• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Worlds Collide

After clashing with Maximilian, and him surrendering after witnessing her power, Twilight returned to her world and just returned to her work, though this time there was something she wanted to do before she thought of another project to keep herself busy, or before another Destroyer God decided to annoy her. Upon her return to her domain Twilight landed in the outskirts that many of the Digimon fought Trunks and Goten in and started to work on the event she had been planning for when it was time to stop all of the staged fights for the pair, as there was no reason for Devi Dimon and the others to be stuck in their 'villain state', not with the pair having passed their exam. At the same time she found that Sairozormi joined her, as she was vastly interested in what she was going to do, though both of them knew it wouldn't be long before more of the warriors of Earth would converge on their location, since there were two versions of Twilight in the same area. While they were alone Twilight focused on constructing the magical base of the portal she wanted to open, as she felt that it was time to let the rest of the Digimon out into the world, because leaving them in the Digital World just seemed wrong, after all her hard work in making them.

Of course the first ones to show up weren't any of Earth's warriors, rather it was Gulus and the other Digimon who had been allowed to enter this world, as per Twilight's wishes to help two lazy fighters gain the power that was resting within them, and it was far too easy to see that they were eager for the way to be open.

"Honestly, with the progress those two were making at the beginning, I was stating to worry this special day would never come." Rena remarked, as Lady Twilight had told them about her plans and even what would happen once the pair finally reached the point that she would be satisfied with their progress, though this was one of the rare moments that she was glad to be wrong about something.

"True, they were lacking at the beginning, but they gained the power to be the heroes they wanted to be... they have my respect for all of their hard work." Devi Dimon said, where he and his allies, those who had been assigned to villain duty to help whip the pair into shape, smiled as they stared at the point that their creator was working on, though they weren't even surprised by the bronze dragon version of her standing nearby.

"They made worthy opponents in the end, and, if I'm being honest, it just makes me want to fight their fathers, to see how I measure up to them." Gulus added, which was the truth, fighting with Trunks and Goten had gotten him pumped to clash with Goku and Vegeta at some point in time, something that might not happen for a time since he knew that once their creator opened the portal things would change for the planet.

Twilight chuckled as the Digimon talked with each other, as it was good to see that they were enjoying themselves and all of the things they had done while helping Trunks and Goten gain their newfound power, before she focused on the magic in front of her as she carefully added more of them to the area around them.

"What is going on here?" a voice asked, where the Digimon found that Trunks, Goten, and Eschalot were the first ones to arrive, two of them staring at Devi Dimon and all of the other 'dark' Digimon that they had fought so far, though since the supposed villains were just hanging out the speaker, Trunks, and his friend just stood there as his sister landed by Rena, all while Twilight felt more people coming.

No one said anything for a time, allowing Piccolo, Gohan, the Gammas, and everyone else who was interested in what they had felt to arrive, giving Twilight time to stabilize the magical energies that were building in the space in front of her, and, just as she expected, another group showed up as Goku, Vegeta, Caulifla, Kale, and their teachers returned.

"It seems that we missed some things while we were training on Beerus' planet." Vegeta said, where he seemed far calmer than what Twilight was used to, meaning he must have figured out how to improve his power like she and her family had done in the past, especially since she could tell that his power was far greater than before.

"You could say that, since the Red Ribbon Army came back for a time... don't worry, they've been dealt with and the leader is in jail right now, likely for the rest of his life." Eschalot stated, though while she knew that her father might not approve of leaving a villain alive, since it might come back to bite them in the future, she did trust Twilight's plans and felt that they had nothing to fear from Magenta anymore, before she gestured to the Digimon, "Allow me to introduce the Digimon, a whole new race that was created by Twilight during the time you've been training with Whis and Beerus, all to help Trunks and Goten regain and improve their power... I could bore you with the technical name and description that she created for them, but just know that they're basically digital bio-androids."

"Hold on... she created all of them?!" Trunks exclaimed, which was understandable that he would ask such a thing since he and Goten had been so focused on their own training and lessons, especially since they hadn't been the sharpest tools in the shed when they started training under Piccolo, "But... what about Devi Dimon and the others?"

"Totally normal. We were designed to help you grow as heroes... you needed villains, so we become villains to force you to grow ever stronger." Devi Dimon replied, though he was glad that they were finally telling the pair this information, since it lifted a weight from the shoulders of those who had faced the pair in the past, before he glanced at their creator as she did her work on the portals she was making, "Which reminds me: what do you think of making a 'hero course'?"

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing. The test run was so good that I figured we could do it again during the next school year and see how people take to it." Twilight stated, showing that everything must be going as she had planned, that the pair had learned exactly what she wanted them to learn and, more importantly, that she might have found a new course to add to Stellaris' list of classes that were offered, before she smiled as she turned to face them, "Also, these aren't the only Digimon I created, in case you were wondering... there's a whole world of them just waiting to be revealed."

In that instant she snapped her fingers and the various portals she had been creating snapped open, allowing everyone to see what rested on the other side, a world that was untouched and perfectly clean, before the crowd stared at the portals in shock as all sorts of Digimon started to enter their world. They found that Twilight wasn't joking, as she created all sorts of creatures since the idea first sprung to mind, such as plant creatures, animals, elementals, ones that were angels, as in holy beings, and others being demons, and even dragons that looked more like Shenron or more like beasts. The rest of the Digimon came in all shapes and sizes, as some were small, some were as tall as Eschalot, others were in between the two heights, and some were massive, like Gulus' transformed state, and Twilight made sure to remind them that only one of them had the power to transform. Twilight chuckled to herself as she found that everyone just stared at the scene that was in front of them, as they were surprised by the variety of creatures she had created, the sheer scale and volume of what she was capable of creating, and even the two gods were surprised that she could create so much life in such a short period of time.

To Whis this just confirmed that Twilight was beyond a God of Creation or a God of Destruction, she had created a whole new species, with their own powers and abilities, within less than a year's worth of time, meaning she was definitely one of the top individuals in the entire multiverse, before he felt some familiar energy start to form.

"Twilight, is there more you have to share with us?" Whis asked, because the energy felt like her magic, something that only she had access to in this universe, in fact she was unique in the majority of the multiverse, save for the universe she once called home, who didn't have the ability to come to Universe 7, so it had to be here doing this.

"No... this is something totally new." Twilight replied, though at the same time her portals closed and she beckoned for all of the Digimon to mingle, as she had no need of them interfering with whatever was going to happen next, but she did walk over to the area that the new energy signature was coming from.

What she discovered, on the other hand, shocked her greatly, as there was now a crack in reality itself hanging near where she had set up her portals to bring the Digimon out so they could see what the Earth was like, where she stared at the odd purple crack for a moment as it slowly started to spread. It was a crack in the barrier between the dimensions, as some of the people of Earth did believe in the other timeways and suspected that there was some sort of barrier resting between all of them, the very one that she opened portals in to travel from parallel world to parallel world. She had termed it as 'Dimensionality', or the 'study of dimensions', similar to several math terms but on a much larger and dangerous scale, because if the barrier between parallel worlds, the dimensions that made up reality, was cracked or damaged there was a fair chance that reality could be torn asunder. She had come up with many terms to help the scientists who talked with her about this over the years, but most of them never bore any fruit, though there was one that was linked to that most terrible reality, the 'dimensional cataclysm' that could stem from a crack like this.

In the next moment the cracked flared outward in all directions, like something was trying to break through and had just succeeded in cracking more of the barrier, though as the others turned towards her she noticed something odd, the new cracks looked more pristine and moved on their own, spinning around as a large portal frame appeared around them, causing her to pause as a portal between two locations was established.

"So, I'm not the only one that can safely open a portal like this." Twilight remarked, which was a good thing, because this meant that whoever had opened the portal must have followed someone else's lead on the matter, or maybe it was more like a two pronged magical assault to ensure the stability of the new portal, but she did back up a bit so she didn't startle whoever emerged from the portal.

"Okay, the portal is stable and there is no risk to the dimensional barrier." a feminine robotic voice said, where Twilight could see two figures on the immediate other side of the portal, though she was sure that there were others waiting near it so they could make sure to open it again should the way slam shut behind whoever was coming over.

"Good. I did not want to end up near another fractured planet." another feminine voice replied, though that was followed by a feline creature that Twilight hadn't seen before, she was sure of that, who had white fur with blue stripes, wore what seemed to be a decent outfit that both protected her and didn't restrict her movements, though her right arm had been replaced by a golden robotic arm and she carried a large hammer as her weapon, only she paused in surprise when she found what was on the other side of the portal, "Um... hi? Don't worry, we come in peace."

The 'we' was referring to the small yellow and black robot that was on her back, like a backpack, who had to be the other speaker that Twilight had heard, though everyone else in her immediate group looked at the portal with more interest than before, since this was an unexpected development.

"I am Kit, and this is Rivet, my partner." the robot stated, where Twilight found that she was able to detach herself at will and could extend her own feet and hands before even touching the ground, even though the robot was still small, but this just interested Twilight far more than before, "We don't mean to alarm you. We are only looking for Twilight Sparkle."

"Well, you found her." Twilight replied, though she chuckled again, as it was clear that neither figure had recalled the bits of information they had been told about her, since she was sure that someone had given them a description of her form, or her old form since she had grown up a lot since coming to this universe, "I can hazard a guess as to why you would be looking for me: someone on Equus wants me to come home?"

"It's... complicated. I'll let the others explain things to you." the feline figure, Rivet, answered, though at the same time she tapped her normal wrist for a moment and seemed to send a message of some kind to someone that was on the other side of the portal.

What Twilight discovered was that a familiar purple dragon with a light green portion under his chin, who was dressed in the robes of a wizard and wore a wizard hat on top of his head, one that reminded her of the legends of Star Swirl, just without the bells, plus he carried a staff that radiated magical energy, but the look on his face stalled her.

"Spike?!" Twilight inquired, as she was stunned, because the dragon she knew had been far smaller than this, in fact he had barely gotten his wings the last time she recalled having seen him and yet here he was, sporting fully grown wings as he stood nearly as tall as her.

"Twilight, thank the ancestors that we found you." the dragon, who was definitely Spike since she recognized his voice the instant he started talking, said, though he had the biggest grin on his face, one she knew well enough, causing her to put a smile on her face as they embraced each other, both showing that they had missed the other greatly.

Twilight had no idea what could have prompted Spike to even do this in the first place, but right now she didn't care, she was glad to have him back in her life and knew that she was going to be in for one interesting ride when he explained how he got his new form, but for now she focused on the here and now and decided not to worry about what the future held for her and everyone else.

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