• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Cell: Final Training

When Twilight returned to the present, allowing the portal to Cell's future to close behind her, she handed her mother the drive that contained everything she had been downloaded from the computer and made sure to give her the pouch as well, along with her desire to get to work on them upon her return. Towa knew what was on her mind, she wanted to see the power of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with her own eyes, as in she wanted to experience it for herself, and if she wanted she also had someone who could join her, for a time anyway. Goku was strong, and was growing stronger over time, but he was out of time in the chamber, while most of the other Z Warriors didn't care about it, after discovering how strong their foe was, leaving him with a single option that wasn't her family or her new allies. Gohan was just as strong as his father, but the difference was that while Goku had deep depths to his power, and explosive growth when backed into a corner, his son's potential was unfathomable, just like her when she recalled what her mother said on the matter.

It stood to reason that her best training partner would be Gohan, especially when she considered that his anger seemed to be the key to drawing out more of his power, due to his Saiyan heritage, which was why Twilight left her family and allies to their business as she flew out to Goku's place.

Of course, as she soon discovered, Chi-Chi was against Gohan training, in fact she seemed to dislike the fact that he was a fighter while both she and her husband were fighters, though instead of trying to convince her Twilight just let Goku talk to her about what was going on. She thought it was stupid for Chi-Chi to even think of such a thing, even though she could see the logic in wanting her son to be more than his father, since Goku just continued to train and fight without thinking about what the future held for him, but decided not to get involved. She could easily talk Chi-Chi into agreeing to allow Gohan to come with her to the Lookout for a day, in fact Twilight was sure if she did such a thing it would be over in a few seconds, but Goku was able to do it without too much time passing. With Chi-Chi convinced that all they would be doing was some training, and that he wouldn't be fighting against Cell, why she thought that Twilight had no idea, Goku used his Instant Transmission to get them to the Lookout, where Piccolo was hanging out until the big day.

Upon seeing them arrive, however, he escorted the group to the door that lead to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, where he and Goku allowed her and Gohan to enter before quickly closing the ornate door, though Twilight stared at the lone structure they were in before glancing out at the seemingly endless void.

"So, this is the inside of a Hyperbolic Time Chamber... complete with a building that has sleeping arrangements, food, and even a bath." Twilight commented, in fact she was a little surprised by what she was seeing right now, though it was good since endless training without rest was bad for one's body, before she stepped out into the endless void before turning to face her temporary training partner.

"I know you decided to take my father up on his earlier comment, about training with me, but are you sure that you want me to be your training partner for a whole year?" Gohan asked, though as he said that he took off the mantle he had been given as part of his new clothing set, thanks to Piccolo replacing his old attire after he had trained with his father, because he suspected that Twilight would drag him out if he wasted too much time.

"Personally, I'd love to train against your father, but he's used up his time in here, and I'd likely kill Vegeta or Trunks if I was left in here with either of them, so you're the only one left." Twilight replied, because Gohan's current power was greater than what both Vegeta and Future Trunks had right now, which had to be his latent power coming to the surface, in addition to gaining the power of a Super Saiyan, so by training with him her power would grow faster than before, "Just know that I won't go easy on you, as we have precious time and can't afford to waste any of it."

Gohan sighed as he jumped out of the housing area and moved away from it, though he was worried about his chances of even being the perfect training partner that Twilight thought he'd be, as there was no telling what sort of powers or skills she had access to, since she had kept all of that to herself. In the next moment he and Twilight shifted their stances, as he knew that clashing with her was unavoidable at this point, before rushing at each other, allowing him to see that Twilight swung at him first and that her punches were far stronger than his father's had been. Such a thing made sense when he stopped and thought about it, she was supposedly the strongest fighter among them, far more than anyone he knew, and her power matched what he knew, even though his father had told him that he thought she was hiding a power that none of them had seen so far. Gohan wasn't sure if that had been his father's hope, that Twilight had improved her skills to the point that she had gained a new form or something, but right now he had the feeling he was going to figure something out as he clashed with her, if she deemed him worthy of such a thing anyway.

Twilight, sensing that her opponent was focused on thinking about certain things right now, opened her fist and grabbed onto Gohan's outstretched hand before he could do anything to stop her, allowing her to turn and haul him over her head in an instant, ending with him crashing into the ground.

"I know you would rather be studying something right now... trust me, I get it... but you have to take this seriously, before you get hurt." Twilight commented, where she pulled Gohan up, let go of him, and then kicked him with the side of her left leg, sending him flying through the air while making sure he went further away from the living area, showing him that she was all he should be thinking about right now.

In the very next moment Gohan knew she was being serious, as he found a slim mass of energy coming at him, one that he could have sworn looked like a lance made of blue lightning as he dodged it, though it surged off into the distance and blew up in the depths of the void, kicking up hurricane level wind. If this was the real world he knew that such an attack would have leveled an island, as in one the size of the one that 19 and 20 picked as their target to exercise their powers, and it made him finally shiver as he looked into her cold eyes and knew that she'd kill him in an instant if she desired such a thing. He felt fear creep through his body as he finally understood just how terrifying she could be, to the point that she put her own father to shame, all while Twilight moved her right hand a little and the air around her seemed to get colder, to the point where she created several fist sized shards of ice and sent them at her young opponent. Gohan forced himself to move as he raised his arm and fired Ki blasts at the incoming projectiles, blowing them to pieces before they could hurt him, but as the smoke cleared he discovered that his opponent was already on the move.

Twilight had moved to his right in the span of a few seconds, showing him that her attack had been more of a distraction and he foolishly fell for it, though how could he not when he had no knowledge of her skills and abilities, but he let his fear fuel him into acting, going on the offensive before Twilight could.

He discovered that she was perfectly fine with that and switched to the defensive, either eliminating the movements she had planned for her assault or putting them on hold until an opening showed itself to her, where she dodged his attacks and even parried a few with ease. Gohan suspected that she was testing him, to see if he was actually a valuable partner when it came to training, and was studying his reactions and movements, maybe trying to see if there was more to him or his inner power that he wasn't showing her right now. At the same time he knew that keeping her on the defensive meant she wasn't able to concentrate and fire off any of her more powerful attacks, meaning she had to resort to simple blasts of energy if she wanted to attack him like before. The problem he was discovering was that Twilight's speed was greater than his own, again it made sense due to the fact that her power had to be greater than what everyone thought it was, which meant he had to pull out all of his power to even stand his ground, even though she was pushing him back as the seconds went by.

Despite that, however, Twilight found an opening in his defenses and slipped through it, as in she grabbed his head with her right hand and slammed him into the ground, much like she did when Future Trunks ticked her off, before he felt an odd shiver course through his body before she backed away... but as Gohan picked himself up he found that they were in one of the main cities of the world, much to his confusion.

"Wh... What in the world?! We're in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber... right?" Gohan inquired, because while he knew that Twilight was strong, in fact he was currently rethinking what he and the others knew about her powers, this was outside the realm of reality when it came to Frieza's daughter, or maybe it wasn't based on what he was seeing right now since he was sure there were people on the streets.

"Gohan, until you take this seriously, and use your full power against me, I'm going to slowly exterminate humanity, city by city, household by household." Twilight replied, as there was no reason for her to answer him, because it wasn't important to what she was trying to do to get the best opponent for her own training, all while she held up her left hand and pointed her pointer finger to the sky as she gathered some of her energy, "I wonder how many innocent people will die before you make up your mind."

In that moment Gohan found that Twilight was planning on wiping out this city first, as the attack she was building was a burning sphere of energy, almost a literal sun when he stared at it, that was roughly as large as the Capsule Corp building, before sending it down into the ground. The detonation that followed resulted in the total destruction of the city and the deaths of who knew how many people, though this confirmed something else in Gohan's mind, Twilight didn't care about the people of the Earth, to her they were pawns to be used however she saw fit. Shockingly enough some people survived that attack and started to move, as if fearing that more destruction and death would happen to their fair city, though he turned to his opponent and demanded that she stop tormenting the innocent. Twilight, of course, ignored him as she went to town on the rest of the people that were below them, raining blasts of energy down on the ruined city and struck each of them before they had a chance to get away from her, though she also wrapped rings of dark energy around Gohan, which bound him to his spot.

The plan was to make him sit and watch, allowing his anger to build until he reached his breaking point, since she figured that the explosion of energy would break her spell, and for a while nothing seemed to happen as he tried, in vain, to break out of his bindings and stop her from tormenting the world. With that in mind she switched to people he knew, blasting all of them as she looked for a reaction of some kind from him, and while it was clear that she was on the right track it was also clear that Gohan needed something specific to trigger what she was after. In that moment Twilight decided to explode 16 to see if it might do what she was after and found that it stirred something inside the boy, she could practically feel the anger radiating from him, and to really drive the point home she used her power to crush his head into a thousand pieces, right in front of her opponent's face. Such a thing seemed to be the final straw as Gohan's anger ignited and his aura flared to life once more, as he let out what seemed to be either a scream of anger or maybe a roar of some kind, but it had the desired effect she was after as she found that Gohan's hair was spikier than before, save for a bang resting in front of his right eye, and his aura had blue lightning dancing around it every now and then.

This was no mere Graded Form, like what Vegeta and Trunks had created during their time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, rather Twilight realized that this was a whole new transformation, a Super Saiyan that has ascended past a Super Saiyan, a 'Super Saiyan 2' she guessed.

"Well now, it seems that I've finally got your attention." Twilight remarked, because now that Gohan's full power had been brought to the surface, in fact he was far stronger than she could have imagined him being, she knew that it was time for her to begin her training in earnest, as this would give her what she was looking for, "Now we can begin training for re..."

In that instant Gohan, having already shattered her spell with his new transformation's power, crossed the distance that was between them and struck her right in the stomach, hard enough to where she was sure that without armor he would have broken a rib or two, before he kicked her down into the ground with his new power.

"I'm going to make you pay in blood for what you did to the people of Earth." Gohan stated, showing Twilight that more of his Saiyan genes were showing right now, as the transformation had brought the fierce and unforgiving nature of the Saiyan race to the surface, changing him into a fierce warrior who was planning on killing her, before the sky cracked and broke in an instant, the Earth vanishing as they returned to the chamber.

"I knew you were strong, but even I wasn't expecting this... your attacks were enough to force me to break the illusion that I had placed on you." Twilight remarked, where she pushed herself up off the ground and stretched a little, because while that attack had hurt she was far more interested in Gohan's new power, who was staring at her with a slight look of confusion on his face, "Don't get me wrong, I could easily wipe out the cities of this planet and exterminate everyone else... in fact I could do it in a day with my family helping me out, if I wanted to make a game out of it... but I needed you to believe that what you were seeing was real, hence the illusion to make it seem like we had warped outside the chamber. Truth be told this is the first time I've used my illusion powers against someone... I'm glad it worked so well, especially with the results you have given me recently... but don't think your new form will give you the advantage!"

Gohan raised an eyebrow for a moment as a surge of darkness surrounded Twilight, who chuckled as she shifted into her Dark Form, for the first time since she unlocked the ability to use it, though once she was ready to go the two rushed at each other and clashed, their energies causing the air to shudder as they started the real training.

Piccolo, after escorting the pair to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, returned to the main courtyard of the Lookout without delay, mostly so he could return to his meditation as he readied himself for whatever the future held for the planet, since he had no idea what might happen during the Cell Games, only to find that Goku was sticking around.

"I figured you would have gone home or something." Piccolo remarked, though at the same time he knew the Saiyan as well as Krillin and some of his friends did and knew that he likely had some sort of plan in mind, given that Cell was quite strong in his perfect form, not counting his beastification due to absorbing 17.

"Chi-Chi told me to stick around and bring Gohan home the moment he was done training." Goku replied, which made sense due to the fact that his wife was concerned for their son, even though he knew Gohan could handle anything and everything that Twilight threw at him, since he had seen the depths of his son's power and knew he would be alright, even if his partner might be stronger than they assumed, "So I thought I'd just relax up here, maybe chat with Dende and Mr. Popo, and wait for them to finish whatever training Twilight has planned... there's nothing else to do while we wait for the Cell Games to begin, especially since I've already gathered the Dragon Balls."

"Honestly, I'm glad she's still on our side, despite our various failures... going to need to apologize to her at some point in the near future, to stay on good terms with her." Piccolo commented, where he was mostly speaking to himself, as his mind was on what they needed to do once Cell was beaten, due to the fact that it looked like Twilight might be the one to beat Cell, instead of Goku like everyone was used to, "At the very least Cell has remained where he built his ring, instead of heading out to strike fear into the rest of the remaining people who call this world home."

"Really? I would have thought he'd do something other than stand around... that's got to be boring." Goku said, though he knew that if it had been him in that situation he would have hauled in a bunch of devices to aid him in his training, just so he could make sure he was ready for whatever the big day had to offer, "Are there any other challengers coming to the games, or is it just us?"

"Hm..." Piccolo replied, showing that he was focusing on the planet that was down below them, as he had inherited some of Kami's powers to watch over what was below the Lookout, no doubt because he could help the new God of Earth learn how to use this particular skill, before locating Mr. Satan on a balcony with his young daughter, the former not even a little concerned about Cell.

Piccolo considered what Krillin and Yamcha had told him while they were hunting for Cell, back in his imperfect form when 17 and 18 were still at large, about someone who happened to be the 'World Martial Arts Champion' due to the fact that he had won multiple Tenka'ichi Budokai, during their time on Namek and their preparations for the androids. Since he was the 'strongest' on the planet, in the eyes of the population, he knew that Mr. Satan had likely been called to deal with Cell, or the people had looked to him to do the deed since they didn't know about the Z Warriors. If he was planning on doing battle in the Cell Games it certainly didn't look like it, in fact it looked like he was enjoying his dinner with his daughter at the moment, using his wealth and fame to do whatever he wanted while the world around him burned, since the people had gone quiet after hearing he was entering the Cell Games. It also looked like he might be preparing to utilize some of Twilight's TF Foods to boost his power, no doubt because of Cell's dragon form, and had even gotten his daughter some, maybe the fox variety given some nearby boxes, but she didn't seem interested in them.

He also remembered overhearing Twilight mention something about people below eighteen shouldn't take any Animorph X, in whatever form her products take, otherwise it screwed with their body in some manner, but after seeing that scene he pulled his attention back to the Lookout.

"As far as I can tell, we might be the only ones getting ready to face Cell in his 'tournament'." Piccolo said, because right now he didn't see any powerful fighters that weren't in their group getting ready for the Cell Games, meaning it was them and Twilight, plus Mr. Satan he guessed, against the creature Gero's computer had created, odds that he was fine with, as their temporary ally was the best they could ask for.

Despite that fact Goku was excited for the big day, he wanted to see Cell's full power and whatever power Twilight was in the process of unlocking with her own intense training, causing him to get to relaxing as he waited for the day of the Cell Games to arrive, as he was sure it would be one they wouldn't forget for a long time.

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