• Published 30th Sep 2019
  • 7,930 Views, 233 Comments

Fallen Knight - DanishDash

The Jedi have fallen. Finding himself on the run from the new Empire, Jedi Knight Revan Blake finds himself in a new dimension. Will he use what he knows to rebuild the order, and so his life in Equestria?

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Chapter 1: Knight of the Republic

They are looking at me, two, no three. I can sense them, I cannot see them, but I feel them through the force.. I don't sense hostile intention, but.. Fear? No, that's not right, suspicion maybe.. I can't see, I guess I must have passed out..

Darkness was the only thing Revan could see, he felt warm, a small amount of pain. It only took him a few moments to remember, the betrayal, the anger, the fear and hatred. The cold, the, ship. He crashed, something happened during hyperspace, something called to him.

"I think he's waking up."

A voice, male. I can sense him approaching me, however, still, I feel no hostile intend.

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

He's calling to me, his voice, it's concerned, eager even. Am I passed out? I have to wake up.

The darkness vanished as his mind fully regained control, he felt his body reacting to his mind, his muscles making tiny reactions as he woke. Then, slowly Revan opened his eyes. The first thing he noticed was he was in a room, white stone walls, small arches over the windows that let the sunlight hit his arm. The architecture was something calming, like something familiar, a sort of tranquility he was familiar with back at the Jedi Temple.

The next thing he noticed was that he was in a bed, he felt naked and he was only covered by the soft light orange colored blanket that laid over him. Of course, the room, the fact he was being patched up was nothing compared to the next thing he noticed. Standing beside him, in a white lab coat was a male equine creature. Probably the male he heard speak before, yes, he could sense it, this was him.

He had white fur, a single horn, a brown mane neatly brushed and a brown tail. He noticed something on the flank, it looked like a sort of tattoo of a, clipboard?

"Glad to see you awake."

He spoke, he actually spoke. Revan did not know why he was acting so surprised, he heard him speak before he opened his eyes and he had traveled to lots of system where he had seen things weirder than this. Revan took a moment to form a reply, but this, pony, spoke before he could.

"Do you speak Equestrian?"

His eyes were filled with concern, kindness.

Revan took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes, though we do not call it that where i'm from.. Thank you doctor, for helping me.."

The pony beamed with joy, and for a moment Revan thought he was gonna jump around, but he remained professional and simply smiled.

"I'm so glad to hear that." His horn glowed and suddenly a clipboard, covered in the same glow, levitated to him.

Do these creatures have the Force? No, this is not the Force, it is something.. Else.. Revan thought to himself, studying with fascination. Something was strange though, he could have sworn he sensed three life forms, but he could only see the doctor in here. Though as he used his magic, he felt the signature through the force, helping him to pinpoint more of this strange energy.

"We're not alone.." Revan said, reaching out with the force, he let it guide his senses, finding the two other signatures. The doctor looked surprised, even shocked. He's nervous. Finally, he found them, he looked over to a corner and looked directly at whoever or whatever was there.

Suddenly, a small gentle glow broke away the illusion and revealed two ponies standing with surprised expressions. Revan quickly noted both of them were much taller than the doctor and both had an air of command about them. The white pony was the tallest of the two, her fur was pure white, almost glowing slightly. She had a larger horn than the doctor and the blue pony beside her, but she also had wings. On the top of her head was what looked like a golden crown or tiara, it had a single purple diamond. She also wore a golden regalia and golden shoes, all indicating she was of some importance.

The other one was a dark blue, like the white one, she had wings and a horn, but her body was smaller than the white one, like her, she had a small crown, regalia and shoes. Another thing worth of note was their manes and tails, they were floating? It was hard to describe, it was waving around gently, like energy was running through them like the gentle waves of the ocean.

For a few moments, Revan just looked at them, he did not glare and neither did they. It was like they were all trying to figure out what to think, like they were all planning out their next step. Their emotions were hard to read, even through the Force, but so far he did not sense any danger or hostile intend.

Finally, the white pony cleared her throat and send him a small smile. "Forgive us for hiding, but we have not seen one of your kind before. We thought it best to hide so you would not feel overwhelmed when you woke up."

Revan had been on a lot of diplomatic missions, she did not lie, but there was more to that. "And because you were not sure if I was a threat or not."

She seemed taken aback by his insight, then again it was not a huge leap in logic and so she kept smiling. "Quite." The two ponies walked over to his bed side, feeling he was not angry or a danger to them. "Allow me to introduce myself, i'm Celestia, princess of the sun and the kingdom of Equestria."

Revan would have stood up and bowed, but he was kind of naked, so he simply bowed his head as he said. "Your majesty, you honor me."

The blue one was the next to speak. "I'm Luna, princess of the moon and i rule Equestria by my sister's side." Revan was fascinated, but bowed once again. "And who might you be?"

Who was he? That was a good question, one he had a million different answers to. He decided however to go with a simple truth, hoping wherever he was, it would not course trouble. "I'm Revan Blake, Jedi knight."

"It is nice to meet you Revan, tell me, how much to you remember?" Celestia asked him gently.

Revan shut his eyes for a moment, focusing his mind. "I was flying, fleeing.." He said as he started to recollect. The two sisters frowned as he said he was fleeing. "Darkness, I found my ship, tried to save what little remained of my home.. Something swallowed my ship, some sort of blue light...." He slowly opened his eyes again. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened after that.."

"Well.." Celestia said. "A portal opened in our night sky, your ship crashed in the Everfree forest. We are not sure how you survived, but my sister saw the whole crash. She saved you, brought you here."

Revan smiled a little and bowed his head to Luna. "You have my thanks princess Luna."

She seemed to stand a little taller at the praise and sent him a smile. "Think nothing of it, but." Her eyes narrowed. "How did you know we were in the room?"

He tilted his head with a little smile. "I sensed your presence, it was well hidden, but when the good doctor used his..Uhm..?" He looked to the stallion who simply smiled.


It was a simple reply, but one Revan had to raise his eyebrow at. Then again to some , the Force was magic. He looked at Luna again and continued. "Magic, I felt the energy and so became aware of it's presence, after that, I simply looked to where it felt the strongest."

"Impressive." Celestia said with a smile. "Now i'm sure we all have a lot of questions, but i'm sure you're tired and wish to rest. If you feel up for it, you may join us for dinner."

There was a lot to unpack, a lot of questions indeed. Though his diplomacy training told him it was best to take it slow. He bowed his head again. "I would be honored princess." The ponies seemed pleased, but before they said their goodbyes Revan remembered his ship, it's cargo and of course his droid! "Princess, if I may, what happened to my ship?" His voice was a little panicked, but her smile quickly put his fears to rest.

"Fear not, my guards has brought it here. It is rather large and impressive, and as much as we wish to study it, we wished to be respectful. Nopony has been allowed to enter."

Revan sighed relieved and nodded. "Thank you, your majesty. It is not that there is any danger in there, but, the cargo is, important to me.. I promise I shall explain, but i thank you for your understanding and hospitality."

Celestia nodded. "Not a problem, we understand. And please, you may call us by our names. We shall see you at dinner." they said their goodbyes and left the room, leaving only Revan and the doctor.

"I must say, you're a fascinating creature. Can I ask you a few questions?" He asked, already levitating the clipboard and a pencil.

Revan took a moment to relax and then nodded. "Of course, but if you would not mind. Where is my clothes?"

"Oh yes, it was a little torn, had wired burn marks here and there. They are being repaired as we speak and should be clean and ready for use soon enough, don't worry." He answered and sat down on a stool. "Now let us begin with the basics."


The time spend with Doctor Pen was well worth it, he asked everything from race, to details about his kind. Revan in turn got to ask him questions, and it turned out to be an interesting experience with them both learning about each other species.

At the end of their conversation, the two of them had a pretty good basic understanding of their kind. Revan told what he could about being a human, and the doctor told him about the four kinds of ponies. Earth, Pegasus, unicorn and Alicorn, even a VERY simply grasp on the whole magic thing, but it was basically just him knowing that Alicorns and unicorns can do magic, pegasi can fly and earth pony are a bit stronger, that was it.

When his robes came back Revan wasted not time and got dressed. He was still a little sore here and there, but he had tried worse. Revan had always been happy with his simple Jedi robes, it was nothing flashy, it was easy to move in and served it's purpose. He put on his under garments, his pants, socks, tunic, boots and belt. Thankfully his lightsaber was still in his belt, the ponies likely had no idea it was a weapon, which he thanked the Force that they hadn't ignited it. Lastly, he put on his long brown robe, adjusted it a little, but ultimately like always, it was just the right size for him.

"Do all of your kind dress like that?" Doctor Pen asked as he took a few more notes.

Revan shook his head. "No, but in my order, these are the most common garments, you could say they are ceremonial robes. We are monks and warriors, so they have a lot of uses. Easy to move in for combat and relaxing to wear during meditation."

There was a mumble of fascination coming from the doctor, but Revan did not listen as he walked to the mirror to look himself over. He saw a slender, tall young human male, early twenties, dark blonde hair, pale skin and brown eyes. The paleness was probably more of him having been hiding so much, so that was fixable. When the doctor coughed politely, Revan turned to him. "It's time then?"

"That it is." He confirmed and the both of them walked out.


The hallways of the palace was quite tall and wide, despite the ponies being barely half his height and the princesses just reaching his shoulders, it seemed the design here followed the pattern of so many other palaces. It had to be big and impressive, and it was, but there was a notable difference. The artwork, the way the architecture was designed, it gave the palace a sense of wonder, mystic, but also peace and tranquility, it reminded him of the Jedi temple, grand, yet simple.

As they walked Revan had plenty of time to study the details, the marvel floor was covered with a red or dark purple carpet that stretched along with the hallway. The artwork was either paintings, tapestries, small ornaments like plants or even carvings. Every so often they would pass a guard, stationed at what Revan could only guess was the best positions to keep an eye and ears on the goings of the palace.

Most likely the guards had been briefed about his presence, but every so often he could sense their emotions shift, despite their stern guard stance and expression, he could feel them become tense or even nervous, which was reasonable enough. Finally they came to a semi large wooden door with a guard posted in golden armor on each side of it. As soon as they approached one of them opened the door for them.

The doctor stopped and smiled. "This is where I leave you, thank you for the conversation, I have learned a lot."

Revan stopped and looked at him. "And I have learned a great deal from you as well. Thank you." Revan bowed respectfully and then turned to the door and walked through.

As soon as he went though he was faced with , not only the princesses, but six colorful ponies and one reptile looking creature. Except for the princesses, Revan could feel and see their surprise, but not shock. "Revan, please, come in." The doors closed behind him and Revan, although feeling a little nervous, stepped forward.

"I'm glad to see you up, how are you feeling?" Celestia asked.

Revan bowed his head a little. "I am feeling well your maje-. Celestia.. Just a little sore." His eyes looked over the room, he presumed it was a dining room thanks to the big around table with food on it. The room was nothing special, it was smaller than he expected it to be. It had a nice fireplace, large windows with a door build into it that led out to a balcony.

The expressions on these new ponies were mixed, as were the emotions he sensed in them. A purple unicorn looked at him with grater fascination than Doctor Pen had, he could not sense fear, but excitement.

Another unicorn, with white fur, purple mane and tail that was curled and brushed to perfection. Her expression was one of shock, but not horror, her emotions were hard to read, mostly because it was like her shock was not directed at him, but at.. What he was wearing?

Then there was a yellow Pegasus, light pink hair with some of it falling over one of her eyes. She seemed to hide herself, her whole body language and emotion was that of being, nervous, on edge even, maybe even a little scared.

The other Pegasus seemed to be a beacon of, aggression or suspicion. She had light blue fur, a rainbow colored mane and tail and magenta eyes. She glared at him, but not with anger, no, she was protecting, she wanted to protect the others, she had a fear, one that ran deep. Though he did not pursue it, but there was something that did call to him within her.

The other one who seemed to look at him with critical eyes was an orange mare. She had a blonde mane, a brown farmers hat planted on top of her head, a distinct moral compass that he could sense burned within her like a tree that had allowed to take root within the very core of her. He did not sense aggression from her, just suspicion.

And then the last pony, now she was a whirlwind of emotions, they were like a storm raging within her, joy, simply put, it was pure joy and excitement. Her mane was pink and fluffy, her mane was pink, her body was all bouncy as she looked like she could hardly contain herself, but the smile she sent him was clearly one that told him she wanted to touch him, maybe even hug him? He did not need to be a Jedi to see that.

The dragon however seemed to look at him with awe, like he had seen a mythical creature. His emotions were hard to read too, but there was no aggression or hostility, just curiosity.

"Revan, I would like to introduce you to my pupil, Twilight Sparkle, the element of Magic." Celestia said with calm, but her pupil seemed eager to finally speak she almost cut her teacher off.

"I'm so excited to meet you! I have so many questions, like where do you come from?! Did you make the portal? How does your ship work?!" She seemed to talk faster and faster, most would probably be a little overwhelmed, and sure, he was a little startled, but he could not help but find her eagerness amusing.

"Twilight, please, take a breath." Celestia said calmly, but with enough force it seemed to bring Twilight down to earth again.

She smiled sheepishly and blushed slightly. "I'm sorry, there is just so much i like to know.."

"It's quite alright.." Revan said, chuckling a little.

Celestia was so kind to introduce the rest, Fluttershy, element of Kindness, Rainbow Dash, element of loyalty, Applejack, element of honesty, Pinkie Pie, element of laughter and Rarity, element of generosity. Celestia went on to explain a little about the elements, and their purpose as they all sat down.

As she finished, Revan nodded understandingly, though he did not get the finer details, Celestia assured him it would come in time. "Now Revan, now that we are gathered I want you to know we don't know how you got here, but as far as we have been able to figure out, you come from another dimension." Her eyes was filled with concern, and Revan felt his heart sink.

"E-excuse me?" Was he hearing this right? He had not crashed into a new system, a new planet, but another dimension??? How was this possible?

"The magic that brought you here was quite strong, and honestly, we have no idea who or what could have summoned you to our world. I can assure you we are looking into this and we'll work on a way to send you home." She promised.

Revan was hardly listening, he could simply not understand it all. Not only was his order gone, but so was his home, his galaxy, his dimension. He took a few deep breaths, settled his mind. The Force had brought him here for some reason, there is no such thing as luck, this was meant to happen, it was the will of the Force.

Celestia noticed him calming down and continued. "Until we can figure something out, you are welcome to stay in the palace as our guest." Revan nodded to her, giving her a thanks. "You're quite welcome, now, if you don't mind, can you tell us a bit about yourself? You said you were a, Jedi Knight was it? Can you explain?"

"I can try my best." He nodded. "The Jedi order is one devoted to peace and harmony, we are guardians of the Republic, seekers of knowledge and balance through the Force, protectors of the defenseless."

Twilight and good portion of the table was clearly impressed. "What is this, Republic, if I may ask?"

Revan nodded. "The Republic was an alliance between different planets and systems, coming together to solve political issues, and follow universal laws that would benefit them all. Like the banning of slavery. It meant for hundreds of years species from across the galaxy could live in relative peace. The Jedi works closely with the Republic, but were an independent body from the politics. We would go on missions to be negotiators, diplomats, teachers, bodyguards, sometimes if the situation needed it, warriors. Though Jedi prefers to solve conflicts peacefully, we are trained to fight and defend if needed."

Twilight looked like she was about to explode with a million more questions, but she managed to cut it down. "Do you use magic? Princess Celestia said you used some sort of magic to detect them."

Revan shook his head. "It is not magic, but I guess that is up for interpretation. We call it the Force, it's an energy field that binds all living things to each other, it flows through us. Someone sensitive to this energy is often able to manipulate small aspects of it. Those sensitive are adopted into the Jedi order to be trained how to use it, that way they won't be a danger to themselves or to others. Before the war, we were about 10000 knights, and we-." He frowned as he felt the flash of pain and guilt. Revan realized he had not even thought about the other Jedi back in his own dimension yet.

Celestia noticed his body tense up, the sorrow and pain that flashed in his eyes like a storm. Before she could say anything to redirect the conversation Twilight was already there again. "Before the war..?" She was not being to blunt, but she asked what they were all thinking.

"It's... It's hard to talk about.." He said and looked at them, all of them, even Rainbow Dash seemed to have sympathetic looks in their eyes. "A collections of systems decided to leave the Republic, though the problem was they did not leave on peaceful terms. About three years ago a battle on a planet named Geonosis sparked one of the biggest galaxy spread wars in over a thousand years. Needless to say a lot of lives were lost.." He took a deep breath as he calmed his mind. "The war lasted three years, and as Jedi we were expected to protect the Republic, and so we did. At the end of the conflict, it looked like we were at the end, but something happened, i'm not sure what.. But, suddenly the soldiers we had been fighting alongside with for three years turned on us. Men I had known and fought beside for three years suddenly turned their weapons on me and tried to kill me.."

The room had grown quiet, all of the ponies had frowns on their faces and even the mane of the pony known as Pinkie Pie seemed to have deflated.

"I managed to escape them, steal a star ship and return to the Jedi Temple, my home, and the home of the Jedi. Only to find it was burning, it was then when I realized, it was not only me, we were all being targeted, we were being purged.." Revan at this point did not even realize he was clenching his fists so hard his knuckles were turning white. "All my fellow knights, even the children, murdered across the galaxy and in our very own Temple.."

He took a deep breath. "I hid, sleeping well into the next morning when I received a signal, it was from one of my masters, he warned all of us who was alive to stay away, that our time had come to an end.. I knew he had to be in the temple to have sent out that message, so i took a chance and tried to meet with them, only to find death.. I saw people i had grown up with, sparred with, laughed and lived with on the floor of the temple, butchered.." He felt the tears run down his cheeks, feeling the sadness he had hidden away since the Temple force it's way out. "Our archives had been ransacked, and I knew anything of value had been stolen.. So I went to my room, gathered whatever I could of Jedi knowledge, loaded it all into a ship and bolted.. They shot at me, finally i simply typed whatever coordinates and left for hyperspace. Afterwards, the portal sucked me in and I woke up here.."

The silence continued. It was not hard for him to see they were all trying to figure out what to say, but nothing came to mind. He didn't blame them, instead he reached into his belt and pulled out a little flat disk. Using the Force, he let the small disk levitate into the center of the table, a blue glow started to imitate from it. "This is the last message i ever received from one of my masters.."

The glow became stronger and to their amazement a 3D image of a creature like Revan appeared. He wore the same robes, had a beard and looked tired, but hopeful. It was like he looked right at them as he spoke his message, the last message Revan had ever heard from the Jedi."

"This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed, and our future is uncertain. Avoid Coruscant. Avoid detection. Be secret... but be strong. We will each be challenged: our trust, our faith, our friendships. But we must persevere and, in time, I believe a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always."

Author's Note:

First chapter of my little star wars crossover. I'm just making this because i can, i love Star Wars and it is fun for me, even if no one else like it, it is a nice relaxing project to write on in between chapters of my more planned out stories. ^^