• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Growing Up: Saiyan Rematch

Following the interruption of Twilight's birthday on another planet, where she decided not to throw any parties after that since everyone seemed to want a piece of her, Frieza decided to focus on her lessons, both in terms of actual training and on how the empire operated. This time around everyone chipped in to make sure she understood everything she needed to know, about the ships that they and their warriors used, Attack Balls were what the single occupant vessels were called, the politics that existed in the universe, and the skills she needed to ensure her safety. It was a refreshing turn of events, to have her father suddenly care about her lessons, where Twilight endeavored to make sure she lived up to his expectations by letting nothing stop her from reaching greater heights. In addition to all of that her family made sure to give her the presents that should have been opened on her birthday, which were mostly clothes so she didn't have to wear her armor all the time, books to read in her off time or new material to study, and a few other odds and ends that went into her room.

Sure, her father didn't actually train with her, but from what Twilight was told his power was far greater than what both his brother and his own father possessed, meaning he was liable to blow up the entirety of the training grounds that they had prepared for her, and her discoveries of his power left her with many questions.

"Father, why didn't you just destroy the planet that those insect people lived on?" Twilight asked, because after some time she came to understand that there were entire worlds that her father simply destroyed, either due to the fact that they were worth nothing to the various buyers or due to the fact that something pissed him off.

"Because, despite ruining your birthday and angering the entire family, the planet is worth selling to someone, or so Elec told me." Frieza answered, though while he assumed that either Towa, with her time powers, had shown her the events she was asking about or his father and brother had told her during their own lessons, he also knew she wouldn't leave the matter alone and just decided to answer it, "Besides, I sent some of our forces to clear out the rest of the city... should make selling it far easier, now that the population's been dealt with."

That told Twilight much about how the empire worked, if you angered it's leader there was a chance he'd either wipe out the entirety of the planet, and everyone living on it, or he'd send his soldiers to clean up those who annoyed him, which meant that Vegeta and the other Saiyans had likely done the deed.

"Will such a thing be expected of me in the future, whenever I take over as ruler of the empire?" Twilight inquired, as she had no idea if she had the guts to just use her power to end an entire planet like her father did on occasion, even though both her grandfather and her uncle knew that great and terrible power resided inside her, hence why they joined her mother in making sure she knew how to control all of it.

Frieza considered the question for a time, as during the reign of his father and their ancestor, Chilled, neither had blown up any planets, in fact his father considered what he did to be wasteful, even if it did secure their position as the greatest force in the entire universe, before he sighed.

"Truthfully, I have no idea. Time, as Towa says, will tell." Frieza replied, as this wasn't a question he could answer right now, because there was no way for them to tell what the future held in store for them, especially since Towa confirmed that she didn't have the power to peer into the future, and he suspected that even if she did she wouldn't use it, since she loved her time with Twilight, "Besides, it'll be some time before you have to worry about such things, so just focus on the lessons we have for you and continue to grow as a person."

"As you wish, father." Twilight said, though in that moment she reached into a book bag she carried most of the time, as it held a few of the tomes she was currently working on, plus her personal tablet, and pulled out something Frieza wasn't expecting to see, schematics for new parts of his main ships and, more importantly, transactions of his deals with Elec, "During my time off I've been studying the various components that go into our main ships and found a way to improve them so we spend less time in transit, meaning we could potentially reach other planets much faster now. In addition to that I've discovered that Elec has, on every deal you've had with him, stiffed us on the payment for claiming the planets he eventually sells for us... we've been getting about five to ten percent per planet, despite what he claims, when at times we could have gotten between thirty to forty percent."

"Leave it to you to notice my little trap." Frieza commented, where he chuckled for a moment as he went over the pieces of information that his daughter had worked on for either weeks or months, before presenting it to him anyway, because it meant she was a prodigy in more than just fighting, which was when he noticed the raised eyebrow Twilight was giving him at the moment, "I've known about Elec and his greed for a long time now and know that, in due time, he'll try to take both my empire and my forces from me, but instead of dealing with him right now I've been working with him, giving him a false sense of security so that I can take care of him at my leisure... besides, he's the best broker in the universe, and it would be a real shame to lose him so suddenly."

"Oh, I understand now." Twilight remarked, because she had laid eyes on Elec once since she was taken in by her father and, if she was being totally honest, she instantly felt like he wasn't trustworthy, so learning that her father had a plan to take care of him meant she could focus on other things and not ruin the surprise, "Now, I know these schematics look a little odd, but if I've done my math right... and I always do my math right... we should be able to produce new cores that will allow us to travel through space faster, without producing any harmful chemicals."

Frieza found that the plans weren't too different from the current energy cores his larger ships used to transport himself, or his family for that matter, from planet to planet, in fact it looked like Twilight had made the cost cheaper without risking the integrity of the machines in question, meaning they could save money and produce better cores at the same time. While he looked at her schematics, however, he had to wonder how she had been pulled into studying the ships in the first place, as it seemed like an odd thing to take an interest in, causing him to wonder if Cooler had done it to give her more other than all of the training they were doing. In the end, however, he decided not to worry about it too much and promised her that he'd hand them over to his scientists later that afternoon, as part of his plans today would take him over there and he was sure they'd be interested in what his daughter had done to the core's schematics. At the same time he had to wonder if there was a chance that she might be able to modify the Attack Balls, make them faster than before so they didn't waste a lot of time waiting for certain soldiers to arrive at their destinations, before deciding to keep his mouth shut, least he give her more ideas to consider.

Other than that the day seemed to go by rather well, as Twilight was learning how to become a skilled warrior and head of the empire, in case Frieza ever decided to step down and let someone else take over, before they found an interesting sight, Raditz entered the training grounds on his own, as Vegeta and Nappa were nowhere to be seen.

"Raditz? Well, this is a wonderful surprise." King Cold commented, as none of them had sent for anyone to come here, while Twilight was training no less, so he was interested in why the weakest of the Saiyans would have come here, without either of his superiors no less, "Is something wrong? Are we under attack?"

"No, I... just wanted to fight Twilight again, now that she's mastered the basics of combat." Raditz replied, because he had heard that she had improved over her time in the empire and he, as a Saiyan, was eager to see how well she handed herself against a veteran of multiple worlds, as while she had caught him off guard the last time he had given her the win since she was Frieza's precious daughter.

"If that is what you wish." Twilight said, as she had been in the middle of learning one of her mother's skills, one that she felt would come in handy at some point in the future, though she also knew that fighting others would allow her to grow more as a warrior, hence why she changed her stance accordingly as her mother stood off to the side.

Frieza said nothing as he and the others stood near Towa, allowing Raditz to jump down into the training arena, where it was easy for them to tell what was going through Raditz's head, he had been beaten by someone who was far younger than him and now he was here to reclaim his honor, in the Saiyan way. A few moments later Raditz rushed at her, where he swung his fist down with the intent to crush her into the floor and end this in an instant, though Twilight, having spent a great deal of time learning how to fight, stepped to her right. Such a thing caused Raditz to punch the floor and not her, causing him to recoil after hitting the hard ground for a moment, which was exactly as Twilight intended as she returned the favor, ducking under another incoming punch before slamming her fist into his chest, sending him backwards a little as she shifted her stance. For the next couple of moments the observers watched as a similar scene played out, Twilight would present a defensive front and Raditz would take the bait, swinging and missing every time he tried, which showed them that he was truly the weakest and most idiotic of the Saiyans that remained in the known universe.

Twilight, on the other hand, punched and kicked him whenever he opened his defenses like that, knocking him away from where she was standing at the time, though Frieza could tell that while this was a decent showing of her skill she would need to face either Nappa or Vegeta to fully display her skills, eventually causing Raditz to jump backwards for a moment, to put some distance between them.

"You've gotten stronger, Twilight, but you shouldn't underestimate a Saiyan warrior." Raditz stated, where he gathered his Ki for a moment as he raised his hands, showing them that he was going to use a Ki attack this time around, though such a thing didn't worry her at all as purple energy gathered above his hands, "Take this: Double Sunday!"

In that moment he fired two beams of purple energy at Twilight, knowing full well that she would either dodge his attack or use her own Ki to counter it, though he was planning on rushing her while she was distracted by the smoke, because it seemed to be the only way to take her down. Twilight, on the other hand, readied her own power for a moment as she activated the skill she had slowly been perfecting since her ruined birthday party, causing her to raise her right hand for a moment as she focused on the incoming beams of energy. The observers watched as she sucked in the energy of Raditz's attack, reminding them of what she had done the first time around, with mixed results Towa recalled Frieza telling her in the past, but this time it looked like Twilight had all of the basics under control. It was an amazing scene to witness, seeing Twilight take the power of her foe's attack and basically erase it in a matter of seconds, though at the same time Towa had to recall what she had been told, it wasn't 'erasing' the attack, rather she ate the power behind it.

Such a thing caused King Cold to tap his new Scouter, one designed to actually read Twilight's power level with ease, and nodded his head a moment later, confirming that Twilight had boosted her considerable power by devouring Raditz's own attack, making Towa wonder what her daughter might do if she turned it into a passive effect, which sent a shudder down her spine as she considered the idea.

"My turn." Twilight replied, where a smile appeared on her face as she rushed towards Raditz, who took a step back as he realized that his attack had been taken apart by his opponent, before kneeing him in the chest with her left knee, which knocked him into the air above them.

In the next moment Raditz found fireballs racing through the air, blasting him further into the air with each strike, before the wind wrapped around him and stalled his progress for a couple of seconds, which was when Twilight grabbed onto him with hands made of water, which somehow grabbed him and slapped him into the arena floor.

"That's enough. Twilight is the clear winner." Frieza stated, though while he enjoyed seeing a Saiyan be wrecked like that, something that would have ruined Vegeta's mood if he realized just how strong Twilight really was, he knew when to stop, otherwise he was sure his daughter would take after him in terms of combat.

Twilight nodded as she stepped back and released her power, allowing her to help Raditz onto his feet, who ignored her hand as he stood up and walked out of the training arena, where Frieza knew that things were going to get more exciting for them in the future and he was eager to see what might happen next.

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