• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Skyrim: The Faces of Death - Blackdrag-rose

Amaryllis, a changeling infiltrator for Chrysalis' hive, goes looking for her missing queen, but is teleported to a brand new world in the process, one that is unlike anything she's seen so far, while also being in the middle of a war.

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Brotherhood: New Arrivals

Getting around the Throat of the World proved to be rather easy, as all Amaryllis had to do was fly above the path that was to the south of it and stay away from the mountain, while making sure to go at a good pace so that Meeko didn't freak out, even though he was actually a pretty good passenger, almost as if he understood that fighting her would cause them to fall out of the air. Of course there might be the fact that she was used to the animals of her home land and the ones in Skyrim weren't like what she was used to, but she had the feeling that she was right about Meeko, and since he was being good she was able to focus her efforts on making sure they reached their destination without much delay, even though she was also keeping her eye open for any dangerous beings. Sure, she had only seen the black dragon once since her arrival in this land, but, at the same time, she wasn't about to let such a beast spot her and attack her, as she was positive a dragon would try to eat her if she was spotted, but fortunately there weren't any creatures like them in the area, allowing the flight to be as uneventful as it could possibly be. At the very least flying over Skyrim meant that she could take in the landscape and not have to worry about the various animals that wanted to kill her, of which there were plenty based on what she had seen so far, she could mark the landmarks in her mind as she flew above them, and she didn't have to worry about bandits trying to stop her every now and then in an attempt to steal her gold, or be interrupted by mock battles that covered the entire road, like she had seen earlier.

Speaking of which she spotted a cave that was to the south of the mountain, one that had a group of Stormcloaks and Imperials fighting in front of it, another mock battle from the looks of it, which only make her wonder what was going on with the civil war and the fact that the two sides claimed to hate each other, and yet they never seemed to kill each other, almost as if they were waiting for someone to make a decision before blood was actually spilled. Sometime after that she found yet another fortress off on her left, showing her that the ancient Nords apparently liked building stuff like this, and this one seemed to be home to bandits, due to the lack of identifying flags that the two factions used, meaning they might be a bounty on their heads, for some brave adventurer to claim if they were willing to fight an entire bandit clan. From above she recognized the area that she was looking down at, because that particular fortress was the first one that she had seen when she arrived in this world, meaning those nobles she had seen earlier, who had dropped the first article of clothing she wore in this land, might have been robbed by the bandits that called that fort home. Near that fortress, off to her right to be exact, rested one of the military camps that the two factions used, one that belonged to the Stormcloaks if she was reading the symbol on their flags correctly, though that was before she noticed a very familiar town at the end of the road, Helgen. It was like what Za'kera told her, the town had been wrecked by something large and parts of it had been burned to the ground, all signs that a dragon was responsible for the damage, but instead of sticking around, as she was sure that bandits might be crawling around the remains of Helgen, she focused on the road leading to Falkreath and followed it, leaving the ruined town behind.

After leaving Helgen behind she found that there really wasn't much less to look at, save for the ruined tower that was near the village that served as the capital of Falkreath, so it only took her half an hour to reach the area that the black pool was located in, the sign that she was in the right area and descended towards the ground, where she landed, let Meeko touch the ground once more, and opened the door in front of her... but, as she walked inside, she heard someone talking and it sounded very familiar, even if she only encountered the individual one time in the past.

"But the Night Mother is mother to all!" a voice said, though as Amaryllis reached the bottom step, and could see what was inside the main chamber, which was where she first met all the members of her new Family and got her first set of side contracts, she found Cicero, and the crate he had been transporting, near the bottom step, and it appeared that he was in the middle of talking to Astrid and the others about something important, "It is her voice we follow! Her will! Would you dare risk disobedience? And surely... punishment?"

"Keep talking, little man, and we'll see who gets 'punished'." Arnbjorn stated, his tone revealing that he didn't much care for Cicero and what he had been talking about, before Amaryllis and Meeko arrived in the Sanctuary anyway, and it looked like he might be getting ready to do something about Cicero, only for a quick glance from Astrid to stop him in his tracks, even if he seemed upset about something, making her wonder what she might have missed since her departure and if she could ask what that something was.

"Oh, be quiet you great lumbering lapdog. The man has had a long journey, that much is obvious, so the least you can do is be a little civil." Festus said, showing that he didn't agree with what Arnbjorn had been thinking as he turned to face both Cicero and the crate that was behind him, which made Amaryllis wonder if the Night Mother was inside the crate and had yet to be removed from the container, even though that was when Festus turned towards the jester, "Mister Cicero, I, for one, am delighted that you and the Night Mother have arrived at last, after such a lengthy journey... your presence here signals a welcome return to tradition."

"Oh, what a kind and wise wizard you are." Cicero replied, where Amaryllis got the feeling that he hadn't been given a very warm welcome by the members of the Family, as it was probably somewhat worse than what she got, but that didn't seem to bother him at all as he smiled and looked at the group in front of him, despite the fact that he was focusing on Festus at the moment and had a smile on his face, which seemed to be his favorite emotion to display, "I'm sure that you will earn our Lady's favor."

"You and the Night Mother are, of course, welcome here, Cicero." Astrid stated, as she had been waiting for them to arrive for some time, if what Amaryllis remembered was to be believed, so she wasn't about to make the Night Mother or her Keeper upset with her and the rest of her Family, which would mean reigning in the Family members that weren't too keen on what was happening at the moment, before she glanced at the jester again, "And you will be afforded the respect you deserve, due to your position as the Night Mother's chosen Keeper. Understood... husband?"

Arnbjorn growled for a moment, almost as if he wanted to rip Cicero apart for whatever he had said before Amaryllis arrived in the Sanctuary, but, at the same time, he seemed to understand that, as the leader of their Family, Astrid's word was the law and they were supposed to follow it, to which he said nothing and simply glared at Cicero, as if he hated the idea that he had to respect the jester, though he also relaxed his hands for a moment, so he didn't step forward and swing his weapon at Cicero.

"Oh, yes yes yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Cicero said, his tone revealing that he was happy that they were able to come to some sort of understanding, instead of him being attacked by one of the Family members, maybe more if he did something that upset the rest of the Family, and Amaryllis suspected that he was even happier that the long journey he had been on was finally over, especially after all the bumps he had encountered on the way here, but she remained silent as she watched them speak.

"But make no mistake, Cicero, I am the leader of this Sanctuary, of this Family, and my word is law." Astrid said, where her words echoed what Amaryllis had been thinking a few moments ago, almost as if she was worried that the arrival of the Night Mother meant she would lose what power and authority she had over the others, and she suspected that if things were like what they were in the past such a thing could have happened, and she wasn't afraid to let Cicero know what one of her laws was right off the bat, "Are we clear on that point?"

"Oh yes, mistress. Perfectly! You're the boss." Cicero replied, showing that he must have been used to this happening in the past, before making the trip up to Skyrim, but, at the same time, his words seemed to appease Astrid, as she smiled for a moment as the rest of the Family dispersed, returning to what they had been doing before he arrived with the crate that contained the Night Mother, leaving the jester to whatever it was he needed to do to make sure the crate was moved to the area that likely had been set up for it at some point in time.

Amaryllis was, of course, a little surprised that none of the others seemed interested in helping Cicero with the crate that he had brought to this Sanctuary, but, at the same time, it appeared that the man wasn't annoyed by that fact and seemed fine with working alone, so she decided to focus on Astrid, as she could tell that there was something she wanted to talk about and that it was best to talk with her first, before she tracked down Nazir and informed him that all three of her first targets had been taken care of.

"Ah, I was wondering when you were going to get back." Astrid said, revealing that she remained true to the belief that Amaryllis was a born assassin and that nothing Nazir threw at her would take her out, though for now it remained to be seen how long that lasted, since she was sure she would be getting some more difficult contracts in the near future, "I was done speaking with that muttering fool anyway. You and I have some business to discuss."

"I take it you have a major contract for me?" Amaryllis asked, because before she left the Sanctuary earlier she knew that Astrid was in the middle of finalizing some details with someone in Skyrim, the first major contract that she would be given, something that would be even harder than what she just went through, and part of her was a little eager to see what sort of assignment she was getting.

"I do indeed, my dear sister." Astrid replied, though at the same time she was happy to see that Amaryllis was a little excited for her first major contract, confirming part of her earlier thoughts about the changeling, and she was hoping that her belief that Amaryllis was a natural assassin would be proven correct as well, before she returned to the matter at hand so she could give her the details of the contract, "You must go to the city of Markarth, which is located on the western side of Skyrim, and speak with the apothecary's assistant, who you will either find in The Hag's Cure, the shop that she works in, or somewhere else in the city, like the inn or just walking on the streets. The girl's been running her mouth lately, wants an ex-lover killed, and, according to what we've learned, she's apparently performed the Black Sacrament. Her name is Muiri, and you'll know you've found her when you find a Breton with a green marking on her face, going over the nose while also resting on both sides of her face. I need you to talk to her, set up the contract, and carry it out."

"Shouldn't be too hard to find her, even if it's a big city." Amaryllis remarked, because with her ability she could simply ask a guard where the store was located, while in the guise of a traveler, and then appear to Muiri as an assassin, so she knew that the one she would be working with had come to talk with her, though she hoped there was more to the story than just wanting an ex-lover killed, "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Just do what the client wants, be professional, represent us well, and get the job done... and, since this will be your first real contract, I'll let you keep whatever Muiri pays, as I'm sure she'll be generous." Astrid answered, revealing that most of the money from the contracts likely went to the Sanctuary, to fund some of the more expensive contracts or to buy things that they needed, like food and other provisions, before she glanced down at Amaryllis' hooves, "Also, where did that dog you came in with wander off to?"

As it turned out Meeko decided to explore the Sanctuary while Amaryllis was talking to Astrid, but, once she found him in the dining area, she knew that there was no reason to worry about him, as Meeko was sitting with Arnbjorn, who was actually smiling for once, and some of the other members of the Family, like he was already part of the Family based on how they were treating him, to which Astrid admitted defeat and walked away... but, after Amaryllis informed Nazir that her contracts were complete, and got seven hundred and fifty coins per target, she returned to the entrance and decided that it was time to talk with a familiar face.

"Cicero! We meet again." Amaryllis said, because she was happy to see him again, especially since she had helped him convince Loreius to fix his wheel and help him move the wagon once more, allowing him to transport the crate that carried the Night Mother to the Sanctuary, only for Cicero to raise an eyebrow for a moment, like he had no idea who she was or something like that, "What? Don't you recognize me? I helped you convince Loreius to help with the broken wheel."

"Cicero remembers a Khajiit helping him, not... whatever you are." Cicero replied, though his happy tone revealed that he wasn't bothered by meeting a new member of the Family, one that had been absent when he first arrived in the area and had introduced himself to the others, nor was he upset that someone was trying to convince him that they were someone else that he had encountered on the road.

For a moment Amaryllis wondered what he was talking about, but that was when she glanced down at herself and found that she hadn't switched back into her Khajiit disguise, rather she was still in her normal form due to flying here with Meeko, to which she chuckled and let the magic wash over her once more, allowing her to show Cicero the form that he was referring to, while a look of shock appeared on his face.

"I am that Khajiit, though what I really am is a changeling, a shapeshifter." Amaryllis stated, where she could tell that Cicero was impressed by what he saw and waved his hands through the area her wings had been in moments ago, along with the area her horn had been in, finding that it was nothing like the illusions that the residents of Skyrim and the other provinces could use in their daily lives.

"I must admit that I wasn't expecting this." Cicero said, though his reaction was just like what the others had done when she revealed herself to them earlier, they seemed to be rather accepting of her true nature and were thinking of how she could use her abilities to get her contracts done, something that she was coming to terms with, "But this form is one I recognize, for Cicero never forgets a face."

"I knew you were telling the truth when I met you, about transporting your mother." Amaryllis stated, though at the same time she rested a hand on the crate that Cicero was standing near, because she now knew that it likely contained the Night Mother, the Unholy Matron as Astrid called her, and that Cicero deserved all the respect he deserved thanks to his position as the Keeper, even if she wasn't totally sure of what that meant.

"I did! I did!" Cicero replied, once more showing that he was happy that someone understood what was going on and that he was likely happy about her helping him with the broken wheel, by convincing Loreius to come and help him with the tools that he had on him, "But she isn't just my mother, she's our mother... the Night Mother! You have might pleased me, by convincing Loreius to fix my broken wheel, but you have surely pleased our mother with your actions."

"So, what brings you to this Sanctuary?" Amaryllis inquired, because while she knew that Cicero had been telling the truth earlier, about moving the Night Mother to a new crypt, even if this place wasn't a traditional crypt, she was a tad bit curious about the reasoning behind why Cicero wanted to come here, to Skyrim of all places, and this would let her learn something about the newest member of her Family before she left for her first contract.

"The Night Mother's crypt in Bravil was... desecrated." Cicero said, though from what little Amaryllis knew there had been fights breaking out all over the provinces of the land, either recently or in the past, but she wasn't about to question the period of time that he was talking about, since he seemed focused on answering her question, "The Imperial Province was being ravaged by strife at the time, and currently nowhere there is safe, or at least it was that way when I departed from the province. So Cicero brought our Lady to her new home. Here! This is the only Sanctuary left in all of Skyrim, you see. Such was my... honor. As Keeper."

Amaryllis got the feeling that, while Cicero was honored to be the Night Mother's Keeper, there was a part of his role that he didn't like and that he was quick to make sure no one noticed his little bouts of disappointment, but instead of calling him out on those moments, like someone else would, she was more than willing to listen to him and learn more about the organization she had joined.

"Astrid told me that the Night Mother killed her children to honor Sithis. Is that true?" Amaryllis asked, because while she didn't doubt what she had been told, when she first entered the Sanctuary and had questioned the leader of the Dark Brotherhood about something she had said, she wanted a second opinion, to either verify what she had been told or maybe learn the truth.

"You are correct, she is the undying spirit of a great woman who birthed the children of Sithis... and killed all of them, in his honor." Cicero answered, where he glanced at the tunnel that would lead up to where Astrid was located, where she was either leaning against the wall or was staring at the map that was on the stone table that had a few daggers in it, but it seemed like he was pleased with what Astrid had told her.

"And what about Sithis?" Amaryllis inquired, as she had heard the name a few times since coming to the Sanctuary and was curious if she could figure out anything about the mysterious figure, even though she could have asked the rest of her Family members the last time she was here, something that she hadn't considered before she left to deal with the first set of contracts Nazir had given her.

"Hm, that one is... difficult." Cicero admitted, informing Amaryllis that Sithis was a being that had to be hard to talk about, even for the Dark Brotherhood and those that followed him, but, at the same time, he was more than willing to give her an idea of who the mysterious being was, "It's like telling you about the cold of space, or terror of midnight. Sithis is all those things. For He is... the Void."

"I see." Amaryllis said, though she had to admit that Sithis was like terrifying being of some sort, based on what she just learned from Cicero, but at the same time she guessed that was more than enough for her, as there were a few more things she wanted to know before she left for her contract, "So, is there anything you can tell me about your duties as the Night Mother's Keeper, or anything you can tell me about yourself?"

"Well, Cicero takes care of our Lady's body... oils it, preserves it, keeps it safe. Makes sure nobody disrespects our Matron's coffin." Cicero replied, telling Amaryllis that what he really did was make sure nothing happened to the body of the Night Mother and made sure both her body and her coffin were in good condition, something that seemed to match his position as her Keeper, before he raised a hand to his chin, "As for me... well, I'm just the Keeper, not the Listener. Oh no, there is no Listener at the moment. Not yet! But some day, some day, some day I pray, that one will come to hear her say... The words."

"The... Listener?" Amaryllis repeated, as this was the first time she had heard of such a thing, because she was sure that none of the other members of her Family had mentioned the Listener in the past, but, since it appeared that Cicero was in the mood to talk, before focusing on the Night Mother, she had the feeling that he would answer the question when she asked it, "Forgive my ignorance, but what in the world is the Listener?"

"Oh, well, the Listener is the only person that the Night Mother speaks to, and it is the highest honor attainable by a member of the Dark Brotherhood." Cicero answered, where Amaryllis raised an eyebrow for a moment, as that wasn't something she was expecting to hear, but she remained silent as he continued his explanation as to what the Listener was and what he knew about the figure, "Of course our Lady is dead, so she doesn't talk with words, since her lips are... rotted. But she talks inside the Listener's head. I hear it's... intimate. Ah, but there has not been a Listener in years, and our Lady has not chosen Cicero, nor has she picked Astrid. Or... well, anyone for that matter. But some day..."

Amaryllis was surprised by that sort of thing, as it almost reminded her of the Hivemind and how her former Queen would speak to both her and the other changelings that she ruled over, but since that seemed to be the last thing Cicero wanted to talk about, so he could tend to the Night Mother, she excused herself headed towards the entrance of the Sanctuary, though as she did that she let the magic wash over her body as she returned to her normal form, and once she walked outside she took to the air and departed for the city her first major contract was in.

Based upon what Astrid had told her, and what she recalled from her map, Amaryllis knew that there was a long road one would normally take to reach Markarth and that there could be a good number of obstacles along the way, but flying over to the city meant that she could avoid the potential enemies that would be in her way and allowed her to see another part of Skyrim, a different region than what she had seen so far. She spotted a fortress off in the distance, one that was larger than some of the others she had seen so far, and a few different camps scattered around the last bit of the forest that she flew over, one that appeared to be home to some bandits, another that seemed to be where a lone hunter was resting for the night, and an entire compound of people that were wearing odd clothing that made them look like they were used to living in the wilds of the land, and not like a hunter. Of course she instantly learned not to go anywhere near where the wild people were living, as they either seemed to notice her flying through the air or head a noise that she made, as she had to avoid a few shards of ice that were sent her way and moved away from the camp she had been flying over, all while making a mental note to avoid these areas in the future, if she came this way again. She had the feeling that she would be coming back this way at some point in the future, since the targets of the contracts seemed to be scattered throughout the provinces of Skyrim and there could be one in this area in the future, so it was good she discovered that these camps were places she wanted to avoid, before focusing on what she was doing as she headed in the direction of Markarth.

Fortunately it appeared that the route she was taking only had a few camps that the groups of aggressive wild people called home, allowing her to focus on the location that she was heading towards, which would take an hour to an hour and a half for her to arrive at her destination, though she knew she would have a limited amount of time to find Muiri and get the information she was after, before the client was out of her reach.

It took her roughly an hour and ten minutes to find the city in question, though it was hard to miss the entrance that had been carved into the side of a mountain, or what had once been a mountain since there was no ceiling attached to the top of the front gate, meaning that whoever built the city also cared for sunlight, and all of the buildings that were just outside the city's entrance were also made of stone, all made in the same style. Fortunately, since it was getting darker out and the sun was going down, she landed behind where the stables were located, or at least what she assumed was the stables, and shifted into the form of a traveler, an imperial that wore the leather armor she had worn for some time at the start of her journey, before walking out of the shadows and headed towards the gate. From what she could tell whoever the carriage driver was seemed to be sleeping at the moment, in the small tent that was near the carriage, and the owner of the stables was asleep as well, though the part that interested her was that whoever the guards were supposed to be weren't outside the gate, meaning she could walk in and not be bothered by someone for once. When she walked through the gate, however, she found that Markarth was vastly different from the other major cities she had been to, as it all seemed to be made from the same stone the gate was made out of and there were bronze doors here and there, which gave her an idea of where all the shops and houses were located, and there was also a small river that ran through the city, no doubt connected to the one she had seen outside.

The other interesting thing was that there was a pair of dead bodies nearby, a male Breton and a female Nord by the looks of things, so neither of them were Muiri, which would have been awkward if she came here to start a contract and the one she was supposed to talk to was dead before she even arrived, but thankfully that meant the person she was supposed to be talking to was somewhere in the city, and the approaching guard was the best person who could tell her what she needed to know.

"What happened here? Is there a killer about?" Amaryllis asked, hopefully passing herself off as a traveler that had just arrived in the city and had no idea what was going on, though since it was getting late, and some of the guards had to be getting tired, it appeared that it might not matter what she said, as the guard looked like he was ready to turn in for the night and let this mess be someone else's problem.

"No, old Weylin went crazy and attacked a visitor, and since he resisted arrest we were forced to put him down," the guard replied, though while his tone made Amaryllis think there might be more to this than what she was seeing, as it just seemed odd that someone would go crazy and attack a visitor on the streets, she decided that this was the least of her worries and, more importantly, that she could focus on her own objective and not get sidetracked again.

"I see. Well, I'll be moving along then," Amaryllis stated, though while she did turn and walk a few steps, to go with the type of person she had chosen to be for the moment, she did stop like she remembered something and turned around so she could face the guard once more, showing him that there was one more thing she needed to ask, "Would you happen to know where Muiri is? I came to Markarth to speak to her about something important, before I head to Solitude."

"You mean Bothela's assistant? Last I heard she was in the Silver-Blood Inn," the guard said, though his tone indicated that he didn't want to talk about it and returned to his work, which was perfectly acceptable to Amaryllis, who nodded her head in thanks and headed towards the first set of doors that were near the gate she had walked through, as the sign that was attached to the building made her think it was the inn.

Sure enough her thoughts were correct, as the moment she entered the building she found a number of patrons that happened to be sitting at the bar, getting drinks and telling stories, while some sat near the fireplace and did the same thing that their friends were doing a few steps from where they were sitting, but, as she took all that in, she spotted a young lady matching Astrid's description of Muiri who was watching the door and, upon seeing the way their eyes seemed to meet, headed into one of the rooms as if she was retiring, allowing Amaryllis to follow after her and shift back into her assassin form as soon as she was no longer in anyone's sight.

"Why... why were you looking at me like that?" Muiri asked, though there was a frightened tone to her voice for a few seconds, especially when she turned around and found that Amaryllis was now dressed up in her full assassin attire, which also included her Khajiit form due to how often she was using it, but the interesting thing was that Muiri was more focused on the here and now, instead of what she had seen a few moments ago.

"The Dark Brotherhood has heard your pleas, Muiri." Amaryllis replied, deciding to get right to the point, as in figuring out what the lady wanted her to do and which targets she needed to eliminate for her, if there was more than one anyway, before she closed the door so none of the other patrons noticed what was going on in this room, since it appeared that appearances were important to some people in Skyrim.

"The Dark Brotherh..." Muiri started to say, almost as if she was terrified of the fact that someone might have called on the group of assassins to kill her in her sleep or something like that, before she remembered that she had been the one to reach out to them in the first place, which was why a look of relief appeared on her face, "Oh. Oh! I... my goodness, you're really here! The Black Sacrament... it actually worked?!"

"Indeed it did." Amaryllis answered, as she felt that it would be best to make sure Muiri knew that the sacred ritual people used had worked as it was supposed to, even if she felt there could be a better way of confirming when someone did it in the first place, before she focus on the real reason she had come to Markarth in the first place, "Now tell me, what do you need the Dark Brotherhood to do?"

"What I need?" Muiri asked in return, once more showing that Amaryllis' presence seemed to be making her forget the reason she had performed the Black Sacrament in the first place, even though it took her a few seconds to regain herself and recall the reason why Amaryllis was here, where her hands turned into fists as she recalled the information she had been looking for, "What I need is for Alain Dufont to die! I want him hunted down and murdered like the dog he is!"

"I can do that." Amaryllis said, though it was really sounding like she and Alain had a falling out at some point in the past, something that kind of killed the mood and feel of the entire contract, which she made sure not to show to Muiri as they were talking, before getting to the other piece of information that she needed, "Is there anything else you can tell me, before I leave to kill Alain?"

"I didn't know it when we were, well, together, but Alain is actually the leader of a band of cutthroats, bandits, and as far as I know they're holed up in some old dwarven ruin, Raldbthar." Muiri replied, giving Amaryllis the remaining pieces of information that she needed to fulfill the contract, even though she knew that there was a little more Muiri wanted to tell her before she departed from Markarth and headed to the ruin in question, "I asked around and it's near Windhelm, or at least that was what Calcelmo told me. Those bandits are using it as their base, where they stage their raids, but I want you to go to that ruin, find Alain Dufont, and kill him... and I don't care about his friends, so you can do whatever you want with them. But Alain Dufont has to die!"

"As you wish." Amaryllis stated, though this made things more interesting, because if Alain Dufont was the leader of a clan of bandits, like Muiri was saying that he was, the act of getting to him was going to be interesting and would likely test her skills, allowing her to improve as an assassin before she found him and ended his miserable life, especially since she had no problems with cutting down bandits.

"Excellent. Once Alain is dead, I'll pay you, in gold." Muiri said, though Amaryllis felt that the part about gold didn't need to be said, as she was under the impression that the payments for these contracts were in gold and that such a thing was common knowledge, but she wasn't about to question what the young lady was saying, "I've saved up a bit. I hope it's enough for what I'm asking you to do. But, well... there is one more thing, if you're interested?"

"Go on, I'm listening." Amaryllis replied, where she was a little curious about what else Muiri could ask of her, as she was sure that the contract had been set in stone with her acknowledging that Alain Dufont was the only target the young lady wanted her to take out, but that didn't stop her from being interested in what she had to say before she left the city and sought out her target.

"If you can, I want you to kill someone else, in addition to Alain." Muiri stated, where she steeled herself for what she was about to ask, something that made Amaryllis a little interested in what she was going to learn, where she remained quiet and waited for the second target to be revealed to her, "You don't have to do this, not as part of our deal, but if you do... I'll pay you even more. The other person I want you to kill is Nilsine Shatter-Shield, in Windhelm. If Nilsine dies, too... I'll make it worth your while."

Based on what Amaryllis knew the wording was important, as the contract was on Alain Dufont and no one else, since it appeared that Nilsine wasn't part of the deal, but all she did was nod her head and open the door that she had closed a few minutes ago, leaving Muiri with the knowledge that her problem was going to be taken care of and that there was nothing for her to worry about. As soon as she was back in the hallway, and before someone spotted her, Amaryllis shifted back into her Nord disguise and headed outside the inn, so she could depart from Markarth and head over to Windhelm again, where she could ask around for the exact location of the ruin in question, though as she did all that she had the feeling that this was going to be an interesting contract.

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