• Published 30th Sep 2019
  • 7,934 Views, 233 Comments

Fallen Knight - DanishDash

The Jedi have fallen. Finding himself on the run from the new Empire, Jedi Knight Revan Blake finds himself in a new dimension. Will he use what he knows to rebuild the order, and so his life in Equestria?

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Chapter 4: Knight of Equestria. Pt 2

"Execute order, 66."

Time seemed to slow down, Revan felt a wave of emotions and memories hit him as soon as the clone spoke those words. For anyone else, that line meant nothing, but for Revan, it was the phrase that changed everything. The group raised their blasters and Revan took a deep breath. "Celestia.." He said calmly, yet holding a silent intensity she had never heard in him before. "Stay behind me, don't run, don't fly."

He ignited his lightsaber and the clones stepped forward. "Blast him!"

The blue laser bolts shot from the muzzles of their blasters, making sounds Celestia had never heard and shot out projectiles that looked like magic. That was not the most shocking however, like it was nothing, Revan deflected all the bolts with his lightsaber alone.

Revan did not make the mistake of staying in one place, he shot forward, kept his feet moving as he closed the distance. Making light, fast and elegant movements, he moved in between them, cutting them down one by one, deflecting and avoiding their blasters as he did so.

Sometimes he would deflect a blaster bolt right back at the shooter, making them drop instantly. Celestia watched the whole thing, she saw how Revan cut through the soldiers like they were made of paper, going through them with precision instead of brawl.

Can't let them hurt Celestia, I must protect her!

He tried to keep calm, keep his emotions down and not let his attachments slow him down. Revan needed to protect the princess, he needed to save her, but with each slash and deflection, his heart became heavier and heavier. He knew they weren't real, he sensed no real life in them, but the danger they posed was very real and the pain they represented to him.

Keeping his momentum he kept going through the clones until with one swift slash to the torso of the captain. It was over. As the body fell to the grass, Revan kept his combat position for a moment, trying to calm his mind and body before he turned to Celestia, he did not want her to see him like this.

Celestia didn't speak, she did not dare. Not because she was afraid or feared him, but to give him the moment he so needed to calm down. Finally with the familiar swoosh, the blue blade vanished into the hilt once again and Revan turned to face her. His expression was serious, trying to build a wall around the emotions he was feeling behind such a mask, but Celestia knew better.

"We need to move, find a way to break the illusion." He took a deep breath, trying to figure out a way for them to break Discord's spell, nothing came to mind however. "You know Discord, any suggestions?"

"No, i'm afraid I'm know not how to break us free from this. Discord can bend reality, i'm afraid if he has left us no door, a goal, then we won't be able to escape before the elements have defeated him." She explained with a pained expression. "I know this place, this world of memory, it's.. I'm sorry you were pulled into this."

Revan frowned and quickly walked over, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Don't be sorry Celestia. You have faith in Twilight and I trust your judgement." He sent her a small smile. "The Force is something he won't be able to bend to his will, we must trust in it to guide us." Revan was sure Discord had more planned for them, some larger goal. If he wanted to learn more, then he had to be trying to get deeper into his mind, trying to get his emotions to reveal the entrance. He had to be vigilant, trust in the Force.

"We should get moving, the clones will be back, and i'm sure Discord has more planned for us." Just as he uttered those words a blue blaster bolt came flying past his head. He glared and ignited his lightsaber. "Let's go, if we stay here, we're dead."


Celestia was not sure how long they had been running, more over, she was confused to why she could not fly. She trusted Revan's judgement however, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt and made her body sore. After a while, they finally took a break, under one of the taller trees, letting it hide their presence and let it's massive branches shelter them from most of the rain.

She sat herself down, rubbing her hooves slightly as they felt sore. Revan sat down beside her, pulling his hood over his head as some water came through the leaves of the trees. As Celestia had the advantage of her fur to keep her warm, Revan needed the brown robe to at least keep the worst of the cold out.

There was silence between them, Revan knew Celestia wanted to ask him about this, not that he blamed her. Finally, as he predicted, she asked him. "Was it like this back when.. When they betrayed you?"

Letting out a small sigh, he nodded. "Yes.. I was lucky though. I was on a diplomatic mission on a planet called Naboo when we got a distress call from a researcher out in the forest. Being in the air already, I ordered the ship to land. I took the troopers I had with me, and went out to search, that's when it happened. I had ordered us to split up to look for the researcher when they suddenly came to me, they raised their blasters, and said that phrase you heard the captain say.."

He clenched and unclenched his fists a few times, feeling the anger he had suppressed come up in him once again. "I managed to cut them down and flee, then, after several hours I found a Starfighter to flee on. I had to go back to the Temple, but when I got there, it was burning." He did not want to tell more, even if they were having a break, he knew this was Discord's world and he was likely keeping an eye on them

It was to quiet, if Discord wanted he could probably send the entire clone army at him. He could not be sure, but it seemed like he had that kind of power, and Revan needed to figure out how to break free from it, break them both free. Revan stood up, not wanting to relax, he needed to focus. "We should go."

"To where?" Celestia asked. "Discord controls this world, there is no place we can go that he won't be able to attack us."

Revan nodded. "I know, but he want's us to play his game, i'll say we play."


Discord chuckled when he saw the Jedi and Alicorn come out of the forest. "Ohoho, the princess and her Jedi knight. Had fun?" He asked as he stretched on the large stone where he rested.

Revan did not respond to the question, instead he just walked closer to him. "You want my knowledge Discord? I'll tell you now, you will never be able to control it and-."

Discord waved him off. "Yea, yea, you told me that already." He sat up and crossed his arms. "But knowledge is power little knight, others might want to learn what I cannot use. Deals are a powerful thing after all."

"You will get nothing from me." Revan replied sternly.

Once again the Draconequus grinned as he floated to the air. "Oh, but I have already learned so much. I must admit, your mind is hard to read, but the longer you're here the more I see, the more I learn." He slid up behind Revan, placing his claw and paw on his shoulders. "The force is fascinating, most of all the side you fear, the fun side!" He leaned close to his ear. "The dark side~." Revan's eyes widened, then narrowed, he was getting to close. Discord appeared in front of them both, laughing. "Oh! I love that face, you shou-Acrhk!"

Discord became pale, his eyes bulged slightly as his breathing was cut off. Putting his claw and paw to his throat he looked down at Revan who was now glaring, holding up a hand towards him, like he was grabbing something, like his throat.

The shock did not last, even if Discord could feel the power Revan controlled, this was still his world. Discord smirked as he croaked out. "I don't thirgh-think, you wanh to doh, that."

"Why?" Revan snapped, but then the horror sat in. Had he really let himself been lured into this? More over, he could sense Celestia's eyes on him. He was horrified by himself and he quickly let Discord go, taking a step back as if to distance himself from the action, but it was to late.

He looked to Celestia who looked on him in shock and even, fear.


As if hearing his thought, Discord cheered. "Yes! And now, Jedi Knight, I know what you fear the most." Revan looked to him. "I know what keeps you back, what you fear of becoming." Snapping his paw they suddenly stood in a great hall, a massive hall which Celestia had never seen. Huge pillars and a massive walkway stretched across the middle of it, given a view over the entire room.

Celestia knew not of this place, but Revan did, it was the Jedi Temple.

Revan took only a moment to look around before glaring at Discord. He wanted to yell at him, but the Draconequus simply raised a claw. He started to float around and Revan saw a dark mass building from the end of the hallway while Discord simply started to sing. "Fear leads to anger!" The mass started to collect and take shape. "Anger leads to hate!" Revan knew what the creature was, it was the thing a Jedi had to battle, had to reject and fight. He was failing as a Jedi, failing as a protector.

Horrified Revan turned to Celestia. "Celestia, run!"

Discord smirked as he finished. "Hate, leads to suffering." He flicked his claw.

Revan hardly got to turn around as the shadow of himself leaped forward with such speed he didn't have the time to react. He felt it push him with the force, sending him flying down the walkway and towards the floor beneath it.


Moving fast, Revan quickly flipped in the air, held his hand out towards the floor, which was rapidly speeding towards him, he used the force to slow himself down as much as possible. It only lasted a few seconds and it hardly saved him from the impact, but it did save his life. As soon as his feet touched the floor, he let himself drop and roll.

He tried to bite back the scream at the hard impact, but did not have time. Quickly standing he ignited his lightsaber, holding it up just in time to block other-Revan's crimson red lightsaber strike. The strike was strong as it used the momentum of other-Revan's descend to the floor.

Revan got down at one knee by the force, but he quickly recovered, turning and kicked the other-Revan's feet away from under him, causing him to fall. It only gave him just enough time to get up before his shadow Force pushed him back, this time however, Revan let himself.

Moving within the force push, Revan tossed his Jedi robe to the side and managed to get himself into a better stance. Almost instantly, his shadow was at him again, swinging the red lightsaber, his style was wild, almost chaotic.

Revan was being pushed, doing his best to block every blow his double tried to land. Their lightsaber moved and clashed in a spectacular show of skills. Revan knew he could not keep this up if he did not started to go on the offensive, but his shadow did not give him the space to breath.

They kept moving back, his shadow relentless in his attacks. Celestia watched with horror from the walkway, she could see even from here this was a battle Revan was going to loose if she didn't step in. Leaping from her spot, she spread her wings and sped towards the duel.

Other-Revan twirled around, first forcing Revan's blade away, then using the momentum to kick his chest. Stumbling back he quickly put his blade up to block yet another blow, he steeled himself for it. Just as it was about to land, a blast of Celestia's magic sent the shadow flying several meters and crash into one of the pillars.

Landing right next to Revan she kept her eyes locked on the shadow. "Revan, this thing came from you, you cannot let it get the best of you."

Revan panted, even though it was a short battle, it was very intense and wild, more so over because he had never been in a real lightsaber duel before. "Celestia.. It's..It's the dark side... He's.. He's to strong.."

She turned to him, almost glaring. "He is your fear! Your anger and hate! No one can control it but you, you must-ARHHHH!!"

A flash of dark purple lightning hit Celestia before the two of them could even react to it. It send Celestia sprawling across the floor.


Revan wanted to run to her, but he knew if he did, he would leave himself open and die. Quickly he raised his lightsaber, preparing for the duel to continue. The shadow however seem content with walking slowly towards him, grinning. "Pathetic." He snorted in disgust. "A new dimension, creatures with no knowledge of the Force and here you are, not even able to protect them. Failed Jedi!"

Tightening his grip on the hilt, Revan gritted his teeth. "You're not me creature!"

"Come now, we both know what we could be. We could take it all, we could be powerful, if only you would embrace it, embrace me!" Other-Revan made one powerful leap and closed the gap between the two in a matter of seconds. His blade came crashing down and Revan felt his knees buckle from the force of the blow.

Their blades pressed against one another, their wills battling as they pushed against one another. "You're pretender! A coward and a failure as a Jedi!" The shadow yelled. "You can't even protect the princess."

His words started to seep it's way into his heart and soul like poison, it dripped with the doubts and the fears Revan had carried with him since the purge. Revan felt his strength starting to fail him, getting lower and lower, almost so his knee touched the floor.

The shadow grinned as he stood over him more and more, his eyes glowing red and yellow. "Why do you keep fighting? If you can't be a Jedi, if you can't protect those you care about, if you can't beat me, then why go on? Why don't you give up!?"

His knee touched the floor, his back bent, he was failing.

No.. I can't protect them, I can't keep them safe..

Suddenly Celestia's voice echoed in the large hall. "Because he is not alone! Because he has friends that will always stand with him!"

The shadow sighed, waving his hand with ease and Revan felt the force push him to the side. "Oh really?" Other-Revan chuckled and fixed his glowing gaze on the princess as she tried to stand. "Friendship, magic. My power dwarf yours princess.. You think he has friends?" He smirked and started to walk towards her. "All of his friends are dead and you've known him for less than a week, are you really ready to risk your life and proclaim yourself his friend?"

Even though her body still screamed in pain and her legs shook beneath her, she managed to stand up and stare down the shadow. "Yes.. Because that is what friends do.."

The shadow stopped right in front of her. "Well then, let's put that to the test then shall we?" He raised his lightsaber, ready to strike down the Alicorn where she stood. Celestia didn't flinch, she had faith. Just as the blade was about to swing down at her, the shadow felt the Force pull at his arm. "What?!"

Celestia smirked looking up at the blade and then back at the shadow. "I told you.."

The dark creature looked back and in his shock he saw Revan stand up, glaring at him, his arm outstretched as he kept the shadow's arm in place with the Force. "You, can't hurt her.." He pulled, forcing the shadow to turn around and face him. "I will not let you, shadow!" Revan took a step towards him.

"You can't beat me! You can't fight and win! Not against me!"

Revan nodded, but still he kept walking towards the shadow. "True, I can't beat you.." The shadows eyes widened as he felt his body starting to get pulled towards Revan. "You're a part of me and you will always be there.. But I choose my own path, I walk the light." The gap started to close as the shadow moved towards him with increased speed. "That with Celestia and the bonds I will forge, I will forever be able to reject you, I will forever be a Jedi Knight!" Their bodies collided and in a great blinding flash of light, the shadow vanished into Revan.

Celestia shielded her eyes with her wing, but she couldn't help smirking. He had done it, he had beat his own fears and thus, Discord's plan. Wen the light settled she saw Revan stand alone, taking deep breaths as he centered himself. As he started to limp towards her, she let herself lie down, exhausted and finally at ease.

Revan walked over, standing beside her and let his body slide down against the pillar and next to her. Both of them simply let the calm move over them, letting themselves simply relax. It was quickly interrupted though when Discord suddenly popped into existence in front of them.

"No! Not fair!" He said angrily and crossed his arms. "I had all this planned out, all ready to let you be corrupted so I could enter your deepest parts of your mind!"

Revan smirked, even though he was to tired to laugh, he let out a few chuckles. "You won't ever, unlock the secrets Discord and I won't ever share what I know with you.." He glanced at Celestia. "I think you have a term, what was, oh yes." He turned to look at the pouting Draconequus. "Go buck yourself."

Celestia bit her lip, but still a small laugh escaped. Discord however looked angry beyond belief, though weather it was because Revan insulted him or that Celestia was laughing at him, he could not tell.

He stomped his foot down. "You two are forgetting you are still trapped here! My game is not done just yet!"

Celestia shook her head. "You are forgetting we are the least of your problems Discord. The elements of Harmony will defeat you."

Discord snorted. "Right, last time I saw them, they were splitting up their little group." He smirked. "No matter the outcome in here, i still win out there. So-." A small alarm clock appeared beside the Draconequus and rang. "Ergh, what now!" The clock vanished into a puff of smoke and Celestia smirked. "Don't look so smug Celestia, it doesn't suit you." He growled. "Fine, I will finish off the pests and then I will be back to deal with you!"

And with a poof! He was gone.

Letting out a sigh of relief Celestia moved her head to Revan's lap and relaxed. Revan didn't stop her, he simply placed a hand on her mane and stroked her. "You still think Twilight and her friends will beat him..?" Revan asked.

"I do, Twilight has formed some very strong bonds, just like you will.. I have faith in her and I know we will soon be free.."

Revan nodded at her words, feeling himself relax. After a few minutes he closed his eyes and so had Celestia, enjoying the rest they had earned. "Celestia.."


"Thank you.. What you said, you saved me.. Even when I didn't believe I couldn't save you.." He sighed.

Celestia smiled softly. "Sometimes it takes a friend to show us the way.." She lifted her head and and they both looked at one another. "I think you can do great things in Equestria, I think you have a lot you can teach us, just I think we have a lot to teach you."

Revan smiled. "I think you're right.. The Jedi believe that strong attachments lead to the dark side, leads to fear of loosing them.. Though I understand now it is those attachments that can also pull us back into the light.."

As Celestia smiled she noticed the Temple around them started to fade and she couldn't help, but let out a chuckle. "And so it seems my student succeeded."

"It seems so.." Revan smiled.


Revan did not know what happened after they returned to the real world, he had passed out right after they came back. Though the scars of battle had left no real wounds or injuries, the impact of their journey had been very real.

He did not know how much time that had passed when he finally opened his eyes, but when he did, he was was faced with a beautiful sunset and the gentle wind that moved through the open window. He was in a hospital bed, still in the palace judging by the design of the walls, though not the same room as last time.

"Good morning." A soft voice said.

Revan turned his head and saw Celestia standing not far from him, giving him a warm smile. Revan returned the smile and sighed. "We got to stop meeting like this.."

She giggled and moved her way closer to the bed. "I'm glad to see you're alright. I was worried for a second, but thankfully it was simple exhaustion."

"How long have I been out?"

"Only a day."

Revan nodded and sat up. "How about you? Are you okay?"

Celestia nodded, sitting down on the chair beside the bed. "Yes, thankfully the injuries we sustained in that world vanished along with Discord."

"So your student and her friends did it.. She saved the kingdom and us."

Celestia nodded once again. "That she did, but you saved me Revan, you defended me."

"No, you were the one who saved me.." He frowned and looked down. "I nearly let my fear get the best of me, I nearly let Discord get what he wanted and then who knows what would have happened."

"We saved each other, and I would never have been able to if you hadn't defended me." She smirked. "So let us call it even." Her expression became soft as she placed a hoof on his hand. "Revan, what you faced, it is not easy. Even if I helped you, it was your will that ultimately banished your shadow, ultimately it was your fight to win and only you who could have won it. I think your master would have been proud, along with any Jedi."

Revan looked at her, feeling his eyes watering a little, though he quickly wiped them away. She was right, he knew in his heart this was what his master would have wanted, this was what the Jedi did and he knew beyond any doubt, he was a Jedi.

"Thank you.."

Celestia nodded to him a third time and smiled. "It is me that thanks you.." She leaned in and they shared a nice warm hug. At first Revan was surprised, but he quickly put his arms around her and smiled satisfied.

He was not sure how long it lasted, but apparently long enough for a certain Alicorn to get impatient. "Ahem." Celestia's eyes opened wide and she quickly stepped back and turned to face her sister.

"Oh! L-Luna, well, we didn't hear you come in." She said, feeling her face redden.

Luna rolled her eyes with a small smile. "That's quite evident, Celly." She trotted closer to them. "Now I believe we should go over the ceremony." She turned to look at Revan. "Master Revan, we wanted to know the proper way to knight you. I'm sure the Jedi have some tradition on how to do it, yes? We would like to honor that."

Revan raised and eyebrow and looked at Celestia. She quickly turned to him. "Revan, even though you haven't given me your answer. I think this is how you can best help us and yourself, I think this is what you are meant for in our world."

He took a moment to think, but then he finally smiled and nodded. "I accept." He then looked to Luna. "We do have a way to get knighted, it is simple, but important to us."


Revan stood still, all around him ponies had gathered, nobles and commoners alike. A lot of guards had been lined up, acting as an honor guard for him as Celestia and Luna sat on their thrones smiling down at him. The elements were invited and they all seem pretty excited about this as well.

When Celestia raised a hoof, the whole throne room got quiet. She then gestured to the foot of their throne. "Step forward."

Revan took a few steps and knelt down, bowing his head low before the princesses. A beautiful sword, held up by the magic of both Celestia and Luna, floated down towards him. The silver blade gently tapped his right shoulder and Celestia began.

"Revan Blake, by our decree."

The sword moved from his right shoulder to his left and Luna continued.

"By the will of the Force."

The sword moved back to the right shoulder and both sisters spoke in unison.

"Dub thee we do, Jedi, Knight of Equestria."

Author's Note:

Whew, I made it, I was a bit late today so I was afraid I would not get to post this today. However i'm glad I made it and I am very glad with how this turned out!

Thank you for all the support I've gotten so far, it's really amazing and i hope you will continue to read and enjoy it! :D