• Published 30th Sep 2019
  • 7,934 Views, 233 Comments

Fallen Knight - DanishDash

The Jedi have fallen. Finding himself on the run from the new Empire, Jedi Knight Revan Blake finds himself in a new dimension. Will he use what he knows to rebuild the order, and so his life in Equestria?

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Chapter 3: Knight of Equestria. Pt 1

It did not take Revan long to shower and get dressed once again. As he made sure he looked presentable, R6 beeped excitedly and moved towards the door. "R6." Revan looked over at her. "You want to join me?"

The little droid bopped back and forth and let out a small bwoop and beep in response. Jester turned his head to the droid and then back at Revan. "I do believe she was rather bored this morning master. Perhaps it would be good to take her, I could use the quiet to analyze your performance at today's training. I do believe I was close to kill you this time."

To someone not used to Jester's way of speaking, that would sound kind of grim. "Thanks, please run a system check too." Revan said and put on his robe and lightsaber. "I want to make sure your programs or memory was not effected by the portal."

Jester nodded. "Of course master, please, have a pleasant breakfast."

Revan smiled and sent his droid a nod. "Thank you, come on R6."


Once again Revan found himself walking the halls of the palace, this time however it was a change of companion. R6 was a loyal friend, the two of them had been through a lot during the war. She was always the droid he wanted with him when he went into a starfighter, he had given up trying to count the amount of times she had saved his skin.

R6 seemed ecstatic to come along, even through her limited ways of showing it. When they reached the door to the dining area, a guard knocked, and after a confirmation from Celestia, the guard opened the door.

Revan stepped in with R6 following closely behind him. "Revan, i'm glad you could make it, and i see you brought R6." The droid beeped and clicked in greeting and Celestia let out a small giggle, finding the antics of the droid very cute.

"Thank you again Celestia, it is very kind of you to invite me to breakfast." Revan said and bowed respectfully.

Celestia shook her head. "Not at all, please, take a seat." As Revan did as he was instructed, a plate of pancakes floating in Celestia's magic levitated onto the table in front of him. It had a lot of red berries around it, some even placed to form a smiling face.

Revan took one look at it and then turned away, trying to hide his smile in his fist. "Pfft.." He held back a laugh, but finally he let himself chuckle.

"Having fun?" Celestia asked with an amused smile, and sat down, fixing herself a plate.

"No, forgive me.." He kept smiling as he looked at her. "It was just not what i expected. It looks very good, thank you."

Celestia giggled. "It's alright, and don't be so formal with me, not in private. Please, dig in."

Revan nodded a thank you and picked up his fork. He had to admit, he had gotten quite hungry as he had not really eaten anything yesterday. There were a little fruit in his room, but he could really use something more. He cut the pancake into a smaller piece and moved the soft pancake into his mouth along with a berry.

It was very good, but also VERY sweet. He noticed how Celestia looked at him with expectation, like a child waiting to hear any kind of praise. He could not help but smile at that, thankfully it wasn't bad, so when he swallowed his first bite he looked at her. "It's delicious."

Celestia was positively giddy as she heard that. "Oh, i'm glad! My sister rarely appreciates my efforts." She chuckled a bit and happily started to eat.

Revan could not help but to look at her for a little while, the prim, wise ruler of Equestria, sitting there, acting like a little girl. She was rather cute, and he took a moment to appreciate her relaxed nature when she was in private. The two of them ate in silence for a few moments before Celestia wiped her mouth with a napkin and smiled.

"Tell me about yourself, you told me yesterday you wanted to be a historian?" Celestia asked politely as she levitated a cup of tea to her lips.

Revan nodded and wiped his lips as well. "That's right. I spend hours in the archives, expanding my knowledge of the history of our order. Of course, as a Padawan, i needed to go on missions and study the things my master thought best and of course study the common subjects in my normal classes." He explained. "When the war came, it was simply put on hold, it was not that I did not want to study, but there were simply more important things to do.."

"I understand, duty always comes first.." She said with a knowing nod. "So, do you have any idea what to do now?"

"No, i have my ship, my holocrons, equipment and more, but still i do not know what to do with all my knowledge, if i'm really the last Jedi, or at least first in this dimension, i don't want my order's history to die with me.." He let out a sigh as he put down the fork, lifting his hand slightly as he made a strawberry float gently in the air with the Force. "I do know the Force guided me here for some reason, I do not think it created this portal, but i think it wants me here none the less.."

Celestia watched him as he spoke, her eyes studying his features, the way he spoke and the way he held himself told of a young man burdened with the loss of his order. He had been through much, that was clear to her, but what was also clear was his heart. If she was being honest with herself, when he first arrived Celestia had been worried what kind of creature they had taken in, but to her pleasant surprise, he was a man of peace. Though she had never heard about the Jedi order before, their values matched her own, peace, harmony, all the things their kingdom was build on.

"Maybe.." She started, closing her eyes, as if to focus her mind or searching for the right words. Revan looked to her, gently putting the strawberry down as he listened to his friend. After a moment, she looked at him, a serious, yet soft expression covered her face. "In Equestria we value peace and harmony, much like the Jedi, we prefer to walk that path, but as you know Revan, life is never that simple.." She smiled gently. "Luna and I, we do our best to maintain peace, to teach our little ponies about the values of friendship and harmony. Even the elements of harmony do their part, but they are young still, and there is only so much me and my sister can do, maybe.. Maybe we could use a knight."

Revan looked at her in surprise, was she really suggesting what he thought she was suggesting?

She smiled. "Revan Blake, maybe you could become a knight of Equestria?"

He was taken aback, did she really offer that? He did not touch his food, he did not move, and by now, he was pretty sure he was holding his breath. Finally after some time he stood up, making her frown slightly, afraid she had might offended him.

Revan turned to her, bowed formally. "I.. I thank you for the offer, princess.." He could see she was a little hurt from him calling her princess, but, this required a formal answer, a well thought out one. "I won't say no, but, I would lie if I told you I am not conflicted.. Your offer is kind.. But, I need time to think over your offer.."

She nodded a little. "I understand Revan, please, take all the time you need."

Revan bowed. "Thank you Celestia, if it is not to much trouble, do you think we can wait with your student's questions? You can tell her I am more than willing to answer them, but I need time to meditate and think on your kind offer."

Again, she nodded. "Of course. They will go back to Ponyville later today, i'm sure Twilight will understand."

"Thank you again Celestia, I mean that. I just need time." He bowed once again, thanked her for breakfast one final time and then left with R6.

Revan was grateful, he truly was, it had just happened so fast, this was only his first real day here after all. There was just so much he didn't understand and he needed to take things slow and think.


Three days passed, three days of sparring, meditation, studying Equestrian history. He had not spoken much with Celestia since that morning, or Luna for that matter. There was no bad blood between them or anything, but Revan needed some days to collect himself and think over the offer. Both of the royal sisters understood and did not fault him for taking his time.

On the fourth day, Revan meditated in his room, trying once again to reach out and get guidance from his masters and the force.


He frowned.

Please, masters, I need your wisdom. I don't know what to do, can I really be a Jedi in this world? I'm-.

Suddenly a powerful shift in the Force ripped him out of his meditation, it was like someone had punched him in the gut. He gasped, opened his eyes and panted heavily on the bed.

"What was that..?" He said feeling his heart pound fast.

"Master?" Jester walked over. "Is something the matter? I detect an increased heart rate."

Revan took a moment to catch his breath before he looked up at the droid. "Something is wrong Jester, I felt a powerful disturbance in the force.." His eyes darted around, trying to figure out what he had felt before it vanished. He quickly stood up and walked towards the door, maybe Celestia knew something.

"Uhm, master?" Jester sounded confused, which was rare. "I'm still not sure how this dimension works, but I do not believe sugary chocolate milk is a common weather phenomena."

Revan stopped in his tracks and looked back at his droid. "Excuse me?" He saw both his droids staring out the window and when he got closer himself, his eyes widened. "By the force.."

The sky had been covered in pink looking clouds, making it rain brown liquid, which Jester had determined to be, chocolate milk? Revan just stood there stunned, not sure what to say or even think. Jester seemed to be the only one able to find the words, he turned to look at Revan and said.

"Well master, this is certainly, new."


The palace seemed to be on high alert as the guards all seemed to double, run around and getting into position. Revan moved down the halls quickly, he needed to find Celestia, fast. He had in the meantime instructed his droids to stay behind until he could determine what was going on.

Finally, he stepped through to the throne room, though as soon as he walked through a pair of white Pegasus guards detained him. "Guards, let the Jedi pass." Celestia said from her throne. They did so and Revan quickly stepped over there.

"Celestia, what is going on? I felt a disturbance in the the force, something powerful.." Revan asked and looked up at her.

"Indeed.." Celestia stood up and walked down to him. "An old enemy of mine has returned, broken free from his prison. His powers are of pure chaos, and I believe he has returned to get his revenge."


"You have might read about him already, he calls himself Discord, lord of chaos." Celestia said in a grim and serious tone.

Revan had indeed read about him, but Celestia and Luna had him trapped forever. "But you banished him, you defeated him."

Celestia nodded. "Yes, but i'm afraid he has found a way to escape his prison.. I have already summon Twilight and her friends, once they're here, they will use the elements of harmony to defeat him." She started to walk towards the massive doors that led out of the throne room. "I would like you to come along too, you have the Force and as far as i know, Discord has no experience with it. Maybe you can get the upper hand on him."

Revan nodded as he followed her. "I shall try princess, no matter what, I shall defend you and your subjects." Revan promised with an equally serious expression.


Revan waited with Celestia for Twilight and her friends, none of them spoke for a while, both of them were in deep thought.

This Discord, he is creating a stir in the Force itself..

He winced, feeling the Force rage around him, like a storm trying to settle, but can't. Celestia noticed his body tense up and frowned. "Revan, is everything alright?"

"No.." Revan said and crossed his arms. "I don't know much about Discord, but it is like his very presence is causing a stir in the Force itself.." He could see she did not fully understand, despite her best efforts. "It is like if a river suddenly is blocked by a rock, then another, then the river itself is split in multiple directions, trying to tame it.. It's trying to fight it, but the rocks keeps it from filling the gaps.."

Celestia nodded understandingly. "Discord has powerful magic, he plays with the world, toys with reality.."

Revan frowned. "It makes sense, the Force is trying to reset those laws, it follows those laws, striving for balance.. Discord is destroying the scale on a cosmic level.."

"Can you do anything?" Celestia asked worried.

"I do not know, without having met the creature my options are limited. I hope your student can do something." Revan said, trusting Celestia's plan.

Suddenly, the doors to the hall opened and the six mares ran in. "Princess Celestia, we came as fast as we could." Twilight exclaimed as they all came to a stop. "Revan, it's good to see you're here." She said relieved.

Celestia looked at them all. "Thank you, Twilight. Thank you all"

"Is this about the weather and the animals' weird behavior?" What's happening out there? Why isn't my magic working?? Is there-." Twilight spoke faster and faster, clearly in a panic. Celestia simply held up a hoof.

"Follow me."


Celestia took them all to a long hallway, decorated with massive windows, stained glass depicting important events in Equestria. Celestia did the talking, while Revan walked behind the group, giving the ponies space to absorb it all.

"I've called you here for a matter of great importance." Celestia started out. "It seems an old foe of mine, someone I thought I had defeated long ago, has returned. His name, is Discord."

Revan did not listen much, he felt something was not right, he sensed a presence, someone was here. He stopped fully and looked up at the windows depicting the weird creature, then suddenly he heard Celestia and the other mares gasp in shock. Turning his attention back to them he saw a chest laying on the floor, empty.

Celestia was pacing back and forth, looking more worried than he had ever seen her. "This doesn't make sense. "

Revan walked closer when suddenly a maniacal laugh echoed through the hallway. The presence grew stronger and by reflex Revan unclipped the lightsaber hilt from his belt, but he did not ignite it.

The evil chuckle continued. "Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?"

"Discord.." Celestia gritted her teeth and looked around for her old nemesis. "Show yourself!"

They all looked around, trying to pinpoint where the voice and laughter came from. "Did you miss me, Celestia?" Suddenly, one of the figures of Discord in the stained glass came to life. "I missed you." He grinned evilly and started to swim around within the glass. "It's quite lonely being encased in stone, but you wouldn't know that, would you, because i don't turn ponies into stone."

"Enough." Celestia said in a commanding tone. "What have you done with the elements of harmony?"

Discord shrugged as he moved around from window to window like it was nothing. "Well, i just borrowed them for a teensy little while." He snapped his fingers and one of the depictions of the elements vanished, like if to prove his point.

Revan kept his eyes on the creature, feeling the chaos within him, but still, it still didn't seem like he could use the force, but then again, he could not figure out a way to deal with him either. For now, he trusted Celestia's plan, he would defend her the best he could.

"You'll never get away with this, Discord." Celestia snapped, but Discord seemed not to care about her glares or threats.

"Oh, i'd forgotten how grim you can be, Celestia. It's really quite boring~."

Rainbow Dash took to the air and glared at the window. "Hey! Nopony insults the princess!"

"Oh, you must be Rainbow Dash, famed for her loyalty." He said playfully. "The element of harmony you represent."

"That's right!" She replied swiftly. "I'll always be loyal to the princess!"

He vanished from the window. "We'll see about that."

Rarity sighed and shook her head. "I can't believe we're wasting our time talking to a tacky window."

She gasped when Discord appeared in the window right next to her. "The beautiful Rarity, representing the element of generosity, if i'm not mistaken."

"So you know who we are. Big deal." Applejack said defiantly as she trotted over to the window.

"Oh, i know much more than that." He cooed as his figure grew to the full height of the window. "Honest Applejack."

"You seem to know our strengths too." Twilight cut in.

"Yes, Twilight Sparkle, and yours is the most powerful and elusive element. Magic." He smirked. "Or at least I thought so, until I felt a new power awaken." Revan's eyes widened, he could sense it? Discord grinned. "Oho, that's right my little fallen knight." He shrank down again and appeared in the window next to Revan. "You're quite unique, like me! To think there was such untold power in the universe and i had no idea! How do you feel about sharing?"

Revan glared at him. "Forget it Discord."

Discord shrugged. "To bad, now let's see. Who is left? Oh, yes!" He moved into another window altogether and inspected the last ponies. "Fluttershy, the element of kindness, and of course my personal favorite of mine, laughter, represented by Pinkie Pie."

Celestia stomped her hoof and stepped forward. "Stop stalling, Discord. What have you done with the elements of harmony?"

"Oh, so boring, Celestia, really.." He sighed. "Fine, i'll tell you, but i'll only tell you my way." As if he was swimming in an unseen river, he moved from window to window like a serpent. "To retrieve your missing elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twist and turns are my master plan, then find the elements back where you began." He vanished, the sound of his maniacally laugh still echoing in the hallway.

When he vanished and the mares started to think about his riddle, Revan felt himself working on his own little riddle. It sounded like Discord was away of the Force, but he did not know what it was. He was keen to learn though, which meant this was not over for him. He needed to eliminate the threat to the balance the force had found here.

He was brought back to the present as he heard the purple unicorn mumble to herself as she walked towards the window. "Twist and turns, twist and turns..." She perked up as she saw the labyrinth in the palace courtyard. "Twist and turns! That's it! I bet discord hid the elements in the palace labyrinth."

Celestia nodded a little and then looked at the six of them. "Good luck, my little ponies. The fate of Equestria is in your hooves."

The ponies bowed to their princess before Twilight looked at her with a determined smile. "Thanks princess. We won't let you down." With the mission clear, the six friends set off!

As soon as they were gone however, Discord's laugh returned. "Mwahaha! Did you really think that was all?" The doors closed and suddenly Discord, appearing in full form, stood before Celestia and Revan.

Not taking any chances, Revan ignited his lightsaber, standing ready for any attack he might try.

Discord chuckled. "Oooooh, shiny!"

"Discord, stop this, now!" Celestia said and walked up besides Revan.

"Come now princess, you know me to well. Your little ponies are on a quest to find their elements, but while they are occupying themselves with that, i wanna know more about the power your little knight hides from me." He flew around the room, moving his body like a snake in the grass. "Far far from home little Jedi knight, all alone. That does not need to be however, teach me how to unlock the secrets of this, Force, and I shall help you back to your own dimension. Better yet, I help you put everything back together as it was."

Revan did not need the force to know Discord was lying, a manipulator. "I will never teach you anything Discord. You don't know the power you are seeking, it is nothing that can be tamed, and if you try, you shall only become a servant of the dark side."

"Very dramatic little knight, but if you won't help me, then I can't have you run around and ruin my fun." He twirled around and moved in front of them, a rope appearing from the ceiling. "If you won't tell me now, I just need to break you so you will tell me."

Revan and Celestia was about to attack him, but before they had chance, Discord pulled the rope and the entire floor beneath them vanished. Revan fell and so did Celestia, but as she had wings she was about to fly, but seeing Revan fall she chased after him.


Everything became dark.


Revan fell, for some time everything was just total darkness. Suddenly however, things became clear, but only to reveal the top of a forest come into view. His eyes widened and for a moment he thought he was going to get injured.


He looked up and saw Celestia speeding towards him. She managed to wrap her legs around his body and flap her wings wildly to slow their descend. At first it looked like it wasn't going to happen, but just before they hit the ground or the branches of the trees, they did slow down and soon enough they both landed safely on the ground.

When their feet and hooves touched, both of them collapsed on the floor of the forest, panting, trying to get their heartbeat to slow down. "What.. Happened..?" Revan asked feeling the force was in flux here, wherever here was.

Celestia continued to pant for a moment before she turned to him. "Discord.. Used his magic to send us here.." She said looking at him. "Are you alright?"

Revan nodded. "Yes, thank you for the landing.. How about you?"

Celestia nodded back. "Yes, fear not.."

After a moment of catching their breaths, both of them stood up. "What is this place?" Celestia asked and looked around at the strange tall trees, the weird flowers and nature that surrounded them. She had never seen such weird and exotic plants before, this was certainly not Equestria. "I have never seen anything like this before, have you?" She turned to see a frozen Revan, standing with a serious expression, his body all tense. "Revan?"

"Oh yes!" Discord appeared on one of the branches of the trees. "Your mind is hard to read Jedi, but this was something that lit up within you like a beacon!" He laughed.

Revan turned to him, he wanted to yell, to say something to this creature, but nothing came to mind. Discord smirked.

"Tell me what I want to know and I spare you and the princess from this little, hunt."

Celestia frowned and looked at Revan. "Hunt? What is he talking about?"

Revan didn't answer her, he simply continued to look defiantly at Discord. The trees and bushes started to rustle and footsteps could be heard approaching. "As you wish then." Discord chuckled. "I will look in on you later, try not to be captured in the meantime."

He vanished again and Revan turned towards the sound. "Celestia, get behind me, don't fly."

"Revan, what is-."

"Do it now Celestia, please!" Revan said trying his best to remain calm. She did as he said, moving behind him quickly, but with a worried expression. The sounds became louder and louder, until finally, a group of figures stepped out into view. Celestia saw how Revan slowly got his lightsaber hilt into position as he stared down the figures. "Please.." Revan whispered. "Don't do this, not again..."

The armored group just looked right back at him, distant thunder sounding in the background and small droplets of rain fell down from the dark grey sky. Then one of the figures took a step forward and said one single phrase...

"Execute order, 66."