• Published 30th Sep 2019
  • 7,930 Views, 233 Comments

Fallen Knight - DanishDash

The Jedi have fallen. Finding himself on the run from the new Empire, Jedi Knight Revan Blake finds himself in a new dimension. Will he use what he knows to rebuild the order, and so his life in Equestria?

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Chapter 5: The Force Awakens

"Greetings, I'm Master Revan Blake, Jedi knight and currently the only living Jedi in this new world. I've decided to start recording these reports in order to keep a record of my life as a Jedi here in Equestria. It's a daunting task, but it's in case of my death, or simply to preserve history for future generations."

"I've been in Equestria for three months now , Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have done what they can to make my stay as comfortable as possible. I spend most days studying in the palace library, learning about Equestrian culture, history, philosophy, magic and so on. Three months however is hardly enough time to learn everything, but I am getting a basic understanding of their world."

"Twilight Sparkle has been a big help, we have a common passion for knowledge and books. When I told her I wanted to be a historian in the Jedi Archives before the war, she squealed in delight and jumped all around like her friend, Pinkie Pie. I'll say we have become good friends during our long conversations, she has also been a great help during my study sessions and helped me find the right books to read."

"Unfortunately she had to return to a village called Ponyville, but we still write letters to one another. The last one she wrote to me she asked me to come and see Ponyville myself. She also implied that we would spend a great deal of time in her library, but I know princess Celestia would want me to see it all, and I would have to agree. I have already replied, telling her I will arrive tomorrow morning with train."

"As for my life here in the palace, with me being officially knighted the guards salute me and give me access to any part of the palace I want. Though as a Jedi I should not have that kind of power and so I restrict myself to certain parts of the palace until i'm invited to other places."

"My duties are not many as of yet, mostly because I wish to understand this world better before I go on missions, if I will ever get any. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna has allowed me to observe day and night court, the more I can learn from them and their subjects the better."

"The ponies are by nature very kind creatures, seeming to value friendship and kindness. Though as always, there is exceptions. The nobility is a fine example of a mixed bag. Most of them are, polite, though most seem to enjoy raising themselves above the common pony and they seem to take any opportunity when the royal sisters are in the same room as them, to gain favor with them. Just being near them, talking to them for five minutes or even two, seems to raise their status."

"I am guessing that's why they are so confused over my status. I'm a Jedi knight, which they think means i'm a common guard. Some even treats me as such, until they see me stand close to the princesses and talking to them for more than five minutes, then it is suddenly, my lord, or sir knight. It makes me uncomfortable as their emotions are easy to read. Thankfully, with a little subtle reminder from Celestia and Luna, they have just started to call me master Jedi."

"In conclusion, I still have much to learn of this new world, but I am confident and trust in the Force. I will tell more during my next report. End recording."

R6 ended the recording as instructed while Revan stood up from his seat. The little droid beeped and clicked in place and Revan nodded in responds. "Yes R6, you're coming too." He chuckled and moved over to a large desk.

The princesses had been so kind to give him the north tower as his home and study. It had become his base of operations and work space, he was grateful, though he was not used to this kind of attention, it was not like he was someone as important as master Yoda. Then again, he was the only Jedi in this world, then in some ways he was the founder and therefore the grand master of the Jedi order in Equestria.

That was the only thing that coursed him concern these days, even though he was only a single Jedi, he did not feel worthy of being a Jedi master, he had only become a knight a month before order 66. Still, this was no time for doubts, he had friends that would support him and guide him if he needed it, and so he would keep moving forward.

The door opened and both Revan and R6 turned to face whoever had entered his tower. It was a pleasant surprise to see Celestia standing there with her usual warm smile. "Good, I was afraid you had left already."

"Celestia, good morning, is something the matter?"

She shook her head as she approached him. "Not at all, I simply came to wish you safe travels and I hope you will enjoy your stay in Ponyville."

Revan smiled. "Thank you, i'm sure I will find it most interesting."

"Master." Jester walked into the room. "I hate to interrupt you, but are you still intending to visit this Ponyville? Because if I remember correctly you'll need to take the train, which runs on a schedule. Please tell me you haven't lost your sense of timing."

"Yes Jester, I know, we are going."

"Oh good, I would hate to try an kill you in your sleep to make sure you haven't gotten weak as well. I shall remain here and keep working on poor Huyang."

Revan smirked and nodded. "Good, we will be back in a few days." He turned to the princess who nodded to him. Traveling with a single sack of spare clothes and some basic gear, Revan was taken to the train station of Canterlot.


It was not often Rainbow Dash got angry, well really angry anyway, but Twilight had for the past few days gone on and on about Revan coming to Ponyville. Twilight was the most learned mare Rainbow Dash knew, but lately she had only talked about Revan, talked about all the things she learned and could learn. Honestly, how interesting could he be?

Now it was not to say she didn't like Revan or anything, but there was only so many times she could listen to another letter he had written Twilight. She was not really sure why this bothered her so much other than Twilight kept talking or mentioning him. At the human was coming here today, so hopefully that would make her calm down and satisfy her curiosity for some time.

Looking up at the sun, she figured he would be arriving in an hour, so she had time to just fly and be herself before they had to go meet him. Jumping from her cloud, she spread her wings and sore through the sky, picking up speed with each flap of her wings.

She was high up and the wind felt so nice as it ran through her fur and wings, this was freedom, ultimate freedom. Closing her eyes, she let herself simply relax, trusting the wind and of course in her awesome abilities.

Suddenly something within her set off alarm bells, it went by so fast, but it was like she saw something, somepony crashing into her. It lasted only a fraction of a second, but when she opened her eyes she quickly took evasive action, she was not sure why, she just felt like she needed to.

Just as she did a grey mailmare sped past her. "Soooorryy!!" She called as she sped down towards Ponyville.

Rainbow looked after her, then let out a long whistle. "Whew, that could have been a nasty crash." Though as she hovered there, she started to think: 'What was that just now? It was like i saw her coming before she was even there.. Should I tell Twilight? Or is it just because i'm..'

She smiled. "Because i'm awesome!" Yes, of course that had to be it, she was just getting better at flying, if that was even possible! That was all! Looking up at the sun, she could see it was almost time. "Better get going.." She sighed and made a backflip and then turned towards Ponyville.


The train slowly came to a stop, the steam poured out from the engine and ponies came closer to receive whatever visitors they were expecting. Twilight herself felt all giddy while Pinkie Pie held up a sign with Revan's full name printed on with big pink letters and glitter.

They were not all here, in fact, only Twilight was supposed to pick him up and then they would all meet up later, Pinkie Pie had just insisted to come. Twilight didn't mind as she hoped Revan would become good friend's with the girl's just like she had. In some ways she could identify with Revan, so hopefully they could make just as big an impact on him as they had on her.

"Where is he?" Twilight asked and looked around at the platform, trying to spot him, which should be easy since he was on the only human in Equestria.

"There he is!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed chirpily as she pointed with a hoof.

Revan got down from the train wagon, followed closely by R6 who had been the wonder and entertainment for many of the colts and fillies who also rode the train. Twilight smiled and waved a hoof. "Revan, over here!"

He looked over and smiled as he saw Twilight and Pinkie Pie. The two mares trotted over to him, both happy to see him again. "Welcome to Ponyville, did you have a nice trip?"

"I did, R6 enjoyed being the center of attention during the whole trip." The little droid squealed in delight, beeping and booping as it moved back and forth. "The colts and fillies that came along were all interested in her and she was more than happy to show off."

Twilight let out a giggle. "Well I can understand why. But come on, we're all meeting at Sugarcube Corner."

"That's where I live and work!" Pinkie Pie jumped into the arms of Revan, hugging him tightly. "It's good to see you again!"

Revan stumbled back, but managed not to stumble. If there was one thing he had learned during his stay here it was ponies are very, physical. He had to get used to that however. "It's good to see you Pinkie Pie, how have you been?"

"Oh!" She gave him one final tight hug be fore she leaped off and started to bounce around him. "I've been just swell! I'm looking to bake Jedi cakes, but I don't know what kind of frosting to use so i'm asking Twilight, but Twilight says-."



Rainbow Dash landed in front of Surgarcube Corner, still feeling kind of badass for for the epic dodge she did earlier. "Just wait until i tell the others about it, they are gonna be so amazed!" She almost bucked the door open in excitement and Mrs Cake sent her a stern look. "Ehe, sorry Mrs Cake!" She said with a sheepish smile.

Applejack smirked as she waved at Rainbow. "Well finally ya show up. get ya flank over here sugarcube!"

Rainbow smiled and hurried over to her friends. "Hey guys!" She greeted in her usual raspy voice before she made herself comfortable.

"Good to see you made it darling." Rarity said. "Twilight and Pinkie should be here soon."

Fluttershy nodded. "I hope he got here alright.."

The four mares started to chat a little, for a moment Rainbow Dash considered telling them about what happened not long ago, but she rather wait until they were all gathered, they all deserved to hear about her awesome feat of evasion.

Suddenly she felt strange, it was like someone stood right behind her, Revan? She turned to look. "Look like they're here, uhm.." When she looked back at the door no one was there.

"Who's here?" Applejack answer, but right then the door went up and in walked Twilight along with Pinkie Pie and Revan. "Oh? Did you see them through a window?" Applejack asked, not sounding convinced of her own theory.

Rainbow Dash frowned. "No I..uhm.." What did she just do, it was like she felt them coming in, at least Revan, it was like she could feel him, like she could hear or feel a great waterfall even if not standing below it.

"Hm?" Revan looked over at the table, more specifically directly at Rainbow Dash. She quickly turned away once their eyes met.

"Something the matter Revan?" Twilight voice cut in.

"Oh, uhm, no Twilight, just thought I.. No, sorry, i just wondered if Spike is gonna be okay with R6 back at the library." He replied and started to walk towards the table.

Twilight giggled. "It should be fun, ever since R6 showed him that amazing hologram chess thing, he has been aching for a rematch."

Making their way to the table, everypony seemed excited to meet Revan again. Rainbow Dash however felt, strange, weird. As her friends talked with the human it was like she was bombarded with a lot of emotions, impressions. She didn't know how to describe it.

"Rainbow Dash?"

"Huh? What?" Rainbow felt everything return to her, to normal that is.

Pinkie smirked. "What's the matter Dashie? Did you hit your head? Or are you staring at Revan?"

The table had gone quiet, all staring at Rainbow who blushed. "What?! Of course not!" She yelled, she really wasn't, but had she been staring?

"Rainbow Dash, are you alright dear?" Rarity asked and tilted her head.

"Yeah! I'm fine, just a little tired after my stunt training." She replied and held up her hooves as if trying to show of muscle.

Revan smiled. "Twilight told me you want to become a Wonderbolt, must mean you are training hard."

"Exactly." She smiled proudly, some of her bravado returning. "I'm the best flyer around, I'll be a Wonderbolt in no time, i'm sure of it!"

"Well, I like your spirit." He said honestly. "But watch out, overconfidence can backfire."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rainbow glared a bit, not liking what he was insinuating.

"Nothing bad, you have spirit, and you're willing to work hard to reach your dreams. I'm simply saying, it is often overconfidence and sometimes rushing things that will kill the dreams before they are reached."

Rainbow didn't like what he was saying, who the buck did he think he was? Coming here and giving her a lecture. So what if he was some big fancy knight where ever he came from? That didn't give the right to come here and suggest she was...Was... Well she was kind of hot headed sometimes, even rash, but still.. Her ears flattened.

"Rainbow Dash, I did not mean you were like that. I have just seen others like you become overconfident and see it ruin their dreams, it is a hard thing to be mindful of, but it is none the less a quality we all have." He said and his words did calm her some.

Twilight quickly redirected the conversation, making sure to calm whatever tensions that might have been. Rainbow tried to listen, but like before, the impressions and whispers seemed to come back, it was making her heart go fast, making it hard to focus on what was real and what was simply coming from within.

It was kind of like being super focused and yet super spaced out, at least that is how she would explain it. The others chatting became more and more background noise and the feelings, impressions even bordering on hearing actual thoughts. It all just became louder and louder. It did not carry sound per say, but it was like she was hearing more and more, sensing more and more, it was like a great river expanding from her and reaching to every corner of the cafe.

Her eyes started to dart around, the whole world around her felt like it was spinning or like she was going to faint. "...Please..stop..." she whispered, bringing her hooves to her ears. No one seemed to notice, but she suddenly felt Revan's attention on her. She did not need to look, but she felt his eyes on her, his focus, his aura, she didn't like it, not at all.

"Just be..." She whispered again, almost pleading to the world around her.



She screamed and slammed her hooves to the table closing her eyes tight, she just wished for everything to stop. For now, it did, but she had a feeling something was wrong. Slowly opening her eyes again she saw her friends all had moved back, looking at her with shock. Revan however was on his knee beside her, his large hand on her shoulder. He did not looked shocked, only sympathetic.

However, she did not understand why her friend looked so shocked, sure she had might yelled, but... Her eyes widened, the whole interior of Sugarcube Corner looked like it had been ransacked or robbed. Every table, chair, plate or utensil were scattered all around them, what shocked her the most was it looked like some great force had pushed them away from a single spot in the room, her spot.

Other customers were hiding behind tables or int heir booths, even Mrs Cake and Mr Cake were hiding behind the counter where the glass had shattered. Most of all, every pony looked at her with shock, her friends also had concern. Her eyes watered, she did this, but how? It wasn't like she meant to or she wanted to, it was just....

She felt Revan's large hand gently giving her a squeeze, she didn't know the human like Twilight, but she appreciated it, it was keeping her grounded and in the here and now. However her heart still pounded fast, she needed air, she needed to get out of here.

She moved off the chair and started to walk away, but her legs felt like jello and she could feel the room spin around her. "I'm.. I'm sorry. I need, I need to... To..."

Revan's hand touched her head and she fell into his open arms.


The five mares hurried over to her. "What did you do to her?!" Applejack asked as her eyes had tears in them.

"Easy, I only put her to sleep, she needs it. If I hadn't she would have likely collapsed and likely had a restless sleep. This way her mind will be in a sort of trance, helping her to rest fully.." He lifted her up in both arms, looking at Twilight. "Can we go to your place and let her sleep there?"

Twilight nodded and wiped her eyes. "Of course, this way!"


Celestia's sun had lowered, leaving Luna's dark night to gently sweep over Ponyville. "Mmm... My head.." Rainbow Dash felt herself slowly come around, slowly opening her eyes as she realized she was in a bed. "Wha..?" She was just about to get up when she heard voices. Took her a few seconds, but as her eyes focused to the dim light she realized she was in Twilight's bed in the library.

She heard the quiet voices and as she realized they had to be speaking about her, she made sure not to make any sound. "I don't get it.." Twilight said. "When I first learned about the Force I spend days researching, but we have never had anypony displaying such abilities. How can Rainbow Dash suddenly tap into that power?"

Rainbow felt her chest tighten, what was she talking about? "I don't know Twilight, and to be honest, I'm not even sure what we're dealing with here. I have a theory, but I rather keep it to myself until I can get back to my records." He let out a sigh and she could hear him move around the library. "One thing I do know. What she used, it was the Force. I felt it when I entered Sugarcube Corner, I just couldn't believe it until I felt her struggling.. I have never heard about any of this happening.."

There was a moment of silence, but after a minute Fluttershy asked the question Rainbow herself had been dying to ask. "So what happens now?"

"To be honest, I don't know." Revan replied. "If Rainbow Dash can suddenly become Force sensitive, then what about other ponies? Or was she already sensitive, but the Force here was, unfocused on your world.. I can't be sure, the only thing I do know is that, Rainbow Dash needs help." There was another moment of silence. "Normally an individual would not be a danger to others if they never discover they are force sensitive. They have better reflexes, things that help them, but nothing that will make them suspect the Force or be a danger to others. This however.. I'm not sure how to describe it. It felt like a dam breaking open, what I felt must have been very stressful to her mind.. This is all new to her, and she needs to be trained, learn how to control it. Otherwise I fear she will be a danger to herself, and to others..."

Suddenly something beeping and booping broke the silence that had once again filled the library. She heard Revan speak again. "Ah, good.. Put the princess through R6."

Rainbow heard a weird humming noise and suddenly a sort of blue light gently glowed in the already dim light.

"Master Revan."

No way, was that the princess?! Was she here?! No, her voice sounded, like it was being filtered, like she was speaking through something, but from her vantage point, she could hardly see what was going on.

"Princess Celestia." Revan greeted. "Thank you for responding with such short notice."

"Not at all, I must admit I was confused when Jester approached me. He said you needed to speak with me urgently, I had no idea it would be through, whatever this is."

"Holonet your majesty, but that is for later." Rainbow could just imagine if something impressed and intrigued Celestia, then surely Twilight was on the breaking point of firing off a million questions by now, she however remained silent. "I needed to inform you that I have come to believe that the element of loyalty, Rainbow Dash, is Force sensitive.."

There was a short pause, Celestia was probably looking as shocked as her friends were back at Sugarcube Corner.

"How can that be? I have never known of anypony ever possessing the Force."

"Yes, Twilight said the same. However, she does. She lashed out today, not by intend, but the raw power simply broke through her. She managed to send several chairs and tables flying, not to mention breaking windows and glasses, if I had not intervened several Ponies would have been flung around as well."

She felt a pang of guilt, was that what happened? In full?

"Most troubling.. I know not what to suggest, the Force is a mystery to me, but not to you. As the official Jedi I would like to know what you think should be done."

Another short pause, but when Revan spoke again he did not sound unsure about his advice.

"I believe Rainbow Dash and her friends should accompany me back to Canterlot. I would not advice going by train, Rainbow do not want to hurt anypony, I want to stress that, but right now she has no control. Her friends coming along will help her stay calm and not feel isolated. When we get back, i'll see to helping her the best I can. Though, the Force is strong in her, I cannot cut her off from it, for now I will show her simple control, but what happens after, I cannot say."

Once again the room fell silent, and Rainbow could feel herself holding her breath. After what seemed like a minute she could hear Celestia sigh.

"I shall send my carriages to pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Thank you princess, we will see you tomorrow."

The small humming sound and the blue light vanished.

"What's supposed to happen now?" Applejack asked.

"Will she be okay?" Fluttershy added.

Revan let out a sigh. "The best you can do girls is to be there for Rainbow Dash. I won't lie to you or to her, the path ahead of her is gonna be hard. And she will need your help to see it through. Honestly, I do not yet know the best way to handle this, I only know I won't leave her without help."


Revan exited the library, taking in some fresh air as he looked to Luna's star filled sky. There was so much he didn't understand, he was hardly sure about what to do or how to handle this. He only knew Rainbow Dash was hurting, she needed his help if she was ever going to live a normal life.

However, he knew, there was no way for her to live a normal life, not anymore. The best thing he could do was to help her, to trust in the Force and help her and guide the path that laid ahead for them both. Closing his eyes for a minute, he sensed Rainbow, he sensed her inner turmoil.

He had become aware of it when they spoke, he knew she had woken up, she had heard him speak to Celestia. He did not blame her for being scared, for being confused and feeling so alone right now. She was not alone however, she had her friends and him.

Whatever waited for them ahead, he knew they would face it, together.

Author's Note:

Didn't think i be able to get this one out today. My cold has made me tired, but i think this chapter turned out very well. ^^