• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Skyrim: The Faces of Death - Blackdrag-rose

Amaryllis, a changeling infiltrator for Chrysalis' hive, goes looking for her missing queen, but is teleported to a brand new world in the process, one that is unlike anything she's seen so far, while also being in the middle of a war.

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Dragon: Depths of Alftand

After speaking with Septimus, and learning that he wanted the information of an Elder Scroll without actually caring for the artifact itself, Amaryllis, Za'kera, and Wind lead the others back to Winterhold, carefully crossing the ice fields once more as they focused on what the mentally ill man had told all of them when they discovered him and his Dwarven cube, the large device that likely contained something important to him, or maybe it was important to his master if he served one of the Daedric Princes that existed in this world, which was a very real possibility in Amaryllis' mind. She ruled out Sheogorath in a matter of seconds, as she had personally dealt with that Prince and doubted that she would run into another insane man who served the Prince of Madness, though given everything else they had seen so far, both in the Arcanaeum and the cave he had carved out when he discovered the massive cube, she had to wonder if he might be linked to Hermaeus More, who was the Prince of Knowledge and Knower of the Unknown, or at least those were the titles she was aware of. The only reason she even considered such a thing was because Ma'jera seemed to think that something else resided inside that odd cube, not the 'Heart of Lorkhan' like Septimus believed, whatever that was, making her wonder if maybe, just maybe, she served the same Daedric Prince and was here to either help Septimus or steal whatever his end goal might be, though there was a chance that she followed another Prince and was trying to disrupt Hermaeus Mora's goals. In the end Amaryllis mentally sighed and focused on the task at hand, as there would be more time for her to think about this once they were on the road once more, hence why she and Wind focused on moving across the ice fields as Za'kera and the others followed after them, even though Ma'jera continued to float through the air with her levitation spell, making her wonder if the Arch-Mage might hate touching the ground or something, since she hadn't touched the ground since she met her.

Upon returning to Winterhold, which didn't take too long since the wildlife ignored them thanks to Diane being there, they were able to climb into the back of the carriage and made sure to turn it around before heading back to the south, while at the same time Ma'jera floated nearby, making Amaryllis wonder if she had a vast amount of magicka or if part of her attire was enchanted with a levitation enchantment, but it did give them some warning if enemies decided to attack them, or at least that was her hope on the matter. While they traveled on the road Ma'jera revealed that they would be heading to their right when they arrived at the fork in the road, like they were heading to Dawnstar or Whiterun, though that was only part of the path since Alftand was located in the northern part of Skyrim, half encased in ice and fallen stone, though she was sure that they would be able to find an opening to head into the depths of the Dwarven ruin, given that all sorts of people wanted to salvage the ruins for loot to become rich. Wind revealed that she and Ma'jera had tackled one of the other Dwarven ruins that were scattered throughout Skyrim, Mzulft it was called, which was located on the eastern side of the province and was likely one Amaryllis had seen while she was traveling from place to place, before flying to save time, but she didn't go into detail about what they had found, save for mentioning that they had discovered some Falmer that lived in the ruin, blind elves with a hatred for pretty much all living creatures. Apparently the Falmer had been a glorious race known as the Snow Elves, something Amaryllis would have to learn about in due time, and that they made a deal of sorts with the cruel Dwemer at one point in time, leading to them living underground and eventually losing their sight, or at least that was the gist of what Wind knew and she admitted that she needed to learn more to fully tell the story, but it did give them an idea of a potential danger they might face inside Alftand, not to mention all sorts of mechanical guards that might be patrolling the halls of the ruin.

While they traveled towards their destination, which was currently Nightgate Inn, Amaryllis told Wind and the others that she was actually the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, something that had surprised her when it first happened, not to mention her Family members when they heard the news, before she undid part of the disguise and let her armor revert back to its true form, revealing her ancient assassin armor to all of them, causing Ma'jera to raise an eyebrow as she took a moment to study part of it, even though both Wind and Ma'jera were also interested in the fact that she had two Daedric artifacts in her possession.

"I have Mehrunes' Razor and the Wabbajack... don't ask, I'll tell you the stories later," Amaryllis replied, because while one relic she had gone after on purpose, after finding that the Prince in question would have crushed her if she failed to do his will, while the other was mostly a mistake she wished she could take back, though she had a feeling that if she attempted to sell the Wabbajack, like she did to that odd gemstone earlier, Sheogorath might punish her in some manner, and that was the last thing she needed right now.

Fortunately Wind didn't press the issue and Ma'jera seemed pleased with her answer, or maybe satisfied was a better way to describe the Arch-Mage's emotions, though Amaryllis focused on the ruin that they were heading towards and the vast dangers that were resting between them and Blackreach, but with a powerful group like this she had a feeling that most of their enemies would falter in due time and they would be able to reach their destination with ease, so they could move on to the next stage of their mission and figure out where the Elder Scroll had been hidden. By following Ma'jera's directions Lydia was able to reach the area that Nightgate Inn rested in, to which she came to a stop and made sure the horse would be fine for a time, since none of them had any idea how long they would be in both Alftand and Blackreach, before they turned and headed up the nearby mountain trail that would take them right to their destination, a path that rested right between two mountains, with Za'kera and Ma'jera at the front with Amaryllis and the others following after them as they kept their eyes open for enemies. Interestingly enough it didn't appear like there were any foes for them, and no wolves or other wild animals for that matter, allowing them to enter the colder part of Skyrim before finding a path leading down to what appeared to be a metallic tower of some kind sticking out of the ground, before Amaryllis found that there a couple of other nearly identical structures resting beyond it, not to mention some wooden structures that appeared to be a camp set up by someone who must have been trying to excavate this area. Based on what she could see it looked like winter had snuck up on whoever had set this camp up, as there were a few frozen bodies under the snow that would likely break into pieces if someone touched them, before she spotted some wooden walkways that lead downward, right into the side of the massive stone wall that all of them happened to be standing on top of, and when she showed Za'kera what she had found the group descended towards the entrance and headed inside the cavern that had to lead them into part of Alftand, or at least she hoped so.

On the other side of the entrance they found all sorts of camp goods and everyday items, like cauldrons, boxes, wooden handcarts, and all sorts of food items that looked like they had decayed since the previous group had passed through this place, though it didn't stop them from making sure their weapons were ready as Za'kera lead the way through the tunnel that was in front of them, even though Amaryllis wasn't surprised to find the Arch-Mage floating as everyone else walked, as that seemed to be her thing. A few things jumped out at her as they followed the tunnel, there were a number of places that looked like campfires had been set up, there was dried blood everywhere, and it looked like a number of people had been slain, and possibly eaten, thanks to a few rib cages they walked by, confirming that it was a good idea to have their weapons at the ready since there was no telling what sort of dangers might be down here. While they walked they found a voice talking to someone, or maybe to themselves, before they entered a large passage that seemed to be carved out of stone, more in a mechanical nature since it was nothing like what the Akaviri did, meaning they had found a Dwarven area and found that it was larger than the tunnel they had walked through, but no one sheathed their weapons as they headed down the passage in front of them. Of course part of the passage looked like it had been covered in snow, which she had no problems accepting since parts of the ground might have broken and opened the way for a lot of it to flood in, leading to the previous group clearing it out, before they found an area that looked like it had an elevator that lead even deeper into the ruin, though based on what they could see it didn't look like there was a switch to withdraw the metallic rods that were blocking the way, or if a lever existed it was out of reach to prevent magical people from pulling it and cheating their way through this particular ruin.

While that happened one of the vents that rested further ahead of them opened and a metallic spider burst out, one that tried to shock Kya and paid for its actions when the Argonian sliced it to pieces, or at least damaged a great deal of the old metal to knock it out, before they moved further down the main path that they were following, which brought them to yet another vent and a male Khajiit that looked like he might have gone insane, leading Diane to smashing the next metallic spider while Za'kera blocked an incoming attack from the newcomer and cut him down. After that Amaryllis found that the insane Khajiit had set up a small camp of sorts for him and his deceased brother, who was still fresh, but the small bottles of skooma that rested nearby, empty according to Kya, before discovering that he had camped near an opening that lead right to one of the larger chamber of Alftand, even though they had to bypass a wall before reaching a circular platform of sorts that didn't seem to serve much of a purpose. Of course that was when they found two indents in the walls, both to their right and left, which opened and dispensed a metallic sphere that transformed into a metallic fighter of some kind, a sphere guardian or something, though in the following seconds Amaryllis found that neither enchantment she had on her daggers seemed to do much to her target, but her artifact seemed to cut through the metal with some ease, though while she cut it down Wind used a staff that she pulled out of her pack and blasted it with a lance of green magical energy, which knocked it backwards as she informed them that she carried the staff of Jyrik Gaulderson, even though the majority of the group had no idea who Jyrik was. Once both sentries were taken care of Ma'jera continued ahead with Za'kera, leading the way as Amaryllis and the others followed after them, finding a curved passage that brought them to an area that had a few metallic spiders wandering around the chamber it brought them to, where their might was enough to see them through the battle as they scattered the pieces of the spiders and allowed Ma'jera to use her magic to open a nearby door that did look like it might be the way for their group to move even deeper into Alftand.

That brought them to a new passage that seemed to go in two directions, the right path ending in a dead end, due to some of the passage being collapsed, so they took what was on their left as Lydia smashed a Dwarven Spider that happened to be in their way, before it had a chance to even notice that they were approaching it, only to discover something interesting, the path they had followed had placed them above the chamber they had walked through earlier, so they were near the ceiling and Amaryllis could see a door across from where they were standing. The only obstacle Amaryllis and her friends had to worry about were a few pistons attached to the walls that seemed to move out and then back into their containers every so often, which didn't seem to serve any purpose due to the fact that all of the Dwarves were gone, and they found a few metallic spiders roaming the path in question, so Za'kera cut one down with her ebony blades while the others stayed right behind her, allowing them to reach the door and pass through it in no time. What they discovered was a more lit up area on the other side of the large bronze door, one that revealed a passage that had a bit of steam coming from the few pipes below their walkway, though the next large door brought them to a chamber that seemed to be moving upward, at least for now, so while Wind took care of the spider that was off to the side Za'kera followed the stairs and moved deeper into Alftand as she kept her eyes open for whatever machine the metallic musical sphere went to. Such a thing meant they had to take down another Dwarven Sentry, where Kya and Diane defeated it by swinging at it at the same time, though as they did that Za'kera continued to follow the path in front of them while Ma'jera floated around and stared at parts of the chamber they were in, especially with the odd egg clusters that seemed to be resting in certain shadowy sections, though as she collected a few of them, meaning she might also be an alchemist, Amaryllis decided to not imagine what creature had left them behind and focused on finding the Elder Scroll.

Of course that was when they found a ramp that happened to have a few devices in the floor that they walked around, as it was easy to walk around all three of the square buttons, before reaching an area that had a lever for them to pull, which Lydia did without delay, only to reveal a walkway that was inside a large circular chamber and seemed to descend into the depths of the land, impressing Amaryllis as to just how much the Dwarves had been able to do before they vanished from the face of this world. As they walked down the ramp, however, Amaryllis found that part of the path must have collapsed at some point in time and that meant they were going to have to jump down some pipes to get to the next path, where a body of an Orc happened to be resting with some arrows in her chest, meaning she had to be dead, and at the end of the section of ramp they were using they discovered a door to their right that, upon opening thanks to Ma'jera using a spell to unlock it, opened up into a dead end, so the group focused on climbing down the pipes. When the others spotted the body of the fallen warrior, however, Wind pointed out the deadly looking arrows and informed everyone that they were what the Falmer used against invaders, meaning they needed to be careful since these creatures were trouble, though as they learned that Amaryllis found an ugly blind looking elf, who seemed to be hunched a little, walk up the nearby ramp and shifted its head for a few seconds, showing that it was listening for intruders, to which Amaryllis shifted her stance for a few seconds and used her skills to silently slip behind the Falmer and cut its neck open. Wind paused for a second, as she hadn't been expecting such a thing to happen, even though she knew what Amaryllis was now, but this just proved to all of them that she was more than capable of handling herself and could take down whoever tried to sneak up on them, while at the same time it opened the way for them to head down the ramp her target had used to get up here and allowed the group to descend even deeper into Alftand.

Sure enough the group found a number of Falmer along the ramp they were following, along with some Dwarven Spiders that were broken by the blind elves, so while the melee fighters rushed in, and both Wind and Ma'jera stayed back to use a few of their spells to weaken some of their enemies, Amaryllis switched to her bow for a moment and pulled out her elven arrows, where she took aim and loosed one that slammed into the chest of a Falmer who stopped on the next section of the ramp they were following, who fell into the abyss in the process.

Thanks to the efforts of the others they were able to reach the downward section of the path, where Amaryllis' target had been standing before she struck it, which lead them to yet another door that they opened and brought them to what did look like a camp for the Falmer, as there happened to be a single hut in the lowered section of the new chamber, where it was easy for them to see two more blind elves wandering around the structure, before Amaryllis noticed the opening that they seemed to be guarding and noticed that more were coming. In that moment she pulled out another arrow and took a moment to line it up with her next target, taking down another Falmer as Za'kera, Lydia, Kya, and Diane clashed with their enemies, leaving Wind and Ma'jera to provide support with their magic, though Ma'jera also closed the door they had just walked through before sealing it with a bit of her magic, no doubt another spell she had access to, but Amaryllis focused on taking out the archers, and odd thing to see and suspected they were using their ears to find their targets. Most of the group didn't stop as they continued to press forward, though Ma'jera did collect any staffs that some of the Falmer just so happened to be carrying, either to study them or pass them onto someone else when they were ready for such a thing, or maybe it was to collect them and not let anyone else touch or use them, before the group came to an area that looked like it had a few flame traps in it, which they avoided just fine as they moved even further down the path. Near the flame vents rested another bronze door that Za'kera opened without delay, revealing a rectangular chamber that had a wall they had to walk around, not to mention a few more Falmer who wanted them dead, though while they tackled their enemies it was easy for Amaryllis to see that there was a Dwarven Lift nearby, a circular platform with a lever in the middle, likely the one that connected to the locked area they had seen earlier, but since it wasn't important right now she and her companions continued their advance while taking down any and all Falmer that were in their way.

Another thing Amaryllis discovered was that there were a few bodies that looked like pieces were missing, like the Falmer had been eating them since capturing the previous group that came to Alftand, especially when she spotted what seemed to be wooden torture devices, though she didn't question why the Falmer had access to stuff like that as they moved past this section of the massive ruin and continued to head deeper, since both Za'kera and Ma'jera were sure that they were still a ways away from their target.

On the other side of the next door the group found what had to be the bottom of the circular shaft, something they were able to confirm when Amaryllis found one of her fallen foes resting on top of the stone pathway that they would be using to head even deeper into this place, though as Za'kera and the others headed down the ramp Amaryllis raised her bow for a second, found a rather dangerous looking Falmer wandering around the bottom section of the curved ramp, and quickly decided to take it out by loosing an arrow into its head. Sure enough the helmet it was wearing wasn't enough to stop her arrow and her target fell over instantly, allowing Za'kera and the others to launch their assault on the remaining number of Falmer that were living in this part of Alftand, either cutting into their foes or blasting them with magic, though once they reached the bottom of the ramp Amaryllis dropped down and used her wings to slow her fall so she could land by her new friends safely. With that done the group walked through a short passage and opened another door, revealing a staircase that went even deeper than what they had experienced so far, and they were able to bypass a rather crude trap that must have been set up by the Falmer, as it was off on the left side of the passage and they stayed to the right, before opening the door at the end of the passage and revealed another rectangular shaped passage, one with a number of buttons in the floor and meant there was a trap above them, since there was nothing in the walls. As such Ma'jera paused and channeled a bit of her magic, due to there being a Falmer in their way, before loosing a spike of ice that slammed into her target, right in the chest to be exact, and with another foe taken down Za'kera was able to continue on her way as she and the others carefully avoided the traps that were in this part of the ruin, before they found another door that Amaryllis opened, which brought them to a large cavern the Dwarves had hollowed out at some point before they disappeared, one that happened to have a gated structure that seemed important.

Of course there were a couple of Falmer wandering around the outside of the structure, causing the group to attack them since they knew the blind elves were aggressive and would want to take any intruders down, but as that happened Wind took a look around where they were fighting, as it seemed odd for there to be no switches for the gate, and found a set of stairs leading upwards, to something that was right above the door they had just walked through, and sure enough she was able to locate a lever that opened the gate that was blocking their way. While Wind opened the way, however, it was easy for Amaryllis to see a tower or two that had collapsed at one point in time, or at least tall structures that had fallen in the past, though they didn't have to worry about the Falmer that much since the last one fell to Za'kera delivering a pair of swings to her target's chest, allowing them to head over for the previously closed gate to see what might be on the other side of it. That was when Amaryllis noticed a rather large machine that appeared to be humanoid in nature, only it looked like it might be designed to battle large groups of enemies, while another one happened to be resting on the ground of the raised section they were walking up to, where Ma'jera informed them that these were Dwarven Centurions, far stronger than a normal Dwarven machine, like the Spiders or Sentries, though as she said that she brought her hands close to each other as she weaved her magic into one of her spells, all while the sound of them talking caused a chain reaction as they found the clasps that were holding the Centurion in place unlocking, awaking the ancient robot to attack them. In the next couple of seconds Ma'jera released her spell, a large head sized fireball, which struck the Centurion right in the center of it's chest and left a burning hole behind as the fireball struck the wall behind it, leaving behind a scorch mark to show what had happened, though as the Centurion fell Za'kera found a key falling out of a compartment in the Centurion's left arm, a key that likely went to the main door that was at the top of the stairs.

What they discovered at the top of the stairs was that there happened to be a large sized area that held a square shaped device of some kind, with an indent post of some kind at the front of it, before they found two figures standing behind the main piece of machinery, a Redguard lady and a male Imperial, both appearing to be warriors, who just so happened to be in the middle of a heated battle with each other and the group arrived in time to witness them deliver the finishing blow to each other, where the Imperial lost his head as he delivered a deep slash to his foe's chest, both dying in seconds of their former companion falling.

"It would appear that they were captured by the Falmer, who likely weakened their armor to this point," Amaryllis said, as she could see all of the damage that had been done to the chest pieces of the two warriors, they looked like they had been beaten up and clawed at, meaning the blind elves must have been trying to get at their flesh before something allowed the pair to escape and make their way here, though she collected a shield with spikes on the front of it, as it seemed unique to her and might be worth something in the future, before she focused on their task, "but this device seems to be what we're supposed to be looking for, where the sphere is supposed to go."

"You would be correct." Ma'jera replied, where she pulled the sphere out of her pack and set it down inside the indent that everyone was currently looking at, something that caused all three of the rings in the middle of the device to start moving not a few seconds after it was inserted, even though it also caused part of the floor around it to shake and made everyone else move away from the device as they watched as the floor around it moved in sections, like a staircase, before lowering into the ground, forming a set of stairs for them to walk down, and once it was done she recovered the sphere, as it might be useful in the future, "Come, Blackreach and the Elder Scroll are within our reach."

Amaryllis, Za'kera, and the others nodded their heads before they headed down the stairs that were in front of them, one that was very short since it quickly brought them to another door, this one scaled down and not massive, like the rest of the large doors they had passed through to get to this point, though on the other side of the door they discovered a long Dwarven passage with a single door at the very end of it, one that brought them to a massive cavern that had been carved out in the depths that were far under Skyrim. The cavern was an amazing place for them to look at, as there happened to be some sort of blue glow that was coming from some rather large mushrooms, of which there were plenty and it looked like they were scattered around the area, and another glow from what appeared to be a metallic sun of some kind, as they could see one off in the distance, likely created by the Dwarves at one point, before Amaryllis spotted what had to be the outline of a tower, or at least that was what she assumed it was. She wasn't the only one that seemed to notice it, as it was easy for her to see that Za'kera had spotted it as well, but before anyone had a chance to move Ma'jera beckoned for all of them to remain still and silent for a time as she weaved some magic over the entire group and used some of her spells to aid them, as one spell seemed to make all of them become transparent, another made all of their noise become silence so the Falmer didn't hear them walking, and one more that likely messed with the ability of the Dwarven machines, to make sure they couldn't spot them either. Once that was done she actually cancelled out the levitation spell, or at least put it on hold for a moment, before placing her right hand on the ground and focused for a few seconds, meaning she was picking another spell to use in this place, one that seemed designed to help her locate what they were looking for, though it was in that moment that Amaryllis spotted something moving in her sleeve and discovered that it was a trio of snakes, who were twice the size of one of her fingers, who slithered onto the ground and vanished.

Ma'jera quietly explained to her and the others that this was one of her personal spells, snakes that acted like scouts that would be able to silently move around an area and allow her to see everything that they happened to see, because right now she had a feeling the Dwarves might have left something terrifying in this place and she really didn't want to activate whatever it might be, at least not until they found the tower and recovered the Elder Scroll, plus the knowledge Septimus wanted for his locked box. Za'kera nodded her understanding, mostly to show that she agreed with the Arch-Mage's spell and her precautions, as the others remained silent, though Amaryllis was curious as to why the trio of snakes had a sickly dark green coloration to them, like they might have come from one of the Realms of Oblivion, but that was something she filed away for later, once everyone was no longer wandering around Blackreach. A few moments later Ma'jera beckoned for them to follow her as she headed down the short set of stairs that were nearby and then headed to her left, allowing Amaryllis and the others to see that there was a Dwarven Sphere guarding a stone house for some reason, likely whoever had owned it had ordered the device to remain on guard, before the entire race vanished, but they didn't stop to see what was inside the house and continued down the path Ma'jera was following. Sure enough there were a number of Falmer in Blackreach, meaning they must have been brought down here before the Dwarves sealed all of the entrances, but none of them reacted to Amaryllis or her companions as they walked down the path that Ma'jera was following, and Kya, who did look like she wanted to rush out and kill their enemies, held her desire for battle back as they moved deeper into the large cavern that the Dwarves had carved out, especially with all of the stone walls and metallic devices that were scattered all over this place.

One other thing Amaryllis noticed was that there happened to be a large city of some kind that seemed to be resting right in the middle of Blackreach, or at least the section of the cavern that they happened to be in, though they also walked by a few clusters of glowing blue crystals, Aetherium according to Ma'jera, where she paused and broke a decent sized chunk off of one of the various clusters before stuffing it inside her pack, as it was rare and was definitely worth trading to some researchers, before she came to a stop a few moments later and they stared at the tower, made of stone and metal, that had to be their destination.

"The Tower of Mzark... we were able to find it with ease, thanks to your snake scouts," Za'kera said, keeping her voice low in case any enemies were nearby, though at the same time Amaryllis watched as the snakes slithered up Ma'jera's arm for a few seconds before disappearing entirely, as if they never existed in the first place, where she paused for a few seconds, just to be sure the coast was clear, before she started to walk over the walkway that was in front of them, one that ended in front of a door that she opened with ease, revealing a lift for them to use.

Once everyone was standing on the lift she pulled the lever and they started to move upward, though Amaryllis heard the sound of something metallic moving, not the lift, and Ma'jera nodded her head, indicating that something, against all odds, had noticed the presence of intruders in Blackreach and had started becoming active, making her wonder what might be lurking in the depths of this place, but she shelved the thought as the lift came to a stop and revealed a chamber to them, meaning she and her companions had to be some distance above the massive cavern. As soon as the lift came to a stop all of them found a decent sized chamber that looked like someone might have set up a camp at some point in the past, likely one of the people that the Falmer captured before devouring them, though there happened to be a few books that looked like they were pristine, ones that Ma'jera floated over to her back as she resumed levitating above the ground, though she, Amaryllis, and the others found that Za'kera was focused on the door across from where the lift stopped. There was a very good reason for that, as they soon discovered, as there was a large metallic orb of some kind resting in the large room that was on the other side of the door, which had a floor wrapped around the uppermost section, though Ma'jera took a couple of seconds to explain that most of the machines in Blackreach were powering several items of importance, the first being all of devices in Blackreach, the second had to be whatever machine had activated when they accessed the lift, and the last item was the machine that held the Elder Scroll. Sure enough they found that part of the upper section of the orb was built differently than the rest of the orb, as it looked like it might be moveable, and that there happened to be some sort of odd device hanging from the ceiling, which seemed to be made out of special glass that the Dwarves created, along with there being an opening that lead to another lift, their escape route, and above that rested a device with a post that a cube could be attached to, which meant they had to be in the right place.

Given that Ma'jera knew what she was doing Za'kera let her float up to the console that was the controls for this area and watched as she slipped the lexicon into the slot it was supposed to be stored in, before she started interacting with all of the buttons that were up there, something that caused the rings around the top section to move and rotate, before they heard the sound of something opening and found that it was the lexicon, revealing a rotating core as Ma'jera switched to another button and caused the device near the ceiling to shift, as in the lens first and then the center of it all, before they found that it came to a stop above the top of the orb and the crystal opened, revealing a golden scroll that had some gems attached to it.

"And there it is: the Elder Scroll you require to fulfill your destiny, not to mention the knowledge Septimus wished for us to collect as well," Ma'jera said, where she floated down to them with a glowing lexicon floating near her, though she and the rest of the group watched as Za'kera raised her hands and collected the Elder Scroll they had been searching for, which let a smile appear on the faces of Amaryllis, Wind, and the rest of their companions, as it meant they were one step closer to Za'kera figuring out which path she wanted to take.

With the Elder Scroll in hand, and their time in Alftand and Blackreach had come to an end, even though they hadn't been in the latter for too long, Za'kera headed for the exit that was below the console, causing Amaryllis and their companions to follow after her, as it was time for them to return to the surface, get some well deserved rest, before heading back over to Winterhold to deliver the lexicon to Septimus, so he could open his Dwarven cube, and once that was done they could travel to wherever Za'kera wanted to do so she could figure out which path she wanted to take.

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