• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Skyrim: The Faces of Death - Blackdrag-rose

Amaryllis, a changeling infiltrator for Chrysalis' hive, goes looking for her missing queen, but is teleported to a brand new world in the process, one that is unlike anything she's seen so far, while also being in the middle of a war.

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Interlude: Final Preparations

After Wind took control of the dead realm, and replaced the fallen Prince as Zoravoir, Amaryllis found that the rest of their day was spent in Apocrypha, as Miraak pulled Za'kera over to what seemed to be the peak of Hermaeus Mora's realm and started to train her in the ancient art of the Thu'um. That was the reason they had come to Solstheim in the first place, to take care of Miraak in some manner, though her friend took to his training and learned the Words that he had to share with her, teaching her the basic Shouts that a Dragonborn would learn. Of course he was treating her like an apprentice, instead of an equal, but she was fine with it and showed him that she was capable of handling everything that was thrown at her, all while preparing herself for what the future held for her and her companions, especially since they would be returning to Skyrim once her training was complete. Given that information Amaryllis found that she didn't need to worry about her friend all that much, as there was no reason for her to hang around Apocrypha, not with Lydia hanging out nearby to make sure her Thane was safe and sound, she ended up in the new realm, watching as the revived races resumed their lives, even if it meant starting over.

Zoravoir, on the other hand, continued to reshape the land, forming domains for the various races that apparently lived in this place before Dagon shattered it and slew her predecessor in battle, resulting in Deadlight's creation and forcing the former Prince into the state they had been trapped in. She was impressed by the sheer power of a Daedric Prince, as her friend was capable of manipulating the fabric of reality, in this realm anyway, and created whatever she wanted, making a port town and a floating sea city, molding forests for those who lived there, making a city for those who preferred that sort of life, and all sorts of other things. It was like Zoravoir was getting the hang of her powers, even though she sighed as she also made a dungeon area, a tower of some kind that rested in a mountain range, as she discovered that there were several individuals among her people who were heroes and wanted to keep their fellow citizens safe. In addition to that she had a few ideas on what to do for her own race that would defend her realm, like how Sheogorath had the Saints and Seducers, but she seemed to be holding off on such a thing until everything else was finished, and as Amaryllis watched, from a wall of the soon to be castle of Elysium, she even saw a white dragon off in the distance.

She really had no idea how long she had been standing on the wall, even though Elysium had a sun and moon system that followed Nirn's own system, instead of what she and Zoravoir were used to on their home planet, but eventually Zoravoir stopped messing with her realm and floated down to the wall, where Amaryllis bowed her head in respect.

"You know you don't have to do that, right?" Zoravoir inquired, though it was easy for Amaryllis to tell, without the need of her emotion sensing abilities, that her friend was overwhelmed by the power that was coursing through her veins and the responsibility that came from being a Daedric Prince, but she was going to deal with the stress in her own time, that much she was sure of.

"With all due respect, yes I do... I know better, as Ma'jera would say." Amaryllis replied, because her encounter with the Prince of Madness, and the curse she had borne for some time, had taught her to respect the Princes of Oblivion and not to mess with them or their strange children, hence why she was treating Zoravoir with the respect she deserved, even if she was going to have to earn the respect of the other godly beings on her own, "Still, you picked a good name."

"I've always hated the name 'Crudelis', and 'Wind Rose' was always a persona I created to learn more about the races we shared our world with... Zoravoir seemed like something the gods would be known by." Zoravoir said, which was what Amaryllis had been thinking when she heard the name for the first time, as she knew that her friend had despised the name her mother had given her all those years ago, so she wasn't too surprised to hear the reasoning for this decision, before she glanced out at her new realm and the people in it, "Still, this was worth all that headache, especially with all of the races that were here, saved by their Prince and then stored so they could be revived when someone claimed the empty throne. Just think about all the knowledge that was lost with the people of this realm, about the races and cultures of Nirn, and everything we could learn from them over the next couple of days... provided that we stop the Thalmor and their organization from activating the Numidium."

"It's a shame that there aren't any Dwemer here, otherwise we could learn how to safely deactivate and dismantle such a terrifying mechanical monster," Amaryllis commented, because that was the only race that didn't seem to be represented in this world, as it appeared that every race of Nirn called this place home, save for the Dwemer, but she was happy to see that her friend was just fine with this turn of events, even if she seemed to think the same thing, "however, I agree with you, this was a wonderful thing to have happen... you might end up being visited by Hermaeus Mora at some point, since this has to be the first recorded instance of someone outright replacing a Daedric Prince."

"Second, actually. Sheogorath was manteled, remember?" Zoravoir inquired, reminding her of the fact that the current Prince of Madness was actually the Champion of Cyrodiil, who manteled Sheogorath and faced Jyggalag around that point in time, back during the Oblivion Crisis that Dagon started so he could destroy Nirn, a quest that ultimately failed, before she thought of something, "On that topic, I've taken both of Neloth's former apprentices and liberated them of the curse, or at least the contagious aspect of it, so don't be surprised if you see the pair walking around... I would have passed on the curse to Neloth, but I have the feeling he would have just spread it around anyway."

Amaryllis nodded her head to that, as Neloth did seem to be mentally unstable at times and she knew that if he was stuck in the state of the Moomer, the curse state that most were stuck in, he'd would likely spread it around to the rest of the island, not to mention make it so he could infect the other provinces as well. If it wasn't for the fact that they needed him to speak to Morrowind's Great Houses, like how they needed the First Councilor to speak to his House, she was sure both of them would have done something to the Dark Elf in question, punish him for his crimes against everyone else, but there was time for that later, once Nirn was safe. Still, she amused herself by imagining what sort of form Neloth would be stuck with if he was cursed by one of the Moomer that he loved to experiment on and study, as he still had that boat, likely full of transformed figures at this point in time, all while following after Zoravoir as they headed for the gray stone castle she had built into her realm. The other thing Zoravoir told her, and would tell the others later, was that she already removed the curse on Lydia, though she let the former Nord stay in the form that she wanted to be in, as it appeared that she liked her new Moomer form a little too much, and she altered it so that her breasts and udder were slightly smaller, giving her greater balance and control.

While Zoravoir did offer her a room for the night, for when it got dark out, Amaryllis accepted it and said that she would be back when it was time to rest, as there was one other thing she wanted to check out, which involved using the portal her friend had set up to return to Solstheim, placing her a fair distance outside the Skaal Village. Based on what she could see all of the people that were inside the village were just fine, in fact many were confused as to whether or not Za'kera would be successful in beating Miraak, though Storn had a smile on his face as he and Frea observed the rest of their people for a time. Such a thing told her that the corrupt Dragon Priest must have removed his influence over the last Stone, the one that was stuck inside his temple, though there was no way for her to figure that out without flying over there to check out what might have happened to the ancient stone. As she thought about that, however, she felt a strange surge of power, as in Equestrian power, and it was coming from a nearby cave, where she determined that it wasn't Zoravoir, otherwise she was sure that one of the Princes or Divines would have interfered, but it caused her to frown as she flew over to where it rested, carefully drawing her blades for whatever might be inside it.

What she discovered were a number of Riekling structures were slumbering critters that didn't wake up, piles of what she assumed were cheese, and a few brown stains that smelled of chocolate milk, before discovering a final chamber that was far larger than the rest that she had passed through. This one had a raised section that caught her attention, as it held an odd structure that looked like the Rieklings had taken a carriage and encased parts of it in snow, with a snow horse with a pair of antlers, a scene reminding her of the tale of Santa Hooves, but that wasn't what held her attention. What held most of her focus was the fact that there was a lady sitting on the carriage who radiated the power of a Daedric Prince, but right now she happened to be wearing a red elf dress and hat, with a thick candy cane stuck in her mouth like it was a gag, just to stop her from speaking, and she was tied up with bows and ribbons. Sheogorath was present as well, running around the sleigh like he was having a field day or something, and he seemed to be dressed up in a suit that one would assume 'Santa' would wear, though it shared his colors, so people knew who was in town, and his staff seemed to have taken on the form of a long candy cane.

In addition to all of that Amaryllis found a chimera creature that she instantly recognized, as she had seen it a few times in the past, when she was in Canterlot and Ponyville, as it was none other than Discord, the Spirit of Disharmony, and such a thing made her wonder why he was here, before figuring he came because of Zoravoir.

"And the guest of honor arrives at long last... we dressed up Namira when she came to see what Sheogorath was up to," Discord remarked, pulling out a pocket watch for a few seconds before it transformed into an annoyed little rabbit, who was wearing a more formal shirt and claimed that someone was late, before dashing off, causing the being to ignore it as he turned towards the other mad being.

"Ah Discord, it is wonderful to have you around again... your chaos makes things infinitely more interesting for me and the other Princes," Sheogorath said, though Amaryllis had a feeling that such a thing was a lie, the Princes didn't like the Prince of Madness all that much, or at least that was what she got from what she had seen so far, and she suspected that none of them liked having Discord around, who had either slipped into this world thanks to the crack in the Liminal Barrier of his power allowed such a thing to happen.

"You were waiting for me? And here I was thinking you had come because of Wind's ascension, becoming the newest of the Daedric Princes." Amaryllis remarked, though this scene raised questions in her mind that she shelved for right now, as her mind was on what was going on and how it was going to affect Za'kera's plans, since Discord's arrival could mess with all sorts of things and she wanted to figure things out before he suddenly departed from this world.

"Well, I can't do anything about the other one, as she's now far stronger than me, but I can still take you home," Discord stated, something that caused her to raise her eyebrow for a moment as the mad being summoned a glass of chocolate milk and drank the glass, because of course he would do something like that, before tossing the extra to Sheogorath, who turned it into a soft brown cheese and ate it, "There's an army of demons posed on invading our world, and I'm tracking down the rest of the displaced..."

"While I would like to help you out, we're in the middle of a war of our own," Amaryllis replied, something that caused the mad being to stop while Sheogorath slapped his knee, sending the cap into the wall, where she mentally moaned and just decided not to pay attention to the Madgod, deciding to focus on Discord for a few more seconds, "the Aldmeri Dominion is plotting to bring an end to this world, and right now we've taken the next step in stopping them, so I can't just leave my friends behind in their time of need."

Discord stood there for a moment, clearly debating what he should do with her, before waving his hand as if he was telling her to get lost, meaning he was leaving her to her devices, to which she shook her head as she left the cave, leaving both of the mad beings to their party, if it could be called that, and focused on what needed to happen next.

Amaryllis found that they spent another week on Solstheim, Za'kera learning all of the Words of Power and Shouts from Miraak, Zoravoir putting all of the finishing touches on her new realm, and Lydia continued to train herself to make sure she was ready for what was coming up in the near future. She spent her days learning about the races of Elysium, while at the same time finding that all of them liked having a few new races to learn about, the Moomer to be exact, but it was just a way for her to pass the time since Za'kera wasn't in danger while she was in Apocrypha. While they prepared Amaryllis also discovered something interesting, that the First Councilor had learned of their reasons for coming to the island and that he had sent a letter to Morrowind, to his House to be exact, showing them that he agreed with their plans and that they might have allies coming in from the ashen province. Neloth, despite her thinking that the wizard was insane, did the same thing, no doubt to put them in his debt, so two of the Great Houses of Morrowind would learn of their efforts and might send some forces to aid Za'kera in purging the continent of the Aldmeri Dominion.

On the third day, however, Amaryllis was proven right, Neloth was still insane as she discovered what he had done in his studies of the Moomer, he had turned himself into one of the very creatures he had cursed his apprentice to be, where she found that he had made some changes to it. Nela, as Amaryllis was going to call her, had given herself a sexier body than all of the others of her new species, remaking her robes to fit her new form, though in addition to that she had also given herself a second set of breasts, sized to match the main pair. Another thing she discovered was the fact that Nela had altered her hip area so her udder didn't impact her walking at all, so whenever the figure walked she was doing so in a sexy manner as her cow tail swung behind her. Other than that she found that most of the normal changes, the hooves, ears, horns, muzzle, and all of the other cow features were present, though Amaryllis frowned as she discovered what the wizard had done, as she was hoping he'd be embarrassed and Nela was just riding high on her foul victory, as she even cut out the contagious aspect, making the form hers.

Ma'jera disappeared on the sixth day of their training, though Amaryllis noticed that she was carrying a large gem that looked like it might be found inside a volcano, but she didn't stay gone for long, because the Demiprince returned in due time and they found that the gemstone was missing, only for Zoravoir to raise an eyebrow.

"You restored the Red Tower, didn't you?" Zoravoir inquired, something that caused Amaryllis to raise an eyebrow when she heard that piece of information, because they knew that most of the Towers were deactivated and the Red Tower, which was the erupting volcano in Morrowind, didn't have a Stone anymore, causing her to put together what was going on right now.

"Indeed. In the event that the Numidium is activated, we have decided to play one last card, to reinforce this world... and by that I mean reactivate the deactivated Towers," Ma'jera said, where Amaryllis could tell that she was happy, since her former apprentice had understood her plan within seconds of discovering what she had done, before she thought about the rest of the plan that she and her father, not to mention the Divines since she was sure they were involved, had come up with, "We have several Towers that still need to be reactivated, which should prevent all out destruction if our foes are about to awaken the Numidium... or not, we're not entirely sure what's going to happen."

Amaryllis knew that Ma'jera and Hermaeus Mora had a good idea of what might happen, but due to everything that was going on the future of this world had to be constantly changing, to the point where even the Prince of Fate had no idea which future was the one they were heading for, so it was impossible to stop what was coming. With that news in hand, however, Ma'jera spent the rest of the sixth and seventh day preparing the Stones for the other Towers that needed them, or at least that was what she was assuming based on everything she had learned so far, but she decided not to question what the Demiprince was doing. Za'kera also finished her training under Miraak, where Amaryllis found that her friend had an aura of sorts that she suspected belonged to the Dragonborn, when one fully recognized their power in some way, while at the same time Zoravoir was done with her realm and moved her portal back to Skyrim, that way they could travel back to Skyrim. Interestingly enough they found that Frea was interested in joining them, while most of her people wanted nothing to do with the war they were preparing for, though while she hated Miraak, for enslaving the Skaal, she seemed to understand that they needed his power in the days to come and said nothing to him as she joined Za'kera's forces.

Once the week was done, and everyone was ready to go, Zoravoir activated the gateway and they traveled back to Skyrim at long last, appearing outside the fort that Ma'jera had set up a while ago, surprising the forces that were there, though it took Za'kera no time to regain control of the situation. In addition to that she found Maven Black-Briar visiting the fort, as she had a surprise for her, which appeared to be a pure white horse, one wearing light horse armor that meant he had to be ready for war, another prize to be given to her that she might have to pay for at a later date. In addition to that she and the others found that her forces bared flags possessing a sun marking, a new dawn when Amaryllis considered what the artists meant when they designed it, and that they were ready to tackle whatever was waiting for them, especially since none of them had any idea what the Thalmor were planning. Kya, who had remained in Skyrim, reported that all Thalmor had been routed, in fact she slew all of them herself, save for those who were captured for information, those ending up being executed by the insane Argonian, but her forces had protected Skyrim and made sure they were ready for what was to come.

With that done Za'kera climbed on top of Frost, the gifted horse, as Amaryllis called Shadowmere to her side, and the rest of their group climbed on top of the provided horses as well, to which they turned to the south and knew that it was time to get things started, as they were ready and Amaryllis was eager to bring the Aldmeri Dominion down before they were able to complete their terrible mission.

Author's Note:

Edited late September 2022

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