• Published 30th Sep 2019
  • 7,930 Views, 233 Comments

Fallen Knight - DanishDash

The Jedi have fallen. Finding himself on the run from the new Empire, Jedi Knight Revan Blake finds himself in a new dimension. Will he use what he knows to rebuild the order, and so his life in Equestria?

  • ...

Chapter 6: Student of the Force

Years before.

"Come on Revan, aren't you the least bit excited?" Leiella smirked as her and Revan walked through the Temple.

Revan smiled as he looked at his female Twi'lek friend. Both of them were at the age of 14, almost 15, and both knowing full well they would be assigned a master soon, going from the rank of Youngling to Padawan.

"I guess.." Revan responded. "I'm just, nervous, that's all.."

The Twi'lek snorted. "Of what? You're a pretty decent lightsaber duelist and you study harder than most in our clan, i'm sure you're gonna get a powerful master. Like Ahsoka!"

It was true, Ahsoka Tano had gotten one of their most famous Jedi Knight's as a master, Anakin Skywalker. They were not from the same clan or anything, but Ahsoka had always been strong and clever, she was also a very kind friend, Revan already missed her to be honest.

"I don't think so.." Revan mumbled with an embarrassed smile. "I wouldn't mind being the padawan of master Jocasta."

Leiella frowned, typical Revan of wanting to be surrounded by datapads, holocrons and ancient tomes. "Are you serious? All the others are talking about adventure and you're talking about, reading? The archives no less, you'll be stuck there forever, grow old in a week or two."

Revan couldn't help but laugh. "It's not like it's gonna happen anyway.. I will need to go out on missions.." He frowned a bit. "And with the war, we will probably not get to be here a lot.." Revan sighed as he noticed the time. "Sith spit.. We better hurry, the competition starts soon."

Leiella smirked. "Race you!" And with that, she ran off.

"Hey! Wait!"


Rainbow Dash flinched, she felt something warm hit her, not anything physical, she just felt warm. Her eyes got irritated and soon enough she realized it was the sun's rays hitting her in the face. 'The sun, must mean it's morning, and that means that I..' She remembered what happened last night, she remembered her waking up in the library and hearing what Revan said, which meant!

Opening her eyes she quickly sat up, only to find most of her friends asleep around the library, sleeping on madrases and so on. "Glad to see you awake." She heard Revan's voice and she looked to the corner near the bed. There he was, sitting relaxed, but still with a vigilant and yet concerned look. "How are you feeling..?"

She took a moment to process the question, but after taking a deep breath and letting it out she replied. "Horrible.." She admitted, wondering what to say next.

"You heard what we said yesterday evening." It was not as much a question, more of a statement, one she could only nod to. "It's okay, we did not mean to keep it a secret from you."

"So, it's true then? With me, having the Force..?" She asked looking down at her blue hooves.

Revan nodded. "It is, i'm not sure how it happened, but it has and we need to deal with it." Rainbow could hardly argue with that, if what Revan said was true, she could have hurt her friends yesterday, but what did this mean for her now. "So what now? We go to Canterlot and you train me to become a Jedi?"

Revan let out a small chuckle. "Let us just focus on helping you to gain control of your abilities. What happens afterwards is up to you."

"So what does that mean? Does it mean I get to go home and continue flying?" She asked hopeful.

Now he was frowning. "Rainbow, I can't tell you that will happen, because I simply have no idea. I'll teach you control, but I don't know how long it will take for you to get that. To be a Jedi is a life long journey, it is not as simple as simply being Force Sensitive. If you wanted to be a knight, then we could talk about that, but you have your own dreams and goals, yes?"

Rainbow quickly nodded. "Yeah, becoming a Wonderbolt!"

"Exactly, so how about we take things easy for now." Revan reassured her. Rainbow nodded a little, thankful her life, dreams and plans were not over, however, she was nervous about maybe having to stay in Canterlot for an unknown period of time.

"Rainbow..?" Some of the other girls started to mumble as they stood up. When they realized their friend was indeed awake they all leaped up and hurried over to her. "Rainbow! We're so glad you're awake, are you okay??"

Revan knew he was not unwelcome, but, the girls had a special bond, and he would just be one to many right now. Smiling to himself he walked outside, enjoying the morning sun and the quiet of Ponyville. It sort of felt like the quiet before a storm.

It did not last long however as he spotted two carriages being flown by several of Celestia's solar guards. They were flown/dragged by the pegasi guards, so getting back to Canterlot was gonna be easy and fast. Once they landed one of them unhooked herself from the carriage and walked over. "Master Revan." She saluted. "Sargent Clover Field, here to escort you and the elements back to the palace, sir!"

It felt weird being saluted again, not to mention being called sir. It had taken him a while to get used to it when the clones did it, but he imagined like then, it would pass in time. He put his arms inside the big sleeves of his brown robe and nodded. "Yes, please wait, they have just woken up. We shall be with you shortly."



It did not take long to get everypony ready, they all had to divide into the two carriages. Rainbow Dash, Revan, Fluttershy, R6 and Twilight in one and the rest in the other. Rarity had made Sweetie Belle go to the Apple family farm the night before, so she was not worried about leaving the town.

Soon enough they were in the air and heading towards Canterlot. The first few minutes were silent, with Revan on one side and three mares on the other. Rainbow Dash simply looked out the window, trying to make to sense of the world around her. Revan could hardly blame her, right now, so much of her future was unclear.

He himself had no idea where to start with all of this, and was even more unclear was this meant for the creatures of this world as a whole. This wasn't the Republic, he had no Jedi order behind him, which meant if he did want to create an entire new order here in Equestria, he would have to make some major changes.

This was a single planet, not an entire galaxy of different systems. Even so, he had no idea how to do it. Younglings, padawans, he was just one man, one Jedi. It meant he needed a way to handle all of his students, then..

'Guess I shouldn't think like this, I don't even fully understand what i'm dealing with. Not only that, but i can't focus on the future, I need to stay focused on the here and now where I am needed.'

He glanced at Rainbow Dash, she hadn't moved a muscle. She was not thinking the same things he was, but she was worried about what was going to happen to her. She likely feared never being able to join the Wonderbolts, which, as he understood it, was her life long dream.

It was an understandable fear, but he was sure she did not wish to become a Jedi and simply wanted to learn how to control her powers and be done with it. Besides, he was not sure if she really was gonna be a good Jedi. Even though he didn't know her fully, he could tell she lacked patience, lacked discipline. She had spirit, that much was clear, she was willing to work hard, but could she maintain proper discipline? Could she learn to be patient?

Then again, he disobeyed his master a few times during his time as a padawan. If he were to train her as a Jedi, her failures would be a reflection of him as her master, he would need to teach her those things and guide her to become the Jedi she was meant to be. He let out a sigh again.

'And now i'm focusing on the past and future, great.'

The simple fact and the simple truth to all of this was, he needed to help Rainbow Dash.


The trip was short and fast when you flew across the landscape and skipped the stations the train had to stop at. Soon enough they landed in the courtyard and being escorted inside. During the entire trip, Revan could see Rainbow Dash felt uncomfortable, which was hardly a surprise. Though she never seemed to dislike attention, she likely had a hard time of being the course of all of this fuss.

Her friends were very supportive, staying close to her as they traversed the hallways. Revan could only envy their bond, he was happy for them, sometimes he would feel quite alone and he wouldn't mind having his own support from his old friends.

Once again, Revan found himself enter the massive throne room, the large doors opened for them and they walked towards the thrones of the royal sisters. When they got close enough they all stopped, the ponies all bowed deeply and Revan did a typical polite and respectful Jedi bow.

Celestia was the first one to speak, probably because Luna looked very tired, but he could tell she was focused and took this matter very seriously. "Master Revan, Twilight, everypony, thank you all for coming and thank you for being here for Rainbow Dash. Rainbow, how are you feeling?" Celestia asked with a concerned look.

Rainbow Dash looked up, she moved her hoof a little on the floor, seeming nervous, which was unlike her. "I'm... Fine.." Celestia raised an eyebrow, which seemed to be enough to make her continue. "I've been better, but I feel better than what I did yesterday, I swear."

"We were informed by master Revan you displayed signs of being Force sensitive." Luna said and tilted her head. "Is this true?"

Rainbow shrugged. "I don't know, Revan is the Jedi, he would know.."

Revan took the opportunity to speak. "Rainbow Dash did indeed show signs of this, more so than signs I would add. Of course, I have no idea if this was some sort of reaction from me or how it affects her body. I would like to do some tests and determine what we are dealing with. Besides, Rainbow Dash needs to learn how to control her powers, I would want to start her training as soon as possible." He glanced at Rainbow for a few seconds and she looked back at him with a nervous expression.

"Then, if that is what you think is the best for Rainbow Dash, I shall allow her to become your student." Celestia said after a few moments of quiet.

Rainbow quickly looked up at her, she looked like she wanted to protest, she probably wanted to, but she said nothing. Letting out a sigh, she simply nodded and accepted this needed to be done, it was for the good of everypony and herself.

Revan nodded. "I shall make ready then." He turned to Rainbow Dash. "I shall come and find you later, for now you should go and eat with your friends." She didn't reply, still looking lost, she simply resigned herself to reply with a single nod. He returned his attention to the princesses and bowed. "If you will excuse me then."

With that, he turned and left the hall with R6 following closely behind him. Rainbow's eyes remained on him as he left, trying to figure out how she should feel about all of this, to be honest , she had no idea.

Twilight and the others moved closer to her, smiling gently. "Come on Rainbow, let's get something to eat."


As the girls ate, Celestia made her way to the Jedi tower, finding Revan looking through one of his, datapads, as he called them. "You are troubled." She said and slowly walked in.

Revan nodded with a sigh. "I am.. I have no idea what could have triggered this, I have never heard or encountered something like this before."

"But you have a theory?"

"I do.." Revan scooted over on the bench as Celestia walked over and sat down beside him. "The Force has always been here, it's a part of life, though I think in your world it was in a sort of.. I don't know what to call it, a perfect balance. You have dark magic, but it didn't disturb the balance per say."

"Until you came." Celestia said, figuring out where he was heading.

He nodded. "Indeed, I think i somehow, by arriving here have created a shock, like rings in the water, the Force has reacted to me. I think Rainbow Dash won't be the last one to awaken to her powers, I think there will be others."

"Then how do we help them?"

"We had a blood test in my world, it tested for midi-chlorians, the test does not say anything with certainty other than in extreme cases, but, it will help find out who is the most risk for lashing out." He explained. "Though it is your decision."

Celestia sighed. "It's not easy, I understand why your order did the things you did, but I do not think your methods could work in my Kingdom."

Revan shook his head. "Neither do I. For now however, we should focus on helping Rainbow Dash. I will do some tests and begin her training, what she decides to do after is up to her."

"And if she wishes to become a Jedi?"

He frowned at this. Sure, Revan had thought about it, by the Force, he had been thinking about it all the way to Canterlot. Was it right for him to build an order here? What would he be exposing the ponies to, with creating the Jedi would he create enemies that would use the dark side? Having spend months here now, he had plenty of time to reflect and if there was one thing he had found out it was this, the Jedi had lost their way.

It was something that cut into him just by thinking about it, but it was true none the less. The Jedi had been so focused on destroying the dark side they had forgotten their origin, their true purpose, balance. One could not only have light, the Dark side was not evil per say, but it was a quick way to power, a tempting path, one that could lead to power. The ancient Jedi knew this, they did not seek out to destroy the dark side, but instead embraced both sides as brothers.

The code, the rules, everything would have to change and he was alone to do this in this world. The task was not easy and still he was not sure if he should even do it. He hardly believed he had the experience or wisdom to train a single padawan, let alone a whole temple full of them. Letting out a sigh, he simply shook his head.

"I.. I simply don't know.." He answered honestly. "I'm not sure I can even do what is needed, i'm hardly a master, I only am in this world because i'm the only one. She already has many negative habits, I fear I do not have the wisdom needed to teach her, I fear I would fail her as her master."

Celestia giggled a little, but when Revan looked at her curiously, she waved her hoof. "I did not mean to laugh at you, but your fears, it is something every teacher fears, to fail their student." She smiled at him. "Realizing you can be wrong and being mindful of your students needs is already a great start. I think you would make an excellent teacher."

Revan looked to her, feeling grateful she was being such a good friend. She had the sense of wisdom, but still held plenty amount of a youthful spirit that enjoyed adventure and life. If there was anything he had learned during his stay here it was Celestia and Luna liked to prank one another, showing their more fun loving and mischievous side.

"Thank you, Celestia."


Rainbow Dash sat in the middle of the room, Revan had picked her up about ten minutes ago, taking her to the Jedi tower and told her to sit down on the floor. Sitting right across from her, he crossed his legs and took a few deep breaths. The silence were annoying, why was he being so quiet? Shouldn't he train her!?

She felt herself become restless, annoyed, impatient. "You seem, restless." He said calmly.

"Well yeah, I don't like being here, I don't like what's going on and I don't like just sitting here when you are supposed to help me." She tried not to sound angry, but at the very least she came off as frustrated. Rainbow sighed, taking a deep breath and tried to calm down. "It's just.. Normally I know what I am doing, I know what my goal is. I understand flying, I don't understand.. This.." She said and gestured to nowhere in particular. "It's just to, strange and quiet.."

Revan tilted his head. "To quiet?"

"I rather be doing something, somewhere with ponies and activity." She sighed, tapping her hoof on the floor fast and lightly, like if she had trouble sitting still, which she probably had.

"Like flying?" He suggested.

Rainbow nodded. "Exactly! I guess it has been a while since I sat still for very long, guess I got used to just being active."

That much was very clear, he could see her struggle, he could see her body yearning to be free in the air, use it's muscles and feel the wind rush through her feathers. Though it was as much a problem for her mind as it was for her body.

"How so?"

She groaned, why was he asking so much!? She was the one with all the questions after all! He was supposed to answer her! "Well flying is just the ultimate freedom, it's the best way to be active, it's fun and you feel the rush running through your body. It's relaxing in a way, like the gentle wind while you nap on a cloud."

Revan could see a pattern starting to emerge, she was rejecting the Force. She was not aware of it, but it was like she was swimming upstream instead of riding with it, probably a reflex.

"My master once showed me how to listen to the world around you. How all life there is connected, is bound to each other."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "Yeah well, I believe it when I see it."

"Well, how about I show you right now?" Revan chuckled a bit at her stubbornness, but he knew she wanted help and she just had a hard time of accepting all of this.

She hesitated, frowning a little, shifting around nervously. "It's not gonna hurt, is it?"

The question came from fear, fear of what happened in Sugarcube Corner. He simply shook his head though. "No, but it may help you put life, and all it's hopes, in perspective."

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she tried to hear whatever Revan wanted her to hear. She was not sure about what to do, but soon she could hear Revan's voice reaching out to her, guiding her like a light in the darkness.

Feel the currents here in Equestria, the ebb of life. A simple kindness can be given to another.

She frowned a bit, something was there, but his voice, it did not sound like it should. It was like someone was echoing his words from far away, a faint female voice that said the same maybe a micro second after him.

This is the Force. And all our choices, from the greatest to the smallest, affects each other. And the echoes travel.

She could feel it, feel the strings connecting life to one another, she could hear it, like a great beating heart, the life of the creatures of this world, the planet itself, it was so much, to much!

Awaken, Rainbow Dash.

Her eyes shut open, her head started to hurt, she whined, putting her hooves on her head.

"I can feel this... Planet... I can't shut it out, it's louder now.. It hurts! All these creatures!" She said feeling the power, the Force, it was all so much to handle at once!

Revan spoke again, still calmly, like she was not even in pain. "You can learn to shut it out. There are Jedi techniques for calming the mind." He hesitated, but like Rainbow, he too had felt a second voice, a voice he knew too well. Even now, it was like it spoke from within him, guiding the words from his heart to his mouth, so he continued. "I can train you, Rainbow. To become something greater and protect others."

This was not the plan, and he knew it, but it felt right. He saw how her breaths became calmer, her body relaxed and stopped being tense. She still panted a little, but she was calm, and she had a more determined look in her eyes as she gazed up upon him.

"That's what I want.. To protect my friends.. I want to... Help ponies and.." She became silent, looking away as she felt the tears build up in her eyes.

Revan could see her inner struggle, she knew what she was asking, he knew what he was offering and she knew full well if she accepted what this would mean. She would be giving up her dream, at the very least she would be giving up pursuing it for a very long time. Moreover, it meant she would need to leave Ponyville, she would need to stay, with him.

It was not an easy choice and it was not an offer he had counted on making today, if ever. Though something pulled at him from within, it was like it was the Force itself told him it's will. He had his doubts, his fears, but he knew one thing, he was meant to train Rainbow Dash, he was meant to show her the way of the Jedi.


The princesses and the remaining elements of harmony sat patiently in one of the palace salons. Drinking tea, waiting to hear any news about Rainbow's progress. It had only been an hour, but still, they were nervous, they were getting impatient and felt like they were waiting for the doctor to give them some sort of test result.

It was frustrating not being able to help their friend, they felt so powerless. Twilight had asked if she could watch whatever Revan was going to do, but he had told her no. He had explained what they were going to do was something that was deeply personal. She had been disappointed, but she understood this might be best for Rainbow.

So far, no one had said a word, nopony dared or nopony knew what to say. Finally Applejack groaned and got off the red soft couch. "Now this is ridiculous, it's not like she is dying!" She said and started pacing around the room. "There is no need for all of this doom and gloom, sweet Celestia, everything is gonna be fine!"

"Applejack.." Fluttershy said gently. "We're all worried about her.."

She looked back at Fluttershy, at first wanting to tell her off, but what was the point? She was right, of course she was. Applejack wiped away a tear and nodded. "Ah am sorry.." She finally said.

They all jumped a little when the doors finally opened and in stepped Revan, alone at first it seemed, but soon enough Rainbow followed, her ears low and she could hardly look at them. Quickly, everypony got up, but they kept their distance for now, wanting to give Rainbow the time she needed.

"Is everything alright?" Celestia asked, taking the lead.

Revan sighed, putting his arms within the large sleeves of his robe. "As you know, Rainbow Dash is Force sensitive, she is strong and.." He stopped, looking down at Rainbow to see if she wanted him to tell them or if she wanted to.

She sensed it, even without the Force. They both knew this was really her choice to make, it should be her who told them about her decision. Of course right now, she could still back out and there was nothing Revan could do about that! Not that he would... She understood that, she understood this was her choice to make and so she should be the one to break it to her friends.

Taking a deep breath, calming her heart, fighting back whatever tears she had in her eyes she looked up at them. "I've... I've decided to stay with Revan, to become a Jedi.."

This news took everypony by surprise, even Celestia and Luna, though Celestia was better at hiding this. They were all confused, shocked and sad. Applejack was the first to speak up. "Now just hold on a darn second, you've been in there with him for an hour, and then suddenly you go decide to stay with him!"

Rainbow looked at her, she was hurting, she was angry and she was sad, and she didn't blame her. The simple truth to it was there was no easy way to tell them this, there was no honey coated words that would make this hurt less. Rainbow felt her eyes watering up and even through Applejack's glare she could see the same tears welling up in her. "I'm.. Sorry... I don't know what to tell you.." That was a simple truth, she had no idea how to tell them what she felt, they would never understand.

It was not that they wouldn't try or didn't want to, but the sad fact was they could not touch the Force, they did not have that connection to it like she had now. What she felt, what she heard, what she saw, it all pushed her toward Revan and she knew in her heart she was doing what was needed. It was not how she wanted this, but it was what needed to happen.

"Ya sorry? That's it!? Ya just gonna stay here just like that and you can't even explain why?! We are you're bucking friends aren't we!?" By now all of them were crying, Applejack was probably the one most hurt and frustrated. Rainbow couldn't even look her in the eyes. "Fine.." Applejack scoffed. "I guess that is it then.. Good luck Jedi Dash.." She mumbled and walked past her, but as soon as she had she sped off in a full sprint.

Her friends now stepped closer, they were just as confused, but they understood, they did not understand why, but they understood Rainbow needed to do this, it was what she felt needed to happen. Twilight trotted up to her, giving her a tight hug. "Remember to write to us, okay?"

Rainbow's lip quivered and she hugged her back and simply nodded. "Mmhmm.." Rarity then trotted over and joined the hug.

"Please remember to behave, your're.." She sniffled. "In Canterlot now after all... Take care of yourself darling.." Rainbow let out a small laugh, but it was drowned in her sobs.

Pinkie came over next and the hug grew in size. "Remember to come and visit, I need to plan a knight party for you and..." She choked on her words a little. "And then we can eat cakes and laugh and have fun.."

Fluttershy was the last pony to come over, though she was crying, she also smiled as she joined in. "Take care Rainbow and be happy and try your best.. I know you'll do great things.."

They all sobbed quietly as their hug tightened. Revan could only look on, knowing Rainbow had just left what she treasured most, fate could be cruel sometimes, but like Celestia, he knew this was not a goodbye, they were still friends and they would forever be. As his master would always say.

You made a hard choice, but remember, it was just another step in your long journey. Trust in the Force, and remember, it shall be with you, always.

Author's Note:

Wow, really glad i got done writing this, i really enjoyed it writing it.

Bonus points if you can where the dialogue between Revan and Rainbow Dash comes from!

Leave a like and a comment if you feel like it, and remember!

The force will be with you, always...