• Published 30th Sep 2019
  • 7,938 Views, 233 Comments

Fallen Knight - DanishDash

The Jedi have fallen. Finding himself on the run from the new Empire, Jedi Knight Revan Blake finds himself in a new dimension. Will he use what he knows to rebuild the order, and so his life in Equestria?

  • ...

Chapter 12: Wedding Crash

One Month Ago.

"Argh.." Rainbow fell to the floor of the newly constructed dojo. She could feel the sweat running down her body, she was panting, feeling her body scream for her to rest, though her master had other ideas.

"Get up." Revan told her. She groaned, trying to get up, but her body was very sore. Revan kept walking back and forth. "Padawan, if you hope to survive the battles that lays before you, then you get up, now." Gritting her teeth, Rainbow willed herself to stand. Her body was not willing, but like always, her mind was. Revan nodded approvingly. "Good, remember, you must master your mind. Pain and exhaustion is only an illusion. You must overcome it. Now, attack me again."

Rainbow took a deep breath, then stormed forward, jumped towards her master and tried to land a punch. Revan however blocked it, grabbed her hoof and forced her to the floor again, but this time, holding her in a tight grip. "Argh!"

"Focus." Revan said sternly. "Never attack out of anger or frustration, it will cloud your mind and your judgement. See the path before you, attack with purpose and with a calm mind. Only then will you be able to defeat your foe."


Rainbow glared at the guards surrounding her, all had their spears at the ready, all of them intending to kill or capture her. Well, she was not going to let that happen. "Guards, I said stand down!" She tried one final time, though she was pretty sure it wasn't going to work, and to no shock, it didn't.

She felt angry, confused, why did the guards attack her? Before she could even try and ask that question, one of the guards leaped forward, trying to thrust his spear into her. Rainbow, not wanting to kill them, reached out with the Force and sent the attacking guard flying into the wall.

"Don't do this.." She said in one final warning, thinking perhaps they would back off, run away. Hoping it was a misunderstanding or maybe some crazy officer who simply had enough of the Jedi. The warning did not help as the guards started to come closer, holding out their spears in order to keep her at a distance.

Focusing her mind, controlling her breathing, she stood in a defensive position, ready for any type of attack they might try. She hoped to disarm them, get them locked up until she could clear this up, find out why they attacked, and if they were acting under orders. For a brief moment, she wondered if they were acting under princess Cadance’s orders. Rainbow did not have time to think about that however, as the guards started their attack.

They tried to rush her, but Rainbow felt them all coming. She used the technique her master had shown her, a Jedi technique that let her see attacks just before they happened. It was not an easy trick to do, and this was the first time she was using it in real combat.

Double vision. Attack coming from left side, three from front and two from right side.

Moving her blade around, she managed to cut the spear tips as they came towards her, shocking her attackers even more. Using their shock to her advantage, reaching out with the Force, she pulled the now headless sticks out of their hooves, holding out her lightsaber, hoping this would at least make them stop. Of course, they didn’t.

Double vision. Knife coming at throat, hoof punch towards stomach, sword at head.

She cut the knife as it came towards her, moved a step back to avoid the punch. then twirled the saber to cut the sword. Now that she was sure they were disarmed, all she had to do was- "Whaaaa!!" A guard stormed at her, an act of desperation that caught her completely off guard. One swing was all it took, one simple swing, and the guard collapsed on the stone floor, dead.

It was like there was a pause in the fight, at least for Rainbow. Had she just, killed a guard? Yes, there was no life in his eyes, he just laid there, sprawled on the floor as the cut had been as swift as his death. What had she done? Before she could even think to say anything, something caught her eye, and it was certainly not what she expected.

The guard on the floor was enveloped in a green glow, and slowly it was like his white coat and golden armor was burned away, revealing a black, bug like creature, a form Rainbow recognized. A changeling, yes, as the hole body was revealed, there was no doubt about it. This was no guard, this was a changeling trying to get her out of the way. For a second, she expected the other guards to look shocked, but now, they simply looked angry, glaring at her, and, did they just hiss?

That was when it hit her, none of these ponies were guards, heck, they were not even ponies, but changelings. Still, she had killed a living being, she had never done anything even near to it. It made her stomach turn, but she didn't have the time to think about that, the other changelings seemed to let their disguises drop, showing their real faces.

It was clear now why they had wanted her gone, but had they done the same to Twilight, killed her? No, she would have felt that, she was sure of it. Raising her lightsaber, she waited for the inevitable.

It all happened so fast, the attacks, the slashes, it was over than less than three minutes. All around her laid dead changelings, they had all been foolish, rushing her instead of using their magic to keep her at a distance. The green blade vanished back into the hilt, and she was finally able to stand on all fours again, giving her a moment to just breathe.

Despite having trained for it, nothing could prepare her for this, she had just killed a group of changelings. Not that they left her with much of a choice, but still. There was no blood as the lightsaber had burned the wounds shut, so at least there was that, but on the other hoof, it smelled. Burned flesh was not exactly on her wish list to smell, if she had such a thing.

Walking over to the side, she emptied the contents of her stomach, feeling sick, feeling horrible, but no guilt. They had left her with no choice, and if there had been guards with her, they would have done the same. She let it all go, gave herself a moment to fully calm down, knowing she didn't have the time to simply look around and do nothing.

She wiped her muzzle, walked towards the stairs. She needed to alert the guards, alert everypony. Before she could reach the stairs, she heard a loud BOOM above her. Rainbow felt the very foundation vibrate, and dust fell from the ceiling. Stopping, she looked up. "What the buck is going on now..?"


She got her answer pretty fast, as soon as she had reached the upstairs corridor, she saw the guards fighting changelings disguised as guards.

It was all one confusing mess, and of course it did not take long for a group of changelings to spot her and try to blast her with magic. Thinking fast, she dove to the side, letting the robe go in the meantime so she only wore her tunic.

Making her way to a few guards that was also taking cover she asked them. “What’s going on? Where did all these changelings come from?!”

One of the guards looked at her. “It’s an invasion, we are caught off from the wedding!”

Blast it! She was supposed to be near the wedding, exactly in case something like this would happen. She noticed the shield was gone, and it seemed like the air was filled with changelings. “We need to get to the throne room!”

“We can’t break through!” The guard responded. Rainbow knew they were pinned down, but her friends were in danger and so were the princess.

“Follow my lead!” Rainbow commanded as she stood up on her hind legs, taking her lightsaber hilt in her hooves. “I’ll clear a way!” Before the exhausted soldier could protest, she jumped back into the hallway.

The changelings instantly recognized the stench of death on her, the death of their changeling brothers and sisters. Like so many insects and bugs, they knew they were dealing with a major threat and so was going to focus their efforts on her.

This group were not going to let her get close, charging up their magic, they started to blast at her. Rainbow took a chance, and moved the blade into position. Her master had a theory about magic, but had never tested it out, so right now, it seemed like the best time to try it out.

Magic bolts was fired at her, so taking a deep breath she moved her lightsaber to intercept the first bolt. To her shock, the bolt bounced off! Yes, it seemed their magic could be stopped by her lightsaber, however, unlike blaster bolts, they lost their power and momentum as soon as she blocked the magic, making them vanish into thin air as the energy was disrupted.

Smiling to herself, she leaped into the midst of the battle, moving her lightsaber to block, and attack the changelings. The guards could hardly believe their eyes, sure, they had heard about Revan and his powers, but seeing Rainbow clearing a way for them by herself, it was simply unbelievable.

Finally she looked back at them, seeing them in a state of confusion and awe. “Come on!” She yelled at them, not wanting to waste more time than they needed to. They quickly all got up on their hooves, and followed the Padawan. Soon enough to cyan colored Pegasus let the charge through the hallways of the palace.

Little by little the changelings were forced back, stunned and horrified to see the Pegasus with her laser sword, blocking and deflection their magic blasts. The guards followed behind her, the unicorns even starting to fire bolts of magic back at the changelings.

Unfortunately, there were a great many of these starving bugs, they kept coming, and their advance soon slowed down to a complete stop. Rainbow kept deflecting, but she knew she had to take the offensive sooner rather than later. They also needed to get to the throne room, but she could not leave the guards to fend for themselves.

"Oh dear, it seems like war has broken out in the palace." Jester suddenly said, walking down the hall like nothing was happening.

Rainbow looked to him, then quickly back at the changelings. "Jester! They are invading!"

"So I have noticed." Jester said, grabbing two lightsabers and ignited the blades. "Seems like there will be a chance to test out my combat protocols again, how exciting." Without another word, the droid leaped forward, absorbing many of the magic bolts comings towards him, shocking and scaring the changelings.

With a fury of his blades, he carved his way through the mass of changelings, creating a path for Rainbow Dash and her squad, also giving them a moment to breathe as Jester drew a lot of the enemies attention.

Taking a deep breath, Rainbow looked at the guards. "We need to get to the wedding, what's the fastest way?" She knew she could fly, but it would too dangerous with all the changelings buzzing around the palace, not to mention she couldn't leave the guards. No, for now it was best they stuck together until they met up with another group of guards.

"The only other way is through the west wing!" One of the guards said, and the others nodded in agreement. "It's closer and there is more guards there."

"Okay then, let's move. Stick together." Rainbow rose, giving Jester a final glance to make sure he would be alright. "Let's go."


The courtyard had become a battlefield, the Royal Guard overrun as they tried to keep a solid defense, but nothing helped. It was complete chaos, despite this, they tried to come together and hold their ground until somepony could help them, being reinforcement or their princess.

"Hold your position!" The sergeant yelled behind the makeshift barricades they had managed to surround themselves with. The spears were held high, trying to ward off any attackers while trying to return fire with whatever they could. The unicorns among them tried to fire offensive magic while at the same time trying to make small shields to defend them.

"We're pinned down sir, we can't hold!" One recruit yelled desperately.

"They are breaking through!!"

The situation was becoming unmanageable, and they had no way of reaching other guard squads, neither did they have any way of reaching them. No, they were on their own, and it seemed that was going to be their death.

Suddenly a powerful wind pushed through the entire courtyard, pushing all the Changelings away, stunning them for a few moments. It didn't effect the guards, but it did give them time to catch their breaths and look up around them.

"There!" One of the guards called, pointing his hoof towards the gate.

The commanding stallion looked over, his eyes widened, and his heart filled with hope. There in the gate stood Revan, his cloak dropping to the tiles beneath him as he held his blue lightsaber. Around him stood several guards. They all looked exhausted, but also determined.

He smirked. "Reinforcements... Battle positions!"

The changelings all stood back up, and soon enough they split up, trying to engage the newcomers as well as the guards taking cover. With renewed hope, the guards managed to fight more of the changelings off. In the meantime, Revan and his guards charged forward to join the pinned down soldiers.

Revan leading the guard, held his lightsaber high, and just as the two forces collided he swung his saber, cutting the incoming changelings down one by one. It was total chaos once again, but Revan had been in battles many times before. His slashes were precise, intending to kill fast with no pain. During the clone wars such mercy kills had never really been necessary, but now, now he was fighting against living beings and not droids.

Though he didn't know much about their species, he could sense their pain, their hunger. Unlike ponies, they were not very emotional, they were driven, driven to feed. And yet, he could still sense the specks of fear, of hope and lust. It was like their instincts however clouded such emotions, clouded what they could be.

He had no time to dwell on such thoughts however, he needed to secure the courtyard and find his Padawan. Revan moved fast, using the Force to enhance his physical abilities. The changelings tried to rush him, but with his blade work, he cut them down one by one, blocking and deflecting every magic bolt sent towards him.

As he fought along side the Canterlot guard, he heard the echos of past battles, he heard the clone troopers who he had been fighting alongside with for years echo in his mind. Their screams, their calls. He heard the metallic footsteps of the droids, the sound of blasters.

Every bit of the world around him vanished before his eyes, the battle became something else, it became a land of ghosts, of shadows. He saw around him, not ponies, but clones, droids, Jedis, he saw them all fall, only to come in again. Chaos, darkness, this was war, all over again, this, was, war....

Letting out a scream, he tore through the changelings, using the Force to push them away, force them to the ground, or pull them towards him. His blade cutting all the changelings that was near enough.

"Sir! SIR!" A male voice called out to him, but it sounded like it came from far away.




"Huh..?" His eyes opened, and once again, he found himself in the Jedi temple.

Sitting up, he was in his younger body, and just like last time, his master walked towards him. "You are loosing yourself.."

"Master.." Revan tried to stand, but his legs refused to stand, making him tremble and fall to his knees. "Master, my padawan, princess Celestia, they are in danger, I need to get back.."

Luxida frowned. "You're loosing sight of yourself.. You are still at war with the galaxy Revan.."

"But I.." He tried, but his body was too exhausted.

"Find your center, let go of past hurt, focus on the now, not on the horizon.." Everything started to fade, and Revan tried one more time to stand, trying to get to her.



"Sir, Sir!"

Once again, Revan found himself opening his eyes, but instead of finding himself in the Jedi Temple, he found himself surrounded by royal guards, all looking worried. It took a few seconds before Revan realized he was on the ground, his chest moving up and down as he tried to catch his breath.

"He's awake, get him some water." The sergeant called out as he reached out a hoof, helping Revan to sit up. "Are you alright sir?"

Revan groaned. "Y, yes, thank you sergeant.."

The sergeant smiled relieved. "We fought them off sir, but I think you threw yourself into the fight much more than you should.. You must be exhausted.."

"I'll be fine.." Revan replied, taking the bottle one of the guards handed to him and happily gulped it down. He wiped his mouth, took his lightsaber hilt and stood up. "I must get inside.."

"Sir, the changelings could be back, and there must be an army inside." The sergeant reminded him.

"There is an army out here." He said, and gestured towards the city. "Go, help as many as you can. I shall go inside and find the princess."

"But sir, you're exhausted."

"So are you, but we both want to do our duty. Now go, I will be fine." Revan would hear no more of this, he needed to find Rainbow Dash, and then he needed to find Celestia. He hoped they were both alright..

The sergeant hesitated. "Sir.. May the Force be with you."

Revan smiled a little, and glanced back at him. "Be careful my friend, and may the Force be with you too."


"Take cover!"

A guard yelled just before the side of the wall exploded, hurling stone everywhere. Rainbow was quick, reaching out with the Force to stop any stones from hitting any of the guards. They were so close, the large double doors leading to the hall was just up ahead, but as expected, it was heavily guarded.

Along their way they had managed to pick up two more squads, which should improve their odds, in theory that is. In practice however the changelings still outnumbered them, and Dash and the guards were getting more and more exhausted by the minute.

Two guards made their way behind one of the walls, carrying a wounded guard. "You're gonna be alright, just hang on." One of them told the guard, taking off his helmet and giving him some water.

Rainbow cursed her luck, she could not barge in there and defend her guards at the same time. She needed her master, or reinforcement, hell, even Jester would be a welcome sight by now. "What do we do now?" The guard nearest to her asked.

Rainbow thought for a moment, knowing she could not simply charge in. She was too physical tired, but maybe she could use the Force to even the odds a bit. Looking beyond the corner, she watched as the many changelings seemed to dare them to come forward and fight, and for a moment Rainbow had wondered if she should have done the same, but they were too dedicated to guard the door.

She quickly took cover behind the wall again when they started to blast at her, and she let out a sigh. "Can you hold them here?" She asked one of the guards.

"Yes ma'am, but, what are you thinking?"

Rainbow looked to the window, it would be risky to fly in the open and try to get into the hall from the air, but she needed to chance it. "Cover me, I'll go out the window and-." Before she could make a move, she felt something on her shoulder.

"Patience, Padawan. There are other ways." A voice said from behind her, and she turned around shocked.



Everything was dark, everything was wet and sticky. Celestia felt dizzy, like everything was upside down.. Slowly she opened her eyes, and she quickly found that she was indeed upside down, but what was worse, she was in a changeling cocoon!!

"Mwhahaha, I see you're awake Celestia?"

"Mmmfh?!" Celestia tried to keep calm, breathing easy with the little air they provided. Outside hovered the dark changeling queen, Chrysalis. "Rmmhph.."

"Oh don't be like that." Chrysalis grinned. "I was so hurt when I found out me and my children were not invited to the wedding, we decided to swing on by." She laughed and Celestia kept glaring. "It took long to plan this invasion, but it worked perfectly." Turning, she looked down at the elements of harmony, all being covered with the green slime. "Now, now it is my turn, a new era is upon us.."

"You will never get away with this!" A young voice spoke up, and Chrysalis grinned, looking down at the princess of love. Stuck to the floor beside Shining Armor, who was still very much under her influence.

"Ohoho my dear." Chrysalis landed elegantly in front of princess Cadance. "I already have gotten away with it. Still, I am surprised to see you have escaped." She glanced at Twilight who was being wrapped up nicely. "Both of you. But it matters not." She leaned on Shining Armor who was in a zombie like state. "Dear Shining's Love gives me all the love I could ever want, making me more powerful than any Changeling queen has been for centuries!" She flew up to the middle of the hall, spinning as she laughed. "And with that Jedi padawan dead, there is no one here to stop me!"

Everypony looked at her in shock. "No!" Applejack yelled. "That can't be true!"

Chrysalis turned to Applejack. "Oh but it is, my changelings took care of her just before the wedding started."

"You monster!" Twilight cried.

"Monster? I'm simply doing what is right for my hive!" Chrysalis growled, moving slowly towards Twilight and her four friends, all stuck in the changelings green goo. "If it was you who were starving, then surely you would have done the same for your ponies!" She said, mostly directed at Celestia who just glared in return.

"We would have found another way!" Twilight insisted.

Chrysalis snorted. "You can dream, but I have to live in reality." She smirked and turned away from them. "Seal them up along with the princess, they can be useful later."

The changelings moved closer and started to seal up the rest of the cocoons. "Yes my queen." The drones moved all over the mane five, covering them with the green goo to create the rest of the cocoons. Chrysalis chuckled, assured in her own victory.

"Excellent, the rest of you, round up the remaining Canterlot ponies, we are taking the kingdom!" Chrysalis laughed, and her drones laughed and cheered. Then suddenly, the large double doors leading into the hall opened with such force one of them flew off it's hinges. Every pony and changeling looked over wide eyed.

Walking out of the dust came none other than Revan, his tunic was torn here and there, his hair was messy, and his skin was dusty. Still, he walked in with a certain calmness and confidence Chrysalis did not expect. Of course she knew of Revan, her spies had told her about him, she had also heard a lot about him from Celestia herself when she was disguised as Cadance. She was not worried however, the fool had managed to pass her guards, probably thanks to his lightsaber and that mystical power she had heard of, but her power was greater now, she had nothing to fear.

Standing alone, Revan bowed respectfully. "I am Jedi Knight Revan."

Chrysalis smirked amused, she had not expected him to bow, let alone show her respect. No matter, he was at a means to an end, so she would play along, for now... "I am queen Chrysalis! You do right in bowing to me."

Revan glanced at Celestia, seeing her looking at him with wide eyes. He could sense her relief, but she was still scared. Looking back at Chrysalis he nodded. "Then I greet you, your majesty. I am here to negotiate a ceasefire and begin peace talks."

Chrysalis snorted, did the hooman, or whatever he was, really think they could negotiate anything? She was almost amused, if she was not so disgusted at the same time. "Negotiate? My hive has been starving for years now! We barely get by, and now you want us to negotiate peace?"

Revan nodded, his face calm, his eyes fixed on her. In truth, he was not sure if Chrysalis would ever be willing to negotiate, he did not count on it, but if there was a hope, then he should try, or do, as master Yoda would say. He had sent Rainbow and the guards away, making them work on their backup plan, should this one fail.

"There has been enough death, your majesty, your point has been made. The fighting will only mean the loss of more life.. I myself have already killed my share of your guards... And I regret the loss of life.." Revan said earnestly, trying to focus on what his master had told him in that vision. He had lost sight of himself, letting himself get lost in combat, in war... It was time for him to let go, and find another way, if possible. "Let us end this, and prevent more senseless killing.."

Chrysalis glared. "We have no use of killing, changelings only kill when we need to defend ourselves, you are the ones doing the killing!"

"You are the ones attacking, your majesty. You cannot expect creatures, even those as soft as ponies to not defend themselves by any means possible, like your changelings." He frowned. "So let us end this now."

"You.." Chrysalis seemed a bit hesitant, then glared at Celestia. "I will never be her so called friend, and I will not spare any who resist, not for her!"

"You are not doing this for her, or them. You are doing this for your hive." Revan said, continuing his calm tone. Chrysalis looked back at him, confused. "Continue this, and the war will drag on. Princess Luna may be out of the country for now, but once she returns and sees what has happened, the war will continue, and by then, the damage may prove too great for you to end it peacefully with your hive."

Her glare seemed to soften as it seemed she only now realized she only had one of the royal sisters, Luna was not here, which meant, she would be back.. Revan could sense the conflict within her, Chrysalis's hate was great, the fear from loosing her hive was great.

Chrysalis thought long a hard, her inner conflict raging like a storm. But then, she looked at Revan with pure hatred and disgust, and in that moment he knew, her hate had won, and it was blinding her. "No, my new era starts here, today! I will be ready for the princess of the night! I will defeat them all!"

Revan sighed, disappointed. If he was to end this, it meant he had to cut off the head of the snake. Perhaps if he could capture her, there would be a chance to still end things peacefully in the future, but for now, he needed to end this.

"As you wish.. I I will do what I must." He took the hilt of his lightsaber in his hand, and ignited the blue blade. "In the name of Equestria and all who have fallen today, be it pony or changeling, I am placing you under arrest."

There was a moment of silence, and then Chrysalis burst out laughing. "You can't be serious, arrest? And do you really think you can achieve any of this alone?" She asked in a mocking tone, her changelings having mixed emotions, but never the less supported their queen.

Revan shook his head. "Of course not, but I am not alone." Before Chrysalis could answer, several guards dropped down from the windows above, led by Rainbow Dash herself.

"Protect the queen!" One of the drones yelled out before he was tackled by a Pegasus guard.

Rainbow Dash flew along the walls, lightsaber in mouth as she passed the cocoons, cutting them open one by one. Chrysalis returned her glare to Revan, who held up his lightsaber, ready for any sort of battle that might take place.

"Last chance your highness." He said as a final warning.

"Fool! I am Chrysalis! Last queen of the changelings! I will never surrender! NOW DIE!" She aimed her horn at Revan, fired a sickly green blast of magic towards him.

Revan stood his ground, holding the lightsaber hilt with both hands and raised the blade in a defensive stance. The blast hit the blade, and Revan had to hold fast so not to be pushed away by the continuing assault. Gritting her teeth, Chrysalis tried to make the blast stronger, taking a step towards him. Revan in turn leaned forward, trying to balance his body so not to be pushed back.

Rainbow watched with amazement, but quickly continued her work as she cut her friends free. They all hugged her, smiling relieved. "Chrysalis said you were dead." Twilight said worried.

"They tried, but I took care of it. Where were you?"

Twilight sighed, glancing over at Cadance. "It's a long story. Dash, get Celestia, I'll get Cadance and my brother."

Rainbow nodded. "You got it!"

"We'll help too!" Applejack declared, and kicked one of the changelings with her hind legs.

"Oki dokie! Let's rumble!" Pinkie grinned and vanished one moment, and in the next rolled in with her party cannon. "FIRE!"

Twilight ran to Cadance, trying to keep clear from the fighting around the hall. "Quick, go to him while you still have the chance." Twilight aimed her horn, and used her magic to free Cadance. Her former babysitter shared a thankful smile with Twilight before she turned to her husband to be, but he wasn't reacting.

Revan kept Chrysalis busy, she continued with her assault, keeping the green glow of her magic barrage on Revan while he used his lightsaber to deflect it. None dared approach them, even if they could, the fighting kept everyone in the hall busy. Rainbow in the meantime fought her way past two changelings, reaching Celestia's cocoon.

"Don't worry princess, I have you out in just a second! Just hang in there!"

Celestia glared a little at that comment. "Hrrmm.."

"Ehehe.. Sorry..." Rainbow smiled a little. She reached for her lightsaber hilt hanging from her belt, and after it ignited and a swift swing, she dropped from the cocoon. She quickly flew down to her. "Are you alright princess?"

"Y-yes, I'm fine, thank you padawan Dash.." She looked to Revan who was still holding firm, making small steps towards Chrysalis. "Why isn't he.." She looked at the display, wondering why he was not actively fighting, why he was simply letting Chrysalis fire at him, but then she realized. He was keeping her busy, keeping her focused on him so the others had a chance.

Chrysalis's eyes burned with hate and frustration and finally she had enough, she gave him all she got, sending a massive wave of green magic towards him, and this time Revan was pushed back. He lost his footing, flying into the wall several meters behind him.

"Ha! So much for the Jedi's power!" She laughed while panting. Even though she looked at him with mocking eyes, it was clear that the attack had taken a lot out of her. She flew up, readying another attack, but this time Celestia stepped in, jumping in front of Revan and powered up her own horn.

The two royals send magic waves towards one another, making them clash in a spectacular show of power. Celestia was weakened however, and Chrysalis was still recovering from the last attack on Revan, so for now Celestia would be able to hold out, giving Rainbow time to check on Revan.

"Master!" She flew to him, helping him sit up. "Are you alright?"

He nodded, thought slightly battered. "I will be fine.." He stood up, but his legs refused to stand, letting him fall down to the floor once again. "Ergh.."

"Master, you're hurt.." Rainbow said with a worried frown.

"I need to help.." He responded, not wanting Celestia to stand alone.

It was however to late, before Rainbow could reply, Chrysalis got the upper hand and managed to blast Celestia back towards the wall just like she had done with Revan. This time however, Revan was there and managed to soften the blow using the Force, letting Celestia land more softly.

He held her in his arms, stroking her flowing mane. "Celestia?" He shook her gently. "Celestia..?"

Slowly she opened her eyes again and looked up at Revan. She smiled a little, and he could not help but smile back. "...I knew my knight would come.." She said in a weak whisper.

He chuckled. "Always..."

Their moment was interrupted by a loud laughter. Chrysalis flew up, grinning. "This marks the end for all of you! Nothing can stop me now!" Rainbow took a stance between Chrysalis and Celestia, protecting her and her master from whatever Chrysalis might throw at them.

She was distracted however by a bright purple light coming from behind Chrysalis, the light seemed to distract everyone else as well, changeling and pony. Chrysalis's laughter died down soon enough too as she noticed it as well, looking behind her, her eyes grew wide in seeing the sight before her. Cadance and Shining Armor were close, their bodies glowing and levitating as their love made them stronger than what Chrysalis could have ever imagined.

"What? NO!"

It was too late, a powerful wave expanded from the two ponies, sending every changeling flying out of Canterlot. Chrysalis most of all was shocked as she tried to hold on, but it was too powerful. She was send flying into the horizon, along with all her drones.


The battle, was over...


And so, with the changeling invasion beaten back, and a quick clean up, the wedding proceeded as planned. This time with the right bride, and an unaffected Shining Armor. While Celestia led the ceremony, and Rainbow Dash joining her friends as the bridesmaids, Revan chose to stand in the far back.

He was content with watching, not wanting to ruin the perfect picture, besides, he had enough to do with having to find Jester and do some repairs. Still, he was happy this wedding could have a happy ending. No ponies were killed, thankfully, but a lot of changelings had died, and Revan needed to reflect on that. There was in fact a lot of things he needed to reflect on..

Still, he stayed out of respect, and enjoyed watching the union between the princess and her husband. It gave him some peace knowing things worked out in the end, and whatever trouble laid ahead, they could wait for tomorrow.

As Cadance and Shining Armor went to the balcony to wave at the many ponies gathered below, Celestia made her way to Revan. "It doesn't suit you lurking in the shadows, my dear knight."

Revan smiled a little. "I am better at watching.. Besides, there is a lot to do.."

Celestia let out a sigh, knowing what he was talking about. Revan had talked about it before, and even though she did not wish it to be so, she knew that this invasion had made him certain in his decision. "Where will you go then?"

"I don't know yet.." Revan said honestly. "I just know I can't stay here.. The Force has awoken on your world, and I need to find a place for them, a place away from the powers that rule this kingdom.."

There was a moment of silence between them, and soon enough Celestia added. "And me?"

Now Revan looked at her. "I... I think you know my affection for you, Celestia.. But.." He looked ahead again. "There is simply too much at stake for both of us right now.."

Celestia sighed. "For now that is.." Taking a deep breath, she smiled. "I do think I know where you can set up your new temple though."

Revan looked to her. "Really?"

"Indeed, but that is for tomorrow. Today, let us enjoy ourselves." She held out a hoof. "Come, the princess needs a date for the wedding party, and she wishes to dance, a lot."

Revan blushed slightly, and for a moment was not sure what to answer. But then smiled, and nodded. "Tomorrow then." He bowed elegantly, and took her hoof. Tonight, he would not be a Jedi, but simply Revan. And she, not a princess, but simply Celestia.

Tomorrow, Celestia would show him the future of the Jedi order, tonight, he would share his heart with her...



Author's Note:

That is it.

Sorry to all who has been waiting for so long, and again, sorry if this seems sudden. I know there is a lot of loose ends that needs to be addressed, and there has been a lot of lessons learned with this story.

I will come up with something new in the future, a complete rewrite of the story, adding other characters, chapters explaining more of Rainbow's training, and the development of Revan and Celestia.

I have learned a lot from writing this story, and I hope you will like the rewrite as much as you have liked this one, if not more.

For now however, this is where I will leave it. ^^

Comments ( 24 )

I actually think this is a perfect place to end this story off here. I'd say make a sequel story that uses what you learned and continue the story, maybe have the first arc be between the end of this one and the building of the Temple. Probably have Rainbow doing some training in a field and having allowed her friends to watch her train she can go over what it was like in depth as I'm sure her friends have questions too so why not kill two birds with one stone?

Great work i can’t wait for your next story

So what is your plan about your others stories like "My Little Damsel"?

"Oki dokie! Let's rumble!" Pinkie grinned and vanished one moment, and in the next rolled in with her party cannon. "FIRE!"

… why not.

10221738 I agree with this persons idea. Use what you’ve learned to make a beautiful sequel instead of spending time rewriting this whole thing. Plus it’s always nice to see how you progress in writing from one story to another. Anyways this was very enjoyable and I do hope to see a sequel to this soon!


I can see your point, but I am just afraid there is to much unsolved, and too little backstory for the sequel to really work for me. Though granted, I know what you mean, I am just not sure about what to do with the story just yet. Either I do write the next story I had in mind for it, which would focus on the rebuilding of the Jedi order, or I'll rewrite it, adding other elements and characters to build up the world more.

10225341 Alright can’t wait to see what ya do either way.

Update/sequel pls.:pinkiehappy:

If a sequel comes the fun is just about to begin!

All I will say is that I loved this story, and that if a sequel is made, I will read it.

Well I think I should actually watch Star Wars now...

Otherwise good story


Any plans on a sequel for this? Or is it officially The End?

I'm rewriting the story. There is a lot I like to do with it, but I simply didn't have the experience to do it. So I've been working on it on and off.

"I do think I know where you can set up your new temple though."


Sooo... soon™?

I just checked for Starwars storys and than the comment section. Holy Shit...
Maybe write a story with the new Starwars games? It has a lot of potential :twilightsmile:

Oh, my, gosh.
This is one of the best star wars stories I've read to date.
I hope there are many more planned, because I'm hooked.

Any updates on this? Found this and seeing this cliffhanger hurts but at least it isn't a permanent one, I hope.

Considering I am Star Wars fan at heart, this was pretty good. Some points though, nothing demeaning, but maybe something to watch for in the future.

Revan. I get where the name came from, loved the games. Though I don't think it was established on how he got the name. Maybe he was named after him, maybe that's what you were shooting for. I think there needs to be a little bit of an explanation of how he got it.

I did notice some spelling errors and maybe some grammatical ones as well. Try to proofread your story and chapters before hitting publish.

Other than that, solid. Honestly, I thought the Mane 6 we're all gonna be Padawans. Interesting choice on RD.

Keep up the good work man, I look forward to seeing more.

It's gorgeous, but just a simple note : Revan does not belong to the period of the High Republic, but in the Old Republic one. That one takes place over 3000 yrs before the Order 66/Jedi Purge. So Revan could not survive Order 66 if he had become one with the Force over 2500 years before.
That's all for critisism, overall a extremely solid and fun to read story.
P.S. I heard you wanted to remake this story, but the post is over 1 year old, so I'm thinking you let it be...? :trixieshiftright:


Assuming it is the Revan from the old republic. :raritywink:

Bro, couldn't you put all that in one comment? 😂

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