seemed to darken the sky around it as lightning danced around three points, all while the center seemed to be a dark portal leading to a realm he didn't want to see. In the Dominion there were tales of such devices, Dark Anchors that were used by the Prince of Domination when he tried to merge Nirn with Coldharbour, all the way back during the sixth century of the Second Era, an invasion that failed and the stories claimed that all of the dark devices had been destroyed. Either Molag Bal had saved a few Dark Anchors or he had rebuilt the forge that created them in the first place, though as he realized what he was staring at, and the sense of dread that came from looking at it, several hooks surged out of the portal and struck several locations around where the portal was being set up, and before he knew it another army of Daedra was marching through Cyrodiil. He knew his forces were strong and could hold their own, as all of them had been trained to enforce the will of the Dominion on the provinces of Tamriel, but facing off against the forces of two Daedric Princes, especially Mehrunes Dagon and Molag Bal, made him question his chances.

In the end, however, he glanced in the direction of the Dragonborn, as this wasn't what was supposed to happen and he knew that things were going to change, from what they originally planned for this province, and gave the order so his army could get ready to face this threat, because if they won now it proved that their plan was righteous and that there would be no stopping the Dominion's plans.

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