• Published 4th Jul 2021
  • 1,104 Views, 725 Comments

Skyrim: The Faces of Death - Blackdrag-rose

Amaryllis, a changeling infiltrator for Chrysalis' hive, goes looking for her missing queen, but is teleported to a brand new world in the process, one that is unlike anything she's seen so far, while also being in the middle of a war.

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Epilogue: Dawn of a New Era

Following the events of the Battle for the Summerset Isles, as it became known as, Amaryllis and her group of followers, the Justicars who had been liberated from all the darkness that the Dominion shoved into the Altmer race, arrived in Cyrodiil, Anvil to be exact, and set up a base of operations near one of the city's gates. Za'kera wanted 'Sylvanna' nearby and this was the best they could manage, without totally upsetting the rest of the Altmer, though she was fine with that since it allowed her to focus on making sure the Justicars didn't do anything stupid and ruin the peace they had obtained. This set up let her send messages between her new base of operations and the home of the Aldmeri Dominion, to her loyal subordinates, and also allowed her to head back every now and then, to surprise them when they weren't expecting it, just to make sure things were running smoothly and Morral's supporters weren't causing chaos. Pellinar was one of the ones that joined her, but he was able to move between the two locations more freely, following her orders and making sure to keep the peace, though even he would be surprised by her actions, just to keep everyone on their toes.

As she thought about the Almer Amaryllis turned her attention to the other races that had decided to check out Cyrodiil, as many were interested in Za'kera's attempt to make a more equal Empire for everyone, trying to deal with racism and make it so no race, no matter who they were, were ridiculed or bullied because of their race. Such a thing meant that the many types of Khajiit were present, as were some Maormer, there were some from the races of Akavir, the Argonians, and many of the other races that called the world home, showing that many approved of her actions and wanted it to succeed. Of course it would take some time to get over the racism the Dominion had installed in many of them, but thanks to everything that had been do so far they had taken the first steps necessary to try and overcome the past, now that the world wasn't in danger of being destroyed, at least not yet. Za'kera, however, was more than willing to accept the responsibility and challenge that her actions had brought her, even though her duties as the Empress meant that many continued to bother her, where she had the Elder Council to fall back on, who gladly served despite their own desires to gain more power over Cyrodiil.

Amaryllis had also witnessed the departure of Alduin and the other dragons, many taking to the wilds of Skyrim and doing their best to remain separated from the races of the land, though the majority spread out across the whole of Tamriel, to find new homes and resume their lives. True to her word Ma'jera and the other Demiprinces, and all of the Demigods, also departed from the world and returned to their own planes of existence, resuming their duties as the children of the gods, which meant that all of the Daedra pulled out as well, traversing the barrier between Nirn and Oblivion as they returned to their homes. Zoravoir, despite the fact that she wanted to stay in Cyrodiil and help out, given all the work everyone had put into saving the world, also returned to her Plane of Oblivion and fully embraced her duties as a Daedric Prince, even if it meant she had to remain on the other side of the Liminal Barrier for the most part. Amaryllis, of course, was sad to see it happen, since she had become friends with the former princess, but it was something that had to be done and she had no say in the matter, only saying nothing as she accepted the difference between her and her friend.

In addition to all of that she figured out a way to maybe, just maybe, turn the misfortunes of the Brotherhood around, as before Zoravoir left they found the old Sanctuary that was between Anvil and Kvatch, where her friend made sure that no outsiders would be able to find it. Such a thing meant that only the members of the Brotherhood would be able to find it, and with the power of both a Daedric Prince and her right as Sithis' Chosen, or whatever Amaryllis was called, they were able to restore it and purify an area for the Night Mother, before she sealed the door with a new passphrase. With such a thing done she sent word to Nazir and arranged for the coffin to be moved once more, as well as a number of new sisters and brothers, as he had found assassins to join the Brotherhood, having passed his test with flying colors. While she had a desire for the Dark Brotherhood to serve Za'kera, as in take out her enemies and whatnot, she knew it wouldn't work, as it would strike fear in everyone, so she intended for them to resume their duties once everything had calmed down, which meant finding people to take the vacant roles that the Brotherhood was missing.

Given her new position as the Leader of the Dominion, well, she couldn't be the Listener of the Brotherhood all the time, so Amaryllis found a way to divide her responsibilities between her roles, as every now and then she'd be the shadowy Listener, rumored to be a dark furred female Khajiit, other times she'd be Lady Sylvanna, the leader of the Dominion, and other times she'd be nobody, a literal shadow watching over the Empire.

Following the end of the war Za'kera's army essentially disbanded, each race returning to their provinces to follow their rulers once more, with the Imperial Legion continuing to serve her and keep Cyrodiil safe, though they also had all sorts of new recruits from the other provinces, people who wanted to serve with their new friends. The people of Skyrim were sad to see that Ulfric, many of his fellow Jarls, and a good portion of the Stormcloaks had perished in the war with the Aldmeri Dominion, or at least that came from those who shared his viewpoints, but the restoration of Talos worship prevented the people from raging over the punishment the Dominion had received. Of course, since he was a fallen hero, Ulfric earned a song befitting of his exploits and deeds, though it also signaled the end of the Civil War, but as far as Amaryllis knew there was still no High King or Queen, as while many now supported Elisif they didn't think she was ready for the duty of ruling over the whole province, which she also agreed with. That meant there might be another War of Succession in the future, as Amaryllis was sure that someone would rise a banner and try it at some point in time, though she guessed time would tell, due to the fact that Akatosh had nothing else to say to her, other than congratulating her for a job well done before he and the fragments of the other Divines returned to their plane as well.

In addition to that she learned that the Volkihar Clan had been led by Harkon for a few more days, who wanted to darken the world and rule over everything, now that he knew such a thing was possible after helping them save the world, but, as it turned out, Serana and Valerica had more allies and they tore him apart. As it turned out most of the vampires had seen what was possible when a villainous organization gained the attention of the entire world, which would have happened to them if they found a way to claim Auriel's Bow from her and used it to darken the sun, so they killed Harkon to stop that from happening. It was amusing to hear such a thing, given all the time Harkon ruled by fear or absolute power, though it meant that the Volkihar Clan was now being led by Serana, who was trying to find a way to mold the clan into a new force that wasn't a menace to Skyrim, as in making them into a helpful force so they weren't hunted down. Of course that didn't sit well with Isran, meaning that he must have lost some loved ones or something to the vampires and wouldn't rest until he got his vengeance on them, but with how the rest of Skyrim seemed to be reacting, as some of the clan members were hunting down bandits and criminals, she had a feeling they'd turn against the Dawnguard if things kept up like that.

Of course there was an interesting rumor around that point, of a black robed figure who appeared out of nowhere and fled before anyone could figure out who it was, as if they had been made of shadows or something, but since it didn't turn up the people focused on their own problems and other things.

Thinking about that caused her to consider Miraak for a time, as the ancient former Dragon Priest had departed after the war for the world was over, in fact she was sure he had left while everyone was distracted, but based on what they could tell he seemed uninterested in his original plans. In fact she was sure that he wanted to explore the rest of the world, see if he could learn new things without having to fall back on Hermaeus Mora or the realm he had been trapped in for a long period of time, and the Prince in question just let him go, why she had no idea and she really didn't want to know what the Prince of Knowledge had planned for him. Such a thing meant that Solstheim was free and they didn't have to worry about him returning at some point in time, as he no longer cared about ruling the island, much less Skyrim, but with a wandering ancient Dragonborn out there she was sure that it would come to bite them in the rear at some point in time, how she had no idea and she really didn't want to know that either. Either way she was sure that everything would be fine for a while, after everything that had been done to save the world from danger, and it was strengthened even further by Ma'jera also fulfilling her last statement, she pulled the sunken Tower out of the depths of the sea, reforged its Stone, and set it down in Black Marsh, which caused Za'kera some headaches when King Abiru inquired about its existence.

Despite all of that, however, Amaryllis let out a light chuckle as she watched the sun rise over Cyrodiil, as she had far more work to do to make the world a better place and was sure that she, and her allies, would be busy for some time, but she was looking forward to whatever the future had for her and the rest of the world.

Comments ( 8 )

sad to see this one go, but looking forward to the next one...if that Gundam idea pans out, that would be interesting...

11191910 Unfortunately, there wasn't much else to be done with this story, so it had to end. As for what's up, well, let's just say we've got some demons to slay.

11191968 I know you're excited for a potential Gundam story, though it'll be a while before I get anywhere near that, as I have several other stories in mind that I want to get through first.

fair enough, though i will admit, it will be interesting to see how u go about it, theres not that much representation of Gundam or any other Real Robot anime in MLP or just on FimFic...

11192005 Still have to consider which series to tackle, who to send there, what needs to be changed... hopefully, whenever we get to it, it'll be done well.

So this story ends. I wonder how things will go for them and what will bring them to help Equestria? Still that is years down the road.

u have a very wide range of series to choose from, 40+ years of series in fact...

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