• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Buu: Youth Division

Twilight found that most of the people who were here to see the world's greatest fighters clash with each other ignored her as she glanced around, mostly to see if she could track down anyone who might be the villain that she and Aria were here to deal with, in addition to Aria having fun. The Kaioshin in question had decided to stay behind and catch up with Shin, not to mention the fact that those who registered for the tournament were required to go another way from the observers who were here to cheer them on, so she was on her own for now. Her mother and Demigra, along with Putine, were searching the other three corners of the area as well, as Ginyu had been trained to harness the demonic power he had gained due to stealing Putine's body and name, while the former Demon Goddess was living in one of the mountains, away from the rest of the world. With their demonic markers placed it would be far too easy for them to track down anyone who might be the key to awakening Majin Buu from his long slumber, though Twilight detected some dark Ki signatures, small ones, that came from inside the perimeter they had set up, meaning their targets were already here.

With that in mind Twilight focused on finding her seat as many of the others did the same, though she also heard the sound of the adult fighters hitting the punching machines that would determine whether or not they would be one of the sixteen warriors in the tournament, or fifteen since Mr. Satan was automatically given one. While she did that, however, Roshi tried to stare at her and she knocked him on the head for it, as he was the one person she'd rather do without right now, but at least her seat seemed to be away from where he ended up and gave her a good view of the arena. The stands filled in no time at all, with all sorts of people from all over the world sitting down with snacks and beverages, before the announcer told the crowd that, due to one of the punching machines being broken, the adults would be delayed for some time, allowing them to move onto the Youth Division. What was interesting was that those in charge of the tournament were awarding the winner ten million zeni, while the second place winner would get five million zeni, though most of the kids from their group just wanted a good fight before watching the adults clash.

Of course when Mr. Satan came out he made a bit of a fool of himself, which the public ate up since they believed that he was joking, before they started to bring out the children who would be taking part in the Youth Division, thirty-nine of them to be exact, causing everyone to cheer as the show got started.

Twilight had told her kids and Eschalot to hold back as much as possible, since the other kids wouldn't have the same level of power that they had, and while she knew that they would abide by her wishes, especially her children, she knew that the same couldn't be said for Trunks and Goten. Eschalot went up against a girl who was eight years old and seemed to be a little on the chubby side, who showed that she was fast despite her form, though the little dragon Saiyan dodged some of her attacks, bringing her close to the edge of the ring, before getting around her and knocking her out of the ring with a punch to the back. Calas and Houko were the same way when it came time for their own fights, they wanted to save their energy for later and that meant bringing their foes to the ring's edge before sending them over the edge, though Calas put on a bit of a show while his sister quickly finished her fight. Mira, on the other hand, went on the offensive once he found that his opponent was a thirteen year old boy who wanted to beat him up, doing his best to put on a show while giving his foe a few chances to prove himself, before a jab to the stomach knocked the boy out of the running.

So far everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, which the officials seemed pleased of as they called for Trunks to do battle with a fifteen year old boy called Idasa, a blond haired boy with noticeable bangs, who was knocked to the ground by a quick spin to take his legs out from under him and a quick punch to the chest to knock him to the ground.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll surrender now." Trunks stated, where he shifted his stance, showing those that were familiar with his fighting style that he was getting ready to knock his opponent off the ring so he could end the fight, since he didn't like the annoying boy at all.

"Idasa, mommy knows you can do it! Beat that little brat into paste!" a large lady said, who was ready to cheer for him and any siblings of his that might be in the tournament, though as she spoke up Twilight knew something was about to happen, not in the sense that it was the villain they were looking for.

"Sorry, kid, but I'm going to knock you out." Idasa replied, though in that moment, as he got up, Twilight noticed that he did something incredibly stupid and utterly dangerous, he pulled out a cracker, one she recognized as another TF Food product, and ate it before anyone could even stop him, "Just you wait, I'm going to..."

In the next moment Idasa paused, as if he was transfixed by something that only he could see, before the transformation started, where everyone in the stands watched as his hands started to shake before turning into claws, like those of a wolf that was able to stand on two legs, while black fur grew on his arms. Following that the fur started to spread all over his body as his feet tore through his boots, revealing his new clawed wolf feet to the world as his legs followed suit, though as that happened it was clear that Idasa's mind was being consumed by his new inner wolf. Sure enough his body bulked up as a wolf tail tore through the back of his pants, creating a hole so his pants didn't actually drop while he was standing in the middle of the ring, before everyone watched as the changes consumed his hears and face, leaving a wolf Beastian in his place. This was why Twilight told people that those under eighteen shouldn't use any of her TF Foods, as the bodies of those that were below the age limit couldn't handle the rush of animal DNA and it always ended with them falling under the control of their new instincts, where Idasa howled as he faced Trunks.

While she thought about what this meant for the tournament, however, Idasa rushed at Trunks with his claws poised to cut through whatever was in his way, where he dodged the incoming attacks and struck his foe in the chest, knocking him out of the ring, though as the announcer claimed that he was the winner Twilight got up.

"Trunks, restrain him as best as you can." Twilight said, where she jumped over the edge of the stands and found that the transformed boy growled as he started to get up once more, something that caused Trunks to rush over to Idasa before he could do so, grabbing onto his arms and wrapping his legs around his to stop the beast from escaping, "Also, stay away from his claws and fangs, because in this state he's infectious and can spread it like a plague... I have something that will help him regain his mind, but there's no undoing the transformation... at least, not until he's reached the age limit."

As Trunks nodded Twilight vanished without a trace, where Goku realized that it was his move, only improved to the point where the finger motion wasn't needed at all, though as he restrained Idasa, who growled and tried to get out of his hold despite their fight being over, the Youth Division continued. Sure enough it took the others a few moments to get over the fact that Idasa was now a wild animal, seeking to do untold harm on those that were taking part in the tournament, but all of them took to the ring and faced off against their foes. Some of the kids went down in a single blow, some actually put up a fight, and one even collapsed before even being hit and started crying under the pressure, though Goten's fight was against Ikose, a boy who looked a lot like Idasa before the transformation, and he was a year younger than his brother, but this time no one said Goten was doomed. After watching Idasa getting beaten, to the point that he had to cheat with an item that wasn't allowed in the tournament, the people knew that the younger fighters could prove to be tougher than the older ones and were excited for the battle to start.

Goten, however, simply blocked the incoming attacks with his fingers, the sides of his arms, and his hands, though as his foe backed away Ikose made the same mistake his brother did, in fact, before the referees could stop his foolishness, he ate multiple crackers at his mother's command. This time around the new wolf Beastian had no interest in the fight, as he turned and jumped on some of the young fighters who were watching from the sidelines, those who had lost their rounds and would be returning to the stands, slashing at their arms and biting their shoulders. He was only able to do that to five others before Towa, Demigra, and Putine stopped them in their tracks with a bit of magic, separating them from the rest of the children before any additional harm could be done, causing the parents of the children to rush down to make sure their kids were alright. A few moments later Twilight reappeared near her mother and raised her eyebrow as she found a few more transformed kids trying to tear their way out of the magical bindings, causing her to lift Ikose's mother into the air before chaining her to the ground so she didn't get away.

With the cameras on her Twilight told the people that this is what happened when an underage person used any of her TF Foods, it could overwhelm them and transform them into feral beasts, and that, while she had a way to tame their brand new feral nature, to bring back their minds, there was nothing to be done about the transformations. It was, to the rest of the Z Warriors, roughly the same as what happened to 17 after he died and was brought back, these kids were Beastians now, whether or not such a thing had been in their plans when they reached the legal age to actually use her product, and it was easy to tell that many were upset. Not with her, of course, rather they were upset with Ikose and Idasa's mother for encouraging such a thing in the first place, in fact the parents were willing to press charges on her for the damages that had been done to their children, especially since it could have been so much worse. With that in mind she made sure that Demigra took over things, as he had proven himself lately and he was more than willing to do as she commanded, though she did force the new Beastians to drink a purple liquid that cleared their minds of their feral natures and restored them mentally, before allowing him to leave with the group to get the legal process started.

Following that the Youth Division resumed without delay, where the remaining children patiently waited for their names to be called before taking to the arena, causing Twilight to return to her seat so she could watch the battles before the adult division finally started. As it turned out Calas and Houko ended up facing off against each other and she wasn't surprised to find that Houko ringed her brother out, as she was the smartest of her three children and she usually thought about what she and her opponents were doing. Mira, on the other hand, discovered that his opponent was Eschalot, her own student no less, and the two were on top of each other as soon as the referees told them to start, filling the arena with excitement as the people cheered for them, but, in the end, Twilight wasn't too surprised to find that the dragon Saiyan knocked her son out of the arena. While her children were strong in their own right, surpassing the majority of the children with their power, she also knew that they were abiding by her wish for them to hold back, since their full power might tear everything apart, and Eschalot found a way to utilize most of her base power without drawing unwanted attention.

The end of her bracket ended up pitting her against Goten, though, as Twilight fully expected, Goku's youngest son had no real sense of what he should do and shouldn't do in a situation like this, because not a few moments after the fight began, an event that started with them exchanging a number of punches and blocks, Goten fired a Kamehameha right at his foe. Eschalot, knowing that it would do some serious damage if it hit anything, shifted her stance and sent the attack up into the air, though she had to use her hands to stall it so she could redirect it, causing Twilight to absorb it before it hit anything in the surrounding area. Following that Eschalot started to overpower Goten, something that was no doubt making Vegeta a proud parent since it meant he was beating Goku in some manner, which forced him to do something stupid, he went and used his Super Saiyan form, surprising his father since he had no idea he could do that. Instead of responding in kind, since she had the transformation as well, Eschalot remained in her base form and pushed Goten back, once more showing them that she might be the strongest of the three young Saiyans, where she eventually ringed her opponent out, as Goten jumped back to avoid one of her moves and found that he was hovering above the ground.

Such a thing meant that the final fight was, interestingly enough, Trunks and Eschalot, as Huoko got knocked out of the ring by Trunks during their match, but Twilight wasn't annoyed in the slightest, rather it was a good show and she knew that all of her children had room to grow, allowing them to focus on the final battle of the Youth Division.

The pair waited for the announcer to indicate that the battle had started before rushing at each other, their fists colliding in the space between them as the air shuddered, something only Twilight and the others felt since they were more in tune with Ki and the powers that the kids were using. Of course the crowd was overly excited for the match, especially once it became known that the fighters were siblings, though while that happened Twilight smirked for a moment as she found that Eschalot tuned out all of the outside sounds and focused on the fight, while Trunks seemed to enjoy the show that he and his sister were putting on. Despite their training Trunks proved that he might be letting his arrogance get the best of him, as he failed to remember that his sister had a tail as she used it to take out his feet, tipping the scales in her favor in an instant, and when he got back up she went on the offensive, pushing her brother backwards. Unfortunately for Trunks his sister wasn't playing around, as when Trunks decided to use a Ki blast against her she took advantage of the opening and knocked him out of the ring with a powerful punch, much to the surprise of everyone that was watching them, which only caused the crowd to cheer for them.

Sure enough Mr. Satan came out to challenge the winner of the Youth Division, the grand prize for them, and, as Twilight expected, he made a show of it before exchanging a few blows with Eschalot as she knocked him out of the ring, causing him to wave at the crowd as they thought he let her win, causing Twilight to chuckle as she wondered what would happen once the Adult Division started.

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