• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Namek: Immediate Disaster

"Um, Mister Dodoria? Do you mind if I ask you something?" Gohan inquired, though as he said that he, Krillin, Dende, and the figure he was interested in talking to departed for the Grand Elder's location, so they could figure out if the Namekian Dragon Balls could grant one or more wishes.

"You just did, kid." Dodoria replied, where he noted that the two small individuals were incredibly weak, thanks to what his Scouter was reading right now, and mentally he was annoyed that he was the one being tasked with this mission, but with Twilight's life on the line, given that they knew next to nothing about the Dragon Balls, he wanted to succeed, before he chuckled as he noticed the look on Gohan's face, "Go ahead kid. What's bothering you?"

"I don't want to sound disrespectful, but... who was that person on the hovering bed?" Gohan asked, where Krillin found that he was curious as well, as two of the figures had been overly protective of her, from what he could tell anyway, despite the fact that none of them seemed to resemble the others.

"Twilight Sparkle, daughter of Lord Frieza and Lady Towa, heiress to the entire galactic empire." Dodoria stated, which was all that needed to be said on the matter, as most of what he could say would be lost on the pair, but at the very least they did understand why she was so important to his bosses, "She was poisoned by an incurable poison... or so we thought, since Dende did some damage to it... and we came to collect the Dragon Balls to deal with it."

"Didn't the inhabitants of the planet that poisoned her have the cure for it?" Krillin inquired, as Gohan's question got him a tad bit interested in the odd girl and her power, something that would have caused him to stagger had they been on her father's list of targets to take down.

"They did, or at least until someone burned all the herbs that produced it and destroyed all the antidotes to it." Dodoria remarked, as that was what happened not all that long ago, even though it sure felt like it since a couple of months had gone by since their visit to the planet in question, causing him to sigh for a moment, "We're still not sure how he had a bit of it left, but the dagger it was on is long gone, so we can't use it to produce a cure for her condition..."

In that moment Gohan and Krillin came to a stop, causing Dodoria and Dende to do the same, though they were looking off to their left and informed their companions that Vegeta was on the move, in fact he was coming straight for them, to which Dodoria had them head down to a nearby patch of land as he locked onto Vegeta. As the trio landed, however, both Gohan and Krillin noticed something odd happen, the Scouter blew up and caused Dodoria to look around as he tried to find out where Vegeta was located, as if the Saiyan was behind the device being destroyed. Gohan considered the scene for a couple of seconds and knew that Vegeta wouldn't resort to hiding and blasting the Scouters, in fact he was still closing in on their location, though as he and Krillin lowered their Ki to nothing, to remain undetected, he recalled seeing a small Ki blast that flew through the air before it connected with the device. He had to wonder if there was a sniper hanging out nearby, and if so he had to wonder where in the world the figure was hiding since he didn't detect anyone else in the area, as if they knew how to hide their Ki and only revealed it for a brief second to hit their targets.

After that came the moment that Gohan and Krillin were waiting for, Vegeta appeared above Dodoria and struck him hard enough in the back to send him flying towards another island, far away from where the pair and Dende were hiding, though they watched for a time as Dodoria hit the water and had to climb out.

From what they could see Vegeta was still arrogant and believed that he was the biggest dog around, in fact the pair quickly realized that he was stronger than when he was on Earth, a bad sign for everyone since they needed Goku's help to force him to retreat, even with great injuries to everyone involved. From what they could tell Vegeta had been waiting for one or more of the soldiers surrounding Frieza to depart so he could pick them apart, piece by piece, though that caused Gohan to realize something else, none of the other soldiers were rushing over to help Dodoria. Sure, they had flown for about ten or fifteen minutes, but with the remainder of Frieza's group having Scouters he would have expected some to have noticed the arrival of Vegeta and come running to help Dodoria take them down, but that hadn't happened yet. In that moment he had to wonder if the mysterious sniper was still hanging around and might have already taken out the rest of the Scouters, just to blind Frieza's army in the process, and Vegeta confirmed his thoughts when he mentioned that he wasn't getting a signal from the rest of the enemies on the planet.

With that in mind Vegeta actually removed his Scouter and squished it with his left foot, showing them that he must have learned how to sense Ki was well, another bad thing for Gohan and Krillin, before Dodoria attacked, reminding them that the Saiyan was now a traitor to Frieza's army. The pair expected Dodoria and Vegeta to be evenly matched, since their energies were similar to each other, but that simply wasn't the case, the latter avoided the former's attacks with ease, especially one powerful burst of Ki energy that erased part of the landscape, proving that the battle on Earth had boosted Vegeta's power to new heights. In fact Vegeta managed to get behind Dodoria and caught both of his arms, even jumping before catching the second so he could pull his arms behind his back in a rather painful manner, something that caused Dodoria to groan in pain as he quickly cut his foe a deal. That turned out to be the fact that the planet the Saiyans called home hadn't been taken out by a meteor, rather it had been destroyed by Frieza himself, to prevent an uprising from the warrior race, though instead of being shocked Vegeta was just annoyed that he let himself be used for so long.

The trio observed as the Saiyan unleashed a powerful blast into the air, as Dodoria had been freed so he could talk, and he wiped Dodoria out with his Ki blast, leaving nothing of the other warrior behind, as Gohan confirmed he was dead, causing the Saiyan to laugh as he moved out once more, causing the trio to carefully move as they wondered how they were going to tell Frieza the news.

After Dodoria left with the newcomers and Dende, on a mission of great importance, Frieza had relocated the group he was leading to another island, about ten minutes from where the previous village was located, to consider his options and plan out there next move. The reason for this pause was because one of his soldiers reported that Dodoria's signature had gone away, as in his Scouter had been destroyed, because many of them believed that, while Vegeta was now strong enough to wipe out the lesser soldiers with ease, he was still no match for someone of Dodoria's power. After that, however, he and Towa found that they were under attack by someone, as his Scouter was blasted to pieces and the remainder were taken out as well, leaving his group with no way to actually find the remaining village or the remaining two Dragon Balls, one he was sure was in the final village and the other was with the Grand Elder. In his mind it made sense, as warriors had to prove themselves to the Elders of their kind, to be worthy of a wish, and it seemed reasonable to think that the path ended with the Grand Elder himself, a final hurdle of sorts.

The destruction of their Scouters, however, derailed their plans entirely and caused him to realize that they would need to call for additional devices to be brought with all the haste that could be mustered, meaning he was going to have to call in the Ginyu Force since they were the closest to Namek.

"Time for a chance of plans: Zarbon, I want you and our soldiers to head out and find the last village, but don't bother the Namekians, just come back and deliver the location to us." Frieza stated, where he found that his soldiers saluted him as he turned to face them, while at the same time Towa and Alirinn were focused on Twilight, who seemed to sense something had happened in the surrounding area, making him wonder if she had figured out how to use another power, "Towa and I will be returning to the ship so Twilight can get some rest and Alirinn can make sure her vitals are fine... wouldn't want the poison to sneak up on us in some manner."

"As you command, Lord Frieza." Zarbon replied, where he wasted no time in handing over the pair of Dragon Balls he had been carrying, allowing Towa to levitate them with her magic as well, giving her all five of the spheres they had found so far, before he fell in with the rest of the soldiers as they leapt into the air and started to go over the directions that they would be checking out to find the last village.

With that done Frieza and Towa took off, allowing Alirinn and the hoverbed that Twilight was resting on to follow after them as they headed back to the ship, as it was time for him to call Ginyu, something he hadn't considered when he decided to come to Namek in search of the Dragon Balls. As that happened, however, he heard his daughter mumbling as they flew, as she had to be feeling something at the moment and wondered what she could have learned since her visit to Griea V, but all he could make out was that 'signatures were disappearing'. Frieza recalled what the Earthlings had been capable of during their viewing session of Vegeta's time on the planet, that they knew how to accurately track their foes, something Twilight claimed to be Energy Sensing without a Scouter, and if she had figured out how to do it, without someone teaching her, it meant she really was a prodigy and a genius. Of course her words still worried him, because it meant that Vegeta was killing their soldiers at an alarming rate, which told him that the Saiyan either had a Scouter or was able to sense energy as well, though at the same time he realized that he might have to call on Ginyu anyway, given how things might be going right now.

Fortunately, since they were moving faster than before, they were able to track down their ship and headed inside, where he and Towa returned to their chamber, since it was the most secure place to store the Dragon Balls, while Alirinn took Twilight next door to continue his task as their daughter rested.

"Twilight said that Dodoria's energy disappeared, several of our soldiers had disappeared, and that some Namekians have also disappeared." Towa said, as she had been listening to her daughters remarks during their flight and realized that she must have, somehow, learned how to sense energy from observing the battle on Earth, because Twilight had watched the recording a few times to understand everything that had happened, "Vegeta's killing everyone and anyone that crosses his path, regardless of who they are or if they have anything for him to take... it wouldn't surprise me if he found the location of the sixth Dragon Ball while we were flying back to the ship."

"Yes, it seems that he's turned on us, and at the worst moment too." Frieza remarked, due to the fact that they had five of the seven spheres needed to make their wish for Twilight, so if Vegeta did track down the last village it meant that her fate was literally in his hands, especially since they had no idea where the seventh sphere was located, "If he's tracking down our forces it's only a matter of time until he's found Zarbon, who should be able to beat him on his own... if Zarbon forces himself to transform it'll be over in seconds... we might be able to snip this problem in the bud early, though we'll have to keep him alive until we get the other Dragon Ball. I'm thinking of calling the Ginyu Force, if only for additional Scouters... if this get worse, well, they can deal with whatever our problems are."

"Transform, you say? Zarbon has such a power?" Towa inquired, as this was the first time she had heard of it, in fact she was sure the only ones who knew he had access to such an ability were likely her husband and his family, since she felt that if Twilight knew she would have shared it with her at some point.

"Yes, it drastically raises his power, but his beautiful form, as he calls it, is sacrificed for a more monstrous form, or so he told me." Frieza said, as he recalled the one time he witnessed the form in question, something that put Zarbon on par with the second lowest member of the Ginyu Force, as the five members of that group were monsters in their own ways, causing him to sigh for a moment, "If he's forced to transform he might accidentally kill Vegeta... which will really force us to look high and low for the potential Dragon Ball he might have found..."

Towa could tell that Frieza was worried and she shared his thoughts on the matter, if they eliminated Vegeta now it meant they would lose precious time searching for the Dragon Ball he likely found, especially since Twilight claimed a number of their soldiers had perished so far, but if he stayed alive for too long he'd become a real thorn in their sides... though as she considered their options there was a knock on the door.

"Lord Frieza, Lady Towa, it is Zarbon." a voice said, which was one they were hoping to hear back from, given what their daughter had claimed might be happening to the rest of the planet, though at the same time Towa found that an hour had already passed since their visit to Dende's village, meaning worrying made time fly.

"You may enter." Frieza replied, where he and his wife turned for a moment and watched as Zarbon entered their section of the ship, discovering that he was scuffed up, like he had gotten into a fight with someone and they suspected that he might have clashed with Vegeta, which would be good news for them, "Have you located the other village?"

"No sir. In fact, Vegeta admitted that he took out all of the soldiers before coming to face me." Zarbon answered, which came as no surprise to either of the figures in front of him, in fact they had been expecting to hear this news since those two small warriors were on their way to the Grand Elder's to learn about the Dragon Balls, "He also informed me that he was able to take down Dodoria without breaking a sweat, so to beat him I had no choice but to transform... I returned him to the medics, who are going to heal him until he's conscious, so we can get some information out of him."

"What of Gohan, Krillin, and Dende?" Towa inquired, because if Dodoria was dead there was a chance that the Earthlings and their Namekian friend were dead as well, preventing them from learning more about the Dragon Balls and what they were capable of.

"Vegeta made no mention of them, so I'm assuming he told them to either run or hide and they continued on their way to the Grand Elder's place." Zarbon replied, as he had no idea which option was the right one right now, even though both were totally possible since Vegeta seemed to be in the mood for killing people, where he paused for a moment as Alirinn was admitted into the room and Twilight was brought close to the Dragon Balls, "How is she doing?"

"Tired, all things considered." Alirinn stated, though as he said that he did turn the tablet he was working on so they could see the information he had for them, that despite everything she was just fine and that her body needed some rest, even after Dende's healing, "If we could figure out how to boost Dende's power we might, just might, have a shot at healing her without the rest of the Dragon Balls, even if there are two more out there for us to find."

"Alright, I'm ordering Appule to contact the Ginyu Force and ensure they arrive in no less than five days... we can afford to wait for a couple of days before recovering the other spheres." Frieza said, as he really didn't want to put the search on hold right now, but with the limited amount of soldiers that were left on the ship, those vital to ensuring it flew and that all of the systems worked, he wasn't taking any chances and found that Zarbon saluted him as he spoke, while Towa was just surprised that he'd call in his special force so soon, "I have a sense of foreboding that I can't seem to shake, that a Saiyan has come into his own and will one day become my rival... Vegeta was, of course, the most likely candidate, but I suspect that the one on Earth might be who I'm thinking about. If his friends are here there's a chance he'll come as well, so I'm leaving him to Ginyu and his soldiers... they should be able to nip the problem in the bud if he arrives."

Zarbon bowed his head as he went to relay his Lord's orders to Appule, while at the same time Frieza and Towa focused on what they would do once Vegeta had been healed to the point where he was able to regain consciousness, given that he knew where to find one of the last two Dragon Balls. With it in hand, the information from the Grand Elder, and the last Dragon Ball, once they figured out where it was hiding, they would be able to heal Twilight and move on with their lives, as she was all that mattered to them right now. Frieza knew that if the spheres could grant multiple wishes it would allow the Earthlings to revive their friends, or maybe one of them so they could get their Dragon Balls back, but that should be the last time he or his family would have to interact with Gohan or Krillin. Towa, on the other hand, couldn't believe their luck and hoped that it lasted since they were in a race against time, though she was surprised that Chronoa hadn't butted in to help save Twilight, given her uniqueness to their entire universe, despite the fact that this proved that she was far better suited for this role and Chronoa wasn't.

Time went by slowly, especially since it seemed like Vegeta was slumbering inside the healing waters of the healing tank, though after some time went by the ship was rocked by an explosion, something that caused Twilight to open her eyes as she glanced at her parents. Frieza and Towa, who had been getting a report from Zarbon, rushed out with him to find that the medical section that Vegeta had been stored in had been utterly destroyed, in fact there was a hole leading outside, a hole that would ground the ship until it was fully patched. Zarbon rushed outside immediately, starting to search for their target since he knew he was important to what they were doing here, while Frieza and Towa glanced around the hole, just in case Vegeta was hiding somewhere in the medical area he had destroyed. They knew that this was the worst possible thing to have happen right now, since losing Vegeta meant they will have lost one of the Dragon Balls, hence why both of them were some interested in tracking him down at all costs.

As they did that, however, neither noticed as the Saiyan rushed by the door, as he wasn't worried about them hearing him since the flames and sirens were drowning out the noise of his movements, before he reached the chamber that held the Dragon Balls... where Twilight coughed as she noticed him enter her parents' chambers.

"Vegeta..." Twilight weakly said, though in that moment, as Vegeta noticed Alirinn standing nearby, she braced herself as she raised her hands, her magic igniting as she pulled her doctor over to the Dragon Balls and surrounded them with one of her barriers, because while she knew her health was important she wasn't about to let him leave with the spheres she and everyone else had claimed so far.

"So Dodoria was right, you are weakened!" Vegeta remarked, as he knew that Frieza had used Twilight and her power to intimidate him and the other Saiyans, but now, with her knocked down by the poison she had been inflicted with, she was no longer a threat to him and his schemes, "I'm going to enjoy taking the Dragon Balls from you!"

Vegeta wasted no time in rushing up to where Twilight was resting and pulled her off of her hoverbed, where he quickly slammed her into the floor and she coughed up blood, though before she could react he pressed down on her chest with his left boot and placed his right on her left arm. In that moment he forced his right foot down and Twilight felt the bones in her arm break under the pressure, but as she tried to scream Vegeta gripped her mouth, covering it with his glove so Frieza and the others would have no idea he was doing this. Twilight, on the other hand, could feel her ribs cracking under the pressure of Vegeta's boot, confirming that the Saiyan hated her with every fiber of his being and likely wanted to be rid of her at all costs, and one eventually cracked under the pressure, dealing damage to the inside of her body, which had to be what he had planned. When he found that she refused to lower the barrier, even if it meant eating up more of her life in the process, the Saiyan picked her up off the floor and hurled her into the wall, causing her to crumble into a heap as her magical barrier dissolved in a matter of seconds.

Once it was down Alirinn rushed at Vegeta, intending to take him down before he caused more trouble, though he failed to do anything as the Saiyan blasted him in the chest and knocked him into the other wall, where Vegeta smirked as he left nothing of the foolish Grieaian behind.

With the pair dealt with, one definitely dead as Twilight was fading in and out of consciousness, with blood all around her, Vegeta did the only thing he could think of, he called into the ship, alerting the others to what was going on, before loosing a burst of energy that destroyed the engines. With flames and smoke eating at the insides of the ship, the perfect cover in his eyes, the Saiyan loosed a second blast at the big glass window and tore part of it apart, allowing him to pick up the five Dragon Balls and hurl them through the opening without wasting time. Once all five of them were gone he followed after them, because he didn't want to be around when Frieza found out what he did to his daughter, though instead of fleeing by air he made sure to head under the water, as a short swim would keep him safe for some time and keep his enemies from discovering his position. As he did that, however, he had to wonder where he might find the last Dragon Ball, the key to immortality and freedom from Frieza, though for the time being he focused on his immediate problem and quickly disappeared before anyone noticed him.

When Frieza and Towa finally reached their chamber, however, they were horrified to find that Alirinn was dead, all five of the Dragon Balls were gone, and, more importantly to them, Twilight was resting off to the side, unmoving, though as they realized how much damage had been done to her they found that she was still breathing and rushed her to one of the other healing pods.

"How long until she's healed?" Frieza asked, as this was truly the worst possible thing they could have suffered, Twilight was seriously wounded and, had it not been for her faint heartbeat and faint breathing, he would have assumed Vegeta had killed her to get revenge on him and his entire family.

"Couple be a few hours... couple be a few days... hard to tell, Vegeta did a number on her." the doctor replied, which he knew wasn't the news that his boss wanted to hear, but the reality was that he had no idea since Twilight had never used one of the healing tanks, so it was hard to say how her body would react to the procedure.

"Screw this, I'm heading back to Griea V." Towa stated, where she pulled out her staff once more and weaved her power into a portal that Frieza found went back to the planet in question, likely a portal through space and time, causing her to look back to him for a moment with fierce determination on her face, "I'm going to do what I should have done the instant Twilight was poisoned: finding an antidote or herb that won't be missed if I take it."

Frieza wished her well, even embraced her for a few moments, before she slipped into the space between time and space, or whatever it was she was doing, before he growled as the portal closed, allowing his soldiers to see that he was livid, as he was going to kill Vegeta the next time they crossed paths and was looking forward to when it actually happened.

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