• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Rage and a Message

Twilight had to admit that maybe she had been working long nights without rest, even if it was just for the last couple of days by her reckoning, and that part of her was fine with the sudden sleep she got, no doubt thanks to Bulma interfering in some manner, but the explosive release of Ki had snapped her awake. Someone was fighting, an unknown warrior she had never encountered before, though she recognized who they were fighting against, as she felt the Ki of her father, her uncle, and her grandfather, not to mention a number of Frieza Force soldiers and the Armored Squadron. Such a thing caused her to wake her mother up, since she was still figuring out the ins and outs of sensing Ki, who quickly realized who had landed on the planet and rushed out the door with her daughter, as there wasn't a moment to lose now that the rest of their family had arrived. Twilight expected either of Bulma's parents to see them as they left their lab, which she made sure to lock up just in case as her mother grabbed her staff, but neither showed up, so she and her mother were able to take to the skies and leave without being stopped, causing them to fly as fast as they could to where their family had landed.

As they flew, however, Twilight felt the signatures of the normal soldiers disappearing in the span of a few moments, not to mention the three members of her uncle's own force vanished as well, though she had to stop as the unthinkable happened, her father's Ki, which was stronger than ever before, disappeared from the world. In addition to that she felt a powerful energy had appeared out of nowhere, the mysterious signature she had felt to be exact, while her uncle's power had also surged to new heights and she felt her grandfather, who never fought during her time in the empire, raise his own energy as well. After that she felt more knives going into her heart as she felt her uncle and her grandfather's energies disappearing in a span of a few moments, as if they were done in by the same figure that had attacked them, which should have been impossible since all three fought him at the same time. Yet the terrible reality remained that all of their remaining family members had been taken down in the span of a few moments, something that would send the rest of her father's empire into chaos if they knew that everyone who ruled it had been slain in battle.

Towa recognized the signs of her daughter's impending rage instantly, as the look on her face changed and her eyes, the first instance of her going into her Rage Form, were starting to follow suit, where she continued to follow the energy for a time, hoping that this was just a sick joke... only to arrive in a barren area that once held one of their ships, including a few craters that people had likely been standing in not all that long ago.

"Mom... I need to see what happened here." Twilight growled, as she knew that her mother had some access to her time powers, even though someone was doing everything in their power to block her from doing anything that might mess with the timeline, and that using them for a few seconds would allow her to verify what had happened here.

Towa knew that nothing good would come of this, other than Twilight insisting until she either got her way or figured out how to use time magic, and that thought scared her more than she was willing to admit, so she focused her energy and swung her staff, creating a mirror that allowed them to view what had just occurred. What they discovered matched what Twilight had felt earlier, her father and the rest of their family had arrived on Earth, joined by some soldiers and the three members of the Armored Squadron, only to be bothered by some mysterious stranger, who slaughtered the soldiers in record time. As Twilight stared at the figure, watching as he cut down her father, her grandfather, and even her uncle, who were likely only coming to pick her and her mother up, Towa could see that her anger was rising as time went by, in fact her rage was boiling to the point where she knew that something bad was going to happen soon. The only interesting thing they discovered by watching what happened to their family was that there was a Super Saiyan who did the deed, in fact both of them were sure of that fact given what Gohan had said about the fight on Namek.

Once they were done viewing what had happened not that long ago, however, Towa could practically feel the air heating up, another sign of Twilight getting ready to enter her Rage Form, one only seen if she spent more than a few seconds building up to it, and, sure enough, her daughter burst into the air without delay. Sure enough she found that Twilight had already figured out where the stranger had gone and, based on what she could tell, he had everyone they knew, in terms of the Z Warriors, hanging out near his position, but Towa knew her daughter was only interested in one of them and flew after Twilight without delay. Twilight was going to kill the Stranger for taking her family from her, that much she knew, and that she would likely stay on Earth for the length of time needed to revive everyone important to her, which should only be a couple of days since she would word the wish to revive all of them at once. It pained Towa to see her new family fall like that, she admitted that much without saying a word, but she was more concerned for Twilight's mental well-being, since most of her loved ones had been taken from her, and wondered if there was anything she could do to stop what was coming next.

As she considered that, however, Twilight dropped out of the sky and landed in the area that the others had gathered in, in fact there was a small portable fridge resting nearby, though as Towa landed nearby she quickly spotted the figure that her daughter had been focused on, who was surprised by their sudden arrival.

"YOU BASTARD! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR KILLING MY FAMILY!" Twilight snapped, where the heroes of Earth paused for a moment as they felt the staggering pressure of her power as she landed, all while she focused on the individual who had wronged her, who was getting up from the rock that he was apparently sitting on.

"Wh... Who are you?" the Stranger asked, revealing that he had no idea who she was and that likely meant he had no idea who her mother was, though Towa stood near Bulma and the others, as it would give her a good view of what was about to happen and, at the same time, ensure that she was out of harm's way.

"This is my daughter, Twilight Sparkle, heiress to the galactic empire, and, more importantly, the daughter of Frieza, niece of Cooler, and granddaughter of King Cold," Towa replied, figuring there was no harm in telling the young man the truth, since there was a chance that the others might have already told him what they knew of the people he had just killed, though she had to smirk a little as she faced the Stranger for a few seconds, "also, she's very... well, angry is hardly enough to describe what she's feeling right now."

The Stranger barely had time to do anything as he understood what Towa was saying, as Twilight burst through the space between them, crossing the gap in literally seconds as she displayed her superior speed to everyone, and appeared below him as she swung her first into his chest. The sheer power of the attack told the Stranger all he needed to know, she was far too strong for him to take right now, in his base form anyway, and that if he wanted to have any hope of surviving this he needed to take her seriously before something bad happened. In the next moment she spun around and kicked him in the side of his left arm, sending the Stranger flying through the air before colliding with a rock wall, of which there were a fair number of them around where he had brought the others after killing her family. Twilight stood there for a moment, just to see what her target did, and sure enough she was rewarded for showing a bit of patience as the Stranger quickly transformed into his Super Saiyan form, blasting the area around him apart with the power of his change.

In the next moment he rushed at her with his sword drawn and swung at her without delay, where Twilight simply raised her hand and stopped the blade with a finger, without even bothering to surround it with her Ki, surprising the Stranger in the process as he realized that she really wasn't a foe he could take lightly. As he processed that information she switched her stance, grabbing onto the edge of the sword with ease and pulling with her left hand, something that caused him to let out of his weapon as he realized what was going on. At the same time, however, that wasn't her actual plan, rather it was a distraction that allowed her to grab onto the Stranger's face with her right hand and slammed him right into the ground, breaking the stone below her as her target struggled to understand what was happening right now. As he laid there for a few seconds, thinking about what was going on, Twilight let go of him as she raised her left leg and prepared herself as a mass of darkness started to gather around her hoof, before she slammed it down into his chest while releasing the power she had quickly gathered.

The result was a mass of darkness that covered the ground all around her while gravity crushed the Stranger more than before, while at the same time causing Towa and everyone else to back away as the darkness reached for them, before she reached down into the mass, grabbed her foe, and hurled him into the sky. As she followed him, however, she found that the Stranger readied his sword once more as he swung it several more times, unleashing a flurry of blows to cut her down, where Twilight dodged them with ease and bypassed his defenses. In the next moment she spun around, causing her foe to turn his head as he realized that he had missed her and that more pain was coming his way, where she kicked him in the chest and sent him crashing down into the ground, smashing a rock pillar to pieces in the process. With that done Twilight floated down to the ground and stared at the pillar, silently daring the Stranger to emerge so she could beat him up some more, even though she was going to make sure he was dead by the end of this.

As everyone stood there Towa noticed something odd, the darkness was starting to behave weird, as it was starting to emit from Twilight's eyes in some strange dark purple mist, while her eyes seemed to be gaining a eerie green color that was around her now crimson eyes, but before she could say anything the ground shook.

"Buster Cannon!" the Stranger called out, where Towa found that he had gathered a good bit of energy in his hands, as it meant he was no longer focused on his sword and how ineffective it was, before firing it right at the area that Twilight was standing in, fully intending to take her down before she actually killed him.

Twilight, as Towa expected, just stood there as the attack came barreling towards her, where the Z Warrior's watched as the beam attack sputtered out and faded away, almost as if the figure had failed to charge it enough so it could hit his target, but, thanks to her experience, she knew better. Towa could tell that this wasn't the Rage Form that she had seen in the past, even though the form her daughter was starting to use had utilized the same passive drain power that had done in so many when she first used it, making her wonder if it was time to stop her before the dam broke. In the next moment her daughter raised her left hand and made a jerking motion as she quickly moved her right hand, which she balled into a fist, to her right side, meaning she had something in mind for her foe. Sure enough the Stranger came bursting out of the area he had landed in a few moments ago, looking like he was being dragged by some sort of force, and when he got up close to Twilight she swung her right hand and struck him right in the chest.

The result of that seemed to cause the air itself to crack, likely Twilight's magic going wild due to her anger, before the very ground around them started to shake violently, as if an earthquake had been triggered, and she was sure some damage had been done to the Stranger in the process. As the ground vibrated, breaking and collapsing in areas as she confirmed that an earthquake was happening, causing Piccolo and the others to take to the air while Yamcha carried Bulma, they also found that Twilight's foe was blasted backwards, due to the force of her attack. In the next moment something bad happened, in Towa's eyes anyway, Twilight stumbled for a second before raising a hand to her face, as if she had been hit in some manner, but that was further from the truth, the sheer power of the emotions she was feeling right now was far more than she could handle. It wasn't just anger her daughter was feeling, it was pure hatred for someone and her power was responding to that emotion, like how her anger had brought about the Rage Form she was familiar with, though this one was truly connected to the darkness, all while black crystals started to grow out of the shadows.

She had never seen something like this before, making her wonder if it was connected to Mechikabura or if it was one of Twilight's own powers, and she could see that the others were surprised by what they were seeing, making them wonder what in the world was going to happen next.

As she thought about that the dark look on Twilight's face became more twisted, like some dark hateful being had taken hold of her daughter, and as Towa watched the Stranger get back up it only took Twilight a few seconds to resume their fight, striking the figure harder and faster than ever before. As Twilight gained the upper hand, knocking the Stranger's punches away from her while delivering punishing blows to his body, Towa knew that both her anger and her hatred were clouding her mind and that, if nothing changed, she would likely lose herself. Such a thing was the downside of using so much Dark Energy, as many demons lost their minds when learning how to harness the power of this power, most failing to amount to anything and becoming servants of the other sorcerers, while those who were able to bypass this stage went on to become her old allies. Twilight, despite her mental skills, was still young and inexperienced in this particular art and Towa was worried that if too much time went on the rage and hatred would consume her daughter to the point that she was a shell of her former self, hence why she was looking for a way to end this before they reached that point.

In the next moment Twilight picked up the Stranger and hurled him into one of the black crystals, one that was wider than the other, denting the crystal as he collided with it, though after that she raised her right hand towards him and started to gather her energy into an orb, meaning death was coming at long last.

"That's enough." a calm voice said, where Towa found that Goku had appeared out of nowhere, though he was wearing an odd chest piece over where his gi's shirt had been, before it was destroyed during the battle on Namek, and he lowered his right hand from his head, as two of his fingers had been up there, if her eyes hadn't deceived her, "I understand that you are angry, Twilight, but you can't kill him: he has important information that needs to be shared with us."

"You... you already know?" the Stranger asked, clearly surprised by this turn of events, though at the same time he was all too pleased to have some sort of distraction to keep Twilight away from him, who had stopped in her tracks as she turned to look at the new arrival.

"No, but your friend... or was it boss... told me that you were in danger and I came here using a new technique I learned while I was out in space." Goku replied, though while he was still processing the events that had lead to this happening, and the sheer power that was coming from Twilight right now, he knew that if he presented a calm front he might be able to talk her down and stop her from destroying the Earth in her rage, "I know I'm the last person you might want to right now, especially given what happened on Namek... I'm sorry for everything that happened, by the way and I'm willing to talk about it... but you need to calm down before you lose yourself in your anger, or someone precious to you. Trust me, I lost someone important many years ago, because of my own enraged body, and I don't want you to suffer anymore than you already have... let me help you."

Twilight growled for a moment before part of her understood what Goku was talking about, that in her rage she would no doubt lash out at anyone who tried to stop what was coming, in fact her mother would likely try and stop her before she unlocked her next form, the Dark Form, and that she'd no doubt hit her in her rage. A moment later she dismissed her power and let out a sigh as the darkness faded away before their eyes, though as the Stranger stepped forward she just turned her head towards him and he backed off, scared that she'd kill him before he did anything else. In that instant, as she huffed from overusing her darker powers, she told Goku that she was giving him ten minutes to talk with the Stranger while she made up her mind on what to do with him, which was just a message to the figure to get his message out before she killed him. With that done, and the pair understood what her conditions were, she jumped over to one of the pillars that were around them and sat down, allowing her to go over everything that had happened recently and what it meant for her and her mother.

As she did that, however, she discovered something that she wasn't expecting to find, everything she had felt since she and her mother discovered what happened to her family had actually awakened her siphon powers, pushing them to far greater heights than before. Her mother had told her at one point that, with enough time, effort, and practice, that she would be able to integrate the full power of her siphon ability into her base form, negating the need for her Rage From, though that thought caused her to silently practice with it as she observed Goku and the Stranger. She decided to pick one of the Z Warriors as her guinea pig, Piccolo to be exact, where she carefully extracted small and large bits of energy from him while he waited with the others off to the side. This was mostly to make sure that everything worked as she thought it did, and while the Namekian seemed to sense the larger pulls he either didn't feel or ignored the lower ones, which she found to be good information for later.

While she did that Twilight found that the first thing that the pair did was have a miniature Super Saiyan brawl, as Goku turned into his form before the Stranger did the same, where she found that the latter swung his sword and discovered that Goku parried it with a finger surrounded by Ki. Their 'clash' didn't last too long, especially with the wounds that she had dealt to the Stranger, though he seemed pleased with Goku's power, especially when the Saiyan revealed that he had learned a skill called 'Instant Transmission' on Yardrat, telling Twilight how he survived Namek. She knew her father might have tasked the Ginyu Force with traveling to the planet in question to find other ways for her to overcome the Warrior's Bane, but he had called them in after Vegeta's betrayal, so Goku had used one of their pods to survive. It also meant that the pod in question was out there, in the vastness of space, and that it was on it's way to Earth, no doubt where they were currently standing, meaning she would have to recover it once it finally landed.

All this information caused the Stranger to ask about Twilight and Goku told him everything that he knew, causing him to realize that he was in the wrong, even though it was far too late for him to take back what he had done, but for now she let him get on with his message as she decided on using a lance made out of lightning to put an end to him as soon as he delivered his message.

After that Twilight got all of the answers she wanted, the Stranger was, in fact, a time traveler who came from roughly twenty years into the future, using a time machine that his mother invented, along with the fact that his name was Trunks and that he was, shockingly enough, Vegeta's son. After that Trunks, or Future Trunks she guessed, informed Goku that in three years, on the twelfth of May at approximately ten in the morning, on an island about nine kilos southwest of Metro South, a fearsome duo was going to arrive, a pair of monsters with unimaginable power would appear. According to him they were created by Doctor Gero of the Red Ribbon Army, something Goku had dealt with in the past, and that they were called cyborgs, even though many in his time referred to them as androids and caused him to claim that the term didn't matter, only the pair of monsters mattered. Future Trunks also informed him that the pair he was warning him about also killed the man who made them, not to mention a large chunk of the population and all of the Z Warriors, as he was the last one fighting, where he quickly went into when and how everyone died, along with the fact that Goku never reached the battle, he died of a heart disease that he brought the medication for, since a cure didn't exist in this era.

Twilight also learned that Future Trunks really had no idea who she was, that he had no idea Frieza was married in this era and that he even had a brother, making her wonder if his timeline and her timeline were different, though she was still angry with him and would kill him once everything was said and done.

As the pair finished their conversation, however, Twilight went over the story and realized that there were either flaws in Future Trunks' knowledge about what was about to transpire, given her existence, or he had condensed everything to make sure Goku realized just how deadly the androids actually were. With that done Future Trunks did the only thing he could do, he fled from the area as Twilight stood up and held her hand out, lightning dancing into a lance as she took aim at the figure who was currently disappearing, as she loved a moving target and knew this would be fun. Twilight pulled her arm back for a moment before hurling the lance through the air, fully intending on killing her target before he could flee, but as that happened the space between her and Future Trunks seemed to distort, something only she and her mother seemed to notice. Such a thing caused the lance to freeze before disappearing before her eyes, which revealed much to her, someone strong must have been passing by the planet and stopped her attack before it could kill her target, causing her to growl for a moment as she lowered her hand.

While she wondered who could have done this, however, she learned that Piccolo had better hearing, compared to what an Earthling had, and that he knew everything that Goku had been told, meaning he was able to explain everything to the others, while withholding Future Trunks' name. Sure enough everyone else was surprised by this information and most of them failed to comprehend everything that they had been told, as in no one believed that the Stranger was a time traveler and that he had a time machine. Twilight glanced up at the sky for a moment and found Future Trunks in a yellow machine that almost looked like a yellow egg timer, why it was designed like that she had no idea, where it looked like he was doing his best to help convince them to believe what they were being told. She considered using more of her Ki to blast him out of the sky, which could cause him to be set adrift on the current of time, but before she could do anything his machine just faded in and out of reality before disappearing entirely, meaning he was fleeing to his own era to escape her.

After that happened Goku told the others how he survived Namek and took a few seconds to show off his new Instant Transmission technique, where he had to visualize a person and sense their Ki, before disappearing and then reappearing over a few seconds, causing him to show off the pair of sunglasses he had borrowed from Roshi, who was far away from their current position.

"You know, I've been thinking: shouldn't we use the Dragon Balls to figure out where Gero is so we can kill him before the androids are completed?" Bulma asked, because if the pair were as strong as the Stranger made them out to be, and that they were responsible for so many people being killed after being activated, she felt that taking him out now would save all of them some grief and their very lives.

"Say something like that again and I'll kill you first!" Vegeta snapped, confirming what Twilight had been thinking once she considered what the others might say on the matter, in fact she wasn't too surprised to find that the Saiyans were eager for battle, given what they lived for before her father blew their planet up, before the Earthlings started to agree with him and Goku on this matter.

"Oh for... Twilight, you agree with me, right?" Bulma asked, because she was the only one who had said nothing while they learned what was coming in three years, in fact she noticed that Twilight and Towa weren't as concerned as everyone else was about the discovery of the androids, making her wonder what they were thinking about.

"Not really... in fact, I'm actually excited to meet these androids." Twilight replied, knowing that it would upset Bulma, that someone like her would side with the likes of Goku and Vegeta on this matter, though if she was being honest she didn't care all that much, especially since her last real fight was with Moloch, before she leaned against a rock and crossed her arms as she stared at them, "But, now that I think about it, why should I care? Earth's not my home, as I'll be able to build a ship with Goku's pod, whenever it arrives, and we... as in my mother, the Ginyus, Zarbon, Dodoria, and myself... will be gone in a month's time. There's no reason for us to stay and defend Earth from these monstrous androids."

Of course there was something they could offer her for her aid in this venture, something they seemed to think about, but to drive her point home she and her mother flew off without saying anything else on the matter, causing Piccolo to burst into the air and catch up with them before they got too far, though they were out of range of the others, meaning this conversation would be between the three of them.

"The Dragon Balls... help us defeat the androids and I'll convince the others to let you use the Dragon Balls, once the pair of artificial monsters have been taken care of." Piccolo said, because he knew that Twilight was strong, possibly one of the strongest fighters on the entire planet, and that they would need her power in the future, hence why he was willing to offer her the wish granting orbs, even if she didn't like him or the others all that much.

"Hm... I can get behind that. You've got a deal." Twilight stated, because that was what she was hoping would happen, that one or more of the Z Warriors would offer her the Dragon Balls so she could have a wish granted, since she had to undo everything that happened today, or at least what had happened to her father, uncle, and grandfather, causing them to return to the group to go over their plans to make sure they were ready for the androids' arrival.

As everyone talked about their plans to prepare for the upcoming battle, however, she got an invitation to join Goku and his group, Gohan and Piccolo, in their training, something she accepted since it would be a good way to gain more power quickly, before leaving with her mother, allowing her to grin as she wondered what would happen when the androids finally showed up.

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